
Why rice is good for the body - the main beneficial properties. Rice white

Rice has unique nutritional qualities, it is the most popular product in the East.

In many ways, the benefit or harm of this cereal depends on the type and degree of processing.

Beneficial features

Rice provides the body with energy and helps to increase muscle mass. The vitamins contained in it (groups B and PP) have a positive effect on digestion. The ability to envelop the gastric wall with a shell allows the use of rice by patients with gastritis and peptic ulcer.

He has the ability to remove toxic substances from the body during intoxication. The absence of salts in it does not harm when consumed by people with kidney disease.

High levels of neurotransmitters (especially in brown rice) prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease. It has an antioxidant effect, reduces cholesterol levels and has a strengthening effect on the nervous system.

quickly relieves the feeling of hunger due to the complex carbohydrates it contains. Unpolished rice (one that is less processed) is considered more valuable. It manages to retain more B vitamins, which almost do not remain in polished. Regular consumption of rice stimulates male potency.

Benefits of using rice:

  • with damage to the intestines by an inflammatory process, rice water has an enveloping effect;
  • removes toxins;
  • the contained potassium strengthens the heart muscle;
  • has a slight diuretic effect, helps to remove excess fluid, which has a beneficial effect on blood vessels;
  • improves metabolic processes in nervous tissues due to tryptophan, lecithin;
  • normalizes brain function, prevents Parkinson's disease, senile dementia;
  • rice water helps to remove sputum from the lungs, it is recommended for bronchial asthma;
  • at, alleviates the condition, has an antipyretic, diaphoretic effect.

Benefits of eating brown rice:

  • lowers acidity, improves digestion;
  • prevents development;
  • regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism, blood cholesterol levels;
  • improves the activity of the endocrine system;
  • removes toxins, radionuclides;
  • cleanses the vessels.

Nutritional value and calories

Nutritional value of 100 g, (g):

The calorie content of the dry product is 303 kcal per 100 g.

Is there any harm and contraindications?

There are no contraindications for the use of rice. In case of individual intolerance to the product, you should stop using it.

Rice contains a lot of starch, which can cause an increase in blood sugar levels. With excessive use, it is possible to worsen the activity of the intestines, the appearance of constipation. With the existing tendency to constipation, cracks in the large intestine, hemorrhoids may appear.

People with diabetes are advised to eat brown rice instead of white rice, the glycemic index of which is lower.

Methods of application in traditional medicine

Rice is used in folk medicine as a means to improve sleep, to eliminate bad breath from the mouth, to restore appetite after a long illness, to increase lactation in lactating women.

The problem that. decides Mode of application
Fever with colds Pour a glass of rice with water (7 stacks), add mint (1 tablespoon), boil. Add chopped onion, drink the resulting broth every 2 hours, 1/3 stack.
Salt deposits Eat on an empty stomach daily 2 tbsp. l. dry rice, chewing thoroughly.
Obesity Cook 100 g of rice, divide it into several stages. Eat with pineapple or apple juice (no sugar).
Excess weight Placed in a liter jar 4 tbsp. l. long grain rice and 15 pcs. seedless raisins. Dissolve 2 tbsp in 1 liter of water. l. sugar and add to a jar of rice. Cover with gauze, leave in a dark place for 2 days. The resulting infusion is filtered, the raisins are thrown away, the rice is washed and again filled with water. Drink daily ½ stack. before meals 20 min.
Obesity A glass of brown rice is thoroughly washed, water (1:5) is added, put on a slow fire, boiled for 35 minutes. without cover.
Diseases of the digestive system Brown rice is boiled for 1.5 hours, cream is squeezed out of the resulting slurry. After its use, strength returns to the seriously ill.

Eat rice for weight loss should be without the addition of salt, sugar, butter, sauces.

Brown and unpolished rice helps to get the desired result faster.

Rice is not accidentally called gift of the gods.

The oldest cereal culture has been known in the East for more than four thousand years.

Europeans got to know her not so long ago, but they have already managed to appreciate the beneficial properties of unique grains.

