
Modern technologies for obtaining apple juice. Diploma work: technology for the production of concentrated apple juice using the principles of accsp Technology for the preparation of juices in production

Apple juice is the juice that is squeezed from fresh apples. The sweet taste is due to the presence of natural sugar in apples. Currently, most apple juice is obtained industrially through pasteurization and aseptic packaging.

Apples are the most popular pome fruit used for canning. These canned foods are the most diverse: compotes, juices, jams, nectars, etc. The production of natural canned food with a low calorie content and attractive packaging is now the focus of modern nutrition in the country and the world.

Technology for the production of apple juice.

According to this regulation, there are:
- directly squeezed apple juice (juices obtained from fresh or kept fresh apples by mechanical processing);
- freshly squeezed apple juice (obtained by direct extraction, not canned, made in the presence of the consumer from fresh or kept fresh apples);
- concentrated apple juice (produced by physically removing water from juice to increase the amount of dry soluble substances by two or more times);
- diffusion apple juice (obtained by extracting extractives from fresh or dried apples with water, from which it is impossible to obtain juice by mechanical processing). Apple juice obtained in this way is first concentrated and then reconstituted.

Similarly with the process of manufacturing various types of canned food, the delivery, acceptance and storage of components for the production of apple juice is carried out. The raw materials are thoroughly washed, then inspected to remove fruits that are affected by pests, as well as rotten and with other violations. In the production of apple juice, the main method of influencing plant tissue is mechanical crushing (grinding). But very fine grinding can make the fabric a solid mass that does not have the channels that are necessary for the juice to flow out.

By pressing, centrifugation, diffusion and other methods, juice is extracted from apple pulp. Pressing is the main way to extract juice from fruits. Juice is extracted by pressure on the pulp.
Destruction by pressure of plant tissue, crushing of the biomembrane of the cell structure is not a function of pressing. Its main function is to squeeze out juice, which was obtained from cells damaged during pre-treatment. Pressing is not used to isolate the juice from the cells, but is used to isolate the juice (liquid phase of the pulp), which flows out of the destroyed cells before pressing. Pre-treatment of raw materials mainly affects the high yield of juice from the fruit.

To achieve a more pleasant taste, juices are blended (mixed). They can mix juices of two different types, juices of the same type of apples or juices of apples containing different amounts of sugar and acid.

Organization of production of juice from apples.
It should be noted that the production of canned food is currently quite a convenient area for small businesses. Due to the very simple technology, low cost (i.e. does not require significant capital investments and large areas for production), easy organization of production (requires a little technological equipment), technically light production equipment (it can be made in simple conditions), a large number of small businesses participate in this area.

The production of a quality product is the main criterion for the successful growth and development of a business, for this I recommend that you read an article about . Flavorings do not need to be added. Instead, you can mix the juices of different fruits, mix them in different ways, make multifruits, or even mix the juices at the request of the buyer and get a unique taste.

The price of a mini line for the production of apple juice by direct extraction starts from 1,000,000 rubles.

It should be noted that the mixes contain more vitamins and nutrients, as they complement each other. It follows that juice mixtures are more beneficial.

The problem with doing business in this industry is that in order to produce large volumes of juice, you need a huge amount of fruit. For example, to make 250 ml of juice, you will need 1 kg of apples, and even more berries - from 1 kg - 50 ml of juice.

You can try to develop the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdeveloping a small business for the production of natural juices before making juice from vegetables or. Vegetables contain vitamins that are not found anywhere else, neither in fruits nor in berries, and are no less useful.

Production of directly squeezed juice from own apples.
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(pressing, enzyme treatment)

Juice is prepared from apples of different varieties and ripening periods, therefore, apple juices can vary significantly in chemical composition, although most industrial varieties of apples have a small range in the content of solids (19 ... 21%) and organic acids (0.3 ... 0.6%), they also contain pectin substances (0.5 ... 1.0%), rich in vitamins. To obtain juices, the best apples are autumn-winter varieties with a dense tissue, which, when crushed, give a pulp of a granular structure that lends itself well to pressing. The juice yield is 80% or more. After crushing, the pulp should immediately go for pressing, since when crushed, the integrity of the cell walls is violated, and polyphenolic enzymes are released. At the same time, with the participation of atmospheric oxygen, polyphenolic and other easily oxidized compounds are oxidized, which leads to darkening and deterioration of the taste and smell of the juice. Polyphenol oxidation products can be red, orange, brown in color and, accordingly, change the color of the juice. Pressed juice, which contains pectin and polyphenolic substances and some starch and nitrogenous compounds, must be clarified by combined methods using pectolytic and amylolytic enzymes and other clarifying agents. To obtain apple juice, complex mechanized lines are used, including the acceptance of raw materials and the receipt of the finished product.

