
How to make cookies with wishes for the new year. About cookies and wishes

We so often surprise our loved ones with taste and appearance baking or any other dishes that we just forget that you can make a kind of game out of it. So, with the help of cookies, you can confess your feelings or predict fate, as they do in China. But why, if the Chinese do it, can't we do the same? Firstly, the method of making such cookies seems by no means original, and secondly, the process of inventing various phrases that you will put inside the cookies is quite creative. As for the taste of cookies, it is very original, and resembles koala cookies or a slightly flattened biscuit. Although here, most likely, I am judging the recipe for cookies, because it resembles a cooking method, on chicken eggs. So let's get started.


  • total cooking time: 20 minutes;
  • total number of cookies: 12 pieces.

How to make fortune cookies:

1. First you need to prepare the filling for our cookies. You can find templates for wishes and predictions on the Internet, or you can write something from the bottom of your heart. For the master class, I chose wishes taken from the network. After, as soon as you print or write the text, you should cut it into thin strips that will definitely fit into our future cookies.

2. Beat the chicken proteins in a completely dry and clean bowl. It is advisable to add salt to them so that the process goes faster and more actively. As soon as you get a stable, but slightly loose mass, add powdered sugar. The mass will become more tender and homogeneous, almost perfect white color. Using a kitchen spatula or spoon, put it in a bowl.

3. Using a sieve, add wheat flour to the proteins. Mix everything with a spoon, from bottom to top and from right to left. We do not use a mixer at this stage when preparing this type of dough. After flour, vegetable oil is sent to the dough and everything is mixed again.

4. The dough is ready!

5. Usually, when preparing these cookies, they use parchment paper. Someone uses a silicone mat, but for some reason I did not experiment with it. Yes, and drawing circles of the same size on paper is much easier. The dough should be smeared on parchment and sent to the oven. Bake the cookies for about 5-7 minutes until the edges are golden. The recommended heating temperature is 200 degrees.

6. Ready cookies must be removed from the oven one by one, otherwise they will harden very quickly and become unyielding. As soon as you have taken it out, put your prediction or wish in the center.

Please note that I am wearing gloves. Postpone hot temperature cookies, just taken out of a red-hot oven, I am not yet able to. You can do the same.

7. As soon as the filling is inside, we squeeze the edges of the cookies together and make “dumplings” out of it.

8. Dumplings should be pressed against the edge of the glass as shown in the photo. To explain in words this action will not be so easy.

9. The finished cookie should be folded into a narrow container so that it takes shape. If you don't fix the wish cookie, it will turn back into the dumplings from step 7.

10. Dry the cookies for a couple of minutes in the air and it will be easy to break, but meanwhile, it will remain as tender and tasty as it was intended in the original version.

Bon appetit and good evening!!!

Sincerely, Julia.

For loved ones on Valentine's Day on February 14 or just like that - beautiful, bright and very delicious cookies in the shape of hearts!

  • 1 st. flour (about 130 g);
  • 100 g butter(i.e. half a pack);
  • 1 tbsp Sahara.


  • 50 g chocolate (half a bar);
  • 1-2 tbsp butter;
  • Nuts;
  • Confectionery topping.

Cooking shortbread dough: Sift flour into a bowl, add sugar and softened butter, cut into pieces.

Grind the ingredients with your hands. First you will get a crumb. Continue kneading the dough, and the crumbs stick together into one lump. If the dough crumbles, add a little soft butter. If, on the contrary, it sticks to your hands, add a little flour. Ready dough soft, does not crumble, but does not stick. Put the dough in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. In the meantime, you can click and peel the nuts for decoration. It will be delicious with any: walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts or cashew.

After taking the dough out of the refrigerator, lightly sprinkle the table and baking sheet with flour. Roll out the dough into a cake from 0.5 to 1 cm thick. Thin cookies bake faster and are crispier, while thicker cookies take a little longer to bake but are more crumbly.

