
How to dye yellow eggs for easter. Original decoration of eggs for Easter with gilding

April 16 - Easter. A holiday not to be missed Easter cakes and, of course, decorated eggs. In order for you to prepare in advance for the celebration, we offer you some simple and original ways how to color eggs for easter.

Onion Paint: Herbal Pattern

What do you need?

  • onion skin
  • saucepan (preferably metal)

How to paint?

  1. Place the onion skins in a bowl. There should be quite a lot of it, ideally a full pan.
  2. Fill it with water, bring to a boil and cook for 30-60 minutes over low heat.
  3. After the time has elapsed, when the water turns dark red, set the pan aside and strain the husk.
  4. After that, place the eggs in the paint and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. If you want your Easter eggs to look unusual, you can decorate them with herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, etc.) and dried flowers. To do this, you need to fix the fragments of plants slightly moistened with water with a stocking nylon or a bandage with threads. And only after that send them to cook.

Food coloring: spotted pattern

What do you need?

  • two types of food coloring (at least)
  • vinegar
  • cotton buds
  • boiled eggs

How to paint?

  1. Dissolve two types of food coloring in 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. Then determine which color you will be the main one, and with which one you will apply the pattern.
  2. Pour more water into the main color. In the second - 1 tbsp. l. Stir the dye well.
  3. Then dip the slightly warm boiled eggs in food coloring (so the paint will not spread).
  4. Using a different color, apply a pattern to the eggs. The easiest way is to point the dots. But on this we do not limit your imagination. Use different figures and ornaments.

Golden Easter Eggs

What do you need?

  • boiled eggs
  • egg white- 2 pcs.
  • flat brushes - 2 pcs.
  • potal
  • knife (blade)
  • gloves

How to paint?

  1. Cut the potal with a knife or blade into small pieces.
  2. Separate the egg white from the yolk of two eggs. Protein will replace your sweat glue.
  3. Spread each boiled egg with protein, but not too much. Use a flat brush to work.
  4. Then take a piece of potali, lay it on the egg whitened and attach it with a clean, slightly damp second brush.
  5. For convenience, paint only half of the egg and leave it so that the leaf is well attached. If gaps remain on the surface of the egg, apply an additional layer of sweat.
  6. 15 minutes after applying the last layer, sweat on the egg, gently polish it with a damp brush.

grain pattern

What do you need:

  • cereals (rice, millet, lentils, peas, etc.)
  • confectionery powder
  • beads
  • candle (wax or paraffin)
  • vegetable oil

How to do?

  1. Light a candle, take pre-boiled eggs and use melted wax to draw a pattern on them. Try not to let the flames get on the eggs, because you don't need soot patterns.
  2. On the wax, while it has not yet hardened, lay out the cereal, beads or confectionery powder.
  3. When the patterns on the Easter eggs have hardened, smear them with a brush or an ear stick to make them shine.

How to color Easter eggs with food and seasonings

What do you need?

  • turmeric - 2 tbsp. l.
  • red cabbage - 1 pc.
  • beets - 1 pc.
  • vinegar

How to do?

How to color eggs for Easter yet?

There are still many options left in our arsenal, but we will talk about the simplest and not too expensive.

  1. Prepare some pots and right amount eggs. Pour water into one of them, 1 tbsp. l. bite (you can not use vinegar), add 2 tbsp. l. turmeric and send to the fire, dropping a few eggs there. After 10-20 minutes, when the eggs turn yellowish, pull out the eggs and place them on a dry towel or plate. If you want the color to be more saturated, leave the eggs in the solution overnight.
  2. Meanwhile, grate the beets and chop the red cabbage. Send both ingredients to cold water with vinegar and bring to a boil, setting a few eggs there. If you want to get more bright color, leave the eggs overnight or at least for several hours in this solution. So you get pink (beet) and green (cabbage) krashenki.

Following this simple scheme, you can use tea or coffee, nettle, birch, calendula leaves.

fabric pattern

What do you need?

  • pieces of fabric (shawls, ties)
  • threads
  • vinegar

How to do?

  1. Cut the fabric into square pieces.
  2. Wrap the egg in cloth so that the right side is inside. Then fasten it with thread and dip it in water with vinegar (3 tablespoons per liter).
  3. After the water boils, boil the krashenka for 10 minutes.
  4. After that, carefully remove the tissue from the egg and set it aside to cool.

