
How to cook milk sugar. Milk sugar is the simplest treat

Boiled sugar is a tasty delicacy familiar to us from childhood. The youth spoiled by shop sweets does not know amazing taste boiled sugar. Remember how his grandmother cooked, and cook homemade dessert to my children. Have you forgotten your grandmother's recipe? Don't worry, we'll show you how to make sugar and make your family happy with a delicious tea treat.

How to boil sugar - a classic recipe

From sugar boiled in water will come out delicious lollipops. For 1 part of sugar, take 3 parts of water and prepare special molds. They come in the form of stars, flowers, different animals and the like. Cooking process:

  • pour water into a saucepan and pour sugar;
  • put the pot on the stove and bring to a boil. Stir all the time;
  • after boiling, screw on the stove and on the small fire cook the mass until it thickens. Don't forget to stir;
  • check the readiness of boiled sugar. Put a spoonful of sugar mass on a saucer. If it spreads, cook further. If frozen - the dish is ready;
  • boiled sugar pour into moulds. You don't need to grease them.

Wait for the sugar mass to thicken and remove from the molds. If you add lemon or Orange juice- get sugar jelly Bean. But they stretch, and will not clearly keep their shape.

How to cook sugar with milk


  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 0.5 l fat milk;
  • saucepan with a thick bottom.

Pour half a glass of milk into a bowl and add sugar. Bring to a boil over low heat. Stir occasionally. The moisture will evaporate after the milk is absorbed by the sugar, and it turns into crumbly crystals. Don't forget to stir! We saw that the lower sugar layer melted in the pan and turned brown - add the remaining milk.

Make sure that the sugar mass melts evenly over the fire. After the milk has completely evaporated, remove the bowl from the stove. Lubricate a wide plate or dish with vegetable oil and carefully place the sweetness there. Wait for it to cool down and cut into pieces.

How to boil sugar with orange peel

Take 1 kg of sugar, dried peel of one orange, a tablespoon of butter and 0.5 liters of fat milk. Cooking process:

  • cut orange peel small cubes or thin strips. You can grind in a mortar or coffee grinder if the skin is very dry;
  • melt the butter in a saucepan;
  • pour half a glass of milk into the melted butter and add sugar;
  • send right away orange peel and cook the mass until the final evaporation of the milk, stirring all the time;
  • add the remaining milk and cook with stirring the sugar mixture until smooth. Ready sugar acquires a light brown color;
  • remove the bowl from the stove and put hot dessert on a greased plate;
  • after cooling, cut the sweetness into pieces and treat the children.

How to cook sugar - a delicious fudge recipe


  • 300 ml of heavy cream;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 2.5 st. Sahara;
  • 1 st. l. honey.

After cooking you will get milk sugar fudge. It can also be used to decorate a cake and other pastries, because the mass is viscous and spreads well on the surface.

Cooking process:

  • pour cream into a saucepan;
  • add sugar to them and mix;
  • place the bowl on the stove and stir again;
  • on a small fire, let the mass boil;
  • after boiling, add honey to sugar and cook for 20 minutes;
  • pour the resulting mixture into a separate plate, greased with oil.

Leave the boiled sugar to cool, then cut into pieces and serve with coffee or tea.

Unpretentious and simple recipe delicious sweets will make your children happy. Our recipes will be a good alternative to complex confectionery which take a long time to prepare. Children love to nibble boiled sugar just like that or drink it with tea.

Boiled milk sugar can become great alternative complex desserts, which are cooked for a long time, and, as a rule, are quickly eaten. In addition, this peculiar dish can be your assistant in thickening dough for sweet pastries.

Even an amateur can cook it - this does not require any special skills, abilities and talents in terms of cooking. All that is required of you is a standard set of products that are almost guaranteed to be found in any home, as well as a little accuracy and diligence.

Cooking sugar in milk is quite simple, but for this you will need to follow the basic technology, otherwise the dish may burn to the container. At proper preparation milk sugar, caramel will turn out sweet and rich, and will not yield to labor-intensive desserts.

Lollipops can be made at home at any time, especially since you are almost guaranteed to have the products that are required for this. In the recipe, it is better to use the usual white sugar, but some prefer brown. So, how to cook sugar at home?

A set of ingredients and inventory

The dessert recipe is extremely simple, and even a beginner who has not had much to do with cooking can cope with its preparation. complex dishes. However, in order for the caramel to turn out tasty, and most importantly, not to deteriorate during the cooking process, you need to use certain dishes and observe the proportions of the components in the composition.

Sugar is cooked exclusively in non-stick pans. Otherwise, your caramel may burn, and all you get in the end is - burnt sugar. Therefore, make sure that the container in which you will make the dessert is of high quality and meets all the requirements for active use. And even then, when the syrup thickens, you will have to keep a close eye on it and stir it constantly.

