
Useful properties and contraindications of figs. Contraindications to eating figs

Fig or fig, or fig tree, or fig tree, or common fig tree, or fig berry (lat. Ficus carica) is a type species of the genus Ficus (lat. Ficus) of the Mulberry family (Moraceae). Common fig, fig tree or fig tree (Ficuscarica L.) is common as an industrial crop.

Figs are indispensable in cooking.

It makes delicious sauces, meat dishes, salads.

This is a great addition to pastries, cakes, pies and other desserts.

But many are not even aware of the colossal the benefit of the product.

In addition to fruits, both tree bark and foliage are used in medicine to treat various diseases.

What is a fig - botanical description?

As you already understood, this is a sweet and tasty fruit. The fruit rarely exceeds a large plum in size.

At the top, it is covered with a peel, it contains many seeds of small size.

Fruits grow on trees that can reach twenty meters and live for about five hundred years.

This is an oriental tree, which is also found in the Mediterranean, Asia, and the Caucasus. The plant is very thermophilic, loves moderate humidity and the sun.

There are more than four hundred species of this plant, which are different in size, shape and color, taste, tree height, and ripening process.

Certain varieties produce several crops per year.

The most favorable time for fruit ripening is at the end of summer - mid-autumn.

What is useful figs - chemical composition

Figs are filled with an abundance of sugars and fruit acids. Most of these components are found in dried and dried figs.

The fruits are filled with iron, pectin components, esters, macronutrients.

The fruits of the fig tree contain sugars (glucose and fructose up to 75%), pectins (up to 6%), (oxalic, citric, malonic, amber, fumaric, malic, shikimic, cinchona - up to 1%), saponins, vitamins B1, B2 , A, E, C, PP, tannins, minerals (potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium).

Figs are considered the leader among fruits in terms of mineral content (potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.). In terms of potassium percentage, figs are second only to nuts.

Fresh fruits contain up to 1.3% amino acids, sugar - up to 11%, dried figs provide much more protein (up to 6%), sugar - 4-6 times more than fresh fruits. Dried fruits retain all the beneficial properties of fresh figs.

What is useful figs for a person?

Ficin in the chemical composition of figs has a beneficial effect on the walls of blood vessels, lowers blood clotting, promotes the resorption of blood clots, makes it possible to treat thrombo-embolic, cardiovascular diseases.

Fiber in figs contains substances that lower blood cholesterol levels. A high percentage of potassium in figs contributes to the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system, successfully cures tachycardia and arrhythmia.

Japanese researchers obtained an antitumor drug from the fruits of the fig tree, due to the presence in its composition of a special substance - benzoic aldehyde.

Essential oils thin the blood well, as a result, brain cells are better supplied with oxygen.

These exotic fruits are incredibly useful for the body:

Regular consumption of dried or fresh figs significantly improves blood structure, relieves blood vessels of cholesterol deposits.

What is useful figs for women?

Separately, it is worth talking about the benefits of this plant for women's health.

With systematic use, the risks of varicose veins are significantly reduced, vascular networks disappear. Due to the useful components, it is possible to normalize the veins and blood vessels, improve blood circulation, and relieve swelling.

Figs are a real storehouse of folic acid, which doctors prescribe during pregnancy. Also, with the help of fruit, you can overcome anemia, which is often observed in pregnant women.

During breastfeeding, figs increase lactation. With the help of ripe fruits, it is possible to improve well-being during menstruation and relieve pain.

Figs in the field of cosmetology

The product is widely used in cosmetology. With the help of it, it is possible to fully nourish and moisturize the skin.

It becomes toned and elastic. With the help of figs, it is possible to resume the lack of calcium.

With the help of fig juice, you can ensure a uniform tan. With the help of trace elements, it is possible to increase the production of melanin, preventing serious skin burns.

Juice helps with acne, ulcers, warts. Helps soften calluses and rough skin.

Figs are used for teeth whitening purposes.

What are the benefits of fig leaves?

The leaves of the fig tree have photosensitizing properties.

