
Wild rice benefits and harms of cooking. Unique properties of brown, wild rice

The scientific name for wild rice is water puff. This is an annual plant belonging to the Cereal family. To regular white rice, black or wild rice has no relation. Wild rice is a grass that grows in swamps, up to 3 m high. Wild rice is many times more expensive than ordinary rice, since its collection is extremely laborious. It is collected by hand. Black rice grains are long and very tough. To prepare the side dish, rice must be soaked in cold water for the night. In the morning, the water is drained and wild rice is boiled for about 40 minutes. Sometimes a mixture of black and regular long grain white rice is made to enrich and balance it. nutritional composition. North America is considered its homeland - the USA and Canada. Now wild rice is cultivated in other countries: Australia, Europe, India.

Benefits of Wild Rice

Wild rice contains a lot of thiamine (vitamin B1). In addition to it, wild rice contains 18 amino acids, other vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber, and protein. Of the vitamins, it contains B2, B3, B9 (folic acid, which exceeds the content brown rice five times). Of the minerals present: potassium and phosphorus in significant quantities, manganese, zinc, copper, iodine, iron, calcium, sodium. It contains several times less sodium than white rice. Wild rice contains no cholesterol or saturated fat. Wild rice lacks two amino acids, asparagine and glutamine, so its protein is not considered complete. To make up for the missing amino acids, it is necessary to serve boiled legumes to wild rice: lentils, beans, peas, chickpeas. Calorie content of wild rice - 357 kcal per 100 g. Since excessive consumption of wild rice can cause constipation, it is therefore recommended to use it with fresh vegetables and fruits.

Wild rice is good for muscle growth and strengthening. It is recommended to regularly use it as food for people involved in sports or working in enterprises with heavy physical labor. Its rich composition strengthens the immune system, regulates metabolic processes. Good for digestion as high content fiber stimulates the intestines and cleanses it of toxins and waste products. It is advisable to introduce it into the menu for people with obesity and digestive disorders. The composition of wild rice contains substances that can normalize cholesterol levels. It is used to treat the circulatory and cardiovascular systems. Useful for atherosclerosis, coronary disease and other heart diseases. At work nervous system it also has a positive effect. Wild rice removes excess salts from our body, is used for edema and hypertension. Due to the record content of folic acid, it is extremely useful for children, pregnant women, athletes and people in the period of rehabilitation after illnesses and operations.

Each housewife has her own list of products, the stock of which must certainly be in the house. Among them, the main one in the list is rice. This is the most popular cereal from which they prepare various dishes, appetizers, salads, garnish. But few people on the farm use wild rice, although it greatly benefits in terms of nutritional value and amount of vitamins. Wild rice is the foundation of a healthy and balanced nutrition. Today we will talk about wild rice - its composition, useful and medicinal properties, contraindications and features.

In fact, wild rice is not rice at all, but simply wild grass seeds that are eaten. The product is named rice due to the similarity of its shape with ordinary white rice. The composition of wild rice is very extensive. It contains vitamins PP and B6, vital important trace elements- phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper, nickel, zirconium, boron. Wild rice is rich in various amino acids. All this makes the product incredibly valuable and nutritious, especially for those who follow their figure.

wild rice for weight loss

In general, we often hear about wild rice only if we are talking about losing weight and getting rid of excess fat. In general, even White rice often used in diets - it is well absorbed, with low calorie gives a feeling of fullness for a long time. Wild rice wins on these indicators several times over. Firstly, the product is quite low-calorie - only 100 kilocalories per 100 grams of boiled rice. It should be borne in mind that the calorie content of white rice is twice as much, at least. Secondly, black rice contains a lot of fiber, which cleanses the intestines, removes toxins and toxins from it, relieves constipation, and absorbs excess fluid. Alimentary fiber wild rice is very useful for those who want to get rid of excess weight. Third, even small portion rice is able to make up for the lack of many trace elements and vitamins, which is very useful during the period food restrictions. Fourthly, a large amount of protein and fatty acids makes the product unique - it helps to build muscle mass and at the same time stimulates fat burning.

Wild rice forms the basis of many diets. On wild rice without salt and clean water can do fasting days, which will help you remove excess fluid from the body, get rid of edema. Black rice goes well with meat, fish, vegetables and even white rice. If you are looking for slow carbs that will give you a feeling of fullness, by all means choose wild rice. After all, it is not only useful, but also incredibly tasty.