We cut out cookies from the dough with a heart-shaped mold and carefully, since the cookies are very tender, we transfer them to a baking sheet. While you are making cookies, turn on the oven - let it warm up to 200C.

At this point, you can sprinkle the cookies with cinnamon or vanilla sugar if you don't want to. chocolate icing. You need to mix in a saucer 1.5-2 tbsp. sugar and ¼ tsp. cinnamon (or 1 tsp. vanilla sugar), or sugar with chopped nuts, sprinkle each cookie and lightly press the sprinkle with your finger so that it does not sprinkle. If you glaze cookies with chocolate, we bake just like that.

We bake cookies at 200-210C for 20-25 minutes, taking into account the characteristics of your oven. The cookies should be dry, crumbly and slightly golden, but still light in color. If the cookies are brown, it means that they are a little overexposed. But that's okay, now we will prepare the icing and sprinkles for decoration!

Break the chocolate into pieces and place on water bath. When melted, put a piece of soft butter (15-25g) and mix. The butter will melt and you will have a smooth chocolate icing. Dip the cooled cookies into it with the top side - or apply the icing with a teaspoon.

If the icing is too thick, add a little more butter to the chocolate; if liquid - can be brought to desired consistency by adding cocoa powder.

Before the icing has had time to harden, sprinkle the Hearts cookies for Valentine's Day with chopped nuts, colored confectionery sprinkles. To make the icing harden faster, put the cookies in the refrigerator. And when the decoration "grabs", carefully transfer the heart cookies to the dish.

Recipe 2: sand hearts with jam for February 14

The beauty of this recipe is that you can make it for delicious treat, and for a nice gift for February 14 - because it has the shape of a heart, and if you pick up a beautiful package or a festive box and put our sweet valentines in it - there will be a wonderful holiday surprise for all the sweet tooth!

  • 270 g flour
  • 150 g butter (margarine)
  • 100 g of powdered sugar (sugar)
  • 2 yolks
  • zest of half a lemon (orange)
  • 1 tsp vanilla sugar (vanillin on the tip of a knife)
  • a pinch of salt (1/3 tsp)
  • thick jam (jam)
  • powdered sugar (for sprinkling finished cookies)

Put softened butter (or margarine) into a bowl. Add sugar (or powdered sugar) with vanilla, and rub everything thoroughly.

Grate the zest of half a lemon fine grater.

Add the yolks and mix everything thoroughly. In two doses add 250 gr. flour, and the remaining 20 gr. pour on the table under the dough. Knead soft plastic dough, try not to add more flour - to avoid excessive rigidity.

The photo shows how soft and plastic dough we got. Great! Now wrap it in cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Let's roll out the dough like this interesting method between two sheets of parchment paper. Since the dough is very tender, and we don’t need extra flour at all. Roll out the dough with a thickness of 4-5 mm. This is the thickness that will allow the cookies to remain soft and not too thick.

Remove the top parchment. We take a mold in the form of a large heart and right on the sheet we begin to form our sweet valentines. The dough that remains - we will put it into action again: we will collect it in a lump, roll it out and make a few more hearts.

Now take a smaller heart shape and cut out these things. At the same time, we also form a bunch of small hearts.

Put the dough in hot oven 180 degrees. For 7-10 minutes, but you watch for readiness - the cookies should remain soft, not overdried, light.

Sprinkle our hearts with a recess with powdered sugar.

We put a spoon on whole large heart-cookies thick jam- in the middle. From above we glue the top sprinkled with powder. It turns out a two-layer valentine with a beautiful colored center and snow-white sprinkling. If you take jam different colors, then it will be even more beautiful dish. Although I think it all looks quite charming and appetizing!

