
Just facts about nutritional supplements. Interesting Facts About Food Supplements

Food additives, denoted by the letter E, are part of almost all food products. How safe are they for health?

IN Food Industry various additives used always, but until 1953, manufacturers honestly informed buyers about all the ingredients of the product. But after the European Commission on Additives proposed to use a letter designation system using the E code, the composition of processed foods, sausages, sweets and much more in our diet has become something of a secret.

Hence the fear of buyers: is something dangerous to health hidden under the next designation with the letter E? Let's try to find the truth and find out which nutritional supplements should be excluded from the family menu.

By themselves, food additives do not affect the human body.
harmful influence scientists say. However, they warn that
ingredients with the designation E, reacting with other substances
in the body can have unpredictable effects on our health.

Dangerous food additives for children

The child's body is less protected from harmful external influences. Therefore, it is important for parents to carefully monitor the quality of the products that make up the kids menu. And if the child is already eating adult food, you need to know that some of the additives with the E index are not recommended in baby food.

E330 - lemon acid, which is part of many carbonated drinks loved by many, when consumed provokes the release of gastric juice and can lead to the development of gastritis.

E951 - aspartame, an artificial sweetener used in the manufacture of many sweets. However, there is speculation that this dietary supplement contributes to the development of a genetic mutation leading to a rare disease - phenylketonuria.

E216 and E217 - propyl ether and sodium salt. These preservatives are found in chocolate with fillings, sweets and overconsumption food can cause food poisoning.

E102 - tartrazine. dye used in the manufacture confectionery, sweets and ice cream. However, tartrazine can cause food allergies.

E400-499 - thickeners, stabilizers to increase the viscosity of food products. They are used to make yogurt. Possible consequences of the abuse of this dietary supplement can be diseases of the digestive tract.

Dangerous Supplements for Women

Pregnant women and nursing mothers are advised to follow a diet. However, even products allowed while waiting or breastfeeding should be passed through the “sieve” of nutritional supplements. The fact is that some of them can be harmful as women's health, and for children. Let's give examples.

E957 - thaumatin. Officially, its use in the food industry is prohibited, but the risk of acquiring counterfeit products still exists. Therefore, it is worth remembering: E-957 disrupts the hormonal balance.

E128 - red dye Red 2G with a carcinogenic effect, used in the production of sausages. It can lead to anomalies in the development of the fetus during pregnancy and congenital pathologies.

E250 - sodium nitrite - a dye, seasoning and preservative, used to make sausage products. It is noteworthy that the E250 is allowed for use in Russia, but banned in the EU countries. Possible consequences the effect of this dietary supplement on female body- the development of fetal hypoxia during pregnancy, a decrease in the content of vitamins in the body, an increase in the excitability of the nervous system.

Dangerous Supplements for Men

On the harmful effects of food additives on male body little information. Of course, representatives of the strong half of humanity, like children and women, are not immune from the development of allergic reactions, cancer due to exposure to ingredients with an E index, as well as negative impact these substances on the systems and functions of the body.

There is a nutritional supplement that men need to know “by sight”. It is known that E520, or aluminum sulfate, used as a starch modifier, can adversely affect the male reproductive system if abused.

How to protect yourself from the harmful effects of food additives

It is not easy to keep a family healthy in an environment where food contains more artificial additives than natural ingredients. How to be? Perhaps the realization of the consequences of the abuse of nutritional supplements will lead many to think about healthy eating.

And for this it is worth opening your refrigerator, evaluating the ratio of sausages, sausages, smoked meats and canned food in it with the amount fresh fruit, vegetables and homemade food. If the comparison is in favor of "chemistry", then it's time to start the new day with cleaning in the refrigerator, and then go to the store for the right food.

And although it is almost impossible to avoid products that indicate certain E on the label, try to keep their number in daily diet was still small.

Experts in healthy eating strongly advise us to read labels and study price tags, as this will help to recognize quality products. And what do manufacturers not write about on packaging?

Useful and simple entertaining facts read our article:

The harm of GMOs has not been proven

There is a stereotype that the mark "does not contain GMOs" serves as a guarantor of the organic origin of products, so they are more expensive than usual. Today, many countries actively grow genetically modified crops. In addition to the well-known soybeans, these are corn, rapeseed, and sugar beets. All because the convincing facts about them harmful effects were not found in the body.