In fact, there are about 20 ways to paint eggs for Easter. We have chosen the most interesting, simple and harmless ones for you. May your Easter eggs be bright and your thoughts pure!

Prepared by Tatyana Krysyuk

  • powder dyes,
  • table vinegar,
  • hard-boiled hot chicken eggs,
  • glass jars, a volume of half a liter,
  • paper towels,
  • tablespoons,
  • boiling water.

Cooking process:

Step-by-step instruction

First step. In clean and dry glass jars, with a volume of half a liter, carefully pour one sachet of powder food grade paint. We do this carefully so that the powder does not get on the hands or the table, it is quite difficult to wash it off later. Instead of cans, you can also use ordinary plastic bottles, only for this they must first be cut in half to obtain containers of the desired size. Next, fill in the dyes for eggs boiling water and as a dye fixer, add one tablespoon of vinegar to each jar.

Second step. Then we take boiled hot boiled egg, place it on a tablespoon and gently immerse it in a jar with one of the dyes.

Third step. After seven to ten minutes, carefully remove the egg from the can of paint and put it on a dish, previously covered with three layers. paper towels or regular table napkins. Important! For coloring eggs for each color of paint, use a separate tablespoon, and do not put dyed eggs in different colour on one plate.

Fourth step. Let the egg dry completely colored eggs can be rubbed extra vegetable oil to make it shine.

We hope you find our tips on how to dye Easter eggs with dry dyes useful.

If just multi-colored eggs do not seem interesting to you, then you can additionally decorate them with ordinary gel pens.

Another method, perhaps the most common, used by the bulk of our grandmothers (and many housewives paint eggs this way to this day), is painting using onion peel. The recipe is simple: together with eggs, dip more onion peel into boiling water, wait until the eggs change color and take them out. The color is very rich, from golden yellow to deep red. Your attention step by step photo recipe from one of our authors Svetlana Kislovskaya.

How to dye eggs in onion skins

On the wonderful holiday of Holy Easter, I always paint eggs in onion peel. I don't like dyes - that's all! My mother always does this, and she taught us, her daughters, this. Everything is very simple, the result is wonderful, and most importantly without chemistry, everything is natural. Even if the eggs burst during cooking, then there is nothing to worry about, they can be crumbled into a salad. I offer a very simple recipe for coloring eggs. The most important thing is that you must save up this husk in advance, and the more it is, the brighter and richer the color of the painted eggs will be.
We will need:
  • Eggs 8-15 pieces,
  • Onion peel - a few handfuls,
  • Water,
  • Salt.

How to cook onion broth

Rinse the husk onion under the water. You can not do this if you have it clean. Next, put it in a saucepan and fill it with water. It is better to take an old saucepan for such purposes, since then it will be “colored” for some time. Over time, the color will wash off.

We put it on the stove and wait for everything to boil. The water boils, reduce the fire, and cook the husk for a few minutes. I used to dye eggs with the husk. But I noticed that when you put eggs with husks in cold water, they turn out spotty. If this does not bother you, then you can cook like that. So much faster. But now I cook in exactly the way that is presented today. Cooking First onion broth, and then (even the next day this can be done when the water has completely cooled down), you can boil eggs in it.

So, when the water has boiled for about ten minutes, turn off the stove and let the water cool completely. We cool, as it is not recommended to lay eggs in hot water so that they do not crack. When the dyed water has cooled, we catch the feathers of the husk and throw them away, they will not be needed anymore. I usually cook onion broth the day before, at night, and in the morning or during the day I paint Easter eggs in it.

We lay the eggs in a cold natural dye and cook them as usual on the stove, after they boil, for five to seven minutes. We put the boiled colored eggs in another cup, and pour cold water so that they can be cleaned well. Many housewives do not do this at all, but at the moment when the eggs are hot, they smear them with vegetable oil using a cotton pad or napkin.

If desired easter eggs You can decorate with different stickers, which is very popular with children. This is how we prepared for the glorious Easter holiday!

Eggs can be boiled not only in onion peel, you can use an infusion of various herbs. Very beautiful are painted marble eggs using onion peel and brilliant green. Or you can cook them in one of the decoctions, after wrapping them with colored threads.

All these methods are very simple to apply in practice, but they may seem a little boring to someone. In this case, try coloring the eggs with paints. Now there are various food colorings on the market that you can paint with. This option is especially suitable for families with children. They will definitely like it, and can also help in the development of creative qualities.

