
Press salad benefits and harms. Watercress: we will tell you all about the benefits, harms and uses of vegetable crops in various fields

Hematoma - damage to the skin of a rounded or elongated shape, resulting from a blow, injury, damage to blood vessels, accompanied by hemorrhage into soft tissues. The skin of the injured area quickly acquires a red-blue or yellowish-green tint. The accumulation of blood can be open or closed (subdural hematoma - with a brain injury).

Signs and distinctive features

After a blow or injury, a bruise begins to form on the human body, which has the following characteristic features:

  • pain, aggravated, depending on the location, severity of the bruise;
  • edema, swelling;
  • change in skin color;
  • local temperature increase (in the bruised area);
  • pulsation of the arteries;
  • decreased muscle function;
  • squeezing, disruption of certain organs.

In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, the degree of slaughter should be determined.

Accumulations of blood on the body, extremities are formed only with impacts of the I-II degree, with tissue ruptures, sprains.

Reasons for the appearance

Causes of hematomas: severe bruises, blows, squeezing, falling, pinching. As a result, there is a rupture of blood vessels, blood flows out, accumulating in a certain place. Also, the causes of hemorrhage are serious blood diseases (leukemia, hemorrhagic vasculitis).

Classification of hematomas

There is a certain classification of hematomas for:

  • type of hemorrhage (arterial, venous, mixed);
  • localization site (subcutaneous, intramuscular, subfascial);
  • clinical signs (limited, diffuse, pulsating, encysted).

The subcutaneous form of the disease covers the skin. It is characterized by a slight swelling, discoloration of the skin, slight soreness. Subcutaneous hematoma is characterized by the ingress of blood into the surrounding tissues from damaged vessels. After bruises, blue, purple, black bruises form, which quickly pass. For human health, this damage is not dangerous, it can be cured at home.

According to the symptomatology, intramuscular hemorrhage, localized inside the muscle space, is similar.

The presence of orthopedic bruises is often observed - injuries of the limbs, pelvic bones. Infiltrates occur on the arms, forearms, legs, face, body, buttocks. Mild bruising can be treated on its own.

A typical accumulation of blood on the arm does not cause acute pain, swelling, passive treatment at home is sufficient to eliminate it. A cold compress should be applied to the affected area, a bandage should be applied, after that - periodically massage the injured area to improve blood supply, rub the ointment to speed up resorption. Hematomas on the arm, face after bruises disappear quickly.

If the infiltrate on the body cannot be removed for a long time, the swelling increases, the development of infection is observed - it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo treatment.

Subungual hematoma - the formation of a blood clot under the nail plate. Causes of appearance: due to compression, impact, pinching. The subungual form of the disease has the following symptoms: the color of the nail darkens, pulsation is felt, sometimes swelling appears, a feeling of fullness. If the damage is minor, it is enough to apply ice to the finger, take anti-inflammatory drugs. To speed up healing, remove the bluish color, at home, you can use a special ointment for resorption of hematomas. In case of significant injury, acute pain, removal of the nail plate, you should immediately seek medical attention. medical care, start treatment.

Dangerous is the subserous form, localized in the chest or abdominal cavity. A hematoma on the chest in women is a reason to see a doctor. Even with minor chest injuries, hemorrhage occurs inside the mammary gland, resulting in the formation of hematomas. After, some of their cells are absorbed, the rest become connective tissue. The accumulation of blood is not a direct cause of cancer, but can provoke tumor growth. Dangerous are large, chronic hematomas.

brain damage

The causes of brain hematomas can be as follows: a strong blow to the head, vascular disorders, blood diseases, pathological processes, autoimmune disorders in the body. This damage is characterized by prolonged bruising, has several types:

  • subdural hematoma - a hemorrhage that is localized between the substance of the brain and its membrane, leading to compression of the brain tissue. Its cause is head trauma. varying degrees gravity;
  • epidural hematoma - a head injury, when the accumulation of blood occurs between the skull and the shell of the brain. The reasons for its formation are rupture of an artery, a fracture of the skull. Epidural hematoma in 5-10% of cases ends in death;
  • intracerebral - brain tissue is affected, white matter is damaged, nerve connections are broken, nervous regulation of all body processes is disturbed (in 70% it ends unsuccessfully).

