
Rapeseed oil properties. Rapeseed oil - benefits and harms, beneficial properties and contraindications


Until the end of the 1980s, rapeseed was used only for technical purposes. Now they have learned to make it uniquely useful food product- rapeseed oil.

This is a big success! All thanks to new achievements in biochemistry, molecular biology, breeding, oil purification technologies.

Our publication is about the benefits and harms of rapeseed oil for the human body, how to take it and where to use it.

How to choose a quality product

We say: "high-quality rapeseed oil", we mean - "canola". Canola (CANadion Oil Low Acid) is the common name for low-erucic rapeseed varieties. For the first time, such varieties of rapeseed were bred by a Canadian scientist, hence the name.

For comparison: technical rapeseed contains up to 60% erucic acid (hereinafter referred to as EC for brevity), and canola - from 0 to 5%.

Why was it so important to achieve low scores? Based on toxicological studies, it was found that EC does not oxidize well on its own and prevents other acids from doing so..

As a result, a large number of toxins first accumulate in the heart, and then in other organs. Serious pathologies appear, up to necrosis. Thrombocytopathy may occur.

Although this issue has been studied in animals, concerns still remain serious for humans.

In addition to EC, in the original raw materials there are other toxic substances - isocyanates(derivatives of thioglycosides). They are found up to 45% (with an acceptable rate of 3%).

Dangerous because they contain sulfur, inhibit the growth of young organisms, cause irreversible changes in the thyroid gland, enterocolitis. In addition, they have a bitter taste and a specific smell.

Do not forget about poisonous volatile oils, as well as harmful pigments.

Therefore, the technology of rapeseed oil purification necessarily includes such methods as sulfuric acid refining and bleaching with adsorbents.

And to remove fatty acids additionally, conventional refining is used.

Rapeseed oil highest quality(canola) usually sold in the dark glass containers.

The label indicates that this is a food product, there must be marks of quality, expiration date, and also the content of EC is indicated ( allowable rate – 5%).

Color golden yellow or slightly greenish, there should be no sediment.

Chemical composition, calorie content, nutritional value, glycemic index

Here is the perfect composition:

Calorie content - 899 kcal per 100 grams, glycemic index- 0. Fats - 99.9, proteins - 0, carbohydrates - 0.

Beneficial features

Everyone can appreciate rapeseed oil. Obvious benefits:

  • easily digestible;
  • has an optimal ratio of physiologically important acids for the body;
  • is a unique source of phytoestrogen, which is identical in composition to the female hormone estradiol;
  • has a pleasant nutty flavor.

The program “Live healthy!” will tell about the beneficial properties and contraindications of rapeseed oil:

What is useful

For adult men and women

It is dominated by monounsaturated oleic acid.. It is rapidly absorbed by the digestive system.

At the same time, it reduces the level of bad cholesterol, which means it prevents atherosclerosis, and also normalizes blood pressure and is preventive.

Polyunsaturated acids (omega-6 and omega-3) are in the only right ratio for health 1:2. And this right job brain, heart, inflammation reduction, tumor prevention.

Harmful saturated fatty acids and trans fatty acids make up a very low percentage, which reduces the risk of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels.

The manufacturer, as a rule, enriches the oil with tocopherol(a form of vitamin E content). He, like all antioxidants, is a powerful stimulator of recovery processes. Accordingly, improves the health of our skin, nails and hair.

For pregnant and lactating

Is rapeseed oil good for expectant mothers? This oil is just a godsend. It contains a natural analogue of the female hormone estradiol.

This hormone affects the mood, attractiveness, stamina, as well as the reproductive function of a woman. In addition, it is responsible for the preservation of the fetus and blood clotting, which is important for preparing for childbirth.

A group of French scientists found that in those regions where women constantly use this product, a significantly lower percentage of breast cancer cases.

So nursing mothers can not be afraid for themselves, and for their crumbs too.

For children

Rapeseed oil is an ingredient in many infant formulas. and is therefore considered safe.

It can perfectly complement the regular children's diet, because it is light, rarely causes allergies.

In addition, it has a good effect on the formation brain activity. Why not experiment?

It is only necessary to coordinate with the pediatrician the daily dose of consumption, each age group is different.

For the elderly

Is a gentle product For digestive system old people. Therefore, it is able to perform the function of a supplier of essential acids for the body.