Recipe 3: Honey Valentines with Icing (Step by Step)

Home » Baking » Various pastries honey biscuits"Valentines" with icing 5.02.2017 Not a single store-bought cookie can be compared with homemade. Especially if it is cooked with the addition of honey, but on sour cream. And if you cut it in the shape of a heart, and cover beautiful glaze, then such cookies for Valentine's Day can be a sweet gift. A recipe with a photo will help you knead the dough for valentines, as well as cook it correctly smooth glaze For decoration.

  • chicken yolk - 1 pc.;
  • butter - 80 gr.;
  • granulated sugar - 100 gr.;
  • sour cream - 80 gr.;
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 1 cup;
  • baking powder dough - ½ tsp;
  • vanillin - a pinch;
  • salt - a pinch.

For glaze:

  • chicken protein - 1 pc.;
  • powdered sugar - 150 gr.;
  • citric acid - 1/5 tsp;
  • food coloring Red.

To begin with, we prepare all the necessary products.

Add sugar to the yolk and mix well with a whisk. Sugar should be completely dissolved in the yolk.

Then add slightly warmed honey and pour vanillin. We mix.

Also add butter room temperature. Mix everything well until smooth.

Now add baking powder and sifted wheat flour.

Knead soft, elastic, tender dough. If there is not enough flour, you can add a little more, the cookie dough should not be liquid.

We roll it into a ball, wrap it in cling film or just put a bag and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Valentine cookies for Valentine's Day should be bright, colorful, beautiful. Glaze will help us decorate pastries the way we want it. To prepare it, we take 150 grams of powdered sugar and egg white.

Mix them and beat with a mixer. It will take 6-8 minutes to beat.

At the end of whipping, for about one minute, add citric acid at the tip of a knife. The result should be a smooth, glossy mass.

We divide the glaze into two unequal parts. You can divide it into equal parts, it all depends on how you will decorate your cookies.

IN most glaze, add a dye (in my case, raspberry), you can take any other at your discretion.

Mix the icing well with the coloring. The icing is ready, we remove it for now to the side, just be sure to cover cling film. The frosting dries very, very quickly.

In the meantime, the dough has cooled, take it out of the refrigerator. For ease of rolling, we divide it into several parts. Then we roll each part into a layer 0.5 cm thick.

Now we cut out cookies with special molds in the form of hearts.

Place the cards on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. And we send it to bake in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 10-15 minutes.

Our cake is ready. We take it out of the oven and let it cool.

You can then decorate the cookies however you like. The icing is applied first along the contour of the cookie, and then the middle is filled. Further decoration will tell your imagination. Bon appetit!

Recipe 4: heart cookies in a waffle iron (with photo)

  • Premium wheat flour 250 gr.
  • Chicken eggs 6 pcs.
  • Margarine for baking 125 gr.
  • Sugar 125 gr.
  • Vanillin 1 sachet
  • Milk (3.5%) 250 ml.
  • Baking powder for dough to taste

Cookies can be cooked both soft and crispy, it all depends on how long you bake them in a waffle iron. But before you start cooking them, you need to knead the dough. In its consistency, it should resemble liquid sour cream.

So, we separate the egg whites from the yolks. In a shallow bowl, rub randomly cut margarine with sugar and vanilla with a fork, then take a mixer and beat the mass into lush foam. Then, without ceasing to beat, add one yolk to the bowl.

Then pour in the milk, beating with a mixer at low speed.

In another bowl, mix flour with baking powder, and begin to gradually pour into the butter-milk mixture, continuing to beat. AND finishing touch: beat the whites into foam and gently introduce into the dough, then let it brew within half an hour in a warm place.

We connect the waffle iron to the network and heat it to medium temperature. Then put about two tablespoons of dough into it and evenly distribute it over the surface. Close and hold for about 40-60 seconds. So we get soft cookies.

Then carefully take out ready-made cookies with a fork or spatula and let cool.

