
What to cook for the baptism of the Lord. Baptism of a child: a tribute to customs or a conscious choice

One of the main holidays for Christians is the Baptism of the Lord. It is also called Epiphany. It is believed that it was on this day that John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan. This holiday is celebrated by adherents of the Orthodox Christian faith on January 19.

January 19 - Epiphany: the menu of the pre-holiday and festive table

So, the main dishes on Epiphany Christmas Eve should be lenten, for example, kutya, lenten pies, cookies, uzvar, cakes, jelly, etc. There should be either seven, or nine or twelve of these dishes on the pre-holiday table.

Kutya in the old days, as a rule, was washed down with uzvar. Uzvar is a compote of dried fruits with the addition of honey. To prepare it, dried fruits must first be poured with cold water for several minutes and rinsed well. Then pour water into a saucepan and dip the dried pears into it. They need to be boiled for about twenty minutes, after which you can omit the rest of the dried fruits - prunes, apples and raisins. Now you need to cook for another ten to fifteen minutes, add honey and remove from heat. Strain and serve.

Cookies were in the form of crosses, pancakes were made from wheat or oats, then dumplings with potatoes, cherries, etc. were made. beans.

Kutya sochivo

Required products

peeled wheat 100-200 grams;

honey two tablespoons;

dried fruits or candied fruits - 1 handful;

walnuts, cashews, almonds (kernels), etc. 1 cup.

Cooking method

1. Soak grains of wheat, filling them with cold boiled water. After a few hours, drain the excess water, add water again and put on the stove to boil.

2. After the water in the pan boils, reduce the fire and cook for about 40 minutes more.

3. Rinse poppy seeds, pour boiling water over them and leave to swell on the side, do the same with dried fruits.

4. After the wheat is cooked, put it in a colander and let the water drain.

5. Grind the swollen poppy in a mortar or blender until a milky mass is formed.

6. Nuts, if necessary, should be lightly fried (without adding oil) in a pan, and honey should be diluted with warm water until a thick syrup is formed.

7. Cut dried fruits into small pieces.

8. Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl. At the end, pour everything with honey sauce.

9. Transfer Kutya to a festive dish and decorate with whole dried fruits.

Traditional cookies: Epiphany crosses

According to tradition, the feast of the Baptism of the Lord should begin in the morning with a special treat - “crosses”. These are such small lean cookies. They had to be eaten on an empty stomach and washed down with holy water.

Therefore, on January 18, all housewives must bake "crosses" - ceremonial cookies. There are many signs associated with baking this cookie. For example, if the cross is well baked, yellow-pink, then it will give success, health, well-being. From the person who got such a cookie, you can then look for sympathy, intercession, and advice for a whole year. If the “cross” with fractures is cracked, then it predicts changes in fate, difficulties. But a half-baked or burnt "cross" will bring sadness, mental trauma of the disease.

Such "crosses" cannot be eaten. The hostess who baked bad cookies must feed them to the birds outside. According to signs, heavenly creatures will relieve grief. The people to whom the bad cookies were intended do not need to know about the bad omen. They are treated to spare ruddy "crosses", so no one's good mood spoils on a holiday.

After the "crosses" they served pancakes or pancakes baked with honey. There was a sign that the more you eat these pancakes, the more money you will have in the coming year. Ritual dishes were served on the festive table.

Cookies "Crosses".

1 cup wheat flour, 2 eggs, 150g butter, 100g sugar, 2 tablespoons rum or cognac, vanillin, salt, cinnamon. Divide the resulting dough into several parts. Roll each part in the form of a sausage, divide into two parts and put them, in the form of a cross, on top of each other. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place in a hot oven. Sprinkle finished "crosses" with powdered sugar.

After the Sacrament of Baptism is performed, it is supposed to prepare a festive feast. The festive table for the christening of the child is covered by his parents. They can be helped by godparents, grandparents, close relatives and friends. Guests invited to the feast can also come with their own treats. Everyone should understand that after giving birth, the mother needs to recover and gain strength. Cooking various dishes takes a lot of time, therefore, the more close people and friends can help in this matter, the better for mother and child.

What to cook on the table for the christening of a child?