Due to the main active ingredient psoralen, the complex of furocoumarins from the leaves of the fig tree is used simultaneously with ultraviolet irradiation in order to restore depigmented skin areas.

Coumarin increases the sensitivity of the human body to solar radiation.

  • Fig leaves are widely used for diarrhea.
  • In addition, a drink from the leaves helps with flatulence, colitis, helps with dysentery and intoxication.
  • The leaves are also used in cosmetology to cleanse the skin. The decoction helps from bronchitis and pulmonary pathologies.

Fig leaves are the basis of the drug Psoberan. The active ingredients of the drug are psoralen and bergapten - the main coumarins of the chemical composition of the raw material of the fig tree. Psoberan has photosensitizing activity: together with irradiation with ultraviolet rays, it is used to restore pigmentation of the skin

Figs - medicinal recipes for use

  • Fig fruits as an antiseptic

Poultices, compresses from the pulp of figs, decoctions of fruits or leaves help with skin problems: warts, sores, heal inflammation in areas of the skin.

The flesh of the fig relieves toothache, as the inhabitants of the East have repeatedly seen.

  • fig leaves

Fresh leaves are applied to wounds, boils. Ointments based on fig leaves are effective for relieving skin itching, inflammation and hyperemia. The juice of crushed fresh leaves is applied to white depigmented spots on the face with vitiligo, used to remove warts, boils.

  • Fig fruit syrup

Fig syrup helps with rheumatic pains, cystitis, dysfunction of the liver and kidneys, with female whites.

Syrup is also effective for children as a tonic to improve appetite, the digestive tract, as a laxative for constipation.

  • figswith milk

Figs boiled in milk are great for coughs. To do this, it will be enough for you to take dried fruits and boil them in one glass of milk.

It is necessary to drink the drink four times during the day warm. It helps with anemia and general exhaustion of the body.

  • Fig jam

Fig jam is not only very tasty, but also healthy.

fig jam recipe

  1. It is necessary to sort out the berries, separating all the ugly and damaged ones.
  2. Carefully put everything in a separate container, pour boiling water over the fruits, completely covering all the berries.
  3. Cook the sugar syrup separately.
  4. Pour the fruits with hot syrup and leave to cool completely.
  5. When the syrup is at room temperature, pour it again into a separate bowl and boil for five minutes. Fill the fruit and leave overnight.
  6. In the morning, you need to cook the fruits over low heat until a thickened mass is obtained.
  7. Pour the jam into glass jars, roll up and place in a dark place. The jam is ready to eat.
  • Figs with prunes

This mixture effectively helps with constipation. To cook it, you need not only, but also figs and dried apricots in equal quantities

So, grind all the products in a meat grinder, making a homogeneous mixture. Add honey to it (300.0 per 1 kg of the mixture) and mix everything well.

We eat every day a small spoon for dinner and drink boiled water.

  • Figs in the pharmaceutical industry - drugs

Figs are part of pharmaceutical drugs that have a laxative effect:

  1. Kafiol (Cafiolum) is a combined preparation of plant origin, which includes cassia (senna) leaves, plum tree fruit pulp and fig fruit seeds.
  2. Regulax is an analogue of kafiol in composition and action on the body. The only difference is that it does not contain the pulp of plum fruits.

Why figs are useful - a good video

Contraindications for use - harm to figs

There are certain contraindications that you need to consider if you decide to take figs:

  • diabetes mellitus and impaired carbohydrate tolerance;
  • contraindicated in dried form for people suffering from obesity;
  • not used for gout. Oxalic acid helps dissolve kidney stones and disrupt metabolism;
  • inflammation of the digestive tract can occur due to the use of fiber in large quantities;
  • pathology of the pancreas;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In some diseases, the harm of figs will exceed its potential benefits, therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor before taking it.

Eat natural and healthy foods such as figs, exercise, think positively, and your health will be strong, and you will look young, fresh and beautiful on the outside.

Remember that taking care of yourself too much can be harmful, so learn about the indications and contraindications, coordinate them with your doctor and enrich your diet with figs!

About figs, its chemical composition and beneficial properties will be discussed in this article. In another way, figs are called figs, fig trees, fig trees, figs.

