
11 cups blackcurrant 13 cups sugar. Blackcurrant jam-jelly

Today I will tell you how to cook delicious and healthy royal jam. I strongly advise you to cook it in the summer, so that in the cold season you can enjoy this delicious food and be healthy. Royal jam will certainly be on the list of the most favorite. Why? You will learn about this by reading the recipes.

So, the basic recipe for royal jam:
6 glasses of black currant;
2 cups red currants;
2 cups raspberries;

13 cups of sugar.

Pass clean berries through a meat grinder. Wash oranges, scald with boiling water, cut so that they fit in a meat grinder (into 4 or more parts) and remove the seeds, if any. Pass prepared oranges through a meat grinder. Add 13 cups of sugar and mix well.

Royal jam can be stored fresh, but then the jars must be kept in the refrigerator. Or you can bring the berry-orange-sugar mixture to a boil, pour it into sterilized jars and close with clean lids. Such jam can be stored both in the cellar and in the pantry, that is, like any other jam.

To sterilize jars, hold empty jars upside down over steam to kill bacteria. Using the same method, you can ensure the sterility of the lids for closing jars, or simply boil them and so hot and twist. The main thing to remember is safety. Remember that the steam is very hot, so keep the lids and jars with a clean, dry towel, and the jars themselves are best kept not in your hand, but put on a sieve or colander.

The basic jam recipe is described above, but no one says that it cannot be changed. Here is the recipe for royal jam, which was prepared this summer:

2 tbsp. blackcurrant;
2 tbsp. strawberries;
3 art. Raspberries;
3 art. redcurrant;
2 oranges (large size);
13 cups of sugar.
Yes, strawberries were added here, from which the jam only benefited. The aroma and taste of this royal jam is difficult to convey. It's just a meal. Each berry gives its own unique taste, which is complemented by the taste of an orange, the zest of which gives a simply colossal effect. Well, you can see that royal jam is healthy by its composition. It's just a vitamin bomb.

More tips for making royal jam:

Berries should be passed through a meat grinder along with sugar. That is, pour a spoonful of sugar, a spoonful of berries and again sugar, berries, and so on until the berries run out. This will allow them to be twisted more carefully. Then pour the remaining sugar into the puree and mix well.
Bring the jam to a boil, which will give a more homogeneous mass without sugar crystals.
When the jam jars have cooled, be sure to sign what kind of jam it is and when it was made (write down the full date, not just the year.
Now you know how to make royal jam. Such a jam is worthy of a true story in the best houses, and since the readers of my blog are the best, then it simply should be in your houses.
I just want to add that this masterpiece of harvesting berries is better to cook in various versions:

Use the basic recipe for royal jam.
Cook according to the recipe with the addition of strawberries.
Add other berries and change the proportion of berries. The main thing is to save the number of oranges, the total number of glasses of berries, and sugar.
Leave some of the jam raw and store in the refrigerator, and bring some to a boil and store like regular sweet preparations.
In a separate notebook with recipes, write down the date of preparation, what was added and in what proportions, whether it was cooked or not. In this case, you do not have to stick a complete recipe for royal jam on each jar, but just the name and date.

The main thing is to know the measure when eating jam. After all, vitamins are good, but excessive consumption of sugar can also harm. Eat it like a delicacy and then, firstly, you will not get tired of it, and, secondly, it will bring benefits, not harm in the form of additional calories.

You will definitely like royal jam, if, of course, you eat sweets. Today I can say that royal jam is the most delicious of those that I have ever eaten and for me it is still in first place among sweet preparations. Cook this yummy in the summer, eat and be healthy. Recipes@Zhenskyesecrets.

    First of all, we will prepare our main ingredient - gooseberries. It must be collected in advance, and the berries are needed not overripe, but even a little unripe. We thoroughly wash the gooseberries, get rid of the stalks and leaves, remove the seeds so as not to damage the shape and integrity of the berries.

    As for the nuts, we simply peel them and divide them into quarters, put them in a dry deep bowl.

    At this stage, we have to spend a lot of time filling the gooseberries with nuts. Choose pieces of walnut that are suitable in size, if necessary, break them into even smaller pieces. Gooseberries stuffed with nuts should look like the one shown in the photo.

    Now it's the turn of the syrup. To prepare it, we need a voluminous saucepan, we pour the entire indicated volume of water into it and pour in granulated sugar. Boil the syrup until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved and the water is clear.

    Put the gooseberries with nuts in a bowl, pour the ingredients with prepared sugar syrup, leave to infuse for 8-10 hours.

    We will add star anise already at the final stage of cooking, but we will prepare it in advance.