Subdural hematoma can be acute, subacute, chronic. When injured, local bruises of the brain, ruptures of blood vessels occur. Subdural hematoma has salient feature: hemorrhage is formed from the side opposite to the blow. Often subdural hematoma occurs due to damage to the superficial vessels of the hemisphere. The prognosis and consequences of this infiltrate depend on the rate of detection of hemorrhage, the correctness of the chosen treatment method. If a subdural hematoma develops as a result of severe craniocerebral lesions, a fatal outcome is possible.

Internal brain injury is very dangerous, it cannot be cured quickly. There is pressure, brain tissue swells, begins to collapse. After a severe bruise to the head, a person may lose consciousness, fall into a coma, partial or complete paralysis, lose orientation in space. The patient has difficulty breathing, symptoms can progress, and death is possible.

Very dangerous internal brain injury with direct damage to the hypothalamus (the part of the brain responsible for the nervous regulation of processes). Clinically, acute damage to the hypothalamus is manifested by prolonged loss of consciousness, respiratory disorders, impaired cardiovascular activity, and metabolic processes. The goal of therapy for hypothalamus damage is to correct disorders, restore the functions of these brain structures.

How to diagnose?

The diagnosis is made based on clinical symptoms and differential approach. Hematomas internal organs are established by carrying out a computer, magnetic resonance tomography.

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of a bruise, light hematomas is a painless process. Most hematomas on the body occur as a result of strokes; you can cure them yourself by undergoing treatment at home. You can remove swelling and hematoma by applying a cold compress, applying a fixing bandage, systematically applying a special ointment. After some time, the treatment of the infiltrate gives a visible effect, the damaged area of ​​the skin begins to change color, then the trace disappears completely.

If the accumulation of blood on the body does not resolve for a long time, a special remedy is used: bodyaga, heparin ointment, gerundine ointments. You can also remove a hematoma using absorbable pharmaceutical preparations: "Bruise-off", balm "Rescuer", cream-balm "SOS". Usually, the treatment of bruises / hematomas does not require the use of special methods, drugs. An effective folk remedy for resorption of hematomas is a clay compress, ointment from honey, wormwood. Fast acting strong remedy from hematomas, bruises - bodyagi solution.

Ointment against hematomas - effective remedy to remove bruises, bruises, bruises. Ointments for hematomas are of several types: ointment for bruises and hematomas, ointment against facial hematomas, ointment for bruises, ointment for hematomas for children, heparin, Vishnevsky ointment for hematomas.

You can quickly remove a bruise by applying locally an iodine mesh, which improves blood circulation and removes toxins. After a few days, the doctor may prescribe physiotherapeutic procedures (solux, heating with an infrared or blue lamp). This will help to quickly cure the hematoma, remove cyanosis. With small bruises, conservative treatment is prescribed: cold (locally), a tight bandage, analgesics, after a few days - physiotherapy.

On early dates pregnancy, treatment of hematomas from bruises can be carried out with medications.

During the treatment of a hematoma, activity should be limited, loads on the injured area on the body. If the bruises are severe, special treatment will be required. You should consult a doctor if:

  • the presence of a large infiltrate;
  • the location of the hemorrhage near the eye, on the head, abdomen, chest;
  • damage to the bone, joint;
  • The hematoma on the body cannot be removed for a long time, the edema increases, the bruise does not resolve, self-treatment does not give an effect.

To remove pain, inflammation, treatment involves the appointment of anti-inflammatory, painkillers. With a stable condition of the patient, the treatment of hematoma has a positive outcome, then only medical supervision is required to support treatment.

If fluid accumulates under the skin, it should be quickly removed, removed. When blood, suppuration appears, the doctor can open and then clean the infiltrate.

Due to serious traumatic bruises, hemorrhage occurs in the brain. IN this case diagnosis and therapy should be carried out promptly. Treatment of intracerebral accumulation of blood can be conservative and surgical. It is determined by clinical, instrumental examination, consultation of a neurosurgeon.

