
Boil sugar in milk proportions. Boiled sugar in milk recipe with photo

Sweets are loved by all ages. And no matter what they tell us about the dangers of sugar, for tea we always buy sweets, cookies, marshmallows or other confectionery for ourselves and our loved ones. But it is better to cook sweets yourself. In this case, you will be insured against getting artificial additives, synthetic flavors and dyes with food. One of the simple homemade recipes is boiled sugar with milk.

boiled sugar - great addition for freshly brewed tea. We will cook it with milk. It tastes like sherbet and candy" cream ladybug". True, by consistency homemade treat harder. The recipe for making boiled sugar is quite simple, and you don’t need a lot of ingredients: milk, sugar and a little butter. Diversify the taste homemade sherbet and supplements in the form of peanuts help to make it more interesting, walnuts, seeds, raisins, pieces of dried apricots, cherries, strawberries from homemade jam.


  • 100 ml milk (fat country or farm milk is preferred)
  • 400 ml sugar
  • 40 g butter
  • strawberry jam berries


1. Pour milk into a thick-walled bowl. When it boils, pour in 350 ml of sugar (the remaining 50 ml will go later for coloring). Cook with constant stirring for about an hour. Cooking time depends on several factors: the strength of the flame, the diameter of the dishes. Gradually, the mass acquires a golden hue.

2. Approximately 30 minutes after the milk and sugar are heated, a color is prepared that gives the delicacy a beautiful caramel color. Kohler, in fact, burnt sugar, which is poured into the bottom of a hot cast iron pan and, stirring constantly, heat until melted and darkened. The more sugar that is used for this, the darker the homemade sherbet will turn out.

3. Add color to the boiled milk-sugar mixture. Mix.

4. Put a piece of butter in boiled sugar, which will make the mass more plastic and less hard.

5. Prepare a container for sugar solidification. Grease her bottom butter.

6. If desired, add nuts, raisins, etc. to the finished mass. In our case, lay the strawberries evenly on the bottom of the dish for solidification.

7. Pour boiled sugar into the prepared container. Smooth its surface with a spoon and apply risks if you want to get more even pieces of crushed sugar in the future, since hardened sugar is not cut, but pricked with a knife. Give the dish time to cool.

Turn the dish with boiled sugar upside down, take out its frozen contents. Divide by portioned pieces. On the eve of the New Year, boiled sugar, showing a little creativity, can be turned into a gift or decoration for the Christmas tree. The photo shows a bright candy: a piece of homemade sherbet is wrapped in cling film, wrapped in gift paper and cellophane.

Another interesting recipe:

With today's assortment of sweets industrial production it’s hard to even imagine that someone would want to cook them on their own. Our grandmothers and even mothers were really sophisticated and made caramel in a frying pan, sugar cockerels and other goodies for kids. But the days of that food shortage are long gone, and store shelves are simply bursting with a variety of candies, caramels, marshmallows, sherbet, marmalade and other more exotic sweets. However, such is human nature: we always want something that is not there, and also very sentimental. Apparently, it is this explosive mixture of character traits that prompts many to remember elementary simple, but once so beloved goodies. Do you want to relive those emotions that are associated with them, and return to childhood for a couple of minutes? Yes, easily! It remains only to remember how to cook sugar in milk, and enjoy "that" sugary-sweet delicacy.

Sugar in milk: history, properties and features
Sugar, which, in fact, is a form of sucrose, purified and adapted for use in everyday life and cooking, that is, a quickly digestible carbohydrate. This is the easiest way to supply the body with energy, because all 398 kcal / 100 grams are provided by carbohydrates, of which ordinary refined granulated sugar consists of 99.9%. It turns out that the value of sugar is exclusively energy, and not food, like other products. But milk, in which sugar is boiled down when preparing homemade sweets, is much more complex and nutritional product. From sugar and milk (or sugar and water) caramel is obtained - the basis of the vast majority confectionery. name her useful product hardly possible, but by reducing mass fraction refined carbohydrates, the composition and properties of milk caramel, that is, sugar boiled with milk, already deserve attention.