    After the specified time, we put the basin with gooseberries on the stove, bring to a boil, stir constantly and send a star anise or two to them. Boil for 1-2 minutes and remove from heat, let it brew a little. After that, we remove the star anise, and pour the jam into pre-sterilized jars.

    Royal gooseberry jam with walnuts for the winter is ready.

Jam is a traditional dish in Russian cuisine; housewives prefer to cook it in different ways: from one main ingredient (berries, fruits) or from some kind of berry-fruit combination. Recently, as a rule, chefs of expensive restaurants, striving for originality, conduct various experiments, preparing it from nuts, herbs (you won’t surprise anyone with dandelion jam today), from fruit peel (zest). Practice shows that most often the dish that is prepared from ordinary, everyday ingredients turns out to be original.

Today it turns out that we, being in pursuit of the exotic, forget about ours, primordially Russian. Since ancient times, gooseberry jam has been considered a truly royal dish, which is less in demand today and, from this point of view, is significantly inferior, for example, to strawberries or raspberries. Despite the fact that this berry is available in almost every area. But nowadays gooseberries are something inconspicuous, almost a weed.

But in vain, since this berry, like strawberries, is rich in vitamins, but, unlike it, it also contains iron, which is responsible for hemoglobin. The gooseberry, endowed with magnesium and potassium, is useful in the presence of vascular diseases, and also improves the functioning of the circulatory system. Folic acid contained in gooseberries prevents premature aging. And in general, gooseberries improve the functioning of the kidneys and the gastrointestinal tract.

As you can see, the benefits to the human body are significant, moreover, the berry does not lose its beneficial properties when cooked. These circumstances justify the desire of some housewives to resume the original Russian traditions in cooking and use gooseberries for harvesting for the winter. Most often they make jam from it, which was once considered a favorite delicacy of kings.

Royal gooseberry jam with cherry leaves. Gooseberry jam with cherry leaves

Step-by-step recipes for making delicious gooseberry jam with cherry leaves

Option 1. Classic recipe for gooseberry jam with cherry leaves

Gooseberries contain a lot of vitamin C, iron and magnesium. It is recommended to use it for people suffering from vascular diseases. Gooseberry jam, like fresh berries, is an excellent prevention of blood clots.


  • fine granulated sugar - kilogram;
  • kilogram of gooseberries;
  • spring water - half a liter;
  • three cherry leaves.

Step-by-step recipe for gooseberry jam with cherry leaves

Sort the gooseberries, removing damaged and unripe berries. Cut off the tails and rinse by placing them in a sieve. Leave for a while to drain all the liquid.

Transfer the gooseberries to a thick-walled saucepan. Rinse the cherry leaves and put to the berries. Fill everything with spring water and leave for six hours.

Drain the water, put the gooseberries on a sieve. Pour the berry infusion into a saucepan, add sugar and send to the fire. Bring to a boil, stirring regularly. Reduce heat to low and simmer for five minutes.

Pour the syrup over the berries and leave for three hours. Then drain the syrup, boil separately and combine with gooseberries. Repeat the procedure four times. Pack the delicacy in prepared glass jars, seal tightly and cool, wrapped in a warm cloth.

Boil syrup for jam in an enameled or thick-walled bowl. Remove foam regularly during cooking. Tails can be easily removed with tweezers or nail scissors.

Royal gooseberry jam with oranges. Recipe for royal or emerald gooseberry jam

According to legend, this jam was served at the table of Catherine II. The empress liked its taste and color so much that she gave the cook an emerald ring, the color of the delicacy.

And indeed, despite the somewhat laborious cooking process, the jam turns out to be quite exquisite. I strongly advise you to cook this truly royal treat.


  • gooseberries - 1 kg. large green berries;
  • sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • cherry leaves - a couple of handfuls (20 grams by weight);
  • water - 400 ml;
  • ice cubes (more)

How to make jam - see

  1. Process the gooseberry.
  2. With a sharp small knife, make an incision on the side of the berry.
  3. Take a hairpin, a small manicure spatula, or something else to remove the seeds from the berries.
  4. Divide cherry leaves in half. Set aside one part for now.
  5. Wash the second part of the leaves.
  6. Boil this part of the leaves in water over low heat for 2 to 3 minutes. The decoction should turn green.
  7. Now pour the hot decoction along with the leaves into our prepared berries.
  8. Leave when everything has cooled down - determine the container with the mass in a cold place for 10 - 12 hours, you can overnight.
  9. After this time, divide everything: pour the broth into a separate bowl, discard the berries in a colander, and discard the leaves.
  10. Add sugar to the broth, stir and bring to a boil.
  11. Wash the remaining cherry leaves.
  12. Put the berries and leaves into the boiling syrup.
  13. Boil for about 15-18 minutes. Make sure that the gooseberries become transparent.
  14. Towards the end of the boil, prepare ice water.
  15. As soon as the gooseberries become transparent, immediately turn off the gas and lower the container along with the jam into ice water so that the jam retains its emerald color.
  16. Roll the cooled jam into prepared jars.