Health Benefits of Wild Rice

As rice has entered the diet of athletes and slimming ladies, it has been noticed that the grains have unique beneficial properties that have positive impact for the whole organism.

  1. Vitamin PP and magnesium favorably affect the condition of human bones. Regular consumption of rice is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis, which is especially important for women. Rice contributes to the speedy recovery of tissues after sprains, bruises, and injuries. This excellent remedy for joint health.
  2. Large and varied content useful substances in rice allows you to use the product as an immunomodulator. In winter and spring, when vitamin deficiency reaches its peak, rice will help protect the body from colds and exacerbation of chronic diseases. Eat it at least once a week to maintain defensive forces of your body.
  3. Rice is very useful for the nervous system. Eat a handful of white and wild rice, and then compare the effects of these foods on the body. After white rice, a person will want to sleep, he will become lethargic and absent-minded. But after wild rice, on the contrary, memory and concentration improve, performance increases.
  4. Wild rice is very beneficial for lowering blood cholesterol levels. Regular inclusion of rice in the diet allows you to get rid of atherosclerosis, coronary disease, reduces the risk of a heart attack.

Wild rice perfectly satisfies hunger, gives a person all the necessary minerals and vitamins. This is one of the few products that can be used in mono diets and not suffer from exhaustion.

Contraindications to Eating Wild Rice

Grains of wild grass are so nutritious and healthy that they have practically no contraindications if consumed in moderation. You can eat no more than 300 grams of boiled wild rice per day. An excess of rice can lead to constipation, intestinal colic and intestinal obstruction. Keep in mind that effective weight loss on rice must be combined with the constraint harmful products And physical activity. Otherwise, you will not achieve any weight loss. Another disadvantage of wild rice is its considerable cost. The fact is that culture does not grow everywhere, it needs certain weather conditions. Moreover, wild rice is harvested by hand, which makes the product much more expensive. If the price is not a hindrance for you, by all means replace white rice with wild rice.

Wild rice takes a little longer to cook than its white counterpart. Therefore, black rice is pre-soaked for 2-3 hours, at least an hour before cooking. Very tasty and crumbly rice obtained in a multicooker. After the rice has lain in the water, it must be thoroughly washed and put into the multicooker bowl, pour water in a ratio of 1: 3, add a little vegetable oil and salt. If you are preparing a dish for weight loss, salt and oil should be discarded. Set the mode to "Cereals" or "Garnish" (depending on the model of equipment) and set the cooking time to about 40-45 minutes. It is very useful to mix wild rice with plain white. This reduces the cost of the product, makes it tasty and more interesting in appearance. If you are watching your figure, you can combine wild rice with vegetables - tomatoes, bell pepper, cucumbers. If the dish seems lean to you, flavor it with coriander, cardamom, turmeric during cooking. Spices will not add calories, and you will get a nutritious, tasty and light dinner. Here are some more useful delicious recipes from black rice.

  1. Cutlets. Boil some wild rice, add vegetables chopped through a meat grinder - carrots, cabbage, onions, potatoes and garlic. Add to mass a raw egg, a little flour and mix everything thoroughly. Form cutlets and fry in vegetable oil. This lovely dish for vegetarians.
  2. Bread. Black rice increases nutritional value bread, makes it unusual and tasty. Ready yeast dough add a handful of boiled wild rice, knead everything well and put the dough into a mold. Sprinkle rice on top.
  3. Tube with rice and meat. It's simple and incredible tasty snack which will certainly decorate and diversify your table. From the finished puff or shortbread (not sweet) dough, you need to form and bake tubes. Separately, fry the minced meat with onions, mix with boiled wild rice. Add stuffing to finished straws, decorate with greenery.
  4. Roll. This is another delicious appetizer that is sure to delight your guests. Knead the yeast dough for the roll - not sweet, like pizza, let it brew and rise. Prepare the filling - sliced ​​\u200b\u200bsalmon, boiled rice, grated cheese, egg, finely chopped onion. Mix all the ingredients and put on a rolled out layer of dough, previously greased with vegetable oil. Send the roll to the oven to bake, and then enjoy its languid and savory taste.

Recipes can be very diverse, because rice is added to the first and second courses, salads, snacks and even desserts. Use your imagination and treat your loved ones with delicious wild rice.

There are 4 varieties of wild rice in the world. As the grains ripen, they change their color - from green to dark brown and black. Zitzania, as wild rice is also called, grows in North America And East Asia. Wild rice remained the main diet of the Indians for many millennia and was supplied to Europe as "Indian rice". Perhaps, thanks to just such food, the indigenous people of America lived long and did not know health problems until old age. Consume wild rice as often as possible, use the power and gift of nature!