Every mother asks the question: What to cook on the table for the christening of a child? Traditional dishes for this holiday are "Babkin's porridge", "Babkin's pies", "Babkin's cheesecake". The grandmother, who was so called in antiquity, was called the midwife in another way. She helped a woman during childbirth. How well the process of the appearance of a new person into the world depended on her skill and God's help. The midwife brought "Babkin's porridge" with her to the feast. She was also called kutya. She was very filling and tasty. It was prepared with the addition of milk, butter, eggs, honey and cream. Boiled eggs cut in half served as a decoration for porridge. If a boy was born, then a rooster was baked in this christening porridge. At the birth of a girl, chicken was baked in a pot while preparing porridge. Various baked meat and egg dishes, as well as confectionery, were brought to the porridge.

Especially popular at christenings were "Babkin's Pies". They required a lot of work and time for their preparation. A special rich yeast dough was being prepared. Then, as far as fantasy allowed, various figures were made from it. Confectionery was baked in the form of birds, bagels, hearts, flowers, pretzels, cones, rabbit ears and other various shapes. Previously, many housewives could cook such pies; this art was passed down from generation to generation. Now products purchased in the store are gaining more and more popularity, this is due to their good taste and the fact that you do not need to spend your time on their manufacture. However, when buying confectionery in the store, there are some disadvantages, the main one of which can be the composition of these buns and cookies. Very often they contain margarine, it is an artificial type of oil that is hard to process by the human body. Also, store-bought products often contain various stabilizers, flavor enhancers, flavors and other additives that can cause significant harm to human health. It is especially dangerous to use them for a nursing mother. In ancient times, "Babkiny Pies" were the first to try midwives, they used them along with borscht, while uttering various jokes and jokes.

At the end of the festive feast, "Babka's porridge" was served, for this porridge a bargain was to be made. This custom can be compared with the ransom of the bride. For example, the groom could be offered to recite various poems, songs, give money, after which he was allowed to pull the rope, the other end of the rope went out the door to a closed room. There were three ends of a rope coming out of the room. When the groom pulled the first and second ropes, he usually did not guess and pulled out other cheerfully dressed women instead of his bride. It was the same with "Babkina's porridge", instead of real porridge, at first they brought a pot with something else. They could put plain potatoes there or even hide a pet, such as a cat.

During the auction, everyone had to put money in, whoever put in a large amount got the honor of breaking a pot of grandmother's porridge. Usually such a person turned out to be the godfather of the child, he broke the pot of porridge on the corner of the table. Here, too, it is worth remembering some wedding traditions. During the wedding, the bride turned her back on all the girls and threw a small wedding bouquet, the unmarried girl who caught it was supposed to get married soon. In the case of Babkina's porridge, the godfather tried to break the pot in such a way that most of the fragments would fly towards the childless women, then the porridge from the pot was shared among all the guests. First of all, they put part of the porridge to the mother of the baptized baby. She also got all the money collected during the auction. Although, in some cases, part of this money was given to the midwife.

The father of the child was given "Babkin's porridge" with fun, which means that something spicy was added to it, for example, pepper, mustard, horseradish or a large amount of salt. At this time, he was asked: “How was your wife giving birth - sweet, salty or bitter?” The father of the child was obliged to eat what was imposed on him and pay for his portion.

For a young mother, walnuts were brought as a gift, it was believed that milk comes well from them. They tried to treat local children with "Grandma's porridge", at this time they were asked to protect and not offend the baptized baby. Children were also given nuts and legumes. This was done so that the Lord would bless the baptized baby with the gift of good speech. Our ancestors believed that if they treat other children with generosity, then the Lord will not leave their child with his gifts. If the baby had problems with speech, then they filled his mouth with nuts or legumes, or small pebbles.

How to set the table for the christening of a child?

Let's talk a little more about how to set the table for the christening of a child. During the celebration of christening, you can set the table according to ancient customs, bake various culinary products that used to be called "Babkin's pies", cook "Babkin's porridge". But you should not worry much about how to set the festive table for christening. Guests will be pleased to try any delicious dishes. If you have already cooked something many times and you are good at it, then we advise you to cook this particular dish. What you have never cooked and have not tried yourself yet, it is better not to bring it to the attention of guests. If you are interested in a recipe for a salad, hot dish or dessert, then you first try to make it for your family. If it tastes good and has good external qualities, then it can be safely offered to guests.

