
Lush cutlets with minced meat. Pollack fish cutlets without bread - Not only tasty, but also healthy! Cutlets from minced beef and pork "Juicy"

Cutlets are literally our everything. They consist of mere advantages: firstly, even the most fastidious family member will not refuse them. Secondly, if these are homemade cutlets, you know exactly what you are feeding your precious family. Thirdly, a batch of freshly cooked cutlets can be thrown into the freezer, and when you come home from work completely exhausted, you don’t have to stand at the stove for an hour - fry the prepared semi-finished products and build a quick side dish.

Classic meatballs. Watch the video recipe!

Cutlets from beef, pork, minced meat

1. Quick Schnitzel

Classic recipe for all time. Photo: site

Juicy and tender. Soft inside and crispy outside. Golden in color and so familiar and understandable from childhood. Meet His Majesty Schnitzel!

2. Greek cutlets with egg

Light meat cutlets with buckwheat. Photo: site

Do you love cutlets, but are tired of the monotony? Cook buckwheat with egg, it's fast, calorie-free and extremely tasty!

3. Swedish meatballs

Legendary meatballs from Sweden. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Jamie Oliver finally taught us how to make the legendary Swedish meatballs and classic cranberry sauce with a twist.

4. Grilled meatballs

Know-how of economical and resourceful Italian housewives. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Boiled or baked meatballs, or Polpette de bollito alle spezie, is a very good way to use boiled or baked meat.

5. Turkish Homemade Minced Meatballs

Turkish cutlets are very fast and very tasty. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Spicy oriental balls with aromatic herbs and vegetable sauce.

6. Hedgehog meatballs in a pot

Juicy and tender hedgehogs in a pot. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Cook our hedgehogs with a secret: a small piece of cheese will give the meat a special juiciness and tenderness!

Chicken and turkey cutlets

1. Classic fire cutlets

These chicken cutlets will make a splash. Photo: site

Tender, airy chicken cutlets with a crispy crust will appeal to everyone.

2. Tender stuffed turkey cutlets

Interesting cutlets from turkey fillet. Photo: site

Tender turkey cutlets stuffed with spinach, cheese and pine nuts.

3. Tasty but diet cutlets with a secret

And cutlets can be for weight loss! Photo: natalielissy.ru

Incredibly juicy and bright diet chicken cutlets with a secret ingredient!

4. Chicken cutlets with prunes

Make the original filling, and the cutlets will be transformed beyond recognition. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

The simplest recipe from the Soviet past that you can imagine.

5. Diet turkey cutlets with porcini mushrooms

A little culinary creativity, and unleavened turkey cutlets will turn into a masterpiece. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Low-calorie turkey cutlets from famous chefs Konstantin Ivlev and Yuri Rozhkov.

Cutlets from fish and seafood

1. Diet cutlets with pink salmon

A healthy alternative to the usual meatballs. Photo: site

Spices create a unique sweet-salty harmony of flavors, and the overall lightness of the dish makes these cutlets the perfect diet lunch or dinner.

2. Crab cakes with carrots and zucchini

Soul cutlets from crab meat. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

Crab cakes with carrots and zucchini are very tasty, juicy and tender. If there are no real crabs, then you can make them from crab sticks.

3. Steam pike cutlets

A proven recipe from the famous restaurateur Savely Libkin. Photo: Eksmo Publishing House

Delicious and low-calorie fish cakes. They are ideal if you are planning to lose weight.

4. Canned salmon cutlets

You can't think of more budget than these cutlets. Photo: thinkstockphotos.com

It's tasty, inexpensive and very fast. The only effort you have to make is to open a can of canned food.

Meat cutlets in the menu of any family play the most important role, they are loved by everyone - both adults and children. But not everyone succeeds, for some they fall apart, for someone, on the contrary, they turn out to be too dense. And young, inexperienced housewives do not always guess the correct proportions, the ratios of products in cutlets. But do not be discouraged, I will share with you some of my secrets that will help you cook cutlets so that they will not be ashamed to serve even on the festive table.

