
Fish with garlic sauce baked with potatoes. Delicious trout in cream: tender, juicy, tasty

Pink trout has a delicate, sweet taste. Satisfied fatty meat is delicious in any form, so trout can be cooked in any way. Grilled, pan-fried, boiled, salted or baked trout is incomparable. Fat is not required during cooking, the ideal cooking option is baking.

Trout in cream is a special treat. Cream makes pink meat even more tender, literally melting in your mouth. It practically does not have a specific smell of fish, and therefore does not require the use of any special spices and seasonings. Thyme, fennel, dill, tarragon, rosemary are commonly used. Trout goes well with ginger, citrus fruits, white wine, cranberries.

The dish is prepared quickly, simply, it turns out tasty and juicy. Rice, mashed cauliflower, potatoes, vegetable stew will be good as a side dish for trout in cream. To reduce the fat content of fish, many housewives use lemon juice when preparing trout dishes.

Trout in cream - general principles of cooking

Before cooking, trout must be prepared. First of all, clean off the scales, moving traditionally, from the tail to the gills. The cleaned carcass should be washed from mucus, blotted with a paper towel and gutted. To do this, he makes an incision along the abdomen, the insides are taken out, with special care - the gallbladder. There is no need to remove the skin: it can be removed from the cooked fish.

If the trout is small, it is usually cooked with the head. You will have to cut off the fins, tail and, of course, the gills. They add a bitter taste to the dish. A large carcass can be cut into steaks or fillets. To do this, the fish is cut along the back to the base of the ridge, then the meat is separated by hand from the bones and spine. Trout bones are soft and easy to remove.

Since trout meat is fatty, cream should be bought low-fat, not higher than 10 percent. They must be fresh.

Bake trout in cream in a preheated oven. The optimum temperature is 180 degrees. It will take about thirty to forty minutes for the fish to bake. The exact cooking time depends on the individual characteristics of the oven and the size of the baked pieces.

Trout in cream baked with cheese

The classic version of trout in cream involves the use of cheese. The dish is tender, juicy, soft. It is very easy to cook trout, and even a beginner will be put off with such a recipe.


Trout carcass weighing 700-800 grams;

A glass of cream;

One hundred grams of cheese;

A package of ready-made seasoning for fish;

Cooking method:

Cut the carcass into steaks no thicker than two centimeters.

Squeeze the juice from half a large lemon.

Grate cheese on the shallow side of the grater.

Mix together low-fat cream, grated cheese and lemon juice.

Put the pieces of fish in a mold and add a little salt.

Spread cream cheese sauce over the surface of the fish.

Sprinkle with spices from the bag.

Put the mold in the oven and bake (the cheese should be browned).

Fried trout in cream with herbs

In just an hour, you can cook a great dish of trout, fresh herbs and cream. Roasting as a way to cook pink meat is quite rare, but this option is definitely worth a try.


Half a kilo of trout fillet;

Fresh low-fat cream - 300 ml;

Fresh parsley and dill - small bunches (or a spoonful of dried herbs);

A spoonful of vegetable oil;

A bag of ready-made seasoning for fish (optional).

Cooking method:

Cut the fillet into portions.

Salt each piece a little, sprinkle with seasoning, squeeze a little lemon juice on top and leave for fifteen minutes to marinate.

Heat a frying pan with oil and quickly, in two to three minutes, fry the trout on both sides.

Heat the cream in a saucepan (do not boil).

Transfer the fish to the cream, simmer over low heat for fifteen minutes.

Cut herbs.

Pour the greens over the fish, simmer for another five minutes.

Let the trout brew for twenty minutes, and then serve.

Trout in cream with mushrooms in a slow cooker

A luxurious recipe for trout in cream for lovers of mushroom flavor and multicooker owners. Literally thirty minutes - and you can enjoy an incomparable taste.


