
What to take on a long journey from food. Healthy food on the road, recipes


Food on the road. What to take on the road from food? Diet food on the go

It happens that you are going on a trip and you don’t know where the food will find you. And you start thinking ahead what to take on the road from food. In this article, I will share a few secrets of delicious and proper travel. I'll tell you what diet food on the go can be taken on a trip. It will be about traveling by plane, car, motorcycle (did you think?), as well as by train and bus.

The easiest. Airplane food.

Almost nothing can be taken on the plane from food. But they are fed on the plane. And it’s not hot on the plane, water and a toilet are always available. Yes, yes, you have every right to ask the flight attendant for as much water as you want. She has no right to give you a bottle, but she is obliged to run to you with glasses as much as you need. There is no extreme cold or extreme heat on an airplane.

Airplane food so-so. But exactly as long as you have not exercised the right to order a special meal. Raw food, gluten-free food, diabetic food - the choice is huge, all the details on the airline websites. I'm on an airplane order in advance. Sometimes food on the plane paid, sometimes free. Aircraft portion of food is small, just right.

If the special meals on the plane do not suit you, and also if transfers are planned that will require take food on the road, easy and simple to take with you:

1. Curd. The most convenient option is in plastic packaging. You can take soft cottage cheese. Theoretically, the problems in order to carry this I'm going on a plane, should not be. Take a plastic spoon with you - otherwise they will take it for a weapon.

2. An easy-to-eat fruit. For my taste it is bananas and apples. They do not flow, bite comfortably, do not wrinkle in a bag, store well at room temperature, do not need containers, and have a neutral, slight odor. I do not recommend taking tangerines and oranges on a plane, these are strong allergens. If an allergic person is next to you and does not have time to warn you, both will be sad.

3. Protein bars. Ideal for storage and use. But personally, I prefer real food. I wouldn't take them on a plane. Except as food on a long trip.

4. Nuts are good food on the road. Convenient, satisfying, no one will interfere, stored perfectly.

5. Dried fruits are also worthy food on the road. But there may be too much sugar. Just drink an adequate amount of liquid.

6. Vegetables. Washed cucumbers and carrots are unlikely to interfere with anyone. Crunch on health. But you can easily sprinkle a neighbor with a tomato.

I do not recommend dragging containers with ready-made food. Firstly, the container is an extra volume (I ate cottage cheese in its original packaging, threw away the packaging, the bag is empty, but where is this container?). Second, ready food on the road during the process of moving, it may deteriorate. It is unlikely that you sterilized it during cooking. But if you really want to, then you can. Be careful not to disturb others with consistency or smell. Still, you have to spend several hours in a closed and rather cramped space.

A little more difficult. Food on the train

The train is long. But it's spacious. But no refrigerator. In extreme cases, there is a dining car. A huge plus: boiling water is available on the train.

1. "Long-playing" vegetables - universal food on the train. Calculate how much you need food on the road and feel free to take it with you. There are no restrictions on the amount of luggage, and whole cucumbers and peppers are perfectly stored even in the heat. Just pack them so that they do not break - each in a napkin, and then in a bag, for example.

2. "Safe" fruits. Actually apples, oranges, grapefruits (yes, yes, here you can ventilate, and wash your hands, and change clothes in case of “dirty” preparation for food), dense bananas, as well as any seasonal ones in adequate packaging and with an understanding of the terms of use.

3. Meat delicacies in a vacuum. Some of them can be stored without a refrigerator for 1-2 days (read the packaging). Look at the composition - if there are only proteins and fats, this is what you need, not much worse than freshly cooked meat, though there is too much salt. To even out this bust, just do not salt the vegetables.

4. Protein is diet food on the go. Water is available, you can take a shaker on board, stir as much as you like. True, it is safer to do this on the water, the milk may not survive.

5. Instant soups and cereals. Linen is perfect. And any oatmeal and brown (the same as the most ordinary) buckwheat are perfectly brewed in boiling water. Just take a thermo mug with you and brew not 5 minutes, but 30.

6. Canned food. Fish and seafood. Ingredients - fish or seafood, salt, preservative (or maybe without preservative). Just take care in advance about how to open it.

7. Extruded bran (those that look like quick breakfasts) - healthy food on the go. You can gnaw them, you can make a “quick breakfast” out of them - just add protein.

8. Soy meat. You can steam in boiling water with buckwheat. Don't forget seasoning.

By the way, the train has to move. Do not forget to lightly warm up at least a couple of times a day. Lying and eating on the Kaliningrad-Vladivostok train is unhealthy.

In the meantime, tell us what do you take with you on the road and how do you usually travel?

Hello dear readers! Today we will talk about food, or rather, what to eat on the road and what to take with you from food? The topic is relevant for everyone - there are different situations on the road, and the question of nutrition can add another headache to the preparation.

What foods should be chosen and what should be avoided so that there are no health problems, and your long-awaited trip does not turn into a disappointment? Consider all the main points so that you no longer have difficulties with this in the future.