With cerebral hemorrhage, all medical measures are aimed at normalizing breathing, work of cardio-vascular system, reduction of cerebral edema. Drugs are prescribed that reduce the permeability of the walls of blood vessels, preventing the appearance of blood clots, a means to reduce intracranial pressure.

Surgical intervention

Local cerebral hematoma should be removed by surgery. Subdural hematoma is a surgical emergency. A craniotomy is performed, a hematoma is removed. If a subdural hematoma is manifested by a small hemorrhage, in the absence of additional lesions, conservative treatment is acceptable. After a few weeks, the subdural hematoma usually resolves.

Indications for surgical intervention may be the size of intracerebral hematomas, their localization, the amount of hemorrhage, the patient's condition.

Preventive measures to prevent hemorrhages are caution, reducing the risk of injury, and excluding infection.

All bruises and bruises look unattractive, whether they are on the face or on the body. Children are especially susceptible to this problem due to their mobility. Some of them (for example, extensive and under the eyes) can even be harmful to health. Treatment of bruises on the face after a blow or after the introduction of an injection needle consists in the use of special local preparations that will help eliminate subcutaneous hemorrhage, swelling and pain. It is about them that we will talk in more detail.

First aid

If you do not immediately begin treatment after injury, the bruise will resolve on its own in about 2 weeks. In order not to wait for such a long enough time, you can provide competent first aid, which will significantly reduce the recovery time.

In the first minute after the appearance of a subcutaneous bruise, it is necessary to attach any cold object to it. Such a compress is kept for 10-15 minutes. To avoid thermal burns, it is recommended to put the item in a cloth or handkerchief and remove it from the skin from time to time. After the compress has been withstood, the hemorrhage must be treated with any agent that has a resolving effect.

It is strictly forbidden to treat a bruise in the first minutes of both a child and an adult with thermal procedures. The same applies to sticking a patch on the skin, as well as massage the damaged area. It is not recommended to take painkillers, which include paracetamol and aspirin. These thin the blood and contribute to an increase in hematoma.

Local preparations for the treatment of hematomas

In the event that subcutaneous hemorrhage has reached large sizes, one application of ointment or gel will not be enough. In this case, it is worth contacting a specialist who will puncture the hematoma so that the blood that has stagnated in it comes out. After the puncture, a pressure bandage must be applied to the site that has been treated. If such a procedure did not help to achieve resorption of the hematoma, after 2-3 days you can start using local preparations, that is, ointments and gels.

If after 3-4 days it is noticed that in the place where the puncture was performed, there was a re-accumulation of blood, the procedure is repeated, and after it stitches are applied and the bleeding vessels are tied up. With the formation of a purulent process, it is sucked off by the same method.

Heparin ointment - excellent tool in the fight against bruises of various etiologies

How to treat bruises on the face and in another area formed from traumatic injury?

On pharmacy shelves you can find many such drugs that will help eliminate the symptoms of subcutaneous hemorrhage in the shortest possible time:

  • Badyaga - an ointment that contributes to the almost instantaneous elimination of a bruise in any area;
  • Troxevasin - a local remedy is involved in strengthening the vascular walls and helps to dissolve blood clots in the tissues;
  • Heparin ointment - a drug with which you can get rid of a bruise in 1-2 days;
  • Ketonal - a drug in the form of a gel helps to eliminate the pain that occurs at the site of the hematoma;
  • Rescuer - the preparation in the form of a gel includes only natural ingredients and helps to get rid of a bruise in one day;
  • Bruise-off - the medicine contains an extract from leeches and has a resolving effect.

Universal drugs that treat the symptoms of bruises and other injuries include such as Fastum-gel, Dolobene, Dolgit.