Rice: composition, calorie content, types, how to use

There are a lot of varieties of rice: indica, basmati, japonica, arborio, Krasnodar, wild. All these are very close relatives who have many common features. However, the existing varieties of rice still differ in appearance, composition, and nutritional properties.

Rice grains contain almost no salt, hence the clear and successfully used medicinal benefits of rice for "cores" and people with kidney problems. A grain contains eight grams of protein, seven grams of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, and up to ninety grams of "long", that is, complex carbohydrates.

In the composition of a grain of rice, scientists found:

Rich vitamin complex (almost the entire group B, vitamin K, PP, H, E);

Approximately forty micro and macro elements (boron, calcium, silicon, iodine, copper, iron, nickel, phosphorus, chlorine, zinc, potassium, fluorine, sulfur, etc.);

Several essential amino acids that are not produced by the human body (for example, tryptophan);


Plant fibers and active biological compounds.

And here almost no fiber in rice. The largest amount contains brown rice (4-4.5 percent). White rice contains no more than three percent fiber. There is a lot of starch in such a product (more than 55 g).

By processing method rice can be polished, steamed, crushed. More familiar to the Russian table is the usual white product, polished or steamed. Parboiled rice is more useful due to the fact that after processing its shell gives almost all its benefits to the grain. But still, the beneficial properties of white rice are very inferior to coarser, brutal relatives - brown, red, black rice.

Rice is used for cooking porridge, pilaf, paella, puddings, rolls, flatbreads, and used in salads. The calorie content of rice is quite high, as in any cereal crop ( from 300 to 370 kcal in dry form), so it is not worth abusing rice products for those who monitor weight. Nutritionists recommend eating rice-based dishes once or twice a week, not exceeding two hundred grams per serving.

Rice: what are the benefits for the body?

The beneficial properties of rice are explained by the presence of amino acids and vitamins in it. Due to amino acids, the body builds muscle tissue, produces antibodies and hormones, ensures the functioning of the brain, heart, pulmonary and nervous systems. With a sufficient amount of amino acids, hair, skin, eyesight will retain youth and strength for a long time.

The health benefits of rice are as follows:

Due to the excellent enveloping properties, it is useful to take porridge or decoction in the presence of inflammatory processes in the intestines, stomach, gastritis and ulcers;

Rice perfectly removes toxins from the digestive system, and therefore is indicated for food poisoning. A clean intestine with healthy microflora is the main condition for strong immunity;

Vitamins strengthen not only the heart, but also blood vessels, give energy;

Due to lecithin, tryptophan and B vitamins, rice products strengthen the nerves, normalize metabolic processes in the nervous tissue;

Due to the successful combination of amino acids and vitamins, rice is useful for the body in terms of its ability to prevent senile dementia, Parkinson's disease, and normalize brain activity;

Rice not only cleanses the intestines, but also alkalizes the blood. Together with vitamin saturation, these properties of cereal create a convincing anti-cancer effect.

The absorbent properties of rice have been well studied. However, you need to know that rice water not only stops intestinal upset, but also promotes the evacuation of sputum from the lungs, and therefore is recommended in the diet of patients with bronchial asthma, bronchitis.

A decoction of rice is also useful for diseases of a catarrhal nature, sore throat, flu, pneumonia. The diaphoretic, antipyretic properties of the decoction will alleviate the patient's condition, help relieve fever and pain.

In the presence of intestinal ulcers, you can not only take rice water inside, but also make enemas with it. Healing liquid accelerates the healing of ulcers.

Rice, taken regularly in small quantities, is beneficial for people doing hard physical work. In summer, a rice dish reduces thirst.

Pregnant and lactating women can safely consume rice dishes. The benefits of rice for a woman's body are that it has a good effect on the intrauterine development of the child, contributes to the formation of a strong immunity for the baby, and improves the quality of breast milk.

Benefits of Brown Rice

The nutritional value of brown rice is higher compared to traditional white grains. During processing, only the husk is removed, due to which more nutrients and nutrients are preserved. The composition of brown rice is richer, and there are more amino acids in it.

