
The best quality mayonnaise. How to choose a quality mayonnaise

Mayonnaise segment today:

· Russia is the second largest mayonnaise market after the US, accounting for 14% of the world market.

· The Russian mayonnaise market is close to saturation. Consumer demand for mayonnaise in Russia is almost completely satisfied.

· The mayonnaise market is fairly well represented by both domestic and foreign producers, especially in Moscow. However, consumers prefer to buy products Russian production. Preference domestic products associated with the perceived naturalness and lower cost of the product.

· In recent years, there has been a decrease in the consumption of imported mayonnaise. According to experts, imported products occupied 25-28% of the market in 1998, 3-4% in 2003. Today, Heinz and Hellmann’s are the main import brands in our market.

Mayonnaise consumer: how does he choose?

Mayonnaise is the most widely used ready-made sauce. Currently, the mayonnaise market is very diverse, especially in Moscow. On the market ready-made sauces new brands of mayonnaise are constantly appearing, the range of already existing brands is expanding.

frequency of consumption. Mayonnaise is perceived by consumers as an everyday family product. About 60% of study participants include mayonnaise in their diet daily or almost daily. 36% of respondents eat mayonnaise at least 2-3 times a week. And only 4% once a week.

Purchase frequency. Most respondents buy mayonnaise once a week or more.

o Two-thirds of respondents buy 1 pack of mayonnaise for one purchase, 30% - 2 packs, 10% - 3 or more.

o In the regions, one package of mayonnaise is usually purchased for one purchase, in Moscow - two.

· The most popular brands are Calve (Unilever CIS), Sloboda (Efko, Moscow). In Moscow, the top three in terms of consumption also includes the brand "SKIT" ("SKIT", Moscow), in Rostov - "Rostovsky" ("LBK"). In Samara, local brands Provansal (Samara MZhK, Samara) and Orix (Edelweiss, Samara) are in great demand.

Attitude towards variety. In the structure of the market among the varieties, "olive" mayonnaise is the leader in all regions of the study. But its share accounts for 85% of consumers. The second place in popularity is occupied by Provence mayonnaise, it is used by 60% of respondents. Less than 20% falls on "light" mayonnaise and "salad".

· Preferred additives. Among mayonnaises with additives, mayonnaise with herbs, paprika, cheese and garlic is the most polar.

The fat content of mayonnaise. Residents of Moscow and Rostov-on-Don prefer to use medium-fat mayonnaise. In Samara, they often buy high-calorie mayonnaise.

o Despite a strong health food (low fat) campaign, “light” mayonnaise ranks third in all regions of the study.

o Fat content is not a key factor when choosing mayonnaise, some respondents do not pay attention to fat content at all when buying.

o The leader in the use of “light” mayonnaise is Rostov-on-Don. In this region, in addition to national brands that have “light” mayonnaise in their assortment, there is a large representation of low-calorie mayonnaises from local producers (“LBK”, Krasnodar MZhK).

· Factors of choice when buying. When buying mayonnaise, respondents pay attention to (in descending order):

1. product quality,

2. cost,

3. taste (tasty, tasteless),

4. brand name,

5. manufacturer.

· Package. Doy-pack packaging occupies a leading position in the mayonnaise market. This position of the doypack is explained by the fact that almost all mayonnaises of the leading brands are sold in such packaging.

o The most frequently purchased package volume is 250 g. About 80% of respondents buy mayonnaise in a package of this volume.

o The second polarity volume is 500 g, this volume is half of the respondents in the regions, however, in Moscow, mayonnaise of this volume is purchased by no more than 1% of the respondents.

Table number 1. Popularity trademarks

Trade marks



"My family"

Provencal, Samara MZhK

"Rostovsky", LBK

"House's Dream"


"Golden Seed"


Other brand

Table number 2. The use of mayonnaise

Usage situations


For salads

For second courses

For sandwiches

For first courses

For making pizza

For baking

For making sauces

For baking

For pure use

Svetlana Maksimova,

The material was prepared on the basis of our own research conducted in the fall of 2004.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, we usually buy great amount mayonnaise. At the same time, standing at the counter, many try to drown out the suddenly awakened inner voice, reminiscent of the calorie content and the figure, preferring low-calorie, so-called light varieties of mayonnaise. Portal Oede.by decided to do new year gift to your visitors. We conducted an examination of the composition, as well as tasting and comparative characteristic organoleptic indicators of low-calorie mayonnaise from the most popular manufacturers. Nine samples of "light" brand mayonnaise were selected: "Calve", "Maheev", "Golden Reserve of the Hostess", "Pamax", "Minskaya Marka", "ABC", "Lanna". In addition to ordinary buyers, 12 chefs were involved in the tasting famous restaurants Minsk.

