
What is rapeseed oil made from? What is rapeseed oil

Today we will talk about rapeseed oil, what it is made of, its composition and calorie content, we will discuss the benefits and harms of the product for the body on the site, the use of oil, due to its beneficial properties in traditional medicine, cosmetology, and cooking.

What is rapeseed oil made of, what is rapeseed, plant photo

Rape- This is a Shrovetide culture of the cabbage type. A related plant colza, their inflorescences (yellow small flowers collected in a bunch) are similar.

On an industrial scale, rapeseed is grown for the production of:

  • oils for technical purposes, biofuels;
  • detergents;
  • cosmetics;
  • edible oil;
  • fodder.

History of rapeseed oil

Due to the great need for oils for technical purposes during the Second World War, rapeseed began to be used in their production. It significantly improved the technical qualities of weapons and equipment, lengthened the service life.

In the post-war period, they tried to produce edible rapeseed oil, but it turned out with a bitter taste and an unpleasant odor, and even greenish in color.

Later, Canadian scientists obtained a variety of rapeseed (canola) in which erucic acid (a compound harmful to the body) is less than 2%. After breeding a new variety, rapeseed oil became suitable for consumption.

The modern food industry uses rapeseed oil in the manufacture of margarine, semi-finished products, fast food, confectionery, chips, popcorn, etc.

Adherents of the use of rapeseed oil claim that it is similar in properties to, and opponents of its use insist that the oil is not completely excreted from the body (it settles on the walls of blood vessels).

Types of rapeseed oil

Rape seeds contain about 40% oil. It is obtained by pressing and pressing without heating.
Seeds are cleaned, crushed and pressed. As a result, get unrefined oil that retains nutrients and all its properties.

Refined oil obtained by physical and chemical processing of unrefined oil.
Cake is also used - it is re-pressed, added to livestock feed.

In the modern production of rapeseed oil, new technologies are used to produce oil with a small amount of erucic acid. The low percentage of its presence in the oil makes it possible to eat it.

Rapeseed oil is produced three varieties:

  • 1 grade - erucic acid<0,5%;
  • 2 grade -<2%;
  • 3rd grade -<5%.

The oil has qualitative characteristics of the composition, differs in the method of production. These parameters are reflected in the name of the oil:

  • Deodorized, refined, premium. Erucic acid up to 0.5% or up to 2%. Used for food.
  • 1 grade, deodorized, refined. Used for food.
  • Refined, non-deodorized. Used in industry.
  • Unrefined. Used only in industry.

Composition, calorie content and beneficial properties of rapeseed oil

Calorie content of rapeseed oil - 900 kcal per 100 g.

Rapeseed oil contains:

  • trace elements (magnesium, calcium, zinc, copper, manganese);
  • fatty acid , ;
  • oleic acid;
  • erucic acid;
  • amino acids;
  • vitamins (A, E, group B).

How useful is rapeseed oil?

Useful properties of rapeseed oil when taken regularly are directly related to its composition:

  • prevents the effects of free radicals;
  • helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • microelements in its composition are well absorbed;
  • 1 tablespoon of oil contains 30% of the daily value of vitamin E;
  • reduces the amount of bad;
  • prevents the formation of vascular thrombosis;
  • counteracts breast cancer in women (an analogue of the female hormone estradiol is present in the oil);
  • helps to strengthen the nervous system and;
  • speeds up the exchange processes;
  • improves digestion;
  • promotes the restoration of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines;
  • normalizes intestinal motility;
  • improves the structure of hair, nails, water balance of the skin.

Regular consumption of oil up to two dessert spoons a day, according to doctors, will provide the body with the necessary elements.

Various uses for rapeseed oil

In many industries, in the production of culinary and cosmetic products, in folk medicine, rapeseed oil is used very productively.

Application in cosmetology

  • Hair Mask:

the oil is rubbed into the hair roots and skin, wrap the hair for 30 minutes, rinse with shampoo (done twice a month).

