
Olive oil: useful properties and contraindications. Here are a couple of great and versatile masks for all hair types.

The oil obtained from olives is used not only for dressing salads or snacks. The benefits of olive oil are in the high content of vitamins, fatty acids, and other substances important for the health of the body. Its beneficial properties are successfully used in liver cleansing, for the preparation of various oil infusions, and the treatment of atherosclerosis.


A useful plant product is rich in oleic acid, its share reaches 80%, while in the sunflower variety it is only 35%. Oleic acid is remarkably absorbed in the intestines, contributes to the optimal flow of metabolic processes, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Olive oil contains omega-9 fatty acids. They have an anti-carcinogenic effect, help lower blood pressure, and are useful for prevention and obesity. Omega-9 acids help to normalize blood levels, reduce its harmful variety.

The linoleic acid included in the composition accelerates wound healing, helps to improve.

Vitamins A, D, K strengthen the intestinal walls, bone tissue. makes the skin smooth, adds shine to the hair.

Useful properties of olive oil

The product helps to normalize blood pressure, reduce body fat, reduce the risk of blood clots.

The omega-9 fatty acids included in the composition destroy free radicals, slow down the aging process, and reduce the risk of malignant tumors.

Olive oil is good for the stomach, duodenum, liver, as it helps to heal ulcers and has a pronounced regenerating effect.

Varieties of olive oil

The maximum of useful properties in the product of the so-called cold mechanical extraction, when the olive oil is heated no higher than 27C. This category is called Extra Virgin (Extra Virgin), is labeled DOP (Denominacion de Origen Protegida), protecting the indication of origin. This variety is the most useful, it is used when dressing salads.

Refined (refined olive oil or just olive oil) olive oil is usually used for frying because it does not smoke or form foam. For its preparation, the Virgin product is purified using solvents or adsorbents. Unlike varieties of Extra Virgin and Virgin, when frying it forms a minimum of carcinogenic substances, it is notable for its low cost.

In order for olive oil to bring maximum benefit, it must be stored properly. The product is sensitive to light, so it is important to choose a dark, cool room, the ideal temperature is +10..+15C.

The storage container must have a tight lid or stopper to prevent contact with air.

Treatment of gallstone disease

Gallstones form in the gallbladder when eating cooked food. In the body, such food contributes to the formation of salts of oxalic acid. Therefore, boiled food must be combined with fresh herbs, salads.

After consulting a doctor, the following methods are used to dissolve gallstones:

  • Make a cleansing enema. Mix half a glass of lemon juice and half a glass of olive oil. Take no earlier than two hours after dinner. Lie on your right side, put a heating pad under the liver. Do an enema again in the morning.

The procedure eliminates the stagnation of bile, helps to get out the sand and stones.

  • Prepare 0.5 l of olive oil and 0.5 l of strained juice of fresh lemons. Wait at least 6 hours after the last meal. Drink 4s.l. oil, immediately drink 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Repeat every 15 minutes. When the oil runs out, drink all the rest of the lemon juice.

If stones have formed in the bile ducts, take a herbal product 1/2 tsp. half an hour before meals, gradually bringing the dosage to half a glass.

Liver cleanse with olive oil

The classic liver cleanse requires apple juice. Do a cleansing enema the night before.

First day. Make a cleansing enema in the morning. During the day, drink juice squeezed from fresh apples, which do not contain the remains of various fertilizers.

Second day. Start the day with an enema, drink only apple juice during the day.

Third day: In the morning enema, apple juice until 19 pm local time.

By 7:00 pm on the third day, prepare 300 ml of olive oil and 300 ml of fresh lemon juice.

Exactly at 19:00, take 3s.l. warmed up to +30..+35C olive oil, drink 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Tie a heating pad with hot water to the liver. In order not to burn the skin, put a small towel. Lie on your right side.

Every 15 minutes take 3 tbsp. oil, drink 1 tbsp. lemon juice. Drink all the oil in this way. With the last dose, drink the remaining juice.

After some time - an hour, two, several hours - the ducts will open, you will need to go to the toilet (it is better to prepare a pot). Bilirubin stones, black bile, yellow cholesterol flakes, various films will begin to come out.

If cleansing happened after an hour or two, put a cleansing enema before going to bed, repeat in the morning.

You can start the next morning with a light breakfast.

To get the most benefit from liver cleansing with olive oil, it is recommended to perform the procedure every three to four months, each time increasing its amount by 30-50 ml.

As a rule, after four or five cleanings, the oldest stones come out. Then it is enough to clean the ducts once a year.

Treatment of peptic ulcer

  • Add a glass of olive oil to a glass of aloe juice, leave for three days. Place in a small container 1s.l. honey, simmer for 2 hours, mix with the already prepared composition.

Take for the treatment of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, 1 tbsp. half an hour before meals 4-5 times a day. The course of treatment is a month.

To improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines, it is useful to take 1 tsp on an empty stomach. olive oil.

