
Moonshine on wild wheat yeast. Moonshine from wheat without yeast and sugar recipe

For lovers of traditional Russian vodka, it will be interesting to learn how to prepare the basis for it? Braga - according to an old recipe based on grain wheat and sugar. In this case, do not use ready-made yeast culture (baking, alcohol, wine), because. fermentation occurs due to the work of wild yeast, always present on the surface of cereals, fruits and vegetables.

What is good moonshine based on yeast-free wort

Connoisseurs of bread wine (namely, this is what grain moonshine is called) note the excellent quality of the drink, while distillation leaves the product with the aroma of grain raw materials, and not yeast. Unlike modern purified vodka, which has a specific unpleasant taste and smell, wheat moonshine is tasty, soft, very easy to drink, and practically does not bring a hangover.

Many note its smell? weak, barely distinguishable, but very pleasant. Someone characterizes it as the aroma of bran, to someone it resembles the smell of a crust of freshly baked bread. Thanks to natural raw materials containing only grain without ready-made yeast, moonshine does not contain a large amount of fusel oils, and the presence of specific esters gives a wheat flavor to the drink, "spirituality", as they used to say in the old days.

Stages of cooking mash

Due to some features of the recipe that exclude the presence of cultural yeast, the principle of preparing mash is slightly different from the generally accepted one and includes the following activities.

  1. Preparation of raw materials (wheat).
  2. Preparation of sourdough (fermented from wild yeast).
  3. Braga setting and care.

At the first stage, the choice of a suitable grain for the mash takes place. This is a very crucial moment, on which the quality of the wort and, accordingly, the finished drink depends.

Wheat of various types, both spring and winter, can be used as a raw material. Although winter is considered less suitable for these purposes due to the longer germination of seeds due to its botanical features.

Wheat should be fresh, but not overdone. From the moment of threshing, at least 2 months, but not more than a year, must pass. Otherwise, its germination will be much worse. If it was possible to find only recently threshed wheat, then it is heated at a temperature of 30-35 ° C (possible in the sun), constantly stirring, for 3-4 days, which speeds up the process of readiness of the grain germ for germination.

Wheat must have a nutritional purpose (not treated with pesticides).

The first stage of preparation includes seed sorting (selection of large debris) and light washing from dust and chaff. It is not recommended to wash the grain for a long time and thoroughly, so as not to remove wild yeast and their spores.

Zabrod cooking

Since the starch contained in wheat cannot directly serve as food for yeast, it must be converted into a digestible substance for them, i.e. into sugar. Can this be done by malting, when substances are formed in the soaked and beginning to germinate grain that contribute to the breakdown of the starch molecule into smaller ones? glucose and maltose.

In order to germinate raw materials, they take clean (preferably well) water, not boiled and not chlorinated. For malting (germination) use glass or enameled dishes with a wide bottom, thoroughly washed (preferably sterilized).

The entire volume of wheat is laid out in an even layer, poured with water so that the water level is 5 cm higher than the grain level and sent for a day to a cool (12-18 ° C) and dark place for germination.

After 24-36 hours, part of the sugar is poured over the grain layer (or cooled syrup is poured) to feed and activate wild yeast, mix a little with wheat, tighten the throat of the dish with gauze and rearrange it in a warm place (22-26 ° C) for a week for development yeast culture in sourdough.

Wort preparation

For further fermentation, a volumetric fermentation tank is selected, fermented there and the main portion of sugar dissolved in warm water (26-28 ° C) is added at the rate of 3.5 liters per 1 kg of sand. In height, should the liquid reach the shoulders of the jar or be? tank, otherwise the raging foam may
splash out under the pressure of carbon dioxide.

The mixture is shaken, a water seal or a micro-perforated rubber glove is placed and left to ferment for another 7 days. At the same time, they constantly check whether bitterness has appeared, indicating the end of the process of converting sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Braga should lighten, it will taste like dry wine, the grains will settle, the rubber glove will fall off.

These indicators indicate that it is time to distill, otherwise alcoholic fermentation may flow into acetic. Before starting the distillation process, the mash is drained from the swollen wheat, but not completely, leaving a little in the vat.

Reuse of sourdough

Due to the presence of activated wild yeast in the thick, there is an opportunity on the used stillage 2-3 more times. Moreover, it is believed that the moonshine obtained from the 2nd and 3rd runs is very good? strong, but soft, with a sweetish aftertaste and bready aroma.

The amount of raw materials (wheat and granulated sugar) is calculated similarly to the previous recipe, however, they don’t specifically wad (in principle, the rest of the thick? This is the sourdough). Immediately add syrup in accordance with the amount of grain available and wait for the end of fermentation.

Calculation of raw materials

The general method for obtaining mash from wheat without the use of yeast was indicated above. A specific recipe is compiled according to the principle: grain mass \u003d sugar mass. Water is used in the amount of 3.5 liters per 1 kg of granulated sugar.

The output of the final drink is 800-900 ml of 40% moonshine per 1 kg of sugar.

Here is the calculation of raw materials for a 20-liter fermentation tank.

For zabrod ingredients:

  • 5 kg of wheat grain;
  • 1.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • water 5 cm above the grain level.