  • Mask for hair (dull, thinned):
  • Shampoo :

mix shampoo with rapeseed oil (10 ml per 100 ml of shampoo), use to wash hair

Application in traditional medicine

  • , strengthening the body: an hour and a half before breakfast, drink one or two tablespoons of oil.
  • Improving the work of the digestive tract: drink oil 1 tsp before meals 3-4 times a day.
  • Abrasions, scratches, wounds: lubricate the damaged area with oil.

Application in cooking

In cooking, catering for the preparation of various dishes, salads, desserts, pastries, sauces (hollandaise, mayonnaise, aioli sauce, etc.), marinades, along with other vegetable oils, rapeseed oil is widely used.

From oil, by hydrogenation, margarine is obtained, which is widely used in cooking when baking confectionery.

Harlequin salad with rapeseed oil: boiled rice (200 g), chopped (2 pcs.) and (1 pc.), canned peas (3 tbsp), cut into circles (50 g), combine and season with rapeseed oil. Add some lemon juice instead of salt.

Sunny Beach mayonnaise: refined rapeseed oil (240 ml) and 1 egg, beat well with a blender, add salt (0.5 tsp), sugar (1.5 tsp), (1 tsp), wine vinegar 6% and lemon juice (2 tsp each), (1 tbsp) and beat again. Carrot juice gives mayonnaise a beautiful color. Tip: Refrigerate food before cooking.

Rapeseed oil goes well with other oils, lemon juice, balsamic and wine vinegar.

Harm of rapeseed oil

The negative effect of erucic acid on the animal's body has been experimentally confirmed. The effect of acid on the human body has not been thoroughly studied.

It is known that it is poorly digested, can accumulate and can negatively affect the child's body, causing growth retardation and disturbances in the formation of the skeleton, and cause disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

The practice of using rapeseed oil all over the world shows that the correct, competent, moderate intake of good quality oil does not have a harmful effect on the body, but only benefits.

For example, in Germany, rapeseed oil is very popular - 80% of the population uses it in their daily diet.

Contraindications to the use of rapeseed oil

When heated strongly, rapeseed oil, like all vegetable oils, releases carcinogens, toxic substances that are poorly excreted from the body, so its use during frying is not recommended.

The product is contraindicated in some cases, since the action of erucic acid affects the work of some organs:

  • individual intolerance;
  • kidney disease;
  • hepatitis, cholecystitis (exacerbation);
  • allergy to colza and similar types of herbs;
  • upset stomach and intestines.

The right choice of rapeseed oil and its storage

When choosing oil, you need to know what it is bought for (frying, baking, cold dishes):

  • refined deodorized oil (light yellow color with a slight odor) suitable for heat treatment;
  • unrefined oil (darker shade, fragrant, with a pronounced taste) is used only in cold dishes.

When buying, you should carefully read the data indicated on the label, consider what the oil looks like:
erucic acid - less than 0.5%;
manufactured in accordance with GOST (31759 - 2012);
light, yellow;
without sediment.

Deodorization- this is the removal of volatile compounds from the oil by bleaching, freezing - the removal of wax. Sediment at the bottom indicates a poor-quality composition of raw materials.
hydrogenation- this is the saturation of heated vegetable oil with hydrogen. This is how you get trans fats. Oil that has undergone this treatment has a long shelf life.

The optimal storage times and temperatures are indicated on the label.
It is better to store oil in a glass container.

The popularity of oil has grown in recent years, because a healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, natural products are popularized, and rapeseed oil is one of the components of healthy products.

Composition and nutritional value of rapeseed oil

Rapeseed oil is characterized by a balanced composition of polyunsaturated, monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids (linoleic, Omega-3, Omega-6). It contains a large amount of vitamin E, A, D, carotenoids, phosphorus

100g of rapeseed oil contains:

  • Water - 0.1.
  • Proteins - 0.
  • Fats - 99.9.
  • Carbohydrates - 0.
  • Kcal - 899.

The use of rapeseed oil helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, and prevents the risk of thrombosis.

