
How to cook New Year's desserts. Desserts, new year

In preparation for the New Year, once again I absentmindedly ask myself a question about the menu. Salads, appetizers, hot dishes - in general, everything is almost clear, the repertoire has been worked out over the years, you just need to place the final accents, adding a little fresh, unexpected, bright. But for some reason, dessert for the New Year's table always pulls a lot of question marks.

A holiday is what a holiday is for, so that at the end of the feast a luxurious cake, a vase with homemade cookies, a bowl with a delicate dessert will certainly appear on the table. Even if you are not a fan of sweets, if your heart rate is in no way connected with chocolate and caramel, if at the sight of cakes and pastries your gaze only indifferently glides past, dessert must be on the New Year's table! This is an axiom that does not require proof, a law to which there are no amendments, an inviolable rule that has become the cornerstone of the festive menu.

Just don’t immediately frown and think about greasy roses on store-bought cakes, conditionally edible glazes on imported gingerbread, boring cookies and boring marmalade.

My opinion is that any, absolutely any recipe for homemade cakes or desserts can become New Year's Eve, subject to a competent and correct approach to decor. An excess of everything-anything, as a rule, looks clumsy, sloppy and, frankly, unappetizing. To make a dish "play" with one tiny thematic touch, you need to have a natural talent.

The way out is in search of the golden mean. So, we take our favorite dessert recipes and make them New Year's.

From a simple recipe - a recipe for a New Year's dessert


Bright saturated greens, festive reds, dazzling whites. Perhaps these three colors are quite enough to give the dish a recognizable New Year's character. Pitfall - dyes. If you are adamant against the use of nutritional supplements in home cooking, take spinach juice and raspberry puree, while being aware that the finished result will not look like a photo from a fashion glossy magazine.

The saturation of the green color strongly depends on the concentration of spinach (you can’t add a kilogram of grass to all dishes!), And raspberries lose their bright red color during heat treatment, “leaving” in gray. However, there are options, you just need to use them wisely. Experiment with beet juice, cherry jam, strawberry puree, try powdered matcha tea and combine desserts with kiwi - the main thing is the desire to find something of your own, unique and interesting.


What is most often associated with the New Year? Santa Claus - it is easy to make it from strawberries (fur coat), cheese cream (beard), raspberries (hat). Festive spruce - cakes for any cake can be cut into triangles and folded over each other, after that it remains only to decorate the tree with balls and garlands. Star-shaped cookies effortlessly turn into Christmas toys, Raffaello sweets fastened together become snowmen, jelly poured into rounded vases looks great in the form of snowdrifts.


Any cake and any cake, the most ordinary mousse and the simplest cookies will become a luxurious New Year's dessert if you decorate them with colorful sugar balls (sprinkling for Easter cakes is your salvation), add home-made snowflakes from protein whipped with powdered sugar, make an edible application in tree shape.

Coconut flakes instead of snow, stars carved from red marmalade, a dial with arrows around midnight - and no one will have any doubts that the dish was prepared exclusively for New Year's Eve. The main task is not to slide down to the level of children's crafts, to think over the decor in advance and make it elegant, stylish, restrained.

Let me share with you some of the ideas that I am considering as options for the New Year's dessert menu this season - what if something prompts your own original thoughts?

"Snowmen" of white truffles with coconut cream

A team of snowmen is simply necessary if you want the New Year to come according to all the rules: fun, joyful, loud and happy. The snow guys will keep order, provide smiles and cheer up those who suddenly decide to doze off!

However, if you suddenly lose the desire to collect snowmen or don’t have enough time for “construction work”, limit yourself to a “candy” serving: truffle balls rolled in almond petals, coconut, powdered sugar also look very elegant and festive.

New Year's Dessert Ingredients:

  • 250 g high quality white chocolate;
  • 50 ml cream with a fat content of 33%;
  • 1 st. l. cognac or favorite liquor;
  • icing sugar, coconut flakes, almond flour, sugar balls for breading.
  • For decoration - optional jelly candies, mastic, sugar decor.

How to make stylish snowmen

1. Melt white chocolate in a water bath, mix with cream and alcohol. Stir until smooth - you should get a glossy, even, beautiful mass.
Cover the bowl with cling film and refrigerate for 5-10 hours (ideally overnight).

2. Very quickly (the mass melts from the warmth of the hands!) We form balls no larger than a walnut. Lightly roll them in powdered sugar.

3. We collect snowmen, decorate at our own discretion.

ADVIСE. I advise you not to make large balls: the truffle mass is very tender, and large "snowballs" will not adhere well to the base.

For the stability of the snowmen, the finished dessert can be placed on a foam base decorated with colored foil: ideally, if the length of a standard toothpick is just enough for three balls of sweets and for a “tail” that will hold the candies upright.

Macarons "Colors of the New Year"

New Year's macaroons - an exceptional recipe; it is worth talking about it in detail.

Baking almond bases with a characteristic “skirt” is a troublesome and difficult task; without training, you are unlikely to get even cakes that will have the right to bear the proud name of macaroons. However, there is still time - and if you start right now, there is a lot of chances to have time and provide the New Year's table with a beautiful dessert in bright red with a contrasting green cream and white decor. By the way, macaroons are perfectly stored in the freezer: if you pack them in tightly closed containers, you can start preparing treats right now.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 150 g almond flour;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 150 g of sugar;
  • 110 g egg whites;
  • 37 g of water;
  • red dye on the tip of a knife.

Filling Ingredients:

  • 30 g pistachio paste;
  • 70 ml of heavy cream;
  • 150 g of white chocolate;
  • maybe a little green dye;
  • a few small white sugar balls.

New Year's Macarons Recipe

1. Ganache (macaroon filling) must stand for at least 12 hours, so the preparation of the dessert begins with cream.

2. Bring the cream to a boil, mix with chocolate until a smooth mass is obtained. Add pistachio paste and beat until emulsified.

Depending on the manufacturer of pistachio paste and the raw materials from which it was made, the color of the product can vary from rich herbal to pale green. If it is important for you to get a bright green tint, add a little dye to the ganache.

3. Cover the bowl with ganache with cling film and refrigerate for 8-12 hours. Before use, the cream must be re-whipped.

4. The proteins on which you will knead the dough must be aged - separate them from the yolks and, covered with a lid, keep in the refrigerator for at least a day. Remove and warm to room temperature before use.

macaroon baking

5. Mix almond flour with powdered sugar and sift - a must!

6. Add half of the proteins (55 g) and stir with a spatula.

7. Cook the syrup - mix sugar and water, bring to a boil and boil for about 5 minutes - the temperature of the syrup should be exactly 118 degrees. If you do not have a thermometer, do a test with your fingers: a drop of syrup on well-chilled skin, pressed, slowly opened: the finished syrup should stretch with a thread, not tear (not ready) and not break (overcooked).

