
Kefir and yogurt: how to choose a "live" product? Composition and shelf life. Natural yogurt: useful properties and recipes

Yoghurt, yoghurt, bioygurt, drinking yoghurt... It's just that your eyes run wide, isn't it?! In fact, this is the same product - yogurt, which manufacturers give a variety of names in order to attract as many buyers as possible to the product.

Natural yogurt: what is it?

Natural yogurt is made from the following ingredients:

  • whole milk,
  • starter cultures from probiotics: Bulgarian sticks (in Latin Lactobacillusbulgaricus) + thermophilic lactic streptococcus (Streptococcusthermophilus).

The benefits of these microorganisms for human health are simply invaluable. They perform a number of important tasks:

  • remove toxins from the body,
  • normalize the activity of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • prevent the growth of pathogenic bacteria,
  • increase the protective functions of the body,
  • prevent the development of gastrointestinal diseases and oncology,
  • contribute to the absorption of a number of vitamins and essential amino acids.

Yogurt: read the label!

Choosing Please read its ingredients carefully. It will help determine how many useful and harmful substances this yogurt contains.

  1. Minimum of artificial components

Alas, during the production of some yogurts, a number of non-natural components (the so-called "E") are added to them: stabilizers, preservatives, dyes, flavors, etc. The less of these compounds in the composition of yogurt, the more useful it is.

Alas, it is very rare to find yogurt in the store that was made without the use of stabilizers. Give preference to products that contain natural stabilizers (gelatin, guar gum). Unlike artificial stabilizers, natural stabilizers are obtained from plant materials - they will not cause much harm to your body.

  1. CFU - indicator of "live" yogurt

According to the presence of beneficial microorganisms, yogurts can be conditionally divided into "live" and "non-living". The former contain probiotics (beneficial microorganisms), while the latter do not.

Carefully read what is written on the product packaging: on the label of "live" yogurt containing useful bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, their number (CFU) in 1 g of the product at the end of the expiration date is always indicated.

  1. Short shelf life

The rule here is quite simple: the shorter the shelf life of yogurt, the more natural it is. The so-called "live" yogurt can be stored at 2-6 degrees Celsius for a maximum of 2-3 weeks. If the packaging indicates a long shelf life (over 3-4 weeks), then this yogurt is unlikely to contain useful probiotics. After all, it is possible to increase the shelf life of yogurt only due to its heat treatment, as a result of which all beneficial microorganisms die.

  1. Say "no" to thermized and sterilized yoghurts

If the name or description of a yogurt says that it is thermized or sterilized, then it is safe to say that this product was subjected to heat treatment during its production (this is the so-called “non-living” yogurt). In the process of such processing, not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms, so necessary for our body, died. As a result, the shelf life of such yogurt can reach 30 days or more.

However, even though all useful biological cultures die during heat treatment, “lifeless” yogurt can bring certain benefits to your body, because it is rich in proteins, carbohydrates and fats, vitamins and minerals.

  1. Say yes to prebiotics

Prebiotics (fiber and inulin) are added to some yogurts, compounds that feed on beneficial bacteria. Therefore, yogurts with prebiotics have certain advantages over regular yogurts.

  1. Only natural fillers

There are two main types of fruit yogurts:

  • with pieces of fruit (apple, strawberry, peach, etc.) processed at high temperature;
  • with jam, which often contains flavorings, thickeners and sugar.

In the case of the first yogurt, you will read the phrase “cherry pieces” (“cherry”) in the composition of the product, in the second case - “cherry filler: ...”.

Drinking cold kefir on a hot day - what could be nicer! In the summer, our body does not accidentally seek sour-milk drinks: they protect against intestinal infections and other digestive troubles that are possible this season. But only products without preservatives are useful. We tell you how to choose the right yogurt and kefir.

Fermented milk products are obtained from milk or its derivatives (cream, whey) by fermentation with various starters in the form of lactic acid bacteria (thermophilic streptococcus, lactococcus, acidophilus and Bulgarian bacillus) and yeast. These foods help the body absorb the nutrients found in milk and have a beneficial effect on metabolism.

Sourdough contains 10 times more lactobacilli than is usually found in fermented milk products. Live lactic acid bacteria with regular use strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging process of the body, as well as remove radionuclides from the body.