Moreover, animal fats and milk at this stage of life should be reduced to a minimum. They are too high in cholesterol and saturated fats.

In old age, you need to use only refined oil as salad dressings. It is strictly forbidden to fry on it.

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Potential danger and contraindications

Still, is rapeseed oil harmful, who has cause for concern? People with overweight it should be taken into account that the product is high-calorie.

Those who suffer from serious diseases of the liver or gallbladder should consult a doctor.

In the presence of diarrhea, oil should be excluded from the diet for a while.

The product may cause a potential health hazard, which has not passed the international quality control (ISO), or does not comply with GOST, or is overdue. It contains invalid harmful substances.

Everyone can choose for themselves how to use this oil. Moreover, it is already very pleasant to the taste, and besides, it is not without benefits, as we see.

In Germany, Israel, Canada, they love him more than.

But remember that if the bottle says: EC impurity is 5%, and isocyanates 3%, then the daily dose of product consumption cannot exceed 30 grams.

In cooking

If you get creative, then here you can find many uses for rapeseed oil. For example, mix with any other - and season the salad. Moreover, it will not spoil the taste of fish, meat, or vegetables.

Even in industrial scale this oil is added to mayonnaise, so why not do the same with homemade mayonnaise?

Mix it with lemon juice. The result is amazing. Used in marinades for meat, fish, mushrooms.

That's just fry on it, however, as with other vegetable oils, Not recommended. Due to the formation of carcinogens at high temperatures.

Rapeseed oil, the benefits of which are known in Food Industry, is made from the seeds of an agricultural plant. Increasingly large sown areas are allotted for rapeseed. Therefore, it is interesting for what purposes the products are used and what is their value.

Rapeseed oil: benefits, harms

Until the 1960s, it was used only for technical purposes. So what is it - rapeseed oil - a technological or food product?

A decade later, Canadian agronomists created a new variety of rapeseed, which they began to use as food additive. This oil is marketed under the name Canola.

Rapeseed oil is no worse than sunflower oil. It contains beneficial acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. The balance between them is 1:2, and this is almost an ideal ratio, according to scientists. In addition, the refined product includes a number of such vitamins: A, D, E. To provide the body daily dose vitamin E, it is enough to use 1 tbsp. l. rapeseed oil per day.

Find out which beneficial features has rapeseed oil:

  • Reduces cholesterol levels in the blood, and therefore reduces the likelihood of stroke and heart attack.
  • Tones blood vessels, stops the process of thrombosis.
  • Strengthens the immune system and improves eyesight.
  • It has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.
  • Antioxidants in the composition fight free radicals, therefore they resist the development of tumors.
  • Accelerates metabolism, promotes healthy metabolism.
  • Tones muscles, prevents aging.

The harm of rapeseed oil lies in the content of erucic acid. It is important to understand that recycling technologies remove almost all harmful substances. But this does not give a 100% guarantee. Here's what's wrong with erucic acid:

  • inhibits the development of the body, disrupts the formation of bones and tissues;
  • negatively affects reproductive function;
  • provokes heart disease;
  • a high concentration of glucosinolate leads to poisoning.

Rapeseed oil: where it is applied

IN usual form oil is added to food, it becomes the basis of mayonnaise and margarine. The product is stored for a long time, and does not become bitter over time.

Rapeseed oil can be used both for frying and dressing cold dishes. Oleic acid in the composition does not form carcinogens.

In addition, the products are used in cosmetology for the manufacture of masks. Such home remedies help to strengthen hair, give it shine and restore a healthy look. Anti-inflammatory properties help fight acne.

Pharmacologists have evaluated beneficial effects oils. Therefore, the product becomes the basis for therapeutic ointments and injections.

Rapeseed oil produces fatty esters, which are indispensable for biodiesel fuel, a lubricant material. The textile and rubber industries also cannot do without this product. Even plant waste (cake) does not go to waste, but is used as animal feed.

To get the most nutrients, buy rapeseed oil correctly. Stick to these principles:

  • Carefully inspect the contents of the bottle, there should be no impurities.
  • Study the composition. The capacity of erucic acid should not exceed 0.3-0.6%.
  • Buy products in a light amber color.
  • Don't use hydrogenated oil. Its unstable molecular basis will not give a positive effect.