Figs - a bush with plentiful shoots. The leaves are alternate, large, the leaf blade is round or broadly ovate, entire, more often 3-5-lobed. The flowers of figs are small, from light yellow to purple, collected in the axils of the leaves in a pear-shaped inflorescence. Fruits on short stalks, pear-shaped, contain numerous small nuts.
According to the ripening time, fig varieties are divided into three groups: early, ripening in the second half of August; medium - at the end of August and late - in September - October. All parts of the plant contain a milky juice that flows out when injured.

In the wild, figs are found in India, Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Crimea. It grows on rocky open slopes, among rocks, in the undergrowth of broad-leaved forests, on the walls of stone buildings.
In culture, figs are widely distributed in many subtropical countries. Known to mankind since ancient times. It has been cultivated since time immemorial for its delicious, very sweet fruits. The fig culture in Mesopotamia has been known for over 4,000 years. In ancient Egypt, figs were one of the main crops. Figs grow well in rooms as an ornamental plant. With sufficient care, it develops large yellow-green beautiful leaves and produces 1 - 2 fruit crops annually.


Fresh fruit of figs are rich in sugars (12 - 24%) and organic acids (0.09 - 0.38%). Some varieties contain up to 71% sugar. Glucose (3.10%), levulose (2.29%), sucrose (1.8 - 3.69%), a small amount of arabinose, mannoheptulose and sedogentulose were found. The juice contains maltose, glucose, sucrose, fructose. The main acid of the fruit is citric acid. Glyceric acid has been found in mature figs.
The content of sugar and acids in fruits is influenced by the conditions of the year and the stage of their maturity. As the fruits ripen, the amount of organic acids decreases, especially citric, quinic and shikimic acids. Carotenoids were found, among which violaxanthin predominates. There is little carotene. When fruits ripen, the amount of carotenoids does not increase. Figs are rich in pectins. Their greatest accumulation is observed in the first phases of fruit development. In the process of fruit maturation, the amount of pectin increases due to protopectin. In mature fruits, its amount is 32 - 41% of the sum of all pectin substances. There is a high content of iron (0.31 - 1.30 mg%) and copper (0.02 - 1.0 mg5%), as well as trace elements.
The coating on dried figs contains glucose, fructose, traces of citric and malic acids, as well as lysine, asparagine and aspartic acid. In the fruits, an active growth substance of a non-indole nature, "citrus auxin", was found.
Ripe fig fruits are rich in milky juice, which includes 50.3 - 57.5% organic matter, 5.3 - 13.6% nucleic acids and their derivatives and the enzyme D-ficin. The content of ficin in the process of fruit ripening remains constant, and then decreases to 10-20% of the initial amount. Green fruits contain enough ficin for industrial extraction. The flavonol rutin (0.1%), furocoumarins (0.21 - 0.54%) were found in the leaves of the fig tree: psoralen (0.17 - 0.43%) and bergapten (0.04 - 0.14%), the amount which depends on the fig variety; β-amarin, β-sitosterol, lupeol, two unstudied waxy substances, ψ-taraxosterol ester, trihydroxysteroid saponin ficusogenin, palmetic acid; sugars - mannoheptulose and sedoheptulose; essential oil. Guaiacol, a number of hydrocarbons and a mixture of fatty acids have been isolated from the phenolic fraction of the essential oil obtained from green leaves. The petioles of the leaves contain a growth substance, which includes lilac, vanillin, n-coumaric and coumarin umbelliferone. In the roots of the fig tree, furocoumarins related to psoralen and bergapten were found.

