
Salad with Beijing cabbage and ham is a light snack. Salad recipes with Beijing cabbage and ham: simple and puff


  • 300 g of ham;
  • 300 g of cheese;
  • 1 small head of young cabbage;
  • parsley or dill;
  • mayonnaise;
  • salt, pepper as desired.

Recipe for a delicious salad with ham, cheese and young cabbage

1. Wash the cabbage, dry it with a paper towel and chop finely. For convenience, it is better to use a special grater for cabbage. Put the shredded cabbage into a large salad bowl. In order for the cabbage to slightly let the juice out, you can squeeze it several times with your hands.

2. Cut the ham into small cubes and add to the salad.

3. We also cut the cheese into small cubes.

4. Grind the greens. Lightly salt and pepper. You can skip the salt and pepper altogether, as the cheese, ham, and mayonnaise are already salty on their own. Like any salad, you can salt it at the end if it seems unsalted to you.

Delicious young cabbage salad with ham and cheese is ready! Bon appetit!

  • Ham - 200g (not greasy)
  • White cabbage - 300g
  • Fresh tomato - 1pc (medium size)
  • Fresh cucumber - 1pc (medium size)
  • Sweet bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Canned corn - about 0.5 cans
  • Cheese - hard varieties
  • Salt - to taste
  • Crackers - optional
  • Mayonnaise or sour cream - for dressing.

Step by step cooking recipe

    1 How to cook a salad with ham and cabbage, mommies will teach you. By the way, this salad can be cooked. So, cut the ham into cubes or sticks. In this salad, ham can be replaced with smoked sausage.2 Cabbage is cut into thin strips or chopped on a special grater. Any cabbage available in the house is perfect for this salad recipe - it can be white, Peking, cauliflower or Chinese. 3 Cut fresh tomatoes into thin cubes. In order to prevent the juice from flowing onto the board, you need to cut it with a sharp knife and do not put pressure on the vegetable itself. 4 Cut the cucumber into sticks or rub it on a coarse grater. Depending on the taste, the cucumber can be either fresh or salty. 5 Fresh bell pepper is carefully cut into two halves, cleaned out the seeds and discarded. And the pepper itself is cut into thin strips. 6 We rub a little cream cheese on a coarse grater. 7 If desired, you can add more croutons, preferably with a taste of ham. If you add, then it is best just before serving, so that they retain their crunch. If the crackers stand in a dressed salad, they will soften. If the child is changing teeth, of course it is better without crackers or let them stand. 8 Mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, salt to taste, and season with mayonnaise or sour cream.

Recipe cooking secrets

The recipe for salad with cabbage and ham will delight every mother with the ease of preparation and the availability of ingredients. All products used are sold in any grocery store at reasonable prices. A delicious salad takes its rightful place among others both at the festive table and on weekdays or as a snack.

Cabbage, ham and cheese salad is a tender and tasty appetizer that will come in handy more than ever for both the festive table and the usual dinner with the family. You can also prepare a salad from Chinese cabbage and ham, adding corn. In general, it all depends on your imagination and desire to please your loved ones with a new dish.

To get started, let's get acquainted with a simple and easy-to-remember salad recipe with ham, cabbage and cucumber. If desired, replace the corn with green canned peas. And you can diversify the salad with crispy spicy crackers.

Salad with cabbage, ham and cucumber


  • fresh cabbage - 200 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • ham - 300 g;
  • canned corn - 1 can;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • salt - to taste;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.


We clean the cabbage from the upper leaves, chop finely, salt and knead with our hands until the juice appears. Then wash the cucumber, cut into thin slices, and cut the ham into cubes or strips. Then we mix all the ingredients, including a can of corn, from which we first drain the liquid. Next, season the dish with mayonnaise, and if desired, add fresh finely chopped greens. We spread the finished salad on washed and dried lettuce leaves. You can decorate our appetizer with cranberries, avocados or dill sprigs.

The next salad we will cook from Chinese cabbage and ham. However, you can vary the types of cabbage as desired, or mix, for example, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage. Gourmets can also add some smoked chicken or avocado to the dish.

Chinese cabbage and ham salad


  • Beijing cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • ham - 300 g;
  • hard cheese - 100g;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • salt and spices - to taste.


We wash the Chinese cabbage and chop it, but not very thinly. The cucumber is also thoroughly washed and dried, then cut into strips. We also cut the ham. If necessary, replace it with boiled sausage. Then mix everything and salt to taste. Cheese, in turn, grind with a medium grater and add to a common bowl, then season the salad with mayonnaise to taste.

If desired and with enough time, add a couple of hard-boiled eggs to our salad. The dish will go well with seafood salads and hot side dishes. And for all those who follow the figure, we can recommend dressing the salad with olive oil, butter, cheese or.

