
Siberian fiber for weight loss. Siberian fiber: how to use to lose weight

Most health problems are the result of malnutrition and untimely cleansing of the body. First of all, food should be a source of nutrients and vitamins, as well as promote the excretion of metabolic products.

In other words, the diet should contain enough vitamins, PUFAs, amino acids, micro and macro elements, as well as dietary fiber. One of the sources of dietary fiber is Siberian fiber.

Siberian fiber

Siberian fiber consists of plant fibers, the source of which is berries, fruits and cereals. Cereal fibers have a high content of B vitamins, while berry and fruit fibers are dominated by vitamins, minerals and organic acids, which are perfectly absorbed by the body.

The principle of fiber is that its particles are a kind of “brushes” for the intestines, which help to remove toxins, toxins and harmful substances. A person receives them by eating not quite natural products containing a large amount of preservatives, dyes and other things. Among other things, fiber is a cleansing supplement that allows you to speed up the removal of metabolic products from the body.

When using fiber, not only active cleansing of the intestines occurs, but also the cleansing of the body as a whole.

Saved my marriage. After the birth of the child, I gained a lot of weight and began to notice that my husband was losing interest in me. Exercise and diet did not help. The more I worried about this, the faster the extra weight began to add. Lipocarnit was recommended by a colleague. And a month later, the surprised husband began to compliment my transforming figure.

How to use

Cellulose is different in its composition, and, accordingly, is used for different purposes. The composition of fiber must include:

  1. wheat, rye or oat bran;
  2. berry supplements (with blueberries or rowan);
  3. fruit supplements;
  4. nuts (pine nuts are most often used).

Depending on the supplements, fiber has different indications for use, for example, in weight loss programs, supplements such as Lady Slim, Stop Appetite, Figure Nutrition, or the Light Weight supplement can be used.

For people suffering from diseases of the digestive system, healthy liver fiber is perfect, the components of which have a beneficial effect not only on this organ, but also on the gastrointestinal tract.

To replenish the body with the necessary vitamins, you can use Vitaminnaya Polyana fiber as a food supplement. Some types of supplements may contain so-called "women's herbs" that help support and maintain the health of the female body.

Siberian fiber can be both in the form of granules and in the form of a powder. The difference lies in the fact that the human body absorbs granules more easily, and this can lead to a slight increase in weight. Therefore, fiber for weight loss is produced using special technologies.

Fiber should be consumed no more than four times a day, and the daily dose should not exceed 3-4 tablespoons. Take fiber 30 minutes before meals with plenty of water.

Information about the features of taking one or another type of fiber contains a description and instructions for use, and existing contraindications are also described there.

Speaking about the benefits and harms that can be from the use of this supplement, it should be noted that with its correct use it is impossible to harm your body. As for the question of why Siberian fiber is useful, we must not forget that each organism is individual and the beneficial properties of the supplement are manifested in each in their own way.

Siberian Fiber Slim Waist Slimming

Siberian fiber "Thin Waist" in weight loss programs is used for the following purposes:

  • fat burning;
  • cleansing the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decreased appetite.

For those who want to get rid of extra pounds, it is important not only to use Siberian fiber correctly, but also to control the caloric content of their diet. The diet involves the rejection of fatty foods, sweets, pastries, white bread and carbonated drinks.

Perfectly helps to adjust the diet and. It should be remembered that not only proper nutrition can reduce weight. In addition, moderate physical activity is shown.

Where to buy Siberian fiber

You can buy Siberian fiber both in a pharmacy and via the Internet by visiting the official website of the manufacturer. The price of the additive depends on the method of its acquisition, the form of release (granules or powder) and the volume of the package.

5 vegetables or 1 scoop of fiber, right?

The influence of fiber is very important in matters of weight loss, it is she who helps to remove excess from the body with the help of dietary fiber. This is perhaps the main ingredient along with protein in the issue of weight loss. Eat fiber, feel free to eat chicken breast and you will be happy on the beach in the summer, under the envious glances of others. But the same fiber in powder is not a substitute for natural products. And don't tell me that you can't eat so many vegetables!
I'll tell you with my own example.
It is easy to drink fiber, it is convenient to breed, and I was waiting for such results: stimulation of the digestive and excretory systems, weight loss.
And as a result, I started having the wildest diarrhea, with abdominal pain, I was soldered with rehydron and probiotics. I don’t know what they mixed there, I can eat a bowl of vegetables, and my stomach will not react as much as to a spoonful of fiber.
The husband accepted and also began to have problems with the stool. It seems that in one spoon the daily norm, but in fact ...
My fitness instructor, in addition to rational, proper nutrition, ordered me to take fiber, as he explained, it helps proteins to be absorbed, starts the fat burning mechanism, but it didn’t suit me, either marriage, or something ... I have no desire to try again.