Three to four thawed trout steaks;

Six to seven pieces of medium-sized whole champignons;

A glass of fresh cream;

Salt, spices, pepper.

Cooking method:

Salt the fish steaks, pepper a little and sprinkle with spices. Seasonings can be omitted altogether to thicken the mushroom flavor.

Put the fish in a bowl.

Arrange whole mushrooms on top of the trout and on the free areas of the bowl.

Pour cream over everything.

Cook in the baking mode for thirty minutes.

Whole trout in cream baked with vegetables

Tomato, onion and cheese are a great company for creamed trout. The sauce is spicy-sour-sweet, very tasty.


Two or three carcasses of river small trout;

Fresh cream - at least 300 ml;

Two or three small onions (one for each fish);

Three large or five to six small tomatoes;

Semi-hard cheese - 250 grams;

Salt, spices, pepper.

Cooking method:

Rub the fish with salt.

Finely chop the onions.

Finely grate semi-hard cheese.

Cut the washed and dried tomatoes into thinner rings.

Put the fish in the form.

Pour over cream.

Arrange on the fish first tomatoes, then onions.

Sprinkle cheese crumble on top.

Bake for approximately thirty minutes.

Trout in cream with yolk sauce

The original taste is obtained from trout in a creamy egg sauce. Soft, juicy, tender dish is good served with rice or mashed potatoes.


Half a kilo of fresh trout fillet;

Yolks of three chicken eggs;

A glass of store-bought low-fat cream;

A little vegetable oil;

Salt and pepper.

Cooking method:

Cut the thawed fillet into small pieces.

Sprinkle each piece with salt and pepper.

Heat the oil in a frying pan, quickly fry the fish. Two minutes is enough for each side.

Whisk the yolks with cream.

Place the fish in a mold.

Pour trout with creamy egg sauce.

Bake no more than fifteen minutes.

Trout in cream with onions in a pan

Onions and butter add an incomparable taste to this version of trout in cream. The dish is cooked in a pan, with fresh dill, which gives it a touch of rustic simplicity and lightness.


Medium trout carcass (no more than a kilogram);

One hundred grams of butter;

Two large bulbs;

A glass of cream;

Pepper, salt;

Bunch of fresh dill.

Cooking method:

Cut the butter into thin slices and put half into the pan.

Cut the trout into fillets, cut into small pieces.

Cut onions into cubes or half rings.

Finely chop fresh dill.

Put the onion on the oil first, then the trout, cover with dill.

Pour cream over everything.

Spread the second half of the oil on top.

Put on medium heat, after boiling, simmer for thirty minutes over low heat.

Divide into bowls and garnish with clear lemon wedges.

Trout in cream with potatoes

A full-fledged hearty dish that looks good on an everyday and festive table is trout in cream, baked with potatoes. It doesn't take much effort, and you'll definitely like the result. If the use of vegetable oil and butter seems excessive (trout is already oily), then these ingredients can be easily thrown out of the recipe. In this case, the potatoes are not lubricated with garlic oil, but simply sprinkled with garlic.


Trout carcass weighing up to a kilogram;

A kilogram of potatoes;

Two hundred grams of cheese;

A cup of cream (300 ml);

A little vegetable oil;

Two cloves of garlic;

A spoonful of butter;

Salt, pepper, oregano to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the potatoes into very thin circles or bars.

Cut the trout fillet into portions.

Grate semi-hard cheese.

Grind the garlic with a press or grater.

Grease a sheet or baking dish with vegetable oil.

Lay the potato slices in a bowl.

Dissolve butter, mix with garlic.

Brush potatoes with garlic butter

Put the fish on top of the potato layer.

Cover everything with cheese crumbs.

Mix in cream with oregano, salt and pepper.

Pour sauce over fish and potatoes.

Bake for about fifty minutes, until the potatoes are done.

If cheese starts to burn, cover with foil and bake.

A beautiful golden cheese crust should form.

When serving, you can decorate the dish with fresh herbs.

