
How many kcal in dried dates. What is this fruit? Semolina donuts with dates

Dates are often referred to as "the berries of life" or "nature's pantry". And it's not in vain. The fact is that the small fruits of the date tree contain a large complex of vitamins, minerals and amino acids that are vital for the human body.


They contain about 5 salts and minerals, including boron, potassium, zinc, iron, as well as vitamins of groups B, C and A and 23 amino acids. In dried form, the berries retain all their beneficial properties.

It has been scientifically proven that a person can eat only dates for a whole month, while the body will receive all the necessary nutrients. Already after 30 min. after use, mental performance increases, strength is restored. Only 10-15 dates a day will help cleanse the body of harmful substances and toxins. In addition, the fruits contribute to the normalization of blood pressure, increased blood circulation, improve expectoration, reduce the risk of developing cancer, and increase potency. They are also useful for women, because they strengthen the muscles of the uterus and improve labor activity, and after childbirth they help to recover faster. At the same time, they do not cause allergies in a baby who is breastfed.

Scientists believe that by eating just one berry a day, a person "starts irreversible processes to restore their health."

When buying, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the skin so that it is mold-free. The fruits should be slightly wrinkled, dry and not stuck together.

As a rule, only dried fruits are eaten. However, fresh ones can also be used. Jelly, compotes, jam and jam, candied fruits are prepared from them. They are added to pastries, and whole fruits are added when stewing meat, which gives the dish a special sourness.


However, it is worth introducing these fruits into the diet with caution for those who suffer from stomach ulcers and urolithiasis.

Doctors are still arguing over the question: Can diabetics use them? The fact is that they contain about 70% sugar, which contributes to an increase in blood glucose. However, Israeli scientists have proven that Majkhol berries will not be harmful if eaten no more than 100 g.

It should be remembered that the combination of dates and citrus fruits can cause indigestion. In addition, they are digested for a long time in the stomach, so do not get too carried away with them.

The nutritional value

Those who follow their figure should consider how many calories they contain. First of all, you need to remember that 100 grams of dates is 10-12 pieces (depending on the size of the berry). It is this amount that is the daily dose, which should not be exceeded even by healthy people.

The calorie content of 1 date is about 23 kcal, since its weight is about 8 g. There will be about 11 pieces in 100 g. and contains:

  • Calories: 275 kcal
  • Proteins: 2.51 g
  • Fat: 0.56 g
  • Carbs: 69.3 g


Nutritionists say that when losing weight, you need to eat a few berries, despite such a calorie content. Due to the unique composition of the fruits, they help to remove excess fluid, reduce swelling and reduce weight. For this purpose, no more than 8-10 pieces per day should be consumed separately from other food.

Those who want to quickly lose a few pounds may be interested in the date diet. It boils down to the fact that during the first 4 days they eat dates alone, then for another 2 days green apples are added to them. During the diet, you need to drink plenty of fluids, especially herbal and green tea.

And they are a great substitute for desserts during a diet. If you want something sweet, but do not want these sweets to be deposited with excess weight, then eat some dried fruits. They are much more useful, even if it is or, which also have a number of useful properties.

Dates have been eaten for hundreds of years. This is one of the most ancient fruits, which to this day is popular and loved all over the world. Basically, dates come to our table in dried form, as dried fruits. They are very sweet and make a great dessert substitute. At the same time, they bring only one benefit to the body, so it is recommended to eat them with a diet for weight loss.

What are useful dates

Dates contain many useful substances, vitamins, trace elements. They keep well when dried, so Dried dates are just as healthy as fresh ones.. If you include these valuable fruits in your diet, they will become an excellent source of energy, help to fill the lack of nutrients in the body. They can also be used as a prophylactic for a number of diseases.

Dates, increase the body's resistance to viruses and bacteria, help with anemia, hypertension, cough, strengthen the heart, kidneys, liver. The sugars contained in dates are a good fuel for brain activity. With heavy mental work, stress, overwork, it is very useful to eat these fruits.

Dates are useful for people who are weakened after an illness, pregnant women, children, and the elderly. And for a completely healthy person, they will not be superfluous at all.

How many calories in 100g dates

Dates, though cloyingly sweet, but not very high-calorie. 100 grams of dates contain 275-285 calories, one date contains 23-25 ​​calories.

This is a carbohydrate carbohydrate content ranges from 45-90%. dates are mainly composed of natural sugars - fructose, glucose, sucrose, and this is the fastest source of energy. The fat content is extremely low, only 0.2-0.5%.