But with the help of acrylic paints, beads, decoupage, you can create masterpieces. Put all your imagination into practice. To complete the effect, you can add rhinestones or sparkles. Such eggs can be presented to friends and acquaintances, or distributed on the street in honor of the Easter holiday.

Beliefs and signs associated with Easter eggs

There were many rituals and beliefs associated with the Easter egg. For example, it was unforgivable to eat an egg and throw the husk out the window or over the fence. Christ himself with the apostles walks the streets, and one could accidentally fall into them.

The peasants believed that the Easter egg had the power to make it easier for the souls of the deceased to stay in the next world. To do this, it was necessary to christenate with the dead three times, and give the egg a taste of the “free” bird, and as a token of gratitude it would commemorate the dead and ask God for them. The Easter egg also helps the living, alleviates their illnesses and ailments. An egg received by a person from a priest must be kept in the sanctuary for 3 years, and it will remove the illness from the patient.

But with special trepidation, the peasants believed that the egg helps in agriculture. It was necessary to bury the Easter egg in grains and leave for sowing, and then it would be provided good harvest. It was also believed that rolling eggs on plowed land contributed to its fertility.

Many of these customs and beliefs have survived to this day. Like many centuries ago, people to this day paint eggs on the eve of Easter, and on the day Christ's Resurrection give them to each other, saying the phrase "Christ is risen!".

Easter cakes, eggs, Curd Easter- this is the main attribute of the Bright Resurrection.

Choose recipes on our website in the appropriate section and get ready for Easter with our Notebook!

Sincerely, Anyuta.

Have fun on Easter Eve!

Easter 2018 is coming soon! On this spring day, I want everything on the table to be bright and festive. There are many ways to decorate eggs beautifully for the holiday with your own hands. Along with, they must be present at the celebration and please their appearance, originally colored eggs.

Let's try and learn. The main thing is not to be afraid to start and everything will definitely work out.

Important! Take the eggs out of the fridge an hour before boiling them so they can take room temperature. This is necessary so that the eggs do not crack during the cooking process.

In the article you will find:

Original decoration of eggs for Easter with gilding

Cut out the foil about 15x15 cm. Wrap the egg in it so that the surface is as smooth as possible. Cut off excess foil. Apply a pattern. Such an egg can be eaten, since the paints did not come into contact with the shell.

Coloring eggs with food coloring - "Bright Beauty"

Dilute food coloring. Dip the egg in it for 5 minutes. Take it out and let it dry. Dip the same egg into the dye for 1/2 volume and hold for 5 minutes. Take out and leave to dry. Dip the same egg again for 5 minutes in the dye for 1/4 volume. Pull out and let dry. Eggs should only be eaten by people who are not allergic to food coloring.

We decorate eggs with sprinkles with our own hands

Coat the egg with paste. Roll in food sprinkles or stick sprinkles to the shell by hand. In the same way, you can decorate the egg with small pieces of foil (4x4 mm).

Hand-painted eggs - "Russian avant-garde"

Using children's wax pencils and felt-tip pens, you can paint the eggs with any abstract drawings. Get the kids involved in this activity.

We draw on Easter eggs ourselves - "Palm Sunday"

On hard-boiled eggs, paint willow branches with acrylic paints for glass or ceramics. Easter symbols will look very elegant and festive. Choose eggs of different natural colors for the pattern: from white to dark beige.

Beautiful decoration of eggs for Easter - "Children's cartoon"

Buy plastic doll eyes from a sewing supply store and glue them to hard-boiled white eggs, add smiles drawn with a marker. Get funny faces that kids will surely love.

How to paint eggs with watercolors on honey - "Landscape"

Buy edible honey watercolors and paint a landscape picture using some white eggs. Let there be blue skies and bright sun on one, grass and flowers on the other, some can be painted in colors ladybugs. All together they will create the impression of a bright spring meadow.

Decorative eggs for Easter - "Water Manicure"

Do you want your Easter table decorated decorative eggs, painted with bright multi-colored stains? You will need: plastic egg blanks, some bright nail polishes and a plastic cup.

Pour two-thirds into a glass of water, drop a few drops of varnish and gently mix the varnish with a toothpick. Dip the egg into the glass, drown it with a toothpick so that it is completely under water, then remove it with two fingers and, holding the egg, make a couple of strokes with your hand so that the varnish dries faster. Repeat the same manipulation with the rest of the eggs.