Video Emerald Gooseberry Jam Royal Jam

Cherry leaves give a special aroma and taste to the delicacy. To make jam with them you need to take:

  • Gooseberries - 1 kg;
  • 2-3 branches of cherry leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.

This amount of ingredients will take about 3 jars of half a liter to prepare. The berries also need to be sorted, washed well so that only perfect berries remain. Gooseberries can also be de-seeded by making partial cuts and removing the core with a hairpin or a special wire with a loop of aluminum.

After that, we wash the gooseberries again and pour them into the pan. Cherry leaves for royal gooseberry jam are also washed and shifted with berries. The leaves not only give a special flavor, but also retain the emerald green hue of the jam. The ingredients filled with water are left to infuse for 5-6 hours.

Then we drain the water into a separate bowl, and throw the gooseberries into a colander. With infused water, prepare syrup - you need 2 tbsp. per 1 kg of berries. To do this, add sugar to the pan with broth and send the container to the fire. Bring the syrup to a boil at medium temperature, stirring the sugar crystals in the process. When it boils, you need to boil for about 5 minutes on a slow fire already.

We lower the berries into boiling syrup and insist them for about 3-4 hours. We repeat this procedure several times until the jam is ready. Approximately it will take 3-4 boils for 5 minutes. It takes about 4 hours to cool down after each boil. Everything, the delicacy is ready for blockage or tea drinking.

    I propose to cook royal gooseberry jam - with vodka and cherry brooms!

    Step by step recipe with photo

    Delicious gooseberry jam requires special attention. Patient housewives can handle everything, right? We will prepare royal jam for tea - we will surprise guests with its brightness and unusual taste.

    Preparing royal gooseberry jam from green berries. Seeds in jam are not allowed, and if you remove them from ripe berries, then one peel will remain. There is an option when royal jam is prepared with nuts inside each “gooseberry”, but I decided not to scare novice cooks with the composition and cooked almost a classic.

    So, the recipe for royal gooseberry jam. You will need products from the list.

    Cherry "brooms" are cut to the third leaf, filled with water with citric acid and infused.

    Then bring to a boil, boil and cool.

    Cherry water is poured into a bowl. Sugar, vanilla sugar and vodka join it. The syrup is brought to dissolution, and then to a boil.

    At this time, the collected gooseberries are washed with water. It is well cleared of ponytails and seeds. A lobar incision is made with a knife, and the seeds are picked out with nails or a pin.

    Gooseberries are poured with hot syrup until the berries are covered and soaked for 2 hours.

    Then boil quickly for 10 minutes. The resulting semi-liquid jam is poured into sterile containers. The rest of the royal jam is served with tea for testing. When the gooseberry jam is well infused, the berries will shrivel, and the consistency of the jam will become thicker. The color of royal gooseberry jam varies from delicate yellow-green to yellow with redness.

For most people, jam has been one of their favorite treats since childhood. In childhood, it was often banned, because little sweet teeth did not know the measure, and they could eat it in huge portions. However, now, as adults, even being far from their grandmothers and mothers, you can enjoy this wonderful dessert. And you can cook it yourself, because there is nothing complicated about it. Currant is one of the best berries for making jam. Especially popular is royal currant jam, which has an incredible taste, beautiful appearance and a huge number of useful properties. Useful properties of berries are preserved due to the fact that their heat treatment during the cooking process is short.

What ingredients are required?

In order to cook currant jam royally you will need:

    6 glasses of berries

    1 glass of fresh water

    6 cups granulated sugar

Cooking process.

Berries must be carefully sorted out, cleaned of dirt and debris, and then thoroughly washed. After the first rinse, they must be placed in a colander and rinsed again under running water. Then you need to wait for the excess water to glass and place the currants in a saucepan or bowl in which the jam will be cooked. Add 1 cup of water to a saucepan and bring to a boil. Currants must be boiled over medium heat for five minutes. After, add 6 cups of sugar, mix everything thoroughly, trying not to crush the berries.