As part of the classic kefir - only milk and sourdough on kefir fungi. Shelf life of kefir- from 36 hours to 15 days. Fermented milk products with a shelf life of more than 20 days contain preservatives.

According to GOST, the number of lactic acid bacteria at the end of the shelf life of kefir must be at least 1 × 107 CFU / g, the amount of yeast - at least 1 × 104 CFU / g. CFU- colonies of forming units - live microorganisms, lactic acid bacteria. It is customary to indicate the number of CFU per 1 g.

How to choose kefir that is good for you?

  • Kefir can be weak, medium and strong. It depends on its maturity - in three-day kefir there is more carbon dioxide and alcohol than in one-day. Strong kefir is the most active catalyst for digestive processes in the stomach and cleansing processes in the intestines.
  • Kefir of different strength affects the intestines in different ways: fresh daily kefir weakens, strong three-day - strengthens.
  • Strong kefir is not for everyone. For people who suffer from ulcers, pancreatitis or gastritis, kefir for three or more days of exposure is not useful.
  • On the packaging of real kefir, there is certainly a certification mark STR and GOST R 52093.

Other lactic drinks

A drink prepared on pure lactic acid microorganisms is a kefir product. Shelf life of kefir product- up to 20 days.

Biokefir- This is kefir enriched with bifidobacteria, microorganisms that activate metabolic processes. Biokefir is suitable even for people with intolerance to cow's milk.

IN ryazhenka contains a large number of beneficial bacteria that improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

acidophilus bacillus improves the digestion process and helps lower blood cholesterol levels.


Three types of yoghurt are currently produced: natural yoghurt without fruit and flavor additives, fruit or vegetable yoghurt, and flavored yoghurt. When comparing natural and fruit yogurt, the advantages will be on the side of the former. Natural yogurt is a lactic acid drink, without heat treatment after fermentation, containing lactic acid bacteria.

Buy natural yogurt without sugar and fruit additives - it is not at all as boring as it seems. Add fruits or berries to your taste, mix - healthy and tasty author's yogurt is ready. Also, natural yogurt without sugar and fruits is suitable for salad dressing - this is an excellent replacement for high-calorie mayonnaise or sour cream.

Choosing yogurt

  • Yoghurts are divided into "live" (with active microorganisms and starter microbes) and those in which there are no bacteria. The former have a short shelf life, but they are useful, unlike the latter, "long-playing" yogurts with a long shelf life. Do not take a product with a long shelf life, due to heat treatment, it does not contain beneficial bacteria. Expiry date of real live yogurt should not exceed seven days, provided that the yogurt is stored in a refrigerator at a temperature not higher than 7 °C.
  • Quality yoghurt contains milk (pasteurized and/or skimmed), a culture of lactic acid bacteria, and possibly pieces of fruit. In dessert yoghurts, cream, sugar or sourdough are added to this composition.
  • Useful are only those yogurts that contain living cultures. Their presence must be indicated on the packaging, for example, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidus and Lactobacillus acidophilus.
  • Drinkable yoghurts with fruit pieces or juice may contain a lot of sugar. Therefore, people who monitor their weight need to be more careful in their choice.
  • Part fruit yogurt includes natural fruits. To make it have the desired texture, gelatin and stabilizers are added to it. Adding sugar significantly increases the calorie content of yogurt.

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I prefer ryazhenka

yes, I heard that we do not have all kefir, where it is written so) including drinking. That's why I use ryazhenka))

I was not too lazy on purpose and went to the kitchen to get a package of kefir, what to read, what is written there. Judging by the article, I clearly don’t have kefir in my refrigerator))) It’s a pity that it’s so difficult to find high-quality and tasty kefir in stores.

Comment on the article "Kefir and yogurt: how to choose a "live" product? Composition and shelf life"

In total 5.3, in natural activia yogurt - 6.3 (unsweetened, without fillers). The numbers are similar, the difference is 1 g, perhaps because there is more protein in yogurt than in milk, for example. What kind of coals, useful or not, I don’t know. Never thought about it, no...