Recipe 5: gas-shaped heart-shaped cookies

  • chicken eggs - 4-5 pcs;
  • margarine for baking - 100 gr;
  • vanilla sugar- a sachet;
  • granulated sugar - 1 cup;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • baking soda - 1 incomplete teaspoon;
  • wheat flour - 8-9 tbsp. spoons

We take the dishes in which we will knead the dough, break 4-5 pieces of eggs.

Add a bag of vanilla sugar, as little as possible.

Melt a pack of margarine in microwave oven or on the stove, I had an incomplete pack of margarine, so I melted how much it was, also pour it into the eggs.

Then beat everything with a mixer on the first speed. Beat just until smooth, so that everything is mixed and dissolved (sugar, soda).

Now add two tablespoons of flour to the contents, and beat in the same way on the first speed.

Enough about 8-9 tablespoons for the dough, the dough should not turn out to be liquid but also very thick.

It should move away from the spoon slowly (make the dough thicker than on the cakes). Now when the dough is ready, turn on the stove, grease the mold on both sides with vegetable oil, put it on the fire and heat it up.

After the mold has warmed up on both sides, we begin to fry our cookies, pour out an incomplete ladle of dough, about the same amount

and close the mold, leave it literally for 1-2 minutes, turn the mold over and check whether it is baked or not.

If baked, leave the mold upside down so that the other side is also baked.

Recipe 6, step by step: homemade heart cookies

Today I want to offer a simple baking option that will fit perfectly on festive table The 14th of February. We will bake heart cookies, for which we will need special forms.

  • sour cream - about 200 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • sugar - 1 full glass;
  • black chocolate - 50-100 g;
  • eggs - 1 pc.;
  • flour - 400-450 g;
  • vanillin - 1 sachet;
  • colored sugar pencils;
  • baking powder - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.

Let's get started. Beat one egg with sugar.

Softened (not melted) butter is mixed with sour cream and added to the egg-sugar mixture. Beat everything together with a whisk (or mixer).

Add flour mixed with baking powder and knead the dough. Add vanillin. The dough should not be too tight, therefore, gradually adding flour, focus on its amount during kneading. Put it in the refrigerator for at least one hour.

When the dough has cooled a little, take it out and roll out a layer with a thickness of about 7-8 mm. We cut out our cookies with special shapes in the form of hearts. I used fairly large molds (8 cm wide).

We grease a baking sheet with a thin layer of vegetable oil and put cookies on it. We put it in a preheated oven (180 degrees). Bake until it turns a nice light brown color.

Let the cookies cool down, and put melted chocolate on its surface. You can make chocolate icing by adding a little butter to the chocolate while heating (in a water bath). But, you need to take into account that it will not completely harden on the surface of the cookies.

You can decorate hearts in different ways. Let's say apply chocolate to only one half of it, as in my photo.

You can make inscriptions on the hearts, for example, write names or holiday wishes. In a pinch, just sprinkle them with powdered sugar! I used special colored sugar pencils to decorate cookies.

Recipe 7: Festive Heart Cookies

Homemade recipe for heart cookies in molds.

  • Flour 450 gr
  • Baking powder 2 teaspoon
  • Sugar 150 gr
  • Butter 220 gr
  • Chicken egg 1 pc.
  • Vanilla essence 1 teaspoon
  • Red gel color 1.5 teaspoon

From all the ingredients, except for the dye, knead soft dough. If it gets sticky, add some flour.

Separate the third part of the dough and transfer it to a separate bowl. Add red dye to this part and mix until smooth.

Roll out the red dough into a layer about 5 mm wide, cut out small cookies with a small heart-shaped mold.

Stack the resulting hearts on top of each other.

Roll out the rest of the dough into thin, identical sausages. Wrap the resulting “turret” of hearts with white sausages around the entire circumference.

Wrap the blanks in cling film and send them to the refrigerator for at least 2 hours (preferably overnight).

Bake at 180 degrees in a preheated oven for about 10 minutes, no longer, the cookies should not darken.

