
What is soap bubble extract made from? How to make strong and big bubbles

One of the most favorite pastimes for any age is soap bubbles. Their recipe has long been known and widely used by parents in order to turn the child's everyday life into a holiday. Today on the shelves of children's stores you can find a huge number of all kinds of jars for inflating rainbow bubbles, but their composition is very doubtful and unsafe for humans. Therefore, parents have to innovate and look for instructions on how to make homemade ones so as not to harm the health of their child.

There are quite a few options using a variety of ingredients to prepare the desired solution. In this case, all instructions and proportions should always be strictly observed in order to make beautiful and durable soap bubbles. The recipe must be from reliable sources. Otherwise, there is a risk that nothing will work out, and the children will be upset.

Key ingredients for soap solution

So, you will need the following components.

  1. Dishwashing liquid. There is no exact brand that could be singled out as the ideal option for creating a solution for soap bubbles. It is worth trying something that you use on a daily basis.
  2. Soap. Economical is best.
  3. Water. This component should be carefully considered. Tap water is not always good for soap bubbles. It contains too many different salts. You should first boil it and let it stand for several hours.
  4. Glycerin solution. This is the component that is responsible for the strength, color and size of the bubble. Glycerin is sold in pharmacies of the city. One bottle is enough for several times. As a rule, a teaspoon of glycerin is added to one liter of soap bubble solution. But there are exceptions.

Popular Recipes

Consider the most common options.

Recipe #1

The most popular and does not require special ingredients. All you need is a piece and water. These components can be found in any home. Soap should be ground on a coarse grater or cut into small pieces and dissolved in warm water. To speed up the process, the resulting mixture can be put on low heat and stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Recipe number 2

This is one of the easiest ways to make soap bubbles at home with kids. This will require: 100 g of dishwashing liquid, 300 ml of water and 50 ml of glycerin. You need to mix all the ingredients. Done, you can start entertaining the kids.

Do not use tap water, because it contains too much salt, this negatively affects the film.

Glycerin is needed in order for the bubbles to be strong.

Recipe number 3

For this option for making a solution, you will need several days.

Required: 300 ml of hot boiled water, 150 ml of glycerin, 10 drops of ammonia, 25 g of washing powder. All this must be thoroughly mixed and left alone for 2-3 days. After the time has elapsed, the solution must be filtered and sent to the refrigerator for 10 hours. The bubbles are very large and strong. No worse than those that are allowed by professionals on holidays.

If you take the matter seriously, then with the help of the created liquid you can arrange a real show of soap bubbles. Such a performance will decorate any holiday, even if it is an adult party, it will definitely not be boring.

Recipe number 4

This is a variant of creating a liquid for inflating large bubbles.

This will require:

  • 1.6 liters of water;
  • 0.5 l dishwashing liquid;
  • 0.2 l of glycerin solution;
  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 100 g gelatin.

Gelatin is diluted in water and left to swell. After it, it is necessary to strain and remove unnecessary liquid. Sugar is added to the gelatin, and the mixture is sent to the fire, heated until dissolved, but boiling should not be allowed. All this is poured into water, then glycerin is added. The solution is mixed in such a way that foam does not occur.

Quality checking

In order to assess whether the resulting soap solution is suitable for blowing bubbles, you need to perform some simple steps. Dip the straw into the liquid. After removal, a film should form at the end of the tube. Now you have to blow.

If at the same time small bubbles fly out, which easily scatter into thousands of small droplets, then it is worth adding a little soapy solution (soap, dishwashing liquid, powder, depending on the recipe) and some glycerin.

Thus, by experimenting, you can achieve

Blow tools

The solution is understandable. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions and observe the proportions. Now it is worth paying attention to the fact that to get an unforgettable experience while blowing soap bubbles, one liquid is not enough.

You also need the appropriate props for soap bubbles. However, it is not necessary to purchase it in the store. It is enough to show imagination and follow simple instructions.

Making giant soap bubbles

Here, too, there are several options. Let's consider them.

Tool #1

You will need: two cocktail tubes, a long cord (about 1 meter).

Production method: the lace is threaded into the tubes. Its ends are tied. Between the tubes you need to leave about 40-50 cm. A kind of loop on sticks should come out.

To get a giant soap bubble, you need to lower this loop with tubes into the prepared solution. At this point, the sticks should be as close to each other as possible. After that, the tool is removed. You need to start spreading the tubes in different directions so that a film forms in the loop. After that, you should guide the structure through the air, creating a huge soap bubble that will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow. The main thing is to be able to let him fly free in time.