For mash ingredients:

  • 3.5 kg of granulated sugar;
  • 10 liters of water (a total of 17.5 liters of water should be obtained in the bottle along with the liquid from the wading).

Note: Some of the syrup that is topped up to the shoulders may not go in immediately. It is left in the canister for 4-5 days, then? yeast in the wort, pouring the remainder into the vat.

?Underwater rocks? method

When using such a recipe, you may encounter the following troubles.

  • The grain does not germinate within 3-4 days. Obviously, the wheat turned out to be of insufficient quality (freshly harvested or, conversely, old).
  • If, after adding sugar to the starter, gas is released, the grain rises and falls (? boils?), Then the fermentation process will occur without the appearance of obvious seedlings.
  • If there are no signs of fermentation in the sourdough after a few days? Wheat is not suitable for
  • The wort took on the form of jelly. It is necessary to continue to keep the sourdough warm, shake it up. Over time, the yeast will process the starch and the mash will take on its usual liquid form.
  • Sugar is not available. You can use honey or jam instead of it in the recipe, pre-heating them with a part of water to a boil (and then cooling to a temperature of 26 ° C), which will improve the digestibility of these products for yeast. When using honey, you need to take into account the fact that its consumption increases compared to sugar and, accordingly, the consumption of water will increase (for 1 kg of wheat - 1.5 kg of honey and 7 liters of water).

As you can see, based on wheat and without the use of yeast, it is not very difficult to perform, however, the resulting moonshine can be attributed to the highest category of alcoholic beverages, and it is not a shame to serve it on the table on the occasion of any family celebrations.

Wheat moonshine is in particular demand among connoisseurs of this drink. It is very mild in taste and perfectly drunk with a fairly high strength. It is prepared at home on the basis of mash obtained from home germinated wheat.

Technology for obtaining mash from home germinated wheat

Grain moonshine has a very good quality compared to sugar. Derived from a product of natural fermentation, it is highly valued by lovers of strong drinks. To obtain a home-made high-quality strong product, a preparatory process is carried out - to germinate grain wheat.

First, grains are selected, while fresh ones cannot be used. They should lie down after assembly for at least 2-3 months. Grain wheat should be clean, free of impurities and well sieved. After that, they are poured into a box (box) with a height of more than 0.1 m. The mass of wheat grains should be about 10 kg. An even layer of wheat should be filled with water, preferably with a minimum hardness. It should cover the grains by about 3 cm.

Soaking occurs within one day. It is recommended to change the water every 2-3 hours. In winter, you can limit yourself to mixing the mixture the same number of times. Further, the water is drained, and grain wheat is placed in a similar box, with small diameter holes drilled all over the bottom. This allows the grains to remove excess moisture. Then the wheat is washed once more and put to dry.

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Make sure that the grains are constantly not wet, but moist. After the soaking process, the water must be drained completely. When grains appear on a fracture after soaking a white liquid, they are rejected. This can happen if they are overexposed during the soaking process.

Germination of grain wheat is carried out in boxes with a bulk layer of up to 5 cm. Within 8 hours, it should be stirred three times to remove accumulations of carbon dioxide released. The total germination time lasts from 4 to 12 days. Drawers can be left open or covered with a damp cloth. Throughout this period, it is necessary to control the moisture content of the grains. If dryness occurs, they should be sprayed with water.

For a guide when spraying, you can adhere to the following proportions: for 5.0 kg of dry wheat grains, about 70 ml of pure water is needed. Mixing and moisturizing is recommended every 8 hours until the end of germination. The germination temperature should be about +18 C, the humidity level should be at least 40%.

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When wheat sprouts reach a length of about 6 mm and roots up to 14 mm, germination is considered complete. Wheat grains lose their floury taste, crunch when broken and exude a cucumber aroma. At the final stage, the malt is soaked in potassium permanganate (weak solution) for half an hour. This will kill all harmful bacteria.

Having chosen a container for mash, the main components are mixed: water -15 l, sprouted wheat - 5.0 kg and ordinary granulated sugar - 5.0 kg. Infusion lasts for 5-8 days. The degree of readiness of the resulting wort is determined by the water seal (rubber glove). It is recommended to constantly stir the mixture during this period and remove the foam from the surface.

Recipe for mash from homemade germinated grain wheat without yeast

This recipe uses sprouted wheat malt instead of yeast. Wheat should be selected for sowing, able to germinate.

1 kg of wheat is taken, washed well, and then filled with water. The water level should be a few centimeters above the layer of grains. Germination of wheat lasts from one to two days. Then sugar is added (within 500 g) and everything is thoroughly mixed. It is desirable to do this gently, with the addition of water if necessary. The resulting mixture is placed for ten days to settle in a warm place. During this period, the preparation of malt takes place.

At the end of this period, the sourdough is poured into another container, another 3.0 kg of regular sugar, as well as 3.0 kg of wheat grains are added there, all this is poured with warm water and a water seal (rubber glove) is placed. The time of final fermentation lasts from 7 to 12 days. After the glove has deflated, the mash is filtered and prepared for further distillation.

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Bard-wheat, remaining at the bottom of the container, is used an additional two or three times. To do this, an additional 4.0 kg of ordinary sugar is added, warm clean water is poured and a second batch of mash is obtained. This process can be repeated two more times. The most delicious homemade strong drink is obtained on the second, as well as the third Braga from the same wheat grains.