Recipe 8: Heart Cookies with Confiture

This shortbread very fragile and delicate. The secret of its preparation lies in the fact that it is cooked on yolks and cornstarch. Any filling can be used. thick confiture. By the way, this cookie is perfect as a valentine for Valentine's Day.

  • 290 g flour
  • 4 yolks
  • 130 g plums. butter (soft)
  • 100 g sugar
  • 50 g starch (preferably cornstarch)
  • zest of one lemon
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 100 g confiture (I have cherry)

Rub the lemon zest on a fine grater. Grind the yolks with white sugar. In another bowl, mix flour with cornstarch, a pinch of salt and lemon zest. Then add egg yolks butter and mix thoroughly.

Add egg yolks and butter. Knead a soft dough that does not stick to your hands, roll it into a ball and cover it with cling film and send it to the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Roll the dough into a ball. Then we roll out the dough into a thin layer and cut out hearts using a recess or stencil. Put about 5 tsp in half of the hearts in the middle. jam, then cover with another heart and press down the edges with a fork.

Cover with a second heart and press the edges with a fork. We spread the finished hearts on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and send it to the oven preheated to 200 degrees for 20 minutes.

Recipe 9: how to make cookies by February 14

Beautiful and very delicate shortbread cookies for Valentine's Day, make delicious valentines as a gift to your loved ones. The dough is crumbly and not very sweet. We use margarine at room temperature. You will need two heart-shaped cookie cutters, a large one and a small one. You can use any jam, as long as it is thick. I chose currant jam.

  • wheat flour 2 ½ cups
  • margarine 150 g
  • egg 3 pcs.
  • sugar 6 tbsp
  • salt 1 tbsp.
  • baking powder 1 tsp
  • jam 100 ml

Recipe 10: Valentine Cookies Glazed Hearts

There are a lot of ingredients for the dough, but they are all available. In addition, a lot of cookies are obtained from one serving. One of critical componentspotato starch, which makes it possible to make pastries more crumbly and tender. Everything is getting ready quickly hastily, and can be stored for a long time if not eaten immediately.

  • flour - 3 tbsp.
  • butter - 150 g
  • potato starch - 125 g
  • salt - a pinch.
  • soda - ½ tsp
  • baking powder - ½ tsp
  • sugar - 1 cup
  • milk - 2/3 cup
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet

for glaze:

  • powdered sugar - about 200 g
  • lemon juice
  • food coloring.

Butter should be at room temperature. Then it is easy to beat. Put it in a bowl and beat with a mixer. But you can just grind with a fork. Pour sugar, vanilla sugar and grind (or beat) everything together until smooth.

Add one egg.

Mix thoroughly.

Sift the entire portion of flour into a separate bowl, send baking powder, soda, salt, starch (sifted) there.

Pour half of the dry mixture into the oil mass. We mix.

We add milk.

And add the rest of the dry mixture.

Knead the dough and form a ball. Wrap it up in cling film. Place in refrigerator for 1-2 hours or freezer for 30-40 minutes.

We take out the chilled dough and roll it into a layer 0.3-0.5 cm thick. Please note that cookies will grow well in the oven. So we make it thinner. Squeeze out the hearts with molds.

Lay out on a baking sheet lined with parchment. We put in a preheated oven. We bake cookies at home at a temperature of 180 degrees for about 15 minutes.

We take out ruddy hearts from the oven. Let them cool down. And send to bake next game. I got almost four batches from one serving of dough.

Prepare the icing for the cookies. Sift the icing sugar into a deep bowl. Pour 3-4 tablespoons into a separate cup. lemon juice or diluted in water citric acid. There's also food coloring. And gradually mix.

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Since ancient times, people have believed in prophecies and predictions. They made life easier for them in moments when they doubted and hesitated when making decisions. But only bakers in ancient China took this seriously.

