
What to do to make eggs better painted. How to create patterns with rice and paint

Bright Sunday of Christ is a great Christian holiday that has come to us from the depths of centuries. Easter brings light and joy to every believer. The holiday has long become a favorite and is celebrated in Orthodox families.

The date of the celebration is mobile and is set on the Sunday following the first spring full moon.

One of the main attributes of Easter are colored eggs and Easter cakes. They symbolize the coming of spring and the birth of new life. This is the best gift and amulet of the Orthodox feast.

Believers observe Great Lent, otherwise called the Forty Day, which prepares a Christian for Easter.

When to paint eggs for Easter

Many beautiful legends and beliefs, as well as curious customs, are associated with the great holiday. Why do you have to paint eggs for Easter? Thought about it?

According to ancient tradition, the coloring of eggs is carried out on one of the days of Holy Week. This is the week leading up to the holiday. It is recommended to do this ritual on Thursday. Clean Thursday, on this day, a general cleaning of the house is carried out, cakes are baked and other events are prepared for the great holiday. On the same day, you must go to communion.

Friday is set aside to reflect on all the torment that befell Jesus. It was on Friday that he was crucified.

Do not do household chores - the strictest day of Lent.

Church canons allow dyeing eggs on Saturday, in honor of which it is called red. On this day in the temple, they need to be consecrated and wait for the onset of Christ's Resurrection.

On the night of Saturday to Sunday, you must definitely pray either at home or in the temple.

The tradition of coloring eggs came to us from Rome. In those ancient times, it was impossible to come to the emperor empty-handed. And if rich people carried gold and jewelry, then the poor dragged everything that was in the household.

And according to legend, Marina Magdalena gave the first Easter egg to Emperor Tiberius. She had nothing but an egg. And Marina Magdalena decided to bring the news that Christ had risen. He yelled out, it's as impossible as a white egg turning red.

After this phrase, the egg in the hands of the emperor turned red. Extremely surprised, Tiberius uttered "Truly Risen." And so began the origins of painting eggs red. A
the phrase "Truly Risen" became an obligatory greeting when meeting on a bright holiday.

Another legend takes us to the early years of Christ. He adored chickens, so the Virgin Mary painted the eggs by hand and presented him in the form of toys. When Jesus was being judged, the Virgin Mary brought a whole apron of eggs as a gift to Pontius Pilate. And kneeling before him, she dropped them from the hem. And the eggs became reminiscent of the bitter fate of Jesus.

And the last popular version is related to the feast. Seven Jews went to the feast, where among other dishes were chicken and eggs. One of the Jews, remembering that there was an execution, spoke about the resurrection of Christ after three days. His comrade laughed and said that this would happen only after the eggs on the table changed their color to red. The eggs changed color at the same time.

It is believed that the red color of the Easter egg symbolizes blood. A sign that Jesus shed a lot of blood in the name of mankind.

On a note! The first food after the end of Lent should be an egg, as ancient legends say.

There is also a completely domestic version of egg coloring. Eggs were not to be eaten during Lent. But the chickens were still laying. So that the eggs do not disappear, they were boiled. And in order to avoid confusion between boiled and raw eggs, the first ones were dyed red with onion peel. And in the future, this method flowed into a festive tradition.

In the modern world, the church is not forbidden to paint eggs in any color. What is important is the ancient tradition itself and the meaning and faith that are invested in it.

Easter in other countries

In Russia, festivities are organized on Easter, people visit guests, exchange gifts, eggs, Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese. An atmosphere of goodness and happiness reigns in the air.

Many families have a custom in the morning to arrange fights, and not simple ones, but with eggs. To do this, two people must take a testicle and hit them against each other. The one whose egg cracks will lose.

But in other countries, customs for Easter are no less interesting.

In the countries of Western Europe, the symbol of the Orthodox holiday is the Easter Bunny. He is depicted on dishes, curtains, napkins, balls and other festive attributes. Fragrant gingerbread and cookies are baked in the form of a rabbit. It represents fertility and prosperity.

In Bulgaria, they bake special bread and also play cue ball on testicles. Just be sure to wish the opponent good luck.

In Italy, Greece and other southern countries, a roasted lamb should be on the table at Easter.