Colon cleansing, but while eating it, there are contraindications

Siberian fiber learned about dietary supplements recently and I wanted to try it as soon as possible. During the winter, I gain about 5 kg of excess weight. For some reason, everything is postponed to the waist: arms become full, the stomach is ugly, shorter.
I bought 2 jars of fiber and began to apply according to the instructions. Fiber is best diluted in kefir and used as an independent meal. In the stomach, it swells and there is less desire to eat. Yes, I agree, I eat less oatmeal with her, but I won’t eat less pies with any fiber - it’s useless.
With a sin in half, I lasted on fiber for two weeks, and I used it once a day, in the evening, instead of dinner. I went to the toilet from her several times a day - the intestines were all cleaned and cleaned. Apparently, everything that was cleaned out, because the hair began to fall out and all the nails were broken. I had to cancel fiber for a while. Now I drink vitamins, I restore what has left the body.
I want to say: while you drink this fiber, there is a cleansing effect, and when you stop, the weight returns. Temporary weight loss and useful from the body is also excreted.

I have a fiber intolerance
Weight loss stories

I don’t know exactly who came up with the story that you can lose weight with fiber. After all, this drug is intended for completely different purposes - to resolve digestive problems in cases of congestion in the gastrointestinal tract, to clean the intestines from the accumulation of feces and toxins. That is, a narrowly focused action: swelling in the stomach, this coarse plant fiber acts as an absorbent, collecting and removing all sorts of muck.
And then I read that taking two tablespoons a day of Siberian fiber will completely transform you. And not only will you lose weight amazingly quickly, but also get rid of cholesterol plaques, stop loving sweets, wrinkles will smooth out, a braid will grow to your waist, and your nails will stop exfoliating and breaking.
I regularly - once every six months for sure - carry out such cleansing procedures for 5-7 days in a row. And for many years I have never observed the effect of losing weight, like any other, except for normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract.
In addition, for a long time, as would-be nutritionists advise, it should not be taken due to the fact that it can provoke bloating and heaviness in the abdomen, and in some cases cause the development of peptic ulcer.

For those who don't like vegetables

I only found out about fiber when I quit the gym. My fitness trainer kept silent about her, she was actively taken by her husband's sister. By the way, she has an amazing figure and a terrible heredity in terms of completeness. She goes to the gym, eats right and eats fiber. I eat fiber, go outside, eat cake and don't exercise.. It doesn't help me. Now at the moment I am on the GW, I can’t pay more attention to sports.

What I really like about Siberian fiber is that, with the permission of the doctor, it can be taken even by nursing mothers. Of the positive aspects, I can only note the good and well-coordinated work of the gastrointestinal tract, this fiber has a laxative effect worse than any prunes, apple or compote. For me, this is more entertainment, you should not expect a miracle. Eating cakes with fiber and expecting a fat-burning miracle to happen is stupid.

She hurt me more

I practically don’t eat fiber, but once I decided to get it anyway, in order to somehow get closer to proper nutrition. It is almost impossible to drink kefir with fiber, it constantly gets stuck in the teeth, crunches, cuts the throat. Muck! It goes better with hard cottage cheese, sour cream.
After the first use of fiber, I felt on myself its "miracle effect" - a laxative. Sometimes my stomach ached, everything inside was seething and rumbling. A week later, I noticed that the skin became dry, although it had always been normal. Both on the body and on the face. The lips were especially dry, often they even burst. I wake up in the morning with blood on my pillow.
Another disadvantage of Siberian fiber is garbage in a jar. I come across hay, sticks, I even found half a fly. Apparently, the fly is also a storehouse of useful elements or an excellent source of fiber.
In general, acquaintance with this product turned out not very joyful. Siberian fiber did me more harm than it helped. And by the way, in 2 weeks I didn’t lose weight at all, on the contrary, I gained 1.3 kg. As they say, friendship did not grow together. Well, I won't get upset. This is not a product that I would be willing to eat for years.