They contain such salts and minerals as copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, cobalt, sulfur, boron and others.

In some respects, dates are superior to common fruits., familiar on our table - apples, oranges, bananas, because they contain large amounts of vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B6, vitamin niacin.

Dates are a favorite food of many people. This is due to the variety of dishes in the recipe of which they are included, as well as useful properties. In addition, due to their chemical composition, they contribute to the burning of fat and the loss of extra pounds. This article will describe the history of the product, the calorie content of dates, the benefits, harms, as well as popular recipes.

The history of the date

Most scientists believe that the birthplace of the date is Mesopotamia and Ancient India. Since it was there that the first mention of him was found. Palm trees with dates were specially grown in ancient Egypt, as the fruits were used to prepare various dishes and wine. Moreover, they were very popular among all segments of the population. The pharaohs were completely buried with jugs filled with dates, they were also depicted on the walls of the tomb.

Religious writings were found that spoke of the usefulness of the fruit in desert campaigns. For example, the Arabs in ancient times believed that dates saturate the body with energy, help heal it from diseases and protect it from negative thoughts. But the Chinese and Japanese are of the opinion that the fruits of the date tree are the basis of longevity and health. The warriors of Macedonia always used them before the start of a military campaign.

Currently, dates grow in northern Africa, southern Iran, Iraq, the Nuba Desert, the Arabian Peninsula and Libya.


The date got its name from the tree on which it grows. So date translates as palm and grows in subtropical and tropical climates with plenty of sun. Now the date is grown on plantations, where you can find more than 100 varieties. But the most popular are:

  • Saer;
  • Rabi;
  • Gantar;
  • cab cab etc.

There are also varieties that you can grow on your own at home. These are robilini and canarian. All fruits of various varieties are oval in shape, from 20 to 60 mm long. The color of the ripened fruits is dark red, but when dried, the dates become dark brown or chocolate in color. On average, fruits throughout do not exceed 45 g, while the minimum weight varies from 6 to 10 g. But these figures may differ for different varieties.

In addition to varieties of varieties, there is a classification of dates according to the degree of ripening:

  • Kharak - fruits are dryish and hard;
  • Rotab - the fruits are already soft, juicy and sweet;
  • Tamar - the date is gaining honey sweetness and has a fleshy pulp.

In our country, 2 degrees are popular - these are Rotab and Tamar.

Composition and useful properties

The elements that are part of dates are incredibly valuable for the human body, due to the huge amount of useful nutrients. There is even a proverb among the people that one can study the chemical table of Mendeleev by a date. As for the effect on the body, with the daily use of at least a few date fruits, stroke and heart attack can be prevented. And this applies to dried, fresh and dried fruits.

The main composition of the date is fiber and carbohydrates, but also vitamins and useful minerals. About 60% of dates are proteins, pectins and tannins.

Minerals that make up dates:

  1. Iron;
  2. Calcium;
  3. Fluorine;
  4. Sodium;
  5. Copper;
  6. Selenium;
  7. Chromium;
  8. manganese and others.

As well as vitamins of groups B, A, E, vitamin C, H and PP, which help to increase mental activity and strengthen the immune system. The date is also rich in important amino acids, among which. It is he who helps in the fight and prevention of cancerous growths.

Benefit and harm

Regardless of the gender of the person, the effect of eating dates is undeniable. So, for a male, an increase in potency is characteristic, and for a female, the benefit is to strengthen the muscular muscles of the pelvis. When eaten by children, dates help to activate the growth stage of the child, and increase the mental activity of the brain. An important beneficial property of the date is considered to be the strengthening of blood vessels and the reduction of cholesterol levels in the blood.

The harm of dates is:

  • Increasing the level of sugar in the blood due to the fructose contained in it. In this case, the fruits are contraindicated in people suffering from diabetes;
  • In the presence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially in the acute stage and with constipation, the consumption of dates is also contraindicated.

In any case, eat dates in moderation. Since any product is always capable of leading to negative consequences.

Date calories and weight loss

The calorie content of a date is 274 Kcal per 100 g of the product, and per 1 pc. (11 g) approximately 24.9 kcal. More than 50% of the main composition of the fetus is carbohydrates, and they are known to be actively involved in the process of losing weight. Therefore, dates are used for weight loss, there is even a date diet. This ability of fruits is due to the acceleration of metabolism in the body, as well as an increase in the rate of absorption of nutrients from other consumed foods. Also, the date helps to satisfy hunger for a long time.