Braga from germinated wheat with yeast

To prepare the mash you will need:

  • wheat grains - 5.0 kg,
  • yeast - 1.0 kg,
  • regular granulated sugar - 12 kg,
  • clean water - 40 liters.

First, prepare the molds for germinating grain wheat. For these purposes, wide pallets are well suited. Pour wheat into them with a layer of up to 2 cm. Fill them with clean water so that it slightly covers the layer of grains. Leave for 2 days in a dark place with about +20 C. At the same time, twice a day, the grain should be gently mixed. This must be done to prevent mold growth.

After two or a maximum of three days, sprouts will appear on the grains. Their length can be up to 2 cm, which is an indicator of their readiness. If the grains do not germinate, it means that the raw materials are not properly selected or the process technology is not followed.

Water (necessarily warm) is poured into the container for preparing the mash and granulated sugar is added. The mixture must be well stirred to a syrup state. Then, in the resulting syrup with a temperature of not more than +30 C, sprouted grain and crumbled yeast are added. All this is placed in a warm place for fermentation. By the state of the water seal, you can determine the readiness of the product.

Since ancient times, wheat mash without yeast has been known: for moonshine, it is considered the best, traditional raw material. It was far from always possible to buy a briquette of cultivated fungi. Even the dough of the hostess was made on sourdough from rye flour, and to prepare a large amount of intoxicating drink, it was necessary to find other sources of fermentation.

Why does grain mash ferment without yeast?

In fact, there is yeast in this mash. Winemakers do not bring them in on purpose, like pressed or dried mushrooms. Wild forms of yeast, like many microorganisms, are literally everywhere. There are especially a lot of them on the skin of sweet fruits and berries: everyone knows how easily the fruit pulp begins to ferment. The peculiarity of wild yeast was used by our ancestors in all processes associated with fermentation.

But the amount of yeast on dry grain is so negligible that it would not be enough to start the fermentation process. But winemakers know that it “comes to life” literally a day after it has been placed. The point is the preparation of raw materials, that is, wheat grains. In the process of germinating them in a humid environment and in warmth, the fungi living on the surface of the grain begin to actively multiply and grow. The process is facilitated by the saccharification of starch in the germinating grain. By the time the malt is ready (after 2-4 days), it already contains a significant amount of real yeast.

To enhance the fermentation abilities of malt in the old days, a starter was made from sprouted grain and sugar. With a large amount of nutrient, the growth of yeast fungi increased, and they multiplied very quickly. For 7-10 days, during which the starter was being prepared, their number became sufficient to cause rapid fermentation and rapid maturation of tens of liters of must.

How to make grain mash without yeast?

Before making mash from wheat, you need to prepare the malt base. It is made from germinated grain. When choosing raw materials, first of all, you need to pay attention to the quality of wheat: it must be free of mold and foreign smell. It is advisable to take not fodder grain, in which the percentage of small, dry and unsuitable for germination seeds is very high, but pure, selected wheat for food purposes.
It is distinguished by large, round grains of light brown color, practically does not have foreign inclusions, crushed seeds and litter (Fig. 1). If in doubt about the quality of the purchased grain, you can take a small amount of it and try to germinate it by wetting it with water. Good wheat hatches in 2-3 days, unsuitable for the same period will be covered with fluffy mold or acquire an unpleasant sour smell without forming sprouts.

Starter preparation

According to the traditional recipe for wheat mash without yeast, a malt base or sourdough is needed, which will start the process of turning sugar into alcohol. Having chosen the right grain, you can start the process of making malt:

  1. Place 1 kg of wheat in a saucepan or other container of sufficient volume. Pour the grain with water so that the specks float to the surface. Drain liquid along with debris. Rinse the grain several times until the water runs clear. Pour the last portion, not trying to remove the moisture completely.
  2. Pour the grain with the remaining liquid into a wide shallow container (tray, box, frying pan). Cover the dish with a damp cloth and place in a warm place with a temperature not exceeding +30 °C.
  3. After 10-12 hours, lightly stir the wheat, mixing the top and bottom layers. If necessary, sprinkle the grain with warm water and moisten the cloth. Repeat mixing every 10-12 hours.
  4. After 1 day, thin roots will appear on the grains. From this point on, it is better not to mix the grain, but periodically moisten the top layer. On days 2-3, the roots will intertwine, forming a fairly strong “mat”, and thick white sprouts 1-2 mm long will be visible on the grains (Fig. 2).
  5. Add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar to the container, scattering it over the surface, pour in a little warm boiled water so that it barely covers the grains. Can be mixed to break up lumps. Close the container with clean gauze, put it back in heat for 7-10 days. The mixture will ferment slowly, take on a characteristic odor, and will foam slightly. This leaven is already ready for further use.

It is not recommended to overexpose the wheat germ malt base, as the sugar content in the mixture drops very quickly with the rapid growth of yeast. Left without food, the colony of fungi will reduce activity. The preparation of the mash should begin when the malt mixture begins to show signs of active fermentation: foam, release gas bubbles when stirred.