Cook the jam for another 15 minutes. After, you need to remove the pan from the heat and let the delicacy cool. It's ready. You can eat the prepared dessert immediately, but if you wish, you can also make stocks for the winter. The uniqueness of this jam lies in the fact that the berries remain practically targets. They look very nice in sugary viscous syrup. In addition, all vitamins are preserved. The jam itself, if properly rolled into jars, having carefully sterilized them, can be stored for 5 years. The truth is hardly anyone can hold out for 5 years.

This is a great solution for those with a sweet tooth and children, because, unlike store-bought sweets, it only benefits the body, saturates it with useful substances and protects against colds, increasing immunity.

Gooseberry jam recipes are varied, each housewife has her own secrets and tricks. The following recipe for gooseberry delicacy without cooking will preserve all the benefits of the fruit and the richness of taste. To make no-boil Royal Jam, you will need:

  • Gooseberries - half a kilogram.
  • Two medium oranges.
  • A little less than a pound of sugar.

The process of the birth of royal delicacy in stages looks like this:

  1. Traditionally, we wash and dry the fruits, cut off the tails from them.
  2. Cut the orange into small slices.
  3. We skip berries and citruses through a meat grinder.
  4. Add sugar to the mixture and stir.
  5. Now the mass should stand for a while so that the sugar is completely dissolved. The optimal time is 3-4 hours.
  6. After that, the royal delicacy can be sent to jars, and jars to the refrigerator shelf.

If you are inspired by recipes, start simple, and after trying your gooseberry masterpiece, you are sure to venture into more laborious variations. Good luck with your sweet experiments!

You won’t surprise anyone with apple jam, but apple jam according to this recipe cannot be compared with any other. Transparent neat apple slices can even serve as a decoration for your cake! And the whole secret is that you need to take a certain variety of apples (ANTONOVKA) and strictly follow very simple rules. I make it every year and THIS jam goes with a bang!! An old proven recipe
Ingredients: (you can take more, it is important to keep the proportions) Apples (ideally antonovka) - 1 kg,
Sugar - 600 g.
So let's get started.
We wash the apples, cut them into quarters, remove the core with seeds and then cut them into slices no more than 5 mm thick.
We pour out the required amount of sugar. Then we take a saucepan or bowl, lay out a layer of apples, sprinkle with sugar, then another layer and again with sugar. And so on until everything is over. The last layer is sugar.
We close the pan with a lid and set it for 8 hours. I don’t advise longer - the top layer of apples can dry out and these dried slices will no longer be filled with syrup - cook them for at least a year (I checked, so take my word for it).
After 8 hours, apples will give so much juice that it will cover them almost entirely. For some reason this really surprised me. But it is clear that the berries give a lot of juice, but apples that look so dense. Some kind of miracle! We put the pan on the fire, bring it to a boil, reduce the fire so that there is no intense gurgling and notice the time - exactly after 5 minutes the jam will need to be turned off.
I do not advise interfering with apples, otherwise, while the still soft slices may be wrinkled or torn. You can shake the pan lightly (slightly so as not to burn yourself!), you can melt the slices with a silicone spatula. In general, be careful with jam. We leave the jam for 8 hours. Then we put it on fire again, bring it to a boil again, reduce heat again and cook again for 5 minutes. We leave it for another 8 hours (although the third and fourth cooking can be delayed - well-boiled apples in syrup will not deteriorate, so I cooked somewhere after 12-14 hours and everything worked out).
We cook one more time in the mode already familiar to us. And after an eight-hour interval, cook for the fourth time. The last time I cooked not 5, but 7 minutes, thanks to which the jam became amber. Apple slices were already completely transparent. And, most importantly, quite dense. That is, they perfectly kept their shape, as if candied fruit in syrup. This is exactly what I needed and needed! The taste of jam is sweet and sour. Yummy! Definitely worth the time spent on it. I do not recommend experimenting with "high-speed" recipes. Either they are for some mega-advanced culinary experts, or they are far from plausibility.

Royal apricot jam is obtained in the form of whole apricot fruits with seeds inside in a thick viscous syrup. This marvelous fragrant jam will remind you of hot beautiful summer days in winter.


apricot fruits, ripe, but dense - 4 kg

drinking water - about half a liter

granulated sugar - three or four kilograms

citric acid - one teaspoon

Preparation of royal jam from apricots

Wash the apricots well under running water. Using any wooden stick (you can use a skewer), push the bone out of each fruit. You just need to insert the stick in place of the former stem and push the bone from the back. Thus, the fetus will remain intact.

The bones must be broken and whole kernels removed. It is most convenient to break the bones with a hammer. But you need to do this very carefully so as not to crush the kernels if possible. Insert each nucleolus into an apricot hole. And you do not need to clean the cores from the films. The whole highlight is the bitter taste of almonds.