Date diet involves the consumption of fruits within 3 days. It is allowed to drink sugar-free drinks during the diet, such as tea or purified water. If after 3 days the condition is good, light and there is a desire to continue, then freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices should be included in the diet. But you should not continue the date diet for more than 5 days.

Power scheme:

  1. The first three days: consume 0.25 kg of dates and at least 2 liters of pure water;
  2. After three days: introduce 200 ml of juice into the diet.

Dates can be consumed without following any diet. To do this, you just need to replace dinner with 0.2 kg of dates. In this case, the fruits will be considered unloading of the body. Also, the fruits of the date tree can be replaced with sweets and bakery products. For this you need:

  • Dates should be thoroughly washed and cut;
  • Add peeled and chopped walnuts to them;
  • Next, add some honey;
  • Mix the whole mixture and take 1 tsp. once a day with tea or coffee.

If in the course of a diet or just eating the general state of health has worsened, then you should stop taking it. Perhaps the diet is not suitable or there is an allergy to the product.


The variety of dishes containing dates is very diverse, they are used in the preparation of cocktails, pilaf, biscuit, jelly, pastries and even salad.

Pilaf with dates

This dish is especially loved by vegans and those who cannot eat animal products. Sweet pilaf is very sweet and satisfying, unlike the usual pilaf with meat. Great for baby food. Its energy value is 289.9 Kcal.

The composition includes:

  1. 0.05 kg of pitted dates;
  2. 0.05 kg dried apricots;
  3. 0.05 kg of prunes;
  4. 0.15 kg of steamed rice;
  5. 1 tsp honey;
  6. A little ground cinnamon, optional.

Dried fruits must be folded into containers and poured with water for 10 minutes. After that, they can be cut in any convenient way, but not very finely. Next, they need to be boiled until half cooked. Next, you need to add cinnamon, honey and washed rice to them. It is necessary to pour enough water into the container so that it covers the rice by 1 cm. After that, the fire must be made minimal and cook without stirring until fully cooked. For piquancy, you can add dried barberry. As soon as the water boils away, the pilaf is ready.

Casserole with cottage cheese and dates

Everyone's favorite cottage cheese casserole has many recipes, but few people are familiar with the addition of dates. It can be eaten both for breakfast and for an afternoon snack, as the energy value is only 212 Kcal.

The composition includes:

  • 0.3 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 0.15 kg of sour cream;
  • 0.07 kg of dates;
  • 0.04 kg of candied fruits;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 0.02 l of sunflower oil.

Cottage cheese must be mixed with sour cream and chopped with a blender until smooth. Soak dates in water for 10 minutes, in another bowl - soak candied fruit. Add eggs to curd and mix thoroughly. After 10 minutes, cut the dates and candied fruit in any way, but not very finely and send to the cottage cheese. Add sifted flour to cottage cheese and eggs, knead the dough and let it rest for 15-20 minutes. Lubricate the baking dish with butter, cover it with parchment paper and send the dough into it. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

In addition to these recipes with dates, you can make a cocktail, sweets and many others.

4.5 out of 5

The date is the fruit of the date palm. Five to seven thousand years ago, wild dates were popular among the ancestors of modern Arabs. Saudi Arabia is currently the leader in the sale and cultivation of these fruits. In addition, they are grown in Tunisia, Syria, Sudan, Oman, Morocco, Libya, Iran, Iraq, Egypt, Bahrain, Algeria. Date palms were also brought to Australia, South Africa, Mexico, and California.

The shape of immature fruits of dates is oval-cylindrical. Their length varies between 3-7 cm, diameter - 2-3 cm. Inside the fetus there is a bone, the thickness of which is 6-8 mm. Depending on how soft the dates are, they are divided into dry, semi-soft and soft. The color of ripe dates is brown. It is a wrinkled fruit with sweet and juicy flesh. It should be noted that the calorie content of dried dates per 100 grams, on average, is 270 kcal. Fresh dates contain fewer calories - 185.

How many calories in dates

Dates are high in calories. At the same time, the composition of these fruits includes 69 g of carbohydrates, 0.5 g of fats, 2.5 g of proteins, 0.1 g of unsaturated fatty acids, 69 g of saccharides, 6 g of dietary fiber, 20 g of water. In addition, dates contain iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium, calcium, potassium. As mentioned above, the calorie content of dried dates is much higher than the calorie content of raw dates - this should be borne in mind.