Brown rice contains gamma oryzanol. It is this substance that reduces the level of harmful fats (triglycerides) in the blood, has powerful antioxidant properties and minimizes harm from solar ultraviolet radiation.

Rice, consumed without salt as a medicinal product, perfectly removes excess fluid from the body, normalizes water balance, helps to get rid of puffiness, and reduces high blood pressure. Brown rice is best suited for these purposes due to its richer mineral content.

This type of rice is recommended include in the diet of people weakened after a serious illness. The product improves sleep, has a positive effect on the nervous system, and reduces the risk of muscle tissue atrophy. It is brown rice that can restore a woman's attractiveness: even out her complexion, strengthen and make her hair shine again.

Brown rice is good for health in the presence of a number of serious diseases, as well as a preventive food product:

Cleanses blood vessels;

Removes radionuclides, toxins, slags;

Restores the functions of the endocrine system;

Normalizes lipid, carbohydrate metabolism and cholesterol levels;

Prevents the appearance of diabetes;

Improves digestion, reduces the increased acidity of the stomach.

Brown rice is more beneficial for the body than white rice. It must be consumed on a regular basis, especially in the presence of problems with the stomach, intestines and heart.

Red rice - benefits

With red rice, it's not so easy. First of all, because this name hides not one, but two completely different cereals. The first is a close relative of wild brown rice. It has an initially reddish color, a distinct nutty taste and smell.

The second is fermented white rice processed with the yeast-like fungus Monascus. It is they who give white rice a rich red color. This herb is used in traditional Chinese medicine. It is very good as a means of normalizing cholesterol metabolism and preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Wild red rice is also useful due to the preserved shell containing all the useful substances: protein, vitamins, amino acids, valuable minerals. The health benefits of rice are no less than in rice crops of a different color. Magnesium relieves asthma and migraines, lowers blood pressure. In combination with calcium, it is the prevention of arthritis and osteoporosis, improves the condition of rheumatism and joint diseases.

The red color of rice grains is due to paracyonides. These substances have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin: they even out skin creases (wrinkles), increase the elasticity of the dermis, and reduce the number of age spots.

The high content of iron in red rice is indicated for anemia. Saturation with antioxidants reduces the risk of developing colon and breast cancer. Red rice benefits the body also because it has a high saturation. In part, it can replace meat in the diet, which is especially important for people with intolerance to animal products.

It is the red rice grain variety that has the lowest glycemic index, and therefore is quite suitable for diabetics.

Brown rice - benefits

Brown rice contains fiber, which is almost completely absent in white grains. It contains significantly more B vitamins (twice), and tocopherol, or vitamin E, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus is three times more. Exceeds the brown rice of its "white relative" and the content of selenium, zinc.

The health benefits of brown rice are as follows:

Resists gastritis and ulcers;

Unlike the white variety, it does not cause constipation;

Improves blood circulation;

Relieves insomnia;

Restores water balance;

Reduces blood sugar levels;

Stimulates brain activity;

Strengthens immunity;

Minimizes the effects of stress.

The beneficial properties of brown rice make it possible to use it more actively for the nutrition of patients with hypertension, diabetes, gastritis, and ulcers. The inclusion of a unique cereal in the diet is indicated for depression, neurosis, skin diseases.

Black Rice - Benefits

Black rice is no less useful for the body. In fact, it has a very distant relation to white rice, the calorie content of this cereal is only one hundred kilocalories. Wild rice is a champion in fiber content, it has a lot of B vitamins, folic acid, minerals, orinazole. This makes the product very useful for the female body. What are the health benefits of rice?

Strengthens the activity of the nervous system.

It alleviates the condition during menopause.

It is an excellent prevention of early aging, the development of cancer and heart disease.

Prevents pathological changes in DNA.

Indispensable for exhaustion, anemia, during postoperative recovery.

Rice: what is the harm to health?