8. While the syrup is being cooked, we begin to beat the second half of the proteins.

9. Then pour the syrup into the increased white mass in a thin stream without stopping the mixer (speed - medium). Add red dye. Beat until the whites are smooth, shiny, even.

10. Add whipped egg whites to a bowl with almond flour and the first part of the whites. Mix well (most conveniently - with a plastic spatula or scraper). The finished dough should be fluid, but not liquid, even, uniform and glossy.

11. We shift the dough into a pastry bag and place on a baking sheet covered with baking paper, even circles of the same diameter.

12. We take a baking sheet in two hands and tap it well on the table several times - air should come out of the macaroons, the blanks should become smoother.

13. Leave at room temperature for 20-30 minutes (the dough should dry out a little), then bake in an oven preheated to 160 degrees for about 15-18 minutes. Ready macaroons are easily removed from the pan without leaving marks on the paper. Transfer to a dry, flat surface and leave to cool completely.

14. Put the re-whipped ganache into a pastry bag and place in even circles on half of the almond bases. We cover with the second part of the cookie, squeeze it a little - in ideal macaroons, three layers (two - almond, one - ganache) should be the same height.

15. After pouring white sugar balls on a plate, roll each macaroon sideways on a plate: the decor should stick a little to the ganache.

16. Ready macaroons must be kept in the refrigerator for at least a day, taken out 20 minutes before serving - this ensures the fullest disclosure of taste.

New Year's Dessert "Fortune Cookies"

Nothing new - I haven’t heard about fortune cookies, probably only lazy. However, it is quite possible to beat them unexpectedly and in a new way - in the middle of each cookie you can hide a note with a phantom (call the help desk and congratulate the operator on the New Year, portray a cuttlefish, quickly cook everyone a glass of mulled wine) or put a gift number in a win-win lottery . In addition, the same cookies (leaving options with wishes in it) can be beautifully packaged and handed out to each guest - leaving, the person will be happy and smile.

An option for especially hardworking people - using icing or melted chocolate on cookies, you can draw the bodice of a dress, buttons on a tailcoat, a heart and other decor.

Recipe Ingredients

  • 2 proteins;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugar;
  • 1/2 tsp starch;
  • 1/3 tsp salt;
  • 1/2 cup flour.

How to cook a "predictive" New Year's dessert

1. The first step is to prepare strips of paper about 1 cm x 6 cm in size. On each of them you need to write a warm wish, a meaningful phrase, an aphorism, just a congratulation. If you remember cookies in advance, the texts can be printed.

2. Lightly beat the whites with powdered sugar, add starch and flour, salt, oil and water. Mix the ingredients until a smooth, homogeneous mass.

3. The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees.
On a silicone mat (or lightly greased baking paper) with a spoon lay out even circles of dough (it spreads well). We put the baking sheet in the oven for literally 10 minutes - watch out, the cookies burn quickly.

4. We get it and start working very, very quickly. We put a note with a wish in the middle of each circle, fold it in half - the edges are tightly pressed, the middle is “inflated” (like a dumpling). The next step - using the edge of a suitable bowl, bend the cookies in half again - the "tails" should meet or almost meet. We put the cookies in a narrow glass so that it does not turn around, leave to cool completely.

It is necessary to perform all actions very quickly - having cooled down a little, the dough will not be plastic and pliable.

Christmas log

What could be more New Year's than firewood covered with a snow cap? Place a neatly folded woodpile on the table - and the festive mood is guaranteed. I offer a very simple recipe for a New Year's dessert, thanks to which you will quickly and seamlessly get a spectacular and beautiful result.

Dough Ingredients:

  • 50 g butter;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 2/3 cup sugar;
  • about 3 cups flour;
  • 1 tsp soda slaked with lemon juice;
  • 3 art. l. honey.

Cream Ingredients:

  • 700 ml of fat sour cream;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 50 g chocolate.

How to cook Christmas log

1. We heat the butter. After a slight cooling, mix them with salt, soda, sugar, honey, eggs. Knead, gradually adding flour, elastic dough.

2. Roll out the dough into a layer, the length of which is equal to the length of your baking sheet. Thickness - no more than half a centimeter. Cut into strips about 1-1.5 cm wide, put them on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.

3. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 200 degrees, bake the strips for about 10-12 minutes. Carefully - the dough is quickly baked, do not miss the moment of readiness.

4. Beat sour cream with sugar until fluffy foam.
If you do not have fat sour cream, use cream or add powder to strengthen sour cream.

5. Lay several strips of dough on a sheet of foil. We pour cream. Again strips, cream. Thus, we fold the woodpile until there is “firewood”.

6. We wrap the woodpile in foil, forming rounded outlines. Put in the refrigerator for at least 7 hours.

7. Carefully lay out the soaked cake on a dish.
If there is a little cream left, we ennoble the sides of the cake.
Melt the chocolate and pour over the top, drawing arbitrary thin stripes.

Cake "Christmas tree" based on "Anthill"

"Anthill" ... Do you remember this taste of childhood? Mom's hands, her care and affection... The desire to please and make the day a little brighter...

It's your turn - let the little girls and boys smile with all their mouths when the unforgettable "Anthill" appears on the New Year's table. In the shape of a Christmas tree or cones!

Dough Ingredients:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 1 egg;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • 1/3 tsp soda;
  • 1/3 tsp salt.

Cream Ingredients:

  • 200 g butter;
  • 1 can of boiled condensed milk.

Decor Ingredients:

  • 2 packs of green coconut;
  • sugar decor to imitate Christmas decorations.

How to make Christmas tree cake

1. We mix all the components from the first group, knead a soft, non-sticky dough. We hide it for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator, after which we rub it on a grater, immediately evenly scattering it on a baking sheet.

2. It is better not to stick the dough on one baking sheet - divide it into two parts and bake in two steps.

3. Bake in the oven, heated to 180 degrees, for 20-25 minutes - the crumb should become golden and spread a breathtaking smell.

Thinking through the festive menu, one should not forget about sweets.

Of course, gourmet chicken with a crispy golden crust, amazing salads and original snacks are the main dishes on the New Year's table, but carefully selected desserts for New Year 2017 will make a significant difference and once again prove that the hostess of the house is a handywoman of all trades!

Pay attention to the selection that will allow you to prepare delicious desserts. All of them claim to be the best sweet dishes for the New Year and can decorate your holiday.