Folk remedies

If any injury caused the formation of a hematoma, you can get rid of it at home using folk remedies. On the Internet, you can find many recipes that are suitable for treating bruises even in infants. So, consider the most effective folk remedies that help quickly:

  • salt (used as lotions: make soda solution, diluting soda with water in a ratio of 1:10, after which a small piece of tissue is moistened in it and applied in a hematoma);
  • red cabbage (a cabbage leaf is applied to a hematoma, fixed on top with adhesive tape or a bandage);
  • potatoes (the tuber is peeled and rubbed with a grater, after which the resulting mass is placed in a piece of gauze and applied to the affected area);
  • pineapple (put pineapple pulp on the hematoma, fixing it with a bandage on top);
  • banana (a banana peel is applied to the affected area, securing with a bandage on top).

Laundry soap - universal remedy, which is also used in the treatment of hematomas

You can cure a bruise on the eyelid or in another area with laundry soap. In this case, the ointment prepared on its basis is actively used, and they do it like this: rub the soap fine grater and add to it egg yolk kneading until a homogeneous mass is obtained. To quickly get rid of the bruise, the product is applied to the affected area every 30 minutes.

Folk remedies in the treatment of post-injection hematomas

How to quickly cure bruises from injections? In this case, you can use iodine, making it the well-known iodine mesh. It is necessary to draw such 3-4 times a day. It is worth noting that such a remedy can cause side effects on the skin, especially if a person has an individual intolerance to such a drug.

Your doctor may recommend a compress cabbage leaf. Before applying it to the affected area, the sheet must be beaten off a little using a kitchen hammer. Juice should come out of the leaf, but the integrity should remain the same and intact. A place with a hematoma is smeared with a thin layer of honey, and cabbage is applied on top, securing with a bandage (for example, a bandage). The procedure is done at night, keeping the compress until the morning.

You can also get rid of a post-injection bruise with honey and horseradish, from which a healing ointment is prepared: 1 tbsp. l. honey is mixed with grated horseradish in a volume of 1 tsp. Next, 1 yolk and vegetable oil (0.5 tsp) are poured into the mixture. After thorough mixing, it is necessary to add a little flour to the resulting mass, thus kneading the dough of a soft consistency. The pellet is applied to the subcutaneous hemorrhage at the injection site, fixing with food film or bandages. The procedure is carried out before going to bed, keeping the compress until the morning.

You can use burdock, which is preliminarily doused with boiling water, then applied to the affected area. Before applying the compress, the skin must be lubricated a small amount natural honey. You can fix the compress with a gauze bandage.

It is not always possible to cope alone with such a post-traumatic or post-injection symptom as a hematoma on the body. Sometimes you need the help of a qualified doctor, and you should not refuse it, because this is the only way to prevent dangerous consequences.

Watercress is a green leafy vegetable that many people grow at home or in their garden. Its health benefits include providing the body with many nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help boost immunity and prevent many diseases.

Nowadays, more and more people are trying to take care of their health by avoiding industrial products and giving preference in favor of natural, provided by nature itself. Many contemporaries try to summer season replenish your body the maximum number vitamins and minerals through the use of a variety of plant foods. Indeed, this good way harden for the winter.

Among the numerous herbaceous plants, there are those that are completely unpretentious, delight the consumer not only with the originality of taste, but also with extensive beneficial properties. all year round. These plants include watercress, which is called a microgreen because of its small leaf size and is widely grown in Asia and Europe.

Watercress salad what is this description

Widespread since ancient times and known even in the Roman Empire, watercress belongs to the annual vegetable plant-grass of the cruciferous family of the genus bugs. Possessing pretty thin stems a similar salad can grow up to 50 centimeters in height. Although, he does not “survive” to such growth, but breaks down at a young, sprout age.

The plant blooms exclusively with white or pale purple small flowers. The color of the leaves also varies from pronounced green to slightly yellowish.

The homeland of the plant is considered to be India and the Middle East, the territory of modern Iran. True, because of its unpretentiousness to the soil, it quietly grows all over the world, not only in open ground, but also next to indoor flowers, sharing one pot with them.

To date, there are several varieties of plants:

  • whole-leaved "Dukat" (early and late-ripening variations); it is more common, has whole, not carved, not small leaves, matures in three weeks;
  • curly (differs in green rugged leaves and is characterized by precocity);
  • sowing "Dansky" and "Fun" (refer to early maturing varieties and have an average form between the previous two).