Treatment of diseases of the oral cavity

For gum disease, heated olive oil is beneficial. Dip a soft-bristled toothbrush into it and rub it into the gums. When painful sensations appear, rinse your mouth with a useful product every morning for 10 minutes. At the end, be sure to spit, do not swallow.

Treatment of periodontitis

Mix 1 s.l. refined olive oil and 30% tincture to form a homogeneous emulsion. Lubricate the gums with the resulting composition 2-3 times a day.

Oil can be replaced with glycerin.


The product promotes bowel movements, helps to normalize the stool, is useful for those suffering from constipation, hemorrhoids. It is enough to take 1 tsp. olive oil on an empty stomach.

Heat the oil to a comfortable temperature in a container placed in hot water. Enter, using an enema, into the rectum.


For everyone over 50, with the appearance of signs of forgetfulness, frequent pains in the head and in the region of the heart, uncertainty when walking, it is useful to take garlic oil to dilate blood vessels:

  • Mash the cloves of one head into gruel, place in a glass container, pour a glass of Extra Virgin product, refrigerate.
    After a day, mix 1 tsp. garlic composition with 1 tsp. lemon juice, taken half an hour before meals for a month.

In a month, repeat the course.

Harm of olive oil

It is necessary to take olive oil with caution in case of cholelithiasis, cholecystitis. The product has a pronounced choleretic effect, which can move stones, causing blockage of the duct.

Any vegetable oil increases the burden on the digestive system and is high in calories. Therefore, if health is in order, it is worth limiting the intake of 1-2s.l. in a day.

It is also worth limiting the intake of fried foods. They harm the body, even if they are made with a refined variety of refined olive oil.

It should be remembered that olives do not grow in our country, this is an imported product, so you should not completely abandon traditional unrefined sunflower, linseed vegetable oils.

Modified: 02/14/2019

Ancient people have always appreciated the gifts of nature, actively used them for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. The benefits of olive oil for the body of an extra class, since this unique natural remedy, due to its natural composition, is able to overcome a number of dangerous pathologies, improve the condition of human skin.

Olive oil - composition

This unique product is obtained by cold pressing, and fresh olives and olives are harvested exclusively from November to March. Since such exotic fruits quickly oxidize after harvest, it is necessary to process them productively to obtain a valuable liquid for health. The chemical composition of olive oil is rich in vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and beneficial trace elements. This:

  • phenols, polyphenols, phenolic acids inhibit skin aging processes;
  • oleic acid accelerates metabolic processes, strengthens the vascular walls;
  • terpene alcohols, tocopherols stabilize blood sugar levels;
  • Omega 9 is considered to prevent diabetes, obesity, atherosclerosis;
  • squalene prevents oncology (especially in modern gynecology);
  • sterol and β-sitosterol prevent vascular pathologies, hypertension;
  • linoleic acid increases visual acuity, accelerates the process of regeneration of damaged tissues;
  • vitamin D strengthens bones, is considered the prevention of rickets;
  • vitamin A is useful for reduced vision, skin problems;
  • Vitamin E, being an antioxidant, prevents the formation of cancer cells, intoxication of the body.
  • fatty acids steatico and palmitelaico against atherosclerosis;
  • Vitamin K is good for the intestines, especially in children.

Olive oil benefits

Before choosing such a natural remedy, it is important to carefully study its beneficial properties, completely eliminate contraindications and harm to health. The benefits of olive oil are marked by modern medicine, dietetics, and cosmetology; even pregnant women are not prohibited for the prevention of the substances included in the composition. The healing properties of this oil base are detailed below:

  • lowering bad cholesterol in the blood;
  • mild laxative effect, especially relevant for chronic constipation;
  • skin rejuvenation, productive disposal of small mimic wrinkles;
  • prevention of diabetes;
  • improvement of intestinal motility;
  • acceleration of the metabolic process;
  • improvement of the body during pregnancy;
  • improving the quality of hair, getting rid of dandruff;
  • maintenance of youth, natural beauty;
  • strengthening immunity for infants.

For women

If we talk about the female body, this product is valuable in modern gynecology. This is an excellent prevention of cancer, the benefits of this herbal component for patients at risk of breast cancer are especially obvious. The harm to health is minimal, but the therapeutic effect is noticeable immediately. The enormous benefits of olive oil for women are detailed below:

  • smoothing the dermis from wrinkles;
  • prevention of brittleness, hair loss;
  • nutrition and hydration of dry skin type;
  • increased lactation during breastfeeding;
  • strengthening immunity during pregnancy;
  • increasing the strength of nails;
  • acceleration of metabolism.

on an empty stomach

The use of the oil base inside is appropriate on an empty stomach, especially for problems with digestion, overweight. At first, it is recommended to use a teaspoon without harm to health, but then increase the dose to a tablespoon (also every day in the morning). The benefits of olive oil on an empty stomach are to start the digestive tract, accelerate the metabolic process, suppress appetite, prevent hemorrhoids, and eliminate toxins. The main thing is to take this unique remedy correctly.


