
What to eat so as not to get drunk. Remedies for intoxication

Today, for many people, drinking traditions are the generally accepted norm. Gathering at the festive table in order to enjoy various dishes and drink certain alcoholic beverages is already perceived in the order of things. But some people do not feel well after such events. As a result, they have a natural question: how to prevent intoxication?

Folk methods

In order not to get drunk quickly, you must at least adhere to moderate dosages of alcohol. Before the feast, it is better to eat a piece of rye bread spread with butter. Such a simple sandwich will help delay the onset of intoxication. In addition, a few teaspoons of vegetable oil will do the trick. It has a special enveloping property. Therefore, if you use vegetable oil an hour before the holiday, you can significantly delay the onset of intoxication.

In addition, vodka will come to the rescue - one hundred grams. It should be drunk four hours before the feast. As a result, the body will begin to process toxins even before large doses of alcohol enter it.

However, it should be understood that all these methods will not work if you drink a lot and for a long time.


Among pharmaceutical preparations there are also several effective means to reduce the degree of intoxication. Among them is activated charcoal. This is the easiest way to not get drunk. Five or six tablets are enough two hours before the corresponding event and two more before the feast itself. Activated charcoal will speed up the elimination of toxins and reduce the effects of alcohol.

In addition, Festal or Mezim will benefit. These products contain enzymes that help the digestive organs process alcohol. Eleutherococcus can also be used: just 20 grams of such a remedy is enough before drinking alcohol to prevent excessive intoxication.

Feast rules

In order to always be normal during the celebration, you need to follow a number of recommendations. For example, you can not drink alcohol on an empty stomach, you need to have a good snack. Do not drink alcohol of dubious origin - it can lead to poisoning. It is advisable to give preference to a high-quality alcoholic drink, because it contains a minimum amount of fusel oils.

  • Do not mix alcoholic beverages with different strengths. So, the alternation of champagne, wine and vodka threatens with severe intoxication and the highest intoxication of the body. After such a cocktail, a person will have a severe hangover. It is better to start with a drink containing a low dose of alcohol, and then move on to cognac or vodka. Such an approach would be more rational.
  • The use of sweet cocktails should be limited. They taste good, and it is difficult to control the amount of alcohol you drink. Moreover, the tradition of drinking a cocktail through a straw only increases intoxication.
  • Do not eat exotic food. The reaction of the digestive organs can be unpredictable. In combination with alcohol, severe poisoning often occurs. Also, do not get carried away with overcooked or spicy food - it deals a powerful blow to the liver. It is better to have a snack with vegetable salads in vegetable oil, as well as hearty meat dishes.
  • Carbonated drinks are best avoided. They only increase the effect of alcohol. It is better to drink strong alcohol with compote or juice.
  • No need to try to drink everything that is poured. A moderate amount of alcohol is considered one glass or a glass of alcohol per hour. It is these rates that will help maintain relative sobriety.
  • In order not to get drunk quickly, you need to move more. Fresh air will do the trick. But this is acceptable in the absence of frost. Sudden changes in temperature sometimes adversely affect the human condition. You can chat with guests, participate in dances or competitions. It is better to smoke less, especially for those who rarely use nicotine. If you start to feel sick from drinking alcohol and have a headache, then you need to induce vomiting. As a result, alcohol will free the stomach - and health will improve. At home, you need to take a shower and go to bed in a ventilated room.

    Such recommendations will give you the opportunity to drink and relax well in a friendly company. It is important to control the amount of alcohol consumed. Only then will the holiday really bring joy and pleasure.

At almost every festive event there are various alcoholic drinks. They relax the body and temporarily distract a person from life's worries. Sometimes, when drinking alcohol, it is necessary to stay sober in order to avoid bad consequences.

How to stay sober while drinking alcohol

While drinking, it is impossible to stay completely sober, but it is possible to prevent severe alcohol intoxication. Some people drink a liter of vodka without eating and feel good. Others lose their minds from one mug of weak beer. It directly depends on genetics. Therefore, the time during which a person is able to become very intoxicated depends not only on the amount of drinks drunk, but also on the sex and age of the drinker.

Tips to help you avoid getting drunk quickly

1. Physical activity ten hours before the start of the gala event helps to process alcoholic beverages faster.

2. You can drink a glass of vodka or one glass of beer before the holiday. The body begins to produce an enzyme responsible for the neutralization of alcohol. This will help you stay sober for a long time.

3. Before drinking alcohol, you need to eat. Hunger contributes to rapid and severe intoxication.

4. Eat hot and light snacks. Heavy food additionally burdens the liver. Food that can cause a feeling of satiety in small quantities is also undesirable for consumption, in which case, after sixty minutes from the moment of taking alcoholic beverages, severe intoxication will occur. As a snack, you can use fruits, vegetables, sausages and various cheeses.

