
How to cook purchased cheesecakes. Cottage cheese pancakes with semolina and raisins

Cheesecakes are a classic cottage cheese-based delicacy. A variety of recipes deserve the attention of not only experienced, but also novice housewives. What interesting options for cheesecakes from cottage cheese can be cooked at home? How easy will it be to complete the task?

Syrniki are popular with many Slavs who try to please themselves with a varied meal.

In addition, the history of the dish began a long time ago thanks to practical housewives who were not ready to often throw out sour milk, using it for cottage cheese and cheesecakes. It is not surprising that another name for classic syrniki is cottage cheese, because they include cottage cheese, eggs, flour and sugar. All thoroughly mixed components and turned into a cake are fried on both sides until a pleasant crust appears.

If you wish, you can try cheesecakes with additional ingredients that color the taste of the dish. In most cases, raisins are used, but thinly sliced ​​pears and apples can be used. If desired, you can add sweet or sweet and sour berries. Any additional components enrich the flavors.

How did cheesecakes win love?

Cottage cheese is the main component that has amazing benefits. However, not all people like it ... In addition, the usual options for using cottage cheese can quickly get bored.

Delicious cottage cheese cakes allow you to enjoy delicious cheesecakes that promise to please with a harmonious taste. It is generally accepted that even Peter I could not imagine his breakfast without syrniki with sour cream. The main goal is the correct preparation of a curd treat, so it is extremely important to understand how it should be prepared.

Cooking Variations

Each housewife has a valuable recipe for making cheesecakes, which can turn out rosy and tasty. Despite the very similar set of products for making treats, the taste is different. This is due to the existence of several ways to prepare cheesecakes.

In most cases, cheesecakes are fried in a pan. Only in this case it is possible to achieve a ruddy state and a fried crust, which attracts with its beauty. In order to achieve a golden and appetizing crust, the temperature regime should be observed with particular care.

Most often, it is fried cheesecakes that are ready to please with a harmonious and amazing taste. However, this delicacy is not available for people who require a special diet. Moreover, fried cheesecakes will not appeal to fans of a healthy diet. If you wish, you can move away from the classic cooking method, preferring steaming or baking in the oven, cooking in a double boiler. Many methods are suitable for dietary and healthy nutrition, and they allow you to abandon the use of plant foods.

Any option for making cheesecakes promises to please with simplicity. For example, you do not need to constantly stand over a hot frying pan and turn the cake with trepidation, because they are fried at the optimum speed. If you use other cooking variations, you can guarantee the elimination of any risks, because the risk of soaking the delicacy with vegetable oil is eliminated.

So, it's time to start the culinary process ...

The classic recipe for lush cottage cheese pancakes in a pan

Each housewife can cook curds based on her signature variation. At the same time, the presence of a classic recipe is guaranteed, which, first of all, will be appreciated by novice hostesses. If you follow all the points exactly, you can enjoy a healthy and tasty treat.

For the preparation of cheesecakes according to the classic recipe, the following products are required:

  • cottage cheese - three hundred and fifty grams (fat content can be any);
  • 3 chicken eggs;
  • sugar (about four tablespoons);
  • 1/4 cup high quality oil for frying cheesecakes in a pan;
  • 0.5 cups of flour;
  • salt.

All ingredients are pleasing availability. In addition, the recipe has existed for a long time, allowing you to enjoy the classic Slavic delicacy.

Stages of preparation.

1. In a bowl, you need to break the eggs, after which add a small pinch of salt to them. As a result, the foundation is laid for a balanced taste of ready-made cheesecakes, because cottage cheese, eggs are ideally correlated with salt.

2. At the next stage, you can add sugar. After that, all ingredients should be thoroughly mixed.

3. Now it's the turn of the cottage cheese. At the same time, it is desirable to mix it with a spoon or fork, but it is extremely important to remember the thoroughness of working out all the components. Mixing can only be manual, as the blender will not cope with the task at a decent level. There should not be any cottage cheese grains in the dough.

4.Now add 0.5 cups of flour. It is mandatory to re-mix all components. As in the beginning, the consistency should be homogeneous.

6. In each case, the finished cake should be laid out in a frying pan. The optimal thickness does not exceed 1.5 centimeters. Despite this, several cakes can be fried in one go.