Video: wild rice with soy sauce

Wild Rice Incredible useful cereal For human body, although it can not be called either cereal or rice. Because of its beneficial properties, wild rice is becoming more popular every day, it is adored not only by culinary specialists, but also by nutritionists, besides, you can cook a large amount of wild rice with wild rice. delicious meals. It contains a large amount of B vitamins, and it also contains folic acid in in large numbers, because of this, wild rice exceeds simple rice by 5 times. Incredibly, this cereal contains 18 amino acids.

properties of wild rice

Since ancient times, it is believed that wild rice returns strength and energy due to the content of vitamins, minerals and protein in large quantities. If you use this product regularly, it is able to improve vision and cope with eye fatigue. It contains: magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc and B vitamins.
The protein contained in black wild rice will be appreciated by those who are fasting or vegetarians. And also it will be useful for people involved in sports or hard physical labor.

The price of wild rice compared to its counterparts is quite high and this is due to the difficulties of growing this type of rice. But looking at the benefits and properties of wild rice, you immediately understand that it is worth it. You can buy wild rice in almost any supermarket.

How to Boil Wild Rice - Process Description

Like plain rice, wild rice is boiled. But before cooking, it must be soaked in water and drained of this water before boiling. Soaked rice is poured into salted boiled water. The proportions are 1 to 3 and simmer for 40 minutes over low heat.

There is another way, wild rice may not be soaked, but in this case it is poured boiled water in the same proportion as when cooking and leave for an hour so that the rice is infused.

Benefits of Wild Rice

All varieties of rice contain gluten, but wild rice differs from its counterparts in a large amount of valuable nutrients and healing properties. It is rich in lysine, dietary fiber and protein. In terms of the content of a large number of minerals and vitamins, it surpasses other varieties of rice. Wild rice contains folic acid, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc.

Wild rice is recommended to be introduced into your diet for people who are obese and metabolic disorders, it is also prescribed for high cholesterol and problems with work. of cardio-vascular system because it improves performance digestive system. Wild rice does not contain fat, so it has the property of removing harmful cholesterol from the body.

For hypertensive patients and people who need to eliminate the use of salt from their diet, wild rice will be indispensable, since compared to other varieties, wild black rice contains half the sodium.

Harm of wild rice. As such, there are no contraindications for wild rice, and dangerous properties wild rice scientists have not found. But its excessive consumption can lead to constipation, so it is recommended to consume it with vegetables or fruits.

wild rice calories and nutritional value

Athletes and people who strictly control the products they consume are concerned about wild rice calories, as well as how much fat, protein and carbohydrates it contains.

calories 100 g boiled wild rice - 101 kcal
Squirrels per 100 g of product - 3.99 g
Carbohydrates per 100 g of product - 21.34 g
Zhiri per 100 g of product - 0.34 g

Below is a more detailed table.

The basis of the rice diet is to eat wild rice for two weeks. During this diet, it is allowed to eat vegetables, fruits, herbs and vegetable oils. You need to eat three times a day, while eating rice each time, you determine the serving size yourself, since you should not starve or overeat. In what form you also choose to use vegetables yourself, as they can be eaten fresh or in salads, boiled or steamed. You can also cook wild rice with vegetables in a slow cooker, because during cooking it retains all the vitamins that are so necessary during the diet.

Now it is difficult to say how many kilograms a person can lose with this diet. After all, everyone determines the portion size for himself, on this diet you can lose both 8 and 5 kg, you just need to adjust your diet.

A huge plus of the wild rice diet is the absence of hunger. You can prepare various dishes with rice and vegetables, so rice diet you won't find it boring. It is also medicinal, as it is often prescribed to people with gastritis. The disadvantage of this diet is the lack of meat and fish in the diet. But for two weeks on this diet, this will not affect your health.

How to make Pumpkin Salad with Apples and Wild Rice Video

Video about cooking wild rice salad, which makes the dish both hearty and dietary. You will also learn about calories and useful properties wild rice.

The name does not indicate either the characteristics or the origin of the product. "Wild rice" is not wild, and not quite. This - herbaceous plant water chirping. It is grown near the Great Lakes, and the locals like to call the crop "aquatic". The grains of water zirconia are used as self-dish or a kind of additive to ordinary white or brown rice.