In particular, milk already saturates her a small amount protein (about 3 g per 100 ml) and fat (from 1.5 to 4.5 g per 100 ml, depending on the fat content of milk). There are relatively few carbohydrates in milk, a little more than 50 g per 100 ml, but chemical composition includes vitamins (part of group B, C, A, PP), minerals(calcium, iron, magnesium, iodine, selenium), lactose and hormone-like substances. Some of these nutrients are destroyed when milk is heated with sugar, but even after that it continues to provide certain benefits to bone and muscle tissues, nervous system and intestinal microflora. In addition, milk is not recommended to be consumed with other types of animal protein and plant origin, and in caramel it interacts exclusively with simple carbohydrates, which does not contradict the named principle. Perhaps that is why sweetened milk has long been part of the Ayurvedic diet.

Milk caramel is simple both in composition and in preparation. Made at home, it does not contain artificial dyes, flavors and preservatives, without which industrial sweets are indispensable. Adding sugar to milk natural nuts, dried fruits, candied fruits increases nutritional value and slightly lower calories. And yet, sugar in milk remains a very specific dessert in composition, which should not be abused not only by people with complicated metabolism, but also by everyone who follows the figure and adheres to balanced nutrition. It is traditionally prepared for children, but they should not eat more than 100-150 grams of treats per day. After all, sugar, although milk, is not only a catalyst for the production of the hormone of joy serotonin, but an excess of energy from “empty” calories, the risk of acidity. oral cavity and stomach, a direct threat to tooth enamel and digestive processes.
Boiled Sugar Recipes
Of course, you can ask your grandmother in detail about what and how she pampered her sweet tooth grandchildren. But since then, so much water has flown under the bridge, that is, many new culinary techniques have appeared, and today's products are different from the previous ones. The main ingredients - sugar and milk - have hardly been changed, but in addition to them, many ways to diversify sweets have appeared. Therefore, in addition to the classic "grandmother's" family recipe, we offer you several more ways to boil sugar in milk. Alternate them or choose one to your taste. Better yet, give the younger generation the opportunity to choose: I wonder if it will turn out traditional recipe in priority?

  1. Just boiled sugar. Take 1 kg granulated sugar and half a liter of milk. Fatty milk is preferable: not less than 2.5%, and preferably 3.6% fat. In addition, you will need a saucepan or saucepan with a thick bottom, in which pour half a glass of milk and sprinkle sugar. Bring the contents of the saucepan to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally. After a while, the sugar will absorb the milk and the moisture will evaporate. Then the sugar will turn into crumbly crystals - do not stop stirring it. When the bottom layer of sugar melts and turns brown, increase the mixing intensity and pour in the rest of the milk. Make sure the mass melts evenly. When the milk has completely evaporated, remove the pan from the heat. Take a dish or wide plate, grease it lightly vegetable oil and spread the boiled sugar in an even layer. Wait for the caramel to cool and cut/break it into portioned pieces.
  2. Boiled sugar with orange peel. Take 1 kg of granulated sugar, half a liter fat milk, dried peel of 1 large orange, 1 tablespoon of butter. cut into orange peel thin strips or small cubes. If it is dry enough, you can grind it in a mortar or coffee grinder. Melt the butter in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over low heat, then pour in half a glass of milk and sprinkle with sugar. Immediately pour the zest into the mixture and begin to stir gently until the milk is absorbed and the moisture evaporates completely. Add the rest of the milk and stir until the mixture is smooth and the sugar is a uniform light brown color. Remove from heat and transfer the hot mass to a flat plate, greased with a thin layer of oil. Let cool and divide into portions.
  3. Fudge made from boiled sugar in milk. Take 3 cups sugar, 1 cup heavy cream, 50 grams of butter, a pinch of any nuts, pitted raisins, dried apricots, 1 tablespoon of natural liquid honey, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder. Prepare the filling: Soak the raisins in hot water and squeeze, peel and chop the nuts, chop the dried fruits in small pieces. Melt the butter in a saucepan. Mix cream with sugar, pour into butter and bring to a boil over low heat. After that, add honey, cocoa and boil with continuous stirring for 10-15 minutes. At the very end, add the filler, evenly distribute it throughout the mass and remove the saucepan from the heat. thick hot mix transfer to a medium-high rimmed baking sheet or candy (ice) molds, brushing them with a thin layer of oil. The cooled and frozen mixture can be served at the table, if desired, cut into portions with a thin knife.
It is not difficult to boil sugar in milk, even if the basic recipe becomes more complicated. As a rule, even novice cooks succeed in preparing such sweets the first time, and the most common failure is only the formation of too large sugar lumps. The most likely cause is excessively high heat and uneven mixing of sugar during caramelization. But even this slightly overcooked and clumped boiled sugar turns out delicious. You can insert toothpicks or wooden sticks into it and get natural lollipops. And boiled sugar is considered folk remedy cough, because it softens the throat with its sweet syrup. In general, homemade sweets, as always, are more useful than store-bought ones. And with their help, you once again prove to your loved ones how lucky they are with such a talented hostess!

