
Cottage cheese cookies with oatmeal recipe. Oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese

Low-calorie oatmeal cookies are a real salvation for those with a sweet tooth who have decided to lose weight by all means. In this article, we will tell you how to make a delicious dessert from the simplest and most affordable products.

Oatmeal and banana cookies

This recipe is suitable for those who are too lazy to make full-fledged pastries. Also, this recipe will appeal to lovers of healthy eating and those who care about their figure. Cookies consist of only two ingredients, and therefore even a child can cook it. We will prepare oatmeal and banana cookies like this:

  • Peel and mash two large ripe bananas with a fork.
  • Add a cup of oatmeal to them and mix thoroughly. If desired, you can add other ingredients to your liking.
  • If the resulting mass seems too liquid to you, feel free to add a little more oatmeal.
  • Using a spoon, put the resulting "dough" on a baking sheet, which should first be covered with parchment.

Bake cookies for a quarter of an hour, and then transfer them to a plate. The finished dessert is delicious not only hot, but also cold.

Oatmeal Cookies (Recipe) Low Calorie

Hercules can be used to make a delicious dessert that will be a great addition to a healthy breakfast or afternoon snack. Cooking this pastry will take you a minimum amount of time, but the result will be highly appreciated by all members of your family. Diet oatmeal cookies are prepared as follows:

  • Take half a glass of oatmeal flakes and grind them with a blender or coffee grinder.
  • Add to them the same amount of fat-free cottage cheese and two chicken proteins.
  • Mix the products, put two teaspoons of honey to them, as well as raisins and cinnamon to taste.
  • Pound the products until smooth, form them into small pancakes and put them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

Bake cookies until done in preheated oven. Such cookies can be stored for several days, retaining their original taste and aroma.

from oatmeal

Even if you adhere to strict fasting rules, you still want to treat yourself to something over evening tea. For such cases, a delicious dessert that does not contain butter and eggs is useful. The recipe for low-calorie oatmeal cookies is very simple:

  • Quickly toast a half cup of instant oatmeal until golden brown in the microwave or in a frying pan.
  • After that, grind them with a blender, add baking powder, vanillin and two tablespoons of vegetable oil.
  • Add one or two tablespoons of honey to the resulting mass and mix. If it seemed to you that the resulting mass is too thick, then you can dilute it with some water.
  • Put the finished dough in the refrigerator for half an hour, and then form small cakes out of it and spread them on a baking sheet.
  • Bake the cookies until half cooked, then turn off the stove and let them stand in it for a while.

If you like, you can decorate the oatmeal cookies with melted bittersweet chocolate.

Cookies "Diet"

You can safely enjoy the taste and aroma of this baking without fear of ruining your figure. The fact is that in this recipe all the rules of dietary nutrition are observed. For baking, flour, yolks and butter are not used, only "slow" carbohydrates are contained. Cooking cookies is very easy:

  • Mix 100 grams of oatmeal with 100 grams of cottage cheese, two egg whites, a spoonful of honey, a teaspoon of cinnamon and 30 grams of raisins.
  • From the resulting dough, form cakes and place them on a baking sheet.

Bake the treat in a preheated oven for 20 minutes. As you can see, oatmeal cookies are easy to prepare, but thanks to him you can diversify your meager diet during a diet or, for example, fasting.

Caramel raisin cookies

Here is another interesting recipe for low-calorie baking. To make delicious oatmeal cookies, you will need:

  • Sift into a bowl of 100 grams, add baking powder, a little salt and cinnamon to taste.
  • Grind 100 grams of oatmeal with a blender, mix it with flour and 50 grams of raisins.
  • Combine 100 grams of butter at room temperature with 100 grams of sugar, add a chicken egg and beat the products with a mixer until fluffy.
  • Mix the prepared products and place the dough obtained from them in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  • With help, form round cookies and place them on parchment, leaving enough space between them.

Bake cookies for half an hour in a preheated oven.

