
How to paint marbled eggs for Easter. Krashenki marble: amazing Easter eggs

If you are looking for a recipe for how to color eggs with brilliant green and onion peel, then you probably have children or pregnant women in your family. Perhaps you just take care of yourself and your health, and that is why you want to paint eggs for Easter only with natural dyes without vinegar and chemicals. Well, of course, to paint such testicles, you spend the least money and effort, and dyes will be much more interesting than with banal oilcloths or stickers. The testicle itself will resemble marble, but if you look with children's eyes, then - the planet! So, if you are ready to surprise your loved ones, then prepare the necessary equipment and components.
For dyeing 6 eggs:

  • Water - 0.5 - 0.7 l.;
  • Onion peel - 1 cup;
  • Garlic or white onion peel - 0.5 cups;
  • Zelenka - 1 bottle;

Additional inventory:

  • Rubber gloves - so as not to paint your hands;
  • Gauze cut;
  • Threads or elastic bands;
  • A saucepan that is not a pity.

How to dye eggs with brilliant green and onion peel, step by step

1. If you plan to paint eggs with brilliant green and onion husks, then you need to try to collect the husk itself in advance. Simply, before preparing any dish, remove the top layer of onion and garlic husks. If the husk is dry, then you can store it even in a bag; if it is a little damp, then it is worth putting it in a cardboard box. Well, the easiest option is to ask for this ingredient on the market in those places where vegetables are sold, because this is a big hassle for sellers and they simply throw away the husk.
It is desirable that the onion peel is all clean. You can’t wash it before the process, so if you already come across dirty leaves, then just remove them. Finely chop what is left with scissors.
Advice: The peel of garlic or white onion must also be present. It is she who will give such beautiful color differences. If you don’t already have this component, then replace it with white paper. Also, if you have red onion peel, be sure to add it too! The shell will look more festive and bright this way.

2. Now, just as it was indicated in the recipe for coloring eggs with just onion peel, you need to thoroughly wet the testicle. You do not need to shake off excess water, but simply immediately transfer the egg to a bowl with chopped husks. Slightly shake the egg in different directions so that as much of the husk as possible sticks on all sides. Try to leave as few gaps on the shell as possible.

3. Now we need a gauze cut. Cut a piece evenly, such as you need, place the egg there, collect the cheesecloth in one place and tie it with an elastic band. You can use thread. Do the same for each egg.

4. Place the eggs in a saucepan and cover with cold water.

5. In the same pan, pour all the brilliant green directly into cold water. Put the pan on the fire and cook for 10 minutes at least from the moment of boiling.

6. After the eggs have been cooked, they must be cooled with cold water. To do this, you will have to change the water in the pan several times, waiting until the pan is no longer hot. Leave the eggs in the last changed water for 20 minutes.
Advice: don't open the eggs right away. They must be studied unopened! Otherwise you will see the color difference.

7. Especially for the readers, we opened one egg right away and chilled it already without gauze and husks, while the rest were not open and remained in “cloaks” painted with brilliant green. The result is this. The egg that was opened immediately and then lay in the water turned out to be lighter than the egg that lay and cooled in the husk and the gauze cut painted with brilliant green.

8. Another very important tip! Opening eggs and washing dishes after all this must be done with rubber gloves.

Otherwise, if you have already prepared for Easter and have done a manicure, then your green hands will not look very good for the holiday.

Now you already know how to paint eggs with brilliant green and onion peel for marble and you can do it yourself without any problems. Well, in order for the color of the eggs to be a little brighter and the eggs to shine beautifully, smear them lightly with vegetable oil and leave them overnight on a paper towel.

The wonderful Orthodox Easter holiday is always accompanied by a feast with traditional Easter cake and, of course, colorful eggs.

It is customary for them to treat each other and wish good and prosperity.

There are a lot of options for painting the shell - from boiling in onion peel to dyeing with artificial paints sold in the store.

Creative craftswomen came up with an unusual marbled color. The shell acquires a color similar to this stone, so it looks beautiful and original.

Divorces, streaks, colors that turn into one another really resemble marble, and look elegant against the background with ordinary eggs.