Broilers don't get fat from hormones

Some experts believe that miracle chickens do not grow to such sizes because of harmful additives in feed. The reason for this gigantism was the improvement in the conditions for keeping birds in chicken coops.

Balsamic vinegar for 100 rubles - a myth

Derived from grape juice by boiling and settling, it simply cannot be too cheap. Vinegar aged in barrels for years, and sometimes decades, from which it acquires its rich taste. When choosing this product, you should not save and trust dubious manufacturers.

fake wasabi

Unfortunately used in our sushi bars green sauce unlikely to be real wasabi. As a rule, this is horseradish, which was conjured with the help of dyes and flavor additives. After all, it is sold at a symbolic price, while the roots of this plant cost about 200 euros per kilogram and can only be obtained in Japan. This value is due to the fact that it grows in running water and prefers temperatures between 10 and 17 degrees.

Bugs we eat

A popular dye today is carmine, which is obtained from the acid of the same name. Its source is cochineal worms, or rather their females. This additive is designated as E120. It gives the products a red tint and is not harmful.

Apple tomato sauce

Why fake tomatoes, because they are not so expensive? Surprisingly, everyone's favorite tomato sauce today can make applesauce. Obviously, the food industry finds this method of production more profitable. True fake can give out too liquid consistency and not bright enough.

Some products will suffer a sad fate

Canola - "sister" of rapeseed oil

Canola is rapeseed oil, but has a reduced concentration of erucic acid. It is harmful to the heart, so this product is somewhat safer than its incomplete counterpart.

Wax polishing gummies

Carnauba wax is known as a material for polishing furniture and cars, as well as in the manufacture of cosmetics. It is extracted from palm trees.

error in calorie counting

Information about energy value indicated on the product packaging may not be current. There are nuances that affect the number of calories. This is evidenced by modern research scientists. For example, almonds used to be considered much more nutritious than they actually are. Also important is the presence of fiber in foods, changes in the digestion process, etc.

"Chinese" fortune cookies

For some reason, many believe that these goods came to us from the “under heaven”. Meanwhile, they began to produce them in America, and this wonderful idea belongs to the Japanese living there.

Three kilograms of chemicals. Here is the amount that is swallowed per year by the average consumer of the most diverse, sometimes absolutely familiar products: muffins, for example, or marmalade. Dyes, emulsifiers, thickeners, thickeners are now present in literally everything. Naturally, the question arises: why do manufacturers add them to food and how harmless are these substances?

Experts agreed to consider that “food additives are the general name of natural or synthetic chemicals added to food in order to give them certain properties (improving taste and smell, increasing nutritional value, prevent spoilage of the product, etc.), which are not used as independent food products.

The wording is very clear and understandable. However, not everything in this matter is simple. Much depends on the honesty and elementary decency of manufacturers, on what exactly and in what quantities they use to give products a marketable appearance.

Ordinal number of taste.
Nutritional supplements are not an invention of our high-tech age. Salt, soda, spices have been known to people since time immemorial. But the real flowering of their use began in the 20th century - the century of food chemistry. There were high hopes for supplements. And they lived up to expectations to the fullest. With their help, it was possible to create a large assortment of appetizing, long-lasting and at the same time less labor-intensive products.

Having won recognition, "improvers" were put on stream. Sausages have turned soft pink, yoghurts have become fresh fruit, and muffins have become lush and not stale. The “youth” and attractiveness of the products were ensured by the additives used as dyes, emulsifiers, sealants, thickeners, gelling agents, glazing agents, flavor and odor enhancers, preservatives...

Super popular in the twentieth century chewing gum And Coca Cola got your unique taste thanks to nutritional supplements. And the most amazing thing is that 100 years ago cocaine was the dietary supplement for cola. It got its name from the coca plant, a shrub from whose leaves cocaine is obtained.

Since then, much has changed in the field of food safety. Methamphetamine was once considered harmless, but now it is classified as a “hard drug”. Not so long ago, in Russia, on Mars chocolates, there was a substance that is included today in all countries of the world in the list of food additives prohibited for consumption. It is quite possible that after a few decades, some dye, generously added to foods, will be recognized as harmful.

The mechanism of the appearance and use of food additives is as follows: first, the additive is developed, then it is tested from several weeks to several months, or even years. If the tests are successful, then the controlling organization of the country where the additive was developed recommends it for widespread use.

In Europe, safety regulations require that the presence of a food additive be indicated on the package in the list of ingredients.