No. pp mayonnaise name Trademark Manufacturer % fat
1 Calve "light" Calve 40
2 Calve "Extra Light" Calve Unilever Rus LLC; Russia, Moscow 20
3 Maheev "salad" "Maheev" ZAO Essen Production AG; Russia, Republic of Tatarstan 25
4 Provence "anniversary" low-calorie "Kamako" JV "Kamako plus" LLC; Republic of Belarus, Borisov 28
5 Mayonnaise "Slavic" "Minsk Mark" "City Dairy Plant No. 3"; Minsk 35
6 ABC "classic" low-calorie "ABC" JLLC Firm ABC Plus; Republic of Belarus, Grodno 30,9
7 Provencal "salad" low-calorie "Golden Drop" OJSC "Minsk Margarine Plant"; Republic of Belarus, Minsk 20
8 Provencal "De Luxe" low-calorie "Pamax" IP "Pamax MKS" JSC; Republic of Belarus, Minsk 20
9 Mayonnaise "light" low-calorie "Lanna" NP LLC Foodstuffs; Republic of Belarus, Minsk 18
The ideal consistency of mayonnaise should be homogeneous, creamy. Its taste and smell should be tender, slightly spicy, sour, without traces of bitterness. The presence of added additives and single air bubbles is allowed. The color of mayonnaise is from light cream to yellow-cream, uniform throughout the mass. The classic mayonnaise, the one that owes its name to the Mediterranean city of Mahon, is selected olive oil, turkey eggs, lemon juice and red pepper.
As our expertise has shown, modern mayonnaises have nothing to do with this sauce. As in the rest of the world, our producers are forced to reduce the cost and preserve their product: they add starch to it, flavor it with preservatives and dyes. The product becomes a beautiful long-liver, but loses its traditional taste. In addition, the use modified starch instead of the usual, it adds harm, being an allergen.
Among the samples tested, only two did not contain modified starch - these are branded mayonnaise "Maheev" And "Minsk Mark". The “record holder” for the presence of preservatives, dyes and flavorings was brand mayonnaise "Lanna". The most "natural" - again brand mayonnaise "Minsk Mark". The lowest rating palatability from our experts received mayonnaise of the Lanna trademark, who noted a strongly pronounced acidity in taste due to the presence citric acid. Perhaps a lot has been added. The tasters also rated the mayonnaise of the Golden Reserve of the Hostess and ABC brands as low. Both of these products are characterized by a sour taste and an abundance of outsiders. flavor additives. Mayonnaise of trademarks was highly appreciated by tasters "Pamax", Calve And "Maheev" for your gentle pleasant taste reminiscent of classic mayonnaise. As for the taste of mayonnaise "Maheev", along with a pleasant delicate taste, it contains other aromatic shades, about which opinions are divided - one part of the tasters liked their presence, and the other did not quite. And yet we are forced to give all three copies a solid "four" on a five-point scale, since their composition is not as close to natural as possible. Mayonnaise received the highest assessment of taste qualities from our experts "Slavyansky" ("Minsk Mark"), which also has the closest natural composition. With what we congratulate him! It is very pleasant that domestic representatives of low-calorie mayonnaises are on a par with the best, but the most amazing thing is that our “compatriot” also took the first place. Know ours!

Alena Tikhomirova, specially for

Mayonnaise is used in many dishes: this universal sauce suitable for salads, and for the second, and some people put it in soups. We figure out how to choose mayonnaise and what it happens.

Everyone knows that mayonnaise is a high-calorie product that cannot be named in any way. healthy eating. And yet, salads with it are very popular, and the question of which mayonnaise is better to buy becomes especially relevant on the eve of the New Year.

How to choose mayonnaise

  • Compound. It must contain natural oils: olive or sunflower. Also, the composition should include eggs (or egg powder), mustard, powdered milk or cream, salt, sugar, vinegar, or lemon juice. Moreover, all these products should be in the first lines of the composition. High-quality mayonnaise should not contain corn oil, starch, emulsifiers and monosodium glutamate. If you didn’t see oils in the composition at all, you shouldn’t take such a sauce: the lowest quality oil could be used for its preparation.
  • Calorie content. Interestingly, more quality mayonnaise will be high-calorie - it has the least extraneous additives. Mayonnaise with a fat content of more than 55% is healthier than lean or low-calorie mayonnaise: thickeners, emulsifiers and artificial fats are added to such sauces, which negatively affect the body.
  • Package. Best place to buy mayonnaise glass jars. So you can look at the sauce itself, and the glass will not highlight harmful substances as opposed to poor quality plastic.
  • Consistency and color. Mayonnaise should be homogeneous, thick, without extraneous inclusions. Color can vary from white to light yellow. Many people think that the pleasant yellow mayonnaise is more natural, but this may mean that a dye has been added to it. By the way, to determine whether mayonnaise contains starch, put a drop of iodine on a spoon with mayonnaise: if the speck turns blue, then the starch was still used. There will be no harm from it, but if starch is not indicated in the composition, this is a reason to talk about the manufacturer's dishonesty.
  • Shelf life. At good mayonnaise short shelf life: 2-3 months. For six months or more, the sauce will be stored if there are preservatives in the composition.