Prepare a wide enamel pan with a thick bottom. Put apricots in it.

Separately, boil the syrup from water with sugar and citric acid. Pour hot syrup over apricots.

Put a saucepan with fruits on the fire, bring the contents to a boil and remove the foam. Then remove the pan from the heat and put on a wooden board to infuse the jam for 10 hours. It is best to cook in the evening, and insist at night.

Return the pot to the heat and bring the contents to a boil. Remove the pan from the heat and leave to infuse this time for twelve hours.

Repeat the procedure one more time. There are three procedures in total. Three times the jam will be brought to a boil and three times infused. And once - 10 hours and twice - for twelve hours.

Banks need to be thoroughly sterilized, and boil the lids. Pour hot royal apricot jam into glass jars and immediately roll up or screw on the lids. Turn jars over and leave to cool completely. And then refrigerate.

By the way, during cooking, do not stir the jam, as its appearance will deteriorate. You can only shake the pan so that the apricots mix a little.

The readiness of the jam is determined by the translucency and thickness of the syrup.

Before cooking, try apricot nuts. If they are bitter, they can be replaced with almonds or walnuts.

Oh, what a cherry jam ... extraordinary! Incredibly beautiful and incredibly delicious! Really “Royal” cherry jam and worthy to be on the table of the most august persons. Perhaps you and I do not belong to the representatives of the royal family, but we also have the opportunity to treat ourselves to such wonderful cherry jam.

Very tasty, with the aroma of summer cherries, not cloying, with whole berries, such pitted cherry jam will always be a welcome guest during a winter tea party.


  • 1 kg of cherries;
  • 1 kg of sugar.

* The weight of cherries already prepared is indicated - pitted.


We sort out the cherries, removing the wormy ones, with baked sides, of irregular shape. At the same time, we remove the branches and leaves. My cherries, dropping into a container with plenty of cold water. Then we throw the cherries in a colander so that the water is glass. Remove pits from cherries.

We do this with the help of a special device (there are many on sale) or by hand. To do this, we collect 10-15 berries in a fist and lightly squeeze. Just keep in mind that in this case, the juice splashes in all directions, so when squeezing the cherries, it is best to lower your hand into the bucket - then the juice will remain on the walls of the bucket. The pits are easily removed from crushed cherries.

We shift the cherries into a wide saucepan with a thick bottom, in which we will cook the jam. Sprinkle with sugar so that it covers all the cherries.

Set aside for about 2-2.5 hours, until the sugar acquires a cherry color.

Shake the saucepan with the cherries so that the sugar sinks to the bottom. Do not mix the cherries with a spoon, but only rotate and shake the pan.

We put the pot on the fire. Bring to a boil over medium heat. Then reduce the heat to low and cook for 5 minutes. We take foam. Set aside for 4-5 hours, covered with a towel or lid (from moisture and dust).

We turn the jam upside down, wrap it with a blanket and stand for 12-15 hours - until it cools. After that, we turn the jars over and put them in a permanent storage place, it is possible at room temperature.

Tips & Tricks:

This jam makes quite a lot of syrup. For those who like thick cherry jam, you can put more cherries in jars, and cork the remaining syrup separately. Based on it, you can then make cherry sauce for pancakes, pancakes, cheesecakes, etc.

If you liked the recipe - put stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐, share it on social networks or write a comment with a photo report of the dish you cooked. Your feedback is the best reward for me!

You can measure the desired mass of sugar during cooking with ease and without weights, for this it is enough to use an ordinary glass (faceted, tea), so let's take a closer look at how many grams of sugar are in a glass of sugar (in a 200 ml and 250 ml glass), how many tablespoons of sugar fit in 1 glass and how to measure sugar in grams using a glass.

How many grams of sugar in a 250 ml glass?

In a full faceted glass filled to the brim (to the brim) holds 200 grams of sugar (granulated sugar).

In 1 faceted glass (250 ml), filled to the risk (to the rim) holds 160 grams of sugar.

How many grams of sugar are in a 200 ml glass?

1 full 200 ml glass contains 160 grams of sugar.

One 200 ml glass filled to the rim holds 120 grams of sugar.

How many tablespoons of sugar are in a glass?

The calculation below is relevant for a faceted glass with a volume of 250 ml:

  • How many tablespoons of sugar are in a faceted glass? 1 full faceted glass holds 10 tablespoons of sugar with a slide or 12.5 tablespoons of sugar without a slide.
  • How many tablespoons is 1/4 cup sugar? 1/4 cup sugar = about 3 heaping tablespoons of sugar.
  • How many tablespoons is 1/2 cup sugar? 1/2 cup sugar = 5 heaping tablespoons of sugar.
  • How many tablespoons is 2/3 cup sugar? 2/3 cup sugar = approximately 8.3 heaping tablespoons of sugar.
  • How many tablespoons is 3/4 cup sugar? 3/4 cup sugar = approximately 9.3 heaping tablespoons of sugar.