Before we move on to what is better to choose for a particular mode of transport, let's look at the main recommendations:

  • Compactness. Products should not take up much space. Carrying a bag of food with you is inconvenient and pointless. Some foods may go bad before you eat them.
  • Storage periods. Choose foods that can withstand travel and can be kept out of the fridge. For example, give up dairy products if you don't want to get sick. If you cannot imagine your life without yogurt and cottage cheese, then eat such products in the first 3-4 hours of the trip, especially in summer.
  • Pungent odors. Foods with strong odors are a surefire way to irritate your neighbors if you're on a bus or train. In a closed space, the smell is even more felt, and after a couple of hours it will begin to irritate not only those around you, but also yourself.
  • Storage temperature. Do not take food with you that can melt or melt when the temperature rises. Ice cream, chocolate, chocolate candy set aside until you arrive.
  • Cream filled products. This includes cakes, pastries and pies. They deteriorate quickly and are not suitable for the road.
  • Mineral water. It is needed in sufficient quantities, especially in summer. But do not take carbonated water and sugary drinks on the road.

About what I once wrote. There are, of course, their nuances. But the approach is somewhat similar.

On your own. What to take in the car?

Agree, we will choose different food for a trip by car and bus. Traveling by car has its own pleasant bonuses, of which are the ability to stop wherever you want, more space for storing luggage, and the absence of strangers. So the range of what to eat on a trip by car is very diverse.

If you are traveling for several days, get a special cooler bag. If this is not possible and you do not want to take extra items, then take a closer look at the following products:

  • Light vegetable soup or broth in a thermos. This option is well suited if you need to eat something hot at least once a day. Just remember that you can not store it for a long time either.
  • Sandwiches. Do you also think about them at first, preparing food for the trip? It's fast, tasty and convenient. There can be many options for sandwiches, but do not use mayonnaise, sauces, butter in them. So they spoil faster, and you risk poisoning or earning indigestion. Use bran bread, raw smoked products, hard cheese.
  • Lavash with stuffing. Very convenient and satisfying way to snack. You can wrap fresh vegetables, meat (preferably baked as it lasts longer), hard cheese, greens in it. Add salt and seasonings to taste, avoiding ketchup and mayonnaise.
  • Light salads. You can cut vegetables into a container and then just add oil and salt to them. So they will not deteriorate so quickly, but it is also advisable not to stretch them for 2 days.
  • Vegetables and fruits . Cucumbers, tomatoes (choose hard ones), greens, carrots will fit perfectly into the travel menu. Take fruits with a peel (bananas, apples, tangerines) and not very soft. They can last for several days and make a nutritious and tasty snack on the go.
  • Baked potato. It does not spoil for a long time and if you like potatoes, then this is a good idea for lunch on the road. But do not take boiled potatoes and french fries. They spoil quickly, this is an excellent environment for the development of bacteria, and french fries are also unhealthy.
  • Baked meat . Boiled or fried meat is not suitable for the road. It spoils quickly, so baked is a great option. Add more spices there, especially such as rosemary, thyme, mint - they have a disinfecting effect and keep the meat longer. Chicken (can be whole) or turkey is good.

In addition to what else is suitable from the products of the road, you can also add: baked pies (but not with meat filling), dried fruits, nuts (preferably not salted), buns and muffins (without filling).

And for those with a sweet tooth, who can’t even enjoy a day without sweets (I know there are many of them among us), instead of chocolate and sweets, you should look at marshmallows, marshmallows and marmalade. You can also take cookies if they are without filling.

Train products. What else can you take?

Traveling by train, especially in reserved seats, is a pleasure in terms of comfort. But there are a couple of positives that make choosing what to take from food with you on the train easier than with other options. Firstly, you have a table at which you can conveniently decompose, and secondly, you have access to boiling water. More convenient, right?

You can take all the same products on the train as in the car, but the list can be supplemented with several items:

  • Instant porridge. No matter how you twist it, you will want hot if you have a long road ahead. In the presence of boiling water, it is not difficult to cook such porridge. Fast, convenient and practical.
  • Instant soups and purees. Not the most useful food, but if you do not use them constantly, then you can take them once if necessary.
  • Tea and coffee bags. Take both in bags, so as not to play for half an hour with brewing on the road. Although I myself can’t stand packaged products, and I’d rather take a scattering.
  • Pates and preserves. Just keep in mind that you should eat them right away, and not stretch the pleasure for a couple of days. They can go bad, and then you have a fun rest of the trip.
  • Boiled eggs. A classic of what they take with them from food to the train. Remember, the eggs must be hard-boiled and the shell must not be cracked. It is advisable to eat them on the first day.

How to choose bus products?

The bus is the type of transport where you can’t take everything in a row. Especially if a trip to some bus tour, where fiddling with thermoses and containers is not an option for you at all. What to take, so that it is tasty and healthy, and even convenient?

  • Lavash with stuffing. The recommendations for filling are the same as before. Wrap it in parchment paper or special paper bags for food. Do not use plastic bags to store food on the road.
  • sandwiches. They also fit perfectly here. To prevent the bread from spoiling so quickly, store the cuts for sandwiches separately.
  • Vegetables and fruits. Opt for firm fruits and vegetables so you don't have to wash your clothes afterward.
  • Buns, muffins and baked pies(but not with meat). Good for a snack, but take it with you without cream fillings.
  • Dried fruits and unsalted nuts. They saturate well with energy and do not deteriorate for a long time. They will be especially useful if you have an active program and a lot of movement.
  • Pastila, marshmallow, marmalade. Tasty and healthy, and can also be stored for 2-3 days without a refrigerator.