In Africa, they also bred a special variety that differs from others in its high content essential oils(i.e. oilseed).

What is useful watercress salad chemical composition and calorie content

Despite its small size, watercress belongs to unique plants by chemical composition. And this fact is established not in vain. Indeed, in the leaves and stems of the plant there are:

  • Water (up to 90%);
  • Protein fractions of vegetable origin;
  • Fats;
  • Saturated fatty acid;
  • Carbohydrates (mono- and disaccharides);
  • Fiber (dietary fiber);
  • ash product;
  • Flavonoids;
  • glycosides;
  • alkaloids;
  • Essential oils;
  • Retinol (vitamin A);
  • Provitamin A (beta-carotene);
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, niacin, choline, folic and pantothenic acids);
  • Vitamin K;
  • Vitamin D;
  • Salts of minerals (magnesium, iodine, iron, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, copper, zinc, manganese and selenium).

It owes its specific taste and smell to propsoline glycoside and a bitter substance called lepidin.

Watercress, along with beets and other leafy greens, contains very high levels of dietary nitrate. Studies show that nitrates help reduce high blood pressure, reduce the oxygen needed during exercise and increase the performance of athletes.

One 100 gram serving contains:

2.35 grams of protein

0.15 grams of fat

1.32 grams of carbohydrates

Eating 100 grams of watercress a day can satisfy daily requirement more than:

In vitamin K - 300 percent;

In vitamin C - 70 percent;

In vitamin A - 65 percent;

In calcium - by 11 percent;

In manganese - by 11 percent;

In potassium - 8.5 percent.

In addition, 100 grams of lettuce can give the body almost 6 percent daily allowance vitamin E, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B6, magnesium and phosphorus.

The calorie content of 100 grams of the product is only a little over 10 kilocalories. The energy ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is 33/20/55%.

Watercress salad useful properties

This small vegetable salad contains a number of nutrients which may reduce the risk of developing cancer. The bitterness that is present in it stimulates the body's natural defenses and protects the cells of the body.

In addition to them, it contains compounds that have a high antioxidant capacity. These are lutein, beta-arotene, vitamin C and other substances. They reduce oxidative stress that free radicals can cause. Turning on this green vegetable crop can prevent and reduce the risk of developing breast and colon cancer.

People who consume foods low in calcium, magnesium and potassium are more likely to have high blood pressure, studies show. These minerals are thought to help lower blood pressure by releasing sodium from the body and dilating the arteries.

It is important to note that the use of these useful minerals in supplement form will not provide the same health benefits as when taken with food. Watercress contains all three of these beneficial minerals.

Alpha-lipoic acid, contained in it, is able to reduce blood glucose levels, increases insulin sensitivity.

Like many herbal products, it contributes to the reduction of bad cholesterol in the blood, which in turn reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and others.

Folate or folic acid is extremely important for the development of a healthy fetus and plays a critical role in normal cell division. For pregnant women, the consumption rate folic acid should be at least 400 micrograms per day to prevent the development of birth defects in the fetus and reduce the risk of congenital diseases.

Older people also need folate to prevent age-related changes. Including foods high in folate may prevent cognitive decline.

Most of the vitamins present in watercress belong to the water-soluble group. This means that they need to be replenished daily. These vitamins include vitamin C. It is especially important during the period of respiratory diseases. There is more of it in lettuce than in oranges.

Watercress health benefits

Despite the relative nondescriptness of watercress and its external dissimilarity with the usual salad leafy vegetables, many scientists attribute the sprouts and leaves of the plant to the source vital energy, So necessary for a person in autumn, winter and even initial spring cold. Speaking about the benefits of watercress, it is able to:

As an antioxidant, watercress is recommended for women not only for oral intake (it is believed that it improves the condition of the skin and rejuvenates them), but externally as a juice that can be washed (the skin is moisturized and nourished, becomes more elastic and elastic) or used as a lotion.

In favor of watercress, we can note the fact that it was once a staple in the diet of Roman soldiers. And they had to overcome many kilometers of crossings in different parts Sveta.