Let's introduce into the daily diet a simple in composition and method of preparation white cabbage salad. To diversify the dish, turn it from a banal one into a worthy dinner party and serve instead of a side dish or as independent appetizers, mixed with appetizing ham and canned olives.

We advise you to season with spices carefully, as in cabbage salad both ham and olives are products self-sufficient, fairly salted . With methane in the recipe, you can replace with mayonnaise, Greek yogurt, fresh cream, heavy cream.

Time cooking salad with cabbage and ham: 20 minutes / Number of servings : 3 -4.


  • white cabbage - 200 g;
  • ham - 150 g;
  • olives - 100 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 50 -100 g;
  • parsley - 2-3 branches;
  • hard boiled egg - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 30 g;
  • grain mustard - 20 g;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.


1 . In addition to white cabbage, a more tender one with a neutral Beijing flavor is suitable for salad - choose at your discretion. In the season of early vegetables, young cabbage is good. So , having previously washed it under cold water , after drying it , we chop a fragment of a head of cabbage into straws of medium thickness . To soften the hard cabbage fibers, rub them with your hands with a pinch of salt (often a little granulated sugar is added to the salt, thereby not only stimulating the release of juice, but also enhance the taste).

2. For freshness, contrast of textures, we add a juicy and fragrant cucumber - if the peel is bitter, we clean it. We chop quite large, for example, first into four longitudinal bars, then - transverse triangles.

3 . Then we cut slices of delicious ham, boiled-smoked baked ham or balyka - a variety of meat products are appropriate here, including smoked meats, cold boiled or baked veal, bird grill , hunting sausages . Our step-by-step salad recipe with a photo recommends separating the shell.

4 . Simultaneously boiled egg in boiling water for 7-8 minutes hard boiled, having cooled , having cleared , we crumble arbitrarily , but we do not grind . You can easily mash with a fork.

5 . We throw parsley leaves or other greens for cutting - we do not use the stems. Olives in the salad are put both whole and cut into rings, halves or crushed into crumbs, act independently. Mix all layers.

6. Dress cabbage salad with ham and olives, thick sour cream, mustard grains, salt, pepper, taste.

Serve assorted: cabbage salad with ham and olives to the table. We recommend chilling the dish first.

This salad with cabbage, ham and croutons can be made from any, shall we say, cabbage. From white or red - no difference, but it is advisable to take both of them young. Now the first cabbage of this year has gone - I make it out of it. In winter, you have to take either cabbage with a sharp top, or, conversely, strongly flattened - those leaves are more tender than those of ordinary round white cabbage, they are also suitable for winter.

What, in general, is such a salad with cabbage, ham and crackers good for? I use it when it suddenly occurs to my husband to go on a fasting diet. He prefers low-carb, so he requires salads, whole grain breads, and meats. But I know him, with low-calorie salads of only cucumbers and tomatoes and lettuce leaves, out of habit, he does not eat up, and then he walks and gets angry, and everything is not so and not so. This is where this salad with cabbage, ham and crackers comes to the rescue from time to time.

Crackers, of course, whole grains! By the way, the darker the bread, the tastier they are, the gray ones are not so tasty. In addition to crackers, there are many, many cabbages, it is coarse-fibered and low-calorie. And it fills the stomach very well. And ham - it serves as a wonderful snag for our senses! Her in this salad with cabbage, ham and crackers is a pure minuscule, only 5%! But for the body, according to perception, there is still a difference, whether it ate only cabbage with cucumber, or there was a little meat. The body likes ham more, it feels more full. In general, ham is a seasoning, it is for enriching the taste and in order to burn out taste analyzers.

Now - why is it ham in the salad, and not sausage, say. It is important! Because the very ham you see has only 100 calories per 100g of product. She is the absolute champion among low-calorie meat products.

Summing up, I make this salad with white cabbage, ham and crackers so that both my husband and I are full and my nerves are intact.

Finely-finely cut, chop or chop the cabbage.

Finely chop the ham.

Three cucumbers on a coarse grater. Cucumber is desirable but not required. With him - softer, without him - coarser and less juicy.

Add sour cream, salt and pepper, mix the salad. It is too early to check the salinity level and add salt.

We cut the bread into small pieces.

Crackers can be dried in any way you are used to. I do it in the microwave. 1 minute at 800 watts, then separate the sticky ones, another 1 minute at 800 watts, a minute of pause with the door open and another minute at 800 watts. After that, they will be iron crispy.

Salad with cabbage, ham and crackers should be allowed to marinate for at least 2 hours, and preferably all three. Such a long marinating time is especially important if you are making with red cabbage. Lettuce will probably have some liquid in it. Do not drain it, stir it into the cabbage to keep the salad juicy.

Well, just before serving, each of the eaters sprinkles the salad with crackers. Bon appetit!