Tool #2

You will need: electric cable, cotton cloth.

Manufacturing method: a circle with a diameter of 20-30 cm is made from the cable. Its ends are fixed with an elastic band or fishing line. The fabric is cut into strips. Then you need to wrap the cable with these segments. As a result, the solution is absorbed into them, and it will last for a long time.

Soapy liquid is poured into a basin of the appropriate size, the resulting hoop is placed in it. The fabric is soaked in the solution. Next - a matter of technology: you need to hold this instrument through the air and enjoy what happened. And whatever you want can come out: several large bubbles and one giant one, and even a whole tunnel with which you can wrap yourself and put a child in it.

Tool #3

You will need: a straw for a cocktail, a wire.

Manufacturing method: the wire is attached to the tube, creating a ring. After that, it can be given the desired shape, for example, hearts or stars. In any case, there will be unusual soap bubbles. You can use any recipe for the solution.

Tool #4

This is the most budget and uncomplicated props. Thanks to him, not huge, but rather large soap bubbles are obtained. The cost of such an invention is zero.

It will take two hands.

Blowing method: palms are dipped in soapy water. The thumbs and index fingers form a ring through which the bubbles will fly out.

What other tools can be used to blow bubbles?

The easiest way to blow is to use a regular juice straw. There may be many. You can take 7 or 10 tubes and fasten them with tape. You will get a wonderful device for blowing a large number of bubbles at the same time.

It’s good if there was a plastic carpet beater at home. It can be used in its original form, or you can remove all connections and leave only the outer rim.

A regular funnel is suitable for blowing large bubbles. If in the process it is necessary to draw more air into the lungs, then it is necessary to close the hole with your finger so that what happened does not disappear completely.

You can use a plastic bottle, after cutting off the bottom of it.

Of course, a special machine for soap bubbles is also suitable, which will blow them without human help and ingenious devices. But such mechanical "blowers" are expensive. At the same time, children are always interested not only in catching rainbow balloons, but also in taking an active part in their creation.

What to think of something interesting?

Having figured out how to make homemade soap bubbles, we can consider various entertainment options.

Drawing with rainbow balls

How to make homemade soap bubbles, of course. After their manufacture, you can engage not only in blowing, but also combine this process with the development of imagination and creative abilities in children. You can draw amazing soap bubbles and then add details to them and turn them into real masterpieces.

This will require not an ordinary soap solution, but a colored one, which is also very easy to make. To do this, add a few drops to the ready-made liquid for bubbles. After that, you can proceed directly to drawing. Here the juice tube comes to the rescue again. It is necessary to blow through it so that bubbles form on the surface of the soapy liquid. When the foam goes over the edge, carefully send it to a sheet of paper. It is necessary to do this action with the number of colors that you want to see in the future picture.

You can make a foam cap and attach paper to the bubbles.

In both cases, the drawing process ends with the fact that the sheet must dry out. Then you can draw what happened to a certain image, or you can leave an abstract picture. It is easy to use for greeting cards and holiday gift wrapping.

A bubble machine will do as well. If you add such a colored solution to it, bring a sheet of paper and hold it for a while, you will also get interesting patterns. The only thing worth considering is that such creativity is best done outdoors. Otherwise, furniture or floors may be damaged. In any case, it will be very interesting for children to watch how colorful bubbles leave beautiful prints on paper.

Unusual Options

Not so long ago, non-bursting soap bubbles appeared on sale. They are completely safe for people and animals. They contain either gelatin or medical glue. Such bubbles do not burst in the hands, they can be used to build pyramids.

If at the base of the solution, then the bubbles stick to the hands, but do not stick together, after them a film remains on the surface, like from PVA glue, but it is very easily removed. After the game, there are no traces left anywhere, although the soap bubble show will turn out to be excellent, because hundreds of small transparent balls fly out at once, which turn out to be everywhere.

On a gelatin basis, interesting soap bubbles are also obtained. Photos with them will turn out amazing, because you can "build" various pyramids. In the case of glycerin solutions, such structures will not work. At the same time, so that the soap bubble does not burst, you must wait a few seconds.

But if you suddenly want to please the child with non-bursting bubbles in the very near future, then ordinary woolen mittens or gloves will do. The effect of them will surprise children very much. The bubble does not burst when touched with wool, but begins to bounce from the hand, like a rubber ball from a wall. Not only a child, but also adults will be captivated by the game with bouncing soap bubbles.