Helpful information

Rapeseed oil contains a lot of erucic acid, which is harmful to the body. This acid is not excreted from the body and accumulates, which can lead to growth retardation and disruption of vital systems in those who constantly eat this product. After lengthy experiments, Canadian scientists managed to develop a variety of rapeseed that contains no more than 2% erucic acid. Oil with this amount of harmful acid can be used for the production of edible oil and margarine, the use of which is not harmful to health.

Benefits of rapeseed oil

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in rapeseed oil help strengthen blood vessels and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Also, these acids prevent the risk of blood clots.
  • The use of rapeseed oil prevents stroke and heart attack.
  • Since the use of oil stabilizes metabolism and reduces the level of bad cholesterol, this oil is included in the diet of proper nutrition and diets.
  • Rapeseed oil acts as an antioxidant (it provokes the synthesis of prostaglandins and accelerates regeneration).
  • The oil contains the female hormone estradiol, which women in a certain period lack. It is noted that women who consumed this product are at a lower risk of breast cancer.
  • The use of oil improves eyesight, improves immunity, and helps fight rickets.
  • The oil has a nourishing and softening effect, so it is used in folk medicine and dermatology.

Harm from use

Rapeseed oil contains a large amount of erucic acid, which is very harmful to the human body. But everyone knows that Canadian scientists have bred a variety of rapeseed - the Canola plant, in which the amount of erucic acid is practically reduced to nothing. Therefore, when buying this oil, be sure to study the composition and percentage of erucic acid contained in it. But besides this fact, there are some contraindications to the use of rapeseed oil:

  • Thioglycosides contained in rapeseed oil can cause an allergic reaction, which is accompanied by a headache.
  • Rapeseed oil should not be consumed by people with individual intolerance to this product.
  • It is also impossible for people who suffer from diarrhea, chronic hepatitis and cholelithiasis.
  • When heated, the beneficial properties of rapeseed oil are lost, so the oil must be used in the form of dressings for salads and sauces.

Where is rapeseed oil used

Under the influence of air, rapeseed oil retains transparency for a long time and does not acquire an unpleasant odor.

Rapeseed oil, made from the Canola plant, is used to prepare cold dishes, sauces, including mayonnaise, and marinades.

It is necessary to store rapeseed oil in a cool and dark place, then it will not lose its taste for 5 years.

This is a vegetable oil that is obtained from rapeseed for food and industrial purposes. We will talk about its beneficial properties, as well as harm and contraindications. Learn how to properly use the product in cosmetology.

What is rapeseed

An oil plant with yellow flowers, from which pods are formed with small black grains inside, they will be processed.

How is rapeseed oil obtained

The technology is similar to sunflower. Rapeseed oil is made from seeds, first they are cleaned of debris and impurities, then dried well. The prepared grain is sent under a press, defended, filtered, cooled. As a result, they are poured into containers for storage. The remaining cake is suitable as an additive to the main feed of farm animals.

Where is used

The scope of rapeseed oil is surprisingly extensive: it is part of biofuels, fuels and lubricants, rubber, paint and varnish products. In recent years, it has been actively used in the creation of medicinal products and in cosmetology. There are a huge number of nourishing masks for face, hair and hands with this ingredient.

Useful properties of rapeseed oil

Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is believed that it normalizes metabolism and regeneration in tissues. Has an antioxidant effect. It even helps them lose weight.

It is inferior in quality to olive oil, so the only reason to buy rapeseed oil is to save money.

Useful action:

Helps to remove bad cholesterol from the body.

  • Strengthens blood vessels.
  • Reduces the likelihood of blood clots.
  • It has a suppressive effect on inflammation.
  • It is used for preventive purposes of oncological diseases.

Contraindications and harm

Some varieties contain erucic acid, respectively, if such an oil is poorly filtered, the following can suffer: the thyroid gland, muscle tissue, blood vessels, liver and kidneys. The problem is that this substance is not completely absorbed, and, therefore, it is deposited in the tissues in the form of fat. There is a risk of developing a heart attack due to a pathological effect on the myocardium.

  1. Intolerance.
  2. Hepatitis and cholecystitis in the acute stage.
  3. Digestive disorders (diarrhea, flatulence).
  4. Childhood.