Festive cupcake

Any sweet tooth is ready to give his soul for such a delicious and tender cupcake, which is very easy to prepare.

Required Ingredients:

  • 950 grams of flour
  • 5 grams baking powder
  • 30 grams ground cardamom
  • 150 grams of walnuts, raisins, candied oranges
  • 2 grams vanillin
  • 200 grams of chocolate icing
  • 15 grams ground cinnamon
  • 5 grams ground ginger
  • 700 grams of sugar
  • 100 grams chocolate (melted)
  • 900 grams of milk
  • 150 grams of vegetable oil
  • 2 chicken eggs

Cooking process:

Step 1. Mix all the ingredients together.

Step 2 Lastly, add raisins, walnuts and candied oranges.

Step 3 Take a rectangular cake pan, grease it with butter and sprinkle with flour or breadcrumbs.

Step 4 Put the dough into a mold and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees.

Step 5 The baking time is 40 minutes.

Step 6 At the end, grease the surface of the cake with chocolate icing.

Chocolate mousse

Dishes made on the basis of chocolate are not only pleasing to the eye, but also incredibly tasty. In addition, chocolate affects our mood: it helps to get rid of sadness and sets us up for positive. And just such a spiritual fuse is needed on New Year's Eve, so many of the guests will appreciate the chocolate mousse.

Required Ingredients:

  • 450 grams of dark chocolate
  • 5 pieces of chicken eggs
  • 200 grams of butter
  • 60 grams of powdered sugar
  • 50 grams of walnuts

Cooking process:

Step 1. First of all, you need to clean and chop the walnuts.

Step 2 Break the dark chocolate into small squares and place in a water bath to melt it. Add some butter to the chocolate. You should not try to melt all the chocolate overnight, it is better to do it in two steps and in small portions. Do not forget to stir the mass all the time in order to avoid burning. Melt the chocolate bars over low heat until it is completely melted.

Step 3 Separate the whites from the yolks, beat the whites together with a pinch of salt until stiff peaks form.

Step 4 As soon as all the chocolate has melted, you need to add powdered sugar to it and mix the mass until smooth.

Step 5 It is necessary to pour all the chocolate into a clean bowl and add half of the proteins, mix and add the rest of the proteins.

Step 6 The resulting mousse should be poured into bowls, and then put in the refrigerator for three hours. Before serving, you can sprinkle the mousse with grated chocolate.

Cake pigeon's milk"

We offer, which will undoubtedly please all housewives. This cake will decorate your holiday table. It is extremely tasty and nutritious, so feel free to take note of the recipe.

Required Ingredients:

  • 80 grams of butter
  • 50 ml condensed milk
  • 1 chicken egg
  • 80 ml drinking water
  • 10 grams of gelatin
  • 50 grams of dark chocolate
  • sugar to taste

Cooking process:

Step 1. Butter and condensed milk must be mixed at room temperature.

Step 2 Pour gelatin with warm water and let it stand for a while to swell. Do not forget to stir the gelatin periodically so that it does not come together in lumps.

Step 3 Separate the yolk from the protein, because in this recipe it is not useful.

Step 4 In a separate bowl, beat the protein to lush peaks, then beat the condensed milk with butter until smooth.

Step 5 After you beat the protein, you need to add it to a bowl with butter and condensed milk, mix everything and start adding gelatin little by little. The mass should be beaten gently until you achieve a homogeneous state.

Step 6 Cover the baking dish with cling film so that the cake can be easily removed from it.

Step 7 Melt the right amount of chocolate with butter in a water bath, mix well. Now you should grease the top of your dessert with this chocolate mass and put it in the refrigerator until completely solidified.

chocolate bananas

The original serving of bananas will not leave indifferent any guest present at your holiday.

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 50 grams of chocolate
  • colorful confectionery sprinkles
  • coconut flakes
  • peanut

Cooking process:

Step 1. First you need to make the glaze. Take a chocolate bar and break it into small pieces. Place them in a water bath, stir constantly until completely dissolved. Try not to burn the chocolate, otherwise it will be bitter.

Step 2 Peel the banana and cut it in half. Insert skewers or toothpicks into each half.

Step 3 Dip bananas in chocolate icing, sprinkle with confectionery “confetti”, nuts. After that, send the dessert to the refrigerator for half an hour. The dish is ready!

Orange Carrot Cheesecake

An interesting combination of carrots and orange makes this New Year's dessert a highlight of the festive table. By following all the cooking techniques, you will ensure that guests will beg you for a recipe for this masterpiece.

Required Ingredients:

  • 500 grams of cream cheese
  • 460 grams of sugar
  • 7 chicken eggs
  • 130 grams of sour cream 20% fat
  • 225 grams of carrots
  • 225 grams of flour
  • 225 ml vegetable oil without sugar
  • 125 grams of walnuts, raisins and candied oranges
  • 7 grams ground cinnamon
  • 7 grams of soda
  • a pinch of salt

You will also need orange, lemon or tangerine confiture and a layer of white mastic.

Cooking process:

Step 1. Grate the carrots on a grater, which is used to prepare carrots in Korean. Add vegetable oil and 330 grams of sugar to carrots. Beat everything with a mixer until carrot juice appears. Add here 4 more eggs, a pinch of soda and mix again until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Step 2 Raisins should be washed under running water, pour warm and leave for 30 minutes. After the specified time has elapsed, drain the water and blot the raisins with a paper towel.

Step 3 Now take candied fruit, raisins and nuts and cut into equal small pieces. Add them to the carrot mass, mix well.

Step 4 In a separate bowl, mix flour, baking soda and cinnamon. Add the mixture to the bowl of carrot mousse. After that, it is necessary to mix the two parts to a homogeneous consistency.

Step 5 The resulting dough must be poured into a detachable form and baked in the oven, heated to 170 degrees. Line the mold with baking paper first. The residence time of the dough in the oven is 30 minutes. Readiness can be checked with a long skewer. As soon as you see that the cake is baked, you need to take it out of the oven and cool completely. Then cut the cake into 2 by 2 cm each.

Step 6 Take the cream cheese and mix it with the rest of the sugar. It is necessary to stir slowly, gradually introducing sugar, 3 eggs and, at the very end, sour cream.

Step 7 The first cake should be laid out on the bottom of the mold, after which there should be a creamy layer. Having done all this, send it to the oven, heated to a temperature of 140 degrees. Baking time 45 minutes.

Step 8 Remove the cheesecake from the oven and let it cool completely. After that, put the dessert in the refrigerator for about 8 hours.

Step 9 The remaining cake should be smeared with confiture and put on a cooled cheesecake. Take a layer of mastic and cover the cake with it. The dish is ready to serve!