Popular questions on the topic: how many grams of sugar in a glass

As in the previous calculations, we will measure sugar using an ordinary faceted glass (250 ml), and in the calculations we use a full faceted glass of sugar filled to the brim (200 grams of sugar in a full faceted glass):

  • How much is 1/4 cup sugar? 1/4 cup sugar = 50 grams of sugar (granulated sugar).
  • How much is 1/2 cup sugar? 0.5 cups of sugar (half a cup of sugar) = 100 grams of sugar.
  • How much is 2/3 cup sugar? 2/3 cup sugar = approximately 133 grams of sugar.
  • How much is 3/4 cup sugar? 0.75 cup sugar (3/4 cup sugar) = 150 grams of sugar.
  • How many cups of sugar are in a kilogram of sugar? 1 kg of sugar = 5 full faceted glasses of sugar.
  • 900 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 900 g of sugar = 4 and a half full faceted glasses of sugar.
  • 800 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 800 g of sugar = 4 faceted glasses of sugar, filled to the brim.
  • 700 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 700 g of sugar = 3 and a half cups of granulated sugar.
  • 600 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 600 g of sugar = 3 full faceted glasses of sugar.
  • 500 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 500 g of sugar = 2 and a half full faceted glasses of sugar.
  • 400 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 400 g sugar = 2 cups of faceted sugar filled to the brim.
  • 350 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 350 g of sugar = 1 full and 3/4 faceted glass of sugar = 1 full faceted glass of sugar + 6 heaping tablespoons of sugar.
  • 300 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 300 g of sugar = one and a half faceted glasses of sugar = 1 full faceted glass of sugar + 4 heaping tablespoons of sugar.
  • 250 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 250 g sugar = 1 full 200 ml (faceted) glass of sugar + 2 heaping tablespoons of sugar.
  • 200 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 200 g sugar = 1 cup sugar (200 ml) filled to the brim.
  • 180 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 180 grams of sugar = 7 heaping tablespoons of sugar + 1 heaping teaspoon of sugar.
  • 150 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 150 grams of sugar = 6 heaping tablespoons of sugar.
  • 100 grams of sugar is how many glasses? 100 g of sugar \u003d half a faceted glass of sugar \u003d 4 tablespoons of sugar with a slide.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how much sugar is in a faceted glass, as well as how many grams of sugar are in a 250 ml glass, will help you quickly measure the desired mass and volume of sugar according to the recipe in a matter of minutes with high accuracy. We leave our comments on the topic, how many grams of sugar are in a glass and how to weigh sugar without weights with a glass, in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

The blood sugar indicator is a criterion for many processes in the body of a healthy person and in the tactics of treating a diabetic patient. The level of glucose (glycemia) in the analysis indicates the state of carbohydrate metabolism. According to this indicator, the intake of medicines, the menu and the lifestyle of the patient are adjusted. What threatens an increase in glucose and what to do if blood sugar is 13?

The content of glucose in the blood - the norm and pathology

Blood "for sugar" is donated regularly, at every medical preventive examination, when entering a kindergarten, for study, for work.

The numbers in the results show how many mmol of glucose per 1 liter of the patient's blood.

There are physiological norms of blood sugar limits for the fasting state and after eating.

If the patient has suspicions of glucose tolerance, then a special “sugar curve” analysis is performed, which shows the absorption of glucose over time. The basis for suspicion of a pre-diabetic condition is the excess of sugar content from morning to meal.

Normal glucose levels:

  • For a healthy person: before meals no higher than 5 mmol / l, 2 hours after eating up to 5.5 mmol / l;
  • For a patient with diagnosed diabetes mellitus: before meals from 5 to 7.2 mmol / l, 2 hours after eating no more than 10 mmol / l.

Permissible individual variations in glucose levels in the analysis. However, the figure 7 (7.8) mmol / liter is critical if it is repeated several times. The patient is diagnosed with prediabetes, which indicates that there are already disorders in the digestibility of carbohydrates and the patient's condition is defined as hyperglycemia. For dynamic control, the patient is assigned an analysis on the "sugar curve".

If blood sugar is 13, then the question "what to do?" applied to a person with diabetes mellitus. For a healthy person, this indicator is not typical.

