
A simple waffle recipe for a Soviet electric waffle iron. Step-by-step recipes for making crispy and soft homemade waffles, an easy recipe for Viennese waffles and wafer rolls in an electric waffle iron with condensed milk

Do you still have an old Soviet electric waffle iron? Or maybe there is a new one? Great! Because we can cook thin, crispy waffles in an electric waffle iron - a recipe from childhood!

Remember the delicious wafer rolls with condensed milk or cream? These are now sold in stores and worn on the beaches. But the purchased tubes are not the same, the waffles do not crunch in them, but the filler is sugary and so heavy that one tube will weigh 200 grams. Therefore, let's get our waffle irons and bake homemade waffles - crispy, tasty, thin!

Roll up waffle rolls and fill with your favorite cream. And it will turn out to be a warm family tea party, and then your children will remember waffle rolls with pleasure and ask you for a recipe for crispy waffles to treat their children to them! 🙂

This is the recipe for the most crispy, but also the most high-calorie waffles. But you can cook waffles on kefir, and on milk without butter, and even dietary ones from whole grain flour. For every taste! And we will try all these recipes with you. Come to Waffle Week! 🙂


  • 5 eggs;
  • 200 g butter;
  • 1 cup sugar (maybe a little less);
  • 1 and 1/3 cups of flour (I have a glass with a volume of 200 g, 130 g of flour without a slide is placed in it. So, 1 and 1/3 cups are about 180 g of flour).
  • 1 tablespoon unscented sunflower oil - so that the waffles do not stick to the waffle iron.

Note: to reduce fat content, you can replace half of the butter with sour cream, take 100 g of butter and 100 g of sour cream.

How to bake:

The dough recipe for crispy waffles was told to me by Olya, a regular reader and author of delicious children's recipes on the site. This recipe came with an electric waffle iron, “native”, so to speak, and therefore the most successful.

I improved it a little more, taking into account the information found on the Internet. In the original, the butter needs to be melted, but it’s even better to just soften it: then the waffles do not stick to the waffle iron.

So, beat the softened butter with sugar using a mixer.

Add eggs and beat some more.

Sift flour into the dough and mix.

The consistency of the dough should be like pancakes.

To prevent the waffles from sticking to the waffle iron, add 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil. I did this after the 2nd waffle: the first two things had to be separated from the surface of the waffle iron with a knife, but after adding oil, the waffles were perfectly removed, and it was not necessary to lubricate the waffle iron every time. Once before the first waffle was enough.

The dough is ready! You can start an exciting activity - cooking homemade waffles!

our electric waffle maker for thin waffles

My parents gave me a waffle iron. Once upon a time, delicious waffles were baked in it, and then they were not used for a long time. Found this while cleaning out the garage. I was very happy, because I had long wanted to learn how to bake homemade waffles, but at the same time I was a little worried if the waffle iron would work after 10 or 15 years of oblivion? I rubbed it well, dried it, properly smeared the surfaces with sunflower oil and plugged it into the outlet. A couple of minutes of waiting ... and - hooray! - the waffle iron started to heat up! Works! So there will be waffles. 🙂

Just don't touch the surface of the waffle iron with your finger to see if it's hot. You can not only burn yourself, there is a risk of getting an electric shock. To check if the waffle iron has warmed up enough, you can drop a drop of dough on it: if it starts to cook, then you can start baking waffles. It takes 4-5 minutes to warm up, but then the unit will heat up and the process will start.

pour a little less than in the photo

Pour on the bottom surface of the dough - 1-2 tablespoons. The exact amount is determined by experiment. If you pour a lot, the dough will run a little over the edges, and it can be carefully removed with a knife. If you pour a little, the waffle will not turn out to cover the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe waffle iron. It's not scary, it will just be a small tube.

So, pour the dough, close the waffle iron and press the handles. Carefully! - at this moment, hot steam flies out of the waffle iron, so put on a mitt-tack on your hand.