Table of the chemical composition of figs (per 100 g of product).
Vitamin PP0.5 mg
beta carotene0.05 mg
Vitamin A (RE)8 mcg
Vitamin B1 (thiamine)0.06 mg
Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)0.005 mg
Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid)4 mg
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)0.1 mg
Vitamin B9 (folic acid)10 mcg
Vitamin C2 mg
Vitamin E (TE)0.1 mg
Vitamin PP (Niacin equivalent)0.6 mg
Calcium35 mg
Magnesium17 mg
Sodium18 mg
Potassium190 mg
Phosphorus14 mg
trace elements
Iron3.2 mg
The nutritional value
calories54 kcal
Squirrels0.7 gr
Fats0.2 gr
Carbohydrates12 gr
Alimentary fiber2.5 gr
organic acids0.5 gr
Water83 gr
Starch0.8 gr
Ash1.1 gr
unsaturated fatty acids0.1 gr
Saturated fatty acids0.1 gr
Mono- and disaccharides11.2 gr

See the chemical composition and nutritional value of fruits, vegetables and herbs:

Vegetables and gourds. , , ,

In this article I will talk about benefits of dried figs for the body. There is already a lot of information on this topic in Runet, but I used Western sources to write the article, so I hope you will find something new for yourself here. In addition to describing the health benefits of dried figs, I will also give general information about its composition (vitamins, minerals, other substances), calories, glycemic index, and some other features.

I'll start with the composition.

Detailed composition of dried figs

Even dried figs are not very rich in vitamins, let alone fresh ones. It can be noted that the high content vitamin K: 15.6 micrograms per 100 grams of dried figs, which is 19% of the daily value. The full vitamin composition is as follows (percentage of the daily requirement is indicated in brackets):

A completely different matter is the minerals in dried figs. This dried fruit is rich in both macro and microelements.

Some people think that dried figs smell like iodine. Indeed, the smell can cause such associations. However, it contains no iodine at all.

According to BJU per 100 grams, the alignment is as follows:

  • proteins 3.3 g,
  • fats 0.9 g,
  • carbohydrates 63.9 g.

Details in the tables:

The bulk of the sugars are glucose(24.8 g) and fructose(22.9 g), plus a little galactose(0.13 g) and sucrose(0.07 g). The glycemic index of dried figs is 61, and the glycemic load created by 100 grams of the product is 30 - it is recommended that the total glycemic load of food consumed be no higher than 100 per day.

As for calories, the energy value of 100 g of dried figs is 249 kcal. Water in 100 g of dried figs contains about 30 g, but, of course, this figure depends on the degree of dryness of the fruit. The amount of ash - 1.9 g.

Now about how figs can be useful to us, given the substances it contains.

11 Health Benefits of Dried Figs

Improves digestion

Dried figs are rich in fiber: 100 grams contains 9.8 g fiber, which is about 40% of our daily need. It is a natural laxative to prevent constipation and is also helpful in other digestive problems such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Promotes weight loss

In addition to the fact that dried figs are rich in fiber, they are also quite low in calories - in 100 grams there are only 249 kcal. And you will only get 0.9 grams of fat. Thus, dried figs are a wonderful snack for people who want to lose weight.

Prevents hypertension

When you eat a lot of salt, sodium levels in the body rise. This upsets the balance of sodium and potassium and, in turn, leads to an increase in blood pressure. Figs are an ideal fruit to restore this balance, because 100 grams of dried figs contain as much 680 mg potassium and just 10 mg sodium. This helps to prevent the development of hypertension or improve the condition of the existing one.

Rich in Antioxidants

One study found that dried figs are superior to fresh figs when it comes to antioxidants. The study also mentions that the quality of antioxidants, which are called phenols, figs are superior to other fruits whose antioxidant properties are achieved through vitamins C and E.

Prevents heart disease

The high levels of antioxidants in dried figs help eliminate free radicals that can damage blood vessels and lead to heart disease. And, as mentioned earlier, it prevents hypertension, a huge risk factor for coronary heart disease. In addition, some studies have shown that dried figs help lower triglyceride levels, which are also a big contributor to heart disease.

Protects DNA

Antioxidant-rich dried figs are also beneficial because they help prevent free radical damage to DNA.

Strengthens bones

100 grams of dried figs are supplied to the body 16% Daily Value for Calcium(162 mg). Along with other calcium-rich foods, they can help improve bone density and strength. It also contains magnesium(68 mg - 17% DV) and phosphorus(67 mg - 7%), which are involved in the formation and strengthening of bone mass along with calcium.