Milk initially contains carbohydrates. When cottage cheese is made, some of it remains in the whey, whey contains 3.5 coals per 100g. In 5% cottage cheese - 1.8 (according to the calorifer). In total 5.3, in natural activia yogurt - 6.3 (unsweetened, without fillers). The numbers are similar, the difference is 1 g, perhaps because in the process of making yogurt, part of the moisture evaporates, is there heating there? Yogurt has more protein than milk, for example. What kind of coals, useful or not, I don’t know. I never thought about it, not sugar and not flour - it means useful :)

Thank you, thanks to you I noticed, I’ll take it into account and tell my husband, otherwise he leans on yogurt, it’s difficult for him to lose weight.

Thickeners are pectin and starch.
Do it yourself, it's not hard.

Ehrmann's new yoghurt contains prebiotics, natural plant substances. This is a fundamentally different, more natural and effective way to help digestion. So far, no one in Russia has offered consumers a product that...

I can cut an apple or a pear into natural yogurt, sprinkle with pine nuts, a spoonful of honey - I think! Is it lazy in a yogurt maker? I think it must be funny. But in principle, perhaps the calorie content can be controlled.


Kefir shepherd boy 1% - sweet with sweeteners.. 36 kcal...

Not horror at all. We sell one type of yogurt, 3.5% fat, 72 calories per 100 g. Low sugar. But of everything that we sell, this is only one type, so you need to carefully read the composition

1/2 banana mashed with a spoon, + a little natural cocoa. what else happens. refreshing summer cocktail - yogurt or kefir with fresh cucumber (in a blender), you can add a little salt, and a couple of mint leaves. this is so, for a change.


I always got an even, homogeneous, smooth mass, the consistency is very tender and soft, a bit more like jelly, but softer. thicker than kefir. more like store-bought yogurt.
the taste, as I understand it, depends on the milk and on the "start" (a tablespoon of yogurt to start fermentation). I tried with different ones, I always got a different taste.
frozen berries, I would first of course in a blender. chewing on frozen berries is not the best thing to do.
if you want to sweeten - honey or maple syrup.
but I would rather take simple fresh seasonal fruits, those that are at hand. from sweet fruits that can not be sweetened - pear, banana, sweet apple, melon, fig, mango.
all sorts of peaches, apricots, plums, pineapple and all berries must be sweetened, they are still sour.
I liked the combination of grated apple + banana mashed with a fork.
still a very pleasant combination with dried fruits such as dried apricots and prunes. cut a couple of large dried fruits into small pieces and add there. they are sweet, and they also improve bowel function. and generally helpful. I really liked it too
and I also like to just sprinkle yogurt on top with a little natural cocoa without sugar, just for the smell. cocoa is traditionally sprinkled with bananas. say, yogurt or cottage cheese + 1/2 banana mashed with a spoon, + a little natural cocoa.
what else happens. refreshing summer cocktail - yogurt or kefir with fresh cucumber (in a blender), you can add a little salt, and a couple of mint leaves. this is so, for a change.

Now I have a new sour milk hobby.))
purchased 0.1% yogurt at night in a drushlak. by morning, a tender fresh curd is obtained. from a can of 250 gr, it turns out exactly 100 gr of cottage cheese. This is something my husband is very passionate about. he cuts a banana or half a banana finely into it, and now he has such a breakfast. He really likes it, who would have thought. despite the fact that before he did not eat sour-milk products without additives at all (he only ate fruit yoghurts occasionally and that's all).

and today I wanted to make pumpkin pancakes without flour. and fried almost without oil. got a pumpkin omelet. tasty enough. I also cut up some pineapple pieces. Nice combination of pumpkin and pineapple.

yogurt yogurt strife. We eat actimel aktivia, rastishka and the most hit - red-up pudding. So on his priter (this is chocolate = hellish-vanilla which). Most often, dyes and sweeteners are mixed there. And natural yoghurts are useful, of course, for everyone.

Not so long ago, some rules were adopted that only products that contain the same yogurt cultures can be called YOGURT. The word is similar, but not yogurt. Because there is a clear standard for yogurt, what should it contain, in what quantity, live ...

Yogurt is the most popular fermented milk product, which is part of the dietary and medical nutrition for many diseases. Yogurt is prepared from natural cow's milk by fermentation with a special ferment containing live lactic bacteria related to human intestinal bacteria.