Why is the culture good and can wild rice claim the role of a new generation of superfood?

general characteristics

Botanical description

Aquatic Gypsy is an annual herbaceous plant. Able to grow up to 2 meters in height, while not creating rhizomes. The stem of the plant is erect, does not exceed 1 centimeter in thickness. The nodes encircling the stem are short-haired. The size of the leaf plate varies from 0.5 to 1.5 centimeters in width, the leaves themselves are painted in a pleasant light green hue. In place of the leaves, long elongated flowers are formed, surrounded by lemmas. Pistillate flowers are surrounded by a "protective wall" of scales of 2-3 centimeters, which is an excellent barrier against external stimuli. The top of the flower is surrounded by awns (a thin, pointed process on the scales of the flower), which grows up to 7 centimeters in length. The flowering period of wild rice is from early August to late September.

Territorial distribution

The natural habitat of culture is North America. The plant prefers an area with fertile moist soil and grows in shallow water, near the shore of reservoirs. Plantations of culture stretch along the St. Lawrence River, and through the southern Atlantic coast descend along the Gulf of Mexico.

Brief historical background

The birthplace of wild rice is North America, respectively, the Indians became the first tasters of the culture. Water chirping served as the main food ingredient for the indigenous population of North America. Local residents collected grains by hand: they dragged bags into a boat, sailed along rivers/lakes/reservoirs and pulled out the opened scales with grains.

The cultivation of marsh grass only began in 1950. After being widely spread in the USA, the culture migrated to Canada, and from there even to remote corners of the Earth. In California and Minnesota (US states), wild rice is grown in artificially flooded fields; in the Canadian provinces, they prefer to collect grains along the banks of rivers and lakes. Water rice has become especially popular in Australia and Hungary. Almost every significant waterway can be seen small areas sown with crops. In the CIS countries, water chirping came in the same 1950. Rice was cultivated in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, Kuban, in the south of the Irkutsk and Leningrad regions.

Beneficial features

Wild rice is a valuable storehouse of protein, vitamins and nutrients. 100 grams of raw food contains 15 grams of protein. Nutritionists advise mandatory inclusion of the product in the diet of vegans and vegetarians who need to look for vegetable substitutes vital. Children's body also needs easily digestible vegetable protein, so 1-2 times a week you can offer your child a breakfast of wild rice.

The grains of aquatic zicania contain 5 times more folic acid (B9) compared to brown rice.

1 cup of cereal contains the daily requirement of folic acid (B9) and ⅔ daily allowance manganese (Mn). The mineral composition is rich in phosphorus, zinc, calcium, copper, iron and iodine, which will also have a beneficial effect on health. Moreover, the grains contain a high concentration of protein. It strengthens the muscular system and promotes uniform weight gain.

Product Disadvantages

There are only 2 disadvantages in wild rice: the cost and the specifics of the nutrient balance.


The cost of wild beans is several times higher compared to ordinary white or brown grains. This is due to the specific territorial distribution. The culture has taken root in certain parts of the planet and runs wild in others. The cost of the final product consists of the salary of agronomists, sorters, crop packers, export tax and transportation.

Nutrient balance

There are 18 basic amino acids in the composition of water zicania. Only two are missing - and. To replenish this balance and provide the body with maximum useful complex, you need to properly combine rice with others food products. Glutamine and asparagine can be obtained from legumes (chickpeas,), nuts or seeds (pumpkin, sesame,). Do not forget that these products are quite high in calories and require special placement and alternation in the daily diet.

Also, there is no gluten in the grains of aquatic zicania at all. You need to be especially careful when consuming unprocessed cereals. If the plant has been infected with ergot, then the risk of serious poisoning increases significantly. How to avoid poisoning? Give preference to packaged products of well-known trademarks who pass product quality control at all stages: from collection to packaging.

Chemical composition

How culture is harvested

Features of the collection of culture also affect its final cost. For grains go on small boats. The boats are lowered into shallow waters and head along the coast to small stands of wild rice. The stalk of the water chitz is folded over the side of the boat, then it is beaten with a large stick. After the impact, grains are poured from the scales of the zitsaniye. A tarpaulin is spread at the bottom of the boat, on which rice grains fall. After harvesting, the tarpaulin is packed, and upon arrival on land, it is dumped into huge bags, then sent to processing and sale points. Rice must be dried, after which it is packaged and sent for sale.