How to cook delicious meatballs

  • To make cutlets juicy
  • If you want to get delicious cutlets, do not buy ready-made minced meat of dubious origin. Expensive beef tenderloin may not be purchased, but the back, neck, shoulder, brisket and some parts of the hind leg are ideal.
  • Before as put the fillet in the meat grinder, do not forget to clean it thoroughly - remove the films, remove cartilage, bones and veins. In addition to beef, I recommend using fatty pork - it is she who will give cutlets juiciness and tenderness. Standard proportion: for 1 kg of beef - 1/2 kg of pork or for 1 kg of beef - 250 g of fat. However, cutlets can also be made from lamb, veal, chicken, turkey, game. Choose any degree of grinding, but I advise you not to overdo it and limit yourself to a single scroll in a meat grinder with a medium-sized grate.

  • To make cutlets or meatballs even and smooth, like a billiard ball, you need to add 1-2 tablespoons of semolina to the minced meat. And let the cutlet mass stand for 15 minutes - so that the semolina swells. Also, for splendor, many add a little soda to the cutlets. And someone and starch indulges.
  • The resulting minced meat is also good to decorate with spices (paprika, black pepper, coriander, chili) and chopped herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro, mint). Do not forget to salt the future dish, but in no case try it raw (tasting minced meat is the most common cause of poisoning among housewives).
  • As for fish and chicken cutlets, I advise you to put a piece of butter in the middle - they will be as juicy as meat cutlets.
  • Did you like this helpful article? I hope that I didn’t forget anything. If I add something later! Let this meatball cooking information help you create delicious meals with ease. Do not be greedy - share these recommendations with other housewives by clicking on the buttons of your social networks.
  • And if you have your own secrets, then share them in the comments!

It is well known that cutlets are prepared from minced meat of different types of meat and not only. It is easy to work with minced meat - you can buy it ready-made or, using modern devices for chopping meat, quickly scroll fresh and even store it in the freezer until needed.

What can not be cooked from minced meat! Cutlets, meatballs, cabbage rolls, schnitzels, dumplings, fry for pasta in a naval way, include in various fillings for baking - minced meat is everywhere! A rare housewife needs to be taught how to cook cutlets correctly, but we still have some attractive secrets even for experienced home cooks in the recipes posted in this article.

When buying the original minced meat in the store, you should know that in addition to meat and fat, it does not contain those products that will make it a real cutlet material. Your task is to fill it with the missing very important ingredients (spices, herbs and some additives) that provide the real taste of the planned minced meat product.

Of the traditional additives, we will name raw potatoes, zucchini, cabbage, bread crumb for splendor cutlets, but not everyone knows that it is better to use not soft fresh bread, but stale bread, in order to avoid excessive stickiness from a fresh loaf that worsens the appearance of minced meat products.

General rules for preparing products for minced meat cutlets

Regardless of your preference for store-bought or homemade minced meat, the process for making cutlets is almost the same. If the minced meat was frozen, you should defrost it ahead of time or using a microwave in the defrost mode, but any of them needs flavorings according to the recipe, thorough mixing and even “whipping” the minced meat for the splendor of the finished cutlets. If the stuffing still seems dry in the end, you can try adding a small amount of water with vigorous stirring.

How to cook minced meat patties according to the recipe "Homemade"

Minced meat cutlets according to the “Homemade” recipe attract housewives with ease of cooking and a win-win result. In addition, even in its classic form there is room for some options. As a rule, cutlets come out lush, juicy and even attractive in appearance. They are good with various types of side dishes: pasta, rice, potatoes, boiled or canned vegetables - everything is in perfect harmony with Homemade cutlets.


  • minced pork - 500 grams;
  • loaf pulp - 150 grams;
  • fresh milk - 1 glass;
  • fresh chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • fresh garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper - to taste.