Fiber for healthy weight loss

Siberian fiber is produced in convenient jars with screw-on lids, which allows you to accurately dose the product without spilling it.
Fiber is clean, medium grinding, does not dissolve in water. It looks like sawdust, the taste is about the same. It can be eaten dry, but is best mixed in yoghurts. So it is easier for the stomach, and easier to use.
I add 1 tablespoon of fiber to a glass of yogurt. It turns out very tasty and satisfying. Although fiber is low-calorie, for some reason you get enough of it very quickly and for a long time.
I take it 2-3 times a day. It is especially good to eat a serving of fiber after fatty meals or even add it to the meals themselves (be it pilaf, pasta or meat). It does not spoil the taste of the dish, but reduces the calorie content.
The package says that 2-3 tablespoons of fiber can replace 20 minutes of running. Honestly, I think this is a publicity stunt.
There is no very strong weight loss, but the weight is slowly decreasing. You can lose up to 500 grams in a week.
It is best not to arrange long cycles of eating fiber, you need to take breaks. I eat it for 3 weeks, then I rest for the same period.
Not a bad thing, but not very effective for weight loss. Useful only as an aid.

Good for digestion, but you won't lose weight

I will not scold Siberian fiber, this drug has many advantages, but it is disappointing as a means for losing weight.
Here it should be taken into account that "Siberian fiber" is a brand that produces different types of fiber, their line "berry-cereal mix" is suitable for weight loss.
I bought Super Blueberries and Super Cranberries. Preparing the mixture is very simple: one spoon per glass of low-fat kefir, and drink three times a day. You can pour it into a thermos and take it with you to work, you can breed it right at work, if there is somewhere.
Fiber has no taste, although I didn’t really like swallowing pieces swollen in kefir. One can is not enough for a week, I managed to stretch it out for five days, although the cans are inexpensive, but they need a lot, I had to buy only 1000 rudders.
I set myself a month and a month later summed up the results. Digestion, while I drank fiber, was excellent, you can’t find fault, my appetite was dulled, but not much, I was not drawn to a snack, but if I sat down at the table, I ate normally.
And finally, weight loss, for which I acquired fiber. I lost 2.5 kg in a month. First, it is very small. Secondly, it is very easy to gain back if you no longer drink fiber. There are pros and cons, but I'm rather disappointed.

Siberian fiber and my opinion about it

I am writing a review after 2.5 months of daily use of Siberian fiber. Since I have a sedentary lifestyle and there is practically no movement, I am ruthlessly gaining extra pounds.
I wanted to lose weight with fiber, it's still a safe and easy way to lose extra pounds. But alas, I had no luck with fiber. Namely: after a month of daily use, constipation began. I didn't go to the toilet for a week. She was saved only by microclysters and laxatives. Agree, taking them on an ongoing basis is not very fun ...
Second, there were pains in the intestines. I think it's because of these constipations.
But she lost 5 kg! An unexpected effect - no diets, no sports and miracle pills for harmony.
Fiber was added to kefir, milk or natural yoghurts. It adds a good taste to the products, to some extent even removes the sourness characteristic of fermented milk products.
It seems that the effect has been achieved, the extra weight is gone ... But I'm still upset with fiber. It disturbed the microflora of my intestines, until now I have to take laxatives.
I think my mistake was that I took it for too long. I had to stop and take a break after a month. At one time, I, as a person who is fond of and wants to lose weight as soon as possible, having heard about the benefits of fiber, began to eat it in large quantities and got flatulence, stomach pain and problems with the stool. 3

Of the advantages (especially for weight loss), I want to note only a good suppression of hunger, and this is one of the main problems in dietary nutrition, which often breaks down.
Fiber kills appetite for a long time by filling the stomach with swollen plant fibers. Well, the relatively reasonable cost of the goods is also an attractive aspect. But that's about all of the positives.
Otherwise, the use of "Siberian Fiber", and I bought "Vitamin Glade" can not be called effective.
I couldn’t lose much weight, although according to the indications everything suited me, and there were no side effects when using it.
But there is nothing pleasant in terms of taste from this product either. I drank through force, forcing myself and convincing myself that it was useful, although in fact it was disgusting. I mixed it with both water and kefir, trying to find the most optimal taste.
Although I must admit that my digestion improved, I began to go to the toilet, as scheduled. So I won't give a bad rating. But for weight loss, the use of fiber alone is still not enough. Sports and proper nutrition have not been canceled. Only in combination with all factors can we hope for weight loss.