5. It is contraindicated to increase the degree and mix drinks.

6. Do not drink strong alcohol with soda, as carbon dioxide combined with alcohol can quickly cause severe intoxication. It is better to give preference to freshly squeezed juice.

7. Alcohol dehydrates the body, as a result of which in the morning a person is disturbed by severe headaches. To avoid this, it is necessary to drink a glass of clean water without gases after each glass taken. It will be difficult to do this, but this method allows you to wake up in the morning without a hangover.

What is the best way to drink and not get drunk?

Sometimes it is worth stopping drinking in order to avoid disastrous consequences, since alcohol acts differently on each body.

2. Drinking alcohol is undesirable in a depressive or emotionally excited state.

4. Walking in the fresh air is good for the body and helps to avoid rapid intoxication. However, it is undesirable to encounter sudden temperature changes.

Means against intoxication

There are many medications that help you drink alcohol and not get drunk. For example:

A drug " Dimexide helps to sober up. It has a strong and not very pleasant smell. The medicine must be diluted in ordinary filtered water, then moisten a cotton swab or a small piece of cloth with this solution. The tampon should be kept in an airtight container and inhaled while drinking alcohol. This helps prevent drunkenness.

Eleutherococcus counteracts alcoholic beverages. Before drinking inside, thirty to forty drops of the drug are taken.

Two medicine pills Metaprote» will help the body not to get drunk.

Also, to avoid a hangover, you can resort to traditional medicine. A good remedy is kvass, which you can cook yourself.

Twenty-four hours before the start of the event, a three-liter glass vessel is filled with four tablespoons of dry sourdough, which can be bought at any grocery store. It also requires eight tablespoons of granulated sugar. Next, the ingredients are poured with cold drinking water without gas and stirred until completely dissolved. Then five or six granules of dry nutritional yeast are added to the drink, after which the neck of the vessel is covered with a gauze rag, consisting of several layers. Infused in a warm room (preferably in the sun). Twenty-four hours later, kvass is filtered.

Methods of drinking alcohol according to the method of special services

Sometimes at work you have to drink, but at the same time stay sober. Secret service workers resort to the following methods to help not get drunk too quickly.

All alcoholic drinks are drunk slowly and in small sips. This method is not used when taking strong alcohol. The person with whom alcohol is drunk drinks much more during this time.

Half an hour before drinking alcohol, it is advisable to eat until full satiety.

A good snack, moderate alcohol consumption, taking specialized preparations for quick intoxication and hangovers, as well as regular exercise will not be able to prevent the negative effects of alcoholic beverages on a person.

Alcohol, even in small doses, will poison the body, which will lead to health problems in the future. Therefore, the best solution in this matter will be a complete rejection of alcohol. In the future, this will help maintain health and prevent the development of various diseases.

When drinking alcohol at a corporate party, a business dinner, your own wedding or other important events, you need to maintain sobriety of mind and self-control. For an inexperienced person, this is a difficult task that requires preliminary preparation. Thanks to this material, you will learn how to drink and not get drunk during a stormy feast. All valid methods are collected here.

First, let's figure out why a person gets drunk. The fusel oils contained in alcoholic beverages are to blame. They have a negative effect on the functioning of the cerebral cortex. The consequences are manifested individually: in some people, the functions of the occipital part of the brain and the vestibular apparatus are disturbed, as a result of which balance and (or) the gift of speech is lost. For others, the “moral center” that controls behavior is turned off. In rare cases, memory is temporarily lost.

The situation when the next morning after a large dose of alcohol drunk a person does not remember anything is not as common as is commonly believed. Most of the "victims" only feign amnesia. They are just ashamed of their behavior and they want to find an excuse for rash acts.

It is interesting that men and women get drunk in different ways, the peculiarities of the work of the brain affect. In men, psycho-emotional disorders first appear (slurred speech, mood swings), and only then motor skills fail (coordination of movements is disturbed), in women it is the other way around. This means that with the same degree of intoxication, it is difficult for most men to talk and control their behavior, but they can move around and even control complex mechanisms (including a car), while women usually “fail their legs” first of all and only when severe intoxication, the gift of speech disappears.

Preparing for a feast

1. "Vaccination". 4-5 hours before the event, drink 50-100 ml of vodka or an equivalent amount of other alcohol. The body will begin to produce alcohol dehydrogenases - enzymes responsible for the processing of alcohol in the body. As a result, the main dose of alcohol will be broken down immediately upon entering the bloodstream, and not with some delay, which is required to activate the liver. If you know your limit in the amount of alcohol you drink, "vaccination" is the most effective way to deal with intoxication. The disadvantage is that even after a small dose of alcohol, a fume appears.