What to feed children on the road?

If you have children, then the question of food on the road always arises. The choice of food for a child depends on what you eat, how long the trip is and what age the child is.

If you have a small child, then buy baby food for him on the road. Make sure that the food is at a normal temperature - if necessary, take a container with you where you can pour boiling water and put a jar of food to warm up.

If you eat with older children, then you can take them baked potatoes, chicken, boiled eggs. But remember that they need to be eaten on the first day. Vegetables and fruits are also suitable. As snacks, you can take buns or puff pastry (without fillings), children's fruit purees (suitable for adults). Do not take anything from fast food, fatty and fried with you on the road.

When you stock up on food, keep in mind that children should not be overfed on the road. Feed them only when they are hungry. Do not forget about sanitation: bring enough wet wipes with you.

How to be on a trip with gastritis?

If you have gastritis, then you need to plan what and when you will eat on the road in advance. You need to eat often and the food should be dietary. Get a thermos for food. There you can take hot food with you: soup, broth, porridge.

You can also take boiled eggs, baked potatoes and chicken, vegetables and fruits with you (here, start from the recommendations of doctors on what you can eat). This will be enough for you for a trip for 1 day. If a long journey is expected, take instant cereals, baby purees and instant soups with you.

Good luck on your travels!

When you are going on a trip, you start to think about what to cook on the road, what kind of food is more convenient and practical to take? Many foods spoil quickly, while others do not spoil, but are harmful to health. Using the advice of experienced travelers, we have compiled a list of recommendations on this topic.

What to take in the drog from food?

The biggest problem is the heat and shaking. Few products can survive them with dignity.

But there is a way out, it is possible to choose unpretentious and tasty food:

  • Vacuum-packed raw smoked sausage, smoked meat;
  • For a snack and tea, cookies, bread, crackers, crackers are suitable;
  • Dried fruits are a great option. They do not spoil for a long time, they are tasty and healthy;
  • Bread. But it is important to pack it properly, it should be paper, not a bag. It is much more convenient to take bread instead of bread, they are more compact and do not crumble so much;
  • Nuts, but not salty, as they make you want to drink;
  • Cheese in individual packaging, sliced, can be processed;
  • From vegetables, you can take cucumbers, they are unpretentious, and tomatoes. But, as for the latter, it is better to take cherry tomatoes packed in a box;
  • Tea or coffee bags;
  • From fresh fruits, give preference to apples, pears, bananas.

If, according to an old habit, you take home-cooked food on the road:

  • boiled eggs;
  • Potato;
  • Meat or poultry.

remember, that you can store them for no more than 5 hours, and even less under other conditions. Therefore, eat eggs and potatoes first, they are great for this.

What to feed children on a trip?

This is a separate problem, kids often cannot eat what adults eat. Often they begin to get sick, and then in general the problem with the diet becomes acute.

What to take for a child with you in a car, bus or train?

  1. If the trip is short, take soup, porridge or mashed potatoes. The same dishes are suitable for the first snack on a long journey;
  2. You can also take cereals in instant bags, which you only need to pour boiling water or milk;
  3. Fruit purees, packed in jars or soft bags, for one feeding;
  4. Fruits: apples, bananas, citrus fruits;
  5. Dried fruits;
  6. So that the work of the intestines is not disturbed, and this often happens on the road and the child starts having problems from this, grab small portioned jars of yogurt or kefir, berries. Berries should be taken hard: currants, gooseberries, dried cranberries;
  7. You definitely need water, there should be plenty of it. Some take juices, this is possible, but ordinary water is best. She, like nothing else, quenches thirst, if necessary, she can wash her face, wash her hands.

From sweets, you can take lollipops and cookies, but it is better to refuse chocolate, all kinds of marmalades and bars. All this is stored for a short time and ends quickly.

What to cook on the road by car?

If you go on a trip by car, then the range can be significantly expanded. After all, you have the opportunity to take with you a cooler bag and a gas burner:

  • Any food prepared at home will do. And boiled eggs, and potatoes, and even soup, poured into jars, will be stored in a refrigerator bag for quite a long time;
  • In a thermos you can pour tea or coffee, compote. Any drink to your liking;
  • For tea, take homemade cakes;
  • Sliced ​​bread, sausage;
  • Vegetables;
  • Clean drinking water.

Be sure to purchase a gas portable stove, it will help you out more than once. It can be used for both heating and cooking. To do this, you will also need dishes, metal bowls, a bowler hat or any saucepan, mugs are better suited. It would be nice to have a mug with double walls - a thermo-glass, it allows you to hold it without burning yourself, and does not allow the drink to cool down quickly.

It is impractical to take disposable dishes on the one hand, as they quickly deteriorate, break and heat up. On the other hand, it can be easily thrown away and does not need to be washed.

What foods should be avoided?