The popularity of this product is growing every day. In many ways, this is the merit of competent marketing specialists who are actively promoting yogurts on store shelves. But not all yoghurts are created equal - most of the grocery store assortment is not suitable for a healthy diet and does not bring any benefit to the body. In order not to become a victim of advertising and not to make a mistake in choosing products for a proper and balanced diet, it is important to know what yogurts are and how they differ from each other.


The beneficial properties of yogurt were first described by a Bulgarian student in 1905, but even before that time, this product was actively used as a medicinal product and ingredient for cosmetic masks by the inhabitants of Ancient Greece. And this is not surprising, because yogurt is one of the lightest products, which at the same time has a high nutritional value and is a complete source of calcium and milk protein.

The high content of calcium, phosphorus and other minerals makes it possible to use yogurt for medical and dietary nutrition of children during the period of active growth, as well as for persons suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Doctors believe that the regular inclusion of fermented milk products in the diet reduces the risk of developing osteoporosis by 2 times and helps strengthen bone and connective tissue.

Strong immunity

The lactobacilli found in natural yoghurts are essential for gut health and a strong immune system. It is lactic acid bacteria that help to destroy the pathogenic flora, therefore, with their shortage, a person begins to develop bacterial infections. People, especially children, who consume 150-250 ml of yogurt daily are less likely to suffer from respiratory, colds and infectious diseases, and also have practically no problems with the intestines.

healthy digestion

Yoghurts are necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive tract. They stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, improve digestion, help speed up metabolism and improve metabolic processes. People who drink a bottle of yogurt for an afternoon snack do not experience problems with defecation, they almost never have constipation, bloating and flatulence.

beautiful skin

Toxins, which are often clogged with the human body, not only poison the blood and interfere with the work of the intestines, but also adversely affect the appearance. The skin becomes pale, lifeless, an earthy hue appears. Acne and blackheads are another problem for people whose body is clogged with toxins and toxins.

Yogurt helps to bind and remove harmful substances from the body, which has a positive effect on the skin and hair. You can also use natural yogurt without additives for cosmetic masks, peels and scrubs. Adding a fruit-yoghurt mixture to your bath will help make your skin velvety soft and supple after just one or two uses.

Pure Vessels

Just 100 ml of drinking yogurt per day can successfully replace vascular cleansing medications. Yogurt removes excess bad cholesterol from the body, and also neutralizes the fats that are found in high-calorie foods high in oil. That is why doctors recommend after a hearty meal and when a feeling of heaviness in the stomach appears, drink a cup of yogurt without additives.

Cancer Prevention

Scientists seriously believe that regular consumption of yogurt reduces the risk of malignant tumors in the stomach, intestines and esophagus. This conclusion was made by specialists from France after a long study of the beneficial properties of this fermented milk product. The components of yogurt have a powerful antioxidant effect, prevent cell aging and mutation processes that cause cancer.

A slim body

Natural yogurt contains very few calories, while it perfectly satisfies hunger and creates a feeling of satiety. Of course, one yogurt will not be enough for dinner, but for an afternoon snack, the product is ideal.

Fasting days on yogurt are very popular. On this day, it is allowed to drink 1 liter of natural (“white”) yogurt. You can replace it with a more gentle option: 500 ml of yogurt and a pound of fruits or vegetables. From drinks, you can choose green tea without sugar, mineral water or weak coffee. In one day, you can get rid of 1-1.2 kg of excess weight, cleanse the skin, improve digestive processes and mood.

Harm and contraindications

When the term "yogurt" is used, it means a natural lactic acid product made from whole or skimmed milk with the addition of lactic acid, fruit or berry filler and sugar. The presence of stabilizers and thickeners necessary to give the product a thick consistency is allowed.

Most storefront yogurt contains flavorings, preservatives that keep the product for a long time, and other additives that will not benefit the body. With the constant use of such products in food, the likelihood of developing allergic reactions is high due to the high content of flavoring substances. In no case should such yoghurts be used for baby food, as they adversely affect the liver and organs of the digestive system.

The thickener and preservative, known in the food industry as additive E1442, not only “kills” pancreatic cells, but also increases the likelihood of malignant organ damage several times over. Do not buy products that contain E331. This supplement increases the secretion of hydrochloric acid, which corrodes the walls of the stomach and promotes the formation of erosions and ulcers.

The benefits and harms of drinking yogurt are the subject of constant debate among experts in the field of healthy nutrition. We can confidently say that natural yogurt prepared at home will only benefit the body, but it is better to refuse industrial products.