How to cook sugar in milk, and what ingredients are needed for this?

Their set is banal:

  1. Three glasses of sugar (white refined);
  2. Tablespoon butter(high fat);
  3. A glass of medium-fat or full-fat milk.

Also, some add raisins, nuts and pieces of dried fruit to the composition to diversify the taste of the dessert.

This list of ingredients is not final - you can vary and diversify it at your own discretion. Also if you want to get large quantity dessert at the exit (for example, in preparation for the arrival of guests or family celebration), you can take more of each component. The main thing is that the proportion of milk and sugar is observed, that is, one to three.

Instructions for making classic milk sugar

Now that you've got all the ingredients, you need to place them in a small non-stick container. Butter is added last. Dried fruits and nuts, if you use them, it is better to put them already in ready dessert when it cools down. That is, it is not necessary to cook them together with the mass, and even undesirable.

How to make sugar candy at home:

  • Place all components in a container and place it on medium fire;
  • Bring the composition to a boil, constantly stirring it with a spoon;
  • As soon as the mass begins to boil, reduce the heat to a minimum, then continue to stir your future dessert intensively;
  • When the mass thickens, determine the readiness of the dish. To do this, drop a little mass on a regular flat saucer. If the drop thickens and takes shape, then your dish is ready. If it is still very liquid, and spreads over the surface - continue to cook until tender.

Prepare dessert molds ahead of time. It is advisable to take silicone. From the inside, they should be greased with a little melted butter so that the mixture does not stick to the bottom and sides. Try to carry out all manipulations with the distribution of milk sugar in molds as quickly as possible, since the mass solidifies almost instantly. Then you just have to leave your dessert to set and harden. To do this, it is not necessary to use a refrigerator - the dish will fix itself in a few hours. Some prefer to cut the resulting dessert and make candy out of it.

Additional ingredients, if any, should be added just before pouring into moulds. Glaze, raisins, chocolate chips, crushed nuts, marzipans or dried fruits.

Boil syrup in water

It's even easier to make syrup using only water. From such a mixture they made cockerel lollipops, familiar to almost every one of us since childhood.

How to cook caramel from sugar and water? By the same principle, and by the same proportions, that is, 1:3.

How to cook syrup from sugar and water:

  1. Place the sugar and water in a non-stick fireproof container;
  2. While stirring thoroughly, bring the mixture to a boil;
  3. Make a minimum fire and continue to simmer the mixture, constantly stirring it with a spoon;
  4. Test doneness with a saucer test;
  5. When the drop on the saucer stops spreading, you can remove the resulting mass from the stove and pour it into molds.

This is not to say that this dessert turns out to be exquisite and very tasty, but if you tend to be nostalgic for those same “roosters”, you will like it.

It can also be used for completely different purposes - for example, for sugaring, or sugar hair removal. If this is your goal for making sugar and water syrup, be sure to add a little citric acid so that it does not thicken too quickly and melt in your hands if necessary.

Sugar fudge

One of the most delicious variations sugar desserts is the one that is brewed with fermented milk products. The recipe for how to cook sugar on sour cream was shared with us by our grandmothers, but if someone forgot the cooking technology delicious fudge may look at it again.

You can also add cocoa to this recipe for sour cream if you want to diversify the classics.

To make fudge, you will need the following ingredients:

  1. Granulated sugar- 400-500 grams;
  2. Fatty sour cream - 150-200 grams;
  3. Butter - 50 g.

If you are adding cocoa to dessert, you will need no more than one tablespoon of powder. We also recommend that you try to diversify the fondant with seeds - for example, pumpkin seeds. If you like nuts, add them. Dried fruits in this case will not “sound” too harmoniously in the dish.

Step-by-step instructions for making fondant:

  • As usual, take a fireproof container with a non-stick coating. Some women prefer to boil sugar in cast iron pots, while our ancestors did this with enamel pans and bowls;
  • Sugar, sour cream and seeds or nuts (if you put any in dessert) place in a heated bowl;
  • Keep on fire and stir until the mass begins to boil;
  • Then turn down the heat and simmer at the lowest power of the stove for half an hour;
  • It is strongly not recommended to cook sugar for more than thirty minutes, otherwise it will curdle and become too hard;
  • When ready, your mass should acquire a beautiful caramel color and optimal density. It should also become homogeneous in consistency, there should be no lumps and inclusions in it;
  • Stir the resulting mixture thoroughly and add the indicated amount of butter to it so that it melts into the hot fudge.

Pour the caramel mass into pre-prepared and greased with melted butter forms. The mixture should cool in the cold or cool, but not in the refrigerator. It should grab without too much temperature fluctuations.