It is better not to take such products on the road:

  • Fish will not fit in any form and no matter what you ride. It spoils quickly, gets very dirty and causes a lot of problems with processing and cooking;
  • Milk, even stored for a long time, can deteriorate and then there is a chance of poisoning them. Only a small packet is acceptable, which you will drink almost immediately;
  • Many, almost all, take with them noodles fast food. It's convenient, pour boiling water and you're done. But the amount of chemical additives that it contains is huge, why spoil the stomach when it is quite possible to get by with normal food;
  • watermelons And melons better not to eat on the road. They are easy to poison.

And be sure to collect a first aid kit in which you put:

  • Activated carbon;
  • Analgin;
  • Smecta;
  • Regidron;
  • Hydrogen peroxide;
  • Bandage;
  • Alcohol wipes;
  • Suprastin.

And all individual medicines.

Food on the bus

Traveling by bus is comfortable, but as far as food is concerned, snacking on it is inconvenient. Therefore, the products that you take with you should not be dirty, not crumbly, without a strong smell, preferably divided into portions.

Salty and smoked food is also not suitable, as it causes thirst. Better grab:

  • Vegetables, chopped at home;
  • Bread;
  • Apples, pears;
  • drinking water;
  • It is possible to cut and put a salad, a piece of meat in the container, which will be delicious without heating;
  • In a thermos favorite drink;
  • Wrap several sandwiches in foil;
  • And a small bag of candies will help brighten up boredom.

To travel on a bus, food should be prepared for consumption as much as possible: opened, unwrapped, eaten and thrown away.

Do not forget to take wet wipes, they perfectly clean your hands from food debris.

Of course, everything is individual and depends on your preferences. Our tips on what to prepare for the trip are selected taking into account the options that will be available to travelers in one way or another.

Video: the right snacks on the go

In this video, Diana Protasova will tell you which products are best for a trip:

Eating deliciously and safely on a long train journey is no easy task, especially if the trip falls during the hot season. Eating at the station cafes is risky, and in the dining car it is also expensive. How to organize food on the road so as not to remain hungry and not become a victim of food poisoning? What products to take on a train in the summer and what is better to refuse? Travel tips.

Food on the train: the rule of three "no"

"No" to perishable products

When compiling a "travel" menu, give preference to products that can be stored at room temperature. No salads with mayonnaise or sour cream dressing, sandwiches with caviar or boiled sausage, cream cakes.

If your trip will last less than a day, a portable cooler bag is what you need. Take care of freezing special cold accumulators in advance: they will help keep food fresh and drinks cold for several hours.

"No" to strong-smelling foods and dishes

Boiled eggs, grilled chicken, sauerkraut and pickles, onions, garlic, smoked meats, any fish dishes and preserves, fast food, some types of cheese - the worst food on the train. Their smell in a stuffy enclosed space is a real test for others. Take care of fellow travelers, do not take strong-smelling products with you!

"No" to food that crumbles and gets dirty

Choose only those foods and dishes that are simple and easy to use. If the food needs to be cut, discard it or cut it ahead of time and pack it in an airtight container. Do not take with you something that stains your hands, clothes and everything around. Seeds, in-shell nuts, crackers, chips, juicy berries or fruits splashing with juice are not the best choice for a train.

What food to take on the train: a list of the best food and dishes for the train

The first place in the rating of "road" food is occupied by dishes that do not require cooking - noodles such as "Doshirak" or "Rollton", instant soups and broths, mashed potatoes in jars, cereals and berry jelly from bags. They are affordable, easy to prepare, do not require special storage conditions, which is very important in train conditions.

What to take in the summer on a train from food, if you do not want to eat semi-finished products? There are many options.

Vegetables and fruits. Thoroughly washed, dried and container-packed fresh fruits and vegetables make a great snack on the go. Choose only the strongest specimens without signs of damage and damage. Hard crunchy vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, stalked celery) can be peeled and cut in advance, but they will have to be eaten first. You can also bake or boil potatoes in uniforms - it can be stored without a refrigerator for a day.

Nuts and dried fruits- Another option for a healthy snack that does not require special storage conditions. Just do not be too lazy to wash and dry dried fruits before the trip.

Canned vegetables. Green peas, beans in their own juice or corn are also suitable as "road" food. If you plan to take a jar of squash caviar with you, remember that it is not recommended to store this product without a refrigerator after opening.

Meat and poultry. A great idea for a healthy and satisfying snack on the road is fried with spices or baked chicken fillet, as well as baked beef (veal), boiled pork or roast beef. Pieces of chicken fillet or thinly sliced ​​​​meat are ideal as a filling for sandwiches and pita rolls. Just do not pack the meat in plastic wrap or a bag, as it will spoil much faster. You can also take small meatballs or meatballs from minced meat or chicken without sauce on the road. They do not need cutting and are tasty even when cold.

Pastries and bread. Unsweetened portioned pastries are a real find for those who have to travel by train. All kinds of snack muffins (with zucchini, ham, olives), khachapuri with cheese, homemade pies with potatoes or cabbage can be stored without a refrigerator for several hours. Sweet pastries should not be stuffed with cottage cheese or cream, it is better to choose simpler products, for example, pies with apples, prunes or dried apricots, buns with raisins, nuts or cinnamon. Choose bread already sliced ​​and do not store it in a plastic bag - there it can become moldy.