2. Fatty food. Eat a sandwich with butter, lard, caviar or sturgeon 1-2 hours before the party. You can also drink 10-20 ml of olive oil (if you can).

Attention! Fatty foods do not block the absorption of alcohol, but only slow down its effect by 40-45 minutes. This means that a person will start to get drunk about an hour after drinking alcohol, but the intoxication itself will be fast and strong. It is better to use this method only if the event does not last long and you have time to get home.

3. Medications. 2-3 hours before drinking alcohol, drink 4-5 tablets of activated charcoal, and immediately before the feast, another 1-2 tablets, crushed into powder. Make sure that the coal does not remain on the teeth, after the tablets, it is advisable to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth. Activated charcoal absorbs some of the alcohol and fusel oils, as a result of which a person gets drunk less.

Even 40 minutes before the feast, you can take one tablet of a digestive enzyme agent, for example, Festal or Mezim, as well as a hepatoprotector based on herbal ingredients (Karsil, Essentiale, etc.). These drugs will ensure the normal functioning of the stomach and liver during overload.

4. Do not drink on an empty stomach. In no case should you drink alcohol on an empty stomach, otherwise all other methods will not give the desired effect.

Snack is our everything

How to get drunk less directly during a feast

1. Drink only high-quality alcoholic beverages. The better the alcohol, the less harmful substances in it that cause intoxication and a decrease in self-control. They get drunk many times faster from bad moonshine than from high-quality vodka, cognac or wine.

2. Do not mix drinks. The reaction of the body to mixing different alcoholic beverages is unpredictable and manifests itself individually. For example, for some people it is absolutely forbidden to combine red wine and vodka, for others - to drink beer and cognac together. Almost everyone gets drunk from champagne with any strong drinks, since carbon dioxide contributes to the rapid absorption of alcohol into the blood.

When mixing alcohol (if this cannot be avoided), I advise you to remember the “hills” rule - the degree of the drunk should increase. For example, you can drink vodka after beer, but not vice versa. Although this rule has not been scientifically proven, it works in most cases.

3. Give preference to hot snacks. Alcohol should be consumed with plenty of hot food. Meat dishes, fish, boiled potatoes with butter or lard, as well as parsley and lemon, significantly reduce the degree of intoxication. It is important not to overeat, so as not to create an additional load on the digestive system. It is better to give up exotic dishes that you have not tried before. Their combination with alcohol is fraught with unexpected consequences.

4. Do not hold alcohol in your mouth. Alcohol is absorbed into the blood not only through the walls of the stomach, but also through the blood vessels in the mouth. In the second case, intoxication occurs almost instantly, since ethyl alcohol enters directly into the brain, bypassing the stomach and liver. Empty your glass in one quick gulp. Also beware of cocktails that are drunk through a straw.

5. Drink alcohol with non-carbonated drinks. Carbon dioxide contributes to rapid intoxication, so alcohol and soda are incompatible. Alcohol can be washed down with juices, fruit drinks and compotes.

6. Move more. To control your condition, periodically leave the table (if possible) and go out to get some fresh air.

You can not change the temperature drastically. For example, going outside from a warm room in winter. This will cause an intense heartbeat, as a result, intoxication will come faster.

7. Give up cigarettes. To a greater extent, this advice applies to people who smoke irregularly. In the literal sense, they can be knocked down with just one smoked cigarette.

8. Replace alcoholic drinks with non-alcoholic ones. Do not immediately drink the entire contents of a glass or glass. If you feel that you are getting drunk, try to discreetly change alcohol for something non-alcoholic of the same color. For example, wine for cherry juice, vodka for mineral non-carbonated water. Also, alcoholic drinks can be discreetly diluted with juice or still water in the glass itself.

9. Induce vomiting. This is a radical, but at the same time the most effective method to remove alcohol from the body. With severe intoxication, vomiting is a justified remedy, since it will only get worse further. The procedure can be repeated every hour.

Pills for intoxication can reduce the effect of alcohol on the body, maintain clarity of mind even with a solid dose of alcohol at feasts. Such drinks affect brain cells, which can be manifested by impaired coordination, the appearance of incoherent speech, and memory lapses. Consider some drugs and methods of protection from intoxication in more detail.