7. It is advisable to prepare the pan in advance for frying cheesecakes. For high-quality cooking of delicacies, it is not recommended to use a fire above average. In this case, each side should take about five minutes.

Ready cheesecakes will please with a uniform golden crust. It is best to serve the delicacy on the table warm, and it will certainly be in harmony with sour cream, condensed milk, jam.

Watch the video recipe for making cheesecakes from Yulia Vysotskaya

Bon appetit!

Lush cottage cheese pancakes like in a kindergarten recipe with a photo step by step

This cooking option will allow you to remember how delicious cheesecakes were prepared in kindergarten. In each case, you need to adhere to the proportions of all ingredients and correctly go through each step to get the best result.


  • three hundred grams of 9% cottage cheese;
  • three tablespoons of sugar;
  • half a glass of flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • one egg;
  • a tablespoon of sour cream;
  • one hundred milliliters of milk;
  • some vanilla.

In fact, it will take about half an hour to cook cheesecakes. During this time, you can cook cheesecakes, which have been preserved in the memory of every person thanks to kindergarten food. Delicate taste and harmonious texture are the most important advantages. If desired, you can use milk-sour cream sauce, which can add extra sweetness to the cottage cheese.

The recipe provides for easy frying of cheesecakes with further baking in the oven. As a result, the benefits of the dish are significantly increased.

First of all, you need to prepare all the ingredients. Then you can start the culinary process. It is important to note that the delicacy will acquire the desired flavors thanks to natural and high-quality cottage cheese.

Cooking steps

1. Carefully place the cottage cheese in a wide bowl. Then it should be thoroughly kneaded with a fork. In this case, a uniform consistency should be obtained. It is allowed to use a blender if dry cottage cheese is used in the form of small lumps for the preparation of cheesecakes.

2. Now you can add all the other components, trying to mix them thoroughly.

3. The next task is to form beautifully shaped cheesecakes. To do this, cottage cheese is laid out on a sprinkled baking sheet, forming a plump sausage. Now with a knife you can cut off the cakes, the thickness of which should be about two centimeters. Each cake is carefully rolled in flour, and then it is formed into a regular cheesecake.

4. All cheesecakes are fried on both sides. For each side, a couple of minutes is enough. In this case, it is recommended to use a mixture consisting of butter and vegetable oil.

5. Fried cheesecakes need to be baked in the oven. This takes about five to seven minutes. The optimum temperature is one hundred and eighty degrees.

6. In the meantime, you can prepare a sauce that will set off the taste of goodies from childhood. It is advisable to boil one hundred milliliters of milk, after which add a teaspoon of water with flour, sugar. The sauce should be brought to a thick state.

Now it can be removed, because it is ready.

Cheesecakes are best served with chilled milk-sour cream sauce.

Cottage cheese pancakes with semolina and raisins

An interesting option for making curd cheesecakes involves the use of semolina and the addition of raisins. This dish can be prepared in the shortest possible time, guaranteeing a balanced taste and amazing benefits.


  • six hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 cups of semolina and flour;
  • raisin;
  • about five tablespoons of granulated sugar;
  • two eggs;
  • oil for frying;
  • 0.5 cup flour, which will be used to make cheesecakes.

Stages of preparation.

1. First you need to wash the eggs and clean them thoroughly. Even the slightest remnants of eggshells are not recommended.

2. Semolina is desirable to mix with flour.

3. At the next stage, the raisins are washed, which, for softness, must be poured with tea leaves. If desired, you can use water for pouring.

4.Now you need to carefully knead the cottage cheese to a homogeneous consistency. Use of a fork or blender is recommended. In any case, the consistency should be smooth.

5. Eggs and sugar are added to the cottage cheese. All ingredients are re-mixed.

6. In the resulting mixture, add flour and semolina, and then knead with a blender.

7.Now the cooked dough should be left for 30 minutes. The main task is the swelling of semolina.

8. After a while, tea leaves from raisins can be drained. It is best to shift it to cottage cheese. Use a fork to spread the raisins evenly.

9. Oh, finally, you can pour a little vegetable oil into the pan. The dishes are put on a slow fire. In the pan you need to lay out the cheesecakes, which will already be formed and rolled out in flour.