Fiber is a nutritional supplement that the body needs for the coordinated work of many systems and organs. Siberian fiber is a natural product made by Russian manufacturers from plant fiber with a beneficial effect on the digestive system and excellent digestibility.

The composition contains vegetable fiber as an insoluble component and additional substances: hemicellulose, cellulose. Calorie content - 200 kcal per 100 g. What is the more accurate composition of Siberian fiber for weight loss, how to take can be found by reading the instructions on the product packaging.

Immediately after entering the stomach, fiber begins to swell rapidly, increase in size and fill the entire space. This contributes to the rapid saturation of the stomach, which means satiety. As part of the product - an active participant in the metabolic processes of the body. It quickly absorbs cholesterol from the gastric contents, removes toxins from the body in a natural way.

So why is fiber good for weight loss? Definitely useful in:

  • normalization of intestinal motility;
  • elimination of stagnation of feces;
  • decrease in the percentage of fat in the body;
  • the possibility of reducing the amount of food consumed;
  • cleansing the intestines from accumulations, plaque, fecal deposits;
  • improvement of metabolic processes.

Attention! It is important to understand that fiber is a coarse fiber. Improper use without observing dosages will have the opposite effect, lead to a weakening of intestinal motility, the development of an inflammatory process, and increased gas formation. The use in large doses provokes constipation, leads to a violation of the absorption of iron and other beneficial trace elements. Before using fiber, it is advisable to first consult a doctor.

Are there any contraindications for taking Siberian fiber?

Fiber is a rather specific dietary supplement and is not recommended for use by people with the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • intestinal dysbacteriosis;
  • colitis.

Careful use requires the product with excessive gas formation, flatulence in the intestines.

On a note! A sharp introduction of fiber into the diet is unacceptable, since it can cause an ambiguous reaction of the body. You need to add gradually, in small portions. Mostly - for breakfast in cereals, salads, soups, main dishes. Permissible single dose - 2-3 tbsp. l. It is highly undesirable to exceed the dosage of this product.

Overview of Siberian fiber: the best producers

Many people today advocate a healthy diet, although of course, replenishing the body with enough fiber can be difficult.

Siberian fiber is a real factory of healthy nutrition and allows you to quickly saturate the body with useful microelements. Among the most popular types of nutritional supplements that have won appreciation among buyers, the following are worth highlighting:

  1. Vitamin glade in the composition with vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, plant fibers, organic acids. The product normalizes the immune, cardiovascular, digestive systems. In the composition - pectins, wheat grains, pine nut kernels, dried berries (cranberries, lingonberries).
  2. Thin waist. Release form - jars weighing 170 g. In the composition - fiber (80%) with the production of apples and wheat, female herbs (horsetail, dandelion, St. John's wort, nettle, buckthorn). This is an excellent composition for girls who want to lose weight and achieve a slim figure, thin waist. The drug requires proper use by diluting 2 tbsp. l. liquid (tea, juice, yogurt).
  3. Figure nutrition with bran. The composition contains exclusively natural ingredients: wheat, herbs, berries, fruits to normalize the functioning of internal organs, reduce weight.
  4. Stop- Appetite as a dietary supplement. In the composition - insoluble fiber, wheat grains, nettle, blueberries, dandelion root, chicory, fireweed, strawberries, yarrow. The product perfectly saturates the body with useful vitamins and microelements, gives a quick feeling of satiety, swelling in the stomach and filling the volume completely.
  5. health basket- a mixture of cereals, fruits. Release form - containers weighing 140 g. Ingredients: pine nuts, wild rose, apples, processed fibers of wheat grains. The food supplement normalizes the processes of digestion, well removes harmful toxins and toxins from the body. This is a unique, safe remedy approved for use by pregnant women to eliminate discomfort in the intestines, improve peristalsis, and have a beneficial effect on the kidneys, blood vessels, liver, and heart.

How to use fiber correctly?

Fiber is an auxiliary tool in the fight against excess fat in the body and is simply indispensable for girls in order to lose weight. Perhaps the use is possible for the purpose of losing weight or cleansing the intestines, liver due to the diverse composition, the presence of additives (nuts, apples, fruits, berries, rye bran).