There are many ways to achieve this effect - marble eggs for Easter. For coloring, a minimum of ingredients is required. The process is simple, so even a child can cope with it the first time.

If you are wondering how, read this recipe carefully.
The first thing to do is to purchase paint from the store. It is sold in bags and divided by color.

To correctly calculate the amount of dye, you need to decide on the number of eggs that you plan to serve. You will also need gauze, onion peel, a few tablespoons of rice, scissors and thread.

  • Stage 1

We cut the gauze into squares measuring 15 by 15 cm, for one egg - one piece of gauze. Finely chop the onion peel, the size of one piece should be no more than 1 cm.

We fill the husk with water, we do the same with rice in a separate bowl.

  • Stage 2

Roll the egg in rice and husks and wrap in gauze. We tie the fabric tightly, and cut the tail with scissors. The tighter the fabric adheres to the shell, the brighter the color will turn out.

Place the bundles in a saucepan and cook for about 40 minutes.

  • Stage 3

At this stage, you can begin to prepare the paint. The powder must be diluted following the instructions on the package. If the paint needs to be diluted in hot water, the solution must be cooled before painting.

  • Stage 4

We lower the bundles into the resulting solution and wait about five minutes. Then we take them out of the gauze and rinse under running cold water.

Another recipe involves the use of food coloring, vinegar, vegetable oil and water.

  1. In a glass of hot water, dissolve one tablespoon of vinegar, add dye.
  2. Pour the resulting solution into a wide bowl. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil and mix well.
  3. Dip the egg into the solution and twist to get a beautiful pattern.
  4. Wet the shell with a napkin and leave to dry.

Alternately, you can use two colors of paint.

Another interesting coloring recipe is using brilliant green. It gives a deeper and more saturated color. All items remain the same, only instead of purchased paint we will use green paint.

  • Stage 1

Wet the eggs in water, roll in onion peel and wrap in cheesecloth. Gauze must be carefully tightened so that the brilliant green is evenly distributed over the shell.

  • Stage 2

We lower the eggs into boiling water, first add a tablespoon of salt to it, which will prevent cracking of the shell. Then pour the brilliant green (one bottle is enough for a dozen eggs).

Use gloves to keep your hands clean. You don’t have to worry about the pan, the brilliant green will be washed off from it easily.

Eggs are boiled in brilliant green for about 10 minutes, then they need to be removed from the water and freed from gauze.

An important point is the use of vegetable oil. Its addition to the dye allows you to get an unusual tint on the shell.

To do this, oil is added to the paint, then the egg is dipped. The oil spreads over the surface in small spots. After the shell dries, it is dipped in paint of a different color.

Many do not want to take risks using purchased paints or brilliant green, but use the traditional method - they color eggs with onion peel.

For coloring, it is necessary to moisten the eggs in water, roll in the husk and wrap in gauze several times.

If desired, you can paint the shell in a speck. To do this, replace the husk with rice and wrap it tightly in gauze. After 45 minutes of cooking, the bundles are removed and washed in running cool water.

Another original recipe is polka dot coloring. To create small peas, you will need stickers or double-sided tape.

The shell is thoroughly washed, pasted over with circles and dipped in the dye for several minutes. After the shell has dried, the adhesive tape or stickers can be removed.

All the recipes presented are safe and simple, so be sure to involve the children in coloring, who through creativity will get to know the wonderful and bright Easter holiday closely.

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It is difficult to imagine the spring holiday of Easter without bright colors.

The main Easter attributes do not just symbolize rebirth, life and triumph, they are an important decoration of the festive table.

Once upon a time, chicken eggs were simply boiled, then onion peels, peeling of colored vegetables, food coloring and many other methods began to be used for painting.

And how great the patterns on the dyes look! They can be painted with wax, sculpted with special stickers. One way to decorate Easter eggs is to paint them marbled. How to make eggs marble? This is our article.

The classic way: painting with onion peel

Since brown goes very well with green, we suggest you create marble Easter eggs for the Easter table using onion peel and ordinary greenery.