The health risks of rice are very limited. Boiled cereal can harm only in three cases:

1. there is an allergy to this particular product;

2. fixing properties are too strong;

3. A large amount of carbohydrates can contribute to the development of diabetes.

The last two points are especially dangerous. The harm of rice as a fixative product can manifest itself in the form of hemorrhoids, the formation of cracks in the colon, and chronic constipation. With a tendency to constipation, rice is unlikely to bring benefits, but it will add problems.

With diabetes or a tendency to it, the use of white polished rice should be limited or eliminated. As for wild unpolished varieties, the harm of black, brown, red rice is doubtful. This product is recommended for diagnosed type 1 and type 2 diabetes, although the use of this product should be agreed with the attending physician.

Due to the high calorie content, rice can contribute to weight gain. Especially dangerous in this sense is white refined cereal, which contains a lot of starch.

Refined and unpolished rice sometimes have a set of opposite qualities. So, if the harm of white rice is manifested in its ability to provoke the development of atherosclerosis, diabetes, then brown rice is useful as a prevention of these diseases.

However, wild varieties should not be considered completely safe food. Excessive passion for brown rice can lead to bloating, colic, and other troubles. The abuse of black rice is fraught with irritation of the intestines and the gastric mucosa.

Too frequent consumption of rice, for example, in the form of pilaf, reduces sexual functions in the body of men. Therefore, it is better not to eat rice dishes more than three times a week.

Rice for children: good or bad

The benefits of rice for a child's body are great. It is no coincidence that rice porridge is ideal for the first feeding. Rice grain is gluten free and this is its main advantage over other grains. Gluten is the cause of most childhood allergies.

The benefit of rice for the baby's body is that it saturates well, energizes, does not injure the mucous membranes of the intestines and stomach, preventing colic. The calorie content of boiled rice is low (about 115 kilocalories), so even for overweight guys, a plate or two of rice porridge a week will not hurt.

Experienced mothers use the beneficial properties of rice if the child's stool is upset. Rice broth will naturally stop diarrhea, bring the intestinal microflora back to normal.

Rice is one of the most common cereals on earth. It is included in the diet of many peoples of the world, in terms of crop area - the second in the world among grain crops, and as for the collection of the gross product - here rice is in the lead. Why is it so popular and what are the benefits and harms of rice?

Rice - Gift of the Gods

Rice is an annual or perennial herb. It grows mainly in Asia, America. Varieties are known that feel great both in Africa and in our latitudes.

When people began to eat rice for food is not known. There are versions that 4,000 years ago, some scientists give dates 8,000 years ago and even 10,000 years ago. The peoples themselves, for whom rice occupies a key place in the diet, call it a gift from the Gods.

In Chinese, Vietnamese, Indian mythologies, there are legends that this valuable cereal was given to people by the Gods. Either a person cunningly received rice grains from the Gods, as described in the Japanese epic. To this day, rice is a welcome guest on the table of billions of people.

Varieties of rice

A person eats more than 20 varieties of rice. We also have the following types of this cereal:

Round grain- the most common and popular type in our country. The grains are round, form a sticky mass when cooked and absorb well. Porridges, casseroles, soups, sushi are prepared from it (this is a sticky look). It grows well in temperate climates with the right amount of moisture.

medium grain- it has an elongated shape, perfectly absorbs the smell and taste of other products. They make a side dish, soups, sweet dishes from it. It grows in Europe, Asia, America.

Long grain- this variety can be white or brown, the grains are long, and remain crumbly when cooked. Very soft, pleasant taste. It is widely used to prepare a variety of dishes in almost all cuisines of the world. Grows in tropical latitudes with an abundance of moisture.

Brown- the most useful type presented by us. Crumbly, with a delicate taste, it takes longer to cook than ordinary white, but it retains all the nutrients, for which it is dearly loved by nutritionists. It grows in countries with tropical and equatorial climates.

Steamed- got its name from the processing technology. It is processed with steam, due to which the grains absorb all the useful substances from the shells. It is translucent, yellowish, cooks for a relatively long time.