Menu for the christening of a child

In addition to the famous "Babkina porridge" or "Babkin's pies", we advise you to include a very satisfying, tasty and healthy cheesecake in the festive menu for the christening of a child. To prepare it, you will need: 5 eggs, 200 grams of butter, 3 cups of wheat flour, a teaspoon of soda, and a glass of sugar. First you need to beat the eggs well with sugar, then add cottage cheese to the resulting mixture. Pour flour into a separate bowl, add a tablespoon of sugar, a teaspoon of soda and a pack of butter. With well-washed hands, you need to knead the butter with flour until the mixture takes the form of small crumbs. Orthodox housewives divide this dough into 4 parts in the form of a cross and pronounce the same words as when overshadowing themselves with the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.” Then, three parts of the resulting crumbly dough are carefully distributed in shape. A mixture of eggs, sugar and cottage cheese is poured onto this dough. After that, sprinkle with the remaining fourth part of the crumbly dough. The form is placed in a preheated oven for about 30 minutes. The finished cheesecake is cooled, cut into pieces and placed on a dish. You can decorate it as you wish. One of the good options for decorating is chocolate icing. For its preparation, you need to take cocoa powder, sugar and butter. For example, for 3 heaping tablespoons of cocoa powder, you will need three-quarters of a cup of sugar and half a pack of butter. Mix cocoa with sugar thoroughly, add quite a bit of boiled water and put on fire. Add butter to the resulting mixture and gently stir constantly over low heat. When the icing boils and the sugar dissolves in it, then pieces of cheesecake are covered with it. You can cover them evenly, or you can, in the form of various patterns or just small stripes. It will be very tasty if you sprinkle roasted peanuts or walnuts on top. This dish can be called "Babkina cheesecake". Here is such a good menu for the christening of a child. If you cook it in several servings, then you can not only treat those who come, but also give them a piece with you.

Congratulations on Christening before the festive table

Let the feast be generous

After all, a child was born into the world!

From the hospitable owners

Let the old and the young enjoy themselves!

Man Baptism accepted!

Grace keeps him!

She is like wings

It beckons to the Heavenly Heaven!

We share this joy

And congratulations baby.

Sun, joy, peace, fun

There's a knock on your door!

open, call

All your relatives and friends,

Accept congratulations

Christening Hurry!!!

The Baptism of the Lord, or Holy Theophany, has always been solemnly celebrated in Rus'. But at the same time, the festive treat should have included ritual dishes. Which ones, we will now tell

2014-01-17 16:00

Preparations for Baptism began on Epiphany Christmas Eve, January 18. On the eve of this bright holiday, a general cleaning was carried out in the house and traditional ceremonial dishes were prepared. In another way, this day is called Hungry Kutya. So it was called because before the first star it was impossible to eat anything, it was allowed to drink, but very little. And when the first star rose, everyone sat down at the Lenten table.

On Epiphany Christmas Eve, Lenten kutya, uzvar and other Lenten dishes must be on the table. The meal certainly began with consecrated water. And the number of dishes, as on Christmas Eve, should be seven, nine or twelve.

In Russia, traditional dishes for Epiphany were buns, cakes, pretzels, as well as pancakes and pancakes. The most popular drink was sbiten. They drank it both hot and cold.

Now let's get to the recipes!



Dried fruits to taste: dried pears, dried apples, raisins, a little prunes

Cooking method:

Dried fruits must first be poured with cold water for several minutes and rinsed well. Then pour water into a saucepan and dip the dried pears into it. They need to be boiled for about twenty minutes, after which you can omit the rest of the dried fruits - prunes, apples and raisins. Now you need to cook for another 10-15 minutes, add honey and remove from heat. Strain and serve.

Wheat-pea kutya


Wheat grains - 200 g
. pea groats (preferably whole peas) - 200 g
. vegetable oil for dressing - 100 g
. salt and pepper to taste

Cooking method:

Before you start cooking porridge, you must first carefully sort out the grains of peas and wheat. Rinse and soak in water overnight. After that, rinse them and cook them separately from each other until fully cooked in salted water. Cool, combine cereals together, pour in vegetable oil, mix. It is recommended to serve kutya chilled.



2 tbsp. spoons of honey
. 3 art. spoons of sugar
. 2 tbsp. spoons of black tea (brewing)
. spices (ground cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg to taste)
. 1/3 stalk celery
. zest of 1/2 lemon

Cooking method:

Put honey and sugar into boiling water and mix well. Then add tea, spices, chopped lemon zest and celery stalks. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Insist in a warm place or in a thermos for 15-20 minutes. Strain the drink and bring back to a boil. Serve hot.