Salad “Fruit Cocktail”

This salad will appeal not only to guests, but even to the ruler of 2017 herself - the Fire Rooster. It is bright, fragrant and very useful. An amazing combination of fruits, which must be at the New Year's feast.

Required Ingredients:

  • 4 oranges
  • 400 grams of prunes
  • 4 tangerines
  • 100 grams of walnuts
  • 200 grams dark raisins
  • 40 grams of powdered sugar
  • 4 apples
  • 2 lemons
  • 20 grams vanilla sugar
  • 40 ml dry white wine
  • 400 ml sugar
  • 200 ml heavy cream

Cooking process:

Step 1. Peel the apples, cut into strips and sprinkle with lemon juice so that they do not turn black.

Step 2 Citrus fruits are also peeled and divided into slices. The orange peel should be cut into thin strips, and the slices cut into small cubes.

Step 3 Dried fruits should be washed, put in a saucepan and pour water. Place the pot on the stove and bring to a boil. Drain the water and let the prunes and raisins cool down.

Step 4 Lay dried fruits on paper towels and pat dry, then cut into strips. Grind the nuts in a mortar.

Step 5 Mix cream, wine and vanilla sugar and put on a slow fire and boil for 3-5 minutes.

Step 6 Remove the dishes from the stove, cool slightly and add sour cream. Stir slowly.

Step 7 Put all the fruits in a bowl (you can do this in layers), pour them with sauce and sprinkle chopped orange zest on top.

Note that in this fruit salad you can combine any fruits, nuts and berries that you prefer to eat.

Chocolate pancake cake

Pancakes are loved by all of us. And the original serving of this dish can even claim the title of the best New Year's dessert.

Required Ingredients:

  • 50 ml cream with 35% fat
  • 100-150 grams of sugar
  • half teaspoon vanilla extract
  • chocolate chips for decoration

Chocolate pancakes:

  • ¾ cup flour
  • 120 grams of chocolate
  • 120 grams of butter
  • 310 ml milk
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar
  • half a tablespoon of vanilla extract
  • 1 tsp salt

Cooking process:

Step 1. Butter must be cut into small pieces and put in a small saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons of water there and put on a slow fire until it boils.

Step 3 Mix flour, salt and sugar in a separate bowl.

Step 4 In another bowl, mix eggs, milk and vanilla extract.

Step 5 Combine the dry ingredients in one bowl with the liquid ones, stirring gently with a whisk. To this all you need to add a cold chocolate mass and achieve a homogeneous consistency.

Step 6 Take cling film or a lid, cover the bowl and refrigerate the contents for 2-8 hours.

Step 7 Put the pan on the fire, warm it up well and brush it with vegetable oil. When pouring the dough into the pan, try to get thin pancakes with a diameter of no more than 20 cm. You should get about 15 pancakes, which should be cooled for 2 hours.

Step 8 Whip the cream until soft peaks form, add the vanilla extract and sugar, then start whisking again until you get thick, firm peaks.

Step 9 Put pancakes on a dish, grease each of them with cream. Assemble the entire cake and decorate them with chocolate chips.

Step 10 Place the cake in the refrigerator for at least 4 hours.

Champagne jelly

Champagne on the table is a traditional drink of the New Year. We are all used to seeing it in greenish bottles. But imagine the surprise of the guests when you treat them to champagne jelly ...

Required Ingredients:

  • 1 bottle of champagne (white or rose)
  • 750 ml water
  • 20 grams of gelatin
  • 20 grams mint
  • zest from two lemons
  • 280 grams of sugar
  • fruits, apples, walnuts - to taste

Cooking process:

Step 1. Gelatin must be soaked in warm water and let it brew.

Step 2 Fill a saucepan with water and place a few sprigs of mint, sugar and lemon zest in it. Bring the solution to a boil and simmer for 2-3 minutes. After that, let the syrup brew. Filter it with a sieve.

Step 3 Remove the remaining water from the already swollen gelatin and pour the prepared syrup into it.

Step 4 The mass must be thoroughly mixed until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Pour in the champagne and stir again.

Step 5 Pour the jelly into molds, add nuts or any fruit you like.

Step 6 Place the dessert in the refrigerator until thickened. While serving, jelly can be garnished with mint leaves. Bon appetit!

Many consider baking aerobatics, which only experienced chefs can do. This is wrong. Anyone can bake. If he wants! ;)

"What do you! I’m sure something will burn or crumble!” Indeed, it is a shame to show guests a burnt cake or a pie with an escaped filling. But don't panic! To surprise loved ones for the New Year with sweets, it is not necessary to be a hereditary confectioner.

You only need:

  1. Simple recipes. Without multi-way combinations, water baths, caramelization and other terrible words.
  2. Convenient kitchen utensils. The more assistants you have, the less hassle and the more enjoyable the process.
  3. Positive attitude. You can't make a sweet cake with bitter thoughts in your head. If you have already decided to bake, and not buy, then approach the process creatively. Turn on pleasant music, call a friend for help, or better, bake with the children - it's fun and sincere.

We took on the first two points - read on and act! But component number 3 depends only on you.

Cottage cheese cupcakes with chocolate


Dessert in the form of portioned cupcakes is a great solution for a New Year's party. To save space on the festive table, they can be placed on a special separate table along with drinks and fruits. Guests will come up and, like at a buffet table, take treats.

You will need:

  • 250 g flour;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 orange;
  • milk chocolate bar;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • vanillin to taste;
  • form for muffins;
  • reliable whisk.

Cottage cheese must be ground to a homogeneous mass. This will require a comfortable, lightweight and not slipping out of the hands. Ideal - with a handle made of soft-touch plastic.

Add softened butter and sour cream to the cottage cheese, beat again with a whisk. Then, without ceasing to mix, add eggs, sugar and vanillin to the mixture. Peel the orange, and grate its zest on a fine grater and add to the dough. Mix thoroughly again.

In a separate bowl, combine flour and baking powder. Then pour them into the batter and mix with a whisk. The dough for cupcakes does not need to be kneaded for a long time. Even if there are small lumps - it's not scary.

For baking cupcakes, it is best to use a silicone mold. It is much easier to extract products from it. There will be no incident when the top comes out, and the bottom part of the cake falls off, sticking to the bottom.

Spread the dough into the cells of the form. Fill each one about two-thirds full as the cupcakes will rise during baking. If you fill the form to the brim, they will run away. In each cell, slightly drowning in the dough, put a slice of your favorite chocolate.