Sweets. Drying, bagels, gingerbread, cookies, biscuits, chewing marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows are stored without a refrigerator and do not get your hands dirty. Chocolate, chocolate bars and candy, and chocolate-coated items may melt. It is better to store them in a cooler bag or not to take them at all.

Vacuum packed products. Hard cheeses and raw smoked sausages packed under vacuum conditions can be stored without a refrigerator for 24 hours without losing their taste. In no case do not buy boiled or liver sausage on the train: without a refrigerator, they spoil rather quickly and cause severe food poisoning. The same goes for pâtés. If you plan to take processed cheese on the road, it is better to store it in a thermal bag.

Dairy and dairy products. If your trip will last several hours, drinkable and traditional yoghurts, fermented baked milk or kefir, as well as glazed curds and cottage cheese casserole, are suitable as a light and tasty snack. It is recommended to transport these products only in a thermal bag with cold accumulators. Milk in Tetra Pak is suitable for a longer journey: when closed, it can be stored for quite a long time without refrigeration. On sale there are small packages of 200 ml, which is very convenient.

Cereals and cereals. Corn flakes, rice balls, stars, muesli and instant cereals do not require special storage conditions. If you have a long road ahead, take buckwheat and a thermos with you. To get delicious boiled buckwheat, it is enough to pour boiling water over the grits and soak for 30 minutes in a tightly closed thermos. Another type of cereal that does not require cooking is couscous. To prepare it, you only need boiling water, salt and an airtight container with a lid.

Water and drinks. Do not forget to take a few bottles of drinking water with you, which can be cooled in advance and put in a cooler bag. It is better to refuse sweet and carbonated drinks, as they do not quench your thirst; instead, it is better to take unsweetened berry juice, compote or kvass. You can not take tea and coffee in bags with you, they are always available from the conductor. Alcoholic drinks are also better not to take - their use on the train is prohibited.

What to take on the train besides food and water? On the road, you may also need sugar, salt and pepper, mustard or ketchup (all this can be found in handy portion bags in the store), toothpicks, wet and paper wipes, alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel, a small kitchen towel, disposable utensils and cutlery .

If your baby is breastfed, there are no special problems with the organization of his nutrition. The same applies to artificial children: mothers need to take infant formula, a thermos with boiled water, and feeding bottles with them. It is better to buy specialized water for a child in advance and in no case use water from a boiler on a train in order to avoid gastrointestinal infections.

The best food on a train for a day with a child is vegetable, meat, fruit puree in jars. Canned baby food is safe for children, as it can be stored without refrigeration for a long time when closed. If necessary, you can warm up the food jars in a small container with boiling water or ask a guide.

What kind of food to take on the train for older children? As a hearty snack, fruits and vegetables thoroughly washed and cut into small pieces, nuts without shells, washed dried fruits, whole grain breads and bars, cookies, dryers, instant cereals, breakfast cereals or muesli with milk from tetra pak are suitable. Do not forget to take drinking water in small bottles, juice bags or fruit drinks.

Do not take with you food that the child has not tried before, and do not buy ready-made meals and pastries at the station cafes and roadside vendors - they may be stale or cooked in appalling conditions.


it all depends on the time spent on the road. you can have dinner in the evening, and drink tea on the train

Comment on the article "What to take on the train from food: food on the road for adults and children."

Food for children and adults on the train - what products to take on a trip. On vacation with children. First aid kit on the road: doctor's advice. My first aid kit on the first trip with a child was also the size of a cosmetic bag and terrified me Medications with me to protect against infection before traveling to ...


And, most importantly, I hope your daughter is not going to Korea to work on a tourist visa (if you can call it work). Just on TV there is a story about two cuckoos from Irkutsk who went to a brothel and were terribly surprised that they were forced to work there.

Well, if it's 3 months, then it's winter anyway. Those. 1 pair for yourself, 1 for luggage + 1 slippers + 1 pair for spring / summer or sneakers. Total 1 pair for yourself + 1 or 2 in luggage. Inside the pair, put the luggage in the first aid kit

What to take with you on the train? You don’t want to drive for a day, you don’t want eggs and fried chicken. While I came up with pancakes from zucchini Girls, tell me what food to take with you on the train, go for a day. Two children, 10 years old and 2 years old, are both picky in food. The youngest baby food from cans is not ...


For information - trip Moscow-Murmansk and back 1.5 days
At long stations - closer to Moscow, everything is civilized and there are 5 kiosks on the platform.
At long stations farther from Moscow - full:
sellers of water-ice cream
sellers of smoked and dried fish pies
sellers of northern berries and apples
+ kiosks and shops, BUT sometimes they are on the other side of the open doors of the train.

chicken with chasnyk, egg, tomatoes, cucumbers and pot)))

An adult, a child of 16 years old on the plane also goes as an adult (train 50%), a child of 4 years old on the plane with a discount, but I don’t remember exactly what kind of small one about food on the train. On vacation with a tummy .... Girls, tell me, please, what is better to take food with you on the train ...


I'm sorry, but the plane is much more expensive??? You take into account all your costs and usually the train comes out at the same price as the flight.

we took cottage cheese and Tyoma cocktails with us to the Crimea, eggs in a bag with 3 bottles of ice for 3 years, the ice never thawed under the bench overnight, all the sour milk was fresh and cold. We took a lot of cookies / dryers / rolls / succulents, well, fruits.