Before choosing an oil base for intensive care, you need to decide on the variety, the method of processing olives after harvest. For example, according to the Spanish classification, this natural product is especially valuable after the first pressing. This is Extra virgin olive oil, which costs an order of magnitude more than its "followers". Virgin olive oil is a second-pressed product, therefore it is inferior in quality and characteristics. Pomace oil, Pure olive oil - extracts obtained by chemical extraction.

An effective treatment with olive oil is possible when choosing a Greek product obtained by the first pressing method:

  • elimination of emotional instability, extensive nervous disorders;
  • strengthening of blood vessels and myocardium, especially in chronic "cores";
  • positive dynamics in back pain;
  • maintaining muscle tone, rapid recovery of affected tissues;
  • improvement in twilight vision.

For hair

The oil base of the second extraction is actively involved in cosmetology, and not only to eliminate facial wrinkles from the face, but also to strengthen hair follicles, improve the overall appearance of the hairstyle. Olive oil for hair has the following beneficial properties that remain without harm even after cold pressing:

  • moisturizing and nourishing hair follicles;
  • elimination of split ends;
  • smoothing naughty curls;
  • ensuring the durability of the hairstyle;
  • rich hair color after using a refined or unrefined base.

Learn more about what impact it has.

For face

Oil base after the first pressing is especially valuable for sensitive facial skin prone to dryness and flaking. The benefits and harms of olive oil are of interest to every woman, but even in the case of oily skin, such a unique composition does not harm. A few drops and a natural blush will appear on the cheeks, and soon there will be no trace of mimic wrinkles. Olive oil for the face can be used unfiltered, but first consult with your dermatologist.

For constipation

Cold pressing provides a mild laxative effect in the digestive organs. If you use olive oil for constipation in moderation, significant harm to the digestive system is completely excluded. But the benefits for intestinal motility are colossal, since after the first dose the stool normalizes, discomfort and the most unpleasant sensations disappear.

With gastritis

Wood oil is actively used for dangerous diseases of the stomach, prone to its chronic transformation, frequent relapses with acute pain attacks. Olive oil does not harm gastritis, but it envelops the affected mucosa, reduces the aggressive effect of certain foods, and normalizes the acidity of gastric juice.

With pancreatitis

To cleanse the liver and facilitate the work of the pancreas, doctors at home recommend using olive oil - the benefits and harms depend on daily doses, the method of direct use. In general, this natural remedy is used to cleanse the liver, eliminate intoxication products from the systemic circulation. Olive oil in pancreatitis reduces the number of attacks, prolongs the period of remission.

With hemorrhoids

To prevent the hemorrhoid from becoming inflamed, it is necessary to take Provence oil inside. The benefits of prevention are obvious, the harm is minimal. If inflammation prevails in the active phase, the patient is shown to use rectal suppositories with the participation of this plant component. Olive oil for hemorrhoids can be used internally and externally to enhance the desired therapeutic effect.

With stones in the gallbladder

With pathogenic stagnation of bile, as well as in the case of the formation of stones and sand, this natural product is useful. It has an anti-inflammatory and splitting effect, provides rapid movement and productive removal of such neoplasms in a natural way. Olive oil with stones in the gallbladder is the main or auxiliary medicine, is involved in the recipes for the preparation of healing fees. Apply carefully, otherwise blockage of the duct becomes harmful to health.

Olive oil - harm

There is also a negative effect on the body, for example, it's time to remember that this is a high-calorie product, which is allowed to be consumed in strictly limited doses. The harm of olive oil is present in baby food, so parents try to avoid the presence of a peanut, palmitic element in the product. Otherwise, the risk of an allergic reaction, the occurrence of problems with children's digestion, increases.


This fragrant basis for treatment and prevention is not allowed for all interested buyers. Absolute contraindications of olive oil reduce the number of people who want to use this healing product in practice. Medical restrictions are as follows:

  • a tendency to an allergic reaction upon contact with this fragrant product;
  • the risk of developing obesity, diabetes;
  • fatty liver;
  • bowel disorder;
  • blockage of the duct with cholelithiasis;
  • potential complications of cholecystitis.


For a long time mankind has been using olive oil in cooking, medicine and cosmetology. Its beneficial properties were discovered by the ancient Greeks. Olive oil is called "liquid gold". What is its use? How to choose and what types of olive oils are there?

Benefits of olive oil

Olive oil has many health benefits. It has a preventive effect in cardiovascular and oncological diseases:

  • fights with "bad" cholesterol in the blood;
  • protects against atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • is a natural immunostimulant;
  • reduces the risk of formation of cancer cells in the body.

It also has a good effect on the work of the stomach, intestines, biliary system:

  • improves the functioning of the intestines, stomach, liver;
  • heals ulcers in the stomach and duodenum;
  • helps with hemorrhoids;
  • copes with constipation;
  • has a choleretic effect.