Use in cooking

Wild rice is used in all culinary traditions on a par with other "exotic" cereals like bulgur or couscous. Due to the high nutritional value and large-scale medicinal properties, the culture is used in healthy and dietary intake. Rice is used as a side dish, main course and even dessert. Its taste is significantly different from our usual rice. Black grains have a soft, delicate nutty aroma and taste. Some compare its flavor to the firmer, more vegetal variation of praline. The taste is revealed during cooking and goes well with both, for example, meat or fish, and with soy milk or chocolate.

How to cook wild rice

The grain of water zest is very thick, and even long-term boiling will not make its structure soft and edible. Grain, like other "dense" crops, such as chickpeas, lentils and, must be soaked before cooking. 8-10 hours - optimal time so that the grain becomes soft and pliable. Pick up a deep container, pour grains into it, pour cold water and leave overnight. Rice will not only get wet, but also be cleansed of harmful chemical compounds (some manufacturers sin by using chemicals to extend the product's shelf life). muddy water, which is formed overnight, must be drained. Rinse the grains 2-3 more times under cold running water and then proceed to heat treatment.

The ideal ratio of rice to liquid is 3:1. The average cooking time is 40-50 minutes.

After cooking, the grain increases 3-4 times, so calculate the amount of rice correctly so as not to get too little or, conversely, too much cereal.

What if there is no time to soak the zit? You will need a glass, a saucepan and rice. Pour 1 cup of rice and 1 cup of boiling water into the pan (vary the ratio as needed). Cover the pot with a lid and leave for 60-80 minutes. During this time, the grains will steam and become suitable for further processing and consumption.

Culinary tricks for preparing the ingredient

  1. Keep an eye on the water level at all times. Don't be afraid that the rice will absorb too much liquid and fall apart. On the contrary, sufficiently nourished rice opens up and becomes like a quartz edelweiss flower.
  2. After entering the body, the grain cleans the esophagus like a sponge. In order not to ruin your meal and get nausea, vomiting, pain or problems with stools, do not forget to double the serving of vegetables with wild rice. Fiber will help keep prolonged saturation and help internal organs highlight maximum benefit from plant seeds.
  3. The best liquids for cooking black rice are coconut milk or chicken bouillon. It is they who will reveal and favorably complement the unusual taste of culture.
  4. Wild rice goes well with almost all foods. Create your own unique compositions and use culture as a white canvas for new culinary pursuits.
  5. Always try to cool the dish until room temperature before serving. Chilled risk gives more rich aroma and imbued with the flavors of accompanying food products.

wild rice pudding recipe

We will need:

  • wild rice - 200 g;
  • sugar - 100 g (can be replaced with honey, Jerusalem artichoke / agave syrup or any other sweetener);
  • coconut milk - 400 g.

Prepare a saucepan or saucepan, add rice, fill the container with filtered salted water. The water level should be a finger above the level of the rice. Bring the liquid to a boil, then reduce the heat and boil the cereal over low heat under a tightly closed lid. Average cooking time is 30 minutes.

After 30 minutes, add sweetener and 250-300 milliliters of coconut milk to the pan. Bring the mixture to a boil for big fire, stirring occasionally. The liquid component should thicken, and the rice should be cooked to a soft pulp. Be careful that the rice does not fall apart and take on a shapeless shape. liquid consistency. Cooking time can vary from 20 to 30 minutes. Keep an eye on the condition of the rice, since it is the cereal that is the most important component of the dish.

Remove the cooked coconut-rice grits from the heat, leave on the cooking surface so that the contents of the pan "come" to room temperature. On average, it takes 30-40 minutes for the rice to cool down (+ occasional stirring). Place the cooled pudding in bowls or other convenient deep dishes, pour over the remaining coconut milk. Pudding can be decorated with berries, nuts, coconut flakes and any other food components.

Contraindications for use

The fruits of aquatic ziccania have no direct contraindications. It is necessary to monitor the dosage of the ingredient and correctly “fit” the rice into daily ration. Overuse wild rice can cause constipation, sharp pains in the abdomen, nausea/vomiting. A small handful of grains (which fits in your palm) per day will be enough to get the necessary nutrients and ensure long-term saturation.

Do not forget to combine and position the product correctly. Serve properly boiled / fried rice with a lot of fiber (mainly vegetables, less often fruit). It is best to consume the culture for breakfast so that its calorie content turns into energy, and not fat deposits on the body.

An unusual cereal, resembling rice in shape, but having a black color, has recently become available in our country. Its dark color and rice-like shape immediately gave the name to the product - black rice. This cereal has nothing to do with white and, remarkably, this cereal.

