
Features of shortbread cookies, his photo, nutritional value; delicious homemade dessert recipe. Cookie rating: which one is healthier for kids

An appetizing, beautiful cake, decorated with elegant cream roses, sprinkled with chocolate chips and nuts, is the main attribute of a birthday, anniversary, wedding. Birthdays, starting with one-year-olds, blow out burning candles and make the most cherished wishes that must come true.

How nice it is to treat yourself to a delicious custard cake or a basket filled with creams with beautiful flowers or berries. How can you have tea or coffee for breakfast without sugar crumbly biscuits? It's hard to imagine such a morning.

Cakes and pastries

Cakes are high-calorie confectionery products. Cakes are sand, biscuit, combined, waffle, chocolate and others.

In the preparation of cakes, a large amount of cocoa butter, butter and coconut oil, margarine, and confectionery fats are used. Eggs or egg powder, wheat flour, dairy products are also used for the production of cakes: dried and condensed milk, cream, sour cream, sugar or powdered sugar.

All kinds of additives are added to the dough: various nuts, dried fruits, poppy seeds, coconut flakes, marmalade, halva and other products, as well as chemical dyes, flavors, flavor enhancers, thickeners, leavening agents and other substances that give confectionery a rich color and taste, increase the shelf life.

Cakes are usually soaked in fruit syrups, jams, creams to which coffee, cocoa, cognac are added. Cakes are decorated with creams made from butter, margarine, whipped cream and eggs, sour cream and yogurt, fruits, berries, candied fruits. Sprinkle with nuts, grated chocolate, cocoa, marmalade, coconut flakes.

cakes can be custard, biscuit, puff, from whipped proteins. Cakes are made from the same products as cakes.

Benefit and harm

Cakes and pastries are not everyday dishes, they are better used in the festive menu. Beautifully decorated and appetizing, they undoubtedly create a festive mood, make both children and adults rejoice, have fun, because birthday is the best day of the year.

Cakes and pastries, like other confectionery products, are easily absorbed by the body, as they contain sucrose. They have a high energy value, but useful components that have a beneficial effect on our body are absent in their composition.

The use of an excessive amount of cakes and pastries harms our health, fat and carbohydrate metabolism is disturbed from sweets, which leads to excess weight, the development of obesity, diabetes. And dyes and all kinds of chemical additives can cause allergic reactions.

In order not to harm your health, you need to carefully read the composition of the product and the shelf life, and do not buy with an expired shelf life, buy only in stores where cakes should be in refrigerated counters. It is also not advisable to buy pastries and cakes that are sold from stalls and are outdoors and in the sun.

Often, cakes and pastries are made by illegal manufacturers, who most often do not comply with sanitary and storage standards, and use low-quality products in the manufacture of confectionery. Typically, such manufacturers try to sell their goods to small retail outlets. The consumption of such products is fraught with eating disorders, poisoning.

If low-quality eggs, milk, sour cream contaminated with salmonella bacteria are used in the preparation of creams, then when such products are consumed, salmonellosis develops, this is a dangerous disease that manifests itself as headache, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, chills and fever, weakness and dehydration . So be on the lookout, do not buy anything and anywhere, so as not to end up in the hospital and not overshadow your holiday.

And even better, cook cakes and pastries at home and from fresh, natural products. After all, every housewife has her favorite recipes for making cakes, and you certainly won’t add chemical dyes and flavors to the composition of a homemade cake. Cakes prepared at home are healthier and tastier than store-bought ones, and if the cake is decorated with fresh berries or fruits, then the vitamins contained in berries and fruits will only benefit our health.

Cookies, gingerbread and waffles

Cookie- a flour, confectionery product of various shapes, it can be square, round, in the form of a month and stars, animals and flowers. Cookies are one of the favorite treats of children and adults.

Cookies are rich, lingering, sugary.

The composition of sugar cookies includes a large amount of sugar and fat, wheat flour, eggs or egg powder, salt, flavorings and baking powder. It is fragile and crumbly, porous, a pattern is usually applied to the surface of sugar cookies. It can be decorated with chocolate icing, sprinkled with nuts, sesame seeds.