By the way, in Greece, Easter is a public holiday and is celebrated on a grand scale. On the night of Saturday to Sunday, the Easter service is celebrated. And then in the church, all the people light their candles from the only burning candle and carry the festive fire around the temple. Next comes the magnificent fireworks.

On the Greek island of Corfu, on Easter, after the service, clay pots with cherished wishes are thrown out of the balconies right into the street. The squares are all in multi-colored fragments. This tradition symbolizes getting rid of the old in order to get a happy future. And if a random passer-by takes a shard from a pot, then everything will turn out happily in his life.

Italians go to the main square on holiday to hear the congratulations of the pope. And the next day they meet with friends in nature. Their Easter bread is called colomba. It has a lemon flavor and is covered with a hazelnut glaze.

Fun competitions are held in the Italian city of Panicale. Huge heads of cheese are rolled around the city walls. Whoever hits the cheese against the walls fewer times, rolling it at high speed, wins.

In Germany, empty painted eggs are hung on trees. And on the last evening before Easter, a huge fire is lit. It symbolizes the destruction of all old grievances and strife, the birth of a new beginning. Adults hide Easter eggs, and in the morning children must find them. It is believed that the Easter Bunny brings gifts. And then everyone gathers at a common table, where the main dish is fish.

In Poland, women and mazuriki are baked on this holiday. Mazuriks are pies made of shortcrust pastry, decorated with mastic eggs and flowers, sprinkled with grated chocolate. Baba are made from rich dough, beautiful figurines with various fillings.

Interesting! If on Easter a man slaps a girl with a twig, she will become very lucky.

In the United States, on Easter, everyone goes to the temple, where worship is held with collective singing. After that, everyone exchanges Easter bunnies.

A popular game in America is rolling on an inclined slope of eggs. The winner is the person who has rolled his testicle the longest without stopping, people arrange fun competitions.

In Australia, Easter is usually spent in nature. Easter figurines are made in the form of chocolate rabbits and Australian bilbies. The menu on the table includes fried beef or lamb. And for dessert, a cake with meringues and fruit.

The bride and groom collect water on Easter and store it until the cherished day. It is believed that if you spray each other at a wedding, then the marriage will turn out well.

Greetings, dear friends! The calendar spring will come very soon, leaving behind frosts and noisy winter holidays, which means it's time to think about the most important Christian holiday - Easter. Today I bring to your attention a thematic master class on how to dye eggs with food coloring.

Of course, nothing is difficult, and most packages with food coloring for eggs have instructions, but still I would like to dwell on such points in more detail: how to properly dilute dry food coloring and whether it is possible to color eggs with cream dyes.

The whole process of painting eggs with food coloring is very popular with children, so even if you are not going to paint eggs for Easter, it is very difficult to refuse such an interesting and exciting activity for children. And in order not to stain the entire kitchen and all the dishes with food coloring, my master class "How to color eggs with food coloring" step by step with a photo is at your service!

We will need:

  • Food coloring in different colors
  • Half-liter jars (as many as dye colors)
  • Warm water (250 ml. in one jar)
  • Eggs (hard boiled)
  • Thin gloves

How to dye eggs with food coloring:

So, to paint eggs for Easter (no matter how), we need the eggs themselves. For painting, I recommend using medium-sized white eggs marked "C1", one egg weighs about 50 grams. Wash the eggs thoroughly with a brush, and then boil them hard-boiled (8-10 minutes after boiling water). Next, the eggs need to be completely cooled.

Now let's prepare half-liter jars: each color will need a separate jar. Pour about 250 ml into each jar. warm water.

Next up is food coloring. You can use special food coloring for eggs, which is sold in stores before the holiday, or you can use professional food coloring for cake and pastry cream, as in my case.

Gel coloring is rightfully considered the most convenient food coloring: somehow you don’t need to dilute it especially, and the result is always excellent. But due to the relatively high cost, it is not advisable to use gel dye when painting eggs. Therefore, I paint eggs with cake and cream powder dyes that I have available.

How to dilute dry food coloring:

All powder dyes have different color intensities, so we start with half a teaspoon per 250 ml. water. To color the eggs, we need to achieve a fairly intense color, so more dye may be needed.

Thoroughly mix the dyes with warm water, and leave for five minutes so that the dye dissolves properly. Don't forget to wear gloves before you start working with food coloring.