10. Cakes should be fried in a pan for three to four minutes on each side.

After the culinary process, you can enjoy delicious cottage cheese pancakes…

Diet syrniki - without eggs and flour

Diet cheesecakes are a real gift for those with a sweet tooth who are trying to closely monitor their figure.


  • three hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • two tablespoons of sugar or a tablespoon of sugar and raisins;
  • vanilla sugar;
  • three tablespoons of semolina;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.

1. Cottage cheese must be thoroughly ground with regular and vanilla sugar, salt.

2. At the next stage, you can add semolina. In this case, you need to mix and leave for half an hour for the appearance of a swollen state of semolina.

3. The next step is the formation of cakes, which should be flat. If desired, they can be rolled in a little flour.

4. Now cheesecakes need to be fried in a pan and a small amount of oil.

5. Fried cheesecakes can be served with any flavoring sauces. At the same time, you need to remember that the dish should remain dietary.

1. Homogeneous curd mass is a guarantee of preparing a delicious treat. In this case, it is best to use dry cottage cheese, which will not allow you to overdo it with flour.

2. For splendor, it is best to devote more time to beating eggs with sugar.

3. The tenderness of cheesecakes is determined by the amount of flour that needs to be used in smaller proportions.

4. Cheesecakes should not be very thick. Otherwise, the inside of the cakes will not be able to bake.

5. You can’t overdo it with eggs. Otherwise, the dough will be liquid. At the same time, an increase in the volume of flour will give the cakes a rubbery flavor.

6. When frying cheesecakes, the pan must be closed. If cheesecakes are baked, you should use a baking powder.

Delicious syrniki are a real delicacy that can make you happy... They need to be appreciated!

Soft sweet cheesecakes are the perfect breakfast option for the whole family. It is both tasty and nutritious dish. And even an inexperienced chef can easily figure out how to cook cheesecakes from cottage cheese in a pan. There are many simple recipes that always turn out.

The classic recipe for making cheesecakes from cottage cheese in a pan

To make the dish according to this recipe really tasty, you need to choose high-quality cottage cheese with a fat content of at least 9%. And ideally homemade. In addition to cottage cheese (450 g), you will need: 1 egg, 250 g flour, 1 tbsp. sugar, a pinch of salt and vanillin, butter. The classic recipe for cheesecakes in a pan is described in stages below.

  1. The egg is beaten well with a whisk in a deep bowl.
  2. Cottage cheese is sent to the same container. If there are lumps in the dairy product, then they should be kneaded with a fork. Cottage cheese is thoroughly rubbed with eggs.
  3. Sugar, salt and vanillin are sent to the resulting mass. The latter will give the finished treat a pleasant confectionery flavor. He especially likes the youngest members of the family.
  4. 4-5 art. l. flour is sifted to the curd-egg mixture. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed until smooth. The remaining flour will be used to form cheesecakes.
  5. The resulting dough is rolled into a thick sausage and cut into miniature semi-finished products. A neat round cheesecake 1.5 cm thick is molded from each. All blanks must be rolled in flour before frying.
  6. The dish is cooked in well-heated fat in a pan on both sides.

So that the cheesecakes do not turn out too greasy, after frying for a couple of minutes, put them on a paper napkin.

Recipe for cooking with semolina

Interestingly, the recipe for cheesecakes in a pan with semolina does not include eggs. The absence of such an ingredient does not affect the final result in any way. The dish will still turn out lush and tender. In addition to 2 tbsp. semolina is used: 220 g of fresh cottage cheese, 1.5 tbsp. sugar (you can adjust its amount to your liking), 0.5 tsp. vanilla powder, vegetable oil, flour for breading, a little salt.

  1. Cottage cheese is laid out in a deep container, sprinkled with salt and sugar.
  2. After thorough mixing, semolina is sent to the dairy product. Let the ingredients sit together for at least 15 minutes. During this time, semolina will swell and take away excess moisture from the dough. If you do not withstand the specified period, then the mass will be too liquid.
  3. After the recommended time has elapsed, you can begin to form blanks. At the same time, you need to sprinkle the palm of your hand with flour, put a piece torn off from the dough on it and make cottage cheese pancakes of a neat shape. The easiest way is to first roll a ball out of the mass, and then press it down on the sides until a cake is formed about 1 cm thick.
  4. Each cheesecake is fried on both sides in hot fat until it is covered with a delicious crust.