According to the accepted European classification, all additives are indicated by the letter "E" (the initial letter in the word "Europe" (Europe).

For example, E152 is completely harmless Activated carbon,
E1404 is starch, and E500 is soda.
The largest group of nutritional supplements after the letter E contains only 3 numbers.

Classification of food additives:

E100-E182 denote dyes that enhance or restore the color of the product. They are either natural (such as beta-carotene or carminic acid dyes) or synthetic.

The main goal in this case is to increase sales. Dyes have no effect on taste qualities food and the process of its assimilation by the human body. Dyes are added to lemonade, Coca-Cola and similar drinks, sweets, puddings, ice cream, alcohol, margarine and cheeses.

Natural colors are extracted from a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as red beets, sweet peppers, oranges or spinach. Artificial dyes are synthesized chemically. Food products containing natural dyes are generally considered to be non-hazardous to health.

Caution should be exercised in relation to artificial dyes. They can cause allergies and, under certain conditions, even cause cancer.

Codes E200-E299- preservatives that increase the shelf life of products by protecting them from microbes, fungi and bacteriophages. The same group includes chemical sterilizing additives used in the maturation of wines, as well as disinfectants.

E300-E399- antioxidants that protect foods from oxidation, such as rancidity of fats and discoloration of cut vegetables and fruits.
E400-E499- stabilizers, thickeners, emulsifiers, the purpose of which is to maintain the desired consistency of the product, as well as increase its viscosity.
500-E599- pH regulators and anti-caking agents.
E600-E699- flavors and flavor enhancers

The most common and most dangerous of this group is glutamate.
E700-E899. There are no food additives under these numbers yet, these codes are reserved for new substances, the appearance of which is not far off.
E900-E999- defoamers

Not so long ago, in the 90s, a second, less extensive group appeared, in the designation of which, after the letter E, there are 4 digits E1000-E1521. This group of additives is responsible for ensuring that products such as flour, sugar, salt do not absorb moisture and remain crumbly (these are glazing agents, separators, sealants, flour and bread improvers, texturizers, packaging gases, sweeteners).

In these various groups there are nutritional supplements that have a clear benefit to the body and are called “functional”. But more and more often voices of experts are heard in favor of tightening control over the use of food additives due to their dangerous effects on the human body.

First, let's figure out what it is - functional supplements and "functional products", what benefits they bring.

Since the second half of the 20th century, vitamins and microelements have been added to many food products, which has made it possible to almost completely eliminate diseases associated with a lack of one or another element. So cheilosis, angular stomatitis, glossitis, seborrheic dermatitis, conjunctivitis and keratitis associated with a lack of vitamin B2, riboflavin (dye E101, which gives the products a beautiful yellow); scurvy due to vitamin C deficiency ascorbic acid(antioxidant E300); anemia, the cause of which is a lack of vitamin E, tocopherol (antioxidant E306).

And adding supplements containing probiotic forms of beneficial bacteria to foods and drinks strengthens immunity and health. All nutritionists agree on this.
These bacteria, taken daily in yogurt, kefir and other dairy products, restore the natural balance of the intestinal microflora and thus improve its functioning.

Also, functional additives include very important irreplaceable fatty acid class "omega-3". Hyperactivity in children and depression in adults are associated with their deficiency. They are the most important means in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Bread, eggs enriched with omega-3 are produced.

IN bakery products for the purpose of their "recovery"
bran is added, which contains a large amount vegetable fiber. It performs the function of a brush for the intestines, improves its work and helps to eliminate toxins and toxins.

When choosing such products, one should pay attention not only to a useful nutritional supplement, but also to the composition of such a product as a whole. Energetic drinks with guarana may also contain an excess simple sugar. The choice of "functional" products should be reasonable and built around specific goals. If you have high cholesterol, it makes sense to buy products with special additives.


Our products contain great amount various dyes, flavor enhancers, preservatives and more. Naturally, out of ignorance, we are terribly afraid of these additives. Because we watch TV, read various articles on these topics, and they regularly scare us there with terrible and incomprehensible Eshki. It became interesting for me to figure out: how dangerous are they and are they dangerous at all? Especially when you consider the fact that food additives are present in almost all food products and drinks. So…

What is a food supplement?

These are various special chemical substances, added to products in order to give them any properties. For example…

Flavors are needed to give a certain smell, preservatives prolong the period of sale and consumption of products, dyes are needed to give the desired color, sweeteners make foods sweet, stabilizers retain physical and Chemical properties products, but antioxidants are needed to preserve vitamins.