Crispy biscuits

This delicious and simple pastry is prepared very quickly. Make it for breakfast and please your loved ones with a new original dessert:

  • Thoroughly wash 30 grams of raisins and chop them with a meat grinder or blender.
  • Beat 80 grams of room temperature butter with 150 grams of sugar, vanilla (to taste) and raisins.
  • Dissolve a pinch of salt in 50 ml of pure water, and then mix it with the oil mixture and half a teaspoon of ground cinnamon.
  • Put 80 grams to the products and knead the dough. If it crumbles, add a little more water to it.
  • Sprinkle the working surface of the table with flour and roll out the dough on it into a layer half a centimeter wide. After that, cut out the blanks in a round shape and send them to parchment, laid on a baking sheet.

Cook pastries in a preheated oven for ten minutes and immediately serve the finished cookies to the table.

Cookies "Homemade"

It will appeal to those who are on a diet, since it contains only one spoonful of flour. We will bake low-calorie oatmeal cookies using the following instructions:

  • Rub 100 grams of butter with half a glass of sugar and the zest of one lemon. This procedure is conveniently done with a wooden spatula.
  • Gradually introduce two chicken eggs into the dough.
  • When the sugar is completely dissolved, add two cups of oatmeal, half a cup of chopped nuts and a spoonful of flour to the products.
  • Preheat the oven, grease a baking sheet with oil and sprinkle it with flour.
  • Mix the dough thoroughly, form round cookies out of it, which should be laid out on a baking sheet.

Cook the pastry until it turns golden brown.

Cookies with raspberries and almonds

These beautiful and delicious cookies are prepared surprisingly quickly. Serve a fragrant treat for evening tea and delight your loved ones with an original dessert. How to make oatmeal cookies? The recipe is simple:

  • Grind 200 grams of flour, 150 grams of sugar, 200 grams of butter and 200 grams of oatmeal into crumbs.
  • Line a small baking dish with parchment paper and pour two-thirds of the cooking mixture into it.
  • One and a half cups of fresh raspberries, rinse thoroughly, sort and mash with a fork. If you are using frozen berries, thaw them at room temperature first and drain off any excess liquid.
  • Pour the mashed raspberries into the pan and level with a spatula. Place the remaining crumb on it and sprinkle the resulting structure with almond petals.
  • Bake future cookies in a preheated oven for 40 minutes.

When the specified time has passed, remove the form from the oven, cool it, and then cut its contents into equal squares.

cottage cheese cookies

This unusual pastry is prepared without flour and contains only healthy ingredients. To make cottage cheese and oatmeal cookies, you will need:

  • Combine in a suitable bowl a glass of oatmeal, one egg, half a teaspoon of cinnamon, half a glass of sugar, a little baking powder, 100 grams of cottage cheese and two tablespoons of butter at room temperature.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave them alone for a while.
  • When the oatmeal is saturated with liquid and swells enough, roll the dough into balls and place them on a baking sheet.
  • Cook pastries in a preheated oven for about half an hour.

Serve a delicious dessert with hot tea, coffee or milk.

and prunes

Here is another description of how you can make low-calorie oatmeal cookies (recipe):

  • Make flour from oatmeal (three cups) or, if you prefer, use it as is.
  • Rinse ten prunes thoroughly and chop with a knife.
  • Add half a glass of sugar, 100 grams of soft butter, a little soda or baking powder, a teaspoon of cinnamon, prunes and one chicken egg to the cereal.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly and leave the resulting dough alone for one hour.
  • When the oatmeal is softened enough, roll the dough into small balls and place them on a baking sheet not far from each other.

In half an hour, tasty and healthy cookies will be ready.

We will be glad if you like the oatmeal cookies, the recipes of which we have collected in this article. Cook yourself useful more often and you can no longer be afraid for your figure.

As you know, oatmeal is very useful in dietary nutrition. But its main advantage is complex carbohydrates and many vitamins that contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes. Cottage cheese is the most useful fermented milk product. Put them together - you get an excellent result.

Oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese and banana


  • 100 gr. oatmeal (or oatmeal);
  • 150 gr. low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 100 gr. banana
  • sesame seeds, chopped nuts, coconut flakes, poppy seeds - for sprinkling cookies.


  1. Throw oatmeal, banana and cottage cheese into a blender and beat it all until smooth. If you take oatmeal - grind them in a coffee grinder to a state of flour.
  2. Put the resulting mass for 1 hour in the refrigerator. After this time, your dough will become thick and quite dense.
  3. Line a baking sheet generously with greased paper.
  4. With wet hands we form ovals, the size of a walnut. We press them down a little, making a “pancake”.
  5. Dip the oatmeal cookies in the prepared topping and place on a baking sheet.
  6. We heat the oven to 180º and place cookies in it for 15-20 minutes. During this time, it will bake and become golden and fragrant.

For morning coffee or tea - a delicious and healthy dessert rich in calcium and carbohydrates. You won't feel hungry until lunch.


  • oatmeal in flakes - 200 gr.;
  • fat-free cottage cheese - 200 gr.;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • banana - 100 gr.;
  • apple - 100 gr.;
  • cinnamon - 5 gr.


  1. Separate the eggs, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks appear and set aside.
  2. Grind cottage cheese with yolks to get a homogeneous gruel.
  3. Banana and apple (without peel) grind in a blend in mashed potatoes. At the end of grinding, add cinnamon to them.
  4. Fry the oatmeal in a pan without oil, stirring constantly. It is ready when it starts to darken a little and give off a nutty smell.
  5. Combine all ingredients together and mix thoroughly until smooth.
  6. We form small cookies from the dough and lay them out on a baking sheet covered with oiled parchment.
  7. Preheat the oven to 150º and bake the curd cookies at this temperature for at least 15 minutes.

Even without nuts, these oatmeal cottage cheese cookies will still have their flavor. All thanks to roasting oatmeal.


  • 150 gr. oatmeal;
  • 100 gr. low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 35 gr. butter;
  • 2 large eggs;
  • 5 gr. baking powder;
  • 90 gr. brown sugar;
  • 5 gr. cinnamon;
  • 70 gr. walnuts.


  1. Toast the oatmeal in a dry frying pan until caramelized and nutty.
  2. Put the walnuts in the oven and let dry. Readiness can be determined by how the skin will peel off. But do not forget to periodically stir the nuts on the baking sheet so that they do not burn.
  3. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat with a fork or whisk together with sugar into a homogeneous mass. Add cinnamon and baking powder to them and repeat the procedure again.
  4. We heat the oil a little in a water bath, without bringing it to a liquid state.
  5. Oatmeal should be soft (fast-cooking) so that diet cookies are not rough. Add the prepared oil to the flakes and stir.
  6. Pour in the beaten egg mixture. Mix and let them swell. This will take approximately half an hour.
  7. In the meantime, carefully grind the cottage cheese into a creamy paste.
  8. If possible, we clean the nuts from the skin, which should move away well.
  9. Add cottage cheese to the mass with cereal and mix very well. The test also needs to “rest” for about half an hour.
  10. In the meantime, we heat the oven to 150º and open it a little to lower the temperature for the dietary oatmeal cookies that have just been sent for baking.
  11. We cover the baking sheet with oiled paper or simply generously grease the baking sheet with oil.
  12. We make cookies. We take about a tablespoon of dough and make a circle out of it. Then we put a quarter of a nut in the middle and roll the dough into a ball, the size of a walnut. Place cookies on a baking sheet.
  13. We put it in the oven for baking, now completely closing the door. Bake for 20 minutes without opening the oven.

The smaller and softer the oatmeal is, the softer and softer the oatmeal diet cookies will be. It is best to use quick-cooking Hercules flakes or similar for baking.