Cheesecakes - such a seemingly simple dish - half of my friends can't cook. But cheesecakes for breakfast with tea are very welcome. Or put the child in school, in the brakes. But not everyone knows the secrets of making real cheesecakes. Today I am sharing the recipe for the best cheesecakes: a proven recipe. Exquisitely tender inside, with a golden, crispy crust, lush and amazing in taste. I often cook cheesecakes for my children: I think it's very quick and easy. In general, cottage cheese is a very useful product, but, unfortunately, many children cannot be forced to eat it. But cheesecakes made from cottage cheese, which simply melt in your mouth, children eat with great pleasure and do not refuse, but ask for supplements. In fact: it's much easier than you think!


  • cottage cheese - 500 grams;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • sugar - 3 tablespoons;
  • flour - 150 grams;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • vanilla.

The best cheesecakes. Step by step recipe

  1. So, secret number 1. Cottage cheese for syrniki should be homemade. Thick, dry, sweet. In no case should it be wet, sour. In a bowl, knead the cottage cheese with a fork and pass it through a sieve. This will give the cottage cheese a special splendor, and later on the syrniki themselves.
  2. Break the egg into the curd and also grind with a fork. So that the egg is mixed with cottage cheese. Thanks to this, we can see the consistency and density of the curd mass.
  3. We add sugar there. Again, you can put more sugar if your cottage cheese is still sour. Well, you need to remember that too much sugar in cheesecakes can cause them not to rise much and not be fluffy, airy and soft.
  4. Now sift the flour through a sieve and mix everything well. Add some vanilla to this. Or a few drops of vanilla extract. And mix everything again.
  5. Pour oil into a heated frying pan. I used sunflower oil, but you can also use olive oil. Butter is not suitable for our cheesecakes according to a proven recipe. After all, in the process of boiling it exfoliates. To check whether the pan is hot enough or not, sprinkle a pinch of flour on a preheated, dry pan. If the flour immediately changes color to caramel, then this means that the pan is heated enough. Remove the flour, pour in the oil and continue the process. We make cheesecakes with our hands: we take a small lump of cheese mixture, first we form a small ball, and then we need to flatten it a little with our hands. You can form a cheesecake on the table with a knife. And draw a mesh on top with a knife - this will give the cheesecakes a beautiful look.
  6. Fry until golden brown on both sides. You need to fry cheesecakes on medium heat so that they do not turn out raw inside. Put the finished cheesecakes on a paper towel: in order to stack excess fat.

And now we have the best cheesecakes: delicious, tender, fragrant, sweet. I think this is the perfect breakfast option. Moreover, the cooking process takes very little time and does not require special preparation. If desired, raisins, dried apricots, chopped nuts, cinnamon, absolutely any dried fruit can be added to cheesecakes. But when you add raisins or dried apricots, you need to soak them in advance for 15 minutes in warm water: in order for the fruits to be dense and soft. After removing from the water, be sure to blot with a paper towel, as excess moisture will only interfere with us. Excess moisture leads to the fact that the cheesecakes will not be lush. Pour hot cheesecakes with honey, sprinkle with powdered sugar or serve with sour cream, jam, marmalade, chocolate icing. Bon appetit everyone. As always: even more healthy recipes can be found on our Very Tasty website.

Cheesecakes are prepared by every housewife, but not all of them turn out tasty and lush. Do you want to learn how to cook airy and tender curds? Then you are here. The step by step recipe below will show you how to do it.
Recipe content:

Delicious and lush, airy and tender, fragrant and soft cottage cheese pancakes in a pan are not difficult to make if you have a proven and reliable recipe at hand. And he is in front of you! Cheesecakes according to this recipe are beautiful, appetizing, with amazing aroma and excellent taste. They will certainly cheer you up, perfectly saturate and bring enormous benefits to the body. In general, you can sing a lot of praises, it is better to cook them yourself and see for yourself.