Non-bursting soap bubbles in winter

This phenomenon can be observed in winter with severe frost. When soap bubbles are blown at temperatures below zero, tiny crystals form on their surface, which grow rapidly.

But in the cold, you can get different soap bubbles, photos of which will surprise friends and acquaintances. It all depends on the composition of the liquid used. For example, to get matte, you need to take shampoo as a basis. But the bubbles from the "Fairy" will not "survive" in the snow, because they will have a more fragile structure. The blowing process itself is also important. The straw is lowered to the bottom of the glass so that the solution also covers its outer side. After that, the tube is slowly removed, a little foam is captured. When blowing, the straw must be twisted with smooth movements to prevent the accumulation of excess liquid, which can damage the fragile structure.

During the blowing process, foam should accumulate inside the bubble, which will prevent premature bursting. The "foamy" side of the ball is placed on the snow surface. At temperatures below 15 degrees, 10 seconds after the start of blowing, a frozen crystal ball of unprecedented beauty is obtained.

In childhood, many had fun with one fun: they bought a bottle of solution and blew soap bubbles. These funny balloons were flying all over the place. It was an exciting activity, so interesting that we didn’t even notice how the bubble ended ... Let's discuss how to make soap bubbles at home.

It's time to remember the childhood fun and fully enjoy the soap balls. No need to rush to the toy store to buy a soap solution, it's easy to make it yourself at home. Basic components can be found in any home:

  • Glycerin or sugar.
  • Water.
  • Soap.

How to make your own soap solution at home

There are many recipes for making soap bubbles, which differ in composition and method of preparation. Choose the recipe, the ingredients of which you can easily find at home. Or prepare the components for a special soap solution in advance. I propose to see how to cook a classic version.

As you can see, everything is quite simple. If you cannot find a jar of glycerin at home, you will have to walk to the pharmacy.

Cooking method:

  1. Take a bar of laundry soap and rub it on a grater. Instead of a grater, you can use a knife, choose what is more convenient.
  2. Pour hot water over the soap and stir the solution with a spoon until the soap is completely dissolved. In the process, you can chuckle with villainous laughter.
  3. Do not bring the solution to a boil! The water should be hot, but not boiling!
  4. If a few bars of soap are left floating in the saucer, strain the solution through cheesecloth.
  5. Last step. Pour glycerin into the resulting liquid.

Do not forget to prepare a tool with which you will blow bubbles. A stick from under a store bottle of soap bubbles will do. Often at home they use a straw, which is also very convenient. And you can roll a circle of the desired diameter from the wire found in the garage. Now you are ready to blow bubbles of any size!

Video recipe

Solution for soap bubbles as a store

In addition to the classic method, there are many other recipes for making bubbles. Let's say you want to make a soapy solution, just like in the store. In this case, we will study the table with the composition for the manufacture of the store version.

It is better not to use tap water. It degrades the quality of the bubbles! Take the dishwashing detergent that you usually use.

As soon as you find corn syrup in the store, you can start making soap bubbles. Ready?


  1. Boil water and pour into a bowl.
  2. Pour dish liquid into a bowl and stir.
  3. Add corn syrup and mix well.

Ready. You are awesome. You can leave the solution for two to three hours to infuse, and then start having fun by encouraging friends to get involved.

Video tips

DIY soap bubbles with glycerin

Are you intrigued? Liked the idea and want to continue experimenting with bubbles? Well, the classic recipe is not the only one that uses glycerin.

laundry detergent recipe

I want to warn you, it can take several days to prepare a solution with washing powder. If you are ready to make sacrifices, read the instructions.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Warm up the water. Do not bring to a boil.
  2. Add laundry detergent and stir. The powder should completely dissolve.
  3. Pour glycerin and ammonia into the solution. Stir.
  4. Let it brew for at least two days. It is possible and more.
  5. Strain the solution through cheesecloth and place the container in the refrigerator overnight.

If you do everything right, the results will pleasantly surprise you.

Recipe for big bubbles

The method is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but the result will be more interesting, because the bubbles will come out more than one meter!

Take either distilled or boiled water. If you want to cook more liquid, just keep the proportions.