Olive oil is used in cosmetology:

  • has a rejuvenating effect, as it contains vitamin E;
  • it is included in masks and other care products for the face, body and hair;
  • has a healing effect on wounds, cuts and ulcers.

Varieties of olive oil and their uses

The physical and chemical composition of the finished product, the content of useful elements in it depends on the method of pressing the raw materials. In accordance with this indicator, olive oil is divided into categories in European legislation:

  • natural olive oil (Extra Virgen and Virgen, Spanish);
  • olive oil (Aceite de Oliva, Spanish);
  • extra virgin olive oil (Romas or Aceite de orujo de oliva, Spanish).

Extra Virgin (Cold Pressed Unrefined)

Extra Virgin - the most valuable and expensive grade of oil. This is practically freshly squeezed olive juice, bottled. The technological process - from the place of cultivation and collection to sorting and pressing - is regulated and controlled.

In producing countries, the quality of olive oil is checked by a commission consisting of expert tasters. This procedure is legally fixed and mandatory. Each of the ten members of the commission must assign the title of Extra Virgin to the sample. Only in this case, manufacturers have the right to sell oil under that name. If at least one member of the commission “rejected” the product, then the manufacturer is fined and the oil is sent for revision.

This type of oil contains the greatest amount of useful substances. Its taste is rich, but with bitterness. The more bitter the oil, the fresher it is. It is recommended to use it without heat treatment:

  1. For dressing salads and cold dishes.
  2. in dietary nutrition. For people prone to cardiovascular diseases, olive oil is an indispensable tool in the fight against "bad" cholesterol. Used in diets for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary system.
  3. To feed a child. From the age of six months, babies are introduced to complementary foods with extra virgin olive oil. The first dose is 2 drops, and by one year it is brought to a teaspoon. The fatty acids of this olive oil combine almost like in breast milk. Helps kids with constipation.

Virgin (unrefined cold pressed)

This oil is also a natural product, but the quality of the olives from which it is made is lower. Low quality standards are applied to it. The taste of Virgin oil is not as refined as that of extra natural. Cosmetologists advise adding it to masks for the face, hair and nails. When using Virgin oil in cooking, it is not recommended to heat it in order to preserve its beneficial properties.

Refined cold pressed

This type of olive oil is obtained by mixing refined cold-pressed olive oil with unrefined extra natural (Extra Virgin) in a proportion of 85% / 15%. It also has excellent properties, but the rich taste and smell of olive oil is absent, there is no characteristic bitterness. Suitable for heat treatment, during frying it does not form carcinogens.

Extra virgin olive oil

This oil is obtained from the pomace of olives left after the first pressing. In the manufacturing process, organic solvents are used and raw materials are exposed to high temperatures. Oil retains a set of vitamins and minerals, but in smaller quantities. It is ideal for deep frying food.

Product exporting countries

Which country produces the best olive oil? The dispute has been going on for centuries. In every country there are worthy producers offering healthy and tasty oil.

The lion's share of olive oil is produced in Europe. Spain ranks first in terms of volume, Italy ranks second, and Greece ranks third. Olive oil is also made in Turkey, Tunisia and Syria, Morocco, Portugal, the USA and France. The volume of oil produced by these countries is a small proportion of the total mass. Therefore, the main dispute about the quality, taste and benefits of "liquid gold" flares up between Spain, Italy and Greece. Each country "cheers" for its product and considers it the best. Are there any differences in the tastes and beneficial properties of olive oil from these countries?

Quality product from Spain

In Spain, the production process of "liquid gold" is well-established and automated to perfection. This fact helps the country to come out on top in terms of product procurement. The taste of olive oil from Spain is closest to the natural taste of olives. He is harsh and bitter.

Real olive oil from Italy

In Italy, there are many enterprises for the preparation of olive oil. There are more than 400 varieties of olive in Italy. Rich bouquets of taste are created from such a variety. Great competition in the market within the country only stimulates the improvement of the created olive oils.

What does Italian olive oil taste like? Italians like to season olive oil with spices and spices such as garlic, chili peppers or rosemary. The taste of the oil from this becomes a little spicy. Olive oil from Italy is distinguished by its mild taste, sweetish and barely perceptible herbal smell.

What oil is made in Greece

It was in Greece that the production of olive oil began in ancient times. The Greeks fill their domestic market more, not striving for superiority in exports. Ancient traditions are honored here, they are passed on from generation to generation, and they are sensitive to the production of butter. This process is the least automated. The taste of the oil is rich and bright, it contains aromas of fruits and honey notes.

Greece has a suitable climate for growing olive trees. Thousands of Greek families, using homemade conservative methods, extract the largest volume of extra virgin olive oil (80% of the world's volume).

If we talk about the benefits of olive oil, then there is a special law for producing countries that sets out quality criteria. Therefore, the name Extra Virgin already gives a guarantee that this oil is the best, regardless of which country it comes from.