Nutritionists suggest refraining from frying with rapeseed oil, because when heated above 170 C, carcinogens and toxic substances are formed in it.

Violation of oil production technology negatively affects the quality of the product:

  1. Reduces the amount of vitamin E.
  2. Cell membranes become more rigid, which leads to degenerative disorders.
  3. May cause lung cancer.
  4. There is a decrease in platelets in the blood, triglycerides, on the contrary, increase.
  5. It can cause severe allergic reactions, it is contraindicated in people with bronchial asthma.

How to choose and store

When buying for cooking, carefully study the packaging, it must be labeled P - food. In addition, the label should contain information on the content of erucic acid in the amount of 0.6% and not more. The label "hydrogenated rapeseed oil" indicates the presence of harmful trans fats.

Interesting fact:

Scientists conducted an experiment on mice, they added erucic acid to their food. As a result, cirrhosis of the liver and the deposition of fatty substances in the skeletal muscles and heart were diagnosed in rodents. That is why you need to be careful when choosing rapeseed oil.

Store in a dark place in a glass container.

Use in baby food

Let's start with the fact that rapeseed is a genetically modified crop. Unfortunately, there is no other way, since erucic acid must be removed somehow. Well, the poison was removed, but the seeds joined the ranks of GMO products. And this is just the tip of the iceberg.

Before rapeseed oil gets into baby food, it goes through several treatments. Ideally, use cold-pressed raw materials. It is impossible to track the technology for obtaining the final product, which means it is better to refrain from such mixtures. Forgive me Russian manufacturers, but you should not trust the health of your baby to them.

And now the most interesting thing: in the USA and Europe, children's products containing this ingredient are prohibited, because they cause a delay in growth and development.

Rapeseed oil in cosmetology

To enrich the shampoo or cream, add rapeseed oil in an amount of 5-10% of the total volume. For example, just a few drops are enough for 100 ml. If you add more then instead of a positive effect, the condition of the skin or hair may worsen. Oils stick together dead skin cells of the epidermis, so you don’t need to get too carried away, otherwise the pores will become clogged and the hair will look dull.

Cosmetic ingredients should be of high quality, which have been produced specifically for care purposes.

Masks by skin type Application frequency Types of oils
Rapeseed Essential (number of drops)
fading 1-2 times a week One tablespoon Sandalwood (1), Rosewood (1)
acne prone Lavender, cedar, carnation (1)
Dry Rose, limmet (2), lemon balm (1)
For hands Not more than once a day Lavender, bergamot (2)
For thin and damaged Apply, wash off after an hour, repeat weekly. 1 st. l. rapeseed and avocado + 10 cap. retinol Bay or rosemary (5)
Lightening 1 time in 3-4 days 2 tbsp. l. + 1 liter of kefir + 2 tsp. sea ​​salt.

Industrial use

First of all, rapeseed oil belongs to industrial crops; it is used to produce biofuels for export. This is a good replacement for oil products, although fuel consumption increases by 10% (for example, instead of 10 liters per 100 km, 11 will burn), and engine upgrades will also be required. Use in other directions:

  1. Manufacture of textiles and leather products.
  2. Soap making, floriculture, animal feed.
  3. Production of drying oil, lubricating coolant, chipboard, plastics.
  4. Prevents wear of metal structures and drilling rigs.

Specifications of the state standard:

The benefits of rapeseed oil are blocked by a negative effect on the body. Therefore, it is better to refrain from using it in food, even if it is refined. Read labels carefully and keep your children away from this product.

Rapeseed oil is produced in many countries in fairly large volumes, but, nevertheless, they are not inferior to the scale of production of corn and sunflower oil. In European countries and the United States of America, this product is considered dietary, it is used not only with salads, but also with other dishes.

Rapeseed oil accounts for approximately 15% of the production of all vegetable oils.

Many residents note that this product is very pleasant in taste and resembles olive oil in its qualities, but it has a significant advantage - rapeseed oil is much cheaper than olive oil.

If you go a little deeper into history, you can find the following fact: a few decades ago, rapeseed oil was used only for technical needs. Now it is eaten with pleasure.