How to do:

  1. Dissolve the gelatin in a bowl of water, then strain the excess water through cheesecloth.
  2. Add sugar. It remains to melt everything. Do not heat the liquid to boiling point!
  3. Take the resulting liquid and add it to the prepared water.
  4. Add glycerin and dish detergent next. Stir the resulting solution. Be careful! The liquid must not foam.

Ready! Now you can please your loved ones with bubbles of a new scale!

Recipe for tenacious big bubbles

The second way is to make a liquid that will make meter-long bubbles.

Filtered or distilled water is fine. Use thicker dishwashing liquid. Use a lubricant without impurities, we just create a solution for bubbles.


  1. Mix all ingredients except water.
  2. Heat the water and pour into the solution.
  3. Mix thoroughly, but not too much. Foam should not appear on the surface of the liquid.

The solution is ready! So-called "especially tenacious" bubbles have turned out. They will not burst even after contact with water. I advise you to try them in action right now!

Homemade recipe without glycerin

If there is no glycerin at hand, it does not matter. The bubbles, of course, will not be as impressive, but they will inflate. And this is the main point.

Detergent option

The recipe is extremely simple and unpretentious.

Dishwasher detergent is not recommended!

Mix the ingredients well in the required quantity and you're done. You can blow bubbles.

Foam option

Another simple recipe for crafting soap solution at no extra cost. You will need:

We take the components, combine, mix - you're done! Blow bubbles and enjoy!

How to make soap bubbles that don't burst

If you're serious about the art of blowing bubbles, it's helpful to learn how to make the strongest bubbles that won't burst. For cooking you will need:

Ready? Great! Let's start making the solution.

Cooking method:

  1. Take soap and crumble into a cup.
  2. Add hot water. Stir until the soap is completely dissolved.
  3. We put sugar and glycerin in the solution. We stir to win.

A particularly strong solution is prepared and can be used. Experience in situations where ordinary bubbles immediately burst.

Faerie performances with the manufacture of soap bubbles have become incredibly common in recent years. Most often, these shows are arranged at graduation balls in children's institutions, when celebrating birthdays. It is worth trying to organize such an event yourself. Practice in advance, figure out how to make soap bubbles at home. The cost of this event is minimal. Of course, a ready-made bottle with a ready-made solution is sold in the store, but it is much more interesting to create it yourself. This process will captivate both adults and children.

For colorful performances, giant soap bubbles are needed, they must shimmer with all shades, be non-bursting. For performances, a soap bubble generator has been developed and used. The principle of operation is that a soap solution of a certain composition is placed in the container. Bubbles are automatically blown out when exposed to air flow. Stencils with holes of various shapes are placed in the outlet hole. When the generator is turned on, large soap figures of bizarre shapes are blown out, changing their color. Soap bubble generator is not a cheap pleasure, they are usually rented for a children's party. Many parents make homemade devices from what is at hand. Helping dad in the manufacture of this device, the child will experience the delight of the creative process.

  1. It would be good to prepare a solution for soap bubbles using soft water that has undergone a distillation process. Boiled water is suitable, in this case it is undesirable to take tap water. Water from water supply networks is hard, it contains a lot of salts, their presence has a bad effect on obtaining a high-quality soap film.
  2. Glycerin is introduced into the liquid for soap bubbles in order to increase the density; such a substance can be found in pharmacies. The recipe allows you to use sugar instead of glycerin.
  3. Carefully study the recipe, observe the proportions. Excessive amounts of glycerin or sugar will cause the mixture to be too concentrated, making it difficult to form bubbles.
  4. If the soap bubble liquid is less concentrated, it is easier to blow bubbles, which is convenient for a small child.
  5. Professionals say that the best quality soap figures can be obtained from a mixture previously aged in the cold for at least a day. This is necessary for the foam to settle.
  6. A strong wind with dust makes blowing difficult, high humidity makes it easier.

Props for the performance

Improvised means are suitable as devices for blowing, everything that your fantasy tells you.

Prepare the following fixtures:

  • tubules of various diameters and lengths;
  • a variety of frames and shapes, they can be made with your own hands from thick wire;
  • curly molds for baking;
  • plastic bottles of different sizes with a cut off bottom;
  • hoops;
  • plastic beaters for carpets;
  • net;
  • noisemakers, colander.

To get large bubbles, you can make a device consisting of two rails connected by two ribbons. From these ropes a loop is formed. Before use, the ropes are dipped into the soapy mixture, the slats are pushed apart and oscillatory swings are made. With the help of a loop made in this way, large soap bubbles are formed.