A child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years old: hardening and development, nutrition and illness. My son is 2.8 years old, travel by train to the Crimea at 16.5 hours, we leave at 8 pm, before leaving I, of course, feed. What would you take to eat in the morning, so as not to spoil, will it be hot?


at stops they always sell boiled potatoes and grilled chicken ...

Oatmeal can be diluted with boiling water, add cream.
My little one can get by with cookies, a sandwich with butter and cheese + a bag of juice, a banana.
It is better to take a pot. I can't imagine how it is on a train without a potty.

What do they eat on the train? Together with children. Leisure. And now you can take anything on the train in plastic containers and thermal bags. we traveled by train for three days every summer back and forth. two children. I'm alone. no difference coupe or reserved seat. in the reserved seat of children ...

Girls! What can I take from food on the road to the train? We go late in the evening, I mean, we’ll go to bed right away. Of course, it's better to eat it anyway in the morning tomorrow. In a year I would take in...


Baby food Semper - look at the options for the child, and you can eat something yourself :)

Maybe replace boiled potatoes with baked potatoes? Baked meat and chicken in foil are also good. And at the first meal, I saw that my fellow travelers ate vegetable stew and fried fish. And so more fresh vegetables and fruits, some bread rolls and a successful trip to all of you :)

what to take on the road to eat?. Nutrition. Independent travel. Advise what to take on the road. Of course, you can have a bite to eat in a roadside cafe, but not every time you want to eat, I just don’t always risk eating something there, or even get poisoned for a short time, yes ...


I don't like to worry about food on the road either. It’s easier for me to drop into some pom-pom and eat normally and without risk, proven. As for fruits, we always take them, but you don’t really get enough of them. If you take something serious with you, you still have to worry so that it doesn’t bend, spill, then unfold it all, fool around, fold it, it’s not mine.

Only cafes, too lazy to take with you

From food to the road to the train? Water there special. briquettes. And then the products will live until the morning. Always with her child with her ...


We take mostly dry rations. But I also take meat, cutlets there or chops. They live great in a cooler bag, but we eat them first. And then bread, cereal, bagels and lots and lots of water. I also take fruits.

bread and a type of amber on it. meat in such a heat immediately deteriorates.

What to take from food to the train for a child! And I would not dare to give cottage cheese or ready-made soup after 12 hours outside the refrigerator. meals on the train. We don’t offer to boil vegetables with us, we get on the train at 23 o’clock, then Section: Rest with children (what to take a child to eat on the train).

Girls, advise what you can take with you from food ... more precisely, I’ll cook everything there at home and potatoes and chicken, and then we’ll go back from the hotel ... and I won’t be able to cook anything ... go for a day. we are three me and two children (6 years old and 3 years old) please advise.


instant purees, buckwheat, pasta with or without meat fillers. tastier than maggi, cheaper than rollton. a day to go just nothing. + fruits, biscuits.

Thank you all for the good advice... I think we'll hold out for 24 hours! Thank you.

What to take on the train from food ??? Tell me, pliz, who went .. I have completely forgotten which of the products will live until the evening. food on the train. go 21 hours. what to take on a train, something doesn’t fit into your head except for cookies and water, nuts .... the eggs will go bad, I’m also afraid of the chicken ...


yogurt (which are stored without a refrigerator), tomatoes, cucumbers, fruits, bread, cookies, you can baby food in jars - fruit and meat, spread on bread.

for 1 meal I put milk in a small bag of 200 ml and cereal or other dry breakfast

Food on the train. Ideas, tips. Cooking. Especially in the quantities "if you finish an egg, it will be gone." I understand that twenty years ago there was really nothing (!) to take with you, it just didn’t exist in nature, but now it’s fucking products.


Yes, a lot of everything - what you like best: drying, sprats, chips, purchased or home-made muffins, tomatoes / cucumbers.
For the 1st meal, you can also boiled chicken (grilled), but if you don’t eat it, be sure to throw it away.

In short, no eggs. The smell of eggs destroys the consciousness of others in confined spaces.

fish/meat/chicken sandwiches, philadelphia cheese (God forbid), iceberg lettuce leaves, cucumbers, radishes (spring rolls are fine, but I prefer sandwiches)
apples to kill time
snacks according to the taste of the child (nah chips, something like chewing marmalade, cookies, biscuits is better)

What to take children on a trip from food? On the train in a compartment. A little more than a day. What to feed children on the road? What do you advise? Tell me what to take with you on a train trip with a 9-month-old baby? I always take them, as soon as we get on the train I wipe everything in places ...

Experienced mothers, what would you give your child to eat and play on the train? In such cases, I take Semper's baby food jars for myself and children, for ages from 1 to 3 years (there is quite human food, such as lasagna, fish with vegetables or meatballs with potatoes ...


