
English words with the letter u from food.

The letter U pleases us with tasty, healthy and, at times, high-calorie food. You will not stay hungry with food with the letter U.

Dill, oysters, duck, fish soup, eel, dried fruit knot, upre ( millet soup, Karachay-Circassian cuisine), Haman's ears ( dough product, jewish cuisine), yacha ( kolobok, Mari cuisine), uch-pochmak ( pies, Bashkir cuisine), umpach-zashi ( flour soup, Turkmen cuisine), unash ( bean soup with noodles, Turkmen soup), urfa-kololik ( soup, armenian cuisine), threat ( noodle soup, Tajik cuisine), urs ( hominy balls, Moldovan cuisine), unla-nan ( Azerbaijani cuisine).


One of the most famous Asian beans is the urd bean. This is a low, rather rich in vegetation culture, with dark-colored beans and rounded-angular seeds 4-5 mm long. Urd bean is native to India.

For Indians who follow a vegetarian diet, Urd has a special meaning. Its green beans are eaten as vegetables, and Urdu sprouts are also actively used.

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Spelling: Food starting with u

Word Food starting with u spelled like We're going for a cup of tea. or meets your request. Listen

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# en en Popularity
#1 - We're going for a cup of tea. Listen We "re going for a cup of tea.") "> Listen 1 6136
#2 Food at the Sabbat was often prepared from the bodies of hanged men. Listen The Sabbath food was often prepared from corpses from the gallows. ")">Listen 1 9717
#3 We're going to the match. Listen We"re playing a match. ")">Listen 1 62874
#4 Lady, I'm not buying, I'm going to the island. Listen Lady, I "m not buying an island, I" m headed for one. ")">Listen 1 91010
#5 I'm going to Cuba! Listen I "m going to Cuba. ")"> Listen 1 91503
#6 … remember, this is what I'm on the train to get to… Listen The last thing I remember is getting aboard the train to go to the fight. ")">Listen 1 94686
#7 Let's go. We are going for a walk. Listen That "s good. ")"> Listen 1 97832
#8 - Tell my doll that we are going to Villa Gloria. Listen - Tell my doll that we "re going to Villa Gloria.") "> Listen 1 164606
#9 Yes, I'm going to Buckingham Palace for lunch. Listen Yes. I "m going out to dinner at Buckingham Palace, I am. ")"> Listen 1 170711
#10 I'm going next week. Too late! Listen - Listen, I "m leaving next week")"> Listen 1 176483
#11 I only remember that his last name was with the letter "Z". Listen It has a "Z" in it. His name had a "Z" in it, I think. ")">Listen 1 177817
#12 - I'm going to an island called Kiloran. Listen - I "m going to an Island called Kiloran. - Where is it?")"> Listen 1 188378
#13 I'm not going to do this, I'm going to the races too... Listen If I "m going to hock the family gems, I" m going to the race myself. ")">Listen 1 201432
#14 - I'm going on a date. Listen - I "m going courting. ")"> Listen 1 224069
#15 I've been on this bus for three days. Listen Well, I"ve been on this bus three days.")">Listen 1 253191

Write the name of the food with the letter "D"

  1. melon, potato pancakes, dolma, desserts....
  2. pancakes..
  3. Melon.
  4. Dolma.
  5. dolma
  6. And how do you DIET 🙂
  7. DUDLEY. A type of candy that uses fruits in their natural form,
    DALAN. Fat from the neck of a horse (nape), which is smoked in Buryat and Kalmyk cuisine, getting a tasty dish.

    DANDE OIL. Thick orange-yellow Brazilian palm oil with a mild flavor. It is consumed mainly in the province of Bahia and is almost unknown outside of Brazil (see Palm oil).
    DARIOLE. Butter cream for filling or smearing cakes.
    Prepared from 250 g of regular cream, 3 eggs and 50 g of sugar with the addition of vanillin or other flavoring and a pinch of salt. Powdered sugar, salt and vanillin are mixed and thoroughly rubbed with beaten eggs. After that, the cream is carefully poured into the mixture with continuous stirring, and then the cream is poured into molds and baked in a non-hot oven. Dariole can also be poured into molds from underbaked shortcrust pastry and then baked with it.
    DARN. A slice of round fish on the bone.
    DEZHBN. It has two meanings: a rye cake made from a simple, coarse bread dough and a pasty cold dish made from a mixture of cottage cheese, milk, cream and oatmeal.
    DECOCTION. A special type of decoction of vegetables, fruits and herbs, in which food raw materials are first crushed strongly, then poured with cold water, brought to a boil for only 12 minutes. Then it is immediately filtered while still warm. According to the method of decoctions, some dietary broths are prepared, where it is important to prevent the destruction of vitamins.
    GAME. Culinary designation of dishes prepared from different types of forest, field and waterfowl animals and birds. There are red game (forest and steppe animals) and feathered game (birds).
    DOVGA. National Azerbaijani soup made from cereals (chickpeas, rice), herbs (mint, cilantro, kyrpygyn, onion) and sour milk (matsoni, katyk) with an egg. DOLMA. A dish of Transcaucasian and Middle Eastern cuisine.
    Dorados (fr.). Large, golden sea carps. Ceremonial dish of the peoples of the Mediterranean, Asia Minor, as well as Chinese and Indochinese cuisine.
    DRAGEE (fr., from the Greek trautzla delicacy). This was the original name of any saccharified grains known in ancient Babylon, Persia (grains of anise, coriander, cumin).
    In Russia, the national dragee has been since the end of the 18th century. cranberries in sugar. From the 20th century dragees began to be called any round, small sweets, ranging in size from a pea to a cherry, regardless of their composition, solely based on their shape.
    DRANIKI. National dish of Belarusian cuisine. Grated raw potato pancakes with flour, yeast, baked in sunflower or hemp oil. You can also add a little cottage cheese or an egg to potato pancakes to improve their taste and reduce the fluidity of their dough.
    DRACHENA. A dish of Russian, Belarusian and partly Ukrainian cuisine, prepared from flour, eggs and milk.
    Dracena has different recipes, but the overall ratio of products in them is preserved or only slightly varied.
    Compound. 11/2 cups wheat flour 10 egg yolks 5 egg whites 1 cup cream 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 1/g teaspoon salt (without top), 3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.
    Cooking. Grind the yolks with sugar, gradually add the cream to the mixture, rubbing into an elastic mass. Knead the dough on this mass, gradually adding flour. Salt and beat the dough for 30 minutes. Add the beaten egg whites to the dough and mix everything gently so that the dough does not fall off. Pour the dough into a preheated deep frying pan with oil and put in a well-heated oven, but on low heat. Bake for 1520 minutes. Dracena should grow two and a half times, become tall. Therefore, it should be placed on the middle, and not on the top step of the oven, and even better in the oven with a high top, since the drachena fits well on the top step, but it can fall off on the middle one.
    For example, a delicacy like a melon fried in batter
    DUXEL. Finely chopped mushrooms cooked with chopped shallots