We put the brew on sourdough

The amount of sourdough obtained from 1 kg of wheat will require 30 liters of water. It must first be boiled and cooled to a temperature of + 25 ... + 30 ° C. Pick up the bottle in such a way that there is room for the foam to rise during fermentation. Place the finished sourdough in this container, pour all the water and add:

  1. dry wheat, good quality - 3 kg;
  2. granulated sugar - 3.5 kg.

Close the neck of the bottle with a stopper with a water seal or make a stopper from a glove. To do this, put a medical rubber glove on the bottle, tie it tightly around the neck and pierce a hole in one of the fingers with a needle.

Move the bottle to a warm (+ 20 ... + 25 ° C) room and leave it alone for 10-20 days. Fermentation activity will depend on many factors, it may decrease with decreasing temperature, so you need to determine the readiness of the mash by the following signs:

  • gas bubbles cease to be released from the water seal;
  • if a cork from a glove is put on, then the rubber “hand” that has stood upright all the time is blown away and hangs;
  • in a transparent bottle, it can be seen that the liquid becomes more transparent from a cloudy one, and individual grains do not float up.

If the mash on wheat without yeast is in an aluminum flask, where there is neither a glove nor a water seal, the liquid inside is not visible, then you can determine readiness by ear by putting your ear to the flask: ringing crackles are heard during fermentation. In the finished mash, the ringing stops, because the bubbles no longer stand out. Its taste changes: the sweetish liquid becomes tart, acquires a noticeable bitterness and is slightly intoxicating.

At this time, the mash can already be distilled. Using a thin hose, it must be drained from the sediment so that the grains are not captured by the liquid flow. Pass the raw material through a gauze filter and distill in the usual way.

The wheat and sediment remaining in the container should not be poured out: by pouring 4 kg of sugar into the bottle and adding 30 liters of water, you can get a new good quality mash, and then repeat the process again. After the third infusion, the sediment can already be thrown away. From 1 kg of malt sourdough, you can get up to 90 liters of raw materials for moonshine.

Quick ways to cook mash

If there is no time to wait a long time for the sourdough to ripen and the mash to insist on it, then you can use another recipe. The speed of preparation is due to a large number of germinated seeds and a higher sugar content in the wort. This allows you to get the source material for distillation within about 1 week.

For such a mash you will need:

  1. 5-6 kg of dry, high-quality wheat for sprouting;
  2. 6.5–7 kg of sugar;
  3. 30 liters of water.

Rinse the wheat and spread all of its quantity at once into sprouting containers. Carry out the care of the material as indicated in the previous recipe: mix, monitor the moisture content of the grain for 2–3 days. Pour the finished malt into a bottle or flask, pour all the sugar there and pour boiled warm water.

In a warm place with a temperature of about +25 ° C, such a brew will ferment for 3–5 days. The signs of its readiness are the same as those of traditional Russian grain mash. The sediment can be used 1 more time, but the fermentation time will increase to 7-10 days, and the quality will be slightly lower. The distillation of raw materials is carried out according to the classical scheme on any apparatus.

Braga on dry malt

In order not to waste time on germinating the grain every time, you can prepare dry malt and use it if necessary, quickly put the mash and drive out the homemade alcoholic drink. To make quality malt, you need to choose good food wheat. Germination occurs according to the general rules described above.

You should not overexpose the sprouted grain too much: the content of enzymes and yeast is highest at the moment when the sprouts have not yet begun to turn green. Their length usually reaches 1-3 mm. Sprouted grain should be dried in a warm oven, in a dryer at a temperature of about +50 ° C or in the summer in the sun. The malt must be completely dry to the touch, otherwise it can become moldy and go bad. Grind the dried sprouted grain in a coffee grinder or in another accessible way. It is best to store it in a linen bag, in a dry and cool place.

For the manufacture of mash for every 10 liters of water, 1.5–2 kg of sugar and 1–1.2 kg of finished malt will be required. Before putting the mash, dry ingredients must be mixed with each other, poured into a bottle and only then pour warm boiled water, constantly stirring the talker. Make a water seal or put on a glove on the neck and leave to ferment in a warm place. Wheat mash without yeast can be ready in 3-4 days. Carry out the distillation in the usual way.

Wheat moonshine is highly valued among winemakers. It has a pleasant smell, sweetish mild taste and is easy to drink. If you perform a double distillation with separation of the head and tail fractions, additionally purify the liquid with a carbon filter, you can get a wonderful drink, on the basis of which you can create any exquisite liquors and liqueurs.

As in all areas of human activity, trends and fashion have also formed in moonshine. Today we will talk about the actual method of making this drink without the use of yeast at home, or rather about wheat moonshine. Which so harmoniously combines the natural taste of wheat, quality and a pleasant bready aftertaste.

To make moonshine without the use of yeast, they are replaced with a special substrate made from germinated wheat, the so-called "Cereal malt". In this method, the main thing is to responsibly approach the preparation process and follow the deadlines, because overdoing it a little or overlooking it can spoil the result, and, most importantly, the impression of this drink.

Wheat must be bought only of high quality, it is unacceptable if it contains rot or wormholes. It is not worth sorting out such wheat. It is better to take good quality right away, since many defects will not be visible to the naked eye, but they will give a negative result during fermentation. Only in this case, wheat brew without yeast for moonshine will have an excellent taste, and will delight you and your friends with a clean, deep taste.