Where is the camp? Who is she traveling with? Is there a permanent connection with her?
I just warn you how we ran into: the sea, the children were taken by the counselors, and back, they remained in the camp, and the children were put on the train ALONE! For more than a day, children aged 7-9 traveled alone, hungry, because dry the ration consisted of 2 loaves of bread. Bread was handed out to them 15 minutes before their arrival in Moscow, the guides.
All the children caught a cold, tk. could not reach to close the open window. If one of them got off the platform and didn't have time to get in, no one would have noticed.
Check it all out. Give more money for the return trip. Give Doshirak, there are potatoes and oatmeal in plastic cups - you just need to dilute all this with boiling water. Store food back and forth immediately, label packages, warn your daughter about what you can and cannot do in different situations.

In such cases, I take Semper baby food jars for myself and children, for ages from 1 to 3 years (there is quite human food, such as lasagna, fish with vegetables or meatballs with potatoes - all in small pieces, not ground, even with seasonings) . My eat with a bang. But in the children's team they can laugh ...

Food on the train. - get-togethers. Child from 7 to 10. What to take from food to a child on a train! And I would not dare to give cottage cheese or ready-made soup after 12 hours outside the refrigerator. meals on the train. We don’t offer to boil vegetables with us, we get on the train at 23:00, that is, we don’t eat until the morning ...


Mine just arrived. I gave her food according to her own preferences: for example, from what is brewed with boiling water - her favorite instant oatmeal (she can eat this forever and only this) and mashed potatoes - the last, I'm not sure what she ate. She threw it away last year, although she herself then and now asked to buy it. Also - "dry food" (all sorts of flakes \ balls \ stars, depending on taste. I don’t eat fruits and vegetables, so there was no point in giving, but why not give normal people. This year and last year at the meeting, parents were given detailed instructions on what to give and what not to give, and I chose with them in mind.The most important thing is to drink more, but not sweet!!!soda.I gave some juices and a large bottle of plain soda (but theoretically even non-carbonated is better.) Sweets - sweets - as little as possible, but not giving at all - is also impossible.

We took homemade soup in a thermos, in 12 hours it will not have time to deteriorate, especially if the thermos is first poured over with boiling water, and then the hot soup is poured. This is probably very bad, but I took Agush's curds and kefirs with me, nothing happened to them after 20 hours on the train. (It was probably about +25 on the train).

What to eat on the train? What would you recommend for food to take with you on the train? You can take condensed milk or condensed cocoa - solving the issue with a drink (diversify tea). Oh, I forgot - from meat products you can take cans, ordinary domestic ones, which are from 8 months ...


Zhenya, did not meet mashed potatoes (dry) among the councils who responded. We take it on the road - there is always boiling water in the car, and mashed potatoes are bred very quickly - and put cucumbers and tomatoes on it - they are well stored on the road. Yes, if there is a chicken or sausage - here's a hot dinner for you. I try not to take dairy anyway - not to risk it. You can take condensed milk or condensed cocoa - solving the issue with a drink (diversify tea).

06/05/2001 10:39:37 AM, Nata_sha

Russian railway transport does not indulge in comfort, requiring proper preparation from passengers. First of all, this applies to food. Storage conditions in cars are rarely provided for, so the choice of the travel menu should be approached responsibly. Of course, this is more true for long trips that take several days, but even a day can be a real test for a beginner. Thus, it is quite logical that questions arise about what to take on the train from food, and what is better to refrain from. At first glance, the solution is simple, but when the train starts moving, it will no longer be possible to change the list of products.

General requirements for products

For each person, it is desirable to draw up a list of requirements individually, in accordance with his gastronomic preferences, but there are also general characteristics of products that it is desirable to take into account in the collection process:

  • Possibility of long-term storage. Anything that spoils within a few hours without a refrigerator is not worth taking.
  • Save the form. Compared to a car or a bus, the train provides some space for placing food, but despite this, the food should not crumble, wrinkle and melt much.
  • Ready for use. Again, there are no special conditions for cooking in the wagons, so the food components should be washed, chopped, cooked, etc. at home.
  • Full of calories and vitamins. Many believe that a day is quite possible to do without saturating the body with useful elements. But, for example, thiamine and carbohydrates give vigor and energize, which will be useful on a grueling trip.
  • When compiling a list, you should also focus on its volume with weight, because in addition to food, you will also need to carry luggage.

Vegetables and fruits - the basis of the menu

The advantages of vegetables and fruits include not only the benefits for the intestines and other organs, but also the practicality of the content. Potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and radishes - this is the food base that will help out on a trip. These foods will also prevent indigestion and can dull the feeling of hunger. When choosing what kind of food to take on the train, it is worth considering the conditions for the further journey. If the arrival is scheduled for the night, then it is better to stock up on carrots - only 2 root crops will sharpen your eyesight at dusk, and will also contribute to acclimatization. Bananas are traditionally considered the favorite fruit of travelers. They provide a burst of energy, relieve heartburn, satisfy hunger and generally improve mood. Some varieties of apples and pears also reduce the risk of motion sickness. Well, in addition to this point, we can mention greens, which increase tone and have a calming effect.

Bread and pastries

From the point of view of benefits for the body, these are less preferred products, but you can’t do without them on the road. Bread, as you know, is the head of everything - it will allow you to saturate the stomach with a minimum set of other products. Also considering what to take on the train from food in this category, you can turn to buns, muffins and biscuits. It is better to choose products from shortcrust pastry, as they last longer. But it is important to remember about the properties of the filling - it is desirable to exclude various jams, creams and cream. Experienced travelers are familiar with boredom on trains when there is nothing to do, and it is difficult to foresee other entertainment than newspapers with crossword puzzles. But a pack of crackers, crackers or cookies will help to distract.