Watercress salad use in cooking

Many cooks do not bypass watercress with its spicy, and even spicy flavor, reminiscent of horseradish or mustard, when preparing a number of dishes in different directions.

According to the chefs, cut sharp knife greens like fresh lettuce goes well with egg dishes(fried eggs or scrambled eggs), meat and fish (used as a seasoning), vegetable salads, potatoes (both boiled and baked), butter-based sandwiches.

Vegetarians refer to such greens as vegetable protein foods.

For example, in Italy they like to serve watercress with seafood. True, it is highly discouraged to consume dried cress leaves due to the “disappearance” of all useful properties, as well as the acquisition of bad smell and taste. Only those plants are suitable for food, the stems of which are distinguished by their white color.

Try making soup with watercress or adding it for greens at the very end of cooking.

It is most commonly consumed in salads, but can be included in pastas, sauces, and any other herb.

Choose watercress with a deep in green and crisp leaves with no signs of wilting. Store it in the refrigerator and use it within a few days of purchase.

Possible harm and contraindications

This kind of lettuce cannot be considered harmless in any way. in full even for quite healthy people. That's why:

  • Do not exceed the daily allowance of 85 grams;
  • It is worth finding out if there is an individual intolerance, often manifested by skin irritations;
  • It is not necessary to give lettuce to young children;
  • For pregnant and lactating women, this product is also prohibited (to a greater extent, with insufficient data on its effect on the health of a woman and a child during this period. In addition, bitterness can spoil the taste of breast milk);
  • It is worth abandoning it during an exacerbation peptic ulcer or gastritis (especially with hyperacidity, because bitterness stimulates the production of gastric juice);
  • It is contraindicated in hypotensive patients (it will lower the pressure even more);
  • Caution should be taken by those who suffer from frequent urination.

It should be avoided by people taking blood thinning medications, as it contains quite a lot of vitamin K.

If stored improperly, it can accumulate bacteria to convert nitrates to nitrites, which are potentially hazardous to health.

Of course, watercress is a product that is useful for maintaining and maintaining our health. But everything should be in moderation. Sometimes food can become poison and bring more harm than good. Food should be varied and all foods should be present in it.

ABOUT positive properties watercress has been known since ancient times. plant with piquant taste And pleasant aroma It was used not only in cooking, but also as a skin and hair care product. Watercress is easy to care for and easy to grow at home. By palatability the leaves of the plant resemble horseradish or radish.

Nutritional value and calories

Watercress has both high and low calorie content. With a value of this indicator of 32 kcal, the amount of protein in 100 grams is 2.6 g, fat - less than 1 g, and carbohydrates - 4.5 g. Almost 90% of water is found in fresh (photo).

The benefits and harms to the body are determined by its composition. Watercress contains vitamins A, C, E, PP and group B, as well as choline. There are many macro- and microelements in it. These include calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, etc. The leaves of the plant contain saturated fatty acids and essential oils.

Watercress is widely used in cooking. It is added to fresh vegetable salads, cold soups, served as a side dish for fish and meat.

Useful properties of watercress

Rich chemical composition and high nutritional value are the determining factors behind all the health benefits of watercress. The leaves of the plant contain substances that prevent the appearance of cancer cells in the human body. For this, fresh watercress is recommended to be eaten daily. In addition, the substances in the composition of the plant:

  • normalize the work of the intestines and digestive organs;
  • help to get rid of slagging and toxins;
  • contribute effective reduction weight;
  • increase concentration, improve memory and thinking;
  • have a rejuvenating effect on the cells of the body inside and slow down the aging process of the skin;
  • are the prevention of thyroid diseases;
  • have a positive effect on the functioning of the liver;
  • contribute to the improvement of vision and are the prevention of eye diseases;
  • have a diuretic effect;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • perform an antibacterial function;
  • improve sleep and appetite;
  • tone the body, improve mood and well-being.

Watercress, the harm and benefits of which are always taken into account when eaten, has the qualities of an aphrodisiac. In women, the plant improves reproductive function, and in men it increases potency and testosterone levels in the blood.