They were indeed a rather outlandish affair. In an extreme case, and then through a big pull, they were prepared only by home craftswomen and mainly for large rich weddings. For the rest of the solemn events, for the most part, people used exclusively store products. It was in those years that the folk dessert was invented, which we will discuss further. It must be confessed that milk sugar, at least once, was cooked in almost every family, and few of the "Soviet" people are not familiar with it unusual taste. Today we decided to remind you of the old grandmother's secret of making this simple confectionery dish.

Simple sweets - boiled sugar

Sometimes you just wonder how our grandmothers and mothers could cook for us magnificent culinary masterpieces during a total shortage. In those days, not that order a cake it was not possible, and sometimes even to buy ordinary sweets, and that was considered a great achievement. Indeed, and, to be completely frank, on store shelves, sometimes, even the most necessary products, but there is no need to talk about the times of Yeltsin's "rule". However, the Russian people still survived, and even regaled their children with delicacies prepared thanks to national ingenuity and endurance. Milk sugar, very often, was prepared in the form of a separate dessert, similar to small toffee or simply as a decoration for a smart dress. home baking. There was a time when this simple recipe everywhere enjoyed, in the full sense of the word, fantastic popularity. To prepare this dessert, we need the following products:

  • Sugar (preferably beetroot) - 3 cups
  • Milk with a fat content of 3.2% - 1 cup
  • Butter - 50 g
  • any nuts and light raisin- optional.

Step-by-step instruction:

  • Absolutely all the ingredients, mix in one saucepan and put on medium fire. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil. Then, immediately, reduce the heat to a minimum so that the syrup boils, but not much. And constantly stirring (necessarily with a wooden spoon), simmer the mass until cooked (until gently brown). Special attention take care not to burn the sugar. Usually, this whole process takes no more than 30 - 45 minutes. The dishes should be deep, because. The mixture doubles when boiled.
  • In order to determine the readiness of the dish, put a small drop on a plate, if the drop holds its shape, then the base for our dessert is already ready, if it spreads, then you need to hold the mass on low heat for some more time.
  • To give the mixture a characteristic "chocolate" hue, melt 100 g of sugar in a pan until brown, and then add it to the milk-sugar syrup. However, it is quite possible to do without this step, because. on taste characteristics dishes, it has almost no effect.
  • Optionally, at the very end of cooking, you can add any nuts, dried apricots or raisins, but classic recipe does not include this recommendation. When adding these components, our food will be more like a traditional oriental sherbet.
  • Put the weight on parchment paper, as a rule, a baking dish was used for these purposes. Smooth with a tablespoon or wooden spatula, and leave to cool later. Try to carry out this procedure as quickly as possible, because. milk sugar hardens almost instantly.

There are quite a few recipes on this subject. If you experiment with proportions, you can prepare either a viscous fudge or crystal hard Brown sugar so try and surprise your loved ones with new exotic sweets.

Sugar desserts for your beloved

It's just great that today, almost anyone can purchase, for example, delicious and beautiful cake for woman on March 8 or on his birthday, and not think about the fact that he does not have blat on confectionery factory. The modern reality is such that the culinary market of Moscow and the Moscow region is flooded with all kinds of offers and, I must say, that there are even too many of them. If you are interested in buying high quality sweets, then choose a reliable and trustworthy manufacturer. We strongly recommend the Andreevskaya confectionery workshop, which has been producing excellent exclusive delicacies for more than 15 years. In the photo catalog of our factory, you can find models of original cakes designed for absolutely any special occasions (weddings, anniversaries, corporate parties, birthdays, etc.)