Dairy products and eggs

When it comes to what you can take on the train from food in the dairy group, then the only suitable option would be cheese. It is the least risky for the body, but at the same time contains more than half of the daily norm of protein elements. For comparison, the nutritional value of a slice of cheese is equivalent to 2 liters of milk. Since a whole head can lose its shape on the road, it is better to cut it into sandwiches.

Eggs are also considered one of the most convenient travel foods. They concentrate the necessary nutrients, including the same proteins, fats and various vitamins. But people suffering from diseases of the gallbladder, it is better to refrain from eggs. If the trip falls on hot weather, then it is recommended to eat this product at the first meal. But in no case should you cook an omelette or scrambled eggs. In this state, the product may not last until boarding the car. In any case, the risk of getting poisoned from such food is significantly increased.

Whether to take meat products?

In the absence of stomach diseases, it is worth taking raw smoked sausage, after wrapping it in paper, which will allow it to be stored longer. This is the simplest version of a meat product for the road, but if you have time, you can cook meat dishes yourself. For example, baked chicken or pork under a good dressing with spices is a full-fledged preservative, and of natural origin. But you need to eat such dishes first of all, since they do not “live” for more than 3-4 hours.

If the question arose of what to take on the train from food in the form of seafood, then canned fish would be a good solution. True, there are some limitations here. For example, sprats in oil and smoked foods, beloved by Russians, pose a threat of indigestion. But other canned food should be approached with caution. They are certainly convenient for use on the train, but they do not last long when opened.

What to take from drinks?

The value of ordinary water on the road is even greater than food. Prevention of dehydration is the main function of the fluid in field conditions. It is most convenient to take water in plastic bottles. At the same time, it is desirable that it does not contain gas. By the way, when deciding what to take on the train from food, it is better to immediately foresee the compatibility of drinks with food. For example, the mentioned flour products are best washed down with tea or coffee. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide for a lemon with sugar. In addition to taste, these additions will produce a relaxing and calming effect. Ginger drink with mint is also useful on the road. It relieves fatigue and helps those who suffer from seasickness cope with stress. The only disadvantage of the ginger drink is that it must be specially prepared by brewing the roots of the plant in boiled water.

What to take a child on a train from food?

If adults can make some compromises when compiling a travel menu, then in the case of children, there can be no concessions in the quality and taste of food. Therefore, you should thoroughly approach the preparation for the gastronomic provision of your child. If possible, you should stock up on a mobile refrigerator and a thermos, which will allow you to save the ingredients for soups and cereals, and then fill them with live boiling water. The list of products should include baby food, cereal bases, fruits and vegetables with nuts. Of course, in choosing a lot depends on the age of the young passenger. When deciding what is best to take on a train from food for a small child, you should not ignore various sweets in the form of sweets, cookies and chocolates. Since the conditions of the trip in the cars are stressful for children, they need to be reassured, and their favorite treats will help.

Seasonal features of the travel menu

Temperature greatly influences the choice of food for train travel. Winter time is the most favorable in this respect. A small area near the window in frost can completely replace the refrigerator. Therefore, many restrictions on the storage of products are removed, or, in any case, the time of their maintenance is significantly extended. The situation is quite different in hot weather. Consequently, the calculation of what to take on the train from food in the summer is done with a strict exclusion of perishable products. It is advisable to eat even boiled vegetables during this period quickly, until they begin to smell doubtfully. A win-win choice during summer train journeys will be fresh vegetables and fruits. You can also provide fast food. They are cooked in the car, pouring boiling water.

Is it possible to eat at the stations and in the dining car?

It is rare and not for everyone to foresee everything in advance and not to turn to the services of sellers at the stations and in the cars in the future. Seductive smells of smoked fish, appetizing lard, various pickles, homemade cutlets with pies and sandwiches - all this is offered in abundance at almost every station. It would seem that you should not think about what kind of food you can take on the train from home. Everything you need is purchased on the road. On the one hand, this is true, but on the other hand, no one will answer for the quality of these products, and cases of poisoning on trains with pasties and pastries have already become regular. At the very least, you should immediately exclude meat food. In terms of quality, eating in a restaurant car will be a good alternative, but the prices in such menus are sometimes 2-3 times higher than the cost of similar dishes in ordinary cafes.


Traveling by rail is very exhausting and tiring for passengers. And nutrition bears a high responsibility in providing a sufficient set of useful trace elements. Unfortunately, to consider the question of what kind of food to take on the train for a day, one cannot bypass the nuances of the comfort of handling them. It is for reasons of convenience that a wide range of products is eliminated. But the main selection criterion is still safety. You should carefully approach the choice of meat dishes, do not abuse perishable food and do not forget about water. At the same time, the more varied the menu, the better. Vegetables, fruits, nuts, flour products - in stores you can find a lot of types of these products, which will provide the body with carbohydrates, fats and other elements. And for a daily trip, this diet is enough.