Long or dry cookies are made from a more elastic dough, they are layered, swell poorly and crumble less, contain less fat and sugar. And biscuits are made from water and flour. Long biscuits can be attributed to dietary products.

Flour and a large amount of sugar, eggs and fat are added to butter cookies. Butter cookies are shortbread, biscuit, puff and oatmeal. Butter cookies are decorated with creams, jam or jam. It happens with various fillings, with the addition of nuts, dried fruits, oatmeal, cinnamon, vanillin.


Gingerbread, like cookies, is loved by many adults and children. According to the manufacturing technology, gingerbread is divided into raw, custard and beaten. Gingerbreads are different: figured and printed, written, mint and honey, Moscow, Tula, Rzhev.
The composition of gingerbread includes rye flour, honey, molasses and burnt sugar, milk and egg yolks, spices such as mint, anise, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and others are added. Gingerbread can be stuffed with jam, dried fruits, nuts. Gingerbread cookies are decorated with multi-colored or chocolate icing.


Waffles are made from premium wheat flour, eggs, sugar, soda, vegetable oil and salt. To improve the appearance and taste, various flavors, dyes, baking powder are added. Wafers come with various fillings, lemon, chocolate, cream. The fillings consist of confectionery fats, vegetable oils, sugar or powdered sugar, milk powder, dyes and flavorings are also added to them.

Often, manufacturers replace sugar with sweeteners, and confectionery fats, vegetable oil with hydrogenated fats that will not benefit health. You should not get carried away with waffles, like other sweets.

Benefit and harm

The most useful cookies are protracted, namely biscuits, straws, because they contain a small amount of fat and sugar. Oatmeal cookies will also benefit, as they contain wholemeal oatmeal and provide our body with fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Harm to health will bring immoderate consumption of cookies, which leads to weight gain, dyes and flavors added to the recipe of cookies can cause allergies, as well as an expired shelf life will be harmful to health.

Gingerbread cookies are healthy sweets, but you should not abuse them either. You should not get carried away with waffles either, you can eat no more than one thing a day, preferably in the afternoon.
Gingerbread cookies, cookies and waffles can be prepared at home, such sweets will be more useful than purchased ones.

Many cannot imagine their diet without sweets, but the abuse of "sweets", like other foods, can be detrimental to your health.

Some believe that cookies can get better. And others that it does not apply to high-calorie foods. Such as cake, for example. To find out the truth, we studied several new brands together with Svetlana Isaenkova, a nutritionist at the Moscow Beauty and Health Center "La Salute"


Anniversary "Morning Honey with Nuts"

This is a new kind of familiar brand. It has become thin, crispy, with the addition of coarse flour and, perhaps, more useful. But I always say: its composition will help to understand the benefits of the product. And I advise customers to carefully study the composition before making a purchase.

These biscuits are baked from premium wheat flour and contain sugar. Flour and sugar are quickly absorbed and deposited in. It is not good at all that it contains palm oil. This is a saturated oil that settles on the vessels, clogs them and forms plaques.

But there is wholemeal barley flour, which gives a feeling of satiety for a long time. So, you won’t eat a lot of such cookies. I am glad that the additive to increase the shelf life is the emulsifier lecithin (E 322). She is natural. Lecithin renews cells, helps the brain work. But honey, which gives the liver a honey taste, would be quite enough for sweetness. And sugar would no longer be needed.

It's good that the cookies have oatmeal, wheat flakes, dietary fiber, wheat germ flakes. They are good for bowel function. But the Premix of vitamins is not needed at all. This is a synthetic product.

It is better to eat live vitamins from fruits and vegetables than "chemistry". It is not good that there are allergenic foods in cookies: hazelnuts and wheat gluten.


Those who are not inclined to be overweight can treat themselves to 4-5 Jubilee cookies with honey and nuts a day. And overweight women should not eat more than two pieces a day. And that's just for breakfast. If you eat cookies at dinner, then they will be deposited in extra calories.

For those who are losing weight, on the same day, apart from two sweet cookies, you can add a teaspoon of sugar in coffee, a handful of berries and one apple. I do not advise eating such cookies for people prone to allergies, patients with atherosclerosis and high cholesterol.