Technological process.

Juices are clarified and represent the liquid phase of the fruit with substances dissolved in it, squeezed out of the fruit tissue.

Delivery, acceptance and storage of raw materials are carried out in the production of juices in the same way as in the manufacture of other types of canned fruits. Washed raw materials are inspected, removing fruits affected by pests, rotten and with other defects. Mechanical grinding (crushing) is the main method of influencing plant tissue in the production of juices. However, excessively fine grinding will turn the pulp into a continuous mass, in which there will be no "channels" for the juice to flow out. The degree of cell damage during mechanical grinding depends on the type of fruit and the design of the grinding device. The degree of damage to the cellular structure of apples during grinding on a grinder is about 30 ... 35%. However, when crushing apples on a grater-knife crusher, the proportion of cells with damaged membranes can reach 60...80%. Pressing also damages the membrane. In the process of heating plant materials, protoplasm proteins are coagulated and dehydrated, which leads to an increase in cell permeability. Heat treatment proved to be most effective for fruits with low juice yield. Heating not only increases the yield of juice, but also has other effects on the raw material: it inactivates enzymes, reduces sliminess and viscosity, and promotes the transfer of coloring substances from the skin and pulp of the fruit into the juice. The heating mode must be correctly selected for each type and grade of raw material. Crushed fruits are heated in continuous devices of various devices.

Processing with enzyme preparations.

Most fruits and berries contain pectin, which makes it difficult to extract juice and reduce its yield. Pectic substances are found in fruits in the form of water-insoluble protopectin and soluble pectin. Protopectin is part of the cell walls and median lamellae of plant tissues. Soluble pectin, which has a water-retaining capacity and increases the viscosity of the juice, prevents it from flowing out, has the main influence on the juice yield process. Therefore, when processing the pulp with pectolytic enzymes, it is necessary, first of all, to destroy insoluble protopectin. Protopectin must be hydrolyzed only partially, so as to separate cells from one another and partially destroy their walls to increase cell permeability. Pectolytic enzyme preparations not only destroy pectin substances, but also act on cells with toxic substances of a non-enzymatic nature, which are part of the preparations and cause coagulation of protein-lipid membranes and death of plant cells. As a result of these transformations, cell permeability increases, protoplasmic membranes break, and the release of juice is greatly facilitated. For the processing of fruit pulp in the production of juices without pulp, the enzyme preparation Pectofostidine is used, which is available in powder form. Novoferm 10x (surface grown) is a complex of pectinase, polygalacturonase, pectin methyl esterase, cellulase and amylase enzymes. The optimum temperature for the action of pectolytic enzyme preparations is 35…40°C. An increase in temperature above 55 ° C inactivates the enzymes and the effect of the drug stops. The processing time is 1…2 hours. Novoferm 10x is used both for pulp processing and juice clarification. A new type of enzymes that can be used to process the pulp in order to increase the yield of juice are thinning enzymes, which include pectinase and cellulase.

Juice extraction.

To extract juice from prepared fruit pulp, pressing, centrifugation, diffusion, etc. are used. The main way to extract juice from fruits and berries - pressing - is to put pressure on the pulp. The main function of the press is not to crush the plant tissue, not to damage the biomembranes of the cell structure, but to squeeze out the juice that has already been released from the cells damaged during the pre-treatment. The press is not designed to isolate the juice from the cells, but serves to separate the liquid phase of the pulp - the juice flowing out of the cells that have been ruptured before the start of pressing. The high yield of juice depends mainly on the proper pre-treatment of the raw materials. For pressing, presses of various design and principle of operation are used, which can be continuous (screw, belt) and periodic (batch, basket) action. In batch presses, the pulp is wrapped in napkins (bags) made of durable fabric with a layer of 6 ... 8 mm. The packages are stacked on the platform one on top of the other with a laying of wooden tiles between them. From above, the packages are reinforced with a pressing plate. The platform with the bags is lifted under the pressure plate by a plunger. The Bucher hydraulic basket press is a solid cylinder covered on both sides with disks, one of which is driven by a hydraulic system, the other is stationary. Between the disks there is a drainage system of flexible grooved rods, covered with fabric on the outside. The pulp is pumped through the pipeline into the cylinder and fills the space between the rods. After filling the basket, the movable disk moves inside the basket and presses on the pulp. The released juice passes through the filter fabric and flows down the grooves of the rods into a common pipeline. When the discs approach each other, the rods bend. At the end of one pressing cycle, the movable disk moves back, the rods straighten and loosen the pulp. On this press, the juice yield is 80%, the content of suspensions is 1.3%, the generated pressure is 1.2 MPa. For squeezing juice from apples, screw presses R3-VPSH-5 and R3-VP2-Sh-5 are used. For pressing apples, belt presses are most widely used, which allow pressing in a thin layer at high productivity. The Klein type PF belt press consists of a massive frame with a pulp hopper and two polyester belts passing through groups of rollers. The pulp is loaded into the press with a screw loading device. The first zone is runoff, where gravity juice is separated from the pulp under the influence of gravity. Then the pulp enters the wedge-shaped space between the two belts and is compressed there. Pressed pomace is removed from the upper and lower belts using a folding scraper, which diverge and are washed with water jets on the way back. On this press, the juice yield is 72 ... 80%. Juice yield and overall line performance can be increased by double pressing or by extracting residual juice from the pomace. The press-extraction method consists in squeezing the juice from the pulp in a press, then water is added to the pomace in a ratio of 1:0.5 to 1:1, thoroughly mixed and the resulting juice is extracted on a drum vacuum filter. The juice pressed from the pomace contains less soluble solids than after a single pressing, so it is boiled down or used to make sugar syrup in the production of juices with sugar. The diffusion method consists in the fact that all the juice with soluble dry substances is extracted from the pomace with water. Lightening.