  • To do this, cut the dry husk into small pieces.
  • Dip clean chicken eggs (without traces of droppings and dirt) into a glass of water and generously sprinkle with pieces of husk.
  • Then place the resulting lumps in lycra or gauze, wrap tightly and secure with a knot so that the fabric does not fall off.
  • Dissolve a bottle of brilliant green in boiling water and place the nodules with testicles there.
  • Boil the eggs until "cool" and remove to cool. When they reach room temperature, release the eggs.

Marbled eggs with paper

To diversify the colors a little, pieces of paper can be added to the finely chopped husk. Then we follow the algorithm from the previous advice:

  • Sprinkle the moistened egg with pieces for decoration.
  • We put it in a capron, we fix it.
  • Cook until “cool” in water with brilliant green.

Marble patterns with millet

A very creative idea is to create Easter decorations using millet. The actions are very similar to those that we performed in the previous tips.

  • Clean, without unnecessary traces of eggs, dip in clean water, then roll in millet.
  • To create an ornament, you can attach parsley leaves to each testicle. Then tightly wrap future dyes in a thin cloth like gauze or lycra and boil.

Boil the eggs in a small saucepan so they don't float freely in the water. This will help prevent them from cracking.

With lace

To create dyes using this method, you will need lace. For such an event, both lace fabric and a 1 cm thick lace ribbon would be ideal.

  • If you are using tape, arrange the desired pattern, after which it is recommended to fasten it tightly.
  • If you want to decorate the egg with patterns completely, then you will need lace fabric.
  • In parallel, put the onion skins to boil.
  • Wet the eggs and wrap them in lace. Then place in boiling husk. Boil them no longer than half an hour.

with mesh

For such an ornament, you will need a fruit net. The ornament will be very interesting. Believe me, such dyes will not go unnoticed.

  • Rinse the eggs, remove dirt and droppings.
  • Then prepare the grids. Wrap around each egg and secure the mesh securely so it doesn't slip off during the boil.
  • Boil the onion peel. The more you take it, the richer the color of the eggs will be.
  • Boil the husk for about 30 minutes, and then dip the eggs into it. Boil for about 20 minutes.
  • After the time has elapsed, remove the eggs, wait until they cool and carefully remove from the grid. Checkered dyes are ready.

Easter is a wonderful holiday. Multi-colored eggs are an integral companion of fragrant Easter cake on the ceremonial table. To exchange or treat them is a good sign, because they are wishes for good and prosperity.

Modern craftswomen have come up with many of the most extraordinary and very exciting ways of how to color eggs for the holiday. Marble eggs for Easter have become popular this spring. Such an unusual name for krashenka (namely, this is how painted eggs are called among the people) was received for its proximity to natural material. There are several quite informative ways to achieve a unique coloring. It is best to do this in the company of kids.

First coloring method

How to paint marble eggs for Easter with purchased paint, the experience of a young naturalist will tell. Also, recommendations on this matter can be seen on the paint bag. First of all, it is worth deciding on the number of eggs needed, because thanks to this it will be possible to calculate the required amount of dye. It is better to choose several optimally natural marble colors for painting. Then the krashenki can be laid out in a "kaleidoscope" around the Easter cake.

To get "marble" eggs for Easter, you will also have to stock up on a good piece of gauze, a few tablespoons of rice, selected onion peel, scissors and strings.

First stage

The first step is to cut clean gauze into the required number of squares (15x15 cm), so each marble miracle will be honored.
To make marble inclusions as reliable as possible, you need to cut them finely. Pieces no larger than a square centimeter will be optimal. So it will be more convenient to lay it.

In order for the "marble" eggs for Easter to shine like a real pebble, you need to take care of rice and husks. Pour a little water into a bowl with husks, do the same trick with rice. Such manipulations will help small particles of cereals stick to the shell and effectively imprint on it during cooking.

Next stage

An egg rolled in rice and husk must be carefully wrapped in a layer of gauze, the tail of the material must be tightly tied and cut with scissors. A snug fit will provide the strongest contact between rice, husk and shell. Coloring in this way will allow you to achieve natural overflows and layering of marble.
Next, gauze knots must be placed in a deep saucepan (you can use a ladle if you plan to create a small amount of "marble eggs" for Easter) and cook for about 40 minutes, so that all products reach readiness and are colored with husks.