Cottage cheese must be ground before being introduced into the dough, if you do not want to feel it in the finished cookies with baked cheese lumps. This can be done with a sieve, meat grinder or blender. It is better if such “grinding” takes place with the addition of a small spoonful of sugar, then the cottage cheese will soon reach the desired consistency.

Cottage cheese and oatmeal diet cookies go well not only with fresh fruit. If you add dried fruits, previously steamed with boiling water, to the dough, you will get a delicious result. Then you can not even add sugar to such pastries.

Try baking these recipes with a quick-cooking cereal mix. You will get a completely unexpected taste and a completely new dessert.

Dietary oatmeal cookies can be decorated by pouring it with melted dark chocolate. It is also low in calories. But it should be borne in mind that diabetics need to be careful about such delicacies or use special chocolate for diabetics.

To "stuff" dietary oatmeal cookies, you can safely use not only walnuts. Take what you like. Suitable peanuts, hazelnuts, hazelnuts. From dried fruits - dried apricots, raisins, pitted prunes (preferably dried, not smoked). Dry the nuts in the oven before laying them in cookies - this way their taste will be better revealed and the cookies will be tastier. Be sure to soak dried fruits in boiling water, then drain and dry a little so as not to moisten the dough. This may cause the cookies inside to be raw.

Dietary oatmeal cookies with the addition of cottage cheese will be doubly useful. After all, both oatmeal and cottage cheese are healthy products that guarantee the good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, replenishment of energy reserves in the morning with the help of such a dessert is a great start to a new day.

Step 1: prepare the butter.

Using a tablespoon, take the right amount of butter from the total mass and put it in a free saucer. Now we leave the component aside so that it reaches room temperature on its own. Important: you should not speed up this process with a microwave oven, as this will not only spoil the structure of the butter, but may also adversely affect the consistency of the dough.

Step 2: prepare the curd.

We put the cottage cheese in a small bowl and, using a fork, knead it thoroughly. We try to make sure that the mass is obtained without obvious lumps and grains.

Step 3: Prepare the cookie dough.

In a deep bowl, lay out ingredients such as oatmeal, sugar, ground cinnamon and baking powder for dough. Using a kitchen knife, break the egg shell, and pour the yolk with protein into a common container. When the butter becomes soft, move it from a small bowl to a deep one. Now, using a tablespoon or fork, mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Leaving the mass aside for 30 minutes. This must be done so that over a given period of time the oatmeal can swell and thereby hold the dough together.
Then add cottage cheese here and mix everything thoroughly again. We should get a dough from which it will be possible to form a ball, and it will not crumble.

Step 4: Cooking Oatmeal Cheese Cookies.

We cover the baking sheet with baking paper and begin to form cookies. With the help of a tablespoon, we take a little from the total mass of the dough and form a ball with clean hands. Attention: its size should be about the size of a walnut. We spread the blank for cookies on a baking sheet and proceed to form the next one. We do this until the dough runs out. By the way, we lay out the balls at a small distance from each other, since during the cooking process they will slightly increase in size and, of course, will spread out on a flat surface.

Turn on the oven and heat it up to the temperature 180 degrees. Immediately after that, put the baking sheet on the middle level and bake the cookies for 25–30 minutes until a golden brown crust appears on the surface. After the allotted time, turn off the oven, and take out the container with the help of kitchen tacks and set aside. Let the cookies cool slightly.

Step 5: serve oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese.

Using kitchen tongs, we transfer the oatmeal cookies from the baking sheet to a special plate and serve to the dessert table along with tea, coffee, milk, compote and other drinks of your choice. The bread is very tasty and tender. By the way, no one will guess that the usual oatmeal is included in the cookies.
Happy tea drinking everyone!

If you want to get such a dough, then be sure to use small and not hard oatmeal. Then, and only then, the mass will be viscous and balls can be easily formed from it;

If you only had Hercules flakes on hand, then I want to upset you that you won’t be able to make such cookies. Of course, pastries will also be delicious, but more rough. The only thing that can save the situation is a blender. In this embodiment, it is necessary to grind oatmeal at low speed to fine chips;

You can add raisins, chopped prunes, dried strawberries, finely chopped nuts and much more to your oatmeal cookies;

For the test, you can take both store-bought and homemade cottage cheese. I, however, lean more towards the latter option, since such cheese is more fatty and pliable when kneaded with a fork.