How to boil sugar

No candies and other sweets can compare with boiled sugar, prepared by yourself, at home. Usually, the composition of classic boiled sugar includes only milk and granulated sugar. Sugar brewed with milk until completely thickened, stirring constantly. But, if you add to this mixture, for example, raisins, orange peels, cocoa or walnuts, it will turn out even tastier, more original and much more appetizing.

How to cook milk with sugar

Boiled sugar is prepared using two essential ingredients, these are:

granulated sugar - 1 kilogram and milk - 250 ml

First of all, grease the pan with a thin layer vegetable oil and set aside for a while. Pour milk into a saucepan and send to medium, not high heat. Pour sugar and be sure to constantly and continuously stir with a spoon so that the mixture thickens evenly. When the water boils, the milk will begin to evaporate, and the sugar at the bottom will turn brown. Pour the slightly thickened boiled sugar into the pan prepared earlier or onto a cold dish with sides, then you need to give time to cool completely. After a while, turn the pan upside down and lightly tapping to separate the thickened sugar. Using a knife, we divide the solid mass into portioned pieces and serve with tea.

Boiled milk with sugar

Earlier we prepared boiled sugar with milk m without adding additional ingredients. Let's experiment and add something delicious to the boiled sugar, like walnuts, some cocoa, and orange peel. Prepare this delicacy and treat it to your little household. And don't forget to tell them some story about how your grandmother used to make homemade sweets for you)

Cooking Ingredients:

1. Sugar - 1 kilogram

2. Milk - 200 ml

3. Cocoa - 2 teaspoons

4. Walnuts- 100g

We send the pan to the stove, turn on medium heat. Pour 50 ml of milk into it and add sugar. Stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. After a while, the milk should evaporate and the sugar will become loose. We do not turn off the fire and wait for the moment when the sugar turns brown and begins to be caught. At this time, it is necessary to carefully stir the mass so that the sugar melts evenly and acquires desired consistency. Pour in the milk that we have left and mix. Add pre-prepared crushed or finely chopped walnuts, orange peel and cocoa. Again, stir everything well and cook until the poured milk evaporates. After that, we send the boiled sugar to a dish with high walls and wait until it cools down. We cut the thickened, ready-made sugar with a knife into pieces and serve with tea. Bon appetit!

Milk sugar- a tasty delicacy familiar from childhood, for the preparation of which you need minimal amount groceries and very little time. Grandma's recipe for this wonderful dessert very simple, and the taste of a sweet treat is practically not inferior to purchased confectionery.

Milk sugar is not only a wonderful independent dessert, but also a wonderful decoration for baking. Recipe for this unusual delicacy was especially popular in the 70s and 80s of the last century. Modern youth, spoiled by an abundance of all kinds of newfangled desserts, can hardly remember amazing taste this sweet treat.

Meanwhile, milk sugar is a very simple, quick, and most importantly no less tasty delicacy than shop sweets. To cook at home tasty treat all you need to do is prepare necessary ingredients, which today can be found in every home, as well as allocate some free time. delicious quick treat cooked at home, sure to please the family. Below are three recipes for this unique dessert.

Recipe delicious treats from childhood involves the use of the simplest products.


  • sugar - 3 cups;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • raisins, nuts.

Cooking method:

The indicated proportions are not binding. If desired, the recipe can be changed at your discretion or supplemented. suitable ingredients. The main proportion that must be observed is the ratio of milk and sugar 1:3.

  1. Cooking milk sugar begins with the fact that all of the above ingredients are placed in a saucepan or pan with a non-stick coating, which is then put on fire. Bring the contents of the dishes to a boil, then reduce the heat and continue to cook until tender. To prevent the sugar from burning, stir the mixture continuously.
  2. To determine whether the sugar is ready or not, dip a spoon into the mixture, then drop a drop of the resulting mass from it onto the surface of the table or clean plate. If the shape of the drop remains unchanged, then the base for the dessert is ready. If the drop spreads over the surface, the mixture must be kept on fire for some more time.
  3. Further, the recipe involves preparing a form for dessert. It should be prudently lubricated with oil so that the delicacy does not stick. Silicone molds are ideal for this purpose. It will be much easier to get sweet candies out of them.
  4. Pour the resulting substance into the prepared forms and leave the delicacy to harden. All manipulations must be done quickly, since sugar freezes almost instantly.

If you decide to dilute the recipe with nuts or raisins, add them during the boil. This should be done at the very end so that the ingredients do not get digested and softened.

Recipe for sweets

Milk sugar for sweets needs to be cooked in a slightly different way. The recipe assumes that the result will be a viscous mass that will spread well over the surface.


  • sugar - 2.5 cups;
  • fat cream - 300 ml;
  • one tablespoon of honey;
  • butter - 50 g.