So, are nutritional supplements necessary or not? It seems to me that the answer is obvious: we need it!

For any heat treatment(boiling, frying, stewing) various chemical reactions, resulting in the formation of new substances. But these substances were not in raw potatoes. From this follows the conclusion: there is no need to be afraid of food additives! You just need to know which food additives can really harm and avoid products containing them. .

IN industrial scale it is absolutely unrealistic to make products without special additives. Such products will spoil quickly. Therefore, you should not believe the inscriptions "without preservatives" or "without food additives." The manufacturer who writes this on the packaging is frankly deceiving you. Just as a preservative, he (the manufacturer) used acetic acid , and it is not included in the official list of preservatives. Although in essence it is. But its esters or salts are included, these are food additives E260 - E269.

Food supplements by numbers

Each dietary supplement has its own unique number or code, which consists of English letter E and a three-digit number. Additives from E100 to E199 - dyes, E200 - E299 - preservatives, followed by a hundred antioxidants and so on.

It is worth noting that by themselves food E-supplements do not pose a particular threat, and many are contained in excess in natural products or can be produced human body. For example, the E270 supplement is lactic acid, which is formed in the cells of our body during the breakdown of glucose.

So many people are intimidated by monosodium glutamate (monosodium salt), which at its core is an amino acid, generously presented in nature. It is abundant in tomatoes, milk, mushrooms, meat, corn, fish, cheese and cottage cheese.

Of course, there are such additives that can be called harmful, if not for one but: to cause harm to health, their amount must be significantly higher than that used by food manufacturers. But for allergy sufferers and children, it is better to use products that contain such additives with caution. They can accumulate in the body.

Ideally, you need to remember all the harmful and dangerous Eshki, but in practice this is not feasible. Therefore, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most dangerous.

Doctors, especially nutritionists, do not advise eating a lot of sausages, because of the preservative and color improver E250 included in it. (sodium nitrite), because in large quantities he is toxic. But without it, sausage could not be eaten at all, the risk of getting botulism would be very high. It is strange that these same researchers and critics of nutritional supplements for some reason do not tell consumers that, for example, one kilogram of broccoli or spinach contains exactly the same amount of sodium nitrite as 50 of it! kilograms of "Doctor's" sausage.

Now the question is: Through which product is it more realistic to get this “harmful” preservative by eating a kilogram of broccoli or 50 kilograms of sausage? I think everyone understands what the answer will be.

The useful and well-known cranberry contains E211 (sodium benzoate) more than manufacturers use when canning food.

Many people are afraid to give children sweet soda for fear of sweeteners. There is some truth in this, the sugar substitute - aspartame (E951) breaks down in the body into amino acids and releases methanol. And methanol is undeniably a poison. But the question is again in the amount of dose consumed. An adult weighing 70 kg would need to eat 266 aspartame tablets or drink 25 liters of diet cola per day to be detrimental to health. Well, how realistic is it? That's right, not really at all.

Nutritionists joke: V fresh apple contains additives E296, E141, E330, E440 and there will probably be a couple more. And what? You will not eat apples now, and will not give them to your children? Doubtful.

Some manufacturers also have a good sense of humor. For example, on the label of the Pinocchio drink, you can read the composition: water, carbon dioxide, sweetener, citric acid E330, preservative E211 and a flavor identical to natural. Everything would be fine if it was lemonade or orange drink, but what kind of natural aroma we should feel at Pinocchio is not clear. Maybe the smell of freshly cut wood?


As you can see, there is nothing very wrong with food additives No. I would even say that they are designed not to harm, but, on the contrary, to help both us and food manufacturers. Otherwise, how would we consume sausage, candy, cookies, ice cream or soda? No way. You just need to be aware and carefully study the composition of the purchased product. . It’s also good to know which Eshki are dangerous to use. Particular attention should be paid to buying products for children, the elderly and pregnant women.

And those who advocate natural products without food additives are so honest? Why, then, do they deliberately keep silent about how many different chemicals are used to grow vegetables and fruits.

Another question, which is more dangerous: a dose of a food additive verified by manufacturers or uncontrolled watering in the fields and in greenhouses with various chemistry of cucumbers, tomatoes and other supposedly natural products. Watermelons alone poison a huge number of people every year, including children. So, it’s worth considering: what is the purpose of such a serious information war against nutritional supplements and who benefits from it? Maybe manufacturers of "natural" products?