There are a lot of recipes for cooking mash at home, the main thing here is to strictly follow the sequence and at first exclude improvisation in order to exclude the negative result of our work. Good luck, on our website you will find many useful recipes and tips!

Wheat Moonshine Recipe

Making homemade grain alcohol is not limited to one recipe - moonshine from wheat can be prepared without yeast, with yeast, with and without sugar, from sprouted grains and ordinary ones.

The main steps in all processes are:

  • selection and proper preparation of wheat
  • cooking wheat mash
  • actual haul
  • product cleaning

All possible cooking methods are described in detail below.

Try to cook each and you will be able to decide which of the recipes you will like more than others.

Wheat moonshine without yeast

One of the fairly common recipes is Yeast-Free. Its difference is that the final product is the most natural.

For cooking you need:

  1. Prepare 5 kilos of wheat grain, sift it from dust and impurities, pieces of husk, etc. Then the grain must be filled with water so that it slightly covers it. Water should be at room temperature, the use of ice or hot is not allowed.
  2. You need to add 1.5 kilos of sugar to the mixture and, placing the grain in a wide and flat container in a warm place, wait for it to germinate.
  3. When the grain gives the first sprouts, you need to add 15 liters of water to it and add another 5 kilograms of sugar. This can be done already in another container, deeper. In it, the grain should spend 10 days. The container must be equipped with a water seal and placed in a warm place.
  4. After about a week and a half, the mash for driving is ready. After distillation, it is advisable to purify alcohol with activated charcoal (50 grams of powder from charcoal tablets per 1 liter of moonshine), pouring it into a liquid and keeping it for a week.

After filtering, moonshine needs to be distilled again

Braga for moonshine

From the foregoing, you learned how to make mash using the “yeast-free” method. But there is another method - "yeast". To prepare such a mash, you can go in two ways:

  1. Grind 4 kilograms of wheat, then mix the flour that turned out with 1 cola of sugar, 100 grams of yeast and dilute it all with water (3 liters). Mix the mass thoroughly and keep in a warm place for 7 days. Strain the resulting mixture and distil twice
  2. Sift 2.2 kilograms of wheat and pour lightly with water (1-2 liters). Soak until sprouts appear in a warm place (three days). Heat 15-14 liters of water to 50 degrees and dilute sugar (5 kilos) in it, and after cooling to 35-40 degrees, add yeast (100 grams) and grain. Mix the mixture well and keep warm for 15 days.

The container must be covered and wrapped. After half a month, strain the mixture and can be distilled.

Sprouted wheat moonshine

In principle, for the preparation of grain moonshine, you can use the recipes that are listed above, simply using mash for this according to one of the recipes, but still there are some subtleties in the process that should be taken into account in order to get really good moonshine, not swill.

To do this, you will need: 2.5 kilograms of wheat, 20 liters of water, 6 kilos of sugar, 100 grams of dry yeast (they will be equivalent to 0.5 kilos pressed), 500 ml of kefir or fermented baked milk.

Stage 1. Grain preparation.

In order for the grain to become suitable for making a drink, it must lie in a warehouse for at least 2 months, and not only be harvested. The amount of grain required according to the recipe must be laid out in pallets (a layer of about 2 cm) and poured with barely warm water, so that it barely covers the wheat. In a warm place, in the absence of light, sprouts should appear on the grains for 2-3 days. If there are none, then your grain is “not alive” and it will not work for moonshine. While we are waiting for the appearance of sprouts, the grain must be turned over every day, otherwise mold may appear instead of overgrowth. It will be even better if you cover the grain with a cloth soaked in water and wrung out.

After the wheat shoots become impressive (1-2 cm in length), we take the grains out of the pallets without unraveling. They will serve us in further preparation.

Such grains can be used immediately, or they can be dried (until completely dry) and used to grind into flour used in mash.

Stage 2. Cooking mash.

The technology for making mash is simple - mix warm water, sugar, yeast (may be absent) and grain (cereal flour). The thoroughly mixed mixture is kept in a closed container (with a water seal) in a room without access to light for 10-15 days.

Stage 3. Moonshine.

Regardless of the method of preparation, the mash must be filtered and kefir added to it, which will minimize the presence of fusel oils in the moonshine. The resulting mixture must be distilled in any way convenient for you.

Stage 4. Purification.

As a “cleaner”, activated charcoal tablets are perfect, which are crushed and poured into the finished drink at the rate of 50 grams of powder per liter. The mixture is kept for about a week, shaking occasionally and filtered at the end.

Stage 5. Second distillation.

In order to significantly improve the quality of an already good drink, it needs to be distilled a second time. To do this, the resulting moonshine is diluted with water (preferably bottled or distilled) in a ratio of 1: 1 and distilled again. At the same time, the first 50 grams (per liter) are drained (from 5 liters of diluted moonshine, this figure will be 250 grams / milliliters). This moonshine can not be poured out, but used for "technical" purposes. The rest of the alcohol is collected until its strength is below 40-35%.

Stage 6. Final.

The moonshine you received may turn out to be quite strong, but this is not scary - you can dilute it with water (of good quality) to the degree you need and, after insisting for about 3 days, taste it.

According to this recipe, you will get about 5 liters of good quality moonshine. And most, so to speak, delicious, and it’s not a shame to serve on the table.