Cracker "Thin thing"

Unfortunately, the Thin Thing: Tomatoes and Peppers cracker was not created for fans of a healthy lifestyle. Because there is a lot of sugar, soda and salt. The composition of the cookies includes invert syrup. This is a sweet product. Why else add sugar to cookies? A large amount of sugar increases the risk of obesity.

And a lot of soda. It is in syrup and added more. You can improve your baking by using healthier products. If you eat such cookies every day and a lot, then soda will upset the acid-base balance. And it can even change the lining of the stomach.

There is also a lot of salt: table food, sea salt, and even tomatoes themselves are salty. Their salty taste alone would be enough. And even more so with spicy herbs: oregano and basil. By the way, in the East, herbs and salted vegetables are added to baking, not salt. It retains fluid in the body, causes thirst and swelling. If biscuit makers were limited to herbs and no salt added, then biscuits would be much healthier.


Don't get carried away with these cookies. It is high-calorie, salty and contains a lot of soda. It can be eaten as a savory addition to unleavened dishes. For example, those who do not salt the main food at all.

Cracker "Cheerfulness" with bran

As I said, premium wheat flour, fine grinding and palm oil are not the best products for health. Therefore, it is good that manufacturers added wheat crackers to the cracker. This means that the cookies will not “be deposited at the waist”. In addition, bran stimulates the intestines and cleanses the body. But as for yeast, it is a pity that their beneficial properties are lost during production. And they become useless for health.


The composition of the cookies is light. But those who follow the figure should not get carried away with it. It contains a lot of fat. The fat content in any product should not exceed 10 g per 100 grams. And in the cracker "Cheerfulness with bran" it is 13.3 grams. This is above the norm.

It would be nice if it were baked from coarsely ground flour of the second grade. In the meantime, so that this cracker is not deposited in fat, I advise you to eat it with vegetables and lettuce. Eat fewer cookies and stay full longer.

Biscuits "Classic" Lyubyatovo

They do not contain dietary fiber. But there are familiar and unhealthy ones: premium wheat flour, sugar, salt. Although in acceptable doses. Without the additives that are included here, industrial baking is difficult to create. But they are of absolutely no use.


When we buy dry biscuits, it seems to us that this is a healthy product. And it's impossible to recover from it. But it is not so. If they contained bran, then it would be difficult to gain weight. And without them, it is an “empty” product that is deposited in fat.

Cracker «Integral Whole Wheat» Delser

In my opinion, these cookies are created for connoisseurs of a healthy lifestyle. Because it's made from whole wheat flour. Such a product will not be deposited in fat cells. You can eat a lot of it and only benefit. It is a pity, of course, that it contains palm oil. But in acceptable quantities and even slightly below the norm. It is very good that in addition to glucose syrup there is no more sugar. And it's good that there is malt extract - a natural, and therefore a safe flavor enhancer.


Take with you to the office for a snack. Very useful for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. It saturates quickly, is slowly absorbed and is not deposited in fat. But, of course, if you do not get involved in them.

Oats - the power of healing

Oatmeal cookies: we multiply the benefits

Friendship of cookies and diet

Oatmeal cookies - calories

Those with a sweet tooth often wonder what kind of flour products or sweets can be consumed while dieting, and in what quantities. Today we will consider in more detail one of the most common products - oatmeal cookies, which are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Composition of biscuits

Traditionally, oatmeal cookies are made from oatmeal and wheat flour, hence the name of the product. Sugar, fat of animal or vegetable origin are also added to cookies. Many confectioners like to add additional ingredients to create a unique taste of the product. These include honey, dried fruits, vanillin, nuts, cinnamon, chocolate, or poppy seeds. All this, combined with a crispy crust and a moderately soft dough inside, is familiar to all people since childhood. However, it is worth adding that oatmeal cookies on an industrial scale are often made with the addition of all kinds of food additives and flavors.

Nutritional value of oatmeal

Oatmeal, from which cookies are made, is a storehouse of vegetable fats and vitamins A, E, PP and group B. In addition, oatmeal cookies contain such useful substances as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, mineral salts, amino acids and trace elements. Proteins, of which there are so many in oatmeal, are quickly absorbed by the body.