Then carefully, using a tablespoon, lower the eggs into a jar of diluted dye, and leave for 5 minutes. Two eggs are freely placed in one half-liter jar. Eggs must be completely covered with colored water.

After the specified time, we take out the eggs from the colored water with a tablespoon and put the colored eggs on separate plates.

Now you need to wait until the colored eggs are completely dry, and you can collect the Easter basket!

Now you know how to dye eggs with dyes from the store. I really hope that my master class will be useful to you in preparation for the Easter holiday. Or maybe you have your own interesting ideas on how to beautifully paint eggs for Easter with your own hands? Please write in the comments, or social networks. As always, I look forward to your feedback and comments.

Colored eggs are an indispensable attribute of a bright Easter. This is the main holiday dish and a good Easter gift to a friend and relative. Every year, believers paint eggs before the holiday so that there is prosperity and joy in the house. But the great holiday falls at different times every year and have you ever wondered when it is allowed to paint eggs before Easter? Do this in the week leading up to Easter, and on what day - let's try to figure it out.

We paint eggs for Easter on Maundy Thursday and Saturday

Our ancestors began to prepare for the holiday from the Monday of Holy Week preceding the holiday. But if you paint eggs on Monday, what will happen to them until Sunday? Traditionally, two days are allocated for this festive preparation:

  • Pure Thursday. Don't start painting eggshells early in the morning. First, put things in order in the house - do a general cleaning, wash windows, doors and floors, wash clothes. According to tradition, everyone bathes at home on this day. Then start baking Easter cakes and paint eggs.
  • Great Saturday. If you spent the whole Thursday cleaning, and it didn’t come to coloring the eggs, don’t be discouraged. You can paint them and cook different festive dishes in the kitchen on Saturday morning. On Sunday, no one does it anymore.

Why can't you paint eggs for Easter on other days of Holy Week?

On the first three days of Holy Week - Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, it is forbidden to engage in household chores. Pray at home, go to church, observe the rules of fasting. In addition, it is too early to paint boiled eggs, they will deteriorate before Sunday.

The saddest day of the week before Easter is Good Friday. On this day our Lord was crucified. Give up all household chores, fast, pray, go to church. Priests recommend to refrain from any housework on this day. But if you have no other time, start painting eggshells after 15-00. This is the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on the cross. But it is unlikely that you will want to do homework on such a sad day.

When did the tradition of dyeing eggs for Easter begin?

This tradition, according to one version, came to us from the 10th century. This is stated in the writings dating back to the tenth century. A manuscript was found in the library of a Greek monastery and it says that after the Paschal service, the hegumen distributed colored eggs to the monks and said: “Christ is Risen!”

If you read the Bible, you know that the tradition of dyeing eggshells appeared even earlier - after the resurrection of the Lord. Mary Magdalena hurried after the miraculous resurrection of Jesus Christ to the Roman emperor Tiberius to tell the good news. She brought him an egg. But the ruler laughed and said that he would believe in the resurrection only if the eggshell changed color. And a miracle happened! The eggshell turned purple. This shade is not random. It is a symbol of the shed blood of Jesus Christ for all people.

Folk signs associated with colored eggs for Easter

In Rus', many signs are associated with Easter eggs:

  • the first painted egg presented for Easter has unique properties. It never deteriorated, and it was placed next to the icons and kept until the next holiday. People believe that it protects the house from evil people and all evil spirits;
  • do not throw away the shell of a colored egg. Bury it in the garden and get a good harvest;
  • to preserve beauty and youth, young girls washed their faces with water, in which they had previously placed the shells of colored eggs.

Create an extravaganza of color for your Easter basket by painting eggs in bright and festive colors. Take it to the temple along with Easter cakes and dedicate it. Give this Easter gift to a friend or relative and share the joy of our Lord's resurrection.

It is not so difficult to understand what day eggs are painted for Easter, if you determine the main important traditions. It is already possible to do this, starting from Great Monday, from which the last week of Great Lent itself starts. As a rule, in Rus', eggs were dyed either on Maundy Thursday or on Holy Saturday morning. You can do this on other days of Holy Week, but if possible, exclude Friday.

Why are eggs painted for Easter? There are several versions and there is no consensus on this matter, because history has not preserved any specific events. From a symbolic point of view, the chicken egg is a symbol of life and fertility. On the other hand, the gospel story of Mary Magdalene has been preserved, whose eggs in her basket turned red when Caesar did not believe her that Christ was Risen. He says that it is just as impossible to rise from the dead as it is impossible for the eggs in Mary's basket to turn red.