How to choose the right olive oil on store shelves

When buying olive oil, you need to clearly understand what it is for? If you plan to fill them with salads and cold dishes, use them as complementary foods, for medicinal or dietary purposes, in cosmetology, then choose an oil labeled Virgin or Extra Virgin.

If you want to use oil for frying, choose an olive oil labeled Aceite de Oliva. You can also cook in a deep fryer with oil labeled "Romase" or Aceite de orujo de oliva.

Many take advantage of the ignorance of buyers and sell plain refined olive oil at the price of extra virgin olive oil. Therefore, you need to look not only at the price, but also study the information on the package.

About cost

  1. Extra virgin olive oil has the highest cost, since only the highest quality raw materials are used to produce it. Only 250 ml of oil comes out of one kilogram of olives. High quality requirements make this product more expensive.
  2. There is also a difference in the cost of extra natural oils. Oils labeled DOP/IGP/PDO or labeled "biological" (BIO) are significantly more expensive than Extra Virgin oils without such labeling.
    • BIO marking guarantees that chemicals and genetically modified organisms were not used in the production of oil;
    • DOP (PDO) - a guarantee that the oil was produced in a specific area listed in a special register, the entire process from cultivation to packaging is carried out in one place;
    • IPG - a label indicating that the oil was produced in a certain area included in the agricultural register (one or more stages of production are regulated, which also has a positive effect on the quality of the oil).
  3. The difference in cost depends on the type of spin used in production. Extra virgin olive oil will always cost many times more than second (hot) pressed olive oil.
  4. Unrefined olive oil will always be more expensive than refined olive oil.

How to buy a good product in a store

Regardless of which type of olive oil you choose, keep the following points in mind:

  1. Olive oil is not produced in Russia, so buy the product only in its original packaging. It is not safe to purchase such oil for bottling in our country.
  2. Packaging must be glass (dark glass) or tin.
  3. The type of olive oil, the exporting country must be indicated on the package.
  4. The DOP/IGP/PDO markings or the organic designation (BIO) is a guarantee of the quality of the extra natural olive oil. Such markings are often faked, in order not to make a mistake in choosing, ask the stores for a special certificate of origin.
  5. The acidity of the oil is always written on the packaging: the figure should be no more than 3.3%, if the oil is extra natural, then no more than 1%.
  6. Pay attention to the date of production, the shelf life after opening. Usually, oil in unopened containers is stored for up to 18 months. From the moment of opening - a month, provided that the bottle is tightly closed and stands in a dark place where the sun's rays do not fall.

If there is an opportunity to try Extra Virgin oil, then its features are as follows.

Not all fats are bad for the human body.

Turns out there are healthy fats. They must be included in your daily diet if you want to keep your health strong for years to come. Lack of fat also negatively affects the appearance.

Olive oil and health benefits

Guessed? Of course it's olive oil!

Read the article to find out the benefits of olive oil and what a wonderful effect this Mediterranean well of health has.

Composition and nutritional value of olive oil

According to the USDA National Food Database, one tablespoon of olive oil contains:

  • 119 calories
  • Vitamin E - 1.94 mg (13% of the recommended daily allowance)
  • Vitamin K - 8.1 mg (9%)
  • Saturated fat - 1.9 g
  • Monounsaturated fats - 9.9 g
  • Polyunsaturated fat - 10.5 g

As you can see, olive oil contains many types of fats.

The American Heart Health Organization recommends no more than 16 grams of saturated fat for a standard daily diet of 2,000 calories. 1.9 grams of fat is equivalent to 12% of this diet.

American cardiologists also advise eating as much monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats as possible. They are the most useful and easier to digest.

The advantage of olive oil is that it just contains a large amount of these so-called "good" fats. Therefore, just one tablespoon of oil a day can bring you great benefits.

Useful properties of olive oil

Antioxidant Properties

Antioxidants are substances that help prevent cell damage caused by dangerous oxygen molecules known as free radicals.

Free radicals can cause heart disease, cancer, Alzheimer's disease, and other serious ailments.

Olive oil contains powerful antioxidants, which means it may well protect us from these insidious diseases.

According to a scientific study published in the journal Nutrition Research Reviews, the bitter taste of olive oil is due to two chemical elements - hydroxytyrosol and oleuropein, which exhibit active antioxidant properties.

Vitamin E and vitamin K are also antioxidants.

Anti-inflammatory effect

If you are familiar with my article The Anti-Inflammatory Diet, then remember that chronic inflammation is associated with many serious diseases. This is asthma, and allergies, and heart disease, and cancer, and many others.

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, olive oil plays an important role in organizing the nutritional process during therapy.

The oleic acid contained in the oil is especially valued. This monounsaturated fatty compound is excellent at reducing inflammatory markers.

In Japan, studies of oleic acid were carried out in 2007. More than 3,000 people were involved in the experiment.