They were able to create such a recipe for predictions, which gained popularity after several millennia. And it is the “magic cookies” that become the most important delicacy of friendly parties and special occasions.

Preparation of predictions

If you want to win the favor of fortune, then Chinese cookies with predictions will be the best and most successful choice. You can buy them at the nearest supermarket, a restaurant specializing in oriental cuisine, or you can bake a delicacy yourself. But more on that later, and now let's get down to the most interesting part - preparing predictions.

A note with a future wish is best printed using a laser printer. This is very important point, since a prediction written with a pen or printed on an inkjet printer runs the risk of spoiling.

The fact is that there are recipes where a note is inserted before heat treatment. In this case, the text under the influence of high temperature conditions will become blurry and no one will be able to read it.

For a children's event, stock up on colorful paper. It will be interesting for children not only to read, but also to see who has what color prediction.

Classic recipe

Step by step workflow:

  1. Beat the powder and proteins until a stable air mass;
  2. Drain the oil and lemon juice;
  3. Mix flour with the rest of the dry ingredients;
  4. Pour into the proteins and knead the dough;
  5. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 160C;
  6. Roll out the dough into a thin layer (4 mm);
  7. Using a mold or a glass with a diameter of 8 cm, cut out circles;
  8. Put the prediction in the center of the circle;
  9. Fold in half. Repeat procedure;
  10. Grease a baking sheet with cooking oil and bake a treat for no more than 5 minutes.

Chinese fortune cookies

  • sifted flour - 65 g;
  • powdered sugar - 125 g;
  • chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • oil - 45 g.

Amount of calories: 321 kcal.

  1. Gradually pouring in the powder, beat the whites until a stable mass;
  2. Melt butter and cool;
  3. Pour in a thin stream to the proteins;
  4. In a separate bowl, beat the yolks;
  5. Mix with proteins and adding flour, knead the batter;
  6. If the dough turns out to be thick, pour in a few tablespoons of water;
  7. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, carefully smeared with butter;
  8. Preheat the oven to 180C;
  9. Put a tablespoon of dough on the parchment. The pancake must be leveled so that it is approximately 8 cm in diameter;
  10. Cookies must be baked until the edges become light brown;
  11. Next, the cookies must be removed. Quickly roll up and put the prepared note in the center;
  12. Fold the cookies again and lightly press the edges of the product to give it the shape of a shell;
  13. To finally fix the shape, the product can be put in a glass. The main rule: the speed of movement until the cookies are cold.

Prediction Protein Dough Cookies

There are times when proteins lie in the refrigerator for a long time and we do not know where to use them. The most interesting and fastest use of the ingredient will be baking fortune cookies.

Required Recipe Ingredients:

  • flour - 100 g;
  • corn starch- 10 g;
  • a pinch of nutmeg;
  • vegetable oil - 50 ml;
  • a pinch of cinnamon;
  • squirrels - 3 pcs.;
  • vanilla packaging;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • water - 10 ml.

Time spent baking: 15 minutes.

Amount of calories: 365 kcal.

Step by step process:

  1. In a dry bowl, mix vanillin, starch, cinnamon, flour, nutmeg and sugar;
  2. In another bowl, beat the proteins gradually pouring in vegetable oil;
  3. Pour the oil-protein mixture into the dry ingredients and add water;
  4. Mix the dough until smooth. Approximate consistency: like dough for pancakes, only a little thicker;
  5. The following algorithm of actions is exactly the same as in previous recipe. The main rule: do not make pancakes too large in diameter, otherwise the cookies will look bulky, and not neat;
  6. Products are baked at temperature regime 180C not 5 to 10 minutes;
  7. Put a prepared prediction in the center of a slightly cooled cookie;
  8. Then fold it in half, and then give it the shape of a wigwam, that is, fold it again.

An important tip: watch the baking time, because by overcooking the products, you risk making them not elastic, but brittle and brittle. In this case, the cookies will not fold into the desired shape.