Watercress: harm and benefits for weight loss

As part of watercress, they play an important role in cleansing the body of toxins and toxins. This is the first step towards achieving ideal weight. The digestive organs work stably, the intestines are cleansed, there are no constipations, which means excess weight won't stay long.

But not only for this, losing weight people love watercress. The benefits and harms of it are determined by the low calorie value. At daily use lettuce will be a slow but steady weight loss. At the same time, the feeling of hunger also appears for a very short time.

For all its usefulness for weight loss, watercress also helps to remove excess fluid from the body and get rid of edema. In turn, this has a positive effect on the figure and well-being.

The consumption of this green plant is highly recommended for people with lung and Bladder, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, hypertension, anemia, with acute respiratory viral infections and skin problems.

Watercress, the harm and benefits of which are directly related to its composition, should be included in a limited amount in the diet of pregnant and lactating women. It is not recommended to give the leaves of the plant to children under three years of age.

Harm and contraindications for use

It has been proven that only watercress has beneficial properties in fresh. The dried plant has no nutritional value and even begins to smell unpleasant. Its use in dry form is useless.

Among the contraindications to the use of lettuce, several of the most important can be distinguished.

  • It is not recommended to eat watercress for people with a tendency to allergic reactions. In this case, a rash and irritation may appear on the skin.
  • It is necessary to limit the use of hypotensive patients, since the substances contained in the plant contribute to a decrease in pressure.
  • Watercress, the harm and benefits of which are obvious to digestive system, should not be included in the diet of people with gastritis, ulcers and other diseases of the stomach and intestines.

Watercress has the ability to absorb toxins. That is why you should not collect it along the highway and railroad tracks. Following these recommendations will help you avoid negative consequences for health and get only benefits from the salad for the body.

Watercress is presented as an annual herbaceous plant, whose height reaches 50 centimeters during the period of maximum growth, but the plant does not always succeed in reaching such a height, since it is eaten in a very young state. The uniqueness of culture is due to its popularity in seemingly different areas - cooking, gardening, cosmetology. There is no need for special care, often cress is grown on the windowsill just in water or in a small pot. Neighborhood with any other plant is not burdensome for him. It is customary to add culture to food only in its raw form, since dried watercress loses its beneficial features and smells bad.

According to gourmets, this plant will turn any dish into a real work of art. It is customary to add green sprouts to cold soups and salads. Also this excellent seasoning to sausages, cheese, meat and fish dishes. One of the most successful combinations is with scrambled eggs, potatoes or scrambled eggs.


The benefits and harms of the plant in question are due nutritional value. The BJU ratio is 2.6 / 0.7 / 4.4 g with a calorie content of 32 kcal. Also included are the following elements:

dietary fiber and ash;
mono and disaccharides;
water and saturated fatty acids.

Among the vitamins in watercress, it is worth highlighting B1, B2, B5, B6 and B9, vitamin PP, E, K, C, as well as holit, beta-carotene, vitamin A. Culture and minerals, including calcium and magnesium, sodium and potassium, phosphorus and iron, zinc and copper, manganese and selenium.

The benefits and properties of watercress

The benefits of watercress are due to valuable properties this plant. Regular use of it will allow you to turn many aspects of the body's work for the better.

  1. Normalization blood pressure, removal of toxins, regulation of digestion and improvement of appetite.
  2. Antioxidant properties, improvement of sleep and removal of a depressive state are expressed.
  3. Anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect is combined with anti-sclerotic, wound healing, soothing, expectorant and diuretic.
  4. Prevention eye diseases, preventing the appearance of neoplasms.
  5. Treatment oncological diseases and prostatitis should include the use of watercress as aid. Watercress is important to use in the form alcohol tincture or as unripe seeds to increase sexual activity.
  6. IN traditional medicine lettuce leaves are used to treat skin diseases, burns, ulcers and wounds, to eliminate joint pain, treatment, cholelithiasis, persistent cough or bronchitis.
  7. The use of this culture significantly reduces the risk of developing leukemia.
  8. IN medical purposes dried and fresh plants are used, as well as tinctures, decoctions and oils. For getting therapeutic effect daily it is recommended to consume 2 tablespoons of juice or eat such fat 3-4 times a day on a regular basis.
  9. fresh greens, crushed into gruel, is used to treat ulcers and acne.
  10. Fresh juice effectively eliminates dandruff, and baths with this ingredient help get rid of dermatological diseases.
  11. The combination of compresses with ingestion is relevant for skin peeling, redness, prostatitis, mastopathy and edema.
  12. Instead of mustard, you can use watercress seed powder when making mustard for colds.
  13. Prevention of the development of endocrine diseases and maintenance of normal thyroid activity due to high content iodine.
  14. Acceleration of weight loss during the diet, provided that watercress is combined with freshly squeezed juices. This culture is able to relieve the feeling of hunger by compensating for the lack of important trace elements.
  15. Regular consumption of young greens helps prevent the development of periodontal disease and other diseases. oral cavity. Greens can be replaced with germinated seeds.