It is best to keep the oil in glass bottles or banks. Make sure that the container is not exposed to sunlight, store it in a dark and cool room.

Demand creates supply. Today, rapeseed oil is increasingly gaining market share.

After studying its benefits and harms, you can do conscious choice. Buy quality products and saturate the body with useful substances.

Rapeseed oil, which is obtained from seeds herbaceous plant rapeseed has found application in the food industry. It is often added to margarine, mayonnaise and even baby food. Let us dwell on how useful rapeseed oil is for the body and whether it can be harmful to health.

Rape was cultivated in antiquity. In India and the Mediterranean, it was cultivated as early as the 4th century BC. e. Raw rapeseed oil was too bitter and unsuitable for food, but it gave a smokeless flame and was suitable for lighting dwellings.

In Europe, the plant began to be sown in the 18th century for use in leather and textile production, and soap making. With the creation of steam engines, rapeseed oil began to be used as a lubricant.

Attempts to sell rapeseed oil as a food product for a long time were unsuccessful: bitterness, pungent odor and greenish color repelled potential consumers. And medical tests indicated the content hazardous substances. Rapeseed oil claims were based on high content erucic acid and glucosinolates, which can harm the body.

And only in 1978, through the efforts of Canadian breeders, it was possible to develop a variety of canola rapeseed, the oil of which was distinguished by a reduced level of erucic acid, glucosinolates and chlorophyll (responsible for the green color).

Not required for rapeseed special conditions. It feels good in any climatic zones and at the same time increases soil fertility. This is a wonderful honey plant. The process of making rapeseed oil is cheap, leaves no waste, because the cake is used for animal feed. All this made it possible to increase the popularity of the product and put it on a par with the leaders of world trade: palm and sunflower oil.

The oil and fat market offers three varieties of rapeseed oil:

  • non-erucic (content of erucic acid does not exceed 0.5%);
  • low-erucic (up to 2%);
  • high-erucic (up to 5%).

According to the method of processing and quality indicators of the composition, there are:

  1. Refined deodorized premium(sometimes non-erucic and low-erucic). It is used for food in pure form or added to food.
  2. Refined deodorized first grade (high erucic). Also allowed for use.
  3. Refined non-deodorized.
  4. Unrefined.

The last two varieties are used exclusively for industrial purposes.

Fatty acid table

The product contains 99.9% fat. 100 g contain vitamin E - 18.9 mg, phosphorus - 2 mg. Average calorie content- 899 kcal.

Beneficial features

The composition rich in fatty acids and numerous beneficial properties have led to the fact that rapeseed oil is nicknamed "northern olive oil".

It supplies the body with fats - the energy and structural material of cells. Fats create a protective barrier against mechanical damage and hypothermia of organs, prevent the loss of moisture from tissues. Without them, the normal functioning of the immune system is impossible, cardiovascular systems, the implementation of the reproductive function.

It is a source of monounsaturated oleic acid, an important participant in cholesterol metabolism. Essential linolenic (omega-3) and linoleic (omega-6) acids are not produced in the human body, but are necessary for building cell membranes and maintaining vascular health.

Key benefits:

  • participates in cholesterol metabolism: increases the level of high-density lipoproteins (HDL), which supply "bad" cholesterol to the liver for disposal, thereby reducing the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • improves tone in heart disease blood vessels regulates the formation of blood clots, prevents cardiac arrhythmias, stroke, myocardial infarction;
  • activates cells of the immune system;
  • prevents the development of osteoporosis;
  • improves brain function;
  • improves visual acuity;
  • has a bactericidal effect;
  • reduces inflammatory processes;
  • increases the rate of healing of ulcers, burns and wounds;
  • enhances the production of hormones that suppress appetite, speeds up metabolism, helps to lose weight;
  • promotes healthy fat metabolism, reduces fat stores in the liver;
  • participates in protein synthesis;
  • improves muscle and skin tone;
  • due to antioxidant properties, it fights oxidative processes, prevents aging;
  • prevents the formation of tumors.

The oleic acid in rapeseed oil is heat resistant and prevents the formation of harmful carcinogens. Therefore, the product is recommended for fried foods.

For outdoor use

Can be used to improve skin condition, solve dermatological problems and strengthen hair.

Mask for dull hair

Mix 0.5 l of fatty yogurt with 2 tbsp. l. rapeseed oil and 0.5 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. Apply the mixture to the hair, cover with plastic wrap and wrap with a towel. Keep for an hour, then wash off.