How to drink and not get drunk: tricks

To do this, before drinking alcohol, you can use one of the following methods:

  1. A couple of hours before drinking a large amount of alcoholic beverages, you should drink 100 g of vodka or an equivalent. This will disperse the liver (special enzymes that process alcohol will be produced). As a result, intoxication does not occur for a long time.
  2. 2-3 days before the feast, you need to intensively consume foods containing iodine. This will enable the production of a hormone that activates the increased oxidation of alcohol.
  3. 24 hours before drinking alcohol, you should drink 0.5 g of aspirin or its analogues, which activates the production of microsomal enzymes.
  4. Take 2-3 tablespoons of sunflower oil half an hour before the banquet. It envelops the walls of the stomach, slowing down the absorption of fusel oils.
  5. Succinic acid - excellent pills for intoxication, which are taken an hour and a half before a feast, increase metabolism in the body.
  6. Take 2.5 tablets of "Glutargin" ("Alcoclin") 2 hours before the intended use. The drug accelerates the process of removing alcohol decay products.


This tool is available in the form of tablets, has a complex effect, acting as a regulator of tissue metabolism. The drug enhances redox reactions, has an antihypoxic and antioxidant effect.

Tablets from intoxication "Limontar" increase metabolism in the body, activate the functions of organs and tissues, the production of gastric juice, increase appetite. The drug eliminates the toxic effects of alcohol, increasing the mental and physical performance of a person. The drug is also effective as a prophylactic for binge drinking and the treatment of alcohol addiction.

The capsules in question have a convex shape, marble-white color, placed in blisters, which are packed in a cardboard box of 30 pieces.

Tablets from intoxication "Glutargin"

This drug belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors. Its effect is aimed at stabilizing the metabolic processes of the body, especially liver cells, helping to eliminate toxins and normalize the state of cell membranes. When using the tool, you need to take into account the individual characteristics of the body. The main substance of the drug is arginine glutamate.

These pills from intoxication to alcohol allow you to bind and excrete ammonia in a short period, converting it into a non-toxic form. The active substance of the drug normalizes the state of liver cells, protecting them from the attack of free radicals. The pharmacological action of the drug has a positive effect on the energy conservation of liver cells, which makes it possible to use it with alcohol intoxication. In addition, the drug has an exciting effect on neurotransmitter endings.

Succinic acid

This substance allows you to normalize the oxidation and processing of useful elements, the output of the results of the exchange. The drug helps to saturate the cells with oxygen, improves efficiency, is a good tool for the prevention of viral diseases, diabetes and cancer.

Succinic acid from intoxication, how many tablets to take? The instruction or the attending physician will help answer this question. Usually medication before or after drinking alcohol, drink 1-2 capsules. This will prevent or relieve a hangover. Also, the medicine is taken for the treatment of alcohol, nicotine or drug addiction.

To improve well-being, the medication is used 2-3 times a day, one at a time. Since the main substance has a stimulating effect, it is recommended to take it in the morning. The average duration of treatment is 7-10 days. In order to level the symptoms of a severe hangover or intoxication, it is permissible to take three pills at once, then one capsule every 2-3 hours, but not more than six pills per day.

What to do during a feast?

How not to get drunk if the process of drinking alcohol has already begun? Below are a few suggestions for this:

  1. Alcohol must be bought of high quality, where there are fewer impurities and fusel oils that cause severe hangovers and alcohol poisoning.
  2. You can not mix drinks and lower the degree.
  3. Do not drink alcohol with soda.
  4. Brain and physical activity contribute to the fastest breakdown of alcohol.
  5. If you drink a raw egg before or after a banquet, intoxication comes more slowly.
  6. Use pills for intoxication according to the instructions.
  7. The use of sorbents (activated carbon, "Liferan", "Polifepan") also help to reduce the impact of alcohol on the body.
  8. It is advisable to drink a drink in one gulp, since alcohol is absorbed faster through the mucous membrane of the mouth.
  9. Colored spirits (whiskey, cognac, etc.) are more difficult to tolerate by the body than pure vodka.
  10. It is necessary to have a proper snack, preferring citrus fruits, meat dishes and seafood.
  11. A radical way is to induce vomiting.

What to do after drinking alcohol?

How not to get drunk and what to do after a feast, consider further:

  1. The best way to sober up is sleep. If the effect of dizziness appears, you can try to fall asleep while sitting, and then move to the bed.
  2. After the feast, it is necessary to repeat the intake of sorbents and enzymes that contribute to the removal of alcohol decay products, as well as to ensure the flow of fresh air into the room.
  3. It is advisable to visit the toilet before going to bed so that the remnants of alcohol are not absorbed from the intestines.
  4. They will help sober up drugs such as Phenazepam, Relanium, Elenium, vitamin complexes, motherwort.