It is important to take into account the indications and contraindications when using Siberian fiber, keep the calorie content of the diet under control, give up sweets, pastries, carbonated drinks, and fatty foods. If there are problems with digestion, then the best option may be the Siberian fiber "Healthy Liver" with a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and liver cells. If women need to replenish the body with microelements and vitamins, the Vitamin Glade food supplement containing female herbs to maintain women's health is quite suitable.

Dietary supplement "Thin Waist" is suitable for reducing appetite, burning fat, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract from toxins. Additionally, you can use the diet "6 petals" from Tatyana Malakhova.

It is possible to use fiber in powder or granules. So, with the digestibility of granules by the body, it happens much faster. But the downside is a slight increase in weight. If you want to get rid of extra pounds, then the use of fiber should be correct. It is recommended to take according to special technology, i.e. 3-4 times a day with a dose of no more than 4 tbsp. l for 1 session. It is advisable to take fiber shortly before meals for 30-40 minutes, drinking at least 1 glass of water.

You can not abruptly introduce fiber into the diet. You need to add gradually to salads, main dishes or soups, combining with cereal mixtures. Nutritionists advise starting with 1 tsp. fiber, so gradually increase the dosage by monitoring the behavior of the body. The main thing is that the intestines get used to taking this component.

Siberian fiber for weight loss: reviews

Normally, when a person eats up to 50-60 g of fiber per day, but in real life it is difficult to get such an amount of fiber from the foods taken, thereby saturating the body with this substance in full.

It is fiber that Siberian fiber for weight loss reviews - confirmation of this contributes to weight loss. The main thing is not to neglect the permissible doses, introduce them into the diet gradually, choose the right nutrition system for yourself in order to lose weight.

Siberian fiber or nutritional supplement is an essential unit of proper nutrition, and this is what people say:

Marina: I like to eat Siberian fiber, because it is a tasty, healthy product.

Tatiana: I decided to lose weight with the help of fiber, quickly cleansed the body. Now my bowels are working at 100%. I drink Siberian fiber constantly and feel good. I recommend to everyone.

Antonina: I began to be disturbed by pain in the right hypochondrium, I went to the doctor. It turned out that this is - the liver aches, namely, accumulations of waste interfere with normal work. On the advice of a friend, I bought Siberian fiber and, as an additive, began to add it to breakfast cereals. Within a month, I forgot about my problems. Now I have a healthy liver, besides, I managed to lose 3 kg, which is not bad at all.

Below in the comments you can add reviews about Siberian fiber, if you or your friends took it for weight loss.

Siberian fiber for weight loss will help everyone who wants to achieve a slim figure, how to take it correctly - you can read on the package. The product helps to increase immunity, improve overall well-being, improve skin integument, normalize digestion and metabolism.

It is malnutrition, snacking on the run that lead to slagging of the body, a set of extra pounds. Not many people carry out cleansing procedures and sit on long-term starvation diets. It's complicated. But fiber should be present in any diet, because it is an indispensable product, rich in amino acids, dietary fiber, vitamins, and trace elements.

Cellulose- This is an element without which the process of normal digestion cannot occur.

Therefore, its use is so important during diets.

It is possible to lose weight by eating vegetable fibers, and our magazine will share the secrets of how to do it.

What is the benefit of fiber for weight loss?

We list the main useful properties of a product such as fiber:

  • Cellulose is a kind of brush that cleans the intestines from toxins;
  • Thanks to vegetable fibers, restores intestinal microflora improves digestion and metabolic processes;
  • Cellulose has a positive effect on the blood and reduces sugar in it, which prevents fat deposits.
  • Once in the stomach, it increases in volume, which minimizes the feeling of hunger;
  • Plant fibers are significantly reduce the risk of developing the disease as colon cancer.

From the above, it can be seen that fiber helps not only in losing weight, but also significantly improves the body.

How to take fiber for weight loss?

Wheat fiber can be called the main element of plant fibers that contribute to weight loss. To obtain the effect, use this product up to 6 tablespoons per day. The powder is divided into equal portions and, before eating, is filled with liquid until a slurry is formed, which is eaten. Who, for certain reasons, cannot eat such a mixture, but dreams of losing weight, can attach vegetable fibers to first courses.

