
Cake with sour cream and boiled condensed milk. Cake "Smetannik" with condensed milk for a family celebration

Are you used to surprising your loved ones with delicious pastries? Pay attention to the cake recipe with such popular ingredients as sour cream and condensed milk. Cakes are very tender on their own, and in combination with delicious cream- it's simple incomparable pastries worthy of a festive table!

This recipe combines 3 chic toppings - sour cream, regular and boiled condensed milk. Such flavor combination captivates from the first bite.

  • sour cream - 250 grams

  • egg - 2 pieces

  • condensed milk - 1/2 can

  • sugar - measuring cup

  • flour - a couple of glasses

  • soda - a spoon without a slide (tea)

  • cocoa - a couple of tablespoons

For cream:

  • butter - 1 briquette

  • boiled condensed milk ("Toffee") - one can

Cooking method:

To make the most delicate cake, start kneading the dough: in a deep bowl with a mixer at high speeds, beat the eggs into foam. Then add sour cream, condensed milk, sugar, soda (slaked with vinegar), and beat again until lush mass. Reduce the number of revolutions and start adding flour little by little, after sifting it. knead soft dough.

Next step: turn on the oven and set the thermostat to 200 degrees. Let it warm up, and in the meantime, divide the dough into four parts and add 2 tablespoons of cocoa to 2 of them. Roll out the cakes into circles with a diameter of about 22-25 centimeters. Lay parchment paper on a baking sheet and lay the formed cakes on it. Bake for 15-20 minutes in a well-heated oven, then cool.

It's time to prepare the cream. Its recipe is as simple as possible: just beat the softened butter with boiled condensed milk uniform consistency. On wide dish lay out light cake, generously grease it with sweet cream, cover with a cake of a different color and repeat the procedure, forming a cake. For top decoration you can use coconut chocolate chips. Leave the finished product to soak for about two hours at room temperature then refrigerate for an hour. Happy tea drinking!

Lush air cakes soaked in not too sweet sour cream, - agree, a magical combination. Add chocolate icing to this, and fabulous dessert ready.

  • butter - 100 grams

  • 2 eggs (if small - 3 pieces)

  • can of condensed milk

  • 300-320 grams of premium flour

  • soda spoon (teaspoon)

  • a tablespoon of cocoa

  • a teaspoon of vinegar

For cream:

It is better to put the oil out of the refrigerator for several hours. In a deep bowl, knead the butter and beat in 2 eggs, carefully rub the mass on the walls of the dish. Then pour in a can of condensed milk and mix everything again. Quench a teaspoon of soda with one teaspoon of vinegar and pour into the resulting mass. Now add the sifted flour little by little, avoiding lumps.

Divide the resulting dough into two different bowls. Grease the mold with oil and lay out half of the dough, forming a cake. Dampen your palm with water and smooth the surface of the dough. Place the mold for 15-20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. Add a spoonful of cocoa to the rest of the dough and send it to the oven immediately after the second cake is baked. Do not bake 2 cakes at the same time - one will not bake, and the second will burn from the bottom. Cut the baked cakes sharp knife horizontally in two. You should have 2 light and 2 chocolate thin cakes. In a separate bowl, beat sour cream with sugar until it dissolves. Recipe

approached the assembly of the cake: alternating the cakes, smear them with plenty of cream to make a "zebra".

Now the only thing left is to cook the glaze. Melt 50 grams of butter in a saucepan, but do not let it boil! Pour a couple of tablespoons of cocoa and a few tablespoons of sugar, pour in 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Warm the glaze over low heat, stirring constantly. As soon as it begins to bubble, immediately remove and place the saucepan in a saucepan with cold water. Let the mass thicken a little, then gently spread on top of the cake. Happy tea!

We present to your attention the king among sour cream cakes. Incredibly tasty, tender, airy, melting in your mouth - all epithets are not enough to describe this cake. There is only one conclusion: the recipe must be implemented without delay in order to personally verify its unsurpassedness.