Eating this acid (in combination with other fats) has been found to reduce levels of inflammation in humans.

Olive oil also contains oleacansal, an even more powerful antioxidant.

Numerous studies have shown that the effect of this substance is similar to that of ibuprofen (50 grams of oil corresponds to 10% of the adult dose of ibuprofen).

Certainly, 10 % - That's not a lot, but scientists are of the opinion that even such low doses of painkillers have cumulative effect.

Antibacterial properties

Olive oil has strong antibacterial properties.

A scientific experiment was conducted, during which it turned out that acetic acid and olive oil are the best commonly available bacterial fighters.

The presence of olive oil in mayonnaise reduces the risk of Salmonella and Listeria infection.

Olive oil has a depressing effect on Helicobacter pylori, pathogenic intestinal bacteria that cause ulcers and stomach cancer.

Chemical and biological studies have shown that olive oil substances have a strong bactericidal effect against 8 strains of H. pylori - 3 of which are generally resistant to antibiotics!

Scientific fact that just 30 grams of olive oil a day can kill H. pylori in 40% of people in 14 days.

Proper nutrition product

High consumption of olive oil is inextricably linked with the concept of proper nutrition.

A scientific experiment is known, in which 1600 people from 18 to 60 years old took part. It turned out that people with the highest level of consumption of olive oil (13.5% of total calories) had extremely healthy food in their diet.

This means that they moderately consumed cereals, baked goods, whole milk, sausages, sweets, fruit juices and soda. And they preferred to include fish, eggs, vegetables and healthy fats in their menu.

It is not surprising that people who make daily use of olive oil a habit receive the necessary amount of fats, as well as vitamins and nutrients.

Of course, this does not mean that one has only to start drinking olive oil, and all your health problems will immediately be solved. But there is a certain connection here.

Perhaps those who consume olive oil every day are simply sticking to Mediterranean cuisine (whole grains, fish, vegetables).

Good for the heart

Numerous studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet has an extremely beneficial effect on heart function.

For example, in one experiment, 7447 participants, aged 55 to 80, who, although they did not have heart problems, were at risk, took part.

The participants were divided into three groups, and each group had its own diet. These were the Mediterranean diet supplemented with olive oil, the Mediterranean diet with nuts, and the healing diet.

Scientists have shown that those groups where there was a Mediterranean diet (with butter and nuts), there was a decrease in the frequency of unpleasant sensations in the heart area, since healthy fats stabilize the cardiovascular system.

Olive oil is indicated for high blood pressure (hypertension).

In 2000, a study was conducted that regular consumption of olive oil can help reduce the need for antihypertensive drugs. up to 48%.

Reducing the risk of stroke

Science knows two large-scale studies that have proven that olive oil plays an important role in protecting a person from the risk of stroke.

One of them was a scientific analysis involving 841,211 people, which, based on 32 cohort studies, studied different types of monounsaturated fats and their effect on the human body.

The researchers noted a "significant association" between high olive oil intake and reduced risk of sudden death. It also reduces the risk of stroke by 17%.

The second experiment was based on observations of more than 38,000 people. The relationship between olive oil and improved heart condition has also been seen.

Cancer protection

The incidence of cancer in the Mediterranean countries is an order of magnitude lower than in the Scandinavian countries, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. And it makes you think: what if this food works wonders?

We have already found out that olive oil is rich in antioxidants, and also has a depressing effect on the appearance and reproduction of cancer cells.

And it's scientifically proven!

For example, oleacansal kills cancer cells in less than an hour! The results of this study were published in the journal Molecular and Cellular Oncology in 2015.

Under normal conditions, cancer cells die within 16-24 hours. And oleakansal accelerates this process - only 30-60 minutes.

Also, olive oil will be very useful in breast cancer and its prevention.

A scientific experiment is known when 4,000 women, aged 60 to 80 years, were divided into 2 groups and assigned different meals. The first group had to eat a Mediterranean diet with plenty of olive oil for 6 years. And the second in the same period of time adhered to a special therapeutic diet.

After 5 years of the diet, it was found that the Mediterranean diet reduced the risk of cancer cells by 68% compared to the therapeutic diet.

Stimulating the brain

Olive oil will help you protect your brain from the insidious Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of dementia that causes numerous problems with memory, thinking and behavior.

People with Alzheimer's disease have an accumulation of a protein (beta-amyloid) in certain parts of the brain.

Olive oil perfectly removes protein deposits, thereby preventing the development of the disease.

Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Considering that rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an inflammatory disease and we already know that olive oil is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, it is reasonable to conclude that olive oil can relieve pain and swelling associated with RA.

Science supports this view, although little research has been done in this area.

In Spain, in 2014, a scientific experiment was conducted, and it was found that the Mediterranean diet (with olive oil) has a positive effect on this problem: pain sensations, inflammation markers decrease, and the toxic effect decreases.