Flax fiber for weight loss

Milk thistle boasts the content:

  • gland;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • silicon;
  • silymarin;
  • bioflavonoids.

Benefits of this product include:

  • absorbent properties;
  • stimulation of biliary function;
  • lowering the level of intoxication after alcohol poisoning;
  • antioxidant action;
  • the content of selemarin, due to which metabolism is accelerated, which protects cells from destruction;
  • beneficial effect on the immune system.

Fiber from oat bran

Evalar fiber diet pills

Recently, it is important to take with food not only plant fibers of natural products, but also to use specially designed fiber in tablets in the fight against excess weight. You can buy such a remedy at a pharmacy. Microcellulose Evalar (MCC) is considered one of the well-proven ones. You can find such fiber, both in granules and tablets, and in powder. This dietary supplement contributes to the fight against obesity, lowers cholesterol and minimizes slagging of the body.

How to choose the right fiber for weight loss?

As for the choice of the type of fiber, you need to be based on your needs and the desired result. As noted above, fiber can be of two types, respectively, and its actions vary.

  1. Soluble swells in water, and after consumption absorbs bile acids, which prevents them from entering the bloodstream. In the stomach, the substance eaten turns into jelly, filling its cavity, which does not allow eating a lot of food.
  2. insoluble, acts as a laxative, causing the intestines to empty quickly. This helps to remove cholesterol from the body. With the use of insoluble fiber, you can forget about constipation, and the risk of developing gallstones is also reduced.

Knowing about the properties of fiber, you can easily choose the one that will help you lose weight for you.

The Best Fiber Recipes for Effective Weight Loss

Fiber can be called a unique product containing a lot of plant fibers. It promotes weight loss by removing extra pounds. Fiber diets are quite effective. It is necessary to accustom the stomach to plant fibers gradually, as nutritionists note the negative consequences of a sudden transition to a diet with a high fiber content.

If you are using dry fiber powder, then the diet should look like this:

The daily norm of products is given, it is divided into 4 doses and for each of them 2 tsp of fiber powder are consumed. You should not sit on such a minimal diet for a long time, it is quite enough to start for up to 5 days on such a diet.

If you use fiber in tablets when losing weight, then the diet changes significantly and looks like this:

With this diet, fiber tablets are washed down with plenty of water.

If you are an adherent of natural fiber, then you need to make up your diet so that 70% of it is occupied by foods rich in fiber. You can find a table for compiling the diet below.

Kefir with fiber for weight loss

Wheat fiber for weight loss. It is rich in cellulose and hemicellulose. These elements can be found in bran, green peas, legumes, beets, carrots, bell peppers, apples. The use of these products or their concentrate from a pharmacy along with sufficient fluids helps the colon.

There is no point in arguing about the best type of fiber, as it does an equally good job of cleansing the body (detoxification), regardless of the form of release.

Fiber for weight loss: the opinion of doctors and nutritionists

According to doctors, from a physiological point of view, fiber can really get rid of excess weight. After all, its main therapeutic property is to actively cleanse the intestines.

Doctors are equally positive about all types of fiber, since obesity is often the cause of all kinds of pathologies. The main thing is not to forget that when taking fiber, you need to normalize your diet, do not overeat, eat healthy food.

It is no secret that a modern person eats not so many vegetables, fruits and cereals, preferring those foods that can be quickly satiated. But this is wrong, because it is they who supply our body with fiber, which helps to cleanse the intestines, which makes a person feel healthy.

If your diet is low in fiber or if you want to lose weight, you can start taking a supplement. What it is, what are the reviews of doctors about it and ordinary people, we will find out below. We will also find out if fiber is effective for weight loss.

The composition of Siberian fiber

Siberian fiber is a combination of plant fibers that are derived from fruits and cereals. She is a complex of substances, which help with weight loss and enrich the human body with vitamins and essential trace elements.

The composition of the complex does not include any dyes, flavors or additives, it is a completely natural product that is ready to use.

What is included in the composition of fiber, let's find out:

Depending on the type of product, the number and percentage of components differ. Total there are many types of substances which we will also consider. You can choose one or another option based on the reviews of others or depending on the purpose.

The effectiveness of Siberian fiber

Siberian fiber can be purchased at almost any pharmacy. According to experts and ordinary people, she is an effective means in the following cases:

  • when losing weight;
  • to lower cholesterol levels;
  • to cleanse the intestines;
  • to stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • to improve skin elasticity;
  • to replenish the supply of vitamins and other useful substances;
  • for the prevention of diseases, including cancer.