The calorie content of dates is directly related to the fact that carbohydrates are present in a considerable amount in their composition. Therefore, dates can be an excellent substitute for more harmful sweets - for example, confectionery.

Calorie dates and their varieties

Calories in dates are numerous, and this does not depend on their type., of which there are currently about 450. Not all of them are used by humans for food - some are used as livestock feed, some are used in the production of medicines and fertilizers. As a rule, the following varieties of dates are eaten:

  • Bitches. A popular variety of dates whose fruits are especially large;
  • Sharka. One of the most common varieties of this fruit. It is characteristic that dates of this kind can be stored for a long time;
  • Raziz. Soft varieties of dates;
  • Maktoumi. Dates are bright yellow, tender and juicy;
  • Barney. Semi-dry yellow dates of large size;
  • Anbar. A variety of soft and large dates that are grown in limited quantities;
  • Shishi. Golden colored dates.

Let's talk about dates for weight loss.

Calorie dates and weight loss

The calorie content of dates cannot be called low, but despite this, it is recommended to include them in the diet of overweight people. Dates for weight loss are really effective because they contain potassium and magnesium, which help eliminate excess fluid from the body, normalize weight and eliminate swelling.

The high calorie content of dates will not become an obstacle on the way to a slim figure. They normalize the level of sugar and fatty acids in the blood, do not contain cholesterol. At the same time, due to the significant calorie content, dates are contraindicated for people with diabetes.

Useful properties of dates

Since ancient times, dates have been famous for their healing properties. In terms of dietary and nutritional characteristics, dates can be compared with the most useful cereals. The benefits of dates are that these fruits strengthen the liver, heart, kidneys, promote the reproduction of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines and fill the body with vitality. In addition, they activate brain activity, saturate the blood with useful components, and maintain the equilibrium balance of the body.

Despite the significant calorie content, dates contain a large amount of protein., while in other fruits it is practically absent. Dates play an important role in the treatment of bronchitis: these fruits can speed up the excretion of sputum and calm the cough. Regular consumption of dates strengthens bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis. However, keep in mind that dates can be harmful for migraines or kidney stones.

Due to the dietary fiber of dates, the risk of developing cancer is reduced. Nutritionists advise eating 100 grams of dates every day. The calorie content of dates is quite high, but it must be borne in mind that there is no cholesterol in these fruits.

Scientists have found that dates bring great benefits to the body of a pregnant woman. They are even able to facilitate childbirth and the postpartum period. The fact is that dates contain special stimulants that strengthen the muscles of the uterus during pregnancy, facilitate childbirth and reduce the period of postpartum bleeding. Dates saturate mother's milk with vitamins and nutrients. Dates have a mild hypnotic and stimulating effect. They also contain tryptophan, which, when it enters the human body, turns into melatonin (sleep hormone) and serotonin (good mood hormone). The action of these fruits is selective: in case of insomnia, they help to fall asleep, and in case of fatigue, they activate brain activity.

The use of dates in cooking

The calorie content of dates is not an obstacle for their active use in the field of cooking.. So, dates are used to make muesli, confectionery, flour, alcohol, sugar, compotes, jelly. Cooks add fresh fruits to cookies, cakes, pies, buns, fruit salads. Dried and fresh fruits can be filled with walnuts, candied candied fruits, almonds, marzipan and butter. Arabs use these fruits to make specialty pasta, puddings and biscuits. Libyan culinary specialists prepare analogues of honey, vinegar and powder from dates. In a number of Islamic countries, non-alcoholic champagne is prepared on the basis of these fruits.

Do not forget how many calories are in dates, eat them in reasonable amounts and then you will not harm your own health and figure, but, on the contrary, will benefit the body. Recall that calorie content of dried dates is 270 kcal per 100 grams, fresh - about 180.

- sweet and meaty, they can replace a piece of chocolate and at the same time contain half the calories. There are several varieties of date trees, so dried fruits of various types differ in taste and aroma. Read more about in a separate issue.

How many calories in dates

date palm fruits you can taste fresh only in the region of their growth during the ripening period. At other times, dried or dried products are offered to consumers, which differ in the way they are harvested. Sun-dried dates are softer and more fleshy, while dried dates have the brightest sweetness.

It's interesting that pitted dates in addition to lower calorie content, they differ in a lower content of nutrients, which is directly related to the peculiarity of drying the fruit with the extracted core.

