
Ready-made puff pastry with cottage cheese. Cottage cheese puffs: sweet, salty, in the oven and in a pan

Hello. Baking made from puff pastry and homemade cottage cheese has a special taste and has a lot of variations, and now I will tell you little secrets of cooking puff pastry in the oven, including with cottage cheese.

And believe me, this is exactly what you can cook in the shortest possible time and with a minimum of effort, and even improve the recipe, and the taste of this will not suffer at all!

How to cook puff pastry (video recipe)

We will need: Half a kilo of puff yeast dough, a fifth of a kilogram of cottage cheese, granulated sugar with raisins to taste, a couple of eggs.

This time we will use ready-made dough (required puff pastry), thereby simplifying the recipe.

  1. Roll out the dough. Cut the dough into squares.
  2. In a clean container, mix with cottage cheese, granulated sugar, raisins and an egg.
  3. We put the curd mass on the previously prepared puff pastry.
  4. We wrap the edges of the dough and put the cooked cheesecakes from the dough on a baking sheet, previously lined with baking paper, and leave it for a third of an hour.
  5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

Necessarily! Before installing, grease the dough tarts with egg. The dough is baked for about ten minutes. This pastry is served chilled.

It makes no difference what filling you put in puff pastry, all the same, pastries will be to the taste of your family and friends. Look for your options. Choose your dough-filling ratio options.

Do not be afraid to experiment, try different ratios: fresh, salty or sweet dough, and you can also pepper the dough, add greens or some other ingredient.

Today we will learn a lightweight recipe for baking a roll with cottage cheese and raisins in the oven.

We will need:

One pack of puff pastry - 0.5 kg, fatty homemade cottage cheese - 0.5 kg, sugar - 150 g, eggs - 3 pcs, peasant butter - 20 g, raisins, salt.

  1. Filling recipe: knead sugar and salt with cottage cheese, and then mix with a blender. Pour the beaten eggs with sugar into the resulting mass.
  2. The resulting mass should not be very thick, but not liquid either - just like store-bought sour cream (you can add semolina for density).
  3. Mix with raisins, previously soaked.
  4. Roll out the puff pastry (see the dough recipe in my other sections).
  5. We lay the curd mass on the rolled out puff pastry, leaving a place around the edges.
  6. Roll the puff pastry into a roll.
  7. Place the roll seam side down on a baking sheet. We grease the top of the baking with an egg and leave it in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.
  8. Pierce the roll in several places to evenly bake the dough. Usually the dough is baked for about an hour. This pastry is especially in harmony with tea.

Sweet pastries with cottage cheese (from puff pastry) with cottage cheese and dried apricots are especially tasty, but other dried fruits can also be used as an addition to cottage cheese. That's the beauty of it - everyone can come up with their own recipe.

Thank you for your attention! You won't regret using my recipes to make delicious treats for your family and friends.

Baking with cottage cheese is great - see other recipes in the relevant sections of my site!

Crispy puffs from ready-made puff pastry - it's fast, inexpensive and very tasty! The only thing that is required is the time to defrost the dough. The formation of puffs and baking will take no more than 20 minutes.

In order for the pastries to turn out crispy and airy, choose quality products. If the dough is not homemade, but purchased, then it must be from a trusted manufacturer. In no case should puff pastry be re-frozen-thawed! Do not take damaged packaging and be sure to check the expiration dates. It is better to take homemade cottage cheese and always fresh, without third-party tastes and smells. It should be homogeneous, without grains, and most importantly - moderately moist so as not to spread in the filling and keep its shape well.


  • yeast-free puff pastry 500 g
  • egg 1 pc.
  • egg yolk 1 pc.
  • cottage cheese 300 g
  • sugar 2 tbsp. l.
  • vanillin 1 chip.
  • flour 1-2 tbsp. l. for dusting

How to cook puff pastry with cottage cheese

Serve puffs with cottage cheese warm or slightly cooled with hot tea. The top of the dessert can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.

On a note

1. If desired, you can add a little raisins to the curd filling, previously steamed in boiling water.

2. You can cook puffs with cottage cheese not only sweet, but also salty. In this case, instead of sugar, a pinch of salt and finely chopped dill are added to the filling. The rest of the cooking technology is no different.

We offer to prepare fragrant puffs with cottage cheese for home tea drinking. To prepare them in a quick way, use puff pastry or puff pastry without yeast, which are sold in any supermarket in frozen form. Puff pastry is very tasty, with a layered structure and a crispy crust. If time permits, you can make homemade puff pastry. Homemade puffs with cottage cheese are suitable not only for home tea drinking. They will decorate any festive table, you can take them with you on a picnic, on the road, to work, and for children to school.