Rape belongs to the cruciferous family and has been cultivated for 5,000 years. The plant tolerates a cold climate well, despite the fact that the Mediterranean is considered its homeland.

Some farms prefer to grow this crop as a spring crop, and some as a winter crop. Farmers love to plant rapeseed for one simple reason: it significantly improves the composition of the soil on which it grows, enriches it with nitrogen and increases its fertility.

In food, rapeseed oil is used in its natural form, it is used in the production of margarine and mayonnaise. This oil is transparent in color, in the air for a long time does not lose its qualities and does not become bitter.

Also, rapeseed oil is used as a raw material for the production of a number of technical products.

Non-food uses for this product include rubber, biodiesel, lubricants, steel and polyethylene film.

Upon receipt of the oil, the production waste is cake, which is fed to cattle.

The green part of the plant contains a lot of vegetable protein, so it is also given as feed for livestock.

Useful properties of oil

The human body does not contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are so necessary for normal life. These amino acids are found in large quantities in rapeseed oil, and they are not synthesized in the human body.

The oil contains natural antioxidants - vitamins A and E. They serve as protection for our cells from damage by oxygen radicals. Also it has B vitamins.

We can talk about the tangible benefits of rapeseed oil based on the high content in its composition of such trace elements as: calcium, copper, manganese and zinc. Their digestibility from this product is much higher than from soybean oil.

Eating rapeseed oil can significantly improve the metabolism in the body, minimize bad cholesterol in the blood, prevent blood clots and prevent malignant neoplasms in the breasts in women.

Makeup artists, stylists and doctors use rapeseed oil in therapeutic baths and masks to improve the appearance of the skin.

If you regularly use this oil, then the likelihood of diseases such as atherosclerosis and various heart ailments is several times reduced.

With its constant use, it is possible to normalize the vital processes of the following organs: liver, kidneys, brain, pancreas and others. It also strengthens the immune system and the nervous system.

Thanks to high content of vitamin E the condition of the hair improves, they become softer, shiny and strong. Vitamin E has a beneficial effect on nails and the human reproductive system. With the accumulation of this vitamin in our body, we will feel much better and continue to look young and healthy.

Recently, rapeseed oil has been increasingly included in baby food. Since babies grow very quickly, it is natural that their body constantly needs new “building material”.

The use of rapeseed oil increases the chances of women who dream of becoming a mother. Rapeseed oil contains the female sex hormone estradiol. It plays a significant role in preparing the female body for conception.

Nutritional value and calories

The calorie content of rapeseed oil is quite high, but this does not prevent its use in dietary nutrition, cooking and cosmetology.

Nutritional value and calorie content based on 100 grams of product:

  • 99.9 grams - fats;
  • 0.1 grams - water;
  • fatty acids (saturated) - 10 grams;
  • fatty acids (unsaturated) - 33 grams;
  • 18.9 mg - vitamin E;
  • 2 mg - phosphorus;
  • 0 - proteins;
  • 0 - carbohydrates;
  • Calorie content - 899 kcal.

Harm and contraindications

The use of rapeseed oil can bring not only benefits to the body, but also some harm.

You should be aware that some varieties of this crop may contain erucic acid (up to 50%). It has an unpleasant characteristic feature - it does not break down by the enzymes of our body and accumulate in tissues, thereby slowing down growth and delaying the onset of puberty.

Erucic acid can disrupt the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, provoke cirrhosis of the liver and cause pathological changes in skeletal muscles.

The safe content of this acid in the oil should vary between 0.2 - 0.5%. Such indicators are safe for human health.

The damage from the use of rapeseed oil may be due to another factor: the content of toxic substances that have a negative effect on the thyroid gland and other organs.

Modern scientists - plant growers managed to obtain rapeseed varieties in which the presence of erucic acid is minimized.


  • chronic hepatitis;
  • cholelithiasis (in the presence of long-standing exacerbations);
  • intolerance to some components that make up the oil.