We hold a little, and then you can let go, and let it bake. One waffle is baked from 20-30 seconds to 1.5-3 minutes, depending on the power and settings of your waffle iron. To find out if it’s ready, we open the waffle iron and look in ... Still pale, which means you need to hold it for a couple more minutes.

the waffle is not quite ready yet

Here it will be ready...

a little bit more...

And now it's time to take it out! We act quickly, as the finished waffles quickly harden and become brittle.

waffle is ready!

With a knife or spatula we hook the waffle, transfer it from the waffle iron to a board or plate and quickly, while soft, twist it into a tube.

Be careful, the waffle is hot. After twisting the waffle tube, hold it for a few seconds so that it does not unwind. Hooray, it worked! The first tube is not lumpy. We put it on a dish and proceed to baking the second waffle.

This is not a quick matter - 15 waffles are obtained from a portion of the dough, and since each is baked for 4 minutes, in general, cooking will take 1 hour. But it's great to sit in the kitchen, warm, chat with your family about this and that, and then taste crispy homemade waffles together!

So the whole slide of tubes is ready! We could not resist and tried two at once without filling. By the way, very tasty, you can eat waffles and just like that, without cream!

And you can fill them with condensed milk, or custard, or chocolate, or protein ... There are many options! And we will slowly try them out with you - because we already know how to cook thin, crispy waffles in an electric waffle iron!

And here is a bonus for those who have read to the end :) The funniest selection of funny pictures that I have ever seen at the moment. 😀

  • Waffle recipe for a Soviet electric waffle iron
  • Waffle recipe with condensed milk
  • Waffles with filling for a Soviet waffle iron
  • Waffle cone from a Soviet waffle iron
  • Crispy waffles for a Soviet waffle iron
  • Unleavened waffles for the Soviet electric waffle iron
  • Crispy unsweetened waffles for the Soviet waffle iron
  • Thin waffles with cream
  • Waffle crackers in a Soviet waffle iron
  • Thin waffles on kefir

In almost every house, an old waffle iron is gathering dust, bought back in the USSR and put aside on a distant shelf. It's time to take it out and start preparing delicious desserts and snacks with inspiration. And the recipe to your taste, you can choose from those that we present to your attention.

The secret to good thin waffles is their consistency. The right dough should resemble fatty sour cream. If you are cooking waffles in a Soviet waffle iron for the first time, add 1 tablespoon of potato starch or 2 vegetable oil to the dough. So the surface of the waffles does not burn. Cooking time depends on the recipe and the degree of heating of the electric waffle iron. When making a dessert on margarine or butter, be prepared for the fact that such waffles are baked faster than those whose recipe involves the use of kefir, water, milk. The average cooking time is between 30 seconds and 4 minutes.

Often, waffles are still a dessert with boiled condensed milk or protein cream. You can also choose a sugar-free dough recipe. You can stuff waffles with meat or liver pates, cheese, salted cottage cheese. Let's experiment and cook them.

This recipe for a waffle iron is the easiest and cheapest, so it’s very convenient to start acquaintance with food from it.


  • 3 eggs
  • 450 grams of flour
  • 1 faceted glass of sugar
  • 150 grams margarine 82% fat
  • 10 grams vanilla sugar
  • a teaspoon of soda
  • 1 tablespoon full fat sour cream

Cooking method:

Soften margarine to a soft state, but do not melt to transparency. Lightly beat eggs with sugar and vanilla. Combine sour cream with soda and mix. Combine all 3 mixtures into one and mix with a whisk, add a little flour. Knead until thick sour cream. Meanwhile, heat up the waffle iron. Pour a tablespoon of dough and quickly spread over the surface. Press the lid on, hold for 1-2 minutes. Bake the first waffle until brown, the next - until golden brown. Roll the finished waffle into a tube or cone. Happy tea!

Waffle recipe with condensed milk


  • 5 eggs
  • 250 grams of sugar
  • faceted glass of flour
  • 250 grams margarine 70%
  • vanilla on the tip of a knife
  • boiled condensed milk 150 grams
  • butter 100 grams

Cooking method:

Wash the eggs, break and mix with sugar, beat a little, but not until foamy. It is desirable that the sugar is completely dissolved. Add softened margarine to the resulting egg mixture and, stirring with a whisk, add flour and vanilla. Knead the dough carefully and thoroughly. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture onto the heated surface of the electric waffle iron, level it and cover the lid for 3 minutes. Carefully remove the finished waffle, roll it up while hot. Prepare the rest of the waffles in the same way.

Cream preparation:

Put the butter out of the refrigerator for 2 hours, put the condensed milk in a tall bowl. Add chopped and heated to room temperature butter. Beat the cream with a mixer until a fluffy homogeneous mass. Using a confectionery syringe or a bag, fill the wafer rolls. Happy tea!

This recipe is only suitable for those housewives who are adept at rolling hot waffles into tubes.


  • 310 grams of sugar
  • 125 grams of margarine at least 62% fat
  • 110 grams of flour
  • 50 milliliters of cream
  • 4 eggs
  • a pinch of vanillin
  • boiled condensed milk or jam for filling

Cooking method:

Mix liquid margarine with cream and pour into beaten eggs with sugar. Add a little flour, beat thoroughly with a whisk. Pour a tablespoon of waffle dough onto the bottom of the waffle iron, cover the lid for 2-3 minutes. Open the waffle iron and quickly spread a tablespoon of filling on the near edge of the waffle. Helping yourself with a fork, quickly twist the waffle with a tube right on the surface of the waffle iron! Do not spread the filling on the entire surface - it will burn. Choose a simple filling for waffles, without adding butter. On the hot surface of the waffles, the butter will melt and spread.

This waffle recipe will make it easy and simple to diversify a children's party.


  • 1 egg
  • 50 grams of butter
  • glass of warm water
  • 75 grams of sugar
  • 175 grams of flour
  • vanilla

Cooking method:

Mix the first half of sugar with butter, the second - dissolve in water. Introduce the egg into the mixture of butter and sugar, add water. Sprinkle, add the sifted flour and vanilla. Beat thoroughly with a whisk, avoiding the appearance of lumps. Pour a tablespoon of dough onto the surface of the heated waffle iron. Bake a waffle and twist it with a horn. Cool down completely. Put a scoop of ice cream into the finished waffle cones, garnish with sprinkles or pour over syrup. Bon appetit!


  • 150 grams of flour and sugar
  • 50 grams starch
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 milliliters of warm water
  • 1/5 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 125 grams butter

Cooking method:

Melt the butter in a water bath and leave it there so that it does not cool down. Wash the eggs, beat them into a deep bowl and rub with sugar until the mass doubles in size - it usually takes 8-9 minutes. Whisking constantly, drizzle the butter into the egg mixture in a thin stream. Sift flour with starch and gradually add to the butter mixture. At the end, add water, but pour it in little by little.

Leave the bowl of dough in a warm place for half an hour. Meanwhile, heat up the waffle iron. Grease the surface of the waffle iron with butter. Pour and spread a couple of tablespoons of the dough on the surface of the appliance, bake the waffle and roll it hot. You can start with jam, cream, condensed milk, or you can just enjoy a crispy dessert without filling. Happy tea!

The recipe for these waffles is very simple and cheap. Stuff them with pate, cheese, salted curd mass - it will be delicious.


  • 1 cup flour and water
  • 1 egg
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt and the same amount of soda
  • vegetable oil or lard (for greasing the frying surface)

Cooking method:

Separate the yolk from the protein. Beat the yolk with soda, add 125 milliliters of water and add flour, beat thoroughly with a whisk and gradually add the remaining water. Bake waffles in the usual way, but first grease the surfaces of the waffle iron with refined vegetable oil. Roll hot into tubes or horns, stuff. Bon appetit!

Another recipe for a snack table or picnic. Toppings can be varied, depending on your taste and desire.


  • a glass of flour
  • 1 egg
  • a glass of milk
  • butter 30 grams
  • 3 grams baking powder

Cooking method:

Separate the yolk and beat it with milk. Beat the protein in a strong foam and refrigerate. Sift the flour and, together with the baking powder, gradually pour into the milk mixture. Continuing to knead, pour in the melted butter, beat the protein additionally and slowly add it to the dough just before baking. Heat the waffle iron well and bake the waffles for 1-2 minutes. Roll the waffles into tubes and cones while they are still hot. And it’s better to start when the tubes have cooled down. Bon appetit!

Thin waffles with cream


  • 100 grams of margarine at least 65% fat
  • 3 eggs
  • 125 grams of sugar for dough and 150 grams for cream
  • a glass of cream 33% fat
  • 250 grams of flour
  • vanillin
  • a little cocoa powder for dusting

Cooking method:

Melt margarine, add beaten eggs with sugar. Sift the flour and carefully add to the mixture, whisking with a whisk. At the end add vanilla. Preheat the electric waffle iron, pour a tablespoon of dough on its lower part and press the top tightly, hold for 1-2 minutes. Roll the baked waffles into a horn; while they are cooling, take care of the cream. Whip cream that has been pre-chilled for 6 hours. At the end, add sugar, preferably small. Fill cooled waffle cones with whipped cream using a pastry syringe or disposable bags. You can even fold an envelope out of thick paper, put the cream there with a spoon and cut off the tip. Having stuffed waffles with cream, you can sprinkle them with a pinch of cocoa. Bon appetit!


  • 200g hard cheese
  • 200 grams margarine 70% fat
  • 2 eggs
  • 250 grams of flour
  • 200 milliliters mineral soda
  • salt and soda - 1 teaspoon each

Cooking method:

Grate cheese on a fine grater, melt margarine in the microwave until liquid. Combine all the ingredients, mixing thoroughly, if the dough is fluid, add a couple of tablespoons of flour. Preheat the electric waffle iron. Spread the dough with a coffee spoon without a slide and bake for 40-60 seconds. Crackers are about 5 cm in diameter. Bon appetit!

Vegan thin waffles for electric waffle iron

This recipe is suitable for vegetarians and those who fast.


  • 430 grams of flour
  • 170 grams of sugar
  • 350 milliliters of water
  • 110 ml refined vegetable oil
  • vanilla sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt and soda

Cooking method:

Mix butter, sugar, salt, flour and vanilla sugar and grind with your hands into crumbs. Add a little water and mix, whisking with a mixer. Soda to repay the lemon juice and pour into the dough. It's time to bake! You need to pour a tablespoon of dough into a preheated waffle iron and press the lid for 2 minutes. A hot waffle must be removed with a fork and rolled up. Bon appetit!

Thin waffles on kefir

  • 3 eggs
  • 500 milliliters of kefir
  • 1 heaping glass of flour and sugar
  • 125 grams butter
  • vanillin

Cooking method:

Cut the butter into cubes and melt in a water bath, cool slightly. Add a glass of sugar and eggs, beat thoroughly with a whisk. Whisking constantly, add flour until smooth. Then pour in the kefir, just do not take it immediately from the refrigerator - let it stand for an hour at room temperature. At the end of beating, add vanilla sugar. Preheat the waffle iron and start baking the dessert. Bake each waffle for 3-4 minutes until golden brown. While the waffle is still hot, roll it into a tube. Bon appetit!

Recipe for thin waffles with cinnamon


  • 200 grams of butter
  • 250 grams of flour
  • a pinch of salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 65 grams of sugar

Cooking method:

Carefully separate the whites. Shake them with salt into a strong foam. Soften the butter, but do not melt to a liquid state. Beat it with sugar, add the sifted flour and cinnamon. At the end of whipping, carefully, 1 tablespoon, add whipped proteins and immediately start baking waffles. The electric waffle iron must first be very hot. If part of the egg white remains, beat it again, add powdered sugar and stuff the cooled tubes with the resulting mass. Bon appetit!

Wafer rolls with custard


for the test:

  • a glass of flour with a slide
  • 200 grams of butter
  • full faceted glass of sugar
  • 5 eggs
  • vanilla

for cream:

  • milk - 200 milliliters
  • 1 yolk
  • sugar 80 grams
  • 25 grams butter
  • vanilla
  • a tablespoon of starch

Cooking method:

Melt the butter and add the sugar, stirring the mixture until it is completely dissolved. Wash the eggs and beat into the mixture one at a time. Gradually introduce the sifted flour, constantly whisking with a whisk. At the end of whipping, add vanilla and start baking. To do this, pour a generous spoonful of dough onto the heated surface of the waffle iron, smooth if necessary and bake quickly (no longer than 1 minute). Roll the hot waffle into a tube and place on a serving platter. While the waffles are cooling, prepare the custard. To do this, boil the milk and add half the amount of sugar. In a separate bowl, mix the remaining sugar and starch. Remember that the thickness of the cream depends on the starch.

For cream, add the yolk to the dry mixture and rub thoroughly. Pour in 70 milliliters of hot milk and stir vigorously with a whisk. Then pour in the rest of the milk. If lumps form, rub the cream with a spoon through a fine sieve. Pour the vanilla on the tip of a knife, put the cream back on the fire and heat, stirring constantly until thickened. Let it cool slightly, beat and put soft butter. Using a pastry bag, fill the waffle rolls with the cooled cream. Bon appetit!

There are a lot of waffle recipes, and each of them is interesting in its own way. Try to cook waffles for each of them and choose the most delicious option. We are sure that your family, friends, relatives will be delighted with such culinary experiments, because in this case there will always be an excellent dessert on the table for tea.

2016-04-16T04:00:04+00:00 admin Dessert

Contents: Recipe for waffles for a Soviet electric waffle iron Recipe for waffles with condensed milk Waffles with filling for a Soviet waffle iron Waffle horn from a Soviet waffle iron Crispy waffles for a Soviet waffle iron Unleavened waffles for a Soviet electric waffle iron Crispy savory waffles for a Soviet waffle iron Thin waffles with cream Waffle crackers in a Soviet waffle iron Vegan thin waffles for an electric waffle iron Thin waffles on kefir Recipe for thin waffles with cinnamon Tubes ...

[email protected] Administrator Feast-online

Each of us probably remembers crispy Soviet waffle rolls, because we were waiting for such a delicacy every weekend! The tubes were prepared on holidays and filled with jam, marmalade, cream, etc. - everything that came to hand. However, even without a filling, such a waffle dessert did not stay on the dish for a long time - it dispersed in an instant if it was served with freshly brewed tea or coffee. For the preparation of Soviet tubes, it is precisely the Soviet waffle iron that is needed - dense, heavy, rectangular. Waffle dough is prepared quickly and is calculated for 7-8 tubules.


  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 150 g butter
  • 1 st. flour
  • 1 st. granulated sugar
  • 2 pinches of salt


1. Melt the butter in a water bath or in a microwave oven, without bringing it to a boil, otherwise the chicken eggs added to the dough will curdle.

2. Pour the oil into a blender bowl, add chicken eggs, salt, granulated sugar and wheat flour. Mix everything for about 2-3 minutes to form a dense dough. No baking soda or baking powder needed!

3. Warm up the Soviet waffle iron to the limit and grease both parts of it for the first time with butter or vegetable oil. We lay out on the form 1 tbsp. l. dough with the top and press the second form. Bake waffles for 1-2 minutes, watching their surface. As soon as it is reddened, you can remove golden pastries with a spatula.

4. To create a tube from it, the waffle layer must be twisted immediately after removing it from the mold, while it is still hot, otherwise it will then break into pieces in your hands. After twisting, do not forget to press the tube with something, such as a spatula or spoon, until it cools.

Put the finished Soviet tubes on a dish and serve to the table. They are insanely delicious with any marmalade, jam or jam!

Note to the owner

1. Baking powder usually improves the consistency of yeast-free dough, but in the case of waffles, everything is different: soda and vinegar will make the finished product brittle, which will cause it to break when folded, even when very hot. Baking powder will lead to the same undesirable result.

2. Housewives from the Czech Republic, Austria, Slovakia prefer such tubes to any other pastries. For breakfast in these countries they are made as often as in Britain oatmeal, and in America - bacon and eggs. Hollow wafer cylinders or cones are most often filled with pre-prepared marzipan, when it is not available, with salted or sweetened cottage cheese. All three options are not only tasty, but also nutritious. If you give a couple of pieces to a child at school, he will feel a surge of strength after eating. Moreover, such food is convenient as a snack: it is enough to wrap the base of the waffle with a napkin, and wrap it with cling film itself, and a plastic container is not required.

3. Excellent options for fillings for waffles baked in the Soviet style are whipped cream, fruit and cream parfait, protein cream (it can be made multi-colored using concentrated juices of bright berries). All of them adhere well to toasted dough and do not leak out.

Who doesn't love delicious crispy wafer rolls with condensed milk? Thin, fragrant, with a delicate filling - a great addition to tea drinking. They are easy to prepare at home. We offer the best waffle recipes for an electric waffle iron.

Crispy thin waffles in an electric waffle iron

To prepare such a dessert at home, you need a special electric gadget. This is perhaps the most important condition, because any cream can go for the filling, and the base is always the same - a crispy waffle.

For its preparation, the following components are needed:

  • sifted wheat flour - 180 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • medium eggs - 5 pcs.;
  • margarine - 200 g;
  • refined vegetable oil for greasing the mold.

How to cook:

  1. Melted butter to room temperature, beat with sugar. Use a mixer.
  2. Add the eggs to the mass, continuing to beat, mix in the flour. The dough should be thick, like pancakes.
  3. Apply a thin layer of oil to a preheated form and start baking waffles.
  4. The dough is poured onto the bottom of the mold. Its quantity must be determined based on the size of the form itself. According to the recipe for the Soviet electric waffle iron, it is enough to limit yourself to 2 tablespoons. The dough may run a little over the edges if there is too much of it. Thus, only experimentally it is possible to determine its optimal amount.
  5. It is necessary to work with a hot form very carefully, use a tack and “keep a distance”, since at the moment the dough is clamped, hot steam flies out of the unit.
  6. Bake blanks should be from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, depending on the degree of heating of the equipment, as well as on the settings of your device. After the first 30 seconds, you can peek and check how the waffle is blushing. When it is well baked, we take it out and immediately fill it with the chosen cream.

The recipe is for 15 pieces. Be prepared to spend about 1 hour preparing the blanks.

The list of ingredients for the test may be similar to that described above. Many housewives note that the way waffles are baked on old Soviet waffle irons, they are not baked anywhere and in any way.

Either resourceful cooks have their hands full, or the units have passed a serious test of time, but waffles really turn out to be very tasty. They are good on their own, but it is even better, of course, to fill them with stuffing. It can be boiled condensed milk with nuts, custard, butter or any desired cream to taste.

Cooking Viennese

Until recently, we knew only one version of waffles - wrapped, crispy, filled with delicious boiled condensed milk. Meanwhile, in Europe, completely different ones are very popular - soft waffles.

Special gadgets are now available for making just such a dessert. If you have acquired this device, be sure to prepare waffles according to the following recipe.

Viennese waffle ingredients:

  • sifted flour of the highest grade - 300 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 150 grams;
  • margarine or animal fat - 200 grams;
  • low-fat milk - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • food ammonium - 1 tsp.

How to cook:

  1. Mix the fat with the sugar, then add the eggs one at a time and pour in the milk. Mix in flour and soda.
  2. The dough must be kneaded until smooth and only then proceed to baking.
  3. Pour it into a hot mold (about 2 tablespoons), smooth over the surface and close.
  4. Depending on the device settings, the waffles take about 3 minutes to brown.

