
What a cake for the new year. Preparing a light crust

New Year's cake with honey cakes sure to please sweet tooth and chocolate lovers. We will prepare it with custard cream, it can also be lubricated sour cream or cream of boiled condensed milk.

Taste Info New Year's recipes / Cakes and pastries

Dough Ingredients:

  • sugar - 1 glass;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • honey - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • soda - 2 teaspoons (exactly along the edge);
  • cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • wheat flour - 3.5 cups.

Cream Ingredients:
butter - 300 grams;
granulated sugar - 1 cup;
egg - 1 pc.;
milk - 1 glass;
starch - 2 tbsp. spoons;
vanilla sugar - 1/2 sachet;
cognac - 1 tbsp. spoon;
cocoa powder - 1 tablespoon (10 g).
Glaze Ingredients:
dark chocolate - 100 grams.
Cooking time: 100 min. + 6 hours for impregnation of cakes with cream.

How to make a chocolate cake for the new year with your own hands

Lightly beat eggs with sugar in a deep bowl. Add honey, cocoa, butter, soda to the egg-sugar mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and put the bowl with the mixture on the so-called " water bath". To do this, we select a pot of such size that our bowl, holding on to its edges, lightly touches the water. Boil water in a saucepan, put a bowl of mixture in it, make a quiet fire so that the water in the saucepan does not boil.

We keep the mixture in our "water bath" for about 10-15 minutes. It is necessary to constantly stir it so that the mixture does not burn.

Remove the mixture from the "water bath", let cool. Then add pre-sifted flour and knead the dough. Divide dough by 6 equal parts and, having rolled up six koloboks, we take it out to the cold for 40 minutes.

We take one ball of dough from the cold, roll it out on a table sprinkled with flour into a thin flat cake in the form of a circle. We spread it in a suitable form and put it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.

I put the form with the cake on the 2nd shelf of the oven. It takes me 5 minutes to bake one cake. While the cake is baking, I bring in the next ball of dough from the cold and roll it out.

So alternately I bake all the cake layers. It turns out six cakes. I put them in wide dish and cover with a towel.

While the cakes are cooling, I cook custard. I rub the egg with sugar. Pour cold milk into the pan, add the egg-sugar mixture, put on fire. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil. I dissolve starch in 100 ml of cold milk, pour this mixture into boiling milk, stirring constantly, making sure that there are no lumps. When the cream thickens, remove from heat, set to cool.
Beat the butter until fluffy, gradually pouring the custard into it. I add vanilla sugar and a spoonful of skate.

Then I divide the cream into 2 parts. In one part add 10 g of cocoa and mix.

teaser network

I'm starting to assemble the cake. I leave one cake for crumbs, and part of the white cream for decoration. Lubricate the top bottom cake syrup (I have Strawberry jam, diluted boiled water). Then I spread a layer of cream on it, level it. I grease the remaining cakes with syrup on both sides, spreading white and brown cream alternately on them.
I grind the deferred cake in a blender into small crumbs, sprinkle with crumbs the sides of the cake, smeared with cream. In this form, the cake should be left to soak for 6 hours. I usually put it on at night cool place. So the cakes will be softer and more tender.

I use dark chocolate for frosting. great content cocoa. I break the chocolate into pieces and, stirring, melt it in a “water bath” until completely dissolved. Then I quickly pour the melted chocolate onto the top layer of the cake, leveling it with a spatula. When the chocolate hardens, I decorate the cake with white cream.

For the new year, our chocolate cake can be decorated for hours. Cut out a small circle from the cake laid on the crumb, attach it with cream in the center of the cake. Next, align laid out on a circle white cream, draw a dial with melted chocolate. The edges of the cake can be decorated with white cream sprinkled with coconut.

I don't know a single person who doesn't know what New Year Definitely bake cakes. Some bake pies that look like cakes. Children, of course, rejoice in advance and, of course, do not wait for adults to drink tea, but receive their portions much earlier, long before the chiming clock. Well, adults, if for some reason they cannot try on the 31st, then they come to the “cake” on the 1st and begin to evaluate what kind of cake the hostess has here, what color, what taste.

This is where the hostess can shine if she uses our recipes. Cakes, of course, are different both on kefir and from puff pastry, and chocolate, easy to prepare, complex. Of course "Smetannik" and " bird's milk» is not quite simple, but rather it is complicated cakes, requiring patience, time, effort, but if you endure and can make them, then your guests will remember for a long time that you made such cakes at home and how did you manage it? The rest will take you much less time and effort. So…

Step-by-step recipes for making simple and delicious cakes for the New Year's table.

  • "Strawberry Chocolate"
  • "Smetannik"
  • "Bird's milk"
  • Video "Zebra"

Cook and treat the guests and the husbands will reproach their wives for a long time: “you don’t do this,” and the wives will say to each other for a long time: “well, just think, it’s nothing complicated and we can do this,” but not one of them, and can't cook it. I wish you success!

Strawberry - chocolate cake


For the crust:

  • Sugar - 1 tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sour cream - 1 tbsp.
  • Butter - 1 tbsp.
  • Flour - 1 tbsp.
  • Soda - 0.5 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Cocoa - 4 tablespoons
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

Cooking cakes:

1. Combine flour, salt, soda, cocoa in a deep container, mix.

2. Beat eggs, sugar, sour cream, butter with a blender.

3. Add the whipped mixture to the dry mixture and mix.

4. Cover the detachable form with baking paper and grease with vegetable oil.

5. Pour into the mold ready mix, level and put in the oven, preheated to 180 °, for 30-35 minutes.

6. Remove the form from the oven, let the cake cool slightly, remove it from the form,

peel off the paper and cut to length,

into two identical shells.

7. In a clean detachable form, on the bottom, put a circle of baking paper and lay one half of the cake on top.

Cream Ingredients:

  • Mascarpone cheese - 800 g.
  • Cream 34% - 400 ml.
  • Sugar - 100 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g.
  • Gelatin - 20 g.
  • Milk - 150 ml.
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • Frozen strawberries - 150-200 g.
  • Walnuts - 1 handful.
  • Chocolate black - 1 bar

Cream preparation

1. Pour gelatin into a glass, pour water, leave to swell. Pour the milk into a small saucepan, bring to a boil, put the swollen gelatin into it and dissolve with constant stirring. Remove the saucepan from the heat, let the liquid cool.