Black, wild or water rice is the fruit of a marsh grass native to North America. Since ancient times, the Indians have known the benefits of wild rice. The product is so rich in proteins and trace elements that it allowed entire tribes to survive the hungry winters.

Mineral composition of black rice

In order to preserve all the benefits of water zirconia grains (this is exactly scientific name has water or wild rice), the natives of the American continent did not boil, but brewed the grains with boiling water in three stages. So it was possible to save the calorie content of cereal. The fact is that the calorie content of raw grains exceeds the value of cooked ones by 3.5 times. If raw cereal is estimated at 360 kcal, then boiled has only 100 kcal. But the Indians valued this cereal not only for satiety. Its rich composition helped support the healthy functioning of all body systems.

  1. Amino acids. Of the 18 amino acids, necessary for a person for a fulfilling life, the wild relative of the famous cereal contains 16, with the exception of asparagine and glutamine. This cereal is the source essential amino acids, such as isoleucine and valine. Their daily requirement can be satisfied with 300 grams of product. The composition also contains non-essential, but very important amino acids for life: glycine, arginine, tyrosine and glutamic acid
  2. Vitamins. Wild rice is rich in B vitamins. A glass of grains can cover the daily allowance of a pregnant woman in folic acid(AT 9). It contains the fifth daily allowance vitamins PP, E, B2, B5 and B6. The concentration of biotin (vitamin H) is 550%.
  3. Macronutrients. In 100 g of water rice, magnesium (45% of the daily norm) and potassium (17%) are in a significant dosage for the body.
  4. trace elements. The daily requirement of silicon can be satisfied with just 15 grams of wild cereal, vanadium - 25 g, and boron - 30 g. large quantities cobalt is present (70% of the daily requirement). Manganese, phosphorus, copper, zinc and zirconium represent about 50% of the norm, and molybdenum and nickel about 20%. In a less significant dosage, iron, lithium, and strontium were noted.

But the benefits of wild rice are not only concentrated in its mineral composition, the nutritional value of this cereal is in a large amount of carbohydrates - 70%, and proteins - 15%. The remainder are polyunsaturated fatty acid, including omega 3. Dietary fiber makes up 6.5% of the mass of rice. They are necessary component normal digestion.

Positive influence

Rice of wild origin is especially important in the nutrition of athletes, pregnant women, people weakened by various diseases.

It is no coincidence that wild rice has become the basis of many modern diets. With a low calorie content, it is able to provide the body with almost all the necessary minerals and vitamins. Useful action appears on the following systems:

  • Digestive. Fiber, starch and pectin contribute to the normal digestion of food, cleansing the intestines from toxins, stagnant food particles. Regular use black rice in small quantities contributes to the improvement of peristalsis.
  • Cardiovascular. People suffering from atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and hypertension are advised to include wild rice in their diet, as it contains potassium and is practically devoid of sodium. Silicon helps to strengthen the walls of capillaries, normalize peripheral blood circulation as part of wild rice.
  • Nervous. A high concentration of B vitamins and magnesium helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improve sleep, and increase stress resistance. Black rice in the diet reduces the frequency of seizures and restlessness.
  • The immune system. Omega-3, vitamins, mineral components have a strengthening effect on the immune system. Silicon is of great importance for the normal functioning of lymphocytes. Vanadium promotes the activation of phagocyte cells responsible for cleansing tissues and blood from pathogens.

metabolic processes

Water rice is able to influence metabolic processes. Vitamin H, which in this product great amount, is responsible for protein and fat balance, is involved in the metabolism of sugars. Vitamin PP, which is also rich in cereals of wild origin, is involved in the oxidative process of fats.

Indispensable participants in the metabolic process are vitamins B6, B2 and B5, trace elements such as iron, zinc, selenium, boron, manganese, phosphorus and copper.

Contraindications and risk of abuse

All the harm of wild rice lies in the possible constipation that occurs when this product is abused. So, a diet on cereals alone can lead to obstruction. However daily use This product, together with vegetables, minimizes the risk of constipation.

In some sources, the content of strontium and arsenic in the composition is indicated as harm to black wild cereal, however, these substances are present in all products. plant origin and participate in chemical processes organism. Thus, a lack of arsenic causes allergies to certain foods, and a deficiency of strontium causes brittle bones.

And for the most curious, we present a video in which you can see how wild rice is harvested:
