
An anthill of ordinary condensed milk and cookies. Cake "Anthill" from cookies without baking - recipe

If you really want to cook a real, delicious cake, but you still haven’t managed to find a common language with biscuits, puff or shortbread dough, I suggest trying out the win-win and completely uncomplicated Anthill cake from cookies, a no-bake recipe. You don't need an oven or stovetop here. Cookies for "Anthill" are taken ready-made, the cream is prepared with condensed milk and butter. As a filler, I suggest adding a little walnuts, and as a final note - chocolate icing and coconut flakes. All the work on preparing the cake will take about 15-20 minutes, plus 2-3 hours will be spent on keeping the "Anthill" in the refrigerator. Fast, simple and delicious. Try! The recipe with a photo is shot step by step in detail so that even beginners can understand everything.


  • cookies - 3 packs of 160 g,
  • condensed milk - 1 can,
  • walnuts - 100 g,
  • cocoa (powder) - 3 tbsp. l.,
  • butter - 100 g,
  • chocolate - 1 bar (100 g),
  • coconut flakes - 1-2 tbsp. l.

How to make an Anthill cake from cookies without baking (recipe with photo step by step)

We start with nuts, I have walnuts, but you can add, in general, any. We sort out the nuts from the garbage, send them to a deep bowl and chop with an ordinary pusher or blender. The blender grinds very finely, so I prefer to use a wooden pusher.

Next is cookies. It is better to choose what is good and crumble quickly. I took Sugar Cookies, they break down just fine, literally in 3-5 minutes. I finished all 3 packs. We break the cookies so that in addition to the crumbs, there are also relatively large pieces.

This completes the preparation of the base for the Anthill, we proceed to the preparation of the cream. To do this, take condensed milk, butter and cocoa. If desired, cocoa can be excluded from the cream and replaced with boiled condensed milk.

Pour all the condensed milk into a container where the cream will be whipped, and add the butter, chopped into smaller pieces, to it.

Beat the cream until smooth, not necessarily completely thick, and add cocoa to it. Beat a little more and the cream is ready for further use.

Pour the chocolate mass into a bowl with nuts and cookies and mix, at first you can stir with a spoon, but then it will still be more convenient to work with your hands - it’s easier to feel the desired density of the mass.

The mass should turn out so thick and plastic that anything can be molded from it. If necessary, add more crushed cookies or condensed milk to the mass.

We spread the mass on a plate, giving it the shape of a slide, and take out the chocolate. We break the tile into pieces and melt it in a water bath. If, for your taste, the chocolate icing is too thick, you can dilute it with 2-3 tbsp. spoons of milk.

Let the glaze cool and cover the cake with it. We decorate the Anthill as desired (I lightly sprinkled with coconut flakes) and the cake is ready! It can be served immediately, but it will be tastier if you first hide it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Cake "Anthill" is an incredibly tasty sweet, and you can cook such a delicacy very quickly. A seductively appetizing cake with condensed milk is known for its special taste and is worthy of any table. Treat your loved ones to sweets - and they will be grateful to you. Let's cook a delicate cake without baking, from cookies, along with "I love to cook" and you will see for yourself that a tastier and simpler dish simply does not exist.


  • nuts to taste;
  • cookies "baked milk" - 600 grams;
  • boiled condensed milk - 500 grams;
  • butter - 100 grams;
  • sour cream - 2 tablespoons;
  • 30 grams of dark (milk) chocolate.

Cake "Anthill" from cookies. Step by step recipe

  1. First you need to prepare cookies. For this cake, baked milk cookies are ideal: you need to crush it, but not into small crumbs (crumple with your hands or use a food processor).
  2. We beat boiled condensed milk (you can take boiled condensed milk right away, but I prefer to buy raw condensed milk and cook it at home) with a mixer. During whipping, condensed milk will become rare.
  3. Sour cream (it is best to use homemade, not very high fat content) is added to whipped condensed milk and beat well with a mixer until smooth.
  4. Cut butter at room temperature into small cubes and add to condensed milk. Beat cream for cake well.
  5. Grind the walnuts, and then add the chopped nuts to the cream and mix everything with a mixer.
  6. We combine the cookie crumbs with the cream and mix everything until a homogeneous mass (it is very important that the cookies are soaked with cream: and the whole mass should not be liquid, but not thick either. See: if during kneading you see that the consistency for the cake is liquid, then add more cookies).
  7. We spread the finished sweet mass for the “Anthill” in a slide on a flat plate (you can spread the condensed mass not only on a plate, but also in any shape that you have). But I like to form a cake on a plate: the more carelessly we make a slide, the more beautiful It will turn into a cake when it cools.
  8. Grate dark chocolate on a fine grater (you can use milk chocolate).
  9. Sprinkle a mound of cake with grated chocolate.
  10. We send the cake to the refrigerator for one hour to solidify.

I want to add on my own: for the cake, you need to use the cookies that are given according to the recipe - they are soft, tender and crumble well. Cake with such cookies is just super. I tried to replace this cookie with another one, but the taste of the cake is completely different.

If you want to drink tea with something sweet, then what could be easier than making an Anthill cake from cookies. In my case, these are dry cookies, but you can take any. You just need to take into account the weight of the cookies. Dry cookies are very light, from 350 grams you get a huge bowl of crushed crumbs. I think that the amount of ordinary cookies from a pack needs to be increased and take about 500 g or a little more. You can not add cream, replace this amount with high-quality butter or fat sour cream, I just wanted to reduce the sweetness of the cream. Various additives - at will, there is scope for creativity.

To prepare the cake "Anthill" from cookies, we need such products.

Grind cookies in a blender or roll with a rolling pin in a bag. I like it when small pieces remain.

Transfer the cookie crumbs to a large mixing bowl.

Soft butter cut into pieces and beat with boiled condensed milk. I add condensed milk in small portions to regulate the sweetness.

Then add heavy cream or sour cream. Again, instead of cream or sour cream, you can take butter. Then 200 g of butter per jar of condensed milk.

Add to the cookies, if desired, chocolate-nut crumbs. To do this, grind the chocolate pieces in a blender along with a handful of nuts. The number of these additions is arbitrary. Mix all.

Add the resulting cream to a container and mix with cookie crumbs. The mixture should not be too dry or too thin.

Put the mixture of cookies and cream on a dish, forming a hill, like an anthill. You can help yourself with wet hands. Decorate with grated chocolate, nuts - whatever your heart desires. Cake "Anthill" from cookies is ready.

Leave the cake in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and can be served with tea.

I cut it still soft. Happy tea!

By 09/12/2015

The anthill cake (or brushwood) is one of the most popular confectionery dishes in the post-Soviet space and it is a pleasure to cook it, as it requires little time (literally 10 minutes) and a minimum of effort (does not require baking). In fact, this is a crushed cookie crumb interspersed with a cream of condensed milk and butter. This cake is the easiest to make at home. In addition, this amazing dessert is very tasty and familiar to everyone since childhood.

To prepare it, it is not at all necessary to have any skills in the preparation of confectionery. All the necessary products are inexpensive and can be bought at any store. If the family is large, then you can simply double the amount of ingredients. You can connect children to an interesting and exciting cooking process and they will not be able to spoil it.


  • Cookies "baked milk" - 600 g
  • Boiled condensed milk - 500 g
  • Butter - 100 g
  • Sour cream - 2 spoons
  • Milk chocolate - 30 g
  • Nuts - to taste

Step by step cooking process at home

  1. First you need to crush all the cookies so that large and small crumbs remain (not necessarily to the state of flour). This can be done both in a combine or in a conventional meat grinder, or manually.
  2. Then we proceed to the preparation of the cream. To do this, we take ready-made boiled condensed milk (saves time, but you can cook it yourself) and beat with a mixer in a special bowl. Then add sour cream to the same bowl and beat again.
  3. Put the butter into the resulting mass (for quick mixing, it can be cut into pieces and softened or slightly melted in advance) and mix again using the same mixer. You can use margarine instead of butter, but this is not recommended, as the taste of the cake will be different. Add chopped nuts (just like cookies - in pieces of different sizes) and mix the whole mass. For a pleasant smell, you can add a little vanilla.
  4. If you have a rich imagination and have no problems with finances, then you can add raisins, fresh fruits or dried fruits to the dough. Of course, this will make the cake even tastier.

  5. It's time to combine the resulting cream and cookies in a large cup. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained so that all the cookies are "wet" with cream. The resulting "dough" should not be liquid. In extreme cases, you can add more cookies or, conversely, prepare a little more cream.
  6. We spread our future cake in a slide in the middle of any mold (the easiest way is on an ordinary large plate) and create the shape of an “anthill”. You can do this casually so that there is maximum similarity with a real anthill.
  7. Next, three chocolate on a grater that is convenient for you (preferably on a medium one). You get a powder in the form of "curls", similar to ants. We quickly sprinkle our slide so that the chocolate does not have time to melt in our hands. You can also use dark chocolate, but many children do not like it. It is not recommended to take white, as it will not match the color of the cake. If desired, you can melt the chocolate and pour on top, and instead of chocolate powder, use confectionery poppy seeds.
  8. We put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours, and wait until it is completely soaked and hardens. Then you can cut it into pieces, serve it to the table and try this simple and tasty treat. Sweet tooth will be delighted! Bon appetit!

Very tasty Cake Anthill of cookies with condensed milk it takes only five minutes to cook. Plus half an hour to chill. In fact, writing a cake recipe takes longer than making the cake itself. I highly recommend it to everyone who has not yet tried the Anthill cake from cookies! Children can easily cope with this recipe, adults will only need to open a jar of boiled condensed milk. I made an anthill of cookies for the first time, although I have known about such a recipe for a long time. And then an unplanned moment came when I needed to urgently and very quickly prepare something for tea, and the oven turned out to be za-nya-ta ...

The cookie anthill turns out delicious, soft, creamy. I am satisfied with the result, and with the fact that I did it anyway.


  • - 600gr. (like baked milk)
  • - 100gr.
  • – 1 can (380g)
  • - 1 tbsp
  • - 100gr. (I didn't use)
  • Chocolate for sprinkling - 50g.

How to make an Anthill cake from cookies - a recipe with a photo

1. To make a cake, take cookies such as baked milk, boiled condensed milk, sour cream, butter and a bar of chocolate, or chocolates for sprinkling the cake. You can also add chopped walnuts.

2. We break the cookies into pieces with our hands, not too small. Then we set aside a cup with cookies and prepare a cream.

3. Put the condensed milk out of the jar into a deep cup. Here we put butter at room temperature and sour cream.

4. Beat the ingredients with a mixer until a homogeneous, rather liquid cream is obtained.

5. If you will be adding nuts, now is the time. Pour the nuts into the cream and mix.

6. Now, in batches, pour broken cookies into the finished cream and mix with a spoon. Then add more cookies, mix, and so on, until all the cookies are gone. All cookies should be covered with cream.

7. Put the finished mass with a spoon on a cake dish. We spread it in the form of an ant heap, a slide.

8. Three chilled chocolate bars through a grater with large holes directly onto the cake.