2. Whip the cream in a mixer with 50 g of powdered sugar until thick.

3. Put mascarpone cheese, sugar, cooled milk-gelatin mixture into a large container, mix by hand, add whipped cream and mix the whole cream thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

4. Divide the cream into two identical halves. Grind half a bar of dark chocolate and nuts with a knife and add to one half of the cream.

5. Put this cream on the first cake in the form. Put the second half of the cake on top.

6. Without defrosting, cut the strawberries into pieces, add 50 g of powdered sugar, mix

and immediately add to the second half of the cream.

7. Put the cream on top of the second cake in the form.

8. Smooth over the entire surface and put the form in a cold place for 8-12 hours or overnight.

9. Grate the remaining chocolate on a fine grater.

10. We take out the cake from the refrigerator, remove the detachable form

and sprinkle grated chocolate. We serve it on the table so that the guests can see how beautiful and appetizing it is.

After the guests appreciated its beauty, we cut the cake into portioned pieces, lay out on plates and serve each guest his portion.

Bon appetit!



  • Eggs - 6 pcs.
  • Sugar - 400 g.
  • Flour - 570 g.
  • Sour cream 20% - 1 liter
  • Cocoa - 30 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g.
  • Soda, vinegar, sour cream thickener


2 cakes are baked, one dark, the other light.

Let's start with light:


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Flour - 300 g.
  • Sour cream 20% - 150 g.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Vinegar


1. We take the eggs, break them into a deep container, beat until a thick homogeneous foam.

2. Add sugar and slowly add the whole glass to the beaten eggs.

3. Continue whisking as long as possible. Of course, you will not dissolve all the sugar, but still do it as much as possible.

4. Add sour cream and also beat for 2-3 minutes until smooth.

5. In this recipe, we will have one feature for sifting flour. We will sift the flour directly into a mixture of eggs, sour cream and sugar so that it draws air inside. We take half the flour and sift with any sieve that you have.

6. The first part of the flour must be beaten well so that there are no lumps.

7. Pour a teaspoon of soda a small amount vinegar (extinguish soda) and add to the dough.

8. Mix everything well with a blender.

9. We take the second half of the flour and sift it all to the end again into the dough. Mix everything well with a blender until smooth. The dough is thick but elastic. Let the dough rest for about 10 minutes, it will begin to bubble. This means that there is a lot of air in the dough and this is very good, it will be tastier.

10. Turn on the oven. Heat up to 180 ° and put our cake there. Reduce the temperature somewhere to 135 ° -140 ° and bake for 20-25 minutes. The crust should be baked. Check by piercing the cake with toothpicks. If the toothpicks come out clean, then the cake is baked.

We proceed to the second cake.


  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 200 g.
  • Flour - 270 g.
  • Sour cream - 150 g.
  • Cocoa - 30 g.
  • Soda - 1 tsp
  • Vinegar


11. We take a mold with a diameter of 20 cm, all ingredients are designed for this form, always with high edges. We line the bottom with parchment paper, or flour, you can grease the bottom butter. While the edges are better not to grease, so that the dough rises well.

12. Now we are preparing a chocolate, dark cake. To do this, we will beat sugar, eggs and sour cream in the same proportions. Sift in the first half of the flour. You noticed that in the ingredients, the flour costs a little less than for the first cake. We reduced the flour by the amount of cocoa that we add in the second cake. Those. cocoa, as it were, replaced some of the flour for us. If you like cocoa a lot, you can add more, but then you need to remove as much flour as you added cocoa. Just like in the first case, after whipping the dough, we add there slaked soda and shake it up a bit again.

13. When the first half of the flour is beaten, sift the second half and add cocoa to the sieve. We add everything together to our dough.

14. Manually, without turning on the mixer, gently mix this mixture into the dough so that everything intervenes and becomes wet. Otherwise, turning on the mixer, you will collect cocoa powder throughout the kitchen.

15. Having mixed cocoa into the dough, turn on the mixer and beat the dough until smooth. Let it stand for 10-15 minutes, let in air. Then we can bake.

We make sour cream.


  • Sour cream - 700-1000 g.
  • Powdered sugar - 200 g.
  • Sour cream thickener - 4 sachets

16. We take 20% sour cream, start beating with a mixer for about 1 minute, the sour cream should become homogeneous and many air bubbles should appear in it.

17. We take powdered sugar, sugar is also possible, but it is heavy and grainy, sour cream quickly settles, so powder is preferable and add to sour cream. If you like it sweeter, you can add more powder. Beat the dough and add powdered sugar in parts.

18. We take sour cream thickener and read on reverse side how much sour cream you need one pack. But of course look at the consistency of the cream. Add thickener to sour cream and beat with a mixer. The cream starts to set immediately. By the way, if there is no mixer, beat with a spoon. The cream will set due to the thickener. Beat up to 4 minutes, no more. The longer you beat, the more it thickens. If it doesn't thicken in 4 minutes, add a thickener.

Usually in a minute it becomes very thick.

Although we had 700 g of sour cream, and on a pack of thickener it was written that it was designed for 400 g, we poured 4 packs into sour cream. It depends on the sour cream, on the quality of the thickener itself. So see for yourself.

So, the cream is ready, the cakes are both ready, it is necessary that they cool completely.

19. Each cake must be cut into two in thickness. We will get 2 light cakes and 2 dark ones.

20. Lay them out alternating colors, one on top of the other. If the edges of the cakes turned out to be dried, trim them carefully. Chop them up into different bowls.

21. We smear each layer with cream. Spread on top and around the cake.

22. Sprinkle with colorful crumbs as you like. We sprinkled triangles cross on cross.

Sprinkle the sides of the cake with crumbs, from the dark side, dark, from the light side, light.

The cake is ready, but it must be infused. Place in the refrigerator overnight. Maybe 6-8 hours.

Before serving the cake, take it out of the refrigerator an hour before serving so that the cream becomes softer and more tender.

Bon appetit!

Bird's milk.


  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Sugar - 4 tablespoons
  • Flour - 4 tbsp.
  • Gelatin - 50 g.
  • Warm water - 150 g.
  • Eggs - 10 pcs.
  • Sugar - 2 cups
  • Flour - 1 tbsp
  • Milk - 1 glass
  • Butter - 300 g.
  • Cocoa - 150 g.
  • Sugar - 50 g.
  • Oil - 30 g.
  • Milk - 400-500 ml.