If you don't have time to cook complex desserts at home or lack the necessary skills, you can at least learn how to make sweets, lollipops and sweets yourself in a simple way. To do this, you need to know only one thing - how to cook sugar with water or milk. Having studied technological features process, it is allowed to complicate basic recipes, introduce new ingredients to enhance the taste.

To make the final product rich and tasty, it is better to use the most common white sugar. Contrary to popular belief, its brown counterpart does not have any advantages and even slightly worsens the consistency of products.

Rules for making sweets based on sugar and milk

The recipes are really very simple, but only if the prescribed dosages are observed, candies will turn out really tasty. We always take the components based on the following proportions: for three glasses of sugar there is at least a glass of full-fat milk and about a tablespoon of high-fat butter. It is allowed to add nuts, pieces of marmalade, seed kernels, candied fruits, chopped dried fruits.

To cook classic milk sweets, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • In the selected container, combine milk with sugar, lastly add butter, and mix everything thoroughly.
  • We put the container on medium heat. Constantly stirring the mass, bring it to a boil.
  • We reduce the fire to a minimum and continue to stir the composition in milk, waiting for it to begin to thicken.
  • We check the readiness of the semi-finished product. We drip a little of the mixture from which we will form sweets on a saucer. If the mass spreads, it still needs to be boiled. If it immediately seizes and freezes, you can proceed to the next step.

Tip: At home, sugar is boiled exclusively in non-stick containers. If you use low-quality dishes, the risk of getting ordinary burnt sugar increases dramatically.

  • The product is laid out in pre-prepared molds. It is advisable to use silicone products, but they must first be lubricated with oil from the inside. We pour the product quickly, because it will literally harden before our eyes.

We place the blanks in the refrigerator and wait several hours until they completely solidify. If you plan to put in candy additional components, then it is best to add them immediately before filling the molds.

How to make delicious candies from sugar and water?

If you use only sugar and water in the cooking process, you can cook delicious lollipops. Caramel will turn out smooth, rich and not very cloying, if in this case use classical proportions- For 1 part of sugar we take 3 parts of water.

The procedure involves the sequential execution of the following manipulations:

  • We combine sugar and water, put on fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly.
  • Reduce the heat and simmer the composition at a minimum temperature, constantly kneading, until it begins to thicken.
  • Next, we carry out a test with a saucer and act according to the situation.
  • We pour the finished semi-finished product into special molds that do not need pre-lubrication. We are waiting for the mass to thicken completely.

Some housewives try to add lemon or Orange juice. The taste really benefits from this, but the output is not so much lollipops, but jelly Bean. They don't hold their shape very well and stretch.

Milk fudge secrets

Such sweets are no longer boiled in milk, it is better to cook them in thick and fatty sour cream. And if you want to diversify classic version dessert, then it is recommended to add a little cocoa powder to the mass (but not ready-made chocolate).

The manipulation looks like this:

  • For 400 g of sugar we take 150 g fat sour cream and two tablespoons of butter. If the sour cream has given liquid, you do not need to pour it out, just mix the composition. If it is decided to add cocoa, then we introduce no more than a tablespoon of pre-sifted powder into the indicated volume of ingredients. You can add some nuts or seeds. But it is better to refuse dried fruits, the taste of ready-made sweets will be saturated even without them.
  • All components except butter and cocoa are combined, kneaded and laid out in a suitable, preheated dish. We put the mass on the fire and keep it, stirring constantly, until it boils.
  • Reduce the heat and simmer the product for at least half an hour, stirring regularly. You should not wait longer, because. the sugar can curdle and become too thick.
  • If everything was done correctly, then the product will acquire a beautiful caramel color, its consistency will be homogeneous, without lumps and bubbles.
  • Now add cocoa to the hot mass, stir. Add butter, it should melt on a hot surface. Once again, mix well.
  • Pour the workpiece into molds pre-treated with butter. We put in cool place away from the sun, but not in the refrigerator. Properly prepared fudge will grab without low temperatures. But from sudden drops, sweets can begin to crumble.

If taste properties the above desserts are not satisfactory, there is nothing to be done about it, you will have to look for other options for dishes. If you try to adjust the amounts of ingredients used, you can spoil the consistency and texture of the product.