Helps with diabetes

Treats iron deficiency anemia

Dried figs are a rich source gland: 100 grams contains 11% DV this trace element (2 mg). Iron is an essential mineral that carries hemoglobin throughout the body. Thus, eating figs is a natural way to indirectly raise hemoglobin levels by increasing iron levels in the body.

Improves reproductive health

According to ancient literature, the Greeks used figs as a natural aphrodisiac. The fruits of the fig tree were considered sacred and were closely associated with fertility and love. Scientifically speaking, figs improve fertility and libido by supplying the body with minerals such as zinc, manganese And magnesium, which play an important role in improving reproductive health.

Promotes the elimination of harmful estrogens

Elevated amounts of estrogen in the body can lead to weight gain, mood swings, headaches, in women can contribute to problems associated with menopause, the development of polycystic ovary syndrome, and even breast or uterine cancer. Certain foods help naturally remove harmful estrogens from the body, and figs are one of the best, most well-known such foods (along with pomegranates, onions, avocados, citrus fruits, kale (browncol), and broccoli).

In general, dried figs can be eaten not only for pleasure, but also with considerable health benefits. Of course, while observing the measure. 🙂

Figs are the fruits of a fig tree that can live and bear fruit for two centuries. Figs are also called figs or figs. The fruits are green-yellow, purple, red.

Its homeland is Asia Minor. To date, there are about 4 hundred varieties of figs. They grow in Central Asia, Mediterranean countries, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea.

On sale you can find fresh fruits. But due to the fact that they are stored for a very short time and they are difficult to transport, it is easier to find dried figs on store shelves.

The content of the article:

Fresh figs have a low energy value (about 50 kcal). The product contains mono- and disaccharides, water, acids, starch, fiber. Dried fruits have a much higher calorie content (about 250 kcal). At the same time, the sugar content in them also increases many times over.


  • A. Important for vision and skin. Supports metabolism and reproductive functions.
  • IN 1. Differs in sedative qualities. Helps in the work of the digestive tract, provides metabolism.
  • AT 2. Takes care of the health of the liver. Helps in the absorption of various substances by the body.
  • AT 6. Important for the synthesis of certain hormones. Helps alleviate diabetes. Helps fight nausea and cramps.
  • AT 9. Necessary for the formation of cells of the nervous tissue. Enhances the reproductive function of the body. Calms the nervous system.
  • E. Helps to stabilize the hormonal background, has sedative qualities. Prevents the formation of blood clots, activates the regenerative properties of the dermis.
  • RR. Reduces the likelihood of atherosclerosis, improves oxygen saturation of tissues. Helps cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Beta carotene. Has antioxidant properties. Necessary for the synthesis of vitamin A. Supports the immune system, the heart.

Micro and macro elements:

  • Iron. Important for the nervous system: helps to better cope with stress and excessive psychological stress. Increases efficiency and strengthens the immune system. It has a positive effect on the composition of the blood, stimulates the production of hemoglobin. Provides oxygen supply to tissues. Has antioxidant properties.
  • Potassium. Figs are one of the leaders in the amount of potassium. It stimulates the cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins. Reduces the likelihood of diabetes. Normalizes blood pressure and heartbeat. Helps to recover faster after increased stress. Ensures the full functioning of the kidneys, heart, bronchopulmonary system.
  • Calcium. Provides blood clotting. Participates in the process of fighting allergens, improves metabolism. Included in bones.
  • Magnesium. Improves brain and heart function. It is important for systems such as the genitourinary and endocrine systems. Normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Sodium. Helps to avoid dehydration, maintains the required level of salt. Participates in metabolism. Good for the heart and gastrointestinal tract.
  • Phosphorus. Important for brain function, maintains bone strength.

Useful properties of figs for the human body

The multi-component composition makes figs a useful product that should be in the diet of most people.