Trout in cream with sorrel and broccoli

The sour taste of sorrel sets off the fat content of trout very well. Boiled broccoli will add spice to the dish and make it very beautiful.


A kilogram of trout fillet;

A little oil;

Two hundred grams of canned sorrel;

Half a glass of cream;

Seasonings to taste (you can take a bag of Italian herbs), salt, pepper;


Dill fresh;

Spoon of red game (optional).

Cooking method:

Cut the prepared fillet into portions.

Salt the fish, sprinkle with herbs and pepper.

Heat oil (preferably olive oil) and quickly fry the fish on both sides.

Put canned sorrel in the pan, simmer for five minutes under the lid.

Pour cream over everything, heat for another five minutes.

Boil broccoli.

Put trout with cream, broccoli, a spoonful of red game and a sprig of dill on a plate.

Trout in cream with shrimps

The wonderful taste of trout in cream enhances the piquancy of shrimp. Lemon, dill, dried herbs, olives complete the flavor bouquet. A subtle almond note is the highlight of this dish.


Three or four trout steaks;

Two hundred grams of shrimp (already peeled);

A glass of cream;

A few pitted olives;

fresh dill;

Five tablespoons of grated almonds;

Dried herbs (oregano, thyme, basil);

A little olive oil;

Two hundred grams of cheese;

Salt, a mixture of several peppers.

Cooking method:

Cut the trout into steaks.

Grate olives with rings (seven to eight pieces).

Clean the shrimp.

Finely grate the gouda.

Finely chop the dill.

Grate the almonds.

In a mold slightly oiled with olive oil, lay out the fish pieces.

Arrange the shrimp on top of the fish.

Pour lemon juice over fish and shrimp.

Mix salt with herbs and almond crumbs, add trout.

Pour cream over everything.

Lay dill and olives on top.

Fill the dish with cheese crumbs.

Cover with foil and send to the oven.

After half an hour, remove the foil and let the cheese bake beautifully.

    Cheeses are often used to cook trout in cream. For lovers of a delicate, pleasant taste, semi-hard gouda or edam cheeses are suitable. They melt easily, have a mild smell, and emphasize the tenderness of the cream. But trout goes well with blue cheeses. Therefore, for a more refined taste, you can use dor blue or bergader.

    Instead of a ready-made fish mixture, you can use a seasoning made from Mediterranean herbs. It includes oregano, basil, marjoram, tarragon, which also go well with the aroma and taste of trout. Some people love the clean, natural flavor of this delicate fish and don't use any spices. It also turns out very tasty.

    When frying trout, care must be taken not to overdo it with oil. You can drop literally a teaspoon into the pan and rub it with a paper towel over the entire surface. And you can do without oil at all if you fry fish in a non-stick frying pan.

    Before cooking, fish can be marinated for an hour in dry white wine with spices. The fish will absorb the marinade, it will turn out fragrant, not so greasy.

    When serving, trout can be decorated not only with lemon slices, but also with sprigs of tarragon, parsley, dill, thyme and pomegranate seeds.

500 g of red fish (I have low-fat river trout)

1 large carrot

1 large onion

3-4 garlic cloves

200 ml cream (10-20%)

1 tbsp butter

1 tbsp vegetable oil

Salt, pepper, bay leaf

Melt butter in a frying pan or saucepan. Fry the garlic in it. Add and fry flour. Add cream and stir constantly until thickened. Salt, pepper, put bay leaf. Darken. If the sauce is too thick, you can add a little boiled water.

In another pan, fry the onion and carrots in vegetable oil.

Place thinly sliced ​​potatoes in a deep baking dish. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with vegetable oil.

Lay the fish on top. If it is small, then it can be entirely; if large, then in pieces. Lightly salt, pepper.

Put the fried onions and carrots on the fish. Top with garlic butter sauce.

Put in a preheated oven and bake for 35-45 minutes at 180 degrees.