Cooking homemade meatballs like this:

  1. Remove the pulp from the loaf, soak it in warm milk for a few minutes. At this time, finely chop the peeled onion.
  2. Put the minced meat in a suitable container, add the prepared onion and a loaf saturated with milk into it. Mix raw chicken egg and crushed peeled garlic.
  3. It remains to introduce salt and pepper to taste into the minced meat, finally knead until the mass is homogeneous and proceed in the usual way to sculpt cutlets, which should eventually be rolled in breadcrumbs.
  4. It is very important to first heat a dry frying pan and only after that pour the required amount of vegetable oil into it for frying cutlets. As soon as the cutlets “make noise” in the pan at high heat, the heat intensity should be reduced to medium or even low. After turning the cutlets, again add heat for a short time and fry in the usual manner, depending on the preference for the degree of rudiness of the crust of the finished cutlets.
  5. Ready-to-cook cutlets can be baked with minimal use of oil in the oven or with dietary food requirements - steamed in the way that suits you.

Recipe for minced meat patties with white cabbage

Such a recipe is likely to be chosen by those housewives who prefer cutlets with a lower fat content. In addition, the inclusion of white cabbage in minced meat will add special juiciness and originality to the finished cutlets. In addition, minced pork should be mixed with minced beef.


  • minced pork - 200 grams;
  • minced beef - 200 grams;
  • fresh white cabbage - 400 grams;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • fresh garlic - optional;
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste;
  • premium wheat flour and semolina - for breading;
  • vegetable oil - for frying cutlets.

Cooking meatballs with white cabbage:

  1. Skip coarsely chopped, chopped onion and peeled garlic cloves in a meat grinder. Drain excess juice. Combine vegetable minced meat with ready-made meat and mix thoroughly.
  2. To the resulting mass, add salt, ground pepper, chopped fresh herbs and a raw egg, and mix until the minced meat is homogeneous.
  3. It remains to mold the cutlets, roll them in the breading mixture and, laying them alternately in the prepared pan, fry until cooked on both sides.

Recipe for homemade minced chicken cutlets with mushrooms

For such interesting and tasty cutlets, it is better to make minced meat at home from fresh chicken fillet, passed through a meat grinder, with the addition of minced meat from fresh zucchini, fresh peeled potatoes, garlic and loaf crumb. Salt and pepper - to taste.


  • minced chicken - 400 grams;
  • minced vegetable - 200 grams;
  • minced mushrooms - 200 grams;
  • chopped onion - 100 grams;
  • chopped parsley - by preference;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • breading material - by preference.

Cooking homemade minced chicken cutlets like this:

  1. Finely chop parsley and peeled fresh onions. Peel fresh porcini mushrooms, rinse, cut into slices and lightly fry with vegetable oil in a pan, then chop the fried mushrooms in a blender. Combine all the ingredients in a suitable container and, after salting and pepper, mix thoroughly until the minced meat is homogeneous.
  2. Next, stick cutlets from the resulting minced meat, roll them in the selected breading material, put them in boiling oil in a pan, fry until cooked on both sides and serve with a side dish or include in a complex sandwich with vegetables.

Recipe for homemade minced meat patties with cheese and tomatoes

Such original minced meat for homemade cutlets will also find its fans. Peculiar additives in the form of cheese and tomatoes give the cutlets an exquisite taste and aroma, special juiciness. Minced meat is better to use mixed: beef and pork.


  • minced pork - 300 grams;
  • minced beef - 200 grams;
  • crumb of stale white bread;
  • fresh onion - 1 onion;
  • fresh garlic - 3 cloves;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 tomatoes;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • hard cheese - 150 grams;
  • fresh chicken egg - 1 piece;
  • ground pepper and salt - to taste;
  • ground breadcrumbs - 100-150 grams;
  • parsley and dill - a few sprigs to taste.