Preheat oven to 190°C and bake cupcakes for 15-20 minutes.

sponge cake


Cake is the king of the family New Year's feast. If you've never baked a cake before, try the biscuit version first. In this case, you will not need to bake a lot of cakes. One biscuit, cut in half, is enough.

You will need:

  • 160 g flour;
  • 60 g of powdered sugar;
  • 6 eggs;
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • cherry liqueur;
  • detachable round shape;
  • yolk-white separator.

The trickiest part of this recipe is separating the egg yolks from the whites. Breaking an egg and carefully draining the white, trying not to let the yolk slip out, is long and nervous. It's easier to break the eggs into a bowl and transfer the yolks to another bowl with a special one.

For baking a biscuit, it is best to use a detachable Lekue. It will allow you to remove the cake intact and easily move it to the serving tray. Do not be afraid that the dough will leak. This is out of the question.

Pour the dough into a mold and send it to the oven, preheated to 180 ° C, for 30 minutes. The readiness of the biscuit can be checked by making a small puncture with a toothpick. If it stays dry and clean, the cake is ready. When it cools down a bit, cut it long and soak each half with cherry liqueur.

Ginger cookie


What could be better than having played enough snowballs, come home, brew fragrant tea and drink it with spicy cookies? Perhaps just eat gingerbread before bedtime with cocoa or hot chocolate.

Gingerbread cookies can be baked on New Year's Eve. Immediately a lot to feast on throughout the holidays. It will not dry out or deteriorate.

You will need:

  • 350 g wheat flour;
  • 150 g butter;
  • 150 g of powdered sugar;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 tablespoons of honey;
  • 2 teaspoons ground ginger;
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon;
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla sugar;
  • a bag of baking powder;
  • form for cookies;
  • good rock.

We start kneading the dough with dry ingredients. In a deep bowl, pour flour, powdered sugar, baking powder, vanilla sugar, ginger and cinnamon. Mix everything well. Stir butter into dry mixture. To make it pliable, take it out of the refrigerator in advance and let it stand for half an hour at room temperature.

Break the eggs into a separate bowl, separating the whites from the yolk. So far, only the yolks are needed, but the whites should not be poured. Lightly beat the yolks with a fork and add them to the bowl with the dry mixture and oil. Send two tablespoons of honey there, preferably liquid.

Then knead the dough with your hands until smooth. Put it in the refrigerator for an hour. After 60 minutes, remove and roll out the dough into a layer no more than a centimeter thick. The task is not easy. Requires a lot of physical strength - you may have to involve a man in the process. The original will help to lure him into the kitchen.

From an even layer of dough you need to cut out cookies. You can use any molds, but it is better if they correspond to the New Year theme. For example, one of Santa's teams makes square cookies with an asterisk in the center.

Santa's reindeer shape
With a spatula it is convenient to distribute the cream


So the desserts are ready. It remains only to beautifully serve them on the festive table. There are several secrets here.

Do not put sweet treats on the table at the beginning of the evening. Adults are unlikely to want them, and for children they will only kill their appetite. In addition, if the room is hot, the cream and icing can melt - the treats will lose their festive look. Better keep them in the fridge until it's their turn.

The cake is served on It is effective if it is transparent: all attention will be to the decor and your efforts.

Round cake stand

At the same time, treats should be cut in advance. This is not a wedding, which means there is no point in a cake-cutting ceremony at the table. It is more convenient if the guest can immediately come up and take the piece they like.

Muffins, cupcakes and any other cupcakes with cream on top are framed with paper “cups” and served on a special multi-level “bookcase”.

Eat muffins and cupcakes as shown in the picture below. So you and your guests will not get dirty with cream.

Learning to eat cupcakes correctly

Cookies should be poured into a basket lined with paper napkins.

Do not forget about the table setting where sweets will stand. Decorate it: put candles in, make a spruce composition, put a couple of Christmas decorations. Prepare dishes: saucers, teaspoons, dessert knives. Think about drinks that will accompany sweets.Enjoyme.ru. By promo code lifehackerNY You'll get 10% discount for the entire range (not cumulative with the current offers of the store). We hope this little nice bonus will help put you in the holiday spirit! ;)

Sweet New Year!

By the New Year, many housewives are looking for recipes that can surprise their household and guests. But what to cook if all your “crown dishes” have long been familiar to everyone, and it’s not so easy to master new ones? Arm yourself with recipes from our list, focusing on lots of fruit and holiday paraphernalia. You can be sure that such innovations will appeal to both adults and children!

On the New Year's table, in addition to the standard New Year's snacks, there are always a variety of desserts, because the celebration of the New Year does not end at midnight. Serving guests a delicious dessert is already a tradition! An appetizing and fragrant tangerine pie, which always turns out tender, with a pronounced almond-citrus taste, will help to pleasantly surprise your guests.

Cooking time: 1 hour 35 minutes
Servings: 6

Sweets with tangerines have always been considered very New Year's


  • Almond flour - 500 g
  • Brown sugar - 150 g
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Tangerines - 5 pcs.
  • Orange - ½ pc.
  • White chocolate - 70 g
  • Baking powder - 1 tbsp.
  • Almond flakes - 40 g
  • Salt - ½ tsp

Cooking method

First, prepare the tangerines. Rinse them thoroughly under running water, preferably with a brush. Place the tangerines in a saucepan and fill with water so that it completely covers the fruit. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil the tangerines for about fifteen minutes, then drain the water, add fresh water and cook the tangerines for another ten minutes. Cool the fruit, cut each tangerine in half and remove the seeds. Using a hand blender, puree the tangerines until smooth.

Place eggs in a large bowl, add sugar, salt and beat with a mixer until fluffy light mass. Gradually add the almond flour to the egg mixture and mix until smooth with a mixer on low speed. Then add tangerine puree, baking powder and mix thoroughly. Pour it into a round form lined with parchment paper and bake for about forty minutes at a temperature of 175 degrees. Be careful not to burn the top of the cake.

When burned, almond dough will acquire a specific flavor, so be careful. Cool the finished pie. Toast the almond flakes until golden brown in a hot frying pan without oil. Melt white chocolate in the microwave or in a water bath, add butter and mix thoroughly until smooth. Drizzle tangerine pie with white chocolate and sprinkle with flaked almonds. You can decorate the cake with tangerine slices and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

As you know, the Monkey (the symbol of the New Year 2016) is a big fan of bananas. It is not surprising that astrologers recommend serving at least one dish with this fruit on the festive table. An excellent solution would be a dessert of fried bananas in batter, which is prepared quickly, but it turns out to be unusual and literally melts in your mouth.

Cooking time: 30 minutes
Servings: 6

Please the hostess of the New Year 2016 with baked bananas!