When it comes to nutritional supplements, most people express skepticism without having enough information. That is why this article will clarify the situation by bringing to your attention five simple truths:

Truth #1: We are the masters of our own destiny

Believe it or not, there are two simple and undeniable reasons for the premature death of two out of every three adults every year - deficiency nutrients and lack of physical activity.

Indeed, five of the six leading causes of adult death worldwide - heart disease, lung disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke - are very strongly associated with these two risk and lifestyle factors. Nutritional deficiencies and low physical activity interact to contribute to the deterioration of our immune protection and creating favorable conditions for the development of chronic diseases and premature death.

At the same time, our immune system spends a huge amount of energy every day in the fight against the consequences of these two factors. Various cells and molecules of our immune system put in incredible effort in this daily battle. However, when they eventually lose, the following occurs:

The lining of our vital organs blood vessels, intestines, respiratory tract) is damaged. As soon as this happens, the main cells of our body are exposed to dangerous toxins against which they have no natural defenses.

Once the toxins reach the cells of our main organs, these cells cease to perform their functions. As a result, a number of chronic diseases develop in the body.

An exhaustive explanation of how all this happens in the body would take several pages. However, trust that the mechanism of destruction is almost identical in all five major diseases listed above.

The bottom line is this: we can significantly improve our body's health over time by improving the quality of the nutrients we consume and by increasing daily exercise. And, in our opinion, nutritional supplements play an important role in achieving the result. The company Inspirit - wholesale vibrating massagers from a warehouse in Moscow.

Truth #2: Supplements improve diet and exercise outcomes

If you are serious about working to reduce your risk of developing one or more of the five major chronic diseases mentioned above, the following will be of great importance to you. Not only will you need to increase your daily physical activity, but you will need to completely healthy food in the diet, especially for people with poor health. At the same time, it is imperative to consume dietary supplements that provide your body with additional support.

In fact, the intention to take nutritional supplements as an adjunctive therapy is the right choice for those who want to manage their health while improving their diet and increasing physical activity. Taking supplements will not work wonders or replace you medications(at least in most cases). However, nutritional supplements will help you feel better when taken long term.

In other words, nutritional supplements are indispensable companions of diet and exercise.

This statement is especially true if you have already been diagnosed with one or more of the five major diseases listed above. Each of these factors, diet and exercise changes, can greatly reduce your risk of death and improve your quality of life, but dietary supplements can make diet and exercise work much easier.

Truth #3: A New Look for additives

At the mention of supplements, most doctors show us their skepticism about the benefits of taking them. However, according to a recent study, about 70 percent of the adult population consumes one or more types of dietary supplements.

What is the reason for this distrust? For the most part, this is due to the lack of sufficient information, not a large number research that the scientific community would consider convincing.

The fact is that most of the published studies of nutritional supplements have been conducted on laboratory animals and human tissue samples, since it is easier and cheaper to control for variables that could affect the results of the experiment. Although the results of most of these studies were convincing, subsequent experiments using humans as the subject did not always provide the same results.

What’s more, some supplement companies apply more more harm their reputation in the eyes of doctors and scientists, making unsubstantiated claims about the effectiveness of their products, not supported by any research.

We are not trying to convince you that the opinion of traditional medicine is unfounded and the consumption of dietary supplements will only benefit your body. But, at the same time, did you know that about 68 percent of medical specialists take nutritional supplements from time to time? In addition, the results of one of the surveys showed that 72 percent of doctors and 89 percent of nurses participating in the study are at least occasional dietary supplement users.

Based on this, we can conclude that, despite the presence of conflicting and sometimes insufficiently strong scientific evidence of the benefits of taking food supplements, the research results indicate that there is no negative effect on the human body.

So, despite the lack of confidence on the part of scientists regarding the use of nutritional supplements, as well as the differing views of nutritionists on the recommended dosage, doctors and researchers use supplements in the same way as the rest of us.

Truth #4: Diet and exercise alone are not enough to improve health

Regular physical activity and a consistent, nutrient-dense diet are two obvious steps anyone can take to improve their health. Most studies have shown that people who exercise at moderate intensity, 30 minutes a day, five days a week, have a significantly lower risk of developing chronic diseases and a reduction in mortality, compared with those who exercise less than three days a week. In fact, in a recent study, scientists found that moderate physical activity can reduce the risk of death by 19 percent.