Cooking homemade meatballs with cheese like this:

  1. Peel onion and garlic. Rinse tomatoes and herbs. For 10 minutes, soak the crumb of white stale bread or a loaf in warm milk, squeeze out excess milk.
  2. Finely chop the onion and greens, cut the tomatoes and cheese into small cubes. Combine all the ingredients in a suitable container and, salt and pepper, mix thoroughly until a uniform mass.
  3. Stick cutlets from the resulting minced meat, roll them in breading material, put them alternately in boiling oil in a pan, fry the cutlets on both sides until cooked. Serve hot with any side dish or include in an elaborate vegetable sandwich.

  1. To make cutlets superbly tasty, it is better to use mixed varieties of beef and pork meat in equal volumes for minced meat.
  2. It is better to finely chop fresh onions for minced meat cutlets, fry in vegetable oil, cool and add to the contents of the minced meat.
  3. In minced meat from lean meats or chicken, a little butter should be added with some care so that the cutlets do not become loose and falling apart at the exit.

For lovers of cutlets with it is possible to steam them or bake them in the oven.

Sometimes letters come to the site on how to cook this or that, if there is no culinary experience at all. Strictly speaking, we try to make and explain all the recipes in as much detail as possible. But probably, they mean very simple, basic dishes. For example, homemade meatballs. Today is just such a topic - dedicated to novice cooks.

Such cutlets are best cooked from minced meat. You can store-bought, if you are sure of the quality and freshness of meat, or made yourself, if you have a meat grinder or other suitable equipment. In the second case, we simply buy a piece of meat and grind it in a convenient way.

It should be noted that homemade cutlets are tastier if you add a piece to the minced meat. This will make them slightly fatter (and higher in calories, unfortunately), and much tastier. However, this is also a matter of personal preference: if you like lean meat, cook dietary ones, you can do it at all.

Homemade cutlets according to this recipe are tender, juicy inside and crispy on the outside.


  • minced meat -600 g
  • bulb -1 pc.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • milk -1 glass
  • loaf or white bread - 5 slices
  • salt pepper
  • vegetable oil for frying meatballs

How to cook delicious homemade meatballs

We clean the onion from the husk and grind it in a blender. You can also scroll it through a meat grinder or just grate it on a fine grater. Do not forget to moisten both the onion and the knife more often in cold water - this “folk remedy” will save you from tears.

Pour the bread with milk and leave for 10 minutes to swell. An important point, and necessary, if we want to get lush cutlets.

Then, in a large bowl, combine minced meat, onion, bread, which must be thoroughly squeezed from milk, salt, pepper. Let's put an egg in there.

Thoroughly mix the entire workpiece and beat off the minced meat. It should be homogeneous, so we work with handles. One more piece of advice: you need to “beat off” the minced meat literally, that is, a small forceful action (without fanaticism) is suitable for the preparation for the future cutlet, for example, throwing pieces of meat on a hard surface or at least just in a bowl of minced meat. This is a proprietary technique with, but it can be used in relation to any others: the meat becomes elastic, “alive”, excess liquid leaves it, and softness increases in return.

We form small meatballs.

Pour a few tablespoons of vegetable oil into the pan (I use olive oil) and fry the cutlets first with one,

and then on the other side until golden brown.

OK it's all over Now. Cutlets are ready. It was the right recipe for homemade cutlets, use it to your health!

When serving, they can be decorated with herbs and vegetables. It is recommended to eat it hot, especially if you added lard. If cutlets are dietary, then they are tasty both hot and cold.

Fried cutlets are one of the pillars of home comfort. But inexperienced cooks with cutlets often have problems. Most often, they complain that the cutlets are too tough, or fall apart right in the pan. Correcting the situation is very simple. Consider the basic recipe for the perfect cutlets and several variations on the cutlet theme from amateur chefs and real professionals.

Minced cutlet classic

If you take third-rate meat for minced meat, you should not count on an excellent result. Bad meat - bad meatballs. So do not be greedy, but choose good pork and beef on the market, at the same time buy onions if you already have spices, salt and milk in your house.