Seed oil and herb ointment are applied externally. To make oil at home, it is enough to insist the seeds on a traditional vegetable oil, which in proportion should be twice as much as seeds. The ointment is prepared from the roots and leaves of the plant, ground into powder, then 3 parts of vaseline or fat are added to one part of the mixture. Before use, both products must be kept in a warm place for a week.

Decoctions and infusions can replace juices. To prepare the infusion, it is enough to pour a glass of boiling water 2 tablespoons dry or 3 tablespoons fresh leaves. You can use the infusion after it has been kept in a warm place for 2-3 hours. To prepare a decoction, it is necessary to boil the ingredients in similar proportions for 5 minutes, cool and take a third of a glass before eating. Before going to bed, this remedy can be used for anxiety or insomnia. For decreasing destructive impact stress and improve the quality of sleep, it is enough to consume the plant in question daily as part of a meal. For the treatment of severe cough or bronchitis, it is necessary to drink the infusion hot a couple of times a day.

Watercress in cosmetology

In the field of cosmetology, it is important to use oil, juice and directly fresh greens of the culture in question. All this allows you to significantly refresh and cleanse the skin, as well as improve the condition of the hair. During treatment problematic skin cosmetics with such an ingredient are especially valuable. In professional beauty salons, watercress is often used in combination with other herbal ingredients for the preparation of a cleansing serum.

Homemade mask recipes

A little patience is the main condition for preparation cosmetics based on watercress at home.

  1. To cleanse oily skin, cut watercress leaves, pour water and simmer for 5 minutes, then cool and apply on face for 5 minutes.
  2. For a similar purpose, you can use a mask of a teaspoon of honey, egg white and 2 tablespoons of crushed leaves.
  3. For care normal skin mash 8-10 leaves in a puree, add 5-10 drops of lemon and a teaspoon olive oil. Keep the mask for 10 minutes and wash off with a contrast wash.
  4. A mixture of curdled milk and gruel of leaves in equal proportions helps to improve complexion and smooth out fine wrinkles. After applying the mask for 10 minutes, you need to wash your face and wipe your face with an ice cube.
  5. Watercress with cream relieves flaking and soothes the skin. The ingredients must be mixed to a slurry state and applied for 15 minutes. Wash off in the same way.

Watercress does not cause any harm, except in cases of allergic reactions due to individual intolerance.

Watercress in cooking

In addition to the previously described combinations, it is worth mentioning the exotic way of preparing watercress by vegetarians. It is blanched and cooked with sugar and wine, adding oil dressing. No less successful stews, sandwiches and cottage cheese casseroles. In addition to the benefits in this case, the decorative properties plants. Fresh herbs will harmoniously complement traditional salad from unremarkable cabbage, cucumbers and onion rings. Finely chopped basil and parsley must also be added to such a dish, and sour cream or olive oil can be used as a dressing.

To prepare a dish that is no less healthy for the body with pumpkin seeds and watercress, beat a spoonful of olive oil with the juice of half a lemon, add 3 grated carrots and a bunch of watercress. The top of the dish is sprinkled with two grated boiled eggs, pumpkin seeds fried in a frying pan with honey.

By planting seeds every 15 days, you can get the opportunity to consume vitamins all year round due to the rapid growth of leaves.