Standard Predictions:

  1. It is enough to take the initiative - success will not keep you waiting;
  2. All hopes and plans for the future will come true very soon;
  3. Friends will help fulfill a cherished desire:
  4. Get ready… A romantic adventure awaits you;
  5. This month is the month of night adventures;
  6. It's time to rest;
  7. Your lifelong dream will come true soon. Just say yes;
  8. Someone is in for a pleasant surprise;
  9. Time is your best ally. Therefore, postpone the adoption of an important decision for a day;
  10. Be patient and surprises will come;
  11. Oops! But the cookie is not yours!
  12. Only time can heal spiritual wounds and drain the lake of tears.

Whichever way you look at it, there are only pluses. Any housewife can easily and quickly prepare such shortbread cookies, it turns out from a small amount about 40 (!) small cookies, and original design will attract the attention of both big and small lovers of baking.

The shape of hearts is just one of the options, in fact, it all depends on your imagination, the availability of various molds and the occasion for which the cookies are made. For example, for the New Year, you can fashion stars with small holes and hang them on a Christmas tree, egg-shaped molds are suitable for Easter, and on March 8, for example, flowers. The main thing is to keep the "zest" of cookies - a hole with melted caramel, such cookies are also called stained glass.

For cooking cookies "Hearts with caramel" you need to prepare:

  • 100 g of butter, it is better to get it out of the refrigerator beforehand;
  • 70 g of powdered sugar (you can also use granulated sugar, but with powdered cookies you will get smoother and neater);
  • 1 egg;
  • a pinch of vanillin;
  • 1 tsp baking powder for dough;
  • 200 g wheat flour premium;
  • about 150 g of caramel type "Barberry", "Duchess" or "Mint".

Cookies "Hearts with caramel" - recipe

Kneading the dough and forming it does not take much time, so you can immediately turn on the oven, it is necessary that the temperature in it warms up to 180 degrees. Break an egg into a cup, add powdered sugar and finely chop or grate the butter, mix everything with a spoon, it is not necessary to achieve a uniform consistency.

Sift flour and baking powder into the resulting mass and knead the dough, first with a spoon, and then with your hands. You should get such a neat bun, if the dough sticks strongly to your hands, then knead another one or two tablespoons of flour into it.

Put the dough in a bag or wrap it in a film and put it in the refrigerator. Now you need to prepare the caramel. Expand the sweets and put in a bag, preferably tight, or in two bags. Candies need to be crushed, it is very convenient to do this with a meat hammer. Just about these pieces will be enough.

Remove the dough from the refrigerator, sprinkle the work surface with flour and roll out the dough (you can divide it into 3-4 parts) into a layer about 5 mm thick. Cut out shapes with a heart shaped cookie cutter.

Transfer the hearts to a baking sheet (be sure to line it with parchment), and already on the baking sheet, using a round mold, make holes in the hearts. Thus, use the dough while there is free space on the baking sheet, freeze the remaining dough or bake cookies in two steps.

Fill the holes in with pieces of caramel, you need to spread the caramel without sparing, it will settle heavily during baking.

Place the baking sheet with the cookies into the preheated oven. It will be baked for only 7-10 minutes, so it is better not to go far from the stove. As soon as all the caramel has melted, and a slight blush has appeared on the cookies, the baking sheet can be taken out. Let the cookies cool completely on the parchment.

If you want to surprise and please your family and friends, then cook for them fortune cookies. As a rule, restaurant visitors are treated to such cookies. oriental cuisine after a meal. Why not adopt this way of entertaining guests.

This fun treat will appeal to everyone, both adults and children. Bake fortune cookies for the new year and put a dish with them in the center of the living room. Let every guest who visits your house take a cookie and read his prediction: what awaits him next year. Believe me, this entertainment will be remembered by everyone for a long time.

Although they look complicated, fortune cookies are actually very easy to make on your own. So if you've ever wondered how to make a fortune cookie, give it a try with my recipe. You can also change the recipe to your liking.