To obtain a transparent product, it is necessary to disrupt the colloidal system and ensure the settling of suspended particles and the removal of part of the colloids, especially the unstable ones. However, during storage, the interaction of colloids with each other and the formation of larger particles are possible, which can cause turbidity of the juice and precipitation. The stability of the colloidal juice system is ensured by the following properties:

High dispersion of colloidal particles;

The presence of colloidal particles of the same electric charge;

The presence of an aqueous shell on the surface of the particles, which brings the density of the particles closer to the density of the liquid phase and prevents their connection.

There are physical, biochemical and physico-chemical methods of juice clarification. The physical ones include: filtering, settling, separation. To biochemical - processing by enzymes. To physico-chemical: settling, treatment with bentonite, instant heating.


After clarification, the juice is filtered to separate coagulated colloids and settled particles. Filtration is the mechanical process of separating suspended particles from juice by passing it through a porous layer. There are 3 types of filtration: surface, deep and adsorption. Various types of filters are used to filter fruit juices: lamellar (filter presses), alluvial and drum filters. Drum filters are a rotating drum with a lattice surface made of polypropylene, on which a filter cloth is stretched. The drum, partially immersed in unfiltered juice, rotates at a frequency of 0.2 ... 0.6 min-No. A vacuum is created inside the drum. The first stage of filtration is to form a layer of filter powder over the entire surface of the drum. To do this, a powder suspension is poured into the bath. When the drum rotates, a layer of powder 5–10 cm thick is deposited on its entire surface. After the formation of the filter layer, the suspension is removed from the bath, the juice to be filtered is poured - the second stage of filtering begins. Juice, passing through a layer of diatomaceous earth under the action of vacuum, is collected in a collector, from where it is pumped out by a pump for further processing. The precipitate is layered on the surface of diatomaceous earth from the outside and is cut off with a knife when the drum rotates.


To ensure a more harmonious taste of juices, they are blended (mixed). Juices are blended either of one type of fruit or berry with different content of acids and sugars, or juices of two different types.

Russian scientists decided that the pectin substances of the press juice, which has not undergone further processing technology, are in a strong relationship with proteins and polysaccharides, with which they precipitate when precipitated with alcohol. Pectins in the process of obtaining clarified apple juice, regardless of technology, undergo significant, qualitative and quantitative changes, such as breaking the chain of the molecule and dimethoxylation, which do not lead to breaking bonds with other compounds - protein and polysaccharides. This confirms the assumption that pectin substances in raw materials are in a single protein-polysaccharide complex. The technological scheme with the use of ultrafiltration makes it much faster, easier and more efficient to obtain clarified apple juice, which is stable during long-term storage.

The method of ultrafiltration for clarification of juices was studied. A concentrate is made from juice. It was found that the degree of discoloration of the concentrate depended on the temperature and time of storage, while the samples after ultrafiltration were characterized by a lighter color and turned brown to a lesser extent during storage. The use of pectolytic enzymes before ultrafiltration caused an intensification of the color of the concentrate. Apple concentrate was slightly cloudy during storage, regardless of the method of clarification. During ultrafiltration, the starch complex was destroyed and no additional processing of juices with amylolytic enzymes was required.