1. Prepare gelatin. Pour the gelatin into a bowl and add water. Take water room temperature. Stir a little so that the gelatin begins to dissolve and set aside.

2. Turn on the oven so that it heats up to 180 °.

3. Take eggs at room temperature, break and separate, yolks in one direction, proteins in the other. Add a pinch of salt to the protein.

4. Beat the whites until a stable foam and beat the yolks separately.

5. Add sugar, 2 tablespoons to the proteins and 2 tablespoons to the yolks. We continue to beat. Sugar will dissolve in proteins, but not completely in yolks, grains of sugar will come across .. It's okay.

6. Mix the yolks with the proteins.

7. Gently, with a wooden or plastic spatula, so as not to fall off, mix in the proteins.

8. Add flour, having previously sifted,

and mix by hand until smooth.

If you are not sure about your oven and that your dough will rise as it should, then you can add soda or baking powder, but they are not added in the classic recipe.

9. We prepare the baking dish. The cake is designed for a mold 28 cm in diameter. Line the bottom of the mold with parchment paper. Put the dough into a mold. We distribute the dough in a form so that the thickness is the same everywhere.

We put our biscuit in a preheated oven and bake for 20-25 minutes. (Test doneness with a toothpick)

10. Remove the biscuit from the oven

11. With a knife, we separate the biscuit from the mold. We understand the form.

12. Gently holding, turn the biscuit on big dish, a baking sheet, anywhere, but it is better on a wire rack from the oven so that it cools evenly and so that the bottom side does not get damp.

We wash the form in which the biscuit was prepared, it will still be useful to us.

Preparing the cream:

13. Wash the eggs first with water, and then with soda for disinfection. (Buy eggs only from trusted manufacturers).

14. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Send the proteins in a sealed container to the refrigerator, as we do not need them yet.

15. Beat the yolks until a good foam.

16. Add 1 cup sugar, vanilla sugar and a tablespoon of flour.

17. Mix everything for 2-3 minutes. It turned out a whipped egg mass.

18. Add a glass of milk, and you can not heat it, add cold. Mix everything.

Pour the whole mass into a small saucepan.

19. Pour a little water into a larger saucepan and send a saucepan with cream there so that it hangs without touching the bottom of the large one.

20. Water should boil. The cream at this time can be stirred occasionally.

The cream should thicken and thicken. It takes approximately 20 minutes.

21. Check after 15 minutes, the cream should already be thick, but you need a little thicker, you have to wait another 5 minutes.

22. The cream is ready, remove from the stove and set aside. It should cool down to about 40°.

23. Add soft butter to the cooled cream and stir it by hand. Since the cream is still a little warm, the oil will mix with it very easily and well.

24. Here is such a homogeneous, beautiful cream turned out. We set aside.

25. We send cold proteins to the mixer, first beat at low speed, then increase and beat until a good, stable foam.

26. Add a glass of sugar, continue beating until sugar dissolves.

27. We shift the protein into a very large bowl and add cream to it.

28. We begin to mix by driving the protein with a wooden spoon or a silicone spatula from top to bottom.

29. When we mix the cream well, add gelatin at room temperature. Mix with gelatin for about 7-8 minutes.

You should get a completely homogeneous mass. We set aside.

30. We take the same form in which the biscuit was baked, lay it on the bottom parchment paper. Biscuit cut into two cakes in thickness. Place one cake on the bottom of the mold.

31. We spread the mass that we have obtained before, onto the cake, distribute the entire cream evenly in shape.

32. Cover with a second cake. We tighten everything with cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

Cooking fondant:

33. Pour water into the pan, put it on the stove, put a smaller pan in it, so that it hangs on the handles, without touching the bottom of the lower pan. Pour cocoa into the top pan

34. add sugar, mix.

35. Add milk in parts, stirring all the time. The amount of milk you have may differ, because different cocoa for several tablespoons.

The mixture of cocoa and milk should be the consistency of sour cream.

36. We continue to stir, without turning off the fire, so that the water boils below, since not all cocoa lumps have broken, dissolved without adding more milk, about 10-15 minutes. Cocoa should not boil, stir. Now we have the finished fudge mix.

Turn off the stove.

37. Add a piece of butter to the mixture, stir until dissolved. Set the fudge aside to cool down.

38. Take out the cake in the form from the refrigerator, separate the cake from the form with a knife.

39. Open the form and carefully remove it.

40. With a wooden spatula, we shift the cake to the prepared place.

41. Pour the fondant on the cake.

42. With a spoon, in a circular motion, we begin to distribute it over the top of the cake so that it begins to drain onto the sides.

43. Lubricate the sides of the cake that are not covered.

It turned out completely smeared with fondant cake. You can let it stand for 30-40 minutes to cool the fudge.

Put on the table. Cut into pieces and enjoy.

Bon appetit!

Video: "Zebra"

New Year's cake ... Well, what celebration today does without it? Many people think that the New Year is not a holiday if this wonderful treat is not on the table. It’s right, I also believe that a New Year’s cake should be one of the main attributes festive feast, because only one appearance This dessert is able to cheer up and create a special atmosphere at the festive table.

We will prepare a cake for the New Year strawberry-chocolate and New Year's Mozart cake. All tips and tricks for preparing these culinary masterpieces are below. Well, let's get started? Then go ahead!

Strawberry Chocolate New Year's Cake - Step by Step Recipe

Don't be scared a large number ingredients and number of cooking steps. Yes, it is not very easy to create with your own hands cooking masterpiece, but it's worth the trouble and get great result. You will be proud of yourself if you make a New Year's cake according to this recipe.

Cakes for the New Year's cake, what you need:

  • A glass of flour.
  • Butter - 30-40 gr.
  • A glass of granulated sugar.
  • A glass of sour cream (fat content of the product is better to take from 15%, but you can use absolutely any).
  • Two eggs.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • Cocoa powder - 4 tablespoons.
  • Half a teaspoon of soda, slaked with vinegar.
  • Vegetable oil - 1.5 tablespoons.

Products for making cream for a delicious cake

  • Cream (at least 30%) - 400 ml. (In order not to spend money on a large liter pack, I recommend buying two 200 ml each.)
  • Cheese "Mascarpone" - 850 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 100 gr.
  • Powdered sugar - 150 gr.
  • Milk of any fat content (you can even use homemade or goat milk) - 150 ml.
  • Lemon (you will need the juice of half a citrus).
  • Frozen, since there is no other in winter or fresh, if you find strawberries - 200-250 gr.
  • Bar of dark dark chocolate.
  • Gelatin bag 20-25 gr.
  • Walnuts - 100-120 gr.