  1. Reduces the risk of developing heart and vascular diseases. Figs are rich in potassium, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system. Fruits help maintain stable pressure and reduce the risk of developing heart pathologies.
  2. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Wine berries are rich in fiber. Just 3 dried figs contain a fifth of her daily requirement. Therefore, the fig tree normalizes bowel function and relieves constipation. In addition, the fruits relieve pain and prevent bloating.
  3. Helps maintain the required concentration of glucose in the blood. To avoid sugar surges, you should eat figs in small quantities. If you do not violate the required dosage, the level of glucose in the blood will be stable.
  4. Reduces the risk of oncological diseases. Antioxidants, contained in a large volume, prevent damage to DNA cells. This protection prevents the formation and development of cancer cells. First of all, regular consumption of figs is the prevention of rectal cancer.
  5. Weight loss. Improving the functioning of the digestive system and activating metabolism helps to get rid of extra pounds. The fig tree contains many useful substances that compensate for their lack in case of being on a strict diet. Due to its sweetness, the fruits will be a great alternative to sweets and desserts.
  6. Removes bad cholesterol. Figs have this property due to the presence of pectin in them, which absorbs cholesterol as it moves through the digestive tract. After that, it removes it from the body.
  7. Increases efficiency, fights fatigue.
  8. It activates the brain and improves mental activity.
  9. It is a good helper in the treatment of colds. Figs help reduce fever, eliminate sore throats, and treat coughs.

What is useful figs for the body of a man

Wine berry reduces the risk of early strokes and heart attacks, to which men are more susceptible than women. It is useful for those who do a lot of sports or whose work is associated with increased physical and mental stress.

The fruits are useful for the genitourinary system, as they protect it from infectious and bacterial lesions. The fig tree reduces the risk of erectile dysfunction. Figs are considered aphrodisiacs that increase sexual desire. It helps fight premature ejaculation. In addition, the fruits improve the quality of sperm, increasing the chances of successful conception.

What is useful figs for a woman's body

Wine berry is recommended for women who constantly wear high-heeled shoes. Unpleasant consequences of wearing such shoes are swelling of the lower extremities and cramps of the calf muscles. Figs contain a sufficient concentration of substances (magnesium, potassium, calcium) that eliminate these symptoms. The fig tree is also effective in the treatment of varicose veins.

The fruit has not only medicinal properties, it takes care of beauty. Figs have a positive effect on the condition of the skin and hair. Based on it, homemade caring masks and lotions are made.

Wine berry helps to take care of the figure, it is included in the diet. It removes toxins and toxins, speeds up metabolism and removes excess water. The sweet taste helps to use figs as a candy substitute.

Figs for pregnant and lactating women

The fruit helps a woman bear a healthy child and facilitate the course of pregnancy. A large number of active substances helps to avoid vitamin deficiency and anemia. Figs calm the nervous system, improve sleep, eliminate swelling and constipation.

During pregnancy, it is worth giving preference to fresh fruits. And with a tendency to gain a lot of weight, it is worth abandoning dried figs altogether.

Lactation is not a contraindication to the use of a fig tree. The fruits help to increase the amount of milk. But do not abuse figs, as overeating can cause increased gas formation in the child.

Figs in the diet of children

Fruits contribute to the proper development of the child's body. They are a tasty and healthy alternative to confectionery. Figs improve brain function and have a positive effect on the nervous system.

You can introduce a fig tree into the diet from 9 months, starting with a small portion (0.5 tsp). Allergy to this product is quite rare, so figs are considered a practically safe product. But it is important to monitor the reaction of the child's body.

Fig contraindications

Figs should not be eaten with inflammatory processes of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreatitis, gout. It should be abandoned in case of individual intolerance. Dried fruits are very high in calories and contain a lot of sugar, so they are contraindicated in diabetes and overweight.

The use of figs for medicinal purposes

The fruits of the fig tree are used to treat certain diseases.

The use of the fig tree in cosmetology

The fruits restore the skin and give it softness. The enzymes included in the composition deeply nourish and moisturize the dermis without irritating it. In addition, the fig tree fights fine wrinkles and improves the appearance of the skin around the eyes. Figs take care of the health of the hair, strengthening it and activating growth.