Soft homemade waffles are ready! You can serve them with various syrups, jams, honey, sour cream. Very tasty if sprinkled with grated chocolate, powder, nuts. In a word, everything to your taste!

Belgian dessert

Perhaps someone will be surprised, but even in ancient Greece you could try something like modern waffles.

True, the Greeks loved their salty equivalent and made waffles with herbs and cheese.

Only later did a confectionery option appear - cakes on the water, poured with honey.

Closer to modern medieval waffles. Their recipe was kept in the strictest confidence, but after not much time, the secrets were fully revealed. And now the once royal sweetness can be prepared in your kitchen.

Try the following recipe:

  • white flour, sifted - 2 cups;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • confectionery fat or butter - 80 grams;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanilla extract or other spice (cinnamon);
  • a pinch of salt;
  • soda quenched with 9% vinegar (1 tsp).

How to cook:

  1. Crispy waffles are made from sifted premium flour. It must be mixed with all dry ingredients (salt, vanilla sugar, cinnamon).
  2. In parallel, combine melted butter with sugar, eggs and milk.
  3. Gradually stir the flour into the mass, extinguish the soda and knead the composition very carefully.
  4. The dough is ready! You can bake.

Ready-made products in Belgium are liked to be served with a scoop of ice cream and various syrups. Also, the Belgians are crazy about all kinds of berries, which they generously spread on waffles and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

How to cook from cottage cheese

If you've got a gadget like an electric waffle maker, you'll probably want to experiment with recipes and make all sorts of waffle variations. One of the very tasty, healthy and nutritious is the option with cottage cheese.

For him, you need to prepare in advance:

  • cottage cheese farm fat - 200 grams;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • white wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • baking soda - 1 tsp;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • margarine - 50 grams;
  • vanillin.

How to cook:

  1. First you need to beat the eggs with sugar. Then wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve and mix it with the egg mass.
  2. Add milk, melted margarine and sifted flour with baking powder. Mix all ingredients thoroughly and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Depending on the size and settings of your waffle iron, products will cook for a different amount of time. Determine empirically also the amount of dough.
  4. This recipe should make thick waffles. They are very tasty even without any toppings. Fragrant and lush products are stacked, sprinkled with powdered sugar and consumed with tea, coffee or any drinks of your choice.

Cottage cheese waffles go well with jam, seasonal berries and fruits. This is a delicious and healthy breakfast that will energize you for the whole day ahead. Moreover, such a delicacy will appeal to children.

Soft homemade waffles

Another great recipe for making delicious, soft Belgian-style waffles.


  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • powdered sugar - 1 cup;
  • butter - 200 grams;
  • yogurt (or yogurt) - 80 grams;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • salt;
  • baking powder.

How to cook:

  1. In a bowl, mix eggs, sugar, melted butter, and then all the remaining ingredients, except flour. It must be mixed in small portions at the end of the whole process. The dough should not be very thick.
  2. Depending on the model of the waffle iron, heating can be carried out both on the stove (Soviet) and from the network. As soon as the mold is hot, pour in about 2 tablespoons of dough, based on the size of your device.
  3. Products are baked quickly, 2 - 3 minutes will be enough for them to be well reddened.

Wafer rolls in an electric waffle iron

Having prepared thin waffles according to your recipes, they can be stuffed with some kind of cream, having previously rolled the blanks into tubes. The following cooking features will help make the tubes even tastier and not very high in calories.

  1. Waffle dough is prepared with the addition of only softened margarine, lard or butter. If the product was stored in the freezer, then you can leave it to defrost overnight so that by morning it will acquire a creamy consistency. So it will be easier to work with him.
  2. To reduce the calorie content of the dough, margarine can be replaced with sour cream or even kefir. This will not affect the taste of the waffles.
  3. You can cook lean products on the water, but you do not need to skimp on spices (cinnamon, vanilla extract). They will make the taste of waffles more intense.
  4. Waffles need to be twisted while they are soft, as cooling products harden very quickly. This must be done carefully, because the workpiece will be very hot.