Calories in oatmeal cookies

Oatmeal cookies contain an average of 437 calories per 100g of product. Of these, proteins - 6.5 g, which is 26 kcal, fat - 14.4 g (130 kcal), carbohydrates - 71.8 (287 kcal). And 1 pc. oatmeal cookies - this is 20 g, and, therefore, 87.4 kilocalories. The energy value of oatmeal cookies is 1745 kJ, which is 20% of the average daily intake for a dieter (2000 kcal / day).

How to make diet oatmeal cookies

As you know, no one can cook dietary food better than ourselves, and culinary delights can be added to this category. So, to prepare dietary oatmeal cookies you need:

  • 2 cups crushed oatmeal;
  • 200 g baby fruit puree without added sugar;
  • 40-50 g dried fruits + 10 g coconut.

Then mix all the ingredients together and put in the oven, having previously formed small round-shaped livers from the dough. The oven must be preheated to 190 degrees. Bake at this temperature for no more than 20 minutes. The exclusion of eggs, butter and sugar from the product will make its digestion by the body more comfortable, and you will not only be pleased with its excellent taste, but also with useful properties.

Benefits of oatmeal cookies

This confectionery product has a lot of useful properties - a balanced composition with moderate use stimulates digestion and helps to remove toxins from the body. In addition, cookies can help lower blood sugar levels. For those who are on a diet, the dietary option described above is perfect.

Harm of oatmeal cookies

As such, there are no contraindications for oatmeal cookies, however, for people who are obese or overweight, it is better to eat only a dietary version of home-made cookies when you can independently track the composition of the product. Another option is to consume low-calorie cookies, which can be found in the diet or diabetic section. Do not forget that it is difficult to “break away” from oatmeal cookies because of the impeccable taste, so buy small cookies and clearly highlight how much of the product you can afford to eat in 1 sitting or 1 day.

The benefits and harms of oatmeal

Benefits of oatmeal

Oats is a unique cereal containing vitamins B, E, P, trace elements magnesium, iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc. The content of a large number of antioxidants in it helps the body resist various negative factors. So, beta-glucan is indispensable in the fight against bad cholesterol.

The use of oatmeal not only lowers cholesterol levels, but also reduces the risk of blood clots, increases muscle tissue, and cleanses the body. Oatmeal is a source of slow carbohydrates that provide energy. Having eaten such porridge for breakfast instead of the usual dry food, a person gets rid of drowsiness, bad mood and does not remember food until dinner. The calorie content of oatmeal is about 320 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Oatmeal boiled in water is included in the diet to reduce excess weight, to improve the condition of internal organs, skin, hair and nails. Oatmeal is a mucous porridge, so it envelops the digestive organs and is an indispensable and useful dish during the treatment of gastritis or stomach ulcers. Regular consumption of oatmeal (without milk) reduces the acidity of the stomach, helps to get rid of heartburn, constipation and colitis, normalizes digestion and liver function.

Oatmeal has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, the use of this porridge improves memory and thinking. Hyaluronic acid contained in oatmeal has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and joints. Hyaluronic acid is included in medical cosmetics - creams based on it remarkably protect and moisturize the skin, improve complexion and smooth wrinkles. Alcohol tincture of oats in folk medicine is used as a sedative, and an infusion of straw or grains is used as a diaphoretic and diuretic.

Dear mothers, I'm sure you'll find it useful to know. I have no doubt that many already know this and are wary, while the majority knows and forgets, like me, for example. I bought Barney cookies for my son today, yesterday I begged for a “chupik” from a friend ... I don’t want to accustom him to this muck so early, so today, after watching the program about cookies, I thought again, and decided that the later my child tries THIS, the better .

Everything that I managed to outline on a leaf (a repetition can be looked at on the Internet tomorrow), and in some places I expanded the information thanks to open sources.

Rating of bad cookies. It means that if you are like that and will buy for your children, then you need to pay attention to their composition, since the absence of harmful components in the composition is not very easy to find. It also depends on the manufacturer (conscientious and unscrupulous). So, we start from the end, less dangerous and move to the first, most dangerous type of cookie.

5th place - Glazed drying.