White brushed- the least useful type, obtained by complex processing of rice grains. It is tasty, quickly prepared, but has lost almost all useful substances during processing.

Basmati For us, it's exotic. Long, brown, very useful. It is an elite variety.

There are other varieties, but they are rare on our shelves.

Composition of rice

The benefits of rice are determined by its composition:

- proteins - up to 8%;

Fatty acids - up to 7%

Complex carbohydrates - about 90%

Vitamins of group B, E, H, PP, K;

Essential amino acids;

About 40 macro and microelements;

vegetable fibers;

active connections.

The components of the composition and their quantity depend on the variety of rice.

The benefits of rice

Such a rich composition makes rice an exceptionally useful product. Its calorie content in dry form can be considered average (it varies depending on the type of cereal). However, when cooked, rice absorbs a lot of water and swells, which makes it a dietary product. In addition to dietary properties, it also has a number of useful qualities.

Gluten Free

Gluten is a vegetable protein, a strong allergen. Its absence in rice makes this cereal hypoallergenic and suitable for any menu.

Rice in baby food

In the children's diet, rice occupies a key place. It can be used as complementary foods from 6 months. Rice porridge with the addition of milk, fruit, vegetable and meat purees is a complete food for a child and provides the growing body with all the necessary substances. Rice is also loved by older children. It is ideal for feeding kindergarteners and schoolchildren.

Sports diet and rice

Rice has a low calorie content and at the same time high nutritional value. It is a dietary product rich in complex carbohydrates that provides energy and a feeling of lightness to athletes.

The benefits of rice for the cardiovascular system

The high content of potassium has a positive effect on the work of the heart, helps to remove excess salts and fluids. Complex carbohydrates supply the heart with energy, and the vitamin composition normalizes metabolic processes in the heart muscle and improves vascular tone.

The benefits of rice for the digestive system

Rice has an enveloping effect and is indicated for gastritis and ulcerative lesions, inflammatory processes in the walls of the stomach and intestines. Rice is the first assistant in case of poisoning and toxic lesions. It prevents the negative impact of toxins on the mucosa of the digestive tract and gently removes toxins from the body in a natural way.

The benefits of rice for the nervous system

B vitamins, tryptophan and lecithin are the best friends of the nervous system. Eating rice contributes to the normalization of the transmission of nerve impulses, metabolic processes in the thickness of the nervous tissue. The combination of vitamins and amino acids has a strong restorative effect. A person who regularly eats rice minimizes the risk of age-related diseases (for example, the rates of sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and senile dementia in peoples who eat rice daily are close to zero).

The benefits of rice for the immune system

It is known that 80% of the immune system is located in the intestines. Rice promotes the binding of harmful substances and improves the intestinal microflora. Thus, the body naturally heals.

Antitumor effect of rice

Rice removes harmful substances, alkalizes the blood, supplies the body with useful substances. Thus, a person who regularly eats raw rice significantly reduces the likelihood of cancer.


Rice has the strongest absorbent properties. It removes all harmful substances from the body, maintaining the natural electrolytic balance and without disturbing the microflora.

The harm of rice

When it comes to the dangers of rice, nutritionists mean rice that has been processed and devoid of all nutrients. Energy is spent on its digestion and assimilation, which the body subsequently does not receive from depleted cereal. Also, white peeled rice contains a lot of simple carbohydrates, which subsequently cheerfully migrate to the sides, thighs and stomach. The way out is to eat unpeeled natural rice, which has retained all the beneficial properties.

However, whole rice has its opponents. They advise to reduce its use to 1-2 times a week, speaking of such harmful properties:

Rice has fixative properties, which can lead to constipation, hemorrhoids, and colon fissures.

An abundance of carbohydrates can provoke the development of diabetes.

The harm of refined and depleted rice is obvious. These negative qualities are inherent in him. As for rice with preserved grain shell, its harm is very doubtful. Whole rice is not only not ballast, but also actively removes ballast substances. As for its role in the development of diabetes, whole rice is recommended for patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes. However, the appropriateness of its use in food is determined by the doctor.