In addition, the results of many studies have shown that the consumption of a diet with high content fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grain, fish/seafood, olive oil and red wine, which is called the Mediterranean diet, contributes to a significant reduction in the development of chronic diseases, compared with the conventional diet. At the same time, scientists noted that the mortality rate when following a Mediterranean diet is reduced by 50 percent, compared with a diet consisting of a large amount of red meat, sugar / salt, overloaded with processed foods. food products and foods high in saturated fats.

A Mediterranean diet has also been associated with significant reductions in heart disease, stroke, lung disease and diabetes. This fact can be observed especially clearly among the inhabitants of the southern Mediterranean countries, such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece and France, in comparison with other developed countries. In addition, these countries, with the exception of Italy and France, have much lower rates of cancer. Researchers point out that the Mediterranean diet helps prevent the occurrence of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and cancer, given that the population of the southern Mediterranean countries is the least physically active.

However, is a proper diet and exercise sufficient? Many doctors would agree that these two steps alone are more than enough to protect your health in the long run. Of course, this seems like a reasonable conclusion based on the results of research, but only if you have followed the recommendations of doctors all your life. However, we all know that most people do not diet or exercise throughout their lives. For those of us who fall into this category, a healthy exercise stress and proper diet. But, at the same time, it should be taken into account that we have probably already caused damage to our body by the wrong lifestyle over a long period of time, so we need to take some additional measures other than dietary changes and exercise. This statement is especially true for those who are unwilling or unable to accept and support healthy lifestyle life and proper diet, as well as for those who already suffer from various chronic diseases.

Namely, many studies have found significant nutritional deficiencies in people who already suffer from chronic diseases. For example, the consumption of vitamin D supplements. We have already written that a high level of this vitamin in the body leads to. A recent study of smokers and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease found that 31 percent of smokers with normal lung function were found to be vitamin D deficient. study, in 75 percent of patients with heart attacks, scientists found insufficient levels of vitamin D. In addition, critically low levels of vitamin D were noted in 34 percent of type 2 diabetics who participated in the study. Finally, 67 percent of 224 breast cancer patients were found to be deficient in this vital nutrient.

As for vitamin C deficiency, the results of a study of patients suffering from an advanced form of cancer showed that 30 percent of them had a lack of vitamin C in the body. In a recent study of the health status of a group of non-smoking adults, scientists found that among men with the lowest plasma concentrations of vitamin C, the risk of dying from a heart attack increased by 57 percent, and the risk of dying from cancer increased by 62 percent.

Thus, there is enough evidence to suggest a link between the development of chronic diseases and nutritional deficiencies.

Given that many people are unwilling or unable to adapt their lifestyle to meet all the recommendations, scientists have turned to the study of dietary supplements to help fill this gap. Numerous studies have shown positive influence supplementation of essential nutrients to combat various chronic diseases.

Truth #5: It's never too late to start

Sometimes we can give up on our health, believing that it's too late to change something. Maybe you already suffer from heart disease. Maybe you're already overweight and think you'll never be slim again. Or maybe you've convinced yourself that at your age it's no longer worth trying to change anything.

Please change your point of view. The human body has a remarkable ability to regenerate. If you give him such an opportunity, your body will instantly respond positively. This does not necessarily mean that you can stop the disease or turn back time, because the consequences bad habits that lead to the development of chronic diseases will not disappear overnight. However, every step in the right direction to improve your diet and regular exercise will work quickly enough, and you can feel the results yourself.

For example, the results of a study examining the impact of physical exercise on the health of people with severe lung disease, heart disease, and cancer showed a marked improvement in key indicators of physical health and a significant improvement in the quality of life of project participants. Also, as an example, we can cite a recent study aimed at studying the consequences of pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with varying severity of the disease. At the same time, scientists noted that even in the most severe patients, an improvement in respiratory symptoms and more high quality life.

The same effect is observed in people with chronic diseases who adhere to healthy diet. For example, the results of a study on the impact of the Mediterranean diet on the health of patients who survived heart attack showed a decrease in the level of inflammation markers of cardio-vascular system(C-reactive protein and interleukin-6) compared with other patients consuming a normal diet.

So biologically active additives must be accepted by everyone. Combined with healthier diet and regular physical activity, they can help to assist in improving the results of therapy and facilitate the body's ability to absorb nutrients.