Do you follow a proper and healthy diet? Do you calculate the calorie content of each meal? Are you on a diet? Do not trust industrial baked goods? Are you concerned about the health of your loved ones? Then the Fitness cookie recipe is sure to please! And all because such dietary curd cookies do not contain absolutely no chemicals and preservatives, as well as flour and margarine of unknown origin. Oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese can be safely prepared for children and not worry about their health.

100 grams of such cookies contain 13.64 grams of protein, only 1.47 grams of fat and 14.59 grams of carbohydrates.

Calorie content of 100 grams of diet curd cookies "Fitness" - 127 kcal! For comparison: the calorie content of an ordinary store cracker is 352 kcal, the well-known Maria biscuit cookies are 400 kcal, and commercially produced oatmeal cookies are 437 kcal per 100 grams.

So, to make homemade cookies from cottage cheese and oatmeal, you will need:

  • 200 grams of soft fat-free cottage cheese in a briquette;
  • 1 cup of any oatmeal (about 90 - 100 grams);
  • 4 egg whites;
  • 1 teaspoon a spoonful of honey (or sweetener to taste).

The process of preparing these diet cookies is very simple: you just need to mix all the ingredients in a blender until a smooth paste-like mass. First, grind the hercules with a spoonful of honey.

Now we introduce the rest of the ingredients: mix cottage cheese, and egg whites.

It remains only to put the dough on a silicone mat using a tablespoon or a pastry syringe.

In the absence of a silicone mat, you can use silicone molds for cupcakes, filling them 1/4 full, or bake cookies on parchment, which will first need to be greased with butter (this will slightly increase the calorie content of the cookies).

Cookies before baking can be decorated with any nuts, dried fruits, seeds, caraway seeds, berries or candied fruits. You can also add cocoa - then the cookies will turn out chocolate.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 - 190 degrees for no more than 20 minutes.

Oatmeal-curd cookies are prepared quite quickly, as soon as a golden crust appears - you can get it, the liver is ready (if you overdo it, the cookies will be dryish).

Ready-made diet cookies made from cottage cheese and oatmeal are soft and tender, but at the same time nutritious, it is delicious to use both with cool kefir and hot coffee. And also such cookies are an excellent snack for 100 - 150 calories for those who eat fractionally, because. it perfectly removes hunger and gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. From these ingredients, 23-25 ​​cookies come out with a diameter of 3-4 cm.

Eat right and be healthy!

Many baking lovers like oatmeal cookies, especially since they are non-caloric and have a lot of useful properties.

You can even bake oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese at home and diversify its taste by adding nuts, dried fruits, raisins and different types of fruits.

I know of no recipe for homemade oatmeal cookies with a soft texture and surprisingly pleasant taste.

I advise you to familiarize yourself with them personally by preparing oatmeal cottage cheese cookies for breakfast at home for tea, especially since this process does not take much time.

Look at the photo, what an appetizing delicacy turns out in practice.

Oatmeal curd cookies

In order to prepare cottage cheese oatmeal cookies, you need to take the following set of products: 100 gr. oatmeal, I advise you to take small ones; 1 PC. chickens. egg; 60 gr. sl. oils; 6 gr. cinnamon; 100 gr. sugar sand; 12 gr. baking powder; 100 gr. cottage cheese (not too fatty).

We will cook oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese without flour:

  1. I mix cereal and sugar. sand, baking powder, cinnamon. I add there. oil, after softening it, chicken egg. I mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. I let it swell for 40 minutes.
  2. I add cottage cheese to the mass. Look, if the dough turned out to be liquid, feel free to add oatmeal. It is important to get a tight dough. From it you need to make balls, about the size of a walnut.
  3. I send it to the oven for 25 minutes. at 185 gr. When the cookies are ready, I take them out and let them cool, and only then I treat my family. The delicacy in the photo looks amazing, in fact it also tastes very soft, sweet and appetizing.