Cross-shaped cookies "Baptism of the Lord"


Wheat flour - 260 g
. chicken egg - 1 pc.
. vegetable oil - 130 g
. rum or cognac, vodka - 1 glass
. salt to taste
. vanillin or vanilla sugar

Cooking method:

Mix all of the above ingredients in a deep bowl. Knead a smooth dough and divide it into several small pieces. Roll a tube from each part. From these tubes, in turn, create products in the form of crosses. Please remember to mark each cross for whom it is intended (for example, decorate the cross with a raisin for you, poppy crumbs for your husband, a nut for your son and a piece of dried apricots for your daughter, or just cut out the first letter of that person's name). Grease a baking sheet with oil and bake the crosses until cooked in a hot oven. This dish is a must.

Epiphany cakes


Wheat flour - 0.5 kg
. drinking water - 300 g (you can use carbonated)
. drinking soda - on the tip of a knife
. salt - to taste
. vegetable oil - for frying

Cooking method:

Pour water into a bowl, add the sifted flour along with baking soda, add salt. Knead the dough and form flat cakes of 90 grams. You can make the dough thinner by adding a little more water, then you will get thin pancakes. Heat a frying pan with refined sunflower oil. Spread the molded cakes on it and bake until golden brown. If you observe a strict fast, then you can fry the cakes without oil, on a small fire. And you can cook like dumplings.

Lenten pies


Wheat flour - 790 g
. granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon
. salt - 1 teaspoon
. dry yeast - 20 g
. drinking water - 500 g

For minced meat:

Pearl barley - 300 g
. any mushrooms - 850 g
. onions - 3 medium heads
. frying oil

Cooking method:

Mix flour, granulated sugar, salt and dry yeast in a large bowl. Heat the water to a warm state and pour into the dishes with the above ingredients. Knead the dough and knead it very thoroughly until smooth and not sticky to your hands. Put it in a warm place, covered with a lid or thick cloth to fit. When it rises, you need to knead it and leave it to come up again. When the dough swells, divide it into parts and form pies, filling them with stuffing. To prepare minced meat, boil pearl barley until tender. Boil the mushrooms for 5 minutes, drain the water, rinse and fry them in oil with chopped onions until golden brown. Combine them with pearl barley, salt, mix and fill the pies. Bake them on a baking sheet in a hot oven until cooked. Serve warm.

It just so happened that we used to celebrate every important event in life with a feast. An event such as the christening of a child is no exception. Unfortunately, over time, the meaning and meaning of many rituals is lost, and yet one wants to observe at least the appearance of traditions. Hence the many questions on the topic, what should be the festive table after the Sacrament of Baptism, what is prepared for the baptism of a child from food?

Now, as in the old days, there are no too strict requirements for such a feast. However, it is desirable that a couple of mandatory dishes are still present.

Food for the christening of a child: Babkina porridge

In the old days, this porridge was prepared by a midwife who helped with the birth of a baby. Hence the name of the traditional dish. Such porridge is boiled in milk, honey and butter, eggs and cream are added to it. The finished dish can be decorated by laying hard-boiled egg halves on top. In Rus', most often Babkin's porridge was buckwheat or wheat. However, in the modern world, no one forbids the use of rice and other cereals.

Food for the baptism of a child: Grandma's pies

Babkin's pies are another traditional treat that was prepared for christening. Strictly speaking, these are not really pies. In former times, this name was used to hide pastries from rich yeast dough prepared according to a special recipe. The filling in such pies, as a rule, was not put, but they gave the most diverse form: birds, hearts, buns, pretzels. To do something similar for a modern hostess is not difficult. If you don’t want to mess around, then you can get by with purchased confectionery.

Other dishes and snacks that are prepared for the baptism of a child

Birds were usually served as the main course for baptism. At the same time, if a girl was baptized, then a chicken was baked, and if a boy, a cockerel. Now such subtleties are unlikely to be observed by anyone. It's too difficult to determine the gender of a chicken bought in a supermarket. So parents of boys can be advised to cook a goose, and duck or chicken are perfect for a girl's christening.

The presence of a wide variety of meat snacks and salads from food for the baptism of a child is not forbidden. It is desirable to have nuts on the table in a variety of ways. Firstly, it is tasty, and secondly, it is useful for a nursing mother.