Cooking method:

  1. To cook the base for fudge at home, first pour the cream into a saucepan, then add sugar to it and mix everything well.
  2. Put the pot back on the heat and stir the ingredients again.
  3. Then reduce the heat and bring the mass to a boil.
  4. Add honey to the milk-sugar mixture, continue to cook for another 20 minutes.
  5. After that, pour the resulting mixture into a separate bowl, previously greased with butter. The recipe suggests leaving the mass for a while so that it can cool properly.
  6. Cut the treat into small sticks.

If you want to use the treat to decorate the cake, put whole leaf on pastries and warm the edges a little so that they tightly cover the dessert. There are many other uses for homemade sweet fudge.

Thick Milk Sugar Recipe

Below is another one interesting recipe preparing a delicious homemade dessert.


  • milk - 100 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 200 g.

Cooking method:

To prepare dense milk sugar at home, you need to pour 200 g of sugar into a deep frying pan and pour 100 ml of milk. Cook the mass over medium heat, while constantly stirring with a wooden spoon. The mixture will foam and bubble, but it must be stirred continuously.

When the base for the treat acquires a pale brown hue, decreases slightly in volume, and is also covered with a thin film, the pan can be removed from the heat. Then pour the milk mixture into a deep container, cool it a little, and then break it into small pieces.

As with the previous cooking methods, you can use silicone molds. To do this, immediately after preparation liquid base for dessert, it must be poured into greased molds and left to cool completely. Everything must be done very quickly.

The recipe for an amazing dessert, which has returned to our tables today straight from the Soviet past, is very simple and unpretentious. Milk sugar is a great alternative to complex, tricky confectionery that is not always possible to cook at home. This perfect option sweet treat for when guests are about to show up on the doorstep, and in the refrigerator, except for standard set there are no products.

Ready dessert served hot fragrant tea or coffee. However, children and many adults like to nibble on "grandma's" sugar just like that. Bon appetit! Try our other recipes as well.

Milk sugar recipe video

Place a saucepan of milk and sugar over medium heat and stir. Boil sugar for 7 minutes after boiling, stirring constantly. After 30 minutes, the milk will thicken and turn a pale brown color - a sure sign of readiness. Pour milk sugar into a plate greased with butter and leave to harden. After 15 minutes, remove the hardened sugar from the container. Break the sugar into small pieces with your hands.

How to boil sugar

Granulated sugar - 300 grams (1.5 cups)
Milk 1-3% - 100 milliliters (half a glass)
Butter - 35 grams: 30 grams for cooking and 5 grams (1 teaspoon) for lubrication

Food preparation
1. Pour 300 grams of sugar and 100 milliliters of milk into a thick-walled pan, mix well.
2. Measure the lubricating oil and leave it at room temperature melt directly on a dish intended for sugar.

How to boil milk sugar
1. Place a saucepan with milk and sugar over medium heat and stir.
2. When the milk sugar boils, continue to boil it for 7 minutes, constantly stirring it with a wooden spoon.
3. While the composition is boiling, it can boil and foam strongly - this is natural, but you need to constantly stir.
4. After 25-30 minutes, the composition will thicken and become pale brown - this is a sign of readiness.
5. Pour milk sugar into a prepared plate, greased with butter, smooth and leave to harden.
6. After 15-20 minutes, the boiled sugar will harden, it must be removed from the container. To do this, you will need to cover the plate with a cutting board and carefully turn it over. Since the sides of the plate were greased with butter, the hardened milk sugar will easily separate and remain on the board.
7. Break the sugar into small pieces with your hands.


- When cooking, sugar can be added grated zest oranges, chopped hazelnuts, seeds, dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins). It is important that there are not too many additives, otherwise the boiled sugar will crumble. Ready sugar can be decorated with chopped nuts or grated chocolate.

It is convenient to use a wooden spatula when cooking: it is less noisy, does not leave marks, and it is easier for it to remove layers of sugar from the bottom of the pan to prevent it from burning.

The pan should be deep and with a thick bottom so that the sugar does not burn during cooking.

Standard proportions for cooking sugar: for 1 cup of sugar 1/5 cup of milk.

Instead of milk, you can use liquid sour cream or cream.

It is necessary to cook sugar on a very low heat and stir constantly so that the sugar does not burn.

The sugar plate must be greased with butter so that the sugar can be easily separated from the plate.

Instead of a plate, you can use forms for ice or baking, bowls, trays, tea cups. Since sugar hardens very quickly and is then problematic to break, it is recommended that you try to spread the sugar in a thin layer.

If there is no butter, you can cook sugar without it, focusing on the same signs of readiness. In this case, the plate can be greased with vegetable oil.