  • 2 eggs

  • sugar - 210 grams

  • 10 grams vanilla sugar

  • 2 pinches of salt

  • one glass of sour cream 25% fat

  • half a can of condensed milk

  • a glass of flour with a slide (170 grams)

  • cocoa powder (20 grams)

  • a teaspoon of quick soda

For cream:

Take a deep container and beat the eggs into it, pour in the norm of sugar and whisk a little with a whisk to completely dissolve the grains. Add sour cream and condensed milk vanilla sugar and stir gently. The dough for the cakes will turn out to be liquid, approximately the same as for pancakes. Lubricate the form (preferably detachable) with butter, pour half the dough and send it to the oven preheated to 170 degrees. Bake for 40-45 minutes, do not open the oven door for the first quarter of an hour. When the cakes are baked, let them cool and cut each one horizontally.

For a gentle cream, beat 400 grams of sour cream with a glass of sugar. If you couldn't find a thick homemade sour cream, take the store at least 25% fat. liquid cream suitable for impregnating cakes. And to coat the top and sides finished product, add 1 sachet of cream thickener to the remaining cream and beat with a mixer. Decorate the layered and smeared cake with shavings from milk chocolate, and the sides are crushed walnuts. Leave the dessert at room temperature for an hour and a half, and then send it to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator overnight. Happy tea!

This recipe has been updated chocolate icing. You can use at your discretion black, milky or White chocolate. But we highly recommend using white or milk chocolate. Thus delicate taste cakes will be shaded most fully.

  • sour cream - 500 grams

  • sugar - 2 measuring cups

  • flour - 4 cups

  • vanilla sugar - 25 grams

  • cocoa - heaping tablespoon

  • soda - a third of a teaspoon

For cream:

  • sour cream with a fat content of at least 25% - 600 grams

  • jar of boiled condensed milk

  • cream over 15% fat - 250 milliliters

For glaze:

To please yourself delicious sour cream with condensed milk, use next recipe dough: sour cream, regular and vanilla sugar, mix thoroughly. Then add flour and soda. Knead the soft dough and divide it into two equal parts, into one of which add cocoa. Divide each part in half again.

Grease the prepared baking dish sunflower oil and lay out one part of the dough with the addition of cocoa. Bake the cake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 10-15 minutes. Do the same for the rest of the test. Cool all 4 cakes.

To prepare the cream, you need to combine the cream with condensed milk, and then add the norm of sour cream and mix everything well with a mixer. Lubricate each cake, only abundantly, with cream. Lay them on top of each other, alternating light with dark. Grease the sides of the product with cream, filling the voids. Put the cake in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours so that the cakes are well saturated with cream.

It's time to make the frosting. To do this, melt the chocolate in a water bath, remove from heat and pour in the cream. Beat a lot of whisks and cover the cake with icing. Return the dessert to the refrigerator until the glaze is completely set. If you have extra cream left, decorate the cake with confectionery syringe. For example: line the top with cream, and put a berry or nut in each resulting cell. Another no less spectacular decoration option is to sprinkle the finished sour cream with white or colored coconut shavings. Bon appetit!

cook delicious dessert no problem for the whole family, because now you are familiar with delicious sour cream with condensed milk. If you are waiting a large number of guests, choose the recipe you like and double the ingredients. We are sure that by the end of the evening not a crumb will be left!

How to cook delicious, sweet and big pie with condensed milk and sour cream, we will tell you in this interesting article.

We offer detailed recipe with photo.

This recipe will delight those who love big, fluffy, and very sweet pastries but he doesn't know how to cook.

It can be called lifesaver wand, after all, subject to technology and proportions, its appearance, splendor and beauty, this cake can outshine any, the most "complex" biscuit.

It turns out great tasty and very sweet pie which takes a couple of hours to prepare. Moreover, one hour the biscuit is baked in the oven.

A company of a dozen friends eats this splendor in 15 minutes, or even faster.

Delicious pie with condensed milk and sour cream - recipe with photo


  • 5 small eggs
  • a couple of glasses of sugar
  • 400 gr. thick sour cream
  • jar of condensed milk,
  • 1 tsp (without a slide) soda,
  • 3 full glasses of flour
  • 30 gr. oils for greasing the mold.


The main stages of preparation:

1. Having freed the eggs from the shell and combined them with the indicated amount of sugar, beat the products until smooth.