For decoration at your discretion - sweet cocoa (Nesquik or any other), chocolate bar, coconut flakes or nuts.

How to make a New Year's cake with your own hands

1. In a deep bowl, combine the sifted in advance wheat flour, salt, cocoa and slaked soda.

2. Using a blender or mixer, beat chicken eggs, butter, sour cream and granulated sugar. You should get a homogeneous moderately thick mass.

3. Pour the whipped mass into a bowl with dry ingredients and mix everything thoroughly.

4. Take a baking dish for cakes, lay parchment on its bottom, grease it with vegetable oil.

Attention! The baking paper should be completely oiled (bottom and edges), otherwise the cake may stick to it and subsequently it will be inconvenient to remove it from the mold.

5. Pour the dough into the mold, gently spread it around the entire perimeter with a spoon and send it to the oven preheated to 180 degrees. Our cake will be ready for about thirty minutes.

On a note! You can check the readiness of the pie with a toothpick. If, after inserting and pulling out a toothpick into the prepared product, you do not find adhering dough on it, your cake is ready.

6. When the pastry is ready, let it cool slightly and remove the cake from the mold.

7. You see that you have turned out pretty high baking, which means you have to cut it. If possible, cut the cake into three parts, but if it is not too high, then half will be enough. Cut carefully, holding the top of the product, it should not be damaged. After cutting, put the parts of your cake on separate plates and start preparing the most delicious, delicate cream. The Christmas cake is almost ready. a little more patience.

Preparation of cream for the New Year's cake

- Pour a bag of gelatin into a bowl, pour it warm water until completely covered, let the products swell.

- Bring the milk to a boil, add ready-made, that is, swollen gelatin to it and, stirring, dissolve it in dairy product. Remove these ingredients from the stove and set aside.

- Using a blender or mixer, beat the cream and powdered sugar. You should have a dense thick mass.

- Put the cooled mixture with gelatin in some separate deep container, soft cheese, sugar, mix everything with a spoon, and then send the cream from the cream to the products, mix again and divide the resulting mass into 2 equal parts. In your dishes should be curdled white, gentle cream, very palatable.

- In one part of the cream, add nuts chopped with a knife and half a bar of chocolate. By the way, for the preparation of this delicacy, you can use any nuts to your taste in the same way as chocolate. I sometimes take a milk bar, and sometimes I use black and white chocolate. In general, everything here is an amateur.

Putting it together and decorating your cake for the New Year

Line a clean baking dish with new parchment paper and lay one part of the cake on the paper.

Spread evenly over your cake cream mass into which you poured chocolate with nuts.

On top of all this beauty, put the second part of the cake.

Attention! If you cut your cake into three parts, respectively, now once again coat the pastry with cream and then lay out the top of the cake.

Now cream for the top of the cake. It will be strawberry. Strawberries, without defrosting, grind with powdered sugar using a blender nozzle for nuts. You can use a regular fork to grind berries.

Put the resulting yummy on top of the cake and gently spread the entire mass evenly over the surface with a spoon.

Put your culinary masterpiece for at least eight hours in the refrigerator or on the balcony if you are making a New Year's cake. It is frosty outside at this time, like in a refrigerator, and your treat will feel great there.

After 8-10 hours, take out the New Year's cake, take it out of the mold for a beautiful festive dish.

You can decorate a sweet delicacy to your taste, for example, with grated chocolate or cocoa, making absolutely any treat on the surface of them new year drawing. It can be snowflakes, bells, a Christmas tree, or in the year of the dog - the muzzle of a dog.

When everything is ready and the guests appreciated the design, the cake can be cut into pieces and served in portions to each on a plate. I am sure that both adults and children will appreciate such a masterpiece, and if at night, after a festive feast, as you think, the cake does not fit into the stomach, do not worry, on January 1 in the morning with tea it will be the most the best treat for your children and guests.

I note that the Mozart cake is a fairly well-known treat, but today there are more than a dozen recipes for its preparation, and I'm sure you will like this one. The main thing is not to be afraid and do it.

To prepare a biscuit you will need:

  • Eggs - 3 yolks and 5 proteins (the two remaining yolks, separated from the proteins, will go into the pistachio cream);
  • Wheat flour of the first grade - a glass;
  • Butter sweet-salty - 70 gr;
  • Sugar - half a glass;
  • Powdered sugar - 30-40 grams;
  • A bar of 70-80 grams of dark or bitter chocolate.

To make chocolate cream you will need:

  • A bag of gelatin (10 gr.);
  • Half a glass of granulated sugar;
  • Sachet 15 gr. vanilla sugar(you can replace with regular vanilla on the tip of a knife);
  • Cream with a fat content of 30-35% - 250 ml;
  • Bar (80 gr.) milk chocolate;
  • Pasta Nutella - 50-70 gr.

Pistachio cream for cake required ingredients:

  • 2 yolks;
  • Half a bag of gelatin - 5-6 gr.;
  • Any cognac - 10-15 ml. (a couple of spoons);
  • Cream with a fat content of 30-35% - 150 ml;
  • Milk of any fat content - 100 ml;
  • Sugar - 30 gr.;
  • Peeled crushed pistachios - 80 gr.
  • Marzipan - 30 gr.

For glaze, take:

  • A bag of gelatin (10 gr.);
  • Sugar - 120 gr.;
  • Water - 60 ml;
  • Cream (from 33% fat) - 7 ml;
  • Two tablespoons of natural honey;
  • A bar (100 gr.) of any dark (I most often use bitter) chocolate.

For impregnation, you will need to take:

- Cognac about one and a half tablespoons;

- Raspberry or some other syrup - 50-60 ml.

Step one. To prepare the biscuit, melt the chocolate by adding powdered sugar to it. Cool down a bit.

Step two. Add the whites whipped with sugar to the cooled mass until foamy, egg yolks and sifted flour. At the same time, I recommend introducing the flour gradually, so that it is convenient to mix the composition and clots and lumps do not form in it.

Step three. Grease a baking dish with parchment paper. Preheat the oven and bake your biscuit there at 180 degrees for half an hour. Check the pastry with a toothpick, if there is no sticky dough on it, then the product is ready. Take it out, let it cool completely and take it out of the mold onto a plate. Cut the biscuit into 2 parts so that you have two bases in front of you.