  1. For hair, it is useful to make a mask prepared from a fig tree (2 crushed fruits) and milk (1 glass). The components are mixed in a saucepan and boiled until a homogeneous mass is formed. When the product has cooled, it should be applied to the scalp. Cover the head with polyethylene and wrap with a towel. After 1.5 hours, the mask must be washed off.
  2. Rejuvenating face mask. The universal composition, suitable for any type of skin, is prepared from the pulp of a fig tree (1 pc.), Honey (1 tbsp.) And olive oil (2 tbsp.) Chopped in a blender. All components must be mixed in one container. The product is applied to cleansed facial skin and washed off after 15 minutes.

Figs are a tasty and healthy product. It has a small number of contraindications and many useful properties. The fig tree can be used not only in treatment, but also in cooking to add variety to familiar dishes.

Figs from a hundred diseases video

Ripe figs are a very tasty and healthy product, but, unfortunately, they have very delicate fruits and are very difficult to transport. That is why, when shipped to other countries, the fruits of the fig tree are often picked unripe, so that they ripen already on the way and do not have time to be badly damaged. However, because of this, the concentration of useful vitamins and trace elements in figs is significantly reduced, but it is completely preserved in dried fruits. The advantages of the dry product are obvious: it has a long shelf life, it is easy to transport and it is extremely useful.

The homeland of the fig is southwestern Asia, and the tree on which the fruit grows is called the fig tree. Fresh fruits are somewhat reminiscent of a pear, they have colors from light yellow to deep purple, depending on the variety. Fresh fruits taste cloyingly sweet, but very healthy, contain a huge amount of vitamins and minerals. Dried figs are transported to us mainly from Turkey, Armenia and Uzbekistan. Now almost everyone knows that it is very useful in any form. In fact, mankind has known about this for many years, starting from the time of Ancient Greece, where figs, especially in dried form, were considered an exquisite delicacy and were regularly consumed. He was so valued that in cases where they tried to take him to other countries, the smugglers were imprisoned. Even Avicenna, the most famous physician of antiquity, strongly recommended its regular use, fresh or dried, to support health. In addition, he believed that the fruit would be a good help in the fight against malaria, tumors, fever, and even leprosy.

You should not think that figs are always the same. In fact, there are about 150 species of this plant, and therefore fruits, in the world. For example, the darker the skin of a fruit, the more antioxidants it contains. It is believed that it is thanks to these antioxidants that regular consumption of figs significantly reduces the risk of developing breast cancer, especially for those women who have already crossed the threshold of menopause. Among other things, it is used in the creation of medicines, but not only its fruits, but also leaves and roots.

Beneficial features

Dried figs, as well as fresh ones, have a good effect on intestinal motility, allowing you to gently get rid of constipation. In addition, due to some laxative effect, it allows you to quickly rid the body of toxins and harmful toxins.

Figs are very useful for those people who suffer from anemia. In addition, it has been proven that its regular use in any form contributes to the fact that tachycardia is significantly reduced, the condition of the heart muscle and vascular tone improve.

Due to the high concentration of B vitamins, it also helps the normal functioning of the nervous system, stimulates the restoration of nerve cells, maintains a normal mental state and good mood in general. Regular consumption of figs can significantly improve mental activity, increase stress resistance.

dried figs during pregnancy

Naturally, during pregnancy, every woman very clearly monitors her diet so as not to harm the baby. Considering how many benefits dried figs have, it is highly recommended for pregnant women to include them in their diet. There are no restrictions here: pregnant women can use it both fresh and dried, as they like.

Chemical composition

Substances contained in the fruits of the fig tree stimulate the healing of wounds and the restoration of connective tissue in the body as a whole. Antioxidants, which are abundant in figs, help cleanse blood vessels, normalize blood cholesterol levels and improve the condition of the cardiovascular system as a whole. Very useful for the circulatory system, including potassium, magnesium and iron: they stimulate the creation of blood cells, increase the level of hemoglobin.