Methods of application in traditional medicine

  • Gastroenterologists recommend rapeseed oil for the treatment of ailments associated with the intestines. To eliminate problems with the stomach, it should be taken only fresh, one teaspoon 3-4 times a day before meals for a few minutes.
  • To make the skin of the face and hands become soft and tender you can use the following recipe: take 2 tablespoons of quality oil and mix it with yogurt and liquid honey. We apply the product on the skin for 20-25 minutes. After that, rinse with warm water using a cotton swab. Thus, we can protect delicate skin in the winter, remove peeling and moisturize the epidermis.
  • Relaxing bath for rejuvenation, tired for a hard working day, the body. To prepare the font, we take two glasses of warm milk, pour it into a container, put 2-3 tablespoons of sea salt, starch, soda, 3 tablespoons of rapeseed oil and a few drops of lavender oil there. We mix all the ingredients and pour into the warm water that you have already taken into the bath, soak in it for 15-20 minutes, then take a contrast shower. After this procedure, you will feel fresh and healthy.
  • In folk medicine, this oil is successfully used for the treatment of minor cuts, wounds and burns.
  • For treatment joints warm baths are made from the oil and applied to sore spots. In this case, rapeseed acts as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Remember, in order to correctly compare the benefits and harms of using rapeseed oil, you need to clearly understand for yourself that any product can be fake and this one is no exception. Therefore, try to buy high-quality rapeseed oil and avoid cheap fakes.

Do not forget that the benefits and harms of oil depend on how the product is stored. So that the oil does not lose its beneficial qualities for a long time, store it only in a dark glass bottle and away from direct sunlight.

If rapeseed oil is properly selected and used correctly, it will do more good than harm.

The Mediterranean climate is considered native to such a common plant as rapeseed. But even in European countries, it has taken root perfectly and is growing quite successfully, giving offspring in the form of a huge number of seeds. It is from these seeds that useful and very inexpensive rapeseed oil is obtained. It turns out that this plant not only gives a rich harvest of seeds, but has a beneficial effect on the soil, supplying it with nitrogen. Thanks to this property, rapeseed ensures the productivity of the land even after it fades. Rapeseed oil is used quite widely in many areas of industry, medicine and cosmetology. But what is its benefit and whether it has any harmful characteristics, it is worth talking about it in detail.

Technologies: options for obtaining rapeseed oil

Modern technological progress does not stand in one place, so the scheme for obtaining rapeseed oil is quite simple. As usual, in most cases, the technology of pressing and squeezing is used: first, the seeds are peeled, placed in a huge container, where they are boiled or thermally treated under pressure. After that, the prepared rape fruits are pressed and the oil is distilled off with the help of special substances. The result is a cake that also contains a small percentage of oil. It can be re-distilled and squeezed out the leftovers, or recycled to add to animal feed.

In refined rapeseed oil, there are continuous “usefulnesses” that in many ways have a positive effect on the human or animal body. Among them are the following:

A large percentage of the content of linoleic, linolenic, oleic and other fatty acids that support the normal functioning of the cardiovascular apparatus, they improve the blood formula, regulate temperature and pressure.

Rapeseed oil contains a large amount of vitamin E. As you know, it greatly affects the quality of the brain and vascular system, "knows how" to slow down the aging process, can prevent the appearance of blood clots, and also accelerate the regeneration of epidermal cells.

Rapeseed oil is used by the aviation industry as a lubricant and is also widely used in the rubber and even steel industries.

Among other things, rapeseed oil serves as a biodiesel fuel widely used in industry. Given the desire of global manufacturers to reduce fuel toxicity, rapeseed oil is gradually becoming one of the most popular types of biofuels.

Characteristic features: what is the use of rapeseed oil?

Based on the facts confirming how widespread rapeseed oil is in the world industry, we can talk about its beneficial characteristics. Perhaps it cannot be compared in usefulness with olive or sea buckthorn oil, but nevertheless, rapeseed oil can boast of the following properties:

1. First of all, rapeseed oil is rich in vitamin E and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Needless to say, these elements indicate the ability of the oil to support the immune forces of the body, ensure decent work of the heart, blood vessels, brain, and also reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, hypertension and coronary heart disease.