Third stage

Now you can safely take on the dye. It is worth diluting the powder strictly according to the manufacturer's recommendations in order to end up with a high-quality solution. Vessels (glasses or mugs) should be placed as close as possible to each other in order to optimize the coloring process. If the manufacturer requires the powder to be diluted in hot water, the condition must be met, but allow the dye to cool before dipping the eggs.

The next step will be the final coloring of the products - the bundles must be lowered into the solvent and wait about three to five minutes for each egg. Next, gauze lumps are removed, freed from tinsel and rinsed under a stream of cold water.

With brilliant green

You can make the same "marble" eggs for Easter with brilliant green. The color of the dye is more saturated and deep. For this version, you will need all the same inventory as in the previous tip, but the dyes must be replaced with proven brilliant green. The disadvantage of this option for obtaining "marble" eggs is the scarcity of flowers, but, on the other hand, they can beat the monochromatic design of the celebration. Green napkins and glasses will perfectly balance the festive table.

The process of creating "marble" eggs

Pre-moistened eggs must be generously rolled in chopped onion peel and wrapped in gauze. It is necessary to tighten the gauze flaps carefully so that the brilliant green evenly lies on the shell.

Next comes the cooking process. So that the eggs do not break the pattern and do not burst at the most inopportune moment, it is worth adding a tablespoon of high-quality salt to boiling water. After that, you can safely pour in the super agent - brilliant green. For a dozen, one bottle is enough, but it’s still worth doing the dosage by eye.

To protect yourself from getting greens on your hands, you need to protect yourself with good rubber gloves. The pan can be easily washed after painting. But the hands can "green" so more than one day.

It is necessary to boil eggs in brilliant green for 10 minutes after boiling, after which it is necessary to remove the bundles and untie them. The finer the husk is ground or cut, the brighter and more pronounced the marble pattern will be.

Completely safe way

Many inquisitive mothers refuse to paint "marble" eggs for Easter with paints, brilliant green is also included in this list. To please the kids with such interesting dyes and not harm their stomach, it is worth remembering your grandmother's recipe. To do this, you only need eggs already cooked, a lot of husks and How to make such products? To get a marble overflow, it is necessary to cover the eggs moistened with water with a husk and wrap several times with a cloth. The more folds and folds of the fabric, the more believable the "marble" will turn out.

On the same basis, you can carry out the coloring of eggs in speck. Instead of the husk, it is necessary to overlay the prepared eggs with rice and wrap tightly with gauze. It takes about 45 minutes to cook them. After that, it is worth pulling out the bundles and rinsing under a stream of cool water.

We have already described how to get "marble" eggs for Easter, the photos of which are presented in the article. I would like to dwell on one important point. The main nuance of noble "marble" products is the addition of vegetable oil to the saturated dye itself. After pouring the oil into the dye, it is necessary to stir the mixture with smooth movements, then dip the egg into it. The oil trail will spread on the shell in smaller spots. After drying, the egg must be dipped in a different color. So eggs made in the "marble" technique will acquire an extraordinary ebb.

cute pattern

Many craftsmen advise for Easter with their own hands. "Marble" and polka-dot eggs are the most touching and original products. We considered the first variant of creation. How to make a second pattern? To create eggs with polka dots, you will need special foil-based stickers or Carefully washed eggs must be pasted over with such circles and dipped in concentrated dye for a couple of minutes. Next, let the shell dry and only then remove the stickers (adhesive tape). That's all, the products are ready.


The abundance of techniques and devices of modern hostesses allows you to get the most colorful and structural varieties of color for Easter eggs. Old customs, translated into a modern colorful way, help instill in kids love and respect for holy holidays.