Face mask for dry skin

Take 1 tbsp. l. butter, liquid honey and cream (or sour cream). Connect, apply on the skin of the face for half an hour.

From acne

Regular lubrication of problem areas will help reduce rashes.

Harm and contraindications

The harm of oil is determined by the concentration of erucic acid and glucosinolates.

Erucic acid is poorly digested and accumulates in the body, and can:

  • slow down growth in childhood, disrupt the formation of the skeleton and muscle tissue;
  • lead to violations of the reproductive system;
  • promote the deposition of fat in the heart muscle and provoke cardiac disease;
  • serve as a source of diseases of the liver and kidneys.

Experiments confirming negative impact erucic acid have only been carried out in animals. Harm to humans is not fully understood.

At high concentrations, glucosinolates can poison the body, because their decay products (inorganic sulfate and isothiocyanates) are toxic.

Contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • gastrointestinal disorder;
  • kidney disease;
  • hepatitis.

Controversial presence in baby food

Rapeseed oil as a nutritional element for children is the subject of debate among nutritionists. It is added to infant formulas for enrichment with polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are not synthesized by the body on its own. But infants can get these substances from their mother's milk.

Scientists at the Dortmund Research Institute studied the effect of rapeseed oil on the body of babies and confirmed it positive impact on immune system and brain development.

Opponents' fears are all connected with the same erucic acid, which, albeit in meager amounts, but is present even in quality product. It is believed that it slows down the growth of the tissues of the child. But there is no scientific confirmation.

The best rapeseed oil comes from Canada and Germany. In these countries, they pay increased attention to quality control, conduct scientific research, create new technologies and specialized oilseed varieties. But if Canada actively exports butter, Germany produces it only for domestic consumption.

Today Russian and Belarusian manufacturers. In Russia, the quality is regulated by GOST 31759-2012, in Belarus - by the STB 1486 standard. They meet strict European requirements, so a conformity mark must be applied to the label of a good product.

When choosing an oil, pay attention to the content of erucic acid. The more it tends to zero, the safer it is. It is better if the indicator is in the range of 0-0.5%. Color quality oil- light yellow. And the product should not have sediment.

Rapeseed, or "northern olive", as it is also called, oil is extracted from rapeseed seeds. This crop is widely used for the production of vegetable oil and margarine. The benefits and harms of rapeseed oil have long been studied, the benefits of this product have long made it popular among people around the world.

To date, rapeseed fields occupy about 2% of total area plowed fields in the world. The plant has become so widespread for three reasons:

  1. Cheap production.
  2. Waste-free production: after squeezing, cake remains, which is used as animal feed.
  3. Scientists are trying to use rapeseed oil as a fuel.

A bit of history

People cultivated rape 1500 years ago. Opinions are divided: some believe that the homeland of the plant is Northern India, and some - the Mediterranean.

Despite the fact that rapeseed is one of the first plants that people began to consciously grow for their needs, until the 70s of the last century, they tried not to eat products from it. They contained a large number of erucic acid, which, in fact, is a poison for the body. We are not able to break down this acid, which leads to its accumulation in the body and causes some diseases.

In the 70s of the XX century, a plant variety containing no more than 2% of this poison was selected in Canada. This amount makes the food suitable for human consumption. Of course, a large part of the population used rapeseed oil in cooking before, but after a sharp increase in the quality of the product, the demand for it has become huge. The oil spread throughout America and Europe. The market has expanded to the Far and Middle East: in just 30 years, China has occupied 1/4 of the market for the production of this product. In Germany, 70-80% of citizens eat rapeseed oil, and in European countries this product has generally become officially considered medicine.

Rapeseed oil: benefits and harms


The general composition of the product is optimally balanced and, in terms of properties, resembles the well-known to everyone. A tablespoon of canola oil contains a large amount of monounsaturated fats - as much as 8.2 grams - and 30% daily allowance vitamin E. Also in the composition there are poly- and monounsaturated acids Omega 3, 6 and 9 that are important for the body. They are not synthesized by the body on their own. What are they needed for? These acids affect the functioning of the circulatory system:

  1. slow down the thinning of the walls of blood vessels;
  2. prevent the formation of blood clots;
  3. which also prevent the total accumulation of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

For example, a lack of Omega 6, or linoleic acid, in the body often leads to serious malfunctions in the heart: heart attacks and strokes. Eating rapeseed oil is able to maintain the amount of this substance at the required level.