Step four. Soak all parts with impregnation by mixing cognac with syrup. By the way, you can use absolutely any syrup for the preparation of impregnation to your taste. I like raspberry the most.

Step five. Place any base in a rimmed mold. If the base does not fit, then cut it off, but do not throw away the cut parts, they will come in handy for decorating a culinary masterpiece. In the future, in this way, you will need to cut the second part so that they are even.

Step six. We begin to prepare creams for lubricating parts of the biscuit.

1. Pistachio cream

- Pour milk into a saucepan, add one yolk and sugar to it, mix, put on steam bath and cook until this mass thickens.

Attention! Do not move away from the stove during the preparation of the cream, it will need to be constantly stirred, otherwise the products will burn.

- Pour gelatin for a while with warm water, let it swell and then, squeezing it out of the liquid, add it to the rest of the ingredients in your saucepan. Mix everything. By the way, gelatin for making chocolate cream, as well as icing, should be swollen, and therefore you can fill it with water in advance so that you don’t have to wait a long time until it swells.

- Add crushed pistachios and chopped marzipan to your cream, mix everything again and continue to simmer for steam bath stirring until the mixture becomes thick. Let the mixture cool down a bit and put it in the fridge for 20 minutes.

2. Chocolate cream

- Mix in an enameled bowl or small saucepan chocolate paste(Nutella), chocolate bar (pre-break into small pieces), vanilla sugar and cream. Heat it all up small fire until the mass becomes homogeneous.

- Add softened swollen gelatin to the warm finished mass, mix the ingredients.

- Mix the remaining ingredients prepared for this cream separately and then enter into chocolate mass let your mixture cool down.

Step seven. Got cooled down chocolate cream pour on the first part of the biscuit, smooth it evenly with a spoon over the entire surface of the cake and send it to solidify in the refrigerator.

Step eight. We make frosting. To do this, in a separate saucepan, mix cream, liquid honey, sugar and water, bring the food to a boil, remove from heat and add swollen gelatin to them. In the resulting mass, add the chocolate broken into slices or grated, it should melt in the hot composition. Mix everything and leave to cool.

Step nine. Remove the biscuit with cream from the refrigerator, free it from the mold, place it on a beautiful plate.

Step ten. Cover the resulting beauty with a second cake, brush it pistachio cream and pour over New Year's treat cooled down chocolate icing.

You can decorate the cake for the New Year with themed gingerbread or marmalade. It will come out very original, festive and at the same time not expensive.

Before serving, put the New Year's cake in a cold place for 6-8 hours. During this time, the culinary masterpiece will not only be soaked, but will also solidify beautifully.

A few examples of the design of the New Year's cake

Such designs are also suitable for meeting 2018, the year of the dog.

New Year's mood is not only a Christmas tree, garlands, Santa Claus and the President's midnight congratulations. First of all, this festive table. And its logical conclusion is tea drinking with delicious cake. And this despite the well-established opinion that "the holiday failed when it came to dessert."

In fact New Year's dessert very important. And even if in new year's eve it never came to him, then in the morning the cake will come in with a bang. However, it is not enough to cook and serve delicious dessert. It still needs to be decorated accordingly in order to maintain the charm of a magical holiday.

How to decorate a New Year's cake

So, it’s worth starting with the fact that the New Year is a special holiday. Any housewife runs around the shops for several days, prepares food, and on the eve of the celebration itself, she does not leave the kitchen for almost the whole day, constantly chopping, chopping, boiling, frying and baking something.

Being in such a time pressure to have time to cook everything is quite difficult. What can we say about the dessert, and even more so about its decoration. That is why, if, nevertheless, it was decided to make a cake on your own, then its appearance should be thought out in advance, and the decorations should be as simple as possible.

What to make decorations for the New Year's cake? There are no restrictions here. True, it should be borne in mind that on such a holiday there are quite a lot on the table fatty foods. Therefore, you should not make the elements of the confectionery decor too greasy. So butter cream it is better to use the minimum. Well, the most suitable materials for decorating a homemade cake are:

  • finished jewelry;
  • fruits;
  • powdered sugar and cocoa;
  • chocolate and chocolate icing;
  • caramel;
  • meringue;
  • confectionery paste.

Each of these materials should be discussed separately. Although in most cases it is best to combine several materials. But here it all depends on the imagination of the hostess, or rather on the design she invented for her confectionery.

How to decorate a cake for New Year and Christmas

Decorate a Christmas cake different ways. The main thing is to think over the "design" in advance. On New Year's Eve, there simply will not be time for this. Inexperienced confectioners should generally practice in advance in the preparation of materials for decoration. This will save a lot of time on December 31st.

To simplify the task, it makes sense not to be puzzled by decorating the sides. If necessary, it will be sufficient to cover them with a small amount of cream mixed with cookie crumbs or ground nuts.

But it's time to go back for more detailed description materials for decorating the top of homemade New Year's cakes.

Finished jewelry

Perhaps this is the easiest way to decorate a dessert. In almost every city there is now a shop where you can buy a wide variety of sugar or chocolate figurines for decorating cakes and pastries.

Of course, just buying figurines is not enough. First you have to think over the composition in order to select the necessary elements. In addition, you need to prepare the surface of the future confectionery masterpiece by making a background for the future composition. These can be cocoa, powdered sugar or icing.


Christmas cake decoration fresh fruit also does not require special skills and great effort. In the most extreme case, they can simply be spread out on the surface of the confectionery smeared with cream. But it’s better to connect your imagination and build something more interesting, for example: lay out an inscription or make fruit pieces stylized figurines of a Christmas tree or a snowman.

The best options for decoration are strawberries, bananas, currants, grapes, kiwi and pineapple. But you can use other representatives of the fruit family. The main thing is that their taste is combined with the taste of the product itself.

Powdered sugar and cocoa

This option for decorating a New Year's cake will already require some artistic skills and diligence. But at the same time, it is great for beginner confectioners, because it does not involve the use of special tools and the preparation of any additional materials.

To decorate a cake with cocoa or powdered sugar, it is enough to cut out a stencil of the desired pattern from paper in advance, put it on the surface of the cake and sprinkle liberally with the above materials. Then the stencil is carefully removed, and the intended pattern remains on the surface of the cake.