  8. Lady's fingers (grapes)
    Wild duck
    Dushbara (Azerbaijani style dumplings)
    Daiquiri (cocktail)
    double burger
    Daikon (Japanese radish)
  9. Dorada, melon, draniki, doshirak)) , Baby food, jam, doner kebab, dessert, yeast. dolma
  10. dolma
  11. dimlama (or domlama)
  12. Dessert, pancakes (pancakes), donuts, dolma
  13. Fedya! GAME.
  14. Nothing to add....
    Dried melon .... very tasty ...
  15. dolma
  16. DOSHIRAK!!! !
  17. drannik
  18. dolma
  19. Lula kebab

To the question what kind of food is there with the letter "D"? (preferably tasty) asked by the author European the best answer is DOLMA. A dish of Transcaucasian and Middle Eastern cuisine, similar in type to cabbage rolls, that is, consisting of a vegetable shell and meat and grain filling. The vegetable shell of dolma can be not only the leaves of vegetable crops, but also most often fruit and berry - grape leaves, blackcurrant leaves, as well as the fruits themselves: apples, quince, pears, the inside of which is removed and filled with a filling of rice, onions, spices and lamb. Dolma can be boiled or baked, depending on the desire.
DRAGEE (fr., from Greek trautzla - delicacy). This was the original name of any saccharified grains known in ancient Babylon, Persia (grains of anise, coriander, cumin).
In Russia, the national dragee has been since the end of the 18th century. cranberries in sugar. From the 20th century dragees began to be called any round, small sweets, ranging in size from a pea to a cherry, regardless of their composition, solely based on their shape.
DRANIKI. National dish of Belarusian cuisine. Grated raw potato pancakes with flour, yeast, baked in sunflower or hemp oil. You can also add a little cottage cheese or an egg to potato pancakes to improve their taste and reduce the fluidity of their dough.
DRACHENA. A dish of Russian, Belarusian and partly Ukrainian cuisine, prepared from flour, eggs and milk.
Dracena has different recipes, but the overall ratio of products in them is preserved or only slightly varied.
Compound. 11/2 cups wheat flour 10 egg yolks 5 egg whites 1 cup cream 1 tbsp. a spoonful of butter, 1/g teaspoon salt (without top), 3 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar.
Cooking. Grind the yolks with sugar, gradually add the cream to the mixture, rubbing into an elastic mass. Knead the dough on this mass, gradually adding flour. Salt and beat the dough for 30 minutes. Add the beaten egg whites to the dough and mix everything gently so that the dough does not fall off. Pour the dough into a preheated deep frying pan with oil and put in a well-heated oven, but on low heat. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Dracena should grow two to two and a half times, become tall. Therefore, it should be placed on the middle, and not on the top step of the oven, and even better in the oven with a high top, since the drachena fits well on the top step, but it can fall off on the middle one.
DYUSHPARA. Azerbaijani dumplings. They differ from the usual "Russian dumplings" in size - half their size.
The dough is therefore rolled out very thinly - up to one millimeter thick. A lamb filling flavored with onion, garlic, mint, basil, pepper and barberry, so that it is very spicy and half plant, and sour.
Dushpara is boiled like ordinary dumplings, but only in two steps: first in salted boiling water until half cooked, and then in a very strong and fatty broth, with which it is eaten like soup. This dish - as a whole, and not just some dumplings - is called dyushpara or dyushbere.

Answer from Ilichovez[expert]
diabetes go?

Answer from salt[active]
Draniki, but this is not for everybody.

Answer from Gennady Kosterin[master]

Answer from electrostatics[guru]
Dolma. Real jam!

Answer from Irisska[guru]

Answer from Kenny[active]
hash browns

Answer from Elizabeth[guru]
Dolma. Melon. Draniki.

Answer from Nadezhda Sergeeva[guru]
delicacies, melon, potato pancakes, dolma, drachena

Answer from _ [guru]
Sofa-4ka for me)) She feeds me with her love! And you won't get it 😛 YYYYY))

Answer from MIRINESH[guru]
draniki (potato cutlets)

Answer from Jovetlana[guru]
Melon, potato pancakes, dolma. etc.

Answer from Irinka[expert]
hash browns

Answer from Unreal Star[guru]
Potato pancakes, they are potato pancakes

Answer from Marousel[guru]
Dranika, Dolma, Dracena, Melon, Dyushpara, Dezhen, Dovga, Dragee