What day to paint

To deal with the question of what days you can paint eggs, you need to try to restore historical events and understand when the tradition appeared. Many historians associate her with the Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius. Another story says that on the day of his birth, one of the mother's hens laid an egg with red dots, and this was then interpreted as a symbol that the boy would become an emperor. Then there was a tradition as congratulations in the Roman Empire to send colored eggs to each other as a gift.

You can paint eggs for Easter from Monday to Saturday inclusive. If the work schedule allows, then on Good Friday, refuse to color eggs, just like other preparations for Easter. As for practicality and common sense, it is best to paint eggs on Thursday or Saturday. From the point of view that then the product will remain fresh until Easter, and then it will be possible to present it to relatives and friends throughout the festive week, as it should be done according to the old Slavic tradition.

What color to paint

In addition to the question of when to dye Easter eggs, many are wondering what color to do it right. There is no strict tradition here and eggs can be of any shade, with or without a pattern. But all the same, in temples they try to paint eggs exactly in red, and there are several versions that have been preserved throughout history why it should be done that way.

Well, an even more practical version, which, however, is quite logical, is connected with the post. You can’t eat eggs during the entire period, but the chickens in the villages still rushed and it was a pity to throw away the product. Then the eggs were boiled, and, not to be confused with fresh eggs, they were dyed with onion peel. So the custom has been preserved to dye eggs red, and to use such a universal natural dye as onion peel for this.

You can start painting eggs on the eve of Easter on Maundy Thursday, and everything should be in time and finished somewhere before lunch on Holy Saturday, in order to still have time to go to church service and consecrate the Easter meal with which the first meal will begin after Lent on the morning of the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

Multi-colored painted eggs are one of the main symbols of the Orthodox Easter holiday and the most striking decoration of the Easter table. Their decoration is a creative and exciting process. And if you don't know how to paint eggs for Easter, the women's online magazine Beautiful Half is ready to offer you a whole collection of ideas.

Read this article to the end to learn how to dye eggs with the following home remedies:
- husks of ordinary and red onions;
- birch leaves;
- decoction of nettle;
- turmeric;
- fresh or frozen vegetables and berries;
- natural coffe;
- rice grains;
- woolen yarn;
- pieces of colored fabric.

To begin with, I would like to give some general advice. It is best to choose for coloring eggs with a white shell. If it turns out to be brownish, then the expected result may not be obtained, no matter how good dyes you use.

Eggs that have just been taken out of the refrigerator should not be boiled immediately, otherwise they will crack in hot water. You need to let them lie down at room temperature for at least two hours, and only after that you can start cooking. They must first be washed in a solution of baking soda: when we wrote about the benefits of soda for hair, we talked about the delicate removal of fat and dirt with it. In the same way, soda also acts on eggshells, cleaning it and preparing the perfect “background”, on which any dye will lie evenly and beautifully.

You can also wash the eggs with any dishwashing gel - it also degreases well.

How to boil eggs before coloring?

Whatever way you prefer to decorate the eggs that you plan to use for serving the Easter table, at first it is advisable to simply boil them in clean water, to which a fairly decent amount of salt is added. It is cooking in a steep salt solution that “insures” against cracking of the shell in the process of further processing of eggs. It is best to focus on the proportions: 2 tablespoons of salt per 0.5 liters of water. By the way, eggs boiled in salt water last much longer than those boiled in fresh water.

If you are using ready-made powder dyes, you can immediately add them to salt water along with 2-3 teaspoons of vinegar. The latter is needed so that the paint lies better on the shell. Acetic acid is able to dissolve calcium, and therefore the shell will be more pliable to the effects of the dye. Instead of vinegar, you can take the same amount of lemon juice.

How to dye eggs with onion skins?

Boiling eggs in onion skins is an old, proven method. Thrifty housewives begin to collect husks from the very first days of Lent, just within seven weeks they manage to collect it in the right amount. The more husks you put in the pan, the darker and richer shade you can get on the eggshell. Eggs dyed with onion skins are good because they do not stain hands at all, unlike those that were decorated with some artificial dyes.