Recipes and calorie date dishes

Taking into account the specifics of the product, dates are used most often for the preparation of sweet, confectionery or national dishes.

sweet casserole

To prepare a cottage cheese casserole, you can take any low-fat cottage cheese and dried fruits to taste. Required Ingredients:
  • low fat (1 pack);
  • dates (20 g);
  • (10 g);
  • prunes (20 g);
  • (1 piece).

Wash dried fruits and cut into 4 pieces. Pour oatmeal with a small amount of boiling water and let it swell, then mix it with cottage cheese, eggs and dried fruits. Put the mixture on a greased form and bake in the oven at 180 ° C for 20 minutes. The average calorie content of a casserole is 168 kcal / 100 g.

baked apples

An unusual and tasty dessert will be baked apples with dried fruits, for the preparation of which you will need:
  • green (4 large fruits);
  • dates (8 pieces);
  • ground (½ teaspoon);
  • instant oatmeal apple porridge (4 dessert spoons).

Wash the apples and cut off the top third of each, then remove the core so that you get a fruit bowl. Hercules, finely chopped dates and cinnamon mix. Gently fill the apple containers with the resulting mixture and bake the fruits in the oven at a temperature of 190 ° C for 22-25 minutes. The calorie content of this dessert is 119 kcal.

diet pie

To prepare a low-calorie pie, you will need the following products:

Blend banana, dates (pitted), sour cream and butter in a blender until smooth. Add half of the flour of both varieties sifted through a sieve, soda slaked with lemon juice and beat well again. Dump the dough on the table, add the remaining flour and knead the bun. Wash the apple, remove the core and cut into slices. Lubricate the baking dish with fat or margarine, lay out the bottom with the dough, forming the sides, and lay the apple slices on top. Sprinkle the cake with cinnamon and sugar. Bake for half an hour at 190°C. Serve chilled. The calorie content of 100 g of date pie is about 240 kcal.

Salad "Exquisite"

Dates added to salads allow you to add an unusual taste to familiar dishes. To prepare the salad you will need:
  • raw (350 g);
  • pitted dates (100 g);
  • root (15 g);
  • (1 teaspoon);
  • lemon juice (5 ml);
  • (2 tablespoons);
  • salt;
  • ground white pepper (at the tip of a knife).

Peel and grate the carrots, finely chop the dates into rings and mix with the carrots. For dressing, grind ginger into a gruel, add lemon juice, add honey and olive oil. Salt and pepper the finished salad. The calorie content of the dish is 129 kcal / 100 g.

fruit jelly

Jelly is a favorite treat for kids, but instead of a store-bought dessert, you can make a homemade one. For this you will need the following products:
  • dates (50 g);
  • orange packaged juice (50 ml);
  • water (half a glass);
  • classic (1 glass);
  • food gelatin (10g).

Pour gelatin for a quarter of an hour with cold water and let it swell, then heat over low heat and homogenize. Wash the dates, remove the pit and chop finely. Pour fermented baked milk into a bowl, add dates and pour hot gelatin in a thin stream, constantly stirring the mixture. Stir in orange juice and stir again. Pour the future jelly into molds and refrigerate for 5-6 hours to set. The calorie content of a dairy treat is approximately 72 kcal / 100 g, and it can be served with a leaflet.

carrot cutlets

Cutlets can be not only hearty and hot, but also serve as a sweet cold snack. Prepare the necessary products:

Rinse raisins and dates and steam for a quarter of an hour in boiling water. Peel apples, cut into small cubes, mix with dried dried fruits and lightly simmer over low heat until softened. Grate the boiled carrots on a medium grater, add milk, butter and simmer with the lid closed for 8-9 minutes. After turning off the heat, add semolina to the stewed carrots, mix thoroughly and simmer for another 5-7 minutes, then cool the mass, add the egg, vanilla powder and ground cinnamon. From carrot dough you need to form a cake, put a spoonful of apple filling in the middle and cover with a second cake on top. Shape the finished cutlet, roll in flour or breadcrumbs and fry on both sides. The energy value of carrot cutlets with dates is 246 kcal / 100 g.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of dates

% of the daily requirement indicated in the tables is an indicator indicating how many percent of the daily norm in the substance we will satisfy the needs of the body by eating 100 grams of dates.

How many proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) are in dates?

Dried fruits contain a significant amount of fiber and dietary fiber, helping to satisfy the feeling of hunger for a long time.