Source: alkolife.ru

Cooking wheat mash without sourdough

This method takes the same time, but its technology is a little simpler. It will take

  • 5 kilograms of wheat grain;
  • 6.5 kilograms of sugar;
  • 15 liters of water.

The main difference of this recipe is that all wheat is used for germination at once. At the same time, pouring it into a container, add 1.5 kilograms of sugar. The first sprouts on the wheat will serve as a signal to add the rest of the sugar and warm water. A rubber glove must be put on the container in which all the ingredients are located. In 10-14 days, the process of making moonshine will be completed. After distillation, the finished drink should be filtered.

Source: alkozona.ru

First way

There are several ways to do this. But, first of all, the grain is selected. It should be dry and look good. And also aged temporarily in the warehouse. After threshing the crop, at least 2 months must pass. Molded wheat will not work, as well as those affected by pests.

The preparation of moonshine begins with sifting the grain and placing it on the mash. The first operation will be filling it with water at room temperature. The top grains should be under a layer of water at a depth of several centimeters. The capacity for this is taken wide - it is necessary to germinate wheat.

For 5 kg of grain, one and a half kilograms of granulated sugar is needed. It is placed in water poured onto grains and dissolved with stirring. Further, when the first sprouts appear (after about 5-6 days), more water (15 l) and sugar (5 kg) are added.

The mixture is poured into another, not wide, but deep container for fermentation for a period of 10 days. A water seal is also being made. After finding the container in the heat, you get a mash. It is filtered and distilled into alcohol. It is more efficient to distill twice.

Second way

The wheat moonshine recipe is simple. The method described above without the use of yeast is not the only one.
There is another.

It takes:

  1. 2.5 kg wheat
  2. 6 kg sugar
  3. 20 liters of water
  4. 500 g raw (pressed) or 100 dry yeast
  5. 5. 500 ml of kefir

Sprouted grains of wheat (together with sprouts up to 2 cm tall) are dried and ground. This flour is mixed with warm water, sugar and yeast in a bowl. The mixture is placed in a warm and dark place for a couple of weeks. Fermented. Kefir is added to the mash after that immediately. This is necessary to remove the fusel odor. Such a wheat moonshine is obtained by distillation of mash.

About secondary distillation

Therefore, moonshine from germinated wheat is considered better than "sugar" moonshine, that its taste is more pleasant, as is the smell. Especially after the second distillation. It is done like this. Moonshine is diluted with spring water in a ratio of 1 to 1.

At the beginning of the second distillation, the first fraction merges (its calculation per liter of moonshine is taken as 50 g). Then the distillation continues until the limit drop of the fortress is 35 degrees. You can finish a little earlier. The resulting strong alcoholic drink can be diluted with the same water. Drinking the purest wheat moonshine made at home is often more pleasant than store-bought vodka. Its quality is not always good.

On the definition of quality

Determining the quality of moonshine at home is easy to do.

  1. First, by smell.
  2. Secondly, by trying to burn a little alcohol in a teaspoon.

The color and height of the flame at the same time, and even the remaining sediment will show the presence of fusel oils and water. A film with multi-colored stains in a spoon indicates poor moonshine.

About the intricacies of the process

Moonshine from wheat at home is more difficult to make than from sugar. I don’t really like the fuss with germinating grains, grinding them, washing them. During germination, care must be taken that the wheat does not become moldy. Drain the malt afterwards. Dry grains. Moonshine from wheat at home is easier to make directly from the grains in the first way described above. In this case, a batch of them can be used several times in a row. After distillation, water with sugar is again added to the grains. After several days of fermentation, an alcoholic liquid is obtained, suitable for distillation.

Now it has become clear how to make moonshine from wheat, even from grains, even from flour. What components are needed for this.

The most important thing is the germination of wheat for moonshine. During this process, attention is required to ensure that the malt does not sour.

And the above slightly different recipes are easy to apply further. Grain is cheaper than sugar. Yes, and yeast is not always necessary. It turns out that moonshine from wheat is more economical than from sweet products.

Source: samogonpil.ru


According to this recipe, wheat mash is prepared with yeast, but without sugar. Wheat is saccharified with green malt, you can use regular store-bought brewing malt or make it at home. Also in the recipe, you can use the grain of rye, barley, corn.


  • Wheat - 6kg;
  • Water 25l;
  • Dry yeast - 25g.