What is mayonnaise

  • "Provencal". The most popular and versatile mayonnaise that goes well with all dishes. It should contain at least 65-67% fat, and Provencal tastes sour and tender. This sauce should contain mustard, vinegar or lemon juice.
  • "Olive". Unfortunately, you can’t just buy mayonnaise with real olive oil: the cost of this product is too high. The most ordinary vegetable oil is put into the "Olive" mayonnaise, and if olive oil is added, then in such quantities that it has neither benefit nor smell.
  • "On quail eggs". Some people think that such mayonnaise is lighter and healthier than usual. In fact, everyone makes a similar sauce on the same chicken eggs or egg powder, and there are very few quail eggs, otherwise it would be very expensive. real mayonnaise on quail eggs there can be only one: the one that you cook yourself.
  • "WITH lemon juice». Such mayonnaise should have a pleasant sour taste and, accordingly, the composition should contain lemon juice.
  • "Cheese". When buying such mayonnaise, be sure to read the composition. It may contain additional flavorings and dyes, which give the sauce the taste and smell of cheese. Most often in cheese mayonnaise there are two flavorings: cheese and mustard, but there is no cheese itself in the sauce.
  • "Low calorie". Let's talk about this mayonnaise again: it is this type of sauce that is most harmful due to the presence of preservatives, emulsifiers, artificial fats and thickeners. Roughly speaking, it has much more chemistry than all other types of mayonnaise, although it really has fewer calories.


Mayonnaise cannot be called a useful product, moreover, in large quantities it is completely harmful. Of course, if you use mayonnaise several times a year, in salads, nothing terrible will happen - unless you have a predisposition to diseases in which you can not eat fatty foods.

It is worth remembering that mayonnaise is a fatty and high-calorie product, and it is better to buy the kind that contains the fewest ingredients. A short shelf life is also an indicator of better mayonnaise.

And the best thing, of course, is to cook mayonnaise at home, on your own. Then you can regulate the amount of additives yourself, put quail eggs, natural mustard and lemon juice, even cheese - whatever you want. We told and even showed how to make mayonnaise at home: check out ours - making the sauce is very simple, it only takes 5 minutes.

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Mayonnaise - magic sauce which transforms the taste of many dishes. Its magic extends to the most different dishes– from sandwiches and salads to hot dishes. Needless to say, this sauce has reached the beauty industry. Thanks to his nutritional composition, which includes egg yolk and vegetable oil, he liked those who wanted to improve the quality of their hair. And now it is not only eaten, but also used in the form of masks for hair care. In general, the use of mayonnaise is limitless, it is almost indispensable. Especially if we are talking about a quality and natural copy. So, how to choose mayonnaise.

Look for eggs and oil in the composition: without them, nowhere

The first thing everyone should know when standing in front of a shelf with sauces in a store is that mayonnaise without eggs and vegetable oil is no good. If the ingredients of your chosen product do not contain eggs or at least the yolk or egg powder, then in front of you is not mayonnaise, but mayonnaise sauce.

According to GOST 31761-2012 "Mayonnaises and mayonnaise sauces", mayonnaise must contain at least 1% of egg products. Also, it must have at least 50% fat, otherwise it is again just mayonnaise sauce, in which, according to the standard, there must be at least 15% fat.

Vegetable oil as part of mayonnaise, it can be anything: sunflower, corn, olive, soy, mustard, camelina, rapeseed. The main thing is that it should be refined and deodorized. By the way, the use of other oils, not sunflower, does not make mayonnaise worse, anyway, their taste is depersonalized beforehand. Another thing is that during storage, these oils can give mayonnaise a specific flavor that is unusual for most Russians.

Assess the consistency and color

A high-quality sauce should be homogeneous - without grains and liquid on the surface, not liquid, not too thick, and have a consistency similar to that of sour cream. Too much thick mayonnaise speaks of a high content of starch and milk powder, in too liquid - a lot of water.