As you can see, rice is an extremely healthy and tasty product. Most nutritionists insist on its regular use. They are in solidarity with the peoples of Asia, for whom rice is a sacred product and truly a gift from the Gods.

No wonder they say that white rice is a gift from the gods. Its benefits and harms to the body and health are incommensurable. And although mankind has become acquainted with this product for a very long time, today it is experiencing another birth, as rice dishes are becoming more and more popular. After all, proper nutrition significantly strengthens its position.

The composition and energy value of rice

There are many varieties of the product - brown, wild, jasmine and others. They have many common and many different characteristics. It is a source of vegetable protein, fatty acids and healthy carbohydrates.

The composition of the cereal contains:

  • a large amount of vitamins and minerals;
  • vegetable fibers;
  • essential amino acids;
  • lecithin;
  • starch.

Rice comes in different varieties depending on the processing. It is polished, steamed or crushed. The most familiar product to a simple layman is ordinary polished or steamed white rice. Steaming allows you to save more nutrients. However, any white rice contains these substances in smaller quantities than other types of product.

Pilaf, sushi are prepared from rice, it is added to salads. The energy value is quite high - about 300-370 kcal. For this reason, the consumption of rice should be limited to people who want to lose weight. It is recommended to eat dishes with rice 1 or 2 times a week and not more than 200 g.


The useful properties of the product include the following:

  • porridge and rice decoction have enveloping properties, therefore they are of great benefit if there is inflammation in the stomach or intestines, they are also useful for gastritis and ulcers;
  • helps the digestive system get rid of toxins, therefore it is useful for poisoning;
  • due to the content of large amounts of potassium, it strengthens the heart, helps to get rid of excess fluid and salt, which is useful for blood vessels;
  • vitamins fill with energy;
  • the work of the nervous system is improving;
  • beneficial effect on the brain;
  • promotes alkalization of blood, as a result of which an anti-cancer effect is achieved;
  • rice decoction will help in the fight against asthma and bronchitis;
  • useful for colds;
  • has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, which has a beneficial effect on a person’s condition during illness;
  • Rice water enemas help heal intestinal ulcers.

Pregnant women, as well as those who are breastfeeding, can safely eat rice dishes. This product has a good effect on the development of the fetus. Rice improves milk quality.

Due to the fact that brown rice is processed much less than white, it contains more nutrients.

The following health benefits of cereal can be distinguished:

  • promotes the cleansing of blood vessels;
  • rids the body of toxins;
  • normalizes fat metabolism;
  • is a prophylactic against diabetes mellitus;
  • useful for digestion;
  • reduces the level of acidity in the stomach;
  • helps to remove excess fluid from the body;
  • evens complexion, strengthens hair.

What are the benefits of red rice?

There are two types of red rice. One of them is close to wild rice. It has a red tint, flavor and aroma with notes of walnut. Another type is fermented plain white rice that has been processed with Monascus fungus. Thanks to them, the color of rice turns red. Used by Chinese doctors. It contributes to the normalization of cholesterol metabolism and is used to prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

It also brings great benefits due to the fact that it retains many useful substances. The product helps to improve well-being in asthma, as well as migraine. Helps reduce pressure. Good for joints.

Increases skin elasticity.

Contains a lot of iron, so it is useful for anemia. Antioxidants in the composition reduce the likelihood of colon and breast cancer. A very satisfying product, which in some situations can be considered as an excellent alternative to meat.

The glycemic index of red rice is the lowest, so it can be eaten by people suffering from diabetes.

It has a low calorie content - only 100 kcal. It also contains the most fiber.

This type of rice has the following useful properties:

  • benefits the nervous system;
  • improves well-being during menopause;
  • useful in exhaustion;
  • helps to recover after surgery;
  • prevention of heart disease.

Possible harm

The benefits and harms of rice for the human body are great. Rice can harm the body in the following situations:

  • allergy to this product;
  • excessive manifestation of the fixing effect;
  • contributes to the development of diabetes, because it contains a lot of carbohydrates.