  • Green bananas - 6 pcs.
  • Eggs - 1 pc.
  • Refined vegetable oil - 100 ml
  • Honey - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Milk - 100 ml
  • Vanilla - a pinch
  • Cinnamon - to taste
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Nutmeg - 1 pinch
  • Flour - 1 tbsp

Cooking method

Peel the bananas and cut them into quarters. To prepare the batter, mix the egg, sugar and spices. Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer until foam forms. Add flour and mix again. While beating the mass, add milk in small portions. The consistency of the batter should be similar to thick sour cream. Pour vegetable oil into a deep frying pan or saucepan and heat it strongly.

Dip the bananas in the batter and drop them into the hot oil. When the bananas are fried until golden brown, reduce the heat and cook them for another minute. Arrange the finished bananas beautifully on a dish, blot excess fat from the batter with a napkin. Drizzle bananas with honey. Also, the dish can be served on the table, sprinkled with grated chocolate, vanilla, cinnamon, or with a scoop of ice cream.

An amazingly delicious dessert with a spectacular presentation, which will become a real decoration of the New Year's table. Fondant is a gourmet delicacy of French cuisine, which is a small chocolate cake with a liquid filling. Fondane is served warm, and its filling can be almost anything - from fruit to milk.

But the main advantage of this recipe is that you can cook it in just a few minutes. To create a chocolate fondant, it is better to use dark chocolate, but if you do not like its bitterness, then you can safely mix dark chocolate with milk chocolate.

Cooking time: 20 minutes
Servings: 2

Chocolate fondant has a very delicate creamy taste.


  • Bitter chocolate (not less than 70%) - 100 g
  • Premium flour - 50 g
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Butter - 60 g
  • Raspberries - 5 pcs.
  • Cane sugar - 40 g
  • Amaretto liqueur - 1 tbsp.
  • Cocoa powder - 1 tbsp

Cooking method

Break the chocolate into pieces and melt in the microwave or in a water bath. Add butter and mix thoroughly. Beat eggs with sugar until fluffy white mass. Then gently, in a thin stream, pour the melted chocolate into the eggs, constantly stirring the mass with a whisk so that the eggs do not curdle. You should have a thick chocolate mixture. Add the Amaretto liqueur to the chocolate, then gradually add the flour and mix thoroughly.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of at least 200 degrees. Lubricate the prepared round molds with butter and sprinkle with cocoa powder. Fill the molds with chocolate mass and bake the dessert for about six minutes, making sure that the chocolate does not burn. Cool the finished fondant a little and transfer to a serving plate, pressing the mold tightly against it. Garnish with raspberries and serve warm, after making a cut in the dough so that the filling flows out onto a plate.

An original dessert that does not require baking is the dream of every housewife, especially on New Year's Eve, when there is enough trouble without dessert. To save time and surprise your guests with an exquisite dessert, try making a wonderfully fragrant and airy coffee cheesecake. This simple delicacy is not only tasty, but also easy, because for its preparation you will not need such high-calorie foods as wheat flour and butter.

Cooking time: 1 hour 40 minutes
Servings: 6

Cheesecake is a quick treat that does not require baking!


  • Cottage cheese (9% fat) - 450 g
  • Sour cream (21% fat) - 250 g
  • Rye crackers - 220 g
  • Apples - 2 pcs.
  • Bitter chocolate (at least 70%) - 150 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Coffee liqueur - 50 ml
  • Instant coffee - 30 g
  • Ground cinnamon - ½ tsp
  • Vanilla extract - ½ tsp

Cooking method

Wash the apples, peel, cut into several pieces, remove the partitions and seeds. Cut them into small cubes and pass through a meat grinder (or grind with a blender to a puree state). Add 30 g of sugar and cinnamon to applesauce. Grind the rye crackers in a blender bowl to a state of fine crumbs and mix with mashed potatoes. Put the resulting mass into a form covered with parchment paper and tamp well.

Cover with cling film and refrigerate for fifteen minutes. Prepare the curd filling: dissolve the coffee in a small amount of water and let it cool slightly. In a large bowl, combine 400 g cottage cheese, sour cream, 70 g sugar, coffee liqueur, vanilla extract and coffee. To give the mass an air structure, you can beat it with a blender. Remove the form with the bottom layer of dessert from the refrigerator.

Lay the curd mass on top, carefully tamping it. Return the dessert to the refrigerator. Prepare the chocolate dessert layer. To do this, melt dark chocolate in a microwave or in a water bath, add 50 g of cottage cheese and grind until a smooth, homogeneous mass. Let the mixture cool slightly and spread it on top of the cheesecake layer. Cool the finished dessert in the refrigerator before serving.

Shortbread Christmas cookies

This type of baking is considered the most traditional for the New Year holidays in many countries. Cookies are baked in the form of Christmas trees, snowflakes, snowmen, cones and even Christmas balls! It has a spicy aroma that spices provide. You can decorate the Christmas tree with New Year's cookies or give them to friends and relatives by packing them in a homemade holiday box.

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes
Servings: 6

Entrust the children with decorating cookies - they will surely love it


  • Flour - 200 g
  • Butter - 150 g
  • Sugar - 150 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Powdered sugar - 250 g
  • Cocoa - 2 tablespoons
  • Egg white - 1 pc.
  • Confectionery topping - for decoration

Cooking method

Cut chilled butter in half. Grind one part with sugar using a mixer. Melt the second part on the stove or in the microwave, not letting it boil. After combining both parts of the oil, add the egg, salt and baking powder. Beat the mixture again. Sift the flour and gradually add it to the prepared mass. First, mix the dough with a spoon, and then with your hands, after greasing them with oil. Sprinkle the dough with flour while kneading.

Cover the dough with cling film and place it in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Grease the parchment paper with butter and line a baking sheet with it. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it out. The thickness of the rolled dough should be no more than 5 mm. Cut out cookies using special molds, put the resulting figures from the dough on a baking sheet and pierce them with a fork so that they do not swell during baking.

Preheat the oven to 210 degrees and bake the cookies in it for about 5-7 minutes. To prepare the frosting, beat egg whites with icing sugar until stiff peaks form. Food coloring can be used to give the frosting the desired color. Mix one part of the resulting mixture with cocoa. Decorate the finished cookies with white and brown icing. Garnish treats with colorful sprinkles.

Meringue with lemon cream and fruit

Festive fruit meringues are sure to please your family and guests! Light meringue with a refreshing lemon curd will be the perfect end to the New Year's feast. In addition, such a dessert, despite the ease of preparation, looks very festive and bright.