I will be glad if it is useful and you like it! And thanks for the trust

Sofia, thank you for your feedback. Though without words, but even without words everything is clear.

Garlic sauce is something (you can bake potatoes without fish).

(of course, it was difficult to spoil such products)

It's just out of the oven.

And it's already on a plate

I just want to add that I practically didn’t fry the carrots and onions, I just simmered and added salt and pepper (for some reason this is not in the recipe) - it turned out very tasty in the end. And as for my taste, 10o / o cream is enough (I made a double portion and took both 10 and 20o / o). I have coho fish, not fatty, but with a rich salmon flavor, and next time I will take less fat cream.

Thanks again.

I thought so too. You can probably serve it with any meal.

There is a very useful note here. I eat lightly salted food and I had enough salt in the sauce, but if you are used to eating saltier, then it is really worth salting the fry.

I agree. I took 20% cream, but my sauce thickened a lot and I added boiled water to it, so I didn’t notice a lot of fat; plus the fish was not oily. And yes, 10% is enough. Although the taste and color. So you can change according to your habits.

Thanks a lot! The photos are so appetizing. And well done for not being too lazy to write your comments on the recipe! They often come in so handy. This is for you

And it also seems to me that this way you can cook not only red fish, but also white fish, for example, hake. And then, perhaps, fatter creams are more suitable. I'll try - write back

I will look forward to

True, I overcooked the garlic for the sauce in the park a little, last time it was better, but it’s my own fault, it’s necessary, as the aroma went, immediately add flour, I liked it more

Here is a photo (I managed to take a little - I escaped at the moment)

(hake next in line, already in the freezer)

They didn’t reach the hake, again coho salmon

Girls, how nice that the recipe came in handy and everyone was delicious! I am so happy

Wonderful dish! Thank you!! I liked it very much

*** COMPOUND ***

1 trout;

3 - 4 potatoes;

100 ml cream;

2 - 3 garlic cloves;

1 tablespoon flour;

1 carrot;

Vegetable oil for frying;


Bay leaf


Hello dear readers! Today I propose to cook a beautiful and healthy trout dish. Trout baked with potatoes will be a decoration of the festive table or a great option for lunch, dinner.

Let's start by making the sauce. First, melt the butter in a saucepan.

Finely chop the garlic and put it in the oil for a couple of minutes so that it gives off its aroma. Add, stirring well, a tablespoon of flour, fry it a little and pour in the cream while stirring constantly.

If you are afraid that lumps may appear in the sauce, you can first mix the flour well in the cream, and then pour it into the butter in a thin stream, stirring vigorously. Then we get white sauce. If we first fry the flour a little in oil, then we get the so-called "red sauce".

As soon as the sauce thickens, pour a little boiled water into it and add spices: salt, ground black pepper, bay leaf. Bring the sauce to a boil, turn off the heat and cover with a lid.

Wash carrots and onions well. Three carrots on a coarse grater, and cut the onion. Do not forget about the precautions when slicing onions (moisten it and the knife in cold water and by no means touch the face, especially the eyes, when cutting the onion with your hands). Then fry these vegetables in oil.

Potatoes need to be cut into slices of small thickness. Now we put it in a mold, salt, pepper and add a little vegetable oil.

Lightly salt the fish and spread it on the potatoes.

We put carrots with onions on the fish and pour all this multi-storey yummy with garlic sauce. We put in the oven and bake this dish at a temperature of 180 C for 40 - 45 minutes.

This is how we got it appetizing and tasty baked trout with potatoes. And how much use is in it, neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen. Trout meat is very rich in the most useful substances for human health: protein, vitamins, amino acids, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Depending on the type of trout, it contains vitamins A, D, E, group B. As well as minerals: sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, fluorine, copper, chlorine, chromium, molybdenum, nickel.

The calorie content of trout is almost 2 times less than the calorie content of salmon, approximately 88 kcal per 100 g of fish, so it can be consumed often without fear of gaining weight.