Homemade soap mixes are safer than factory-made ones. Often the composition of the contents, the date of manufacture are not affixed to the vials. By making this mixture with their own hands, parents will select high-quality ingredients that are safe for children.

Glycerin solution

Let's figure out how to make soap bubbles with glycerin. The recipe is quite simple to execute, the ingredients are safe and non-toxic, they do not provoke allergy manifestations in babies.

traditional recipe

  • purified water - a full glass;
  • laundry brown soap - 20 grams;
  • pharmacy glycerin - 30 ml.

Before you create soap bubbles for children, you need to grind the soap, for example, grate it, send it to a warm liquid and mix until dissolved, strain. Add about two-thirds of glycerin, try to blow a bubble. If the test is not successful, increase the amount of glycerin.

With detergent

Using dishwashing detergent will blow out large bubbles.


  • soft purified water - 200 ml;
  • washing liquid for dishes ("Fairy", "Biolan") - 30 ml;
  • glycerin - 30 ml.

Use a quality detergent, mix with liquid. Add glycerin to a homogeneous mixture in parts, periodically checking its readiness.

With laundry detergent

This recipe involves mixing the soap mixture in advance, a few days before use.

The composition of the solution:

  • boiling water - a full glass;
  • washing powder - 15 grams;
  • ammonia - three drops;
  • glycerin - ¼ cup.

All components indicated in the recipe are added to the boiled liquid, mixed well until completely dissolved. Cool and keep in the cold for at least three days, strain. Send to the cold for at least 10 hours, after this time you can use it.

Solution without glycerine

Have you thought about how to make soap bubbles at home, but there was no glycerin in the house? Consider a number of available ways to make soap bubbles without glycerin.

Classic variant

Shake a large glass of boiled water with 150 ml of dishwashing detergent, pour 1/2 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar and mix thoroughly. To defend the finished solution in the cold for at least a day.

The safest option

Pour 75 ml of delicate shampoo for children (“no tears”) into 200 ml of water, keep the mixture for 24 hours in a cold place (but not a freezer!). After that, add 25 grams of granulated sugar and mix well.

Glamor option

To make the resulting colorful balls burst less, create a soap mixture by mixing water and your favorite shower gel in a ratio of one to three. If desired, you can add fragrant essential oil. This solution produces pleasantly scented, iridescent soap balls.

Non-standard composition

The strength of air figures is increased by adding corn syrup. To prepare a quality solution, take 300 ml of dishwashing detergent, 700 ml of water and 0.5 cups of corn syrup. After careful mixing, refrigerate overnight.

Durable soap bubbles

Is it possible to make soap bubbles at home that do not burst? Of course, you can, you just need to strictly follow the instructions.

First option

Soap balls made using this recipe are not very large, but durable. It is necessary to prepare 1 cup of dishwashing detergent, half a cup of glycerin and three cups of soft chilled water. It is necessary to mix everything thoroughly, wait until the foam settles. The resulting solution is now ready for use. Please note that dishwasher detergent is not recommended.

Second option

This is a more time-consuming method, but it is he who allows you to blow huge non-bursting soap figures of various shapes.

Cooking method:

  1. Bring 600 ml of purified water to a boil.
  2. Pour 1.5 cups of glycerin into the hot liquid, add 20 drops of ammonia.
  3. Pour 50 grams of powdered detergent into this mixture.
  4. Stir well, soak the mixture for at least three days.
  5. Strain the solution, place in the refrigerator overnight.

Third option

From the solution prepared in this way, you can blow out a huge bubble that can cover your baby with his head. To do this, you need a large hoop covered with fabric.

The composition of the solution:

  • clean water - four glasses;
  • dishwashing detergent - one glass;
  • glycerin - 100 grams;
  • regular granulated sugar - 50 grams;
  • gelatin - 50 grams.

Pour gelatin with water, wait for it to swell. Remove excess liquid, add sugar and place on a small fire, avoiding boiling. When sugar dissolves, add all other ingredients and stir. Stand for a couple of hours, and you can put on a fun show.

Quality control

To check if you have a quality solution, you need to blow a few bubbles for a test.

Characteristics of the correct solution:

  • small soap bubbles are blown out without any problems;
  • large bubbles retain their integrity for up to 30 seconds;
  • when touched with fingers dipped in soapy water, the bubbles do not burst.

If all the rules are followed, you get an excellent solution for making soap bubbles.