It is better to prepare a decoction of onion peels in advance and leave for 5-6 hours so that it brews properly. Then it is brought to a boil and the eggs, previously boiled in a salt solution, are lowered there. In "onion" water, eggs are quite enough to boil for ten minutes.

You can try to stock up on red onion husks: then you will get a rich, densely lilac coloring broth and the corresponding shades of the egg.

An interesting decor on eggs dyed with onion peel can be created by using any fresh spring greenery. It can be either parsley leaves, cilantro or dill sprigs, or any blade of grass or stems found on the nearest lawn. By the way, it would be quite appropriate to use basil for coloring eggs, you just need to choose its green varieties. A leaf or a blade of grass is applied to the surface of the egg, placing it in some kind of picturesque form, tightly tied with white threads and then the egg is lowered into the water with the husk. When the staining process is over, and in this case it should last for 1-1.5 hours, a bright yellow image of a leaf or plant will remain on a reddish or brownish egg.

How to dye eggs with birch leaves?

It is very rare to get fresh birch leaves on the eve of Easter, but dry ones are also suitable for coloring. Approximately 250 g of dry birch leaves are poured with two liters of water and a decoction is prepared. It would be nice to add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar (6-9%) there. Prepared eggs are boiled in it over low heat for half an hour. The shell eventually acquires an exquisite golden hue.

How to dye eggs with nettle decoction?

A decoction of nettle will produce an earthy pastel tone that can perhaps be described as gray-green. Looks pretty weird too. It will take 2 liters of water, 3 tablespoons of 6% vinegar and about 200-250 g of dry nettle leaves, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Eggs are boiled in it for about half an hour.

Coloring eggs in turmeric solution

An oriental spice called turmeric will give the egg shell a very beautiful and amazing yellowish tint, close to the color of natural honey. In a liter of water, put 4 tablespoons of turmeric powder and add 2 tablespoons of 6-9% vinegar. Eggs in this solution are boiled for at least 15 minutes.

Coloring eggs with vegetable and berry juices

If you just boil white eggs in salt water without additional additives, then you can simply rub them with various vegetable or berry juices. Use also slices of fresh vegetables and berries. By the way, ice creams are also suitable, only they will first need to be thawed. How to get this or that color?
Green is spinach.
Orange - carrot juice.
Blue - red cabbage juice.
Pink or raspberry - beet or cherry juice.
Lilac, purple, purple - juice or berries of blackcurrant and blueberries. The more berries, the thicker the color will be.

How to give eggs a shade of chocolate?

It is possible to visually make Easter eggs “chocolate” by using natural coffee. Only you need to cook it differently than for the recipe for tiramisu with mascarpone, but a little differently. Rich coffee is brewed at the rate of 2 tablespoons of ground coffee beans and 0.5 liters of water, not forgetting a tablespoon of 6-9% vinegar. For half an hour, eggs are boiled in this coloring solution.

A few more original ways to color eggs

1. Marble eggs. They are obtained by wrapping each egg with the peel of an ordinary or red onion, then wrapping it in a cotton cloth, fixing it with threads and boiling it in this form.

2. "Speckled" eggs. Each of the eggs must be moistened in cold water and rolled in rice grains or any other cereal that will easily stick to their surface. After that, the egg is tightly wrapped in a gauze flap, secured with threads so that it does not open during cooking, and placed in water with any dye - natural or artificial.

3. Eggs dyed with woolen threads. Colored yarn made from natural wool often sheds very strongly under the influence of hot water, and this property can be used to dye eggs. Each of them is simply wrapped in random order with multi-colored woolen threads and boiled in the usual way, without neglecting salt and vinegar (respectively 2 and 1 tablespoons per liter of water).

4. Eggs dyed with scraps. By the same principle, you can use shreds of a variety of "fading" fabrics. Natural silk gives a particularly good effect.

On a note:

1. Whatever solution you paint the eggs with, leave them to cool right in it. And even put the pan with all its contents in the refrigerator for the whole night. This is done in order to get the most saturated shades. Well, if you are a fan or a fan of delicate pastel colors, then you can do nothing of the sort.

2. When the eggs are finally dyed and dried, rub them with vegetable oil: they will shimmer with a beautiful gloss in any light.

P.S.: You can write about your favorite ways to dye eggs by adding a comment to the article. If it turned out to be useful for you, share it with your friends on social networks - just click the button below.