3. Put sour cream into the resulting mixture, pour soda. Thoroughly beat the products with a mixer.

4. In the container where we will knead the dough, sift three cups of flour.

5. Pour the previously whipped mixture of eggs, sour cream and condensed milk into the flour.

6. After kneading, we get a thick and slightly viscous, watery, similar to biscuit dough.

Pour the dough into a greased detachable form and put it in an oven preheated to 180 C degrees.

After an hour of time spent in a 180-degree oven, the dough turns into a ruddy tall biscuit cake.

We take it out of the oven and cool it, then cut it and serve it as a dessert.

If the cake is being baked for a future celebration and you have time, we recommend that you place the cake in a bag, close it very tightly, releasing the air, and refrigerate for several hours. So the pie with condensed milk and sour cream will be much juicier.

Due to the presence of condensed milk and sugar, this cake does not require any additional impregnation, it will be juicy and very sweet.

DELICIOUS pie with condensed milk and sour cream - VIDEO

The same recipe in photos can be seen in this video in video format with musical accompaniment, in less than 1.2 minutes.

cook this tasty pie with condensed milk and sour cream according to our recipe and share your feedback in the comments.

Bon appetit!

Sour cream cake with condensed milk so good that you can easily put it on festive table. For example, on New Year, March 8, the birthdays of your friends, as well as Valentine's Day. It seems so easy to make and so delicious. Baking almost melts in your mouth, and all because we grease the cakes gentle cream from butter and condensed milk. By the way, if it seems to you that the cake can turn out to be sweet, then just reduce the amount of sugar in the dough.

Ingredients for making sour cream cake with condensed milk:

For test:

  1. Wheat flour 1/2 cup
  2. Sour cream 200 grams
  3. Chicken eggs 2 pieces
  4. Sugar 1 cup
  5. Condensed milk 1/2 can
  6. Cocoa powder - 2-3 teaspoons
  7. Baking soda 1 teaspoon without a slide
  8. Table vinegar 9% 3-4 drops (to extinguish soda)
  9. Vegetable oil for greasing the baking dish

For cream:

  1. Butter 200 grams
  2. Condensed milk 1/2 can
  3. Peeled walnuts 0.5 cup

Products not suitable? Choose a similar recipe from others!


Teaspoon, tablespoon, glass, oven, oven mitts, deep baking dish, hand whisk, large bowl, medium bowl, sieve, oven rack, kitchen knife, saucer, blender or mixer with blades, flat big dish for serving, plate, cutting board, refrigerator, pastry brush, toothpick, deep blender bowl or small bowl

Cooking sour cream cake with condensed milk:

Step 1: prepare the butter.

To prepare the cream, we need to bring the butter to room temperature. But since we will not use steam bath or microwave, simply lay the component on a cutting board and, using a knife, cut it in small pieces. We move the crushed butter into a clean saucer and simply leave it aside for a while.

Step 2: Prepare the flour mixture.

In order for the dough to turn out tender and airy, it is necessary to prepare the flour. To do this, simply pour it into a sieve and sift over a medium bowl. Thanks to this process, the component will be saturated with oxygen and get rid of excess lumps.

Now add cocoa powder here and, using a tablespoon, mix everything well until smooth.

Step 3: Prepare eggs with sugar.

Using a knife, break the egg shells, and pour the yolks with proteins into a large bowl. Pour sugar here and, using a hand whisk, beat everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Step 4: prepare the dough for the cake.

Pour sour cream and half a can of condensed milk into a bowl with an egg-sugar mixture. Using a hand whisk, beat everything well until we get a homogeneous liquid mass. Then in small portions Pour here the mixed flour with cocoa powder. Attention: in parallel, we continue to beat everything with improvised equipment so that lumps do not form. At the end, extinguish the soda with vinegar over a bowl and again mix everything thoroughly until smooth. We should get a rare coffee-colored dough.

Step 5: bake the cake.

Brush the bottom and sides of a deep baking dish with a pastry brush. a small amount vegetable oil. Now pour the dough here and immediately turn on the oven. When it warms up to temperature 160-180 degrees, we put the capacity in it at the average level. Spotting 50 minutes and wait for the cake to turn golden brown.