To get soap bubbles shimmering in all colors, you need to stock up on food (that is, safe on contact with the skin) dyes in advance. Divide the prepared mixture into several parts, tint them with dyes of the selected color. Adjust the saturation of the hue to your liking. Painted bright soap bubbles will delight the kids.

People have been fond of blowing bubbles from various soap solutions since time immemorial. And although millennia have passed since then, both children and adults are happy to do it now. It is very difficult to imagine a children's holiday without a show of soap bubbles; kids get great pleasure from it. Put a little effort, arrange such a holiday for the kids at home.

Good day to all the guests who decided to look "at the light"!
The sun is warming, the birds are singing, the first dandelions have appeared, the days are getting brighter and longer, and the mood is quite summery. It's time to get ready for summer fun. Today you will learn how to make a composition for soap bubbles, what is the best way to blow them out and what wonderful games you can come up with with your children. Everyone associates a happy time with childhood, reckless joy and irrepressible fun.

And what could be more beautiful, brighter and happier than blowing soap bubbles? There is no such person who would not do this at least once in his life. And if we blown rainbow balls from a straw or a dandelion stem, and the foam was made from laundry soap, now the industry has put this business on stream, using the latest inventions of chemistry. But is the new always better than the old?

Who first decided to blow transparent bubbles is not known for certain. But the iridescent foam left after washing or bathing apparently fascinated more than one person. It is known that in ancient manuscripts and rock carvings there are drawings showing the process of blowing balls with a tube. A special mortar was first made in England in the middle of the nineteenth century and gradually became very popular.

The magical activity was enjoyed not only by children, but also by adults. Now soap bubbles are an affordable toy, an exciting business for joint leisure or a holiday, as well as an enchanting show. The masters have created real art out of a simple hobby and arrange a truly bewitching spectacle on large stages.

Soap solution secrets

Currently, soap bubbles can be distinguished:

  • industrial production
  • home made.

In the store, you can choose from a small bottle of soap solution, or a large one to last the whole show. Special surfactants are added to the composition of the soap bubble liquid at the factory, which make the film strong, iridescent and light. But it should be remembered that such solutions are not safe; if they get on the mucous membrane of the eye, they can cause a serious chemical burn. Therefore, when playing with industrial bubbles, you need to be careful.


It is much easier, cheaper and safer to make a solution with your own hands. In addition, knowing the recipe, you can always organize games with soap bubbles for children wherever you are: at home or in the country.

The recipe for the soap composition is simple, because abundant foam is obtained by mixing water and any detergent. You can use regular baby shampoo, bath foam or shower gel. Mix them with water in a ratio of two to one. This is the easiest way. Such bubbles are blown easily, but quickly burst.

It is better to take boiled water, because the more impurities it contains, the worse it is. This is especially true for water with increased hardness, it will have to be boiled a couple of times. After such treatment, all salts fall to the bottom in the form of a precipitate, and the liquid becomes soft and suitable for creativity.

To make strong bubbles that won't burst quickly, add a few drops of glycerin to the solution. It can be freely bought at the pharmacy.

For example: take twenty ml of water for one hundred milliliters of liquid soap, mix well, let it stand so that the foam settles (we don’t need it). Then pour in 10 drops of glycerin. Such rainbow balls are quite strong.

A strong film can be obtained without glycerin, the recipe for such bubbles, in addition to soap, includes sugar syrup. Add 2 tablespoons of sugar to two glasses of warm water, mix well until dissolved and pour in half a glass of any detergent.

If there is nothing suitable at hand, ordinary soap, even household soap, is enough. You need to grate it on a fine grater, pour hot water and let it brew, stirring until smooth. It is desirable to insist at least 8 hours, after which glycerin or sugar can be added.

You can follow simple recipes with your child, because the young “chemist” will definitely like the miraculous transformation of a cloudy liquid into an airy, sparkling miracle. And if you add a few drops of food coloring, you get multi-colored shiny balls.


Store bottles have a special loop for blowing. At home, they use various improvised means: cocktail tubes, a ballpoint pen case, wire loops. Even a cut plastic bottle will do. The tube can be rolled up from cardboard or several layers of paper, however, it will have to be changed more often, as the paper soaks in water.

All these devices are called rackets, professionals use up to ten different rackets during the show: in the form of a circle, a heart, a triangle and other shapes. You can make a soap bubble racket with your own hands from ordinary wire, preferably with a vinyl coating, or wrap it well with threads.