It often contains E475 (or Esters of polyglycerides and fatty acids). Used in the food industry as an emulsifier and stabilizer - can cause stomach upset, sorbic acid (food supplement E200) - if eaten often, it can cause allergies. E322 (lecithin, emulsifier) ​​excessive consumption can cause liver disease, indigestion, as well as allergic reactions ... This drying is harmful due to the fact that it is glazed, it can and should be replaced with ordinary drying., "Classic"

4th place - Straw.

The most dangerous straw is a shiny straw, beautiful in appearance, it is given a shine by a special substance with which it is coated, injected after preparation. E524 (Sodium hydroxide) ( E-524 is widely used as a means for cleaning sewer pipes, used in the production of oils and in the manufacture of biodiesel fuel). In the food industry, sodium hydroxide is used as an acidity regulator in the production of ice cream, cocoa, caramel, chocolate, soft drinks.

It is better to choose straws that are not shiny, not “appetizing” in appearance.

3rd place - Oatmeal cookies.(My husband's favorite cookie, childhood flavor)

It often includes E503 (ammonium carbonate), widely used as baking powder in baking. In everyday life, ammonium carbonate has become widespread as ammonia. The main products in which ammonium carbonates are used: various types of cookies, bagels, cakes, bakery products. T

The use of ammonium salts (food additive E503) is allowed in almost all countries, no harm to the human body has been proven. But personally, I somehow don’t really want to eat ammonia, which is also included in the window cleaner))

2nd place - Shortbread. (my favorite!!! It was....)

May contain E527. Ammonium hydroxide (food additive E527) is a weak base, a compound with a pungent odor, formed by a solution of ammonia with water. Represents a great health hazard if used in the manufacture of foods in large proportions. Additive E527 is prohibited in the UK, Australia, New Zealand. E527 is officially approved for use in industry in Russia and Ukraine. When consumed in excess, it causes indigestion and adversely affects the liver. Also in the composition of this cookie may be E322 (see above).

AND First place - ta-dam-tadam - cookies CRACKER(I adored him in my student years, cheap and cheerful)

It turns out that crackers are among the three most dangerous foods in the world (cracker, french fries and chips). Contains palm oil (which is now everywhere), E967 (Xylitol. Sugar substitute) - the occurrence of a laxative effect and increased bile secretion. Also, when abused, it can lead to the development of nephrolithiasis, blood disease and, according to some reports, bladder cancer.

In general, I made the obvious conclusions for myself, firstly, read the composition more often, secondly, try to eat harmful as little as possible, and thirdly, the later the better to feed this (well, not only this), something our grandmothers sat down on the gifts of the granddaughter in the form of sweets.

Pastry usually refers to fluffy, delicious buns, cheesecakes and stuffed pies, eaten as a treat. Adults love them and kids love them. Is this food good? We will discuss this today.

The role of baking in the diet

To begin with, the body cannot do without carbohydrate foods, which include bakery products. The main source of energy is glucose, obtained as a result of the breakdown of carbohydrates. It nourishes the brain, serves as fuel for the nervous system, and in case of hard work or a disturbed diet, it allows you to quickly satisfy your hunger and restore strength.

In many cases, baking turns out to be a supplier of useful micro and macro elements, especially when dried fruits, spices and berry jams are used for the filling. Traditional rolls contain vitamins B1, B2, PP. In small quantities, the following substances are present:

- sodium,

- calcium,

- magnesium,

- phosphorus,

- iron.

Finally, rich sweets improve emotional tone and improve mood. It is so nice to feel their aroma and pamper the taste buds.

What deliciousness. But how harmful are they?

Video: What is the harm of sweets and how to stop craving sweets?

Negative features of baking

The medal also has a “shadow” side. And in this case, it is much darker and more embossed light. In excess, flour products bring extra calories. And the body, as a thrifty host, deposits them on the waist, hips and sides in the form of fatty layers. For people who lead a sedentary lifestyle and fear for their figure, buns and loaves are a serious obstacle to slimness.

This is the picture as a whole. Now let's talk about particulars, namely the ingredients. Modern factories and combines are guided in the production process not by current standards, but by independently developed recipes. Often they bake products based on ready-made factory dry kits, which include a huge number of synthetic and dangerous additives. Let it be harmful for the consumer, but it is convenient and beneficial for the seller.