  • Yeast puff pastry- 300 g
  • Curd - 250 g
  • Raisins - 70 g
  • Sour cream - 60 g
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Vanilla sugar - to taste
  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Flax seeds - 2 tsp


sweet pastries
Servings - 3
Cooking time - 1 h 0 min

Cottage cheese puffs: how to cook

Remove the dough sheet from the package. It is usually rectangular in shape. Lay on a board dusted with flour. Cover the top with a towel to keep the dough from drying out. Leave for a while. As soon as the dough becomes soft, get to work.

In the meantime, prepare the curd filling. In a bowl, add cottage cheese of any fat content and sour cream.

Add washed and dried raisins. Stir so that the raisins are evenly distributed throughout the curd mass.

Add sugar and vanilla sugar to taste. Stir.

Roll out the thawed puff pastry into a thin rectangular layer. If necessary, dust the board with flour.

Put the curd filling on the layer. Spread over the entire layer, not reaching one edge on the larger side.

Preparing a puff pie with cottage cheese is very simple and fast, no special skills are required. And at the exit we get a crispy sweet crust, tender crumb and vanilla curd in the filling. A pleasant tea party for the household will be guaranteed.

It is very important for the filling to choose high-quality cottage cheese that does not float after adding sugar, and then your efforts will be rewarded.

According to the recipe, you need to add an egg to the curd filling and brush the top of the pie with the egg. I thought that two pieces would be a bit much, I always have them after greasing the pies, and I divided one in half, they are quite large, 70 grams each. Part of the egg mass went into the cottage cheese, and partly I smeared the pie. If your eggs are not large, then take 2 pcs.

To prepare a puff pastry pie with cottage cheese, take all the products on the list.

Shake the egg and divide it into two parts - more and less. Add most of it to the cottage cheese, add sugar and vanillin there. The amount of sugar is arbitrary, to taste, as cottage cheese is different. The filling should be quite sweet. If desired, raisins or candied fruits can also be added to the cottage cheese.

High-quality cottage cheese is mixed with sugar, egg and does not float, keeps its shape. Working with him is a pleasure.

Prepare the streusel. To do this, rub the flour, sugar and butter with your fingers until crumbs are obtained.

Defrost puff pastry, divide into 2 parts. Roll out each part thinly into an even rectangular layer.

Put the dough with the narrow side up, with a column. Make parallel cuts on both sides, leaving the middle intact. Put the curd filling in the center and tuck the end edges of the dough inward.

Braid a neat braid. Do the same with the other pie. Or make one big.

Transfer puff pastries with cottage cheese to a baking sheet, brush with the remaining egg.

Sprinkle the top of the pies with streusel. Put to bake at 180 degrees for about 20-30 minutes. Watch for the top to brown evenly.

I then put the pies under the grill. All ovens bake differently, but the crust should be golden brown.

Puff pastry pie with cottage cheese is ready. It's a pleasure!

Help yourself!

Do your kids still not like cottage cheese? So, you didn’t treat them to such puffs. This delicious dish cooks pretty quickly. Make puffs with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry, and they will become a favorite and frequent dish on your table.

- ready-made puff pastry - 1 pack / 0.5 kg;
- cottage cheese - 250-350 grams;
- granulated sugar - 30-50 grams;
- vanillin - 1 gram.

How to cook with a photo step by step

1. Ready-made puff pastry can be taken both yeast and yeast-free, be guided by your taste. Defrost the semi-finished product according to the instructions on the package. We roll out the dough on a table powdered with flour in one direction so as not to damage the structure of the layering. In other words, we act with a rolling pin either back and forth, or from left to right.

2. Cut the rolled out sheet of dough into squares (approximately 12 pieces are obtained).

3. Curd should not be too wet or too dry. Wet - should be folded onto cheesecloth and squeezed slightly. And dry - dilute with a spoonful of sour cream. We put sugar to our taste and try it, since it is difficult to predict the optimal sourness in cottage cheese in advance. Add vanilla for flavor.

4. Thoroughly mix until a homogeneous mass without lumps.

6. We connect the opposite corners of the square and pinch.

We do this qualitatively so that when baking and increasing the dough in volume, the envelope does not turn around.
7. We leave the sides so that the pastries can “breathe”.

8. Put the puffs with cottage cheese on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper.

9. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees for about 20 minutes. As soon as the puffs are reddened, you can take them out.

Remove from pan, let cool and serve.

Puffs with cottage cheese from ready-made puff pastry are good with both cold and hot drinks, for example, with