Not so long ago, bags with the inscription "straight-pressed juice" began to appear on store shelves. My husband and I intuitively immediately gave our preference to these particular juices, although I am traditionally skeptical of all marketing tricks. Namely, such an inscription seemed to me. And although it seemed like it was implied that this juice should be more natural, there was still some skepticism on this score, and as it turned out, in vain.

Recently, I happened to visit apple orchards and trace the entire path of the juice with my own eyes. This is what I want to tell you.


Apples for domestic direct-pressed juice are grown by the OOO "Sad" company of the Samara region.


The path of a juice bag to the moment it hits our table is long and complicated. It begins in the fields where apples are grown. Garden lands don't have many companies. After all, growing apples is a much more complex and time-consuming process, in contrast to buying Chinese concentrate.


Even in order to grow an apple tree to the point where it begins to bear fruit, it will be necessary to transplant it several times and spend many hours on care.

First, small shoots are grown. This is the so-called "stock". Or "wild". In fact, these are also apple trees, but so far this is only the basis for the future variety, its foundation. The root system and the stem of the future tree are called rootstock. It is responsible for growth rate, fruiting time, resistance to weather conditions, diseases or harmful insects, longevity, number of apples and many other factors.




After the rootstocks are grown, they are transplanted and a variety is grafted onto them. This is called "graft".


This is a different field. If you look closely, you can see colored electrical tape on each of the stems. It was there that the cutting was grafted. So the apple tree already has a certain variety.



Apple trees begin to bear fruit while still quite small. This looks unusual. A small "bush", all dotted with apples! But for manufacturers it is much more convenient. And you can process and pick apples from a height of human growth, without substituting a ladder. This greatly simplifies the work. However, trees up to 3.5 meters in size are grown here. This, of course, is the apple size more familiar to the layman.


By the way, just like that, an apple tree may not give a harvest. Making it bear fruit (and doing it annually) is a separate and very serious job. To do this, they use special tricks: weed the flowers (so that more strength goes into the remaining fruits), cut the roots or make incisions on the stem in a special way (so that the apple tree “thinks” that it is over and finally begins to actively “reproduce”). All this colossal volume is just an ordinary routine. It remains only to admire the amount of work. Any agriculture is a big and hard work.


Picking apples by hand. There is no complicated and tricky technique - of course it exists, but it spoils the fruit, not allowing them to be sent for long-term storage.


After the apples are harvested, they are sent to a special storage. Here, in a huge hangar, a special temperature and humidity are maintained, which allows apples to be stored until the next season.


All apples are sorted before storage. This is done more for aesthetic purposes. Apples that go on sale should be even, neat, about the same size. Their task is to look beautiful in the window. For apples that go for juice, appearance no longer matters. And they all taste the same, of course.



Apples lie in the warehouse until an order for a certain batch arrives. Some of them are sent to stores for sale, but mostly they will still make juice from these apples.


The plant of the Nectar company, at the grand opening of which we ate apples, receives either the juice itself (in the case of apples) or a concentrate for some exotic juices (we have not yet learned how to grow guava or mango in our strip).


Here, in huge vats, the processes of filtration and pasteurization of the future juice take place. Everything is sealed and hidden from prying eyes.


Tetra Pak equipment line is installed at the plant. We are used to the fact that this is only high-quality packaging, but in fact the company produces entire production lines to equip factories, including those for the production of juices. Modern equipment and the latest pasteurization technologies allow, on the one hand, to preserve all the useful substances, and on the other hand, to ensure long-term storage.


The next stage is the actual bottling and packaging. Everything here is already very noisy and dynamic.

First, the machines turn Tetra Pak flat packaging, which arrives at the factory in rolls, into a package familiar to our eyes, after which juice is poured into it, and it is sent further to the conveyor.



There, it is repeatedly scanned, weighed, compared with reference indicators in order to prevent the release of low-quality products. If an inaccuracy is found in any package, it is “blown away” with a sharp stream of air from the tape into special mesh-catchers and they will no longer fall on the counter. The process is monitored not only by technology, but also by people.


A little later, caps, tubes and other accessories are added to the juice packages on the conveyor.



Several brands are produced at the Nectar plant in Samara - Ivanych, Volzhsky Posad and others.


The manufacturer is especially proud of branded bags with Madagascar cartoon characters (in partnership with the copyright holder). Of course, such marketing actions are always effective. Children love images of their favorite characters and these products will always be in high demand.


The last step on the way is packing the juice bags into boxes and assembling the pallets for shipping. Now it is done manually, by strong movers. But the plant already has plans for the development of production, and soon additional equipment will be installed here, which will replace the labor of people.




By the way, if you believe the map, then not only on ours. They are also supplied to some foreign countries, including China.


