
Garlic paste recipe: we prepare an excellent dressing for any dish. Spaghetti with garlic and butter

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During fasting, our body is cleansed and freed from accumulated deposits, including toxic substances. Regular inclusion of garlic in the diet not only saturates every cell nutrients, antioxidants, minerals and improves immunity, but also helps to bind carcinogenic compounds and remove them naturally. Garlic is used as fresh, and as fragrant seasoning to food that significantly increases nutritional value And taste qualities ready meals.

Continuing the topic of the post, we bring to your attention pasta recipes with garlic sauce. To diversify your menu during the period of voluntary rejection of animal food, there are many hearty and healthy meals including pasta. The first dish is suitable for everyday lunches or dinners during the fasting period, the second - with shrimp, is prepared on holidays, when it is allowed to eat fish, including seafood.

pasta, especially durum varieties wheat, are useful for the body, as they contain enough fiber, which activates intestinal motility and helps in its release from decay products. And the combination of garlic and pasta is a classic. culinary arts. rare dish Italian cuisine, including pasta, does without this fragrant, healthy and spicy seasoning.

Pasta in tomato-garlic sauce

The dish is very affordable in cooking, suitable for daily meals, and a set of products, as a rule, is available in every refrigerator.

Sauce for pasta:

- fry in corn oil(50 ml) large head finely chopped onion, 100 g each of celery root and fresh carrots, diced, until tender;

- at the end of frying, add a tablespoon tomato paste or 2 tbsp. spoons of tomato sauce (ketchup) and 20 ml of water;

- lightly salt to taste sea ​​salt;

- add ground pepper and a pinch of dried basil;

- cover with a lid and simmer until the water evaporates a little (several minutes);

- garlic (3-4 cloves) chop with the flat side of a knife or crush in a mortar and put into ready sauce;

- finely chop leafy greens (parsley or coriander) and add it to the sauce.

Boil pasta in salted water. Italian chefs recommended in boiling pasta add a few tablespoons of refined olive oil to prevent sticking. Drain the cooked pasta in a colander and rinse with boiling water. Drizzle with prepared sauce, arrange on plates and serve.

Pasta with garlic shrimp in tomato sauce

This dish is recommended to be prepared on those days of fasting when eating fish is allowed. In 2015, the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on April 7, Palm Sunday on April 5. On these great holidays, which the Orthodox celebrate during Lent, eating fish (seafood) is allowed.

Ingredients for 2 servings:

- 250 gr spaghetti;

- 100 gr shrimp;

- 30 ml olive oil (for frying);

- 3 large tomato fruits;

- 4 large cloves of garlic;

- 1 head of onion;

- 1 carrot;

- half a bunch of dill;

- a mixture of peppers to taste (allspice, black, white).

cooking pasta

  1. Peel and grate carrots.
  2. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes and free the pulp from the thin skin, then grate or puree with a blender.
  3. Onion and half garlic (2 cloves), peeled, finely chopped sharp knife and fry in a hot skillet.
  4. Add grated carrots and tomatoes to the onion, cover and simmer over low heat.
  5. Salt the sauce to taste, add freshly ground pepper and finely chopped dill, leaving a few sprigs for decoration.
  6. Fry the shrimp in olive oil with the addition of crushed garlic.
  7. Spaghetti boil until fully prepared, put in a colander and pour over boiling water.
  8. Put the pasta on plates, pour tomato sauce, garnish with shrimp and a few sprigs of dill.

Bon appetit and good health!

Extremely easy to prepare and perfect independent dish. Usually, pasta is served either as a side dish, or with some kind of sauce, such as spaghetti marinara with the appropriate, or.

The same option for cooking spaghetti does not imply any sauces, but the pasta turns out to be fragrant, slightly spicy. It is prepared in just a few minutes just during the time while the pasta is being cooked, you get a full-fledged dish.

For spaghetti with spicy butter and garlic you will need:

  • Spaghetti
  • Hot pepper or large chili flakes. Quantity - to taste.
  • Garlic. 2 cloves
  • Parsley. Several branches.
  • Grated parmesan.
  • Vegetable oil. 30-50 ml.

Cooking pasta with spicy garlic butter.

Boil water in a saucepan, at the rate of 1 liter. water per 100 gr. pastes. Add odorless olive or vegetable oil to the water. When the water boils, add salt.

Add spaghetti to water and cook until al dente. The cooking time is most often indicated on the package of spaghetti. If the spaghetti does not immediately completely fit into the water, we lower them to the limit, wait until they begin to become flexible and, helping ourselves with a spoon or fork, carefully bending them, put them completely into the water.