Vitamin E, in turn, is a powerful antioxidant and immunomodulator. It supports the protective functions of the body.

Also, rapeseed oil improves the work gastrointestinal tract.

Rapeseed oil: properties especially beneficial for women

The use of the product brings especially many benefits to ladies.

  1. The oil is used in cosmetology and dermatology: it can significantly improve appearance skin, moisturizing and nourishing it.
  2. The hormone estradiol contained in the product exactly corresponds to a special female hormone, which is also called the “health hormone”. It helps to reduce the potential risk of breast cancer, and also enhances maternal functions of the body, such as a woman's ability to become a mother and bear a healthy child.


The only, but very serious, disadvantage of rapeseed oil is the presence of erucic acid in it. It has a destructive effect both on the body as a whole and on work. individual bodies and systems: liver, heart and bone tissue. As we have already said, in the last century a new variety of rapeseed was bred, in which the presence of this poison is minimal, this oil can be eaten without fear. However, you need to choose the product in the store carefully enough.

How to choose a good rapeseed oil?

To choose an oil that will only benefit the body, you need to follow a few simple principles. Before the purchase:

  1. Look at the bottom of the bottle: if there is sediment in it, then the product is of poor quality.
  2. The content of erucic acid should be minimal: from 0.3 to 0.6%. This data is printed on the label. Usually any product that has been purified has normal performance, so you need to choose refined oil.
  3. If the label says that the oil is hydrogenated, then it is better not to take it: such a product has an unstable molecular structure and will not bring any benefits.
  4. The color should be a clear amber yellow.

After buying, be sure to check the oil for smell: a good product pleasantly nutty aroma.


The wonderful qualities of the oil are best preserved in glass containers. Even if you bought the liquid in plastic bottle, at home it is better to pour it into glass jar and close hermetically.

It is better to store oil in the dark cool place, protecting it from being hit sun rays. Of course, nothing bad will happen to the product, but the liquid may become cloudy and lose delicate fragrance. In addition, vitamin E is best preserved in a place inaccessible to light.

Application in food

Rapeseed oil, like olive oil, is best for salad dressings. It is not recommended to fry and bake on it, as toxic substances are formed in it at temperatures above 160 degrees.

Rapeseed oil in all its qualities is not inferior to olive oil, has nice smell and taste, and is much cheaper. It is worth thinking about using it for your culinary delights!

When in some products, for example, baby food, there is rapeseed oil, the harm and benefits of which are unknown, you should understand its beneficial properties and disadvantages. The effect of rapeseed oil on the human body depends on both individual features perception and the presence of contraindications, and on the quality of the composition.

According to some reports, the production of rapeseed oil began on the coast of India and the Mediterranean Sea as early as the 4th century BC. Rapeseed oil was also popular in China, as well as in Eastern countries located nearby. Oil was brought to Europe only in the 15th century. Its production and cultivation took up in Holland and Belgium. After mastering the skill of creating this product, the oil began to spread rapidly along the European perimeter and ended up in Russia. The production of rapeseed oil is a fairly profitable investment, because up to 50% of the final product from the initial weight can be obtained from the feedstock.

Production of safe rapeseed oil

When buying rapeseed oil, you should be aware that it contains components that are harmful and dangerous to humans - thioglucosides and erucic acid. Due to the presence of such substances, oil has long been used only for technical purposes. It was used in the textile industry, leather business, as a technical lubricant and in the manufacture of drying oil.

The breakthrough came in the 1960s. At this time, scientists managed to develop a variety, the content of harmful elements in which was minimized. Finally, rapeseed oil was recognized as harmless in 1985 and since then it has become very popular. Today, China and Canada are considered the leading producers. The variety of oil suitable for ingestion is called Canola. Also, when buying, you can find products made in France, Poland, Czech Republic, England, Denmark, Finland.

Rapeseed oil is made by pressing. The method of extraction is also relevant. A refined product with a natural smell is popular on sale. You can also find an unrefined product. When purchasing a product, pay attention to the composition, which should not contain more than 5% erucic acid and 3% thioglucosides.