Many in their reviews also note the positive point that Siberian fiber is able to normalize hormonal levels, reduces the likelihood of diarrhea and constipation and speeds up the metabolism. Quite often, overweight people begin to develop depression when they decide to go on a diet. Siberian fiber is good because it does not cause such a state, since it is able to saturate the body to the fullest. And, unlike many other means for weight loss, it will not be very expensive.

Siberian fiber classification

As we have already said, there are a large number of types of this product, which differ in taste and purpose. You can choose the most suitable product depending on your needs. So, there are such types of Siberian fiber as:

Varieties of Siberian fiber for weight loss

Many people prefer to use a nutritional supplement in order to lose weight. In this case it is better to choose special varieties of this product, which consist of insoluble fiber and fat-burning foods.

These varieties include:

  • fiber thin waist - in addition to the fiber itself, this product contains plantain, nettle, buckthorn and other herbs that have a diuretic effect. Dietary fiber is insoluble, which gives the effect of losing weight;
  • with green coffee - it is believed that this ingredient helps to lose weight and cleanse the body. However, judging by the reviews of some experts, this is not true;
  • flax fiber - there are varieties with berries, fruits, blueberries or herbs. Weight is reduced due to the fact that flaxseed contains special acids, however, some doctors say that weight is reduced only due to fiber, and the percentage of acids is too low for this effect;
  • stop appetite - the product includes insoluble dietary fiber in large quantities, which suppress the feeling of hunger;
  • there is no belly - the products also include vegetables in which there is no fat, respectively, a person is saturated only with plant components;
  • light weight - this fiber is available in granular form. The composition contains stevia leaves, which gives a sweet taste. There is a slight diuretic effect;
  • lady fitness - contains green coffee beans, as well as diuretic and laxative components;
  • lady perfection - in many ways similar to the previous product in terms of action, but not significantly different from it in composition.

Contraindications for use

Despite the fact that Siberian fiber is a natural and safe product, not everyone can take it.

In particular, it cannot be taken in the presence of such diseases from the gastrointestinal tract as:

The fact is that in the presence of these ailments, cellulose will only aggravate the uncomfortable condition, since it swells in the stomach. Wherein the ban on its reception in the presence of problems with the stomach is not too categorical, but you must first consult with your doctor, study the reviews of those who consume fiber in the presence of such problems.

You need to be very strict with your diet, depending on stomach problems. The fact is that in such cases, fiber is prescribed in a diluted form and it must also be washed down. This can affect the stomach, it can stretch. Therefore, when taking fiber, you should not overdo it in terms of portions, it is better to undereat a little.

Features of the reception for the purpose of losing weight

In Siberian fiber plant fibers are concentrated in sufficient quantities so that with minimal consumption of other products, you can feel full and keep yourself in shape.

According to reviews, regular intake of the product within a month allows you to get rid of 2 to 6 kilograms during this period.

Grain shells are not absorbed by the body, they only walk along the tract and remove all accumulated deposits from there.

How to use Siberian fiber

The key rule for taking Siberian fiber is to eat it throughout the day in such quantity that you do not feel hungry and do not want to snack during the day. Fiber is compatible with any liquid when diluted in:

2 tablespoons of the product are taken per glass of drink. You need to drink it 4 times a day.

When consuming fiber, the menu is something like this:

  • for breakfast, you can eat milk or dairy-free porridge, or an egg, or cottage cheese, or boiled fish;
  • for lunch, light soup or vegetables, cottage cheese;
  • during the day at any time - up to 3 raw vegetables or fruits.

At the same time, the norm of calories per day is about 1000, and fat - about 20 g. Protein should be present in the diet, but it is better that it is not meat, but foods such as;

  • eggs;
  • fish;
  • mushrooms;
  • seafood;
  • cottage cheese.

You can drink water, tea and coffee. Also it is very important to take vitamins, since fiber, when passing through the stomach, absorbs not only harmful substances, but also useful ones.

When losing weight with fiber, consider the following:

  • watch not for weight loss, but for a reduction in body volume, since weight can fluctuate due to the accumulation of water in the body;
  • so that the muscles are not flabby, do not forget to play sports.

Thus, you can get rid of at least 10 kilograms or more.