The color of mayonnaise depends on the composition. A palette from white to creamy-yellowish is allowed - the main thing is that it be uniform. Bright, saturated yellow issues high content in the dye product.

Also, there should be no air bubbles or lumps in the jar. Grains in mayonnaise may indicate improper storage, and it is better not to eat such a product. If bubbles form in it, and the consistency becomes jelly-like, then this is a sign of spoilage - it is better to dispose of such a product faster. Lumps indicate that, most likely, violations were made in the technological process.

If the mayonnaise begins to delaminate, then the product has most likely expired. The second option is that the seller violated the storage conditions, or the manufacturer violated the cooking technology. In both the first and second cases, of course, the correct action is to send the mayonnaise to the trash can.

Decide on fat

Fat content is determined by the percentage of vegetable oil in mayonnaise. The mass fraction of fat in a high-calorie product is 55% or more; in the medium-calorie - 40-55%; in low-calorie - less than 40%. The favorite of buyers - Provencal - has a fat content of 67%.

If you are on a diet and you are attracted by the inscription on the packaging of mayonnaise "low-calorie", you should not think that this is dietary product. Although it contains less vegetable oil and calories, it may contain more other "unappetizing" additives: various sweeteners, stabilizers, emulsifiers. The fact is that the greater the fat content of the product, the greater the stability of its consistency. It is worth adhering to this opinion: good mayonnaise is always high-calorie product and the higher the calorie content, the better. But if you want to lose weight, then it’s just better not to buy any mayonnaise at all and not stare at low-calorie representatives.

It is worth paying attention to:

  • How is mayonnaise stored? In the store, mayonnaise should be stored in a refrigerated place without access to direct sun rays at a temperature not lower than 0 and not higher than 18 °C. Deadline and temperature regime storage of mayonnaise are indicated on the package, for each they are different. Typically, the shelf life does not exceed 30 days at a temperature of 0 to 10 °C, 20 days at a temperature of 10 to 14 °C and seven days at a temperature of 14 to 18 °C. Mayonnaise, which contains only natural preservatives - salt and vinegar or lemon juice - can be stored for no more than two weeks. If the shelf life exceeds six months, it means that artificial antioxidants, antioxidants and preservatives were used in the composition. After opening the package, mayonnaise must be stored in the refrigerator, in accordance with the instructions on the label.
  • Manufacturing date. The date of manufacture will tell you how fresh the mayonnaise is. The closer to this date the day of purchase, the greater the chance that the mayonnaise will have a richer and delicate taste and less pungent odour.
  • Preservatives included. Preservatives prevent spoilage of mayonnaise; without them, the product would expire within a few days. There are natural preservatives that keep the sauce fresh for up to two weeks. Even during production, chemical preservatives are used, such as potassium sorbate (E202), sodium benzoate (E211) and others, which extend the shelf life to several months. Of course, it is best to choose mayonnaise with short term storage, this has the fewest preservatives and no other additives.
  • Stabilizers and thickeners. During transportation, temperature changes, mayonnaise may delaminate, especially for mayonnaises of medium and low calorie content. To prevent this from happening, manufacturers introduce thickeners and stabilizers into the composition. In fatty mayonnaise, these additives are the least. Don't be afraid of thickeners natural origin, e.g. guar and xanthan gum, gum carob or starch.

Do NOT pay attention to:

"Olive" mayonnaise. In fact, the word "olive" on the packaging does not mean at all that the mayonnaise is made on the basis of only olive oil: this is not advisable either from an economic point of view or from a physical and chemical properties oil, because it solidifies when cooled, and then appearance mayonnaise is lost. The so-called olive mayonnaise is made, like the classic one, from refined deodorized sunflower oil. If olive oil is added there, it is in very small quantities and does not affect the quality of the product in any way.

"On quail eggs". If these eggs are used in the production of such mayonnaise, then in the most minimum quantities. The basis of the product in 99% of cases is still chicken eggs. This is also supported by the fact that the price of such mayonnaise is comparable to classic product, although quail eggs, and this is no secret, cost 2.5–3 times more than chicken eggs by weight.

Choose really high quality product is possible only with the help of rolling studies of Roskachestvo, focusing on the Russian Quality Mark, which is worth looking for on the product label. For example, a list of the highest quality Provence mayonnaise can be found.

Hello dear readers! left behind new year holidays with many salads and other snacks that could not do without mayonnaise. Life goes on and we will use many, many times in our culinary dishes this amazing sauce is mayonnaise.

But sometimes it happens that we make a salad, but there is nothing to season it with: there was no mayonnaise at home and we have no time to cook it ourselves or just laziness and then we go to the nearest store to buy it. But how to choose the right mayonnaise so that there is no harm to our health?