Games and entertainment

Soap bubbles will be a great addition to a child's birthday, they will create an atmosphere of celebration, lightness and ease. You can offer children different games. For example:

  1. Give the kids multi-colored cups with a solution and cocktail tubes, ask them to blow through it into a glass. A cap of foam will rise. You can even compete, who has the highest foam or more will come out of the cup.
  2. When blowing bubbles, ask the children to blow on them, the one whose balloon will fly farther from the breath and not burst will win.
  3. Pour the liquid on the table and blow a slide right on it. Whoever has a higher number or a higher slide will win.
  4. If you want to make a real soap show, then the recipe for soap bubbles will need to be more complicated. Take fifty grams of gelatin and soak in a little water. After it swells, heat in the microwave until dissolved, add fifty grams of sugar, eight hundred milliliters of distilled water and two hundred milliliters of liquid detergent. Mix well and let stand until there is no foam. This recipe is perfect for blowing giant soap bubbles.
  5. To please the kids, pour the resulting liquid into a basin or tray, dip an ordinary hoop into it and lift it up - a strong sparkling film will stretch behind it. By swinging the hoop and releasing huge balls, you will be able to organize a whole performance. Such bubbles can be easily held in your hands, especially if you pre-wet your palms with a soapy composition.
  6. Although the foam extravaganza is considered a summer entertainment, it is just as exciting to do it in winter. In the cold, magic bubbles freeze and become like glass. You don't have to be in the room to see it. They will lie and shimmer for a long time if they are carefully lowered into soft snow.


Getting carried away with a child with an airy foam activity or arranging a festive performance, not forgetting about safety. What troubles can lie in wait for you:

  • allergic reactions;
  • poisoning when taking the solution inside;
  • eye contact.

All products used to prepare the composition: shower gels, shampoo or dishwashing liquid contain fragrances, dyes and other chemicals that can cause an allergic reaction. It is advisable to choose a children's series, hypoallergenic, without dyes and strong odors.

Children over three years old can play with soap bubbles by blowing them on their own. On one condition - the baby understands exactly what needs to be done and does not draw the solution into himself through the straw. Do not panic if, nevertheless, the child swallowed soap bubbles. It is necessary to wash the stomach with plenty of water and induce an emetic reaction. Additionally, give defoamers (espumizan) and sorbents (for example, activated carbon). The former will destroy the resulting foam, and the latter will help remove all harmful substances from the body.

If soap bubbles get into your child's eyes, rinse them with plenty of water. In no case should you rub with your hands or with a dry cloth. Drop a solution of sodium sulfacyl or sofradex. You can lay hydrocortisone eye ointment behind the eyelid.

In any case, if a trouble occurs, be sure to consult a doctor. Timely provided qualified assistance will relieve the consequences and preserve the health of your crumbs.

We hope that what we have told today will be useful to you in organizing home holidays or just spending your leisure time with your children. And summer, sun and games with flying magic balls will give you a feeling of boundless happiness. Subscribe, share with friends and visit again. You are always welcome here.

Summer is in full swing - and you want something like that ... To be fun, simple and - to have a sea of ​​​​real summer sensations! One of the great options is soap bubble festival . Yes, yes, a holiday: any, even the most boring, evening with soap bubbles turns into an adventure. It's fun and beautiful, plus - new sensations, new observations, new discoveries ...

Oh, soap bubbles!

You can spend a quiet evening of experiments, you can have a fun competition, or you can have a noisy pampering for kids ... By the way, how many adults can walk past children blowing soap bubbles and not show "class"?

Today we have prepared for you 7 recipes for making soap bubbles at home . But you can use them in yard conditions, and in summer cottages, and in parks, and in holidays, and in walking, and even in the conditions of playing in a laboratory for studying the properties of soap bubbles!

What is important to know in order to make soap bubbles at home Fine?

Of course, the main thing is the solution and what sticks (tubes, frames) for soap bubbles you use. Below we give 7 recipes for soap bubble solution. You can choose the one that suits you best, but do not be surprised: you may have to "tailor" it to your conditions. Let some helpful tips help you.