It’s worth warning right away: it is best to sprinkle your confectionery product with a strainer. Thanks to this device, powdered materials will lie on the surface of the cake evenly.

Sprinkle with what exactly? It all depends on the background color. If the surface of the cake is covered with a light cream, then the drawing is best done from cocoa, and white sprinkles will look brighter on chocolate icing and just a dark cake. You can also combine these elements, for example: sprinkle the entire cake with cocoa powder, and make a pattern of powdered sugar on top.

By the way, the stencil does not have to be made of paper. Very beautiful drawings obtained by using lace napkins. The only downside here is that it will be almost impossible to wash the lace later.

Chocolate and chocolate icing

Decorating a cake with chocolate will never go out of style. Looks quite presentable simple fill chocolate glaze. Moreover, even the most inexperienced hostess. For this you need to take:

  • chocolate (without additives) - 100 g;
  • milk - 75 ml (5 tablespoons).

Chocolate should be broken into pieces, put in a heat-resistant bowl greased with butter, pour milk and put in a water bath. The mixture must be constantly stirred. The frosting is ready when the chocolate is completely melted. Optimum temperature"baths" - 40 ° C.

Almost the same is done for white icing:

  • white chocolate - 100 g;
  • powdered sugar - 100 g;
  • milk - 30-50 ml (2-3 tablespoons).

Break the chocolate into a bowl greased with butter, add powdered sugar and half the indicated volume of milk. Place the bowl in a water bath. Stir the mixture constantly until the chocolate is completely melted. Remove from heat, pour in remaining milk and beat well. By the way, if you add to such a glaze food coloring, then it can be made not only white.

Both of these glaze options are great for pouring the surface of the cake. And then you can do anything: sprinkle with powder or cocoa, install ready-made figurines or make decor from fresh fruits.

But you can do it differently by decorating the cake with figures or inscriptions from the chocolate itself. It is not difficult to do this. However, this will require an additional tool - a pastry bag or syringe.

To make such an ornament, you first also need to prepare stencils or molds. The stencil can be cut out of foil. Further, everything is simple. Chocolate is melted in a water bath, poured into a pastry bag or syringe and squeezed out along the contour of the future decoration on a flat surface covered with parchment. Then the parchment is carefully moved to the refrigerator. After complete solidification with figurines or decorative elements, you can decorate the cake. With a mold (cliché) it's even easier. The melted mass is poured into it and sent to the refrigerator.

In this way, you can make almost any decoration, from elementary borders, Christmas trees or snowflakes to complex chocolate compositions. The only caveat, on the cake, chocolate figures need to be placed evenly, so that when it is cut into pieces, everyone gets a little chocolate treat.


Great jewelry comes from ordinary sugar syrup, i.e. from caramel. For its preparation you will need:

  • sugar - 200 g;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • vinegar essence - 5 drops (you can use a solution of citric acid - 10 drops).

Mix sugar with water and put on slow fire. The mixture must be constantly stirred so that the sugar is completely dissolved. As soon as this happens, add to the solution vinegar essence or citric acid and continue to cook until thickened, constantly stirring the mass with a spoon.

To make caramel figurines or decorative elements, you will need a cliché. You can cut it inside the half of the potato. The resulting form must be dipped in hot caramel and put on a cold plate greased with vegetable oil. Caramel will stick to the plate, while maintaining the desired shape. In the meantime, it has not completely frozen the figure, you can modify it a little: bend it or add texture.


Without really straining, you can decorate the cake with meringue. But first you need to prepare the mass itself. For this you need to take:

  • eggs - 5 pcs. (only proteins are needed);
  • sugar - 250 g.

Beat the egg whites until a stable foam forms. Then gradually - 1-2 tablespoons - add sugar, continuing to beat thoroughly. When all the sugar is driven into the mass, it must be continued to beat for at least another 15 minutes in order to form a sufficiently dense structure.

The base for the meringue is ready. What happens next depends on the design. You can bake a lot of small beads to decorate the cake evenly or lay out a pattern or inscription. And you can make several large “pies”, giving the protein-sugar mass, for example, the outline of a castle with turrets, before baking.

Meringue should be baked at a temperature of about 100 ° C, on a baking sheet covered with parchment. You can spread the mass on it both with the help of pastry bag, and an ordinary spoon.

confectionery mastic

Well, with this material, you can do anything. There is already a place for fantasy to roam. With the help of mastic, any cake can be turned into a real confectionery masterpiece. True, for cooking sweet mastic and working with it you need to have certain skills, both culinary and artistic. Therefore, before making a final decision in favor of this type of decor, it makes sense to practice.

There are many recipes for cooking confectionery mastic. However, for home use best fit milk version of this material. The thing is, it's universal. It can be used both for covering the entire cake (covering), and for sculpting various figurines and decorative elements.

You can prepare such a mastic from the following products:

In a deep bowl, mix the milk powder with powdered sugar well. Add lemon juice there and mix everything thoroughly again. Then condensed milk should be added to the mixture. This should be done in several stages, each time mixing the resulting mass properly. First you can mix with a spoon, then you have to knead the mastic with your hands, like dough. By the way, to sweet mass not very sticky to hands, you can lubricate them with a small amount vegetable oil or sprinkle with starch.

The result should be a homogeneous, slightly yellowish, pasty mass, which must be wrapped in cling film and send for half an hour in the refrigerator. After that, you can work with mastic.

To give the mastic any other color, during the kneading process, you need to add some kind of dye to it. It is, of course, about natural dyes. As such, you can use the juices of vegetables and fruits.

To cover the cake, the mastic must be rolled out and carefully applied to the leveled surface of the cake. After that, cut off the excess pieces of material. To make the mastic roll out better, you need to do this on a surface sprinkled with starch.

It is not necessary to throw away the cut pieces. The mastic can be re-rolled and cut out some additional elements decor. And you can make a few “sausages” and weave a pigtail, getting an original border along the entire border of the cake.

As for the figurines, everything is quite simple. The structure of the mastic is very similar to plasticine, and you can also work with it. But in order to glue together two or three fragments of multi-colored mastic, you need to grease the glued pieces with water using an ordinary brush.

New Year's cake theme

As has been repeatedly mentioned above, the design option for the New Year's cake needs to be thought out in advance. Of course, the most acceptable theme is a variety of New Year's symbols.

The simplest option is to decorate the cake with Christmas trees, snowflakes, or make it in the shape of a clock, the hands of which are approaching midnight. But you can also dream up.