Mayonnaise is a rather tasty and nutritious sauce that is used in the preparation of many dishes. There are also special lovers of mayonnaise who simply spread it on bread and add it to almost all dishes to improve its taste. I already wrote about mayonnaise in the article "" and today we will continue this topic.

Mayonnaise is considered high-calorie product, but this is not its main disadvantage. Unscrupulous mayonnaise producers various preservatives, flavors, stabilizers are added to it, which improves not only the appearance of the product, but also increases its shelf life. I wrote about this in an article. And such mayonnaise can hardly be attributed to useful products, which cannot be said about home-made mayonnaise.

So what should be included in the "correct" and healthy mayonnaise? Vegetable oil: sunflower, olive.

  • Eggs, but egg yolks are better.
  • Mustard
  • Salt and sugar.
  • Vinegar or lemon juice.
  • Other flavorings are possible (to taste)

What should not be in mayonnaise:

  1. Corn oil and especially trans-vegetable fats, which have nothing to do with natural oils.
  2. Emulsifiers give uniformity to mayonnaise, often genetically modified soybeans are used in this capacity.
  3. Preservatives help prolong the shelf life of the product.
  4. Monosodium glutamate is a flavor enhancer that promotes addiction to the product.
  5. Real and high-quality mayonnaise should not contain starch, which is used to thicken.

Mayonnaise sauce - how to choose

To choose a good healthy mayonnaise When you go to the store, read the label carefully. First of all, what should you pay attention to?


If you want to buy natural mayonnaise without a large number supplements, choose high-calorie. Calorie content depends on fat content. If mayonnaise is high-calorie, its fat content is more than 55%, in medium-calorie - mass fraction fat is 40-55%, low-calorie - 30-40%.

And if you are even worried about your figure, then you should not buy low-calorie mayonnaise. Why? Because in low calorie mayonnaise part of the fat is replaced by water, and to bring the appearance closer to the natural consistency, stabilizers and thickeners are added. It turns out that on the one hand you save (such mayonnaise is cheaper), but at the same time you are harming your health. This category also includes lean mayonnaise.

The right oil

For good mayonnaise, olive oil is always added. But often, in order to save money, sunflower oil is added along with olive oil. According to GOST, all ingredients are always recorded in descending order of the amount of the product. And if olive oil comes after sunflower oil, then there is very little of it in mayonnaise. Even if mayonnaise is made only from sunflower oil highest quality this will not affect the quality of the product.

But if oil is not indicated at all in the composition of the product, then it is worth considering that the composition contains inexpensive soy, cottonseed, peanut or rapeseed oil. And if the word “hydrogenated” is also in front of the name of the oil, this means that trans fats are present in mayonnaise - modified fat products. In fact, these are ordinary oils, but to which a hydrogen molecule has been added and such fats help to lengthen the life of mayonnaise.

or egg powder

When preparing mayonnaise at home, always add fresh eggs or yolks. But again, manufacturers, in order to save money, are not very eager to add natural eggs, more often use egg powder. Why? Because eggs are a perishable product, besides, salmonella, the causative agent of acute intestinal infection or food poisoning, can be added to mayonnaise with eggs.

On the other hand, egg powder has advantages. It forms more thick consistency, because of which it is necessary to add less thickeners, emulsifiers and stabilizers to the product.


Make sure that the mustard included in the composition is natural. Some manufacturers may replace the mustard with synthetic flavors.

How to check the quality of mayonnaise

It is best to buy mayonnaise in glass containers. So you can immediately see the quality of the product. Plastic packaging not always useful, they can release harmful substances.

High-quality mayonnaise should be homogeneous, creamy and thick, single air bubbles are allowed. Spices or flavoring additives are allowed. Color the right sauce should be white to creamy yellow.

Try testing your mayonnaise. Squeeze a drop of mayonnaise the size of Walnut and wait 5 minutes. If during this time a drop of mayonnaise has spread, then there is a lot of water in the mayonnaise. If it remains thick, then there is probably a lot of starch. And the presence of starch can be determined by dropping a drop of iodine on it: if the mayonnaise turns blue, then it contains starch.

The presence of lumps or stratification of the sauce indicates a violation of the mayonnaise preparation technology, or the expired period of its implementation. Usually, the shelf life of mayonnaise in a closed package should not exceed 2-3 months, which should be written on the package. Stratification of the mass indicates a violation of storage conditions or cooking technology.

If you doubt the quality of mayonnaise, you can always replace it. Salads can be dressed with sour cream, butter, lemon juice or mustard. Better yet, make your own mayonnaise. classic recipe like in this video.

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With wishes of good health Taisiya Filippova