Here is such a path of juice, from a small cutting - a rootstock, to a delicious glass of juice.


Bon appetit! =)

Those who have a private house or cottage, and in addition - a large apple orchard, sometimes face the problem of harvest, such that there is simply nowhere to put it. Processing apples is a rather laborious process, but it gives a certain moral pleasure. After all, the realization that you are preparing “live vitamins” for the future will please any of us. About what are the ways of processing apples - in industrial and domestic conditions, for their own purposes and for sale - we will tell in this article. And if you make juices for yourself and your loved ones, take advantage of some of our tips.

Apple processing at home

During and after harvest, it must be handled correctly, with as much efficiency as possible. The most promising options: juice, puree, jam or preserves, dried fruits. Let's consider each of these methods separately.


Processing apples into puree is one of the most effective ways to preserve the product. This can be done with a powerful electric meat grinder (or, at worst, a manual one, but then get ready to “build your muscles”). Before apples are processed, they must be properly prepared for this process. It is necessary to cut the fruit into four parts and free them from the seeds.

The skin can not be removed. But if you want the puree to be especially tender, then peel the fruit. After you have scrolled the apples, you get a pasty mass. We add sugar to it at the rate, if the apples are sweet varieties, for one kilogram of mashed potatoes - a pound of sugar. If the apples are sour, add more sugar: eight hundred grams of sugar per kilogram of apples.

Mix everything thoroughly and boil in a large bowl over the smallest fire. After we roll up in pre-sterilized jars.


Processing apples for juice is carried out in this way. After cutting the fruit into four parts (you can do it manually, you can use a special cutter) and free them from the seeds, we run them through the juicer. After squeezing, we decante the juice and bring to a boil in a large container, but do not boil. We remove the foam, filter the juice (some omit this process - they like it unfiltered, with a fine suspension of pulp). Pour into sterilized jars, roll up. Let cool with lids down, wrapping on top.

If the juice is gone

From one small apple orchard, quite a lot of juice is obtained. If you make it for your own needs, and not for sale, you should not worry that the product will ferment or disappear. From the seemingly missing juice, you can make strong alcoholic drinks, such as apple vodka or calvados. In the end, ordinary dry apple wine or cider. Recipes abound in cookbooks. We present only a few of them.


The fruits of late varieties are excellent for making this drink. Even those that fell to the ground from trees (you just need to cut out rotten places). Further processing of apples is carried out using a food processor. It will quickly turn the fruit into a homogeneous mass. Then, three liters of pure spring water and wine yeast (three or four days old) are poured into the fermentation bowl per kilogram of pulp. The container is filled three quarters of the volume.

Several times a day, the mass must be mixed so that the pulp rises up. After surviving three days, drain the liquid, squeeze the pulp. We set the wort for fermentation (be sure to put a water lock on the bottle). The fermentation process takes about a month. Then carefully drain the liquid so that the sediment that forms at the bottom does not get in. Raw materials must be distilled twice and cleaned in several ways.

Organization of juice production

As a small business idea, juice production is quite promising and convenient. The technology is simple and it doesn't take much to set up a business. You can build a mini cannery with your own hands right in your private home. Employees are members of your family. And if you still have a large garden at hand, then there is an opportunity to make good money!

Natural product

Here the main criterion is quality. Your trump card is a completely natural product (which is especially appreciated, for example, abroad). No need to use various flavorings and preservatives. Your juice should be natural and have qualities that are not found in drinks purchased in supermarkets. All business should be based on this opposition.

mini production

Many doctors advise drinking natural juices daily. They increase immunity and saturate the body with essential vitamins and amino acids. Your advantage - in the absence of large costs and investments at the initial stage of development. It is enough to have raw materials (apples themselves in sufficient quantities), simple equipment for processing apples: a large, good, powerful food processor or / and a semi-industrial juicer designed to process a large number of fruits.

Still will be needed: containers for boiling juice, cans for rolling it. This domestic apple processing line, roughly speaking, fits in an ordinary summer kitchen - a makeshift production facility. Technologies are known to all, people. If an assistant is needed, one or more family members can be used.

Raw material

It is best if you have your own apple orchard. Then the problem of raw materials is solved very simply. If you just have a plot near a private house, then think about planting trees. Just do not forget that before they bear fruit, they still need to grow up! You can buy raw materials from neighbors, for example (from those who have large orchards), if your own material is not enough. It should also be remembered that from one kilogram of apples a maximum of 250 grams of juice can be obtained. This, by the way, is one of the shortcomings of this business. If you solve the problem and find permanent sources of raw materials, then a good profit will always be provided to you.