After the allotted time, you need to check how well the dough is baked. To do this, using kitchen tacks, we take out the form, and pierce the cake in several places with a toothpick. If the wooden stick remains dry and without lumps of dough, then you can turn off the oven. If not, then it is worth extending the baking time of the cake for another 7–10 minutes. It all depends on the oven!

At the end, carefully transfer the cake to a special wire rack and let it cool slightly. Next, using a knife, cut it lengthwise into two parts and leave it alone for now.

Step 6: Prepare the walnuts.

Put the peeled walnuts on a cutting board and cut into several pieces with a knife. Attention: it is not necessary to chop the components much, since we use them practically for decoration. Pour the chopped nuts into a free plate.

Step 7: prepare the cream.

There are two ways to prepare the cream (I prefer the second one). First: post soft pieces butter into a deep blender bowl, pour the remaining half a jar of condensed milk here and, using an electrical appliance, beat everything at high speed until smooth.

The second one is more interesting option: put the pieces of butter in a small bowl, pour them with the remaining condensed milk and, using a mixer with special blades, thoroughly beat the ingredients at medium speed. We should get a lush homogeneous mass. This will be our cream!

Step 8: prepare a sour cream cake with condensed milk.

cooled down bottom cake put it on a large flat plate and with the help of a tablespoon generously grease it with cream. Attention: we do not regret creamy mass, since it depends on how tender and juicy the inside of the cake will turn out. Sprinkle lightly with chopped walnuts, if desired. Next, cover the lower tier of baking with the upper cake and also grease it well with the remaining cream.

Sprinkle the cake walnuts and put in the fridge overnight. Let the pastry soak in the cream and become soft and very tender.

Step 9: Serve the sour cream cake with condensed milk.

When the cake is well saturated with cream, we take it out of the refrigerator, cut it with a knife portioned pieces and submit to dessert table together with fragrant tea or coffee. The bread is very tasty and tender. Cakes are saturated with sweet cream overnight, so they practically melt in your mouth.
Happy tea drinking everyone!

To prepare the cream, instead of butter, you can take a special margarine. It should indicate on the packaging that it is for dough and other pastries. In addition, from such margarine you can cook cool cream, as it gives a delicate sweetish aroma and taste;

If you get enough cream, then be sure to grease the sides of the cake with it;

For cooking delicious cakes be sure to use wheat flour premium, fine grinding and proven brand name.

And such cakes go very well with sour cream to taste: they are soft, perfectly soaked and look very beautiful in the cake. And chocolate lovers will also like my sour cream with condensed milk: I not only cover the cake with chocolate icing, but also add cocoa to half of the cakes ...

But, perhaps, I have already begun the details of preparation. Let's better stop and start from the beginning - how to make sour cream cake with condensed milk: my recipe with step by step photos at your service!

Ingredients for a 20 cm mold:

For test:

  • 100 g butter;
  • 1 can (400 g) condensed milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon of soda;
  • 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar;
  • 1.5 tablespoons of cocoa;
  • 8 - 9 tablespoons of flour.

For cream:

  • 700 g sour cream;
  • 150 g sugar.

For impregnation:

  • 30 ml brandy;
  • 20 ml of water.

For glaze:

  • 3 teaspoons of cocoa (with a slide);
  • 4 teaspoons of powdered sugar;
  • 3 teaspoons of warm water;
  • 70 g butter.

How to make sour cream cake with condensed milk:

We stand the butter for a couple of hours at room temperature so that it becomes completely soft, but does not melt (or gently warm it in microwave oven). Combine butter and eggs, beat with a mixer.

Add condensed milk and whisk again.

Adding soda slaked with vinegar, mix.

In parts, continuing to work with a mixer, add flour.

The dough for sour cream on condensed milk should be like thick sour cream in consistency.

Divide the dough into 2 equal parts. Add cocoa to one part and mix thoroughly so that the cocoa is evenly dispersed throughout the dough.

Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or grease vegetable oil and sprinkle with a little breadcrumbs. Pour the dough - white or with cocoa - it does not matter, the order of baking the cakes does not matter.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees C for 15-20 minutes. Readiness is checked with a dry wooden stick. Take the cake out of the mold and cool the cake to room temperature.