Glucose index 13 - what does it mean

The indicator of the analysis of the level of glucose in the blood equal to 13 mmol / l is usually borderline for the human condition. A figure of 13 mmol / l indicates that the patient is in the initial stage of a state of moderate hyperglycemia. Here, the metabolism is complicated by acetonuria - the release of acetone into the urine. A further increase in blood sugar levels threatens the life of the patient.

The level is considered critical - 16-17 mmol / l.

Symptoms of hyperglycemia:

  • Frequent urination, urine can be with a clear smell of acetone (a similar smell can come from the fingertips of the patient's hands and his breath;
  • Dehydration, which is visually determined by the wrinkled skin of the fingers, sunken eyes;
  • Weakness, blurred vision.

First aid for high glucose levels

An insulin-dependent patient should be given the usual dose of the drug outside the schedule to stabilize the condition. If this measure did not lead to a significant improvement in the condition after a while, then the patient should repeat the injection. There are two possible scenarios for the development of events:

  1. The measures taken helped, the sugar level decreased. To stabilize the condition, give the diabetic some fast-digesting carbohydrates. It can be a candy or a glass of warm sweet tea (which is preferable).
  2. Medical measures had no effect. The patient's condition continues to deteriorate, the glucose level is in place or has crept up.

What happens if option 2 is ignored? Blood sugar will steadily rise as the metabolism fails to provide sufficient levels of glucose uptake, and the body (against the background of sugar in the urine) continues to lose fluid.

The process threatens to go into the stage of hyperosmolar coma, when the numbers reach 55 mmol / l.

Symptoms of hyperosmolar coma:

  • Unquenchable thirst;
  • Sharpened facial features;
  • Confusion, loss of consciousness.

A patient with similar symptoms (and preferably without waiting for this) should be transported to a medical facility.

The condition requires vigorous and immediate medical treatment.

In people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (non-insulin-dependent), a state of moderate hyperglycemia can develop for years.

Glucose Score 13 in Type 2 Diabetes

If a home glucometer often shows a rise in glucose up to 13 mmol / l, then the patient needs to go to an endocrinologist. In patients who have been suffering from diabetes for more than one year, the body gradually loses the ability to react violently to the rise in sugar. The patient "adapts and adapts" to pathological changes, ceasing to feel them. such people may not complain about their health even with glucose levels close to 17.

However, the figure of 13 mmol / l is an indicator of the body's need for insulin from the outside.

It's time for the patient to add injections to the pills

Every diabetic tries to postpone the time of the first insulin injection. He persuades the doctor, himself, that pills can be dispensed with. Psychologically, it is extremely difficult to accept the appointment of injections, but fears are unfounded.

Insulin replacement therapy in type 2 diabetes is less intensive than in type 1 patients.

The patient often needs 1 injection per day to initiate the production of more insulin in his own body. Tactics of treatment is determined on an individual basis. For some, an injection at night is enough, some make injections before meals. The dose of tablet preparations is also adjusted. Sometimes the reduction reaches 50%.

Possible complications in case of untimely access to a doctor

Chronic excess of glucose in the blood without correction leads to the development of severe complications on the part of all organs and systems without exception. This:

  • Disorders of the heart. An increased heart rate at rest, tachycardia and further heart failure develops.

  • Disorder of the digestive system. The stomach can increase or decrease motility. The patient experiences symptoms of indigestion: heaviness in the stomach, belching, flatulence. On the part of the intestines - diarrhea alternates with persistent constipation.
  • Urogenital disorders develop against the background of loss of sensitivity of the nerve endings of the lumbosacral region. In women, this is manifested by vaginal dryness, which leads to microtrauma and inflammatory diseases. For men, this pathology threatens with a loss of potency. On the part of the urinary system, this is (regardless of gender) the development of congestion, infectious processes, the appearance of residual urine.

The above symptoms are included in the concept of "diabetic neuropathy", which develops against the background of a long-term state of hyperglycemia. In diabetic neuropathy, the peripheral nervous system is affected, both autonomic (working on reflexes) and somatic (working under the control of human consciousness).

Blackcurrant Jelly Ingredients:
Black currant - 11 stack.
Water - 1.5 stack.
Sugar - 13 stack.

Blackcurrant Jelly Recipe:

The proportions of berries, water and sugar are determined by many years of experience - an amazing jam-jelly is obtained.
In order not to get confused in the number of glasses, my mother-in-law and I set aside 1 berry for each glass. If you suddenly get distracted, you can always count the berries - glasses

So, pour 1.5 cups of water into a bowl for jam, pour 11 cups of berries, turn on the stove, bring quickly to a boil and cook for 8-10 minutes after boiling.
Remove from the stove, add 13 cups of sugar, mix well, cool.