Composition of dried figs (per 100 g)
calories 257 kcal
Carbohydrates 57.9 g
Squirrels 3.1 g
Fats 0.8 g
PP (NE) 1.2 mg
E (TE) 0.3 mg
A (RE) 13 mcg
beta carotene 0.078 mg
AT 2 0.09 mg
IN 1 0.07 mg
Sa 144 mg
P 68 mg
mg 59 mg
Fe 0.3 mg
Na 11 mg
TO 710 mg
Alimentary fiber 18.2 g
Water 16 g
Saturated fatty acids 0.2 g
Polyunsaturated fatty acids 0.2 g
Starch 3 g
saccharides 54.9 g
organic acids 2 g
Ash 2 g

Dried figs contain a fairly high concentration of calories, 256 calories per 100 grams of the finished product. Therefore, they should not be carried away by those people who monitor their diet, lose weight of their own accord or for medical reasons. However, the opposite is also true: for people who suffer from underweight and are trying to gain weight, dried figs will be extremely beneficial, as it is not only a high-calorie, but very natural and healthy product that will help you quietly and gradually gain weight, while maintaining optimal levels of vitamins and minerals in the body. For the same reason, it is very often recommended for people who are recovering from surgery or illness.

How to choose

It is quite natural that in order to protect dried fruits during transportation, manufacturers process them with various chemicals. That is why you need to be very careful about the choice of what you are going to eat.

Quality dried figs should be a light beige color that can range from cream to light brown. All fruits must be of the same size, not too dry to the touch and of a uniform color. If the fruits are slightly flattened, this only speaks in their favor. Do not be afraid of white bloom on dried figs, it's just glucose, which remains on the surface after heat treatment of the fruit. It is important to remember that the taste of the fruit should not contain sour or salty notes, and you should not choose figs that are too dry or rough to the touch. This suggests that its shelf life has long expired.

Recipes for treatment

Figs can be used to fight coughs: for this, the dried fruits are boiled in milk for a while, and they drink a little every day. This is an excellent remedy for many diseases that are accompanied by a dry or wet cough, including sore throat, pneumonia or whooping cough.

In addition to these beneficial properties, a decoction of figs in milk also helps to reduce body temperature, which is very important if the patient is tormented by a fever.

Fig milk decoction

To make a decoction with fig milk that helps fight coughs and reduce fever, you will need:

  • a tablespoon of dried figs;
  • liter of milk.

Dried figs need to be cut into small pieces, so it will boil out as much as possible and give milk all its beneficial properties. Just add the figs to the milk, and then boil it, reduce the heat and thus simmer for another 10 minutes. After cooling, the resulting broth must be well filtered or squeezed to remove pieces of figs. This decoction can be drunk about half a glass three or four times a day.

for whooping cough

For the treatment of chronic cough or whooping cough, a higher concentration of figs in milk is used: for this, two tablespoons of crushed figs are added to about a glass of milk, and the digestion procedure is repeated.

For skin

After preparing the decoction, do not throw away the figs, which have given up part of their benefits to milk. These crushed fruits can be used to help the skin with pustular diseases: for this, it is enough just to make compresses from this fig to significantly improve the condition.

From kidney stones

Figs are used even for the complex treatment of kidney stones. To do this, you need to take 5 figs, add 500 ml of hot water, and boil the resulting mixture for several minutes. Then it must be crushed well, and taken between main meals, several teaspoons. It is believed that this contributes to the crushing of kidney stones and their natural and gentle removal from the body.

Contraindications for use

Despite all the beneficial properties of figs, even this product has harm and certain contraindications for use. For example, it is contraindicated for diabetics, as it contains a high concentration of sugar, which leads to a sharp jump in blood sugar levels. Due to the oxalic acid content of figs, it should be avoided by people who suffer from gout, as oxalic acid can only aggravate the condition. It should also be avoided by people with acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the fiber contained in it is digested for a long time and can cause serious problems.

The health benefits of dried figs are vastly different from what ripe figs can offer you, but that doesn't mean you should avoid dried foods. The main problem of dried figs is that the water content in it is significantly reduced, and at the same time, the concentration of sugar per 1 kg of the product increases significantly. That is why the use of dried figs must be approached very carefully, because at the same weight it contains much more sugar, and, accordingly, kilocalories than fresh fruits. On the other hand, the amount of vitamins and minerals remains the same, these are potassium and phosphorus, B vitamins, calcium and magnesium.