In another 24-week study, arthritis patients took fish oil along with olive oil. The result of the experience is a decrease in the intensity of pain, the elimination of the symptom of morning stiffness, the appearance of strength in the muscles of the hands.

The right choice for cooking

There are many good oils, but not all are suitable for cooking.

Some oils cannot withstand high temperatures and start to smoke. And smoke, as you know, contains toxic substances, free radicals, which is very harmful to our body.

Scientists have studied the properties of olive oil at high temperatures.

Olive oil was kept on fire for 24 hours, in other words, fried. It has been found to be extremely resistant to elevated temperatures.

Another study involved using sunflower and olive oils for 40 roasts.

During the first 20 treatments, olive oil showed good results, unlike sunflower. Then all differences were erased, and during the next 20 frying, both types of oil were unsuitable for eating.

Conclusion - olive oil is safe for frying, but it is necessary to change it after each cooking.

Weight maintenance

I have said many times that it is not fat that makes you fat, but sugar!

In one 2-year study of over 1,100 older adults, it was proven that the Mediterranean diet reduces the risk of obesity by 88%.

Another experiment was conducted in Spain, involving 7368 university graduates. They ate a fairly large amount of olive oil every day for 2 years. The results showed that the weight of the participants remained normal, which means that excess fat does not cause pathological weight gain.

Prevention of type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes is a progressive disease in the US, and by 2050, according to statistics, one in three Americans will suffer from it.

Olive oil, like some other fats, can have a stabilizing effect on blood sugar and insulin levels.

This is clearly illustrated by a scientific experiment in which 418 patients with type 2 diabetes took part. They were divided into 2 groups. People from group 1 adhered to the Mediterranean diet, and patients from 2 - therapeutic. Result - in 40% of patients from group 1, an improvement was observed.

More recently, in 2015, a study was conducted in which 25 participants were given typical Mediterranean food for lunch: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish. Half of the participants were cooked with olive oil, and the other half with corn.

After eating, they had a blood test. It turned out that in a group of people where there was corn oil, there was an increase in glucose levels. That is, with the help of olive oil, you can completely control the level of sugar.

In conclusion about the benefits of olive oil

As you can see, olive oil contains a lot of useful substances.

Choose extra virgin olive oil, it has a more pronounced flavor and also has a higher concentration of biologically active components.

But remember that everything is in moderation. And in the use of olive oil as well. One tablespoon contains 120 calories, and this is quite enough for a daily requirement.

This article is about olive oil. We talk about its types, useful properties and proper storage. Following our advice, you will learn how to choose a product and what to use a herbal remedy for.

Olive oil is a vegetable product made from the fruit of the European olive.

The composition of the oil directly depends on the method of its production. It is optimal that the collection of fruits takes place from November to March. Olives oxidize quickly, for this reason, after harvesting, it is necessary to cook the oil as soon as possible.

Olive oil contains polyphenols, tocopherols, phenolic acids.

How olive oil is obtained

The manufacturing process of the product begins with the picking of olives. Experts are sure that manual picking of the fruit allows you to select olives of a uniform size and maturity, preventing them from damage, which leads to the formation of acid in the oil.

After that, the collected fruits are delivered to the factory. This happens on a daily basis, which is important, since such transportation reduces the time between collection and pressing, and this improves the quality of the finished product.

Then, with the help of special fans, the leaves are removed from the fruit. Later, they are thoroughly washed with clean water to remove any contamination.

After this, the fruits are crushed to a paste-like state. Usually olive oil is enclosed in the cells of the product.

To extract it, a certain device is used, similar to a mill, consisting of two rotating granite rollers.

This extraction method takes place without heating, which is why the procedure is called “cold pressing”. A valve is located on the side of the device, through which the paste comes out and forms the shape of cakes.

After that, they are placed on top of each other under the press, which subsequently leads to a new spin. The initial result of the extraction gives the oil of the first pressing, with the subsequent release of the plant product, its quality becomes lower.

Types of olive oil

There are three main grades of herbal product purification, which can be divided into several types.

  • cake (olive-pomace oil);
  • purified (olive oil);
  • natural (virgin olive oils).

There are two types of oil: refined and unrefined.

Refined and unrefined olive oil

Refined pomace oil is rarely used for food, in some cases it is added to baked goods in restaurants.

Purified refined oil is good for frying.

Natural oil, also unrefined, is used for dressing salads.

The table below shows the differences between refined and unrefined products.

BJU and calorie content of olive oil

The calorie content of olive oil per 100 g is 852 Kcal, proteins - 0.30 g, fats - 91.24 g, carbohydrates - 1.76 g.

Useful properties of olive oil

Olive oil has a rejuvenating effect due to the presence of vitamin E in its composition. Antioxidants prevent cell fading, eliminate crow's feet, and prevent their appearance. Thanks to these properties, the skin becomes elastic.

Also . The natural remedy is great for sensitive and dry skin, softens it, prevents cells from losing moisture.