While the spaghetti is cooking. Let's do some spicy garlic butter.

Sliced ​​garlic, hot peppers, dry or fresh, cut into small pieces.

Pour 30-50 ml into the pan vegetable oil and warm it up. It is important here not to overheat the oil, and keep the fire under the pan below medium.

Put 1 piece of garlic into the oil. And as soon as the oil begins to bubble around it, spread the rest of the garlic and pepper.

The main thing is not to fry or burn the garlic with pepper, but to warm it up properly and very slowly in order to flavor the oil as much as possible.

On a very low heat, the garlic will begin to change color and become creamy after about 5 minutes. At this point, remove the pan from the heat.

If the spaghetti is not ready yet, wait until they are cooked. The golden rule for making pasta: The sauce is waiting for the pasta, and not vice versa. When we lay out the spaghetti, we put the pan on the fire again.

If the spaghetti is already ready by this moment, then immediately, without removing the pan from the heat, throw the spaghetti into a colander and immediately transfer them to the pan with pepper and garlic.


Spaghetti pasta - 500 gr;

Olive oil - 100 ml;

Chili pepper - 2 things;

Garlic - 8 cloves of medium size;

Parsley - 50 gr;

Lemon - half;

Salt to taste.

Let's try to cook the famous italian dish in a new form. We got this recipe with great difficulty, for the sake of it we had to promise mountains of gold. But having tried to cook the dish for the first time, we were very pleasantly surprised, and now we are sharing the recipe with you.

Pour water into a saucepan, bring it to a boil and dip the spaghetti pasta into it. Cook until fully cooked.

And 5 minutes before the end of cooking, prepare a frying pan and heat it up strongly, and pour olive oil into it. In this oil, you need to fry the garlic, crushed beforehand, and the chili pepper, also cut into large chips before that.

When the garlic is softened enough, finely chopped parsley should be added there too. Mix everything well and remove from heat.

Drain the al dente spaghetti through a colander to get rid of excess water. And then we send them to the pan with pepper, parsley and garlic.

All this is simmered for about half a minute over low heat, not forgetting to stir. Now add the zest of half a lemon and the juice from half a lemon.

Salt. Let's pepper. Mix everything again. And the dish is ready to eat. Dinner is served, Bon appetit to you.

Dear our guests!

It's no secret that we all love to eat well, and one of our favorite dishes is Spaghetti with Garlic and Butter. Therefore, many people, especially our beloved women, sooner or later ask themselves:. A simple recipe has been written especially for you, which briefly and clearly explains how to cook spaghetti with garlic and butter at home. Here, all the recipes are written in simple, understandable words, so even the most inept cook can easily cook. For this created special recipes With detailed photos And step by step descriptions preparation steps. Following the written recipe, you can easily cook this tasty dish and feel it beneficial features And impeccable taste. If you, dear readers, after viewing this material, did not understand, how to cook spaghetti with garlic and butter, then we invite you to look at our other recipes.

From Romano Gordini. The easiest pasta recipe I know, and one of my favorites. A minimum of products, everything is prepared in just a minute, but it’s so delicious ... And just try to say that these are all exotic products!

If you really bought it, the worst thing you can do with it is drown it in a complex sauce. Mushrooms, cream, salmon, smoked meats - forget about them for a while. Let the pasta unleash its flavor, don't overwhelm it with too many ingredients. good oil olio d "oliva extra vergine and young garlic - now it's just the beginning of the season - that's all you need. Do not take refined or "regular" olive oil - you need it very good here.
Another secret (well, suddenly): the mysterious pereroncino is a moderately spicy and aromatic red pepper, in this case- not too finely ground. If you don't have Italian, find hot red pepper flakes, it's not a problem. Do not take the powder ground into dust, the main thing here is not the sharpness, but the taste of pepper! Well, the quantity, of course, is up to you.
Most importantly, you need to calculate the time and prepare all the ingredients so that by the time the pasta and sauce are combined in the pan, they are perfectly cooked - spaghetti al dente, and the garlic is not overcooked.


for 1 serving: Has already

  • Spaghetti - 80 g
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Parsley
  • Peperoncino ground
  • Olive oil
  • Sea salt
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IN in large numbers add salted boiling water and cook the spaghetti, stirring until al dente, 1 minute less than the time indicated on the package.
Slice the garlic crosswise into thin slices.


When the spaghetti is almost ready, fry, without browning, in a pan with olive oil over medium heat, garlic and a pinch or two of pepperoncino for a few seconds, pour in 8–10 tbsp. l. water from cooking pasta. Be careful not to overcook the garlic and pepper!