The best children's books

Useful tips for those who make soap bubbles at home:

  • It is better to use boiled water to prepare the solution, and even better - distilled.
  • The less impurities (perfume and other additives) in the soap or other detergent used to prepare the liquid, the more reliable the result.
  • How to make the solution denser, and the quality of soap bubbles better? To do this, use glycerin or sugar dissolved in warm water.
  • The main thing is not to overdo it with glycerin and sugar, otherwise it will be difficult to blow bubbles.
  • A less dense solution forms less stable bubbles, but they are easier to blow out (suitable for babies).
  • Many bubble buffs advise letting the solution sit for 12 to 24 hours before drinking.
  • At the start, before blowing the bubble, you need to wait for a clean, solid film (on which you will blow), without additional small bubbles around the edges that sometimes occur. Bubbles must be carefully removed or wait until they disappear. And in general, it is advisable to avoid foam: insist, cool the liquid for soap bubbles - if only there was less foam.
  • Wind and dust in the air are not helpers for soap bubbles.
  • High humidity is a helper.

How to make a solution for soap bubbles: 7 recipes for all occasions

Recipe 1, simple: soap bubbles from dishwashing liquid

You will need:

  • 1/2 cup dishwashing liquid
  • 2 glasses of water
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Ready!

You can use a similar composition, where glycerin is used instead of sugar:

  • 2/3 cup dishwashing liquid
  • 4 glasses of water
  • 2-3 tablespoons of glycerin.

Thoroughly mix all the ingredients and put the mixture in a cool place for 24 hours. Glycerin can be purchased at any pharmacy.

To do colorful soap bubbles , add food coloring to the mixture (2-3 teaspoons for the entire volume or divide into parts to make bubbles of different colors).

Recipe 2, for the little ones: how to make soap bubbles from baby shampoo?

You will need:

  • 200 ml baby shampoo,
  • 400 ml of distilled (boiled, melted) water.

This liquid should be infused for a day, after which you should add:

  • 3 tablespoons of glycerin or 6 teaspoons of sugar.

Recipe 3, Fragrant: Bath Bubbles

You will need:

  • 3 parts bath foam
  • 1 part water.

Recipe 4, original: soap bubbles with syrup

You will need:

  • 2 cups dishwashing liquid
  • 6 glasses of water
  • 3/4 cup corn syrup

Recipe 5, cheap and cheerful: solution for soap bubbles from laundry soap

You will need:

  • 10 glasses of water
  • 1 cup grated laundry soap
  • 2 teaspoons of glycerin (or a solution of sugar in warm water, you can - with gelatin).

You can get by with a combination of water and soap without additional additives (for example, if there is simply no glycerin). Soap grated on a grater should be poured into boiled water, and hot, and stirred to full soap dissolution. If the dissolution is difficult, you can slightly warm the mixture with continuous stirring. Do not bring to a boil!

And if you do not want to grate laundry soap, then use this composition:

  • 100 ml liquid soap
  • 20 ml distilled water,
  • 10 drops of glycerin (after the foam settles, i.e. after about 2 hours. It is better to infuse the liquid in a cold place).

Recipe 6: extra strong soap bubbles for experimenters

You will need:

  • 1 part concentrated sugar syrup (proportion: to 1 part of water 5 parts of sugar: for example, for 50 g of sugar - 10 ml of water),
  • 2 parts grated soap
  • 4 parts glycerin
  • 8 parts distilled water.

With this solution, you can, for example, build various figures from soap bubbles by blowing them onto a smooth table surface.

Recipe 7: giant soap bubbles for a children's party

You will need:

  • 50 ml glycerin,
  • 100 ml dishwashing liquid,
  • 4 teaspoons of sugar
  • 300 ml of water.

A solution for giant soap bubbles can be prepared in a basin, and they are “blown out” using a gymnastic hoop or a frame specially twisted from a flexible material. Honestly, you don’t have to blow - rather, you have to wave the frame or slowly pull a large, strong bubble out of the basin.

Giant soap bubbles on the beach (video):

What to blow? Tubes/frames/sticks for soap bubbles

As sticks for soap bubbles, you can use tubules of different diameters, frames, cocktail sticks (especially with a cross-shaped or fringed tip and bent “petals”), hollow blades of grass or pasta, dough cutters, funnels, you can buy at the store special guns for soap bubbles or just blow them through your fingers! 🙂

And if you are invited to a real soap bubble festival or arrange one for yourself, you can make original stick-frames with your own hands from wire and colored beads, for example, these:

Another original idea - use it to blow large soap bubbles ...!

Soap bubbles show

And finally - see how beautifully and unusually soap bubbles are used in theatrical shows.