Returning to traditions, it is worth recalling that children must be present at the table. After all, christening is a children's holiday. If there are no kids among the invited guests, then you can simply treat the neighbor's kids with some goodies. In the end, it is with them that a newly baptized baby will someday communicate.

Today we will tell you how the christening of a child is celebrated by those who are ready to organize a real holiday for themselves and their guests!

We will offer you interesting and original ideas for baptism that will make your holiday special!

baby christening invitation

Any holiday begins with bright and original invitations! Christenings are no exception, and therefore we have prepared some interesting preparations for you!

These can be both standard-shaped postcards with interesting scrap-elements, as well as stylish christening invitations of the original form and content.

Do not forget to beautifully fill out the invitation to the christening of the child, writing the place and time of the celebration, the possible style or dress code for guests, as well as wishes for gifts.

Menu for christening: what to cook

Another important factor is the table for the baptism of the child. Depending on what type of holiday you want - standard get-togethers, summer barbecue in nature, a buffet table or a tea party - you must determine for yourself the most delicious and satisfying menu.

We recommend focusing on neutral foods such as chicken and salads, cold cuts and juicy fish. Of course, you can form a festive table for the baptism of a child using ours.

We have also prepared a sample menu for you:

  • Dish with cold cuts and vegetables - boiled pork, tongue, chicken rolls, sausage, lined with sweet peppers and cucumbers
  • a fish dish
  • fruit plate
  • Marinated mushrooms
  • Other marinades to taste (e.g. Korean cuisine)
  • Cheese Sliced
  • 3-4 types of salads
  • The main course is potatoes with chops (cutlets, steaks, steaks, hams) or fish.
  • Cold drinks.
  • Tea, coffee, dessert.

It is worth remembering that the christening table directly depends on the format of the party and the number of guests. If you are planning to celebrate the christening of a child in a narrow circle, you may be satisfied with the tea format of the holiday with several types of desserts and homemade pastries.

Decorating the table for the christening is up to you. You can use small flags and garlands, pointers for products, and decorate the surface of the tables with small compositions on a children's theme.

Blue or pink turntables look very stylish.

You can also decorate the table for the christening of a child with interesting details related to childhood.

Thinking about how to decorate the table for the christening, do not forget about the beautiful, themed food - sweets or a cake.

Christening: decoration ideas

When planning how to celebrate the baptism of a child, pay attention to how best to arrange the christening. Perhaps you use interesting figures of angels, colored garlands, paper pompoms, flower arrangements and other decorative elements.

For you, we have selected inspiration that will help you make your own christening decoration!

You can also use ready-made decor for christening - letters made of wood, figures from balloons or paper elements.

In general, how to decorate a christening is up to you. A budget option for celebrating a baby's baptism will allow you to make a modest celebration with inexpensive decorations.

If you want to implement interesting ideas for a child's christening, you can use the services of a children's animator, mime, magician or caricaturist. Do not forget to also invite a photographer who will capture a bright and unforgettable holiday!

Christening contests for guests

When deciding how to celebrate the christening of a boy or girl, remember that the entertainment program is an important factor in an interesting evening. If you are planning to celebrate the christening of a girl or a boy in a restaurant or cafe, we recommend that you contact the host. Having such a person will allow you to relax and enjoy the company of friends and family without any problems.

Wondering how to celebrate your child's christening economically? Then prepare your own baptismal contests!

  • Competition "Quiz". Ask all present questions about the baby. Weight, height, foot length in mm and other tricky questions, including time and date of birth. Let everyone break their heads :).
  • The game "Determine the weight." Anyone can weigh the child in their arms and try to guess the most accurate weight of the baby.
  • Solving children's riddles
  • Children's or adult "Crocodile"
  • Performing karaoke lullabies for baby
  • Writing a letter to the future, where everyone can wish the baby something special. Mom will give letters to a child for 15, 16 or 18 years.

  • An interesting moment will be filling out the first questionnaire for the baby or the game Prophecy

We hope that with our advice we not only suggested how to celebrate the baptism of a child, but also found interesting ideas and solutions for you! Remember that the idea of ​​how to celebrate christening depends on your personal wishes!

You can also find a large number of themed holidays and use them as a basis for deciding how to celebrate a child's christening. Perhaps it will be an exciting or purely masculine party in the style of a Little Gentleman!