Is it possible for pregnant and lactating women?

Pregnant women often suffer from constipation, so the inclusion of yogurt in the diet is indicated at any time. But this applies only to natural yoghurts with the addition of fruits, berries or fruit juice. As a last resort, you can choose drinking yogurt with fruit topping, but you should not use such a product often. The best choice for pregnant and lactating women is natural yogurt without sugar and additives. It has a minimum shelf life (no more than 5-7 days) and does not have any negative effect on the body of the mother or fetus.

Composition and calories

The energy value of yogurt is affected by the content of fat and sugar. Some people buy fat-free yogurts for diet food. This is not entirely correct, since with a low fat content, the manufacturer tries to improve the palatability due to the large amount of sugar. The total calorie content is almost the same. The average energy value of 100 g of yogurt with 1.5% fat is 57 calories.

Vitamin composition:

Mineral composition:

How to cook?

In order for yogurt to bring only benefits to the body, it is best to cook it yourself. It is very easy to do this. It is enough to mix milk with a special sourdough and put in a warm place for 8-10 hours. It is not necessary to stir or shake the yogurt - the oxygen bubbles formed during this can affect the taste and texture of the finished product.


Keep drinking yogurt in the refrigerator. Once opened, the product is usable within 12 hours. If the original packaging is not broken, you can store the purchased drink within the expiration date. For natural yoghurts, it does not exceed 7-10 days.

  • Best before date. If no preservatives were used in the production of yogurt, the shelf life of such a product will not exceed 10 days. If it is indicated on the cup that yogurt can be stored for more than 1 month, then the product has been heat treated. Such yogurt contains almost no useful substances.
  • Additives. Real yogurt may contain berries, fruits, and juices. If the composition contains flavorings, it is better to refuse the purchase.
  • Beneficial bacteria. Some manufacturers additionally enrich their products with beneficial bacteria. This is a very successful marketing ploy that does not affect the useful properties of the product. The shelf life of such products can be up to 30 days.

Sometimes on the shelves you can find yogurts with a shelf life of 6-8 months. These products have nothing to do with real yoghurts and are called "yoghurt product". They can be consumed very rarely as a dessert, but such products are not suitable for a therapeutic and dietary diet.

What is combined with?

Yogurt goes well with any, and. Natural yogurt without additives and sugar can be used to dress vegetable salads - it softens the taste of some bitter vegetables (for example) and refreshes the taste palette of the finished dish. Adding spices and seasonings (,) will help improve the taste of yogurt and enrich the vitamin composition of the product.

Drinking yogurt is a great solution for a healthy snack or a light meal when the main meal is still far away. To get not only pleasure, but also benefit from eating, it is important to choose yoghurts correctly, giving preference to natural products with a minimum sugar content.

The name "yogurt" in Turkish means "condensed". Yogurt was invented by accident. Nomads transported milk in skins under the scorching sun. Heat, shaking and bacteria from animal hair did their job - after such a trip, the milk fermented, mixed well and turned into a thick drink. True, he was. People learned to make sweet yogurt later.

In Russia, yogurt appeared in the 20s of the last century. Since then, it has been in almost every refrigerator. There is a lot of controversy about such a product: some are sure of its absolute benefits, others argue that there are a lot of preservatives in yogurt, which makes it harmful.

Indeed, modern industry widely uses various preservatives and dyes in the manufacture of yogurt to increase its shelf life. However, they are all allowed by the standard.

Where to buy natural yogurt

Natural yogurt is a fermented milk drink that contains only 2 products: milk and sourdough. It should not contain any other additives. The shelf life of such yogurt is no more than 5 days, ideally - only one. After all, lactobacilli do not live long.

You can buy natural yogurt, but you have to try. Today there are a number of outlets that position themselves as health food stores. They offer consumers such live yoghurts, the shelf life of which fully complies with the standard.

Berries and fruits may be included in such yoghurts. Only they should be natural, and this should be marked on the label.

It should be borne in mind that such yogurt will cost more than what can be purchased in regular stores. But if you compare two products - the standard version and the one offered by health food stores, then the difference will be noticeable immediately. Natural yogurt has a rich and rich taste, as well as a more delicate texture than the industrial version. But be prepared for the fact that at first the child may refuse to eat such a product - for him it may seem sour.