  1. We prepare green malt, for this 1 kg of wheat, rinse with clean running water, remove debris and floating grains. Fill with water for 5-6 cm and leave to soak for 6-8 hours. Rinse the soaked wheat and pour a strong solution of potassium permanganate for 15-20 minutes. After treatment with potassium permanganate, rinse the wheat again and sprinkle on a pallet from the grate.
  2. Rinse the grain abundantly with warm water 2-3 times a day, also turn over twice a day. When the sprout grows the size of the grain itself, then we can assume that the malt is ready. On average, wheat and rye germinate in 2-4 days. It is important to soak the finished malt again in potassium permanganate, dissolving 0.2-0.3 grams per liter of water, this will prevent infection of the future wort. Rinse the malt after 15-20 minutes. Grind in an electric meat grinder or blender. It is advisable to use it immediately.
  3. Grind the rest of the wheat (5 kg) in a grain crusher. Pour it into the mash tank, pour hot water over it and boil it for 10-15 minutes. At a temperature of 63-65°C, add malt, stir the mixture thoroughly. Wrap the container with a warm blanket and leave to sugar for 2-3 hours. The wort should become sweet, in order to make sure of saccharification, you can do an iodine test. If the iodine does not change color, then everything is fine.
  4. Quickly cool the wort to a temperature of 25 °, it is most convenient to do this using a chiller, or put the container in cold water with ice.
  5. Pour the chilled wort into a fermentation tank, add the yeast diluted according to the instructions. Close the container, install a water seal and put in a warm place with a temperature of 25-28 ° for fermentation for 4-6 days.
  6. When fermentation takes place, the mash on wheat will partially lighten, it will be bitter and the emission of gases will stop, it must be filtered through a gauze filter. If it is planned to distill the mash on a steam-water boiler or using a steam generator, then it can be distilled along with grains.
  7. Overtake the mash twice. The first distillation without fractionation, the second time with the separation of heads and tails, as described in the first recipe. Make the strength of the drink 40-45 degrees. Soak moonshine from wheat in glass for several days and you can start tasting moonshine.

Source: alkodoma.ru

Brazhka without yeast, but with wheat

Moonshine made from wheat mash has a more natural taste than that made from any other must. There are several recipes for wheat mash for moonshine. We will highlight and consider 2 main ones: “Braga on wheat without yeast” (aka “Braga on wild wheat yeast”) and “Braga using yeast”. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of each method.

Wheat mash is made with or without yeast. Each method has its pros and cons. Braga with yeast is made much faster and takes less effort. Braga on wheat without yeast takes longer to cook, however, moonshine from it has a pleasant taste (softer).
We will consider both methods of making wheat mash.

The quality of the wort directly depends on the ingredients: wheat, water, sugar, yeast (in the 2nd method). Water should be clean, settled. Wheat grains should be used only of the highest grade, which have not been previously treated with chemical reagents.

Wheat mash recipe without yeast

In another way, it is called mash on wild wheat yeast. In the process of its preparation, we will not use purchased yeast, but will limit ourselves to the natural fermentation of grains. To prepare it, we need the ingredients listed below. For convenience, ratios are made based on a standard fermentation tank of 38 liters, which is used in everyday life. You can use any other volume, observing the proportion.


  • Water - 35 liters
  • Wheat - 10 kg
  • Sugar - 10kg

How to make mash from wheat? Technology:

  • Cleaning. Before preparing the wort, it is necessary to prepare the wheat. Grains must be carefully sorted out, removing foreign impurities and husks from them. Then we wash the wheat with running water through gauze or a sieve.
  • Germination. To get the right mash, you need to germinate wheat. To do this, pour the grains in a thin layer (no more than 5 cm) on a baking sheet or other appropriate container and fill it with water. The water should completely cover the wheat. For the convenience of draining water without losing the prepared ingredient, gauze can be used. We cover the bottom of the germination container with it. Close the lid and leave at room temperature. After a couple of days, sprouts will appear.
  • Sourdough preparation. In the current recipe, we are making wheat mash without yeast. We will use the wild yeast of the wheat itself as a starter. As soon as sprouts appear, add 2 kg of sugar and mix well. The resulting mixture should not be too thick, otherwise it must be further diluted with water. Close the lid again and leave for a few days. As a rule, the process of preparing sourdough takes no more than a week. Wild yeast activation can be carried out in a similar way on the whole volume of wheat, or using only a part of it (say, taking a few kg.), But even in this case, we should not use all the sugar. Stages 2 and 3 can be combined. That is, sprinkle grains with sugar immediately before sprouting.
  • Fermentation. We proceed to the main stage of preparing wheat mash immediately after receiving the starter. We will need a fermentation tank with a water seal. You can use a can or ordinary large glass jars. It is more convenient to use one capacious container in order to immediately pour all the water, the remaining sugar and sourdough into it. It is desirable that the water is slightly warm (about 20 degrees). Do not pour water to the top. After thoroughly mixing all the components, we install a water seal and leave the wheat mash in a dark, warm room for a week. Instead of a water seal, you can use an ordinary rubber glove with holes on the fingers, putting it on the neck of the jar. Inflating the glove symbolizes the beginning of the fermentation process. During the entire fermentation time, you need to periodically shake or stir the wort, remove the foam from the surface.
  • Drainage from sediment. In about a week, germinated wheat brew for moonshine will be ready. The fermentation will stop. This can be recognized by a deflated glove (cessation of carbon dioxide emission), clarification of the top of the wort, and the absence of any mash activity. Carefully drain the wheat mash, without touching the sediment. Now you can drive moonshine.

Recipe for wheat mash with yeast

Making mash from wheat with yeast is practically no different from the recipe presented above. It is not necessary to germinate grains and prepare your own sourdough. You can just buy yeast in a store or market, saving a lot of time.