If the fixing effect is excessive, hemorrhoids may appear, as well as chronic constipation. With diabetes, the amount of polished rice in the diet should be reduced or completely refrained from eating it. Unpolished varieties can be eaten after consulting a doctor.

Rice- an excellent choice for supporters of an active lifestyle and a healthy diet. It is a significant source of complex carbohydrates and also contains appreciable amounts of fiber and minerals.

The nutritional properties of rice differ somewhat depending on the type of rice: brown and parboiled rice contain more micronutrients than white rice.

Carbohydrates. Rice is rich in complex carbohydrates, which provide long-term energy to the body's muscle tissues. Consumption of an increased amount of complex carbohydrates allows you to reduce the daily intake of sugar and fat without losing the energy needed by the human body. The carbohydrate content in rice reaches 78%.

Vitamins. Rice does not contain vitamins A and C, but is an important source of several B vitamins, namely thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), and vitamin B6. B vitamins, among other things, help to strengthen the nervous system. They are also important elements in the process of converting nutrients into energy by the human body.

Squirrels. Rice contains eight essential amino acids that the human body needs to create new cells. Rice grains are 7-8% protein. It is also important that rice, unlike other cereals, does not contain gluten, a vegetable protein that causes an allergic reaction in some people.

Minerals. Rice contains almost no salt, so it is recommended for people with cardiovascular and kidney diseases, as well as for those who seek to lose weight. Rice contains a lot of potassium. This mineral neutralizes the effect on the body of salt, which enters the body with other foods. Rice also contains small amounts of phosphorus, zinc, iron, calcium, and iodine.

Cellulose. There is little fiber in rice - 3% in white and steamed rice and up to 4.5% in brown. The body's need for fiber is easily met by the consumption of fresh and stewed vegetables. Rice can be used to make hundreds of delicious and nutritious dishes. Rice dishes will decorate your table, diversify and improve the quality of your food.

Rice is included in the list of foods recommended for cancer prevention. Fiber and starch, which are part of it, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, have a positive effect on gastritis and stomach ulcers, enveloping the mucous membrane and protecting it. And with indigestion and diarrhea, strong rice water will help. It is very easy to prepare: pour a spoonful of grain into 6 cups of water and boil.

Rice is also good for allergy sufferers. The fact is that it does not contain gluten (a type of protein), which often acts as an allergen. Rice porridge should be consumed more often by those who have joint problems. Since rice has a lot of potassium and little salt, it helps to preserve and cleanse the joints.

Size matters

The most popular way to classify several thousand kinds of rice is by grain shape.

long grain rice grown in Asia, Australia, South and North America. Its grains are thin, about 6–8 mm long. Long-grain hulled rice absorbs little liquid during the cooking process, so you don't need to add a lot of water to it. It cooks quickly - about 20 minutes.

What we are preparing: since this rice does not stick together when cooked, it is almost universal. It can be used as a side dish for fish and meat dishes, cook pilaf, add to salads and pies.

medium grain rice grown mainly in Europe, USA and Australia. This species has a wider and shorter grain -
5–6 mm. During cooking, medium-grain rice absorbs a large amount of liquid and becomes soft, and in the finished dish, its grains stick together a little. Therefore, the cooking time is reduced.

What we are preparing: medium-grain rice is suitable for preparing mixed dishes - paella, risotto, salads and soups.

Round grain rice (milk) - this is exactly the kind that we are used to pouring water in a ratio of 1: 4 and from which the most “monolithic” pilaf is obtained - the shame of the hostess. Its rounded grain is 4–5 mm long. Round-grain rice is soft and creamy when cooked.

What we are preparing: because of the latter property, this "glutinous" variety will be good for making puddings, desserts, casseroles, cereals, and sushi.