Dutch cooking option

To make Dutch waffles, you can use the classic crispy waffles recipe at the beginning of the article. What really requires special skill is the presentation of the dessert. With its help, waffles can be truly transformed, making them a sweet snack for any occasion.

Recipes for waffle dough in an electric waffle iron

As you can see, the main components of waffle dough are eggs, butter, flour, sugar and spices (maybe vanillin, cinnamon). Thus, this is a rather unpretentious delicacy that does not require too many different components.

  • Depending on the recipe, it must be remembered that it is better to take the highest grade flour and sift it before kneading.
  • It is best to mix separately dry ingredients (flour, vanillin, baking powder) and separate eggs, sugar and butter.
  • As for the oil, it should be at room temperature. In no case should you heat it in a pan.
  • After mixing all the components, the dough must be given time to "brew".
  • The waffle iron should get hot. Its shape is best lightly oiled so that the first products do not burn and move away from the plate well.

How to decorate and with what to serve homemade waffles?

Below are a few ideas for decorating and serving soft Belgian waffles.

  • Idea number 1. Sliced ​​bananas, whipped cream, chocolate topping and a couple of fresh mint leaves.
  • Idea number 2. Liquid honey, vanilla ice cream, forest berries (blueberries, raspberries, lingonberries).
  • Idea number 3. Syrups (caramel or coffee), honey muesli, grated chocolate.
  • Idea number 4. Condensed milk, chocolate ice cream, chopped walnuts.
  • Idea number 5. Chocolate or nut waffle crumble, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, almond flakes.
  • Idea number 6. Cinnamon, caramelized apple, raisins.
  • Idea number 7. Cocoa powder, softened prunes, ground walnuts, chocolate topping.

You can also make unsweetened waffles, which will be useful to have a snack during the day. In such a dough, accordingly, sugar is not added. Instead, they knead chopped fresh herbs and grated cheese, in the ancient Greek manner.

Bon appetit!

Wafers are a tender, fragrant, crunchy delicacy from childhood. Sometimes, if you want something sweet for tea, mom immediately takes out an old heavy electric waffle iron and begins to knead the dough. So I sometimes succumb to nostalgia and bake my favorite crispy tubes. I have been using this recipe for waffles with a tube for an electric waffle iron for as long as I can remember. Simple, fast and delicious. As a bonus - the most delicate cream for tubules.

Preparation time: 20 minutes.
Cooking time: 60 min.
Total time: 80 min.
Exit: 20-25 pcs.


  • Large egg (cat. C0) - 4 pcs.
  • Margarine (creamy or for baking) - 200 g
  • Sugar - 1/2 tbsp.
  • Vanillin (optional) - a third of a sachet
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Flour - 250 g (1.5 tbsp. 250 grams)
  • For cream - 1 can of boiled condensed milk and 150-180 g butter

A step-by-step waffle recipe with a tube for an electric waffle iron

In a bowl for kneading waffle dough, mix sugar with eggs and beat the mixture so that the sugar dissolves to the maximum. A small part of the grains will remain, but this is not critical. To make the mixture easier to beat, it is advisable to remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance and let them rest in a warm room for about 10 minutes.

As soon as we figured out the eggs and sugar, we take out the margarine, chop it into pieces of arbitrary size and melt it in a water bath or in the microwave - whichever is more convenient for you. The main thing is that margarine should not boil.

Next, add the remaining bulk ingredients to the dough: salt, vanillin and flour. It is advisable to sift all this quickly. I do this: I take out a sieve, pour salt, vanillin, and flour into it at once, and sift it into a container with dough. This is not particularly troublesome, but the test is only a plus.

We knead the dough for the last time and you can turn on the waffle iron to warm up. The dough is about the same as pancake, maybe a little thicker.

We wipe the plates of the waffle iron with a cotton swab dipped in rast. oil, and spread on the bottom tablespoon of dough. Carefully, so as not to burn yourself, close the waffle iron and press the lid with force so that under pressure the dough spreads into a waffle cake.