Cooking time: 2 hours 30 minutes
Servings: 12

Meringue can be combined with any berries, fruits and toppings


For meringue:

  • Egg whites - 5 pcs.
  • Cream of tartar - 1/4 tsp
  • Powdered sugar - 1 tbsp.

For filling:

  • Powdered sugar - to taste
  • Curd mass - 200 g
  • Lemon juice - 2-3 tablespoons
  • Cream - ½ tbsp.

For the lemon curd:

  • Egg yolk - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - 6 tbsp
  • Sugar - ½ tbsp.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Cornstarch - ½ tbsp

For fruit salsa:

  • Orange - 1 pc.
  • Strawberries - 10 pcs.
  • Kiwi - 2 pcs.
  • Fresh mint - to taste

Cooking method

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees - it should warm up. To prepare the meringue, beat egg whites until fluffy. In the process of whipping, gradually add cream of tartar to the proteins, and then powdered sugar. You should get a thick mass. Fill a pastry bag with beaten egg whites. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and squeeze the meringues onto it. The distance between them should be at least 2 cm.

Lower the temperature in the oven to 100 degrees and place the baking sheet with the meringues in there for an hour and a half. After that, you need to turn off the oven and leave the meringue in it until it cools completely. While the meringues are cooling, prepare the lemon curd. Chop the chilled butter and let it sit at room temperature for 20 minutes. Beat egg yolks, eggs, sugar and cornstarch until smooth.

Add some lemon juice, mix everything again and beat together with butter. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan and cook, stirring it, over low heat until thickened. Place the cooked cooled Kurd in a glass jar and close the lid. After that, you need to cool the container in the refrigerator. While the Kurd is cooling, start preparing the filling: beat the curd mass with powdered sugar and lemon juice.

Whip the cream to a thick consistency and mix it with the prepared curd mass. Place the filling in a pastry bag and fill the cooled meringues with it. You can also squeeze some filling on top of the meringue. Spread the tops of the stuffed meringues with chilled lemon curd. To make salsa, wash and peel oranges, strawberries, and kiwis. Cut fruit into small cubes and mix them. Spread fruit salsa over lemon curd and garnish with mint.

Strudel with apples and cinnamon

This treat has been an indispensable attribute of the New Year holidays in many countries for many years. After all, what could be more beautiful than a piece of fragrant fruit strudel with a cup of warming tea in snowy weather? Despite the fact that real skill is needed to make a delicious strudel from the thinnest puff pastry, anyone can become a magician at least for a while.

Cooking time: 60 minutes
Servings: 4

Fruit strudel with cinnamon - an essential New Year's treat!


For test:

  • Flour - 250 g
  • Water - 200 ml
  • Vegetable oil - 25 g
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Salt - ½ tsp

For filling:

  • Apples - 1 kg
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Olive oil - 1 tsp
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Raisins - 100 g
  • Cinnamon - 1 tsp
  • Cognac (or rum) - 1 tbsp.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Breadcrumbs - 100 g

For registration:

  • Butter - 30 g
  • Powdered sugar - 50 g
  • Coconut flakes - 100 g

Cooking method

Sift flour twice, combine it with sugar and salt. Beating the mass with a mixer, gradually add water. After a few minutes of stirring, pour in the vegetable oil. Knead the dough for ten minutes. Place the dough in a floured bowl, cover with cling film and leave for an hour. It is necessary to let the dough brew so that the gluten of the flour swells. As a result of this little trick, the dough can be rolled out very thinly.

Soak raisins in boiling water. Peel and cut the apples into thin slices, sprinkle them with sugar and cinnamon. Combine apples with raisins, cognac and lemon juice. Fry breadcrumbs in olive oil. Put the dough on a towel sprinkled with flour, roll it with a rolling pin into a very thin layer. Then stretch with your hands and cut off the excess edges for decoration.

Sprinkle the rolled dough with lemon juice, sprinkle with fried breadcrumbs on top and lay out the filling. Roll the prepared and stuffed dough into a roll with a towel, carefully pinch the edges. Place the strudel on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Now start decorating the dessert. From the left pieces of dough, you can form Christmas trees or snowflakes.

Attach the finished figures to the surface of the strudel and let the product brew in a warm place for about 40 minutes. The roll should increase in volume. Lubricate the strudel with butter and bake it in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees. At the end of baking, a golden crust should appear on the strudel. Before serving, decorate the strudel with powdered sugar and coconut flakes.

To make it beautiful, unusual and take only a few minutes during the preparation of dishes for the celebration? Probably, it should be something that does not require baking, a huge amount of cutting effort and with a minimum set of ingredients.

Think it's impossible? And here you are wrong! Do you know that the most interesting inventions come from lazy people? So let's follow their principle "make it so that there is a minimum of body movements" and prepare New Year's cakes, sweets, rolls and even a cake in just a few steps.

New Year's meringue cakes "Christmas Trees"

What is the New Year without Christmas trees? So why not decorate the table with their little edible versions? A beautiful pale green meringue, decorated with colored sprinkles, will definitely cause an expression of tenderness on the faces of the celebrants. And when it starts to melt in your mouth, no one can resist and cracks an additional couple of pieces with tea.

  • Egg white - 4 pcs.
  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup.
  • Lemon juice - 2 drops.
  • Green confectionery color - 1/2 tsp.
  • Salt is on the tip of a knife.
  • Colored sprinkles - to taste.

1. Beat the chilled proteins with salt and lemon juice with a mixer until thick foam. Continuing to beat, sprinkle in powdered sugar. When the white mass becomes thick enough, pour in the dye and wait until the entire air mixture turns into a pale green hue. You can adjust the degree of greenness to your liking.

2. Turn on the oven to warm up to 120 degrees, and in the meantime, transfer the tender soufflé into a baking bag and squeeze the “Christmas trees” onto a baking sheet covered with parchment in a circular motion. Decorate with edible colored sprinkles and bake for about an hour.

Bon appetit!

Chocolates with nuts and condensed milk

Many people adore such elegant sweets as Ferrero Rocher. What's stopping you from making them yourself? Yes, perhaps they will differ from the factory complex composition, but they will not yield to the original in taste.

  • Condensed milk - 200 ml.
  • Nuts, milk powder - 150 gr.
  • Butter - 100 gr.
  • Cocoa powder - 2 tbsp. l.

1. Melt the butter and mix it with condensed and dried milk, cocoa powder. Add nuts, previously ground into small pieces, mix well until a homogeneous thick mass is obtained.

You can choose nuts to your taste: walnuts, peanuts, pecans, their mixture, etc.