In Western Europe, many soups, fish soup, barbecue and grill are cooked from trout. They make a lot of amazing dishes. Now this fish is very popular with us, both in salted and boiled, stewed, fried, baked forms.

If there was no trout at home, there are other options for dinner. For example, or wonderful.

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Trout with creamy or garlic sauce in the oven - this luxurious dish will decorate any festive table, and it will easily make an ordinary dinner festive. Tender, juicy, fatty trout goes well with all kinds of creamy sauces.

The advantage of this recipe is that you do not need to separately invent and prepare a side dish, because a potato pillow for trout is provided. We will bake the fish on it.

Prepare it first.


  • garlic clove
  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • half a tablespoon of flour
  • vegetable oil and butter
  • salt, bay leaf, a mixture of white and black pepper

Peel the garlic clove, crush it a little with a knife, put it in a pan and fry in butter. As soon as you smell the garlic, remove the clove from the pan. The oil will absorb the flavor of the garlic, and that will be enough. We do not need to interrupt the taste and aroma of fish.

Add to the butter and fry the flour a little. Lower the heat, add spices and slowly pour in the cream. Stir to break up lumps. The sauce will thicken and be ready. If it gets too thick, add boiled water, bring to a boil and cover the pan with a lid.

Cream sauce for trout

Cook it in the same way as in the previous case, only without the use of garlic.

Trout in a creamy garlic sauce in the oven

Potatoes (500 gr)
- 400-500 gr trout
- lemon juice
- olive oil

Wash the potatoes, peel them, cut into circles, put them in a layer on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
Fish fillet and cut into portions. Or use steaks.

Salt and pepper the prepared fish pieces, sprinkle with lemon or lime juice. Then lay the fish on a potato pillow, pour oil over it.

Pour the fish on a potato pillow with any of the pre-prepared sauces (recipes are given a little higher). Put the baking sheet in the oven and bake at 180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Trout cooking recipes

And here the fun begins - get creative. Choose from several options for cooking trout in the oven:

With carrots. Place a layer of vegetables on top of red fish - fried carrots and onions;

With bell pepper. Cover the fish fillet with a mixture of fried bell peppers and onions.

Put the prepared trout on a potato pillow on plates, garnish with herbs and pour over with creamy or garlic sauce.
Do you have fresh or canned mushrooms in the refrigerator? Do not miss the opportunity, try to cook.

The trout is very tender and juicy, and the potatoes and sauce perfectly complement it.

The whole secret of this wonderful dish lies in the sauce. Special attention to him: chop the garlic and sweat it over low heat in melted butter. Then add flour and fry a little. Pour in the cream and, stirring, boil until thickened, add boiled water, salt, pepper and bay leaf. Bring to a boil and set aside. Then everything is simple - put potatoes cut into circles in a baking dish, pieces of fish on it. Put the carrots lightly fried with onions on the fish and pour the garlic sauce. Bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.
Butter - 50 Grams
Trout - 700 Grams
Cream - 250 milliliters
Vegetable oil - 1 Art. spoon
Flour - 1 Art. spoon
Garlic - 2 Cloves
Potatoes - 6 Pieces
Onion - 1 Piece
Carrot - 1 Piece
Salt, spices - to taste
First, let's prepare the garlic sauce. Melt the butter in a saucepan and sweat the chopped garlic in it for 5 minutes.
Add flour and fry a little.

Pour in the cream. While stirring, boil until thick, then add a little boiled water, salt, pepper and bay leaf. Bring to a boil and set aside.

Lubricate the baking dish with vegetable oil and put the potatoes cut into circles in it. Salt and pepper.

Place the fish pieces on top of the potatoes.

Lay carrots fried with onions on pieces of fish.

Pour garlic sauce over the dish and bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. To make the fish more tender, the first 25 minutes can be baked under foil.

Bon appetit!