The product contains almost all useful and important trace elements for the human body. They have a positive effect on the body - they prevent the development of atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases, lower cholesterol levels, help with the treatment of the digestive system, and strengthen bones.

The acids included in the product are involved in the process of building cell membranes.

vitamins in olive oil

The oil contains the following vitamins:

  • retinol (vitamin A);
  • ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • tocopherol (vitamin E);
  • vitamin K;
  • vitamin B3.


The use of olive oil is contraindicated in cholecystitis, indigestion or intestinal infections.

If you are allergic to some substances in the composition of the product, you must limit the intake of oil or exclude it completely from the diet.

The harmful effect of oil on the body occurs in case of its excessive use.

Olive or sunflower oil

If you are faced with the choice of which oil is better to buy, olive or sunflower, then pay attention to the following differences:

  1. The price is much lower than for olive oil.
  2. Most people like the smell of sunflower oil more than olive oil.
  3. Olive oil burns faster than sunflower oil.

Olive oil contains 8 times more vitamin K than sunflower oil. Sunflower oil contains 3 times more tocopherol than olive oil.

The olive product contains phytosterols that block the absorption of cholesterol, which leads to its decrease in the circulatory system. These substances are almost completely absent in sunflower oil.

How to choose olive oil

When buying olive oil, be extremely careful. By following these tips, you will be able to purchase a quality and useful product:

  1. The best oil is always labeled “extra virgin” and is produced by mechanical pressing.
  2. A branded product is made from fruits grown in a specific area, it is packaged at local enterprises, with the abbreviation D.O.P.
  3. In the manufacture of oil, low-quality olives can be used, but this does not affect the nutritional value of a natural product. There will be no prefix extra in the marking.
  4. For cosmetic purposes, purchase unrefined oils that are free of chemicals. In such a product there will be no virgin prefix.

What is olive oil used for?

Due to the large number of useful substances and vitamins in the composition of the product, it is actively used for cosmetic purposes.

Let's take a closer look at the cases and why it is used in cosmetology.

For body

Can be used to eliminate "orange peel" and massage.

With regular use of the oil, you will not only be able to eliminate cellulite, but also notice how your skin has become elastic, soft to the touch.

For face

When using oil for the face, “crow's feet” disappear, the skin condition and complexion improve, peeling, inflammation and irritation disappear. It is especially beneficial for dry and sensitive skin.

You can use the product both in its pure form and with the addition of a few drops of essential oils.

But remember, only the product of the first pressing has useful properties.

For hair

After applying olive oil, the hair begins to grow faster, their condition improves, they are protected from the harmful effects of the external environment.

Fatty acids contribute to the regeneration of the skin on the head, oleic acid retains moisture in the hair and nourishes them.

In its purest form, pre-heating it, or create a mask based on it.

For weight loss

Due to the content of oleic acid in it, which improves metabolism. Also, this acid dulls the feeling of hunger.

This means that after taking olive oil, you will not have the desire to snack on anything, you will be able to control your appetite.

When using the product, you will lose weight, improve your well-being.

From stretch marks

The only condition is regular application of the product to problem areas of the skin.

The effectiveness of the oil lies in the fatty acids that activate the production of collagen, as a result of which new skin cells appear in the area of ​​stretch marks.

Use oil both in its pure form and when creating scrubs based on it.

For cleaning the liver

Cleansing the liver with olive oil is an effective method that helps to remove toxins, radionuclides, and poisons from the body.

The oil remedy has a choleretic effect, binds and removes excess cholesterol produced by the liver from the digestive organs.

There are some contraindications for taking olive oil. Therefore, before cleaning the liver, consult with a specialist, do an ultrasound of the abdominal cavity.

Cleaning is contraindicated during pregnancy, breastfeeding, menstruation, food poisoning.

Elixir of youth - honey, lemon and olive oil


  1. Honey - 0.2 kg.
  2. Lemon juice - 110 ml.
  3. Olive oil (unrefined) - 50 ml.

How to cook: For the recipe, use freshly squeezed lemon juice, liquid flower honey. Mix the ingredients until smooth using a ceramic or wooden spatula. Place the finished composition in a glass jar, tightly cover it with a lid, place in the refrigerator.

How to use: Take the remedy on an empty stomach, 1 tsp, after stirring the composition in the jar. The course is 60 days, after that take a short break and you can take the composition again.

Result: Feeling better.

How to store olive oil

Olive oil is usually stored in a tin or glass container. The product retains its useful properties only during the first 5 months of storage.

The total shelf life of the herbal product is 1 year, after which time it loses its aroma. At this time, it is better to use it for stewing or frying, but not salad dressings.

Store the oil in a dark, dry and cool place where there are no strong odors, as the oil easily attracts them. In a very cold room, the oil may form a precipitate, which will disappear after heating.

What to remember

  1. Olive oil contains a large amount of vitamins and minerals.
  2. When choosing a herbal product, pay attention to its label.
  3. Olive oil can be used for cosmetic purposes.