Yes, these will be decorative eggs that cannot be eaten, but they will help create a festive atmosphere in the house, and if they are packaged in an original way, it will not be a shame to give them to relatives or friends.

Natural dyes for eggs. What color do you get when you use them?

Listed here are only natural dyes, which you can safely use to paint Easter eggs and not worry that it will harm your health.

brown dye

onion peel

How to do:

Boil the onion peel for half an hour, dip the eggs into the broth, cook until a bright color is obtained. Boil eggs with brown shells in coffee and tea for half an hour.

yellow dye



Place white eggs in a small bowl hot water, add 4 tbsp. l. turmeric. Put on fire for 1/4 hour.

red dye

How to paint

Squeeze out a few glasses beetroot juice. Dip boiled white eggs into it for 9 hours.

orange dye


How to do:

Squeeze out a few glasses carrot juice. Keep white eggs in it for 9 hours.

pink dye


Squeeze out a few glasses cranberry juice, boil white eggs in it for 20 minutes, leave for 12 hours.

green dye


How to do:

IN a small amount of water put boiled white eggs, a few spinach leaves, a bunch of parsley. Boil for 10 minutes and cool.

blue dye


How to do:

Boil hibiscus with boiling water and let cool. Dip boiled white eggs in the resulting broth for 15 minutes and check the color every 3 minutes.

egg basket

Surely your house has a decorative wicker basket. Cut the paper honeycomb egg carton to the size of the basket and paint it the same color as the basket. Insert the packaging into the basket, put the colored eggs into the cells and decorate with additional flowers and ribbons as you wish.

Egg stand for Easter table

From cardboard sleeves from toilet paper, multi-colored crumpled paper, ribbons, lace braid, artificial flowers and beads, you can make such beautiful egg coasters that you don’t even need to paint the eggs themselves.

An easy way to paint eggs for Easter with a rag (video)

What decoration methods make eggs inedible

  • Coloring with permanent markers.
  • Use for decoration of aniline, acrylic and other synthetic paints.
  • "Decoupage" - decorating eggs with fragments of napkins using glue (eggs can be eaten if a flour or starch paste is used).

Easter for Orthodox Holy holiday. It is so good that preparations for this holiday take place in an atmosphere of joy and happiness. Paint eggs for Easter with your family, gather the old and the young. Take my advice, come up with your own coloring pages. Enjoy the holiday with all your heart and it will bring you happiness.

Good luck and all the best!

We told how to do it, and immediately readers had many questions about the safety of staining. Let's first dispel the main concerns and designate security measures:

1. What gouache, what watercolor, with which you paint the shell - are quite safe for health. They just don't penetrate the egg white, and don't even penetrate the reverse side shell, if it is whole and without cracks.

2. No one gets hurt even if a drop of watercolor seeps into a crack. Remember how often children lick brushes when drawing without the slightest harm to themselves. We do not call for gorging on paints, but even a random drop will not poison anyone.

3. Yes, it's best and safest to use store-bought food coloring, although they tend to give a paler coloration, or onion skins (totally safe).

4. No, oil paints, spray paints, nail polishes, model paints and acrylic paints and varnishes - unsuitable if you want to eat these eggs later. Unlike water-soluble gouache and watercolor, all of the paints listed above are mixed with volatile synthetic solvents that easily penetrate the shell.

5. All eggs decorated on the outside with any household glue and/or known to be inedible synthetic dyes which do not dissolve in water unfit for food. They are only good for decoration.

However, let us remember Carl Faberge with his easter eggs. No one reproached the master for the fact that golden souvenirs cannot be knocked against each other, cleaned and eaten.

Now that we have figured out the main issues, you can enjoy creativity.

How to paint eggs for Easter

Eggs in food coloring

Classic in onion peel

Everyone probably knows how to color an egg in onion skins. Many people know that if the egg is then wiped with vegetable oil, it will sparkle brightly with lacquer sides and paint depth. Here's what else you can do:

Ornament outside

marble egg under the shell

How to Color Eggs for Easter: Other Food Colorings




Easter eggs as souvenirs

fabric ornament

You will need old ties and table vinegar in which you will boil the eggs.

Eggs in confectionery sprinkles or beads

You will need PVA glue, in which you dip the egg before rolling it in decorations