Choose by color

In addition to different calibers, in stores you can see rice yellow, red, brown and even black. What does it mean? And the whole secret is in the rice wardrobe. The most "dressed" rice - unpolished - retains the nutritious bran shell during processing, which explains its light brown color. When the rice has gone through all the stages of polishing, all the shells are removed, it turns into polished. The grains of such rice have a smooth and even surface, a characteristic snow-white color and translucency.
Have you noticed that the prices for our usual rice vary greatly? Of course, you don’t want to overpay, but it’s also undesirable to buy a second-rate product.

The fact is that for the manufacture of rice, manufacturers of well-known brands use only gentle processing technologies. This allows you to save the natural complex of vitamins and minerals in the grain. In addition, large companies work only with first-class raw materials, and grinding grits to achieve the same size is minimal.

Of course, the entire range of rice varieties will not fit on the shelves of domestic stores. Consider the most popular varieties that you can buy right now.

Wild (black) rice actually has nothing to do with white rice. Its real name is aquatic zitzania, an annual plant of the grass family. To put it simply, it is a marsh grass 1.5–3 m high, a close relative of sowing rice.

Wild rice contains many useful and nutritious substances: B vitamins, fiber, valuable trace elements. So, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, copper, iron and zinc in its composition is more than in ordinary rice.

The considerable price of wild rice is determined not only by its unique nutritional value, but also by the complexity of processing and the rarity of the product.

This rice is mostly harvested by hand: sailing on a canoe, the worker tilts the grass over the boat with one stick, and hits the ears with the other, causing the grains to fall to the bottom of the boat. An experienced picker gathers about 10 kg of grain per hour.

Wild rice grains are very tough, so they must be soaked in water for several hours before cooking and then boiled for 30–40 minutes. Very thin and long grains of black rice are often added to long white rice. This is how the vitamin composition of the mixture is diversified: light rice contains calcium and iron, and wild rice contains thiamine. Such rice is packed in bags of 450 g, which is explained by its high cost.

What we are preparing: wild rice is used for salads, soups, hot and cold appetizers, toppings and even desserts. It is especially tasty as a side dish for fish dishes in combination with steamed rice.

Brown (unpolished) ri c has an unusual light brown color. It is much more useful than polished, since the lion's share of nutrients is contained in the shell of the grain: B vitamins, minerals, fiber and folic acid, as well as a small amount of phosphorus, zinc, copper and iodine. Rice oils found in brown grains lower blood cholesterol levels.

Due to these properties, brown rice is classified as a product that helps reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer. The light brown shell of the grain gives the rice a slight nutty flavor. It is cooked much longer than white rice - 30-40 minutes, and when cooked, unpolished rice is not as soft as white.

What we are preparing: this rice is suitable for cooking all dishes where white rice is also used. Its great advantage is that it practically does not boil soft.

Basmati - a variety of long-grain rice, which is grown at the foot of the Himalayas. Its grains lengthen even more during cooking, remaining almost unchanged in width. As a rule, basmati is slightly polished or steamed, so the shell of the grain, rich in vitamins, is preserved, increasing its nutritional and energy value.

What we are preparing: the right pilaf and various side dishes “in a hurry”, since rice is quickly and easily cooked without being boiled.

Jasmine is a variety of white long-grain rice grown in Thailand. A dish made from this type of rice will exude a strong and pleasant aroma. Despite the fact that its grains are quite long, it sticks together a little.

What we are preparing: side dishes, fish, meat dishes and desserts.

Arborio is an Italian variety of long-grain rice. In its wide translucent grains, you can see the core of the rice. When cooked, this rice takes on a creamy appearance and absorbs the flavors and aromas of the other ingredients of the dish. It's easy to digest, so take the pot off the heat 5 minutes before the rice is ready.

What we are preparing: cereals, paella, risotto and soups.

Camolino - This is an Egyptian variety of round rice, which got its beautiful name due to its color. After adding palm oil during the grinding process, the rice acquires a pearl color and is further enriched with useful substances. During cooking, camolino grains swell, absorbing a large amount of water, but retain their shape. The rice is slightly sticky, soft and tender.

What we are preparing: Camolino rice is suitable for making sushi, regular cereals and desserts.