Rapeseed oil has a lot in common with olive oil in taste and smell. Unlike soy and sunflower oil, rapeseed for a long time does not lose its taste and aroma during long-term storage.

In addition to the country of origin and the content of safe substances, when purchasing rapeseed oil, pay attention to the following points:

  • Label. The information on it must be readable and must contain information on the amount of erucic acid and thioglucosides. If the label says it's hydrogenated, don't buy it!
  • Color. For good oil characterized by a light yellow color and the absence of sediment.
  • Smell. Pleasant and natural.

How to properly store rapeseed oil to preserve its benefits?

To preserve the beneficial properties of rapeseed oil, you should store it at home in a cool and dark place. This will prevent it from clouding and oxidation. An even better solution would be to use glassware.

Rapeseed - amazing plant. It is widely distributed throughout the world, but it is wild rapeseed that is rare.

According to scientists, rapeseed occurred due to the crossing of colza and cabbage about 6,000 years ago. Rapeseed - grass with beautiful yellow flowers. The exact place of origin of the plant is not known, but as we said earlier, the Mediterranean can be considered the birthplace of rapeseed oil.

  • Useful properties of rapeseed oil have a lot in common with olive oil. Rapeseed oil contains omega-6 and omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. This allows us to conclude that rapeseed oil is more beneficial than sunflower oil.
  • Linoleic, oleic and alpha-linolenic acids are in the same amount as in olive oil. There are more essential acids in rapeseed than in olive oil. Vitamins A, E, D are in a considerable amount, which means that you do not have to worry about the condition of your hair, nails and the body as a whole. There are also carotenoids in the oil.
  • The benefits of oil do not need a huge introduction. So it is clear that when used, the functioning of the organs of vision and the gastrointestinal tract increases. Due to essential fatty acids, the synthesis of prostaglandins is stimulated. This acid also has antioxidant properties.
  • Rapeseed oil can be used for slimming the body, as it is able to remove cholesterol and speed up the process of cell renewal.
  • In the presence of atherosclerosis, any vegetable oil should be replaced with rapeseed. This recommendation is given by French doctors.
  • The benefits of rapeseed oil are also in cosmetic purposes. It can be used in all masks and compositions, as a substitute for olive oil. Rape composition perfectly moisturizes the skin, regenerates cells, softens. It should be noted that scientists especially recommend rapeseed oil to women, because it contains a rich presence of estradiol, which is a female sex hormone that allows you to maintain beauty and youth, as well as prevent breast cancer.
  • Rapeseed oil allows you to act as a prophylactic in terms of development cardiovascular disease. Due to oleic acid, it is possible to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of cholesterol plaques. Also, oil can be a preventive composition against cancer.

To improve the appearance of the face and skin condition, add ¼ teaspoon of sea salt to a glass of milk and baking soda, 1 teaspoon of starch, 2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil. These components will make great mask for the face, which should be kept for 20 minutes and then washed off warm water. The mask allows you to fight acne and affected areas of the skin. You can also take a bath with the same composition.

Rapeseed oil - contraindications

Of course, the benefits of rapeseed oil are obvious, however, its use has some contraindications. It should not be used when:

  • diarrhea
  • Exacerbation of chronic hepatitis
  • gallstone disease
  • Individual intolerance.

Rapeseed oil - harm

Despite many years of using the oil, its harm and benefits are not fully understood. The content of erucic acid in the oil does not allow its full use in food purposes, because it can harm the bodies of children, as well as slow down the process of sexual development. Erucic acid interferes with the full functioning of the body of an adult, namely, it prevents the full functioning and synthesis of sex hormones, and provokes cirrhosis of the liver.

The presence of thioglycosides in the composition is of two minds. On the one hand, they provoke the appearance of appetite and declare themselves as a bactericidal composition, but on the other hand, they are a source of headaches and allergic reactions.

However, the above applies to crude oil and rapeseed oil. Bad quality, which should not be bought in principle. However, even refined oil should not be used for frying, because at temperatures above 180 degrees, the oil will harm the body. Carcinogens are released that cause lung cancer. However, oil can be used in salads, marinades, mayonnaise.


So, let's sum up. Refined rapeseed oil is good for health, but it should not be consumed if there are contraindications, as well as when frying. Buying rapeseed oil of inadequate quality should be avoided so as not to cause harm. Also, the oil can be used not only for food, but also for cosmetic purposes.