2 egg whites,

½ cups of sugar,

¼ teaspoon spoons of salt,

½ cup flour

1.5 teaspoons corn starch

4 teaspoons of water

3 tablespoons of vegetable oil,

¾ teaspoon vanilla extract

butter (for greasing the mold).

How to make fortune cookies?


First, choose the right predictions. Print out a prediction sheet or write them by hand. You can use my prediction options, which are given at the end of the article. Cut the prediction sheet into strips 3 cm long and 1 cm wide.

Separate the whites from the yolks into a small bowl. Try to do this carefully so that the yolk does not get into the separated proteins.

Beat egg whites using a whisk (about 10 seconds). Add vegetable oil and vanilla extract. Continue whisking until the mixture is slightly frothy.

In an empty medium bowl, add sugar, cornstarch, salt, flour and water. Use an electric hand mixer to fully mix the ingredients until a thick paste forms.

Preheat oven to 180C⁰.

With constant stirring with a mixer, pour very slowly egg mixture V thick paste. Mix until a homogeneous smooth mass is formed.

Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and brush with a thin layer of butter. Using a tablespoon as a measure, place the dough on a baking sheet. Be sure to leave a distance of about 2 centimeters between each serving of dough.

Place the tray in the oven. Bake the cookies for about 10 minutes until they are golden brown.

When the cookies are ready, start shaping them. Do not take all the cookies out of the oven, as they will cool down and then you will not be able to give them the desired shape. Turn off the oven and leave the cookie sheet in it. Wear gloves to avoid burns.

Take one cookie. In order to separate it from the parchment, do not use a spatula, but take the edge of the parchment, press from below and separate the cookies. Place it in the palm of your hand, place a piece of paper with a prediction in the center of the cookie.

Fold the cookies in half.

Then press down with your finger in the middle and connect the corners. A cup will help you with this. Hold the cookie in this position until it takes shape.

Place the cookies in cupcake liners and wait for them to cool, harden and take the desired shape.


For extra decoration, fortune cookies can be dipped in melted chocolate and then crushed nuts.

Or pour them with melted white and dark chocolate. To do this, melt the chocolate and fill it with a small pastry bag with a thin hole. Then pour over the cookies, moving the chocolate back and forth.

Fortune Cookie Prophecy Options:

Congratulations! You are on the right track.

Having conquered one mountain, start storming another...

A surge of energy will help you cope with a large amount of unplanned work.

Accept what you cannot change and you will feel better.

Nature, time and patience are the three great physicians.

It's time to act!

It's time to end the old and start the new.

May the world be filled with peace and goodwill.

Working with new partners will be very profitable.

Work on your diplomatic skills - they will be very useful for implementing ideas.

Think and don't rush into action.

Let compassion guide your decisions.

The result of your actions may be unexpected.

Romance will move you in a new direction.

From now on, your kindness will lead you to success.

Today is going to be a beautiful day for you.

Measure seven times, cut once!

Listen to everyone. Ideas come from everywhere.

Nightingales are not fed with fables.

Focus on family and harmony with the world around you.

A happy life is right in front of you.

Now it's time to try something new.

Patience! You are almost there.

He who knows is rich enough.

Those who do not expect gratitude will never be disappointed.

Good luck guides you through all the hard times.

Take Special attention old friendship.

Physical activity will greatly improve your outlook on life today.

Good time to finish old beginnings.

Good news will come to you in the mail.

Well done is better than well said.

Although some try to stop you, you will still achieve your goals.

Man is never old to learn. New knowledge will bring you success.

Whatever is done is for the best.

This is the time to move. Your mood will improve.

You have to consider an unexpected offer

Do what your soul and body asks for

Don't give up and get what you want

Someone needs your support

Now that you've learned how to make fortune cookies, please be sure to check out the other recipes as well.