On April 8, Orthodox Christians will celebrate the Resurrection of Christ. Easter is also loved for tasty and bright attributes - Easter cake and colored eggs. Usually eggs are dyed in onion skins or they use special stickers. In addition to these options, there are many more ways to quickly, and most importantly, in an original way, paint and decorate Easter eggs.

eggs with greens

Eggs dyed in brilliant green acquire a brilliant hue. Photo: pixabay.com

If you add brilliant green to the method of coloring eggs in onion peel, you get a very unusual effect: the shell will acquire a brilliant hue! For such staining, you need to take eggs with a brown shell. Wash them and roll them wet in chopped onion skins. Fix the husk on the eggs with a nylon stocking or a piece of gauze. Put a pot of water on the stove and put the eggs in it. Add a little greenery to a container of water and wait until the eggs are cooked. After that, pour them over with cold water, free them from nylon and husks. Easter eggs of brown-brilliant color are ready!

Eggs in natural dye

Eggs dyed in turmeric are yellow, in beets they are pink, and in red cabbage they are blue. Photo: pixabay.com

The onion peel used in dyeing Easter eggs can be replaced with other natural dyes. For example, turmeric will give yellow to the shell, beetroot will give it pink, red cabbage will give it blue, and coffee will give it beige. To achieve the desired effect, you need to boil one of these ingredients in 1.5 liters of water, remove from heat and let it brew for about an hour. Then the broth must be filtered, add a tablespoon of vinegar to it and pour the resulting egg solution. After that, put the container on the stove and boil the hard-boiled eggs over low heat. Remove from the stove and leave the eggs in the colored water overnight. In the morning they will be the right color.

Eggs with patterns

Leaves of greenery will help create a pattern on the shell. Photo: pixabay.com

The classic way of coloring eggs with onion skins can be diversified by adding a green leaf during cooking. It's simple: take a leaf of parsley, dill, mint or cilantro, soak it in hot water, attach it to the egg and fix it tightly with a nylon stocking or gauze. Instead of greenery, you can use a herbarium - a flower dried in a book. Boil the eggs in onion peel and carefully remove the capron, separate the greens or herbarium from the shell. In the place where there was parsley or mint, a beautiful pattern will remain.

marble eggs

With your own hands, you can give the egg a marble effect. Photo: pixabay.com

To create the effect of a marble shell, boil hard-boiled eggs and color them with multi-colored light dyes - yellow, blue, light green. Wait for the eggs to dry. In separate containers, dilute any dark dyes - blue, brown, purple. Add one teaspoon of vegetable oil to each of them and stir. The oil should turn into small drops on the surface. Take the eggs and quickly dip them in the dye, then lay them down and let dry. The shell will become "marble"!

space eggs

To create "space" eggs, you need paint and imagination! Photo: pixabay.com

Space Eggs require acrylics and a little patience to create, but all your hard work will be rewarded! The talent of the artist in this matter is not required: only imagination is needed. First, paint the eggs with two coats of black acrylic paint. Then apply with a brush or foam sponge to other colors: red, blue, purple, blue. Gently blur the boundaries between the colors to make the drawing as realistic as possible. Let the eggs dry, and then add golden stains to the pattern. Finishing touch: dip a stiff brush in white paint and splatter it on the eggs. Small white dots will contribute to the creation of a space theme.

Eggs in a string

The floss threads leave a colored mark on the shell. Photo: pixabay.com

A simple dyeing of eggs with multi-colored floss threads does not take much time, but gives a very original effect! Wrap the eggs with threads of different colors and boil. Then the eggs need to be cooled, and the threads carefully removed. The color of the threads will be imprinted on the eggs: it will turn out very beautiful!

rainbow eggs

A few dyes will make the eggs rainbow. Photo: pixabay.com

If multi-colored thread marks are not enough for you, make the whole egg multi-colored! While the eggs are boiling in the water, prepare several dyes - from the lightest to the darkest. Dip a hard-boiled egg completely into the lightest dye - yellow, beige or blue. When the egg dries, choose a darker tone and dip the egg into it, but this time only up to the middle. Repeat the procedure a few more times.

In confectionery

With the help of confectionery sprinkles or other small elements, you can decorate the egg in an unusual way. Photo: pixabay.com

An Easter egg can not only be painted, but also beautifully decorated. Take a hard-boiled egg, rub it with hot wax or paraffin, and quickly roll it in confectionery sprinkles, glitter or beads. This egg is just right to put on the shelf!