A kilogram of meat will require a couple of small onions, four cloves of garlic and 1/3 of a city roll (loaf). Salt and spices are added to the finished minced meat to taste, but it is recommended not to be too zealous so that the cutlets do not turn out too salty. As for meat, you can use only veal or not too old beef for cutlets, or take equal parts of beef and pork. Cutlets from one pork can turn out to be too fatty, which will not please your pancreas.

A loaf (preferably a little stale) is placed in a container with milk or water, onions and meat are cut into pieces, and together with garlic and pieces of soaked loaf are scrolled in a meat grinder. Someone is content with a single scroll, and someone considers it right to scroll the meat two or three times. This is a matter of taste: there are people who generally recognize only chopped cutlets, and do without meat grinders, with one knife and sleight of hand.

In order for the cutlets not to lose their shape, many people add an egg or semolina to the minced meat as a binding agent. Do not do this: the cutlets will turn out harsh. And so that the cutlets do not turn out crumbly, be sure to beat off the finished minced meat! In order not to stain all the walls and ceiling of the kitchen, take a deep pan. Raising a portion of minced meat higher, plop it into the pan with force. Repeat this for at least three minutes. Well beaten minced meat does not need eggs and semolina - the cutlets will turn out even, smooth, and will never fall apart when frying. Such cutlets are rolled either in flour or in breadcrumbs.

If possible, make more stuffing. It is convenient to freeze it, divided into portions. But then during the week it is enough to get the next package with minced meat in advance, and fresh cutlets are provided for dinner.

Poultry cutlets

Everyone loves chicken cutlets, except for vegetarians, but they love them too, they just don’t admit it. Tender, creamy, fried - these cutlets will decorate any table. The most delicious chicken cutlets are pozharsky. In the old cookbook, published back in the days of the USSR, fire cutlets were prescribed to be cooked like this. With a good, weighty chicken, remove the skin, separate the meat from each bone and scroll it through a meat grinder. This stuffing is mixed with white bread, pre-soaked in milk, and passed through a meat grinder again. The most delicate substance that you have turned out should be salted, flavored with oil and mixed thoroughly, preferably with a wooden spoon. Form cutlets, gently roll them in finely ground breadcrumbs, and then fry in hot oil on both sides until golden brown. After the cutlet, either send it to the preheated oven for 5 minutes, or close the lid and leave on minimum heat for the same time. The ratio of chicken meat and white bread is 10 to 1 (that is, take 100 g of bread for 1 kg of meat). Do not try to throw away chicken bones - they will come in handy for the broth.

Turkey cutlets are prepared in much the same way, only onion and garlic are added to the minced meat, and for softness - a tablespoon of sour cream. In the oven, roasted turkey cutlets should be held longer - about twenty minutes.

Reference fish cakes

For fish cakes, you will have to buy ready-made fillets or fresh fish, which will need to be cleaned, gutted and de-boned. There are no special preferences for the breed of fish intended for meatballs. It can be the simplest pollock, cod, hake, zander - anyone, but not too bony.

The fillet is scrolled through a meat grinder with white bread soaked in milk. Connoisseurs advise adding fried onions there, as it gives fish cakes a special flavor. But then the stuffing can turn out to be watery. It doesn't matter - add flour or a little semolina to it. Don't forget to season the minced fish with salt and pepper. It is better to scroll the minced meat twice - it will be very tender. Breaded fish cutlets in breadcrumbs. Such cutlets should be fried shortly before serving, and before serving, darken for 5-7 minutes in the oven.

Fish cakes can be perfectly cooked for a couple, and immediately send them to the oven for 20 minutes - it will still turn out delicious.

As usual, the advice is to experiment. Try adding vegetables when making minced meat - this gives the cutlets additional juiciness. Cabbage, zucchini, potatoes, carrots, and even all these vegetables together are best suited for this business. Combine types of meat for minced meat, do not be afraid of too fatty pork - it perfectly balances minced meat from tough beef. And hide away your grandmother's manual meat grinder: minced meat is much more fun to do with a modern electric one.