Margarine is an emulsion mixture of natural and modified vegetable oils and animal fats. Its danger is in the presence of trans fats, which are attributed to carcinogenic properties, are called the cause of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, allergic reactions, decreased immunity and deterioration of blood composition.

But there is a way out. This component will replace rustic butter, and in some types of dough (custard, yeast) - refined pomace from sunflower, corn, rapeseed, etc.

Baking powder

This component is necessary to give products friability and splendor. But if it is made on the basis of phosphates, it poses a danger to the stomach (it provokes ulcers and erosion), causes a lack of phosphorus and calcium.


Sweet, delicious, but healthy?

Most flour desserts are high in sugar. After cooking, a product with a high glycemic index is obtained, which dramatically increases blood glucose levels. This is one of the reasons why muffin lovers are at risk for:

- diabetes,

- milkmaids,

- obesity.

In addition, too sugary products are harmful to the teeth.


Baker's yeast - a type of biological dough baking powder - a unicellular fungus without a mycelium. The product is controversial. Some insist on its usefulness, others give arguments about harmfulness. The arguments of both sides seem convincing, but who is right remains unclear. The main "phobias" concerning these microorganisms are as follows:

1) Once in the human digestive system, yeast begins to “steal” carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals necessary for their life from human food. The result is a deficiency of elements in the body.

2) Aggressive fungi multiply exponentially. They create a putrefactive environment and disrupt the balance of the intestinal microflora in the direction of "bad" bacteria, which leads to a weakening of the protective functions. Assimilation of foodstuff also worsens. There is a dysbacteriosis, problems with the pancreas and liver.

3) Increases acidity, which contributes to chronic fences, the formation of ulcers and gastritis, gallstones. The body tries to normalize the acid-base balance by drawing calcium (an alkaline element) from the bone tissue. Therefore, baking, in theory, can become an indirect cause of bone fragility and osteoporosis.

4) As a result of alcoholic fermentation, toxic substances are formed: diacetyl, acetoin, butyric aldehyde, isoamyl, etc. These compounds are responsible for the taste and smell of flour products. In small quantities they are not dangerous.

An alternative to factory yeast will be natural analogues from hops and rye starter cultures.


Vanillin is a synthetic additive with a characteristic pleasant aroma. In certain cases, it provokes allergic reactions and even skin irritations, up to the development of contact dermatitis, pigmentation and eczema.

In the manufacture of this powder, coumarin is often used - a carcinogen that has a destructive effect on liver cells. At the same time, the person feels heartburn.

How to refuse baking and what to replace it with?

Refusal of white bread and muffins is an important step towards health. For some, such a decision is easy, and some simply cannot overcome themselves. It's hard to beat the habit of eating sweet pastries. But treats can be squeezed out of the diet gradually, replacing them with more healthy food:

  • marshmallows based on pectin, egg whites and applesauce;
  • marmalade from fruit and berry juices, with or agar-agar;
  • nuts;
  • black chocolate;
  • bars and breads from whole grains;
  • Turkish delight, made from fruit and berry puree, nuts, honey, seeds, starch;
  • dried fruits.

Sweet yeast rolls, crackers and puff pastries should be avoided. Instead, it is better to give preference to baking from whole grain flour, products without confectionery glaze and biscuit cookies.

Little tricks for the cook

It is known that the body absorbs calories most actively in the first half of the day. Therefore, for breakfast, it is quite acceptable to eat a delicious cheesecake with tea, a croissant with coffee, a roll with cocoa, or even a piece of cake. But you should not overeat and try to cram the daily allowance into yourself, since everything is so well digested before lunch.

To make baking more healthy, reduce the amount of sugar by 40-50 percent when cooking at home. Usually the proportion of this ingredient in recipes is indicated in excess. It is also recommended to do with fat: the amount of butter can be safely reduced by a third, or even half. At the same time, the taste and quality of the dessert will not suffer, and the energy value will significantly decrease.

When baking in the oven, do not grease the baking sheet and molds with grease. Line the bottom with a non-stick coating. Pies or buns will remain just as tender and airy.

Finally, you can use fruit purees and slaked vinegar instead of chicken eggs.

Remember! Baking is not so harmful as to refuse it altogether. Moderation and rationality are important for health. With this approach, you won’t have to deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating muffins.