  • 8 kg. grains of wheat
  • 35 l. water
  • 10 kg. Sahara
  • 250 g yeast

How to put wheat mash? Technology:

  1. Grain preparation. Before preparing the mash, wheat grains must be sorted out. You can grind them to the state of cereals or even flour.
  2. Fermentation. Pour wheat into 5 liters. water, add 2 kg of sugar and 150-200 g of yeast. Close the container and leave for 5 days in a dark place.
  3. Fermentation. After 5 days, add all the remaining ingredients, mix and leave for another week.
  4. Drainage from sediment. After the top of the mash is lightened and the fermentation process stops, drain the wheat mash.

Braga from wheat for moonshine is ready. As you can see, the recipe for wheat mash is simple. The remaining sediment (wheat) can not be thrown away, but reused to make new wheat mash. It is only necessary to add water and sugar to the wort again. Moonshine from re-wash is recommended to be distilled twice.

Source: mywom.ru

traditional recipe

Composition and correct proportions:

  • wheat - 2 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • clean water - 15 liters.

The most attentive readers may be surprised by the presence of sugar in this recipe. The fact is that granulated sugar allows you to significantly increase the yield of moonshine and at the same time does not affect the aforementioned wheat flavor.

In addition, I draw your attention to the fact that all containers used for the preparation of mash must be perfectly clean. Pay serious attention to this. Otherwise, all your hard work may go down the drain.
Step by step sequence of actions.

  1. We take a clean metal or glass container that is suitable in size, which we will use to prepare the sourdough. Pour 500 grams of wheat grains into it, evenly level them and fill with water. We do this in such a way that the liquid completely hides the wheat and rises 1.5-2 cm above it. We cover the container with a lid and place it in a dark, cool room for germination. It usually takes 2 days for wheat to germinate. We definitely need to wait for the sprouts. Without this, it is pointless to proceed to further actions.
  2. Sprouted wheat should be filled with 250-300 grams of sugar. Mix the contents of the container thoroughly with your hands. It is forbidden to use metal devices for these purposes.
  3. After the specified time, it is necessary to pour the resulting ferment into a glass container of a suitable size, in which the fermentation process will take place. We add the remaining grain and sugar there, fill it with warm water with a temperature of 25-30 degrees Celsius.
  4. A water seal of any design should be installed on the neck of the fermentation tank. If you are used to using a latex glove, then you can not change this method. Just make sure that the hole in her finger is as small as possible.

If the mass has become excessively thick, then it can be slightly diluted with water. As a rule, 0.5-1 liters is enough.

Now we intercept the neck of the container with clean gauze and transfer it to a warm place for 10-12 days. This time is enough to prepare the sourdough, which in our recipe will serve as a substitute for yeast.

  • You are unlikely to miss the start of fermentation. Braga will start to "play". As a result of this, the glove will swell, and the water seal will begin to gurgle with characteristic bubbles.
  • The fermentation container must be placed in a room at room temperature. The duration of fermentation can vary greatly. This process can take one to three weeks.
  • We are waiting for the braga to “play back”. Be sure to try it to determine readiness. Proper wheat mash has a special bitter taste.
  • We just have to drain the liquid from the sediment, pass it through a cotton-gauze filter and distill on the existing model of the moonshine still.

Please note that we can cook 2-3 more servings of mash from fermented wheat grains. To do this, each time you need to add 2 kg of granulated sugar to the container and add water.

Experienced moonshiners know that wheat is an excellent raw material for mash. With proper preparation, an easy-to-drink moonshine is obtained, containing a minimum of harmful substances. I present to your attention a proven recipe for wheat mash, which was used by our ancestors. Its distinguishing feature is the absence of dry or pressed yeast.

We will replace artificial yeast with wild yeast, which almost does not give an unpleasant odor. Malt enzymes break down starch into sugar, which is converted into alcohol during fermentation. Wheat mash requires high-quality raw materials. I advise you to take only clean dried grain, stored for no more than one year, it should not be rotten or damaged.


  • wheat - 4 kg;
  • sugar - 4 kg;
  • water - 30 liters.

Sugar increases the yield of the finished product, while the characteristic grain aroma remains.

Recipe for wheat mash without yeast

1. Pour 1 kg of grain into a plastic or metal container, level it in an even layer at the bottom. Add water, should cover a layer of wheat by 1-2 cm. Cover and put in a cool dark place. After 1-2 days, the grains will germinate.

2. After the appearance of sprouts, add 500 grams of sugar to the container, mix with your hands. If the mass is too thick, you can add a little water. Tie the neck of the container with gauze, put it in a warm place for 10 days. This time is enough to make a starter that replaces the yeast.

3. Pour the starter into a glass bottle, add 3.5 kg of sugar and 3 kg of wheat. Pour the resulting mixture with warm water (up to 30°C).

4. Install a rubber glove with a hole in the finger (pictured) or a water seal on the neck of the container. Put the bottle in a room with a temperature of 18-24°C. Depending on the activity of the yeast, fermentation will last 7-20 days.

5. The mash that has won back is bitter in taste, you need to check this when the glove is deflated (the water seal will stop blowing bubbles).

6. Drain the finished mash from the sediment, filter through gauze and overtake on a moonshine still of any design. To improve the quality, I advise you to make a second distillation with the separation of "heads" and "tails", after diluting the moonshine with water to 20 degrees.

From the wheat remaining at the bottom, you can make two or three more servings of mash, each time pouring 4 kg of sugar into a container and pouring everything with water. The second and third mash are the best, then the quality deteriorates noticeably.