It will look beautiful on the surface of the New Year's cake spruce branch, decorated with two or three balls. You can make such a decoration either monochrome - using powdered sugar or cocoa, or colored using multi-colored icing or mastic.

In a similar way, you can turn the surface of the cake into a real picture. A snow-covered branch of mountain ash with bullfinches sitting on it will look bright and festive. The materials are the same - icing and mastic, and you can use real currants to create a bunch of mountain ash.

Do you want to decorate the cake with voluminous figurines? No problem. Even an inexperienced "sculptor" can mold a whole family of snowmen or a kind of penguins out of mastic. If you place them among Christmas trees made of chocolate or mastic, you get an excellent New Year's story. Well, culinary specialists with obvious inclinations for artistic art can also stick on more complex figures, for example: white bears from cartoons or a whole zoo of animals rolling down an ice slide.

The cake will also be interesting, the surface of which is presented in the form of an ice-covered pond (bluish icing) on ​​which funny characters, made again from chocolate or mastic, ride. The edges of the cake can be made in the form snowdrifts whipped cream or cream.

Do not forget that the cake does not have to be round or square. A dessert in the form of a Christmas tree will look great on the table. At the same time, the upper part can be laid out from pieces of kiwi, sprinkling the “branches” with powdered sugar or spreading snow from the cream on them.

You can use other forms: a bottle of champagne, a bag with gifts, a cornucopia, and finally, just a Christmas ball. Fantasy is not limited here. So keep it up!

Happy New Year and… bon appetit!

Video "Decoration of the New Year's Cake"

Cake is one of the main attributes of the festive table and the New Year, of course, is no exception. There are just a lot of recipes for New Year's cakes, but you need to choose the one that will appeal to even the most fastidious gourmet who will be present at your holiday table. Therefore, your attention is invited to a category that contains the most unusual, original, delicious and beautiful recipes New Year's cakes.
In this category you can find biscuit cakes, sand cake recipes, ice cream cakes, meringue, marshmallow cakes, mastic cakes for the New Year 2019, and a lot more a variety of recipes which are definitely worth your attention.
It is very important that the cakes for the year of the pig are not only tasty, but also appetizing, beautiful. On the design of New Year's cakes should be given Special attention. After all, cakes for the New Year can be arranged in the form of Santa Claus, a snowman, a Christmas tree, Christmas decorations, a gift, snowflakes and, of course, the future mistress of the year - a pig. You can also make a cake in the form of a fairy-tale house or play with other traditional New Year symbols and plots. That is, you just need to choose the most original recipe or a little fantasy to surprise your guests.
Also here for your convenience are New Year's cakes 2019 recipes with photos will help you cook them easily. Such recipes will become just a real helper in the kitchen for you, because they not only help you prepare dishes correctly, but also decorate and serve. As for cakes, decorating them is probably one of the main stages in cooking, because almost all adults and children are looking forward to the end of the evening so that the hospitable hostess finally brings out a beautiful, delicious cake, at the very sight of which saliva begins to flow and you want to feast on a piece of that yummy.
If you want to learn how to make New Year's cakes with photos, you should definitely pay attention to these recipes so that your New Year's dessert is the most delicious and original.
choose unusual cakes With New Year theme and forward to conquer the pinnacle of culinary excellence. Prepare for your family and friends the most delicious and beautiful cake on your favorite and long-awaited holiday, give them a fairy tale that they will remember for a long time and for which they will then thank you very much.


Cake "Dream of a busy woman"

Ingredients: sour cream, powdered sugar, tangerine, lemon juice, soda, cocoa, butter, egg, condensed milk, flour

The name of this cake is not for nothing. Cooking it is very simple and fast enough. The taste of the cake will please absolutely everyone.


- 1 glass of flour;
- 1 can of condensed milk;
- 2 eggs;
- 180 grams of butter;
- 3 tablespoons cocoa;
- half tsp soda;
- 1 tbsp lemon juice;
- 400 grams of sour cream;
- 100 grams of powdered sugar;
- 2 tangerines.


Mousse cake with mirror glaze

Ingredients: egg, sugar, flour, salt, vanillin, persimmon, gelatin, pear puree, cream, chocolate, milk, cocoa, water

mousse cake With mirror glaze very tasty, but it is not so easy to prepare it. Don't worry my detailed recipe with a photo will help you prepare this cake without any hitches.


- 2 chicken eggs,
- 360 grams of sugar,
- 70 grams of wheat flour,
- a pinch of salt,
- vanilla sugar to taste,
- 200 grams of persimmon,
- 24 grams of gelatin,
- 150 grams of pear puree,
- 720 ml. fat cream,
- 50 grams of white chocolate,
- 75 ml. milk,
- 60 grams of cocoa,
- 150 ml. water.


Pancake cake like Palych

Ingredients: milk, water, flour, egg, soda, vinegar, sugar, butter, cottage cheese, sour cream, jam, chocolate

One of interesting desserts without baking - pancake cake. The cream for it is prepared on the basis of cottage cheese, and adds a special charm berry jam or jam. Try it, you will definitely like it!
For test:

- 150 ml of milk;
-150 ml of water;
- 250 gr flour;
- 3 eggs;
- soda;
- vinegar;
- salt;
- sugar;
- vegetable oil;
- butter.

For cream:

- 450 grams of fatty homemade cottage cheese;
- 40 gr sour cream 26%;
- 120 gr of powdered sugar;
- 120 g of strawberry or currant jam;
- chocolate for decoration;
- fresh berries For decoration.


Cake "Rotten stump" with jam

Ingredients: butter, cocoa, sugar, milk, meringue, sour cream, vanillin, cracker, flour, jam, egg, kefir, soda, salt

I cook this delicious and beautiful cake for almost every holiday. Of course, you have to sweat in the kitchen, but it's worth it. Absolutely every housewife can cook this cake.


- 300 grams of flour,
- 1 cup + 2 tbsp. Sahara,
- a cup of pitted jam,
- 2 eggs,
- a cup of kefir or sour milk,
- one and a half tsp soda,
- a pinch of salt,
- 500 ml. sour cream
- 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
- on the tip of a knife vanillin,
- 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs,
- 50 grams of butter,
- 2 tablespoons cocoa powder
- 50 ml. milk,
- 3 meringues.