After cooling, pour the jam into clean jars, under plastic lids. Jam keeps well in a cool place.

You can make assorted jam, for example: 3 stack. black currant, 3 stack. irgi, 4 stack. raspberries (or other berries)

Blackcurrant is one of the most useful berries. I bring to your attention a recipe according to which you can save all the useful vitamins of this berry. In this form, you can use it in baking, make compote and just eat it with tea like jam. I mix it with water and give child. Every year I close at least 3 kg. and not a spoon remains

1 kg blackcurrant
2 kg-sugar sand
Peel and rinse the currants. Let the water drain and pass through a meat grinder.
Pour in sugar and mix. Let stand, stirring occasionally and close in jars.


This is a decades-old way to store vitamins in currants. Everything is stored WITHOUT refrigeration at room temperature. My grandmother always made proportions of 1 cup of pureed currant to 2 cups of sugar - she mixed it right in a three-liter jar. They covered it with parchment, since at that time there were not so many plastic covers)))


In the fridge, though, I have a great one from my favorite blackcurrant, and from gooseberries, raspberries in a 1: 1 ratio. And what does not fit - you have to weld, because. it's safer and not as sweet. For me, not a sweet lover, a dose of 1: 2 is fatal, and a lot of sugar goes away. Here's how I do it: after a meat grinder and mixing with sugar 1: 1, I put the mass on high heat and stir immediately so that

Sugar dissolves and does not stick. When it boils, do not reduce the fire, just stir thoroughly for only 1-2 minutes, otherwise you may suffer from splashes and burning. Then reduce the fire and immediately pour into clean dry jars and cork with tin
rolling lids. So you can store it outside the refrigerator for several years (if it doesn’t burst before). I kept them both in the room and in the warm basement - and nothing. Good luck to everyone, no matter how they do it - everything is fine, living vitamins are great, they will come in handy in winter!

You can grind with a blender and add sugar to the eye and to the freezer !!!

Summer is the height of harvesting vegetables and fruits for the winter. There is so much to do! Therefore, express preservation recipes are more relevant than ever! For example, currant. What is not cooked from it - jams, preserves, compotes, etc. I like to make currant jam according to one very quick recipe that I read a long time ago in one of the local newspapers.

Here is the original recipe: for 12 cups of currants you need 15 cups of sugar and 1 cup of water.

My currant crop was not so generous, so for 10 cups of currant I took 13 cups of sugar and 4/5 cup of water (if you are not strong in proportions - the water should be 2-3 cm below the edge of the glass - I hope I did not violate laws of arithmetic).

The recipe says that in no case should you violate the proportions of sugar-currant-water - so keep this in mind. So, my currants, sort out, remove the tails, twigs, sepals.

Preparation of jars and lids for closing jam, marmalade, marmalade, etc.

We prepare half-liter jars - clean with soda, wash, sterilize. Here it is worth clarifying how I sterilize jars for jam. Since I don’t like to mess around in the kitchen for a long time (which you have repeatedly seen by reading my recipes), I take a baking sheet, carefully arrange clean jars so that they do not touch each other, and put them in the oven for 10-15 minutes for slow fire.

Attention! We put glass jars only in a cold oven and only then turn on the gas. Otherwise, the banks may burst from the temperature difference. We take out the calcined jars from the oven and let them cool slightly.

Wash the lids for jars, clean them with soda, rinse, boil for about three minutes or pour boiling water over them, drain the water, dry the lids well.

This method of preparing jars takes me a few minutes. You will appreciate the benefits yourself - you do not need to constantly monitor each jar as when sterilizing with water, you do not need to turn anything over, etc. After such processing, jars and lids are dry and warm, which is what you need to make jam.

Blackcurrant Jam Recipe

Now let's make currant jam. We shift the currants into a basin for cooking jam (I have a huge aluminum pan), add water, half the sugar - in my case - 6.5 cups (according to the recipe, respectively 7.5), put on fire and let the currants boil.

After that, we reduce the fire, start the timer for exactly five minutes - no more and no less, and boil the currant mixture. Then turn off the fire under the pan, add the remaining half of the sugar, stir thoroughly until the sugar grains dissolve.

All! It takes longer to write than to cook currant jam Five minutes.

We lay out currant jam in jars (I got 6.5 half-liter jars) - I do this with a ladle. I cover the jars with clean paper / napkin / towel for an hour, then tighten the lids with a conservation key. It is not necessary to turn jars of currant jam Five-minute upside down and cover with a warm blanket.

Fast and tasty! Currant jam according to this recipe turns out to be thick in consistency, the color and smell of currants are preserved.