The implementation of the above recommendations will allow you to avoid rapid intoxication, reduce the severity of the hangover syndrome, and significantly reduce the harmful effects of alcohol on the body. Preparing for a feast involves creating conditions that facilitate the processing of alcohol by the liver. After the banquet, it is worth accelerating the metabolism and oxidative processes in the body.

Other drugs for intoxication

If you need to sober up after drinking alcohol, you can use the following means:

  1. Tablets from intoxication aspirin ("Festal", "Almagel") allow you to normalize and stimulate the work of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate the process of removing alcohol decay products.
  2. Vitamin "C" (ascorbic acid) - enhances the period of alcohol oxidation, helps prompt recovery in the event of a hangover.
  3. Activated charcoal - binds the components of alcohol, reducing their penetration into the blood, which makes intoxication less severe.

For quick sobering up, drugs are offered, such as Antipohmelin or Alco-Seltzer. They are effective if a person does not abuse alcohol for a long period. Medications are focused on maintaining the function of the heart and liver, as well as masking the fume.

In conclusion

Everyone knows that alcohol abuse is harmful to health. However, there are times when this process cannot be avoided. To alleviate a hangover and stay clear-headed, some special preparations and folk tips will help. How to drink and not get drunk? Tricks and ways to help achieve this are listed above. The main thing is not to abuse the drugs, since an overdose can lead to side effects. You should not use all methods at once, it is better to choose 2-3 options that best suit you, and also do not contradict the recommendations of your doctor and common sense.

1. Freeze the worm.

The most important thing to learn is that you should never drink on an empty stomach. Before the feast, it is recommended to eat well to reduce the absorption of alcohol. Fatty or enveloping foods, such as oatmeal and semolina, a raw egg, butter, lard, or boiled potatoes, help quite well. The disadvantage of this method is that the film that forms on the walls of the stomach after eating fatty or enveloping food, although it prevents the absorption of alcohol and does not allow you to get drunk, the effect of this is not large in time. Therefore, it is recommended, if possible, to have a snack while drinking alcoholic beverages in order not to get drunk for a longer time.

2. Don't mix drinks.

Now it has become very fashionable to make cocktails from several alcoholic drinks. The most common “cocktail” among the people is “Ruff”, but it is strongly not recommended to do this if you do not want to get drunk. The fact is that beer enhances and accelerates the process of absorption of alcohol from vodka. This applies not only to beer, but also to other carbonated drinks (champagne, lemonade, energy drinks). And all because carbon dioxide greatly contributes to the absorption of alcohol. It is best to drink juice. It is recommended to drink only one type of alcohol during the feast (do not mix strong drinks with low alcohol), but if this is not possible, then in no case lower the degree of alcohol, you can increase it, for example, after gin and tonic you can drink vodka.

3. Prepare your body.

An important role in the use of alcohol is played by alcohol dehydrogenases - enzymes in the human blood that process alcohol. An increase in the amount of this enzyme in the body occurs with the use of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol dehydrogenases are involved in the process of alcohol processing and its neutralization. Therefore, before the feast, you can do a little warm-up so that you don’t get drunk for a longer time. To do this, you need to drink 100-150 grams of vodka 3-2 hours before the upcoming event. After that, it is recommended to have a bite to eat.

4. Drink activated charcoal.

A very good way not to get drunk is to take 10 activated charcoal tablets 1 hour before a feast, it is also recommended to take 2-3 charcoal tablets every hour while drinking alcohol. Activated charcoal is a sorbent (absorbent) that binds excess ethanol and toxins produced as a result of alcohol intake.

5. Be active.

This method will help you not to get drunk for a long time only if you are not very drunk anyway. The method is that you. To do this, you need to do a little physical activity, for example, just dance, but the main thing is not to overdo it. A little physical activity will increase the metabolism in the body and help to eliminate alcohol faster.

6. Vitamin C

Vitamin C will help you not get drunk from drinking alcohol. Of course, it does not completely neutralize alcohol, but intoxication comes more slowly. Therefore, after each glass of vodka drunk, it is recommended to eat 1-2 slices of lemon to maintain good health. The main thing is not to rely heavily on this method, otherwise you can provoke. Foods high in vitamin C are also very good for hangovers.

All of the above methods are not 100%, they will only help slow down or reduce intoxication from drinking alcohol, but will not make you completely sober. Much depends on your body, because everything is individual.

Remember that alcoholic drinks are best drunk chilled, as warm drinks are absorbed faster in the body.

Do not keep alcohol in your mouth for a long time, about 5-10% of alcohol is already absorbed in the oral cavity.

Also try to smoke less during the feast, cigarettes poison the body and weaken it, which gives an advantage for faster absorption of alcohol.