Cake "Black Forest"

Ingredients: sugar, egg, flour, cocoa, salt, cream, cherry, liquor, chocolate, butter

Cake "Black Forest" can be prepared on the festive table. The recipe is quite simple and fast enough.


- 200 grams of sugar,
- 5 eggs,
- 95 grams of flour,
- 30 grams of cocoa,
- a pinch of salt,
- 550-600 ml. cream,
- 2-4 tablespoons powdered sugar
- 450 grams of canned cherries,
- 150 ml. cherry juice,
- 3 tablespoons cherry liqueur or tincture,
- 70-80 grams of dark chocolate,
- butter.


Cake pigeon's milk"

Ingredients: sugar, flour, egg, butter, vanillin, baking powder, agar-agar, water, lemon juice, condensed milk, chocolate

Usually the Bird's Milk cake is prepared with gelatin, but today we will cook simply gorgeous cake with agar-agar. Making this cake is very easy.


- 415 grams of sugar,
- 125 grams of flour,
- 5 yolks,
- 250 grams of butter,
- 7 grams of vanilla sugar,
- 2/3 tsp baking powder,
- 5 egg whites,
- 8 grams of agar-agar,
- 125 ml. water,
- a couple of drops of lemon juice,
- 60 grams of condensed milk with sugar,
- 70 grams of dark chocolate.


Homemade cake "Prague"

Ingredients: egg, sugar, flour, cocoa, butter, water, condensed milk, vanillin, jam, chocolate

Cake Prague is known to many. It is quite easy to cook it. Classical soviet recipe presented in this article. Prepare this amazing cake for the holiday, it will be swept away very quickly.


- 7 eggs,
- 190 grams of sugar,
- 150 grams of flour,
- 45 grams of cocoa,
- 300 grams of butter,
- 1 yolk,
- 25 ml. water,
- 150 grams of condensed milk,
- vanilla,
- 70 grams of apricot jam,
- 100 grams of dark chocolate,
- White chocolate.


Homemade delicious cake "Kyiv"

Ingredients: sugar, egg, milk, butter, cocoa, cognac, flour, nuts

At home, you can cook a very tasty cake "Kiev". Preparing it is quite simple and quite simple.


- 150 grams of proteins,
- 325 grams of sugar,
- 10 grams of vanilla sugar,
- 35 grams of flour,
- 110 grams of chopped nuts,
- 1 egg,
- 120 ml. milk,
- 200 grams of butter,
- vanilla extract,
- 1 tbsp cocoa,
- cognac.


Jelly cake "Broken glass"

Ingredients: jelly, sour cream, sugar, gelatin, water, vanillin, peach, mint leaf

And at home, you can very quickly cook this delicious jelly cake "Broken glass". The recipe is very simple. The cake tastes amazing.


- 3 packs of jelly,
- 600 ml. sour cream
- 100-130 grams of sugar,
- 15 grams of gelatin,
- 60 ml. cold water
- vanilla extract,
- peaches,
- mint leaves.


Chocolate cake with strawberries

Ingredients: egg, sugar, flour, baking powder, cocoa, salt, sour cream, thickener, strawberries, coffee, water, cognac, mint, decoration, cream, chocolate

Of course, you will have to spend a little time preparing this delicious chocolate cake with strawberries, but it's worth it, believe me.


- 6 eggs,
- 1 cup of sugar,
- 2/3 cup flour
- 1 tsp baking powder,
- 1/3 cup cocoa
- a pinch of salt,
- 500 grams of sour cream,
- packaging of sour cream thickener,
- 100 grams of powdered sugar,
- 300 grams of strawberries,
- 1 tbsp coffee,
- 2/3 cup of water,
- 2 tablespoons brandy,
- mint leaves,
- food pearls,
- 80 ml. cream,
- 90 grams of dark chocolate.


delicious honey cake

Ingredients: egg, honey, sugar, flour, butter, soda, milk, vanillin

There are a lot of honey cake recipes, today I have described for you great recipe this cake. Making this cake is easy and fast enough.


- 4 eggs,
- 2 tablespoons honey,
- a glass + 170 grams of sugar,
- 550 grams of flour,
- 120 grams of butter,
- 1 tsp soda,
- 500 ml. milk,
- a pinch of vanillin.


Cake "Shalash"

Ingredients: cookies, milk, cottage cheese, butter, powdered sugar, strawberries, cream, chocolate

It is very simple and quick to prepare the "Shalash" cake. The recipe for this cake is very simple, prepared without baking. The cake is not only tasty, but also beautiful.


- 15 pcs of cookies,
- 120 ml. milk,
- 400 grams of cottage cheese,
- 160 grams of butter,
- 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
- 70 grams of strawberries,
- 100 ml. cream,
- 100 grams of black chocolate.


Cake "Enchantress"

Ingredients: flour, egg, sugar, baking powder, vanillin, salt, butter, water, milk, chocolate, cream

You will spend about an hour preparing this very delicious cake"Enchantress". This cake can be prepared for any occasion.


- 1 glass + 2 tbsp. flour,
- 5 eggs,
- 1.5 cups of sugar,
- 1 tsp baking powder
- vanillin,
- a quarter tsp salt,
- 60 grams of butter,
- half a glass of water,
- 250 ml. milk,
- 50 grams of chocolate,
- 3 tablespoons cream.


Cake "Milk girl"

Ingredients: cream, sugar, chocolate, butter, nuts, egg, baking powder, flour

I suggest you bake a very tasty and beautiful cake "Milk Girl". Such a cake can be baked on any holiday table. I kindly wrote down the recipe for you.


- 400 grams of cream or sour cream,
- half a glass of powdered sugar,
- chocolate bar,
- 35 grams of butter,
- 1 cup nuts
- a can of condensed milk
- 2 eggs,
- 15 grams of baking powder,
- a glass of flour.


Classic cake "Anthill"

Ingredients: egg, salt, baking powder, sugar, butter, sour cream, flour, condensed milk, poppy seeds, nuts

Today we will prepare a very tasty, well-known since childhood, "Anthill" cake. This cake is very easy and quick to make. The kids will be crazy about him.


- 2 eggs,
- a pinch of salt,
- one and a half tsp baking powder
- 1 cup of sugar,
- 100 grams of vegetable oil,
- 100 grams of butter,
- 100 grams of sour cream,
- 4 cups flour
- 1 can of condensed milk,
- 20 grams of butter,
- 2 tablespoons poppy,
- half a glass of walnuts.