Carefully examine the shelves with dairy products in hypermarkets. Modern suppliers, following the trend, albeit in small quantities, but still supply natural products to large stores. The price for them will be even slightly higher than in a specialized health food store.

Natural yogurt can also be purchased online. After all, many farms have already made a choice in favor of shops, rather than stationary outlets. So they save on rent, wages to sellers, etc. As a rule, representatives of farms located near a large city begin to engage in such trade. After all, their products are perishable, and the delivery area should not be too wide.

Alternatively, you can go out of town, find a farmer on your own and negotiate purchases with him. So, the price for yogurt may turn out to be less. However, be aware that you are at risk. Indeed, in all of the above options, farm products are controlled. And with an independent agreement, you will have to take a word.

Do not neglect checks. After all, infections that are transmitted through milk can be quite serious.

How to determine if natural yogurt is in front of you

Be sure to read the packaging carefully. It should not have a whole list of products used in the manufacture of yogurt. Ideally, there can be only 3 items: milk, sourdough and fruits or berries.

If the label indicates dyes, preservatives or various E, it is better to refrain from such a purchase.

In case you doubt the quality of any purchased yogurt, you can make it yourself. Today there are special devices - yogurt makers or multicookers with yogurt function. You will need milk and regular thick yogurt without additives. Mix them together and put in the device or just in the heat to ferment. It takes about 9-10 hours to prepare homemade yogurt.

Yogurt sourdough is intended for making live yogurt at home. Such yogurt contains a high amount of live and beneficial bacteria. Does not contain any harmful additives and sugar. Yogurt from sourdough can be consumed every day by adults and children.

Application possible
without fermentation

Can be used without fermentation

This starter can be taken in its pure form, as a probiotic, to restore intestinal microflora and normalize digestion.

Dilute the contents of the sachet in a small amount of boiled water at room temperature. Take 1 sachet 1-2 times a day, directly after meals for 1-3 weeks.

detailed information

VIVO yogurt is a starter for making homemade yogurt with your own hands.

Yogurt is perhaps one of the most famous fermented milk products, which has a very delicate and pleasant sour milk taste. Homemade yogurt is recommended for daily nutrition, as it has a number of useful and nutritious properties, especially if VIVO dry bacterial starter is used for preparation.

VIVO yoghurt starter culture does not just ferment milk into yogurt, but endows it with very useful features, because it contains a high amount of live probiotic bacteria. Such yogurt helps to normalize the intestinal microflora and improve digestion, strengthen immunity, restore strength and normalize weight. Regular use helps to compensate for the lack of protein, calcium, vitamins, amino acids, minerals and trace elements in the body.

Natural sourdough yogurt does not contain harmful additives such as sugar, preservatives, dyes, flavors, etc. It is guaranteed fresh and safe, therefore it is ideal for consumption by people of all ages, children, athletes, pregnant and lactating people, the elderly and anyone who follows a healthy diet.

VIVO sourdough yoghurt is a great and natural alternative to store-bought yoghurts that the whole family will love.


Homemade yogurt is very easy to make. For this preparation, you will need quite a bit of your personal time, VIVO bacterial starter, a saucepan or a jar, a blanket or a large towel.

The starter must be added to milk at a temperature of +37..+40 °C (slightly warmer than body temperature) and mix well. After that, the container with milk must be wrapped in a blanket or a large towel to ensure that the temperature is maintained and left to ferment for 6-8 hours. Once the yogurt is cooked, it should be put in the refrigerator to cool. But you can eat immediately after cooking.

And if you have a yogurt maker or slow cooker with a yogurt setting, the fermentation process will be even easier.

Instructions for cooking in a saucepan
Instructions for cooking in a yogurt maker
Instructions for cooking in a slow cooker

Bacterial composition

Compound Lactose
Streptococcus thermophilus
Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus
lactobacillus acidophilus
Bifidobacterium lactis

The amount of bacteria in the sachet is enough to guarantee the fermentation of 3 liters of milk (at the end of the starter expiration date).

Storage conditions and shelf life

In the refrigerator (at a temperature of +2..+8)- 12 months.

Payment to the current account: You can pay for an order to our account using your online banking, through the cash desk of any bank in Russia, as well as through a payment terminal.