2. Rapeseed oil also contains a fairly high percentage of a female-type hormone called estradiol. The level of this hormone increases naturally with the onset of ovulation. The skin of a woman becomes radiant and clean, and the hair is elastic and strong.

3. Thanks to this vitamin complex, the risk of breast cancer in girls tends to zero.

4. Want to lose weight faster? In this, just rapeseed oil will become an assistant. It breaks down fats, lowers cholesterol, the metabolism is seriously accelerated. It can be eaten, complementing salads and other dishes.

5. Rapeseed oil is very often used as an element of any diet. It is rarely used on its own. For example, it is added to kefir or protein diets, and is also used as a dietary supplement during the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

6. On top of that, rapeseed oil will be appropriate in face masks or hair masks. It heals small wounds, scratches, burns, strengthens the hair structure, perfectly moisturizes the skin.

Contraindications to the use and potential harm of rapeseed oil

Rapeseed oil must be refined, as the crude liquid may contain a high percentage of erucic acid. It is not considered too useful for the animal or human body, as it may well slow down the process of growth and development, as well as puberty. In addition, due to the high percentage of erucic acid in rapeseed, a healthy person may experience problems in the cardiovascular system, disorders in the liver and kidneys. When buying rapeseed oil on your own, be sure to pay attention to the indicators of erucic acid: normally, they should not be more than 0.6%.

Of course, it is also worth mentioning the individual intolerance by individuals of various types of oils, including rapeseed. Allergy sufferers should not eat such a product, because there is a high risk of developing edema, suffocation, rashes and itching.

However, you can not eat salads, first or second courses containing rapeseed oil for women with biliary tract diseases, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. Moreover, it is forbidden to use rapeseed oil for those suffering from chronic diarrhea or hepatitis, because in this case it has a negative effect on the liver.

It is worth considering, among other things, also some toxicity of rapeseed oil, which manifests itself during its heating. That is why nutritionists do not recommend eating too much of it, and even more so frying any food on it.

Recommendations: how to use rapeseed oil correctly

Rapeseed oil is allowed to be used as a basis for creating hair masks. It can simply be applied to the roots, rubbing into the scalp, and then cover the hair with polyethylene and a towel. It is enough to withstand only half an hour for the oil to work: it strengthens the hair roots, preventing hair loss, as well as the tips, so that they do not break or split.

Another invigorating hair mask: with rapeseed oil and avocado. It is done in the following way:

Half an avocado should be mashed

Add to it 1-2 tbsp. l. rapeseed oil,

1-2 drops of rosemary essential composition,

And also 10 drops of vitamin A (retinol).

Cover your hair with this mixture, stretching from the roots to the very ends. You need to “wear” the mask on your hair for about 40 minutes, and then wash it off using daily shampoo.

It is allowed to combine rapeseed oil with argan, castor, burdock or olive oil. Please note that rapeseed oil, like the rest, is quite difficult to wash off the hair. Therefore, when washing off, it is better to use the “yolk plus water” solution or a small amount of lemon juice also mixed with water. And a mandatory rule: do not buy low-quality oils, then they will be washed off the hair the first time.

Try making face and hand masks with rapeseed oil at home. For example, a simple mask with honey and yogurt will provide excellent protection against frosty air and wind in winter. You just need to mix 1 tbsp. l. rapeseed oil, the same amount of yogurt and 1 tsp. honey.

But a mask with grated banana and rapeseed oil will help strengthen the skin in the décolleté area. Supplement the mass with lemon juice and the mask will also become whitening. Do you want a homemade scrub? There is nothing easier: add brown sugar to the banana and butter as well. In this case, the mixture must be applied to the skin immediately after preparation, otherwise the sugar may dissolve quickly.

As a dietary supplement, rapeseed oil will help improve intestinal motility. It can be added to salads with fresh vegetables or prepared meat sauces based on it. For example, the popular olive oil-based Pesto sauce can be modified by mixing basil, Parmesan cheese, some nuts (pine or walnuts), garlic, pepper, and salt. All this should be whipped in a blender and you will get a great sauce for meat, fragrant and very healthy.