2. Scoop up the mass with a tablespoon and roll balls or sausages of approximately the same size with your hands. Send the formed sweets to the general section of the refrigerator so that the oil in them hardens slightly and they acquire their final solid shape.

Bon appetit!

Delicate cake without baking "Winter Cherry"

Since childhood, we are all familiar with the Potato cake. Do you think that only cookies can be the main ingredient of this great treat?

It turns out that creamy, vanilla and even chocolate wafers can serve as a chic base for such a dessert.

Only on New Year's Eve you don't want to see an ordinary rolled sausage for dessert. Therefore, we will give it the shape of a cherry and roll it in sugar so that it seems as if the tender berries are covered with light frost.

  • Wafers - 250 gr.
  • Beet juice, milk - 50 ml each.
  • Butter, lemon juice - 10 gr.
  • Sugar - for rolling cakes.

1. Grind your favorite waffles to a crumb state with a meat grinder or a blender. Add melted butter with warm milk, knead the sweet dough.

2. Mix lemon and beet juice. Sprinkle sugar on a saucer.

3. Roll balls from waffle dough and dip in bright juice so that they acquire a cherry shade. Immediately roll in sugar and insert dark-colored straws or toothpicks with a chopped mint leaf into each of them. Before serving, it is better to keep in a cool place.

Store-bought truffle sweets, although tasty, are somehow overpriced. Therefore, at home we often make this delicacy ourselves. Despite the ease of preparation and the minimum set of ingredients, truffles will look very elegant and expensive.

  • 70% dark chocolate - 400 gr.
  • 35% cream - 200 ml.
  • Butter - 30 gr.
  • Cocoa powder, powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

1. Break chocolate bars into small pieces. Heat heavy cream to 50 degrees, dissolve butter with pieces of dark chocolate in them. You should get a semi-thick dark creamy mass. Let it cool and put it in the refrigerator for half a day.

2. Combine cocoa with powder, sift on a saucer. The cold blank by this time should resemble a plasticine consistency. Grabbing pieces of this mass with a spoon, roll them in the form of balls of three centimeter diameter, roll in a saucer with sprinkling. To keep truffles elastic until the very tea party, it is better to store them in a cold place.

Bon appetit!

Fans of Japanese cuisine will be happy to see their favorite rolls at the festival. Only now, not rice with fish will be the main components, but bananas and berries. And so that the shell does not fall apart and looks like a pancake, we will add a secret ingredient that will only improve the dessert and give it an exotic touch with its presence.

  • Coconut shavings - 100 gr.
  • Banana - 2 pcs.
  • Kiwi - 1 pc.
  • Dark chocolate - 0.5 bars.
  • Nuts, raspberries, strawberries, nuts - to taste.

1. Grind the peeled bananas with a blender until pureed and combine with coconut chips. You should get a fairly thick mass, which is immediately convenient to spread with an even floor with a centimeter layer over cling film on a sushi mat. Send such rectangular pancakes for 5 minutes in the freezer, so that later it will be easier to roll them up.

2. Chop the berries together with kiwi in approximately the same pieces and sprinkle with a layer on top of the “banana pancakes”. Roll up the rolls in the usual way and send them to the freezer again, but for a quarter of an hour.

3. Crush the nuts well and pour into a saucer. Melt the chocolate, let it thicken a little and dip each roll into it. Then roll in nut crumbs and return to the refrigerator again.

4. Cut into pieces right before serving.

Bon appetit!

Cottage cheese cake without baking "Bumps"

Why bother with cakes for a long time, when it is easy to form ovals lying on the dish from the curd mass, resembling enlarged halves of boiled eggs, and with the help of almonds, bring the composition to perfection - create the illusion of bristling scales. Alternatively, the almonds can be replaced with chocolate rounds or glazed chocolate corn flakes.

  • Cottage cheese - 300 gr.
  • Almonds - 1 cup.
  • Condensed milk - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Green sugar confetti - 1.5 tbsp. l.

1. Combine coarse-grained homemade cottage cheese with condensed milk and sour cream and mix until a homogeneous sticky mass. From it, form ovals slightly pointed in one direction. From them are small thin sausages, which are sprinkled with confetti to create the appearance of spruce branches.

2. Lightly fry well-washed and dried almonds in a frying pan and start sticking from the elongated tip so that it looks like staggered flakes are layered on top of each other.

3. Store in the refrigerator until serving tea drinks for dessert.

Bon appetit!

Cake "Siberian pineapple"

This option is somewhat similar to the previous recipe, but it is prepared from ice cream. And for originality, pieces of canned pineapple are added to the cold milk mass. The scales depict chocolate rounds (fortunately, they can be bought by weight), and instead of green pineapple leaves - a pine twig.

  • Ice cream - 500 gr.
  • Canned pineapple - 100 gr.
  • Chocolate coins - 100 gr.
  • Cocoa powder - to taste.

1. Chop canned pineapple into as small pieces as possible. Combine with slightly melted ice cream, mix until smooth and send to the freezer.

If there is no place in the freezer to store ready-made portions, then cook right before serving to guests.

2. Put a serving of pineapple ice cream on the plates with an oblong oval in one direction. Lay chocolate coins on top in 6-7 layers, 3-4 scales in a row. Stick a sprig from a spruce from a more rounded side and lightly powder with cocoa powder.

Bon appetit!

Santa Claus with fresh strawberries

Now it is not a problem to find fresh Victoria in supermarkets at any time of the year. And it can become a magnificent decoration in the form of the most important symbol of the New Year - Santa Claus - if it is cut across and decorated with whipped cream or delicate Mascarpone cheese cream.

  • Fresh strawberries - 10-15 pcs.
  • Whipped cream - to taste.
  • Colored confetti - to taste.

1. Rinse and dry fresh berries. Slice it crosswise at the pointy end to make about ¼ of a strawberry. Squeeze out a small amount of whipped cream with a can and cover it with a “red cap” on top. The top of this hat can also be decorated with a drop of cream to make it look like a small donut is on top.

If instead of cream there is cheese cream, then it is more convenient to squeeze it out through a culinary syringe.

2. To make it look like a little man, make eyes and a nose out of several pre-chopped Victoria seeds or confetti.

Bon appetit!

These are quite simple and quite original recipes that can help you out on New Year's holidays. You can cook both before the main night, and at any time of the year.

The kids will be crazy about these treats. And at the same time, you can involve them in joint cooking and have fun with them.

Just do not forget that too cold dishes are harmful for growing organisms and the throat can hurt. Therefore, before they start eating, these desserts should still be warm for at least 10-15 minutes.

Do not worry! In such a short time, they will not lose their shape, but they will become safer for children's health.