Well, now, according to tradition, I want to reveal a few secrets that will help you implement this recipe without incidents and failures. So, the first thing I’ll note is that cheesecakes will never turn out lush if you add slaked soda to the dough. You can get airy and high cakes only from fresh, not too dry cottage cheese with a fat content of 5%. Cheesecakes from wet cottage cheese will simply spread in a pan. Many housewives use the secret for the splendor of the product - they introduce whipped proteins into the dough into a tight foam.

These are the main secrets that will help you make lush curds. But there are other equally useful tips. For example, if the cottage cheese is rubbed through a sieve, the cakes will turn out to be of a uniform consistency, soft and very rich. You can’t overdo it with flour - cheesecakes will come out dense, and if you don’t add it, they will spread. Before sculpting products, hands should be moistened with warm water or sprinkled with flour, then the dough will not stick to them.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 201 kcal.
  • The number of servings - 15 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Curd - 300 g
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 100 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 3 tablespoons
  • Vanillin - 1 tsp
  • Vegetable oil - for frying

Step-by-step cooking of delicious and lush cottage cheese pancakes in a pan:

1. Place cottage cheese in a bowl for kneading dough.

2. Sprinkle flour and salt.

3. Next, add sugar and vanilla.

4. Beat in the egg.

5. Knead the dough. You can do this with a spoon, then pieces of cottage cheese will be felt in the cheesecakes, or you can beat the mass with a blender - the cottage cheese will become homogeneous. The choice is yours! Also, now you can put any toppings that you like most into the dough: chocolate, cocoa, strawberries, apples, cheese, herbs, ham, etc.

6. Powder your hands with flour and make round small curds.

7. Heat the pan with vegetable oil very well and lay out the cheesecakes. By the way, you can fry cottage cheese in butter, then they will be more delicate and creamy in taste.

8. Fry them over medium heat until golden brown and turn them over to the reverse side, where they cook the same amount of time.

The secret is in the right proportions of eggs, cottage cheese and flour. Ideal cheesecakes are obtained if for 200-300 g of cottage cheese you take 1 egg and 2-3 tbsp. flour. However, it is worth bearing in mind the consistency of the curd. If it is moist enough, 3-4 tablespoons of flour will be required. The dough for cheesecakes should be quite dense.

Steamed cottage cheese pancakes

This is an option for those who avoid fried foods and also tend to eat less sugar and avoid wheat flour whenever possible. You can call this option "cheesecakes for losing weight." If you take fat-free cottage cheese, then cheesecakes will turn out to be truly dietary.

You will need:

    200 g cottage cheese

    1.5 pcs. banana

    a pinch of salt

    0.5 tsp vanilla extract

    Heat up the steamer. Combine cottage cheese, banana and egg in a blender bowl, add vanilla and a pinch of salt, grind until smooth.

    Divide the banana-curd mixture into oiled silicone molds, filling them 2/3 full.

    Place the molds in the steamer for 15 minutes. If you don't have a steamer, you can place silicone molds in a rimmed baking dish and fill it halfway with water. In this form, cook cheesecakes in an oven preheated to 180 C for 20 minutes.

    Remove cheesecakes from molds, serve with honey, berry sauce or condensed milk if desired.

Homemade cheesecakes with semolina

Semolina allows the moisture inside the cottage cheese to “seize”, making cheesecakes more dense and fluffy. In order for the semolina to swell, let the curd mixture stand for 20-30 minutes of an hour, and after that feel free to fry!

You will need:

    500 g cottage cheese

    2 tbsp Sahara

    a pinch of salt

    1 sachet of vanilla sugar

    a handful of raisins (or other dried fruits of your choice)

    zest of ½ lemon

    2 tbsp flour, or maybe a little semolina + flour for rolling

    Mash the cottage cheese with a fork with sugar, adding vanilla and lemon zest. Add the egg, raisins (optional), a pinch of salt and semolina, mix well.

    Put the curd mixture on a floured plate or board, roll first into a ball, then into a sausage shape and cut into equal pieces. Form cheesecakes, roll in flour.

    Heat up a frying pan with a little vegetable oil and butter.

    Put the cheesecakes at a small distance from each other, fry over medium heat until golden brown on both sides. Turn the cheesecakes over and cover the pan with a lid.

    Sprinkle finished cheesecakes with powdered sugar and serve with honey, jam or sour cream.