We repeat the same with the cocoa dough.

We cut the cooled cakes in half - you get 4 cake layers.

Mix cognac with water. With the help of a culinary brush, soak all 4 cakes from the side of the cut with this mixture.

Cooking cream. Whip sour cream with powdered sugar. The cream is ready, as soon as it becomes thick enough, immediately stop whipping to prevent stratification of sour cream.

Lubricate each cake generously with cream, laying them on top of each other. The last cake can also be lubricated with cream, or you can not lubricate, but then cover with icing.

We also coat the sides of the cake with cream.

Ready for frosting. We apply a slightly warm frosting to the top surface of the cake. We insist the cake in the refrigerator for 6 - 10 hours so that it is properly soaked.

And then we cut our sour cream cake with condensed milk and enjoy a very tasty and beautiful dessert!

You can cook chocolate icing for condensed milk cake with sour cream according to your recipe or use mine:

Mix cocoa with powdered sugar in a container suitable for heating in a microwave oven. Add water and mix thoroughly so that the whole mass is homogeneous.

We put the container in the microwave oven and heat it at an average power of 30-40 seconds - so that the mass warms up well. We wait a few minutes until the mass becomes warm. Add finely chopped butter at room temperature and mix thoroughly so that the butter evenly disperses.

Let cool for 5-7 minutes to thicken the mass.

Servings: 6

Cooking time: 75min

This delicious recipe combines three fillings - boiled and ordinary condensed milk, sour cream. Such a chic flavor combination conquers everyone from the first bite. We recommend submitting this a delicious cake with tea after.

We offer classic version making this cake.

Ingredients for Smetannik with condensed milk

    250 gr. sour cream

    half can of condensed milk

    150 gr. Sahara

    a couple cups of flour

    a teaspoon of soda

    2 tablespoons cocoa

    1 stick of butter (for cream)

    1 can of boiled condensed milk (for cream)

How to cook "Smetannik" with condensed milk

  • Step 1

  • So, let's start kneading the dough for the most delicate cake. Whisk the eggs with a mixer in a deep bowl. Then add sour cream, sugar, condensed milk, soda, slaked with vinegar. Beat again until fluffy. Then we reduce the number of revolutions and begin to gradually pour in the sifted flour. Knead soft dough.

  • Step 2

  • Now you need to turn on the oven at 220 degrees. She needs to warm up. At this time, we divide the dough into 4 parts, in 2 of which we add according to Art. a spoonful of cocoa. We roll out the cakes in circles with a diameter of 20-25 cm. We cover the baking sheets parchment paper, post ready-made cakes. Bake for 15-20 minutes in a preheated oven, then cool.

  • Step 3

  • Now let's make the cream for "Smetannik" with condensed milk. Beat softened butter with boiled condensed milk with a mixer. The consistency should be homogeneous. It is important not to overdo it here so that the oil does not deteriorate.

  • Step 4

  • We begin to form the Smetannik cake with condensed milk. Lay out wide flat dish light cake, grease it with cream, cover with a cake of a different color and repeat the procedure until we form a cake. For decoration, you can use a large chocolate or coconut flakes. Further, according to the recipe, the Smetannik cake with condensed milk should be left to soak at room temperature for two hours, and in the refrigerator for about an hour. Happy tea drinking everyone!

For this we need:

  • 5 spoons of sugar
  • 50 gr. butter
  • 2 tbsp. cocoa spoons
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sour cream

1. Melt the butter in a saucepan, but do not let it boil. Pour a couple of tablespoons of cocoa powder and a few tablespoons of sugar, pour in 2 tablespoons of sour cream.

2. Warm up the frosting small fire, stir all the time. As soon as bubbles begin to appear, remove the saucepan from the heat and place in a pot of cold water. The mass should thicken a little, after which we apply it to the entire surface of the cake.

You will get very tasty and beautiful cake"Smetannik". A recipe with condensed milk will allow you to quickly cook favorite treat of the most simple products. How else can you cook "Smetannik" with condensed milk? The recipe can be varied by adding vanilla sugar, milk chocolate, walnuts, cream.

Don't be afraid to experiment! We wish you delicious pastries And Bon appetit!