Soft banana oatmeal curd cookies

The recipe is very simple, and cookies with cottage cheese are very interesting in taste and healthy. Take:

100 gr. oats flakes; 1 PC. banana; 50 gr. sl. oils; 200 gr. cottage cheese (not too fatty); 2 tbsp honey; a little flour, and if necessary during the cooking process.

Let's start cooking:

  1. I make a puree from a peeled banana, add it to the cottage cheese. I beat the mass with a mixer or a whisk. I fall asleep oatmeal, I enter sl. butter, candied honey, previously melted.
  2. I mix the dough, make it sticky. I put it in the cold for 1 hour.
  3. I twist cookies from the dough and put them in the oven to bake for 25 minutes. at 185 gr. When the cookies are ready, let them cool and serve.

Oatmeal biscuits with banana and apple

This is a recipe for a very nutritious and healthy cookie that will become indispensable for all connoisseurs of healthy food. Plus, it allows you to cook a dietary curd oatmeal treat that will not harm your figure.

Take: 100 gr. oats flakes; 1 pc. banana and apple; 100 gr. cottage cheese (not too fatty); cinnamon, vanillin to taste; 4 gr. baking powder; rast. oil to grease the baking sheet, nuts (grind).

We will prepare cookies like this:

  1. Mash a peeled banana with a fork. I peel and cut an apple. I mix fruits with cottage cheese, vanilla and cinnamon. It is important to get a homogeneous mass.
  2. I pour oatmeal into the mixture and mix the dough, it should be sticky and wet.
  3. I spread cookies on a baking sheet, sprinkle with nuts and send to bake for 25 minutes. at 185 gr. in the oven.

When you put the dough on a baking sheet, if it is very sticky to your hands, wet them with water.

Oatmeal cookies for those on a diet

My recipe will let everyone know that a diet is not a sentence and you should not deny yourself healthy and tasty delicacies at all. Take:

200 gr. oatmeal; 100 gr. banana and apples; 2 pcs. chickens. eggs; 200 gr. cottage cheese (low-fat); 5 gr. cinnamon.

Cooking diet oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese is very simple:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites and beat the latter until foamy.
  2. I grind the yolks with cottage cheese, I get a homogeneous mass.
  3. I send the peeled fruits to a blender, make a puree and add cinnamon at the end.
  4. I fry oatmeal without using oil. You need to stir it in the pan continuously until a nutty flavor appears and the flakes darken.
  5. I knead everything and form cookies from the dough. I bake at 150 gr. 15 minutes. Cookies are ready. The most interesting thing is that the recipe does not include the use of nuts, but even without this component, the cookies will be with their taste. This is because we pre-fry the cereal.

Baking oatmeal cookies at home is very simple, but if you know some tricks, the task will be simplified several times more, and the result will delight the whole family.

It is for this reason that I advise you to read my tips, then any recipe for oatmeal baking will be within your power:

  • To get soft cookies with a delicate texture, take small oatmeal. I like Hercules.
  • Grind the cottage cheese before introducing it into the dough mass, this will allow you not to feel its cheese lumps while eating cookies. For these purposes, you can take a blender, a sieve or a meat grinder. Add tsp to it. sugar and cottage cheese will quickly acquire the consistency that is required for baking.
  • Dietary oatmeal cookies with cottage cheese goes well with a mass of fruits, you can put dried fruits. True, do not forget to steam them with boiled water. Be aware that it is not necessary to put sugar in such pastries. oatmeal cookies will be sweet and delicious.
  • You can decorate a diet treat with dark chocolate; for this purpose, it should be melted.

This recipe will suit those who follow the figure, because the product is low-calorie and perfectly complements the diet treat. Diabetics can use special chocolate for decoration.

My video recipe
