
Pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese - a delicious and healthy dish! Cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin.

If you want to treat your family to a very tasty and at the same time healthy dish, then pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese will be an excellent option. This dish is sure to please both adult family members and children, and it will not take much time to prepare it.

and pumpkins

With pumpkin it consists of two most useful products at once, so we suggest dwelling on their merits in more detail. First of all, as you know, cottage cheese is one of the components of a healthy diet and is considered dietary. In addition to the proteins contained in it, rich in valuable amino acids, it contains such important elements as calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. Cottage cheese should become an integral part of the diet of every person, and especially children and pregnant women.

Pumpkin contains many vitamins, minerals and trace elements necessary for both children and adults. This vegetable is a real champion in iron content. The use of pumpkin in food contributes to the normalization of metabolism, the removal of excess fluid from the body, it is indicated for cardiovascular diseases. Also, this vegetable is low-calorie and is recommended for dietary nutrition.

Recipe and cottage cheese

This dish is very fragrant and tasty, and it is not at all difficult to cook it. Absolutely everyone will like it, even those who do not really like pumpkin.


To prepare the casserole, we need: pumpkin - 1 kg, semolina - 5 tbsp. l., half a kilo of cottage cheese, large apples - 1 kg, 5 tbsp. l. sugar, two eggs, ground white crackers - 3 tbsp. l., vanillin, cinnamon - 2 tbsp. l., butter, breadcrumbs and lemon juice.


Cut the peeled pumpkin into cubes and boil until it becomes soft enough. Mix 3 tablespoons of sugar with semolina and add to the boiled vegetable. The mixture must be thoroughly kneaded and left for 20 minutes to soften. At this time, we clean the apples from the core and peel, cut into cubes and pour over lemon juice so that they do not darken, and then simmer in a dry frying pan until soft. Lubricate the form in which it is planned to bake the dessert with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. To the mixture of pumpkin and semolina, add one egg and crackers. Pour this mass into a baking dish, spread evenly and sprinkle with cinnamon. Add a layer of apples, level and also sprinkle with cinnamon. Now you need to prepare the third layer. To do this, mix the egg yolk with cottage cheese and 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Whip the egg white, add to the curd mass and mix. The resulting mixture is laid out in a mold and sent to an oven heated to 200 degrees. After 20-25 minutes, your pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese and apples will be ready. Bon appetit!

Dessert pumpkin casserole with semolina, cottage cheese, apples and raisins

This dish can definitely be called another great dessert dish that tastes great and is quite easy to prepare.


To prepare this dessert, we need the following products: a pound of pumpkin, light raisins - 50 g, an apple - 1 piece, sugar - 4 tbsp. l., half a glass of milk, 50 grams of butter, cottage cheese - 300 g, one egg, 2 tbsp. l. semolina, low-fat sour cream - 5 tbsp. l.

Cooking process

Let's start preparing our dessert. We clean the pumpkin from seeds and skin, rub it on a coarse grater and put it in a saucepan, where we add milk and a couple of tablespoons of sugar. We simmer this mass over low heat for about 20 minutes until the liquid evaporates. A couple of minutes before the end of this process, add butter to the pan. Pour raisins with hot water and leave for a few minutes. At this time, peel the apple from the skin and core and cut into small cubes. Then add the raisins and apple to the pumpkin mass and mix well. We spread the cottage cheese in a deep bowl, drive an egg into it, add sour cream and sugar and mix. Then pour the semolina, stir and leave for a few minutes so that the cereal can swell. Grease a baking dish with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Then we put half of the curd mixture into it, then the pumpkin mass, and the cottage cheese again on top. In order for your casserole to have a golden crust, grease it on top with sour cream. We send the form to the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes. The most delicious casserole is ready! Let the dessert cool down a bit and serve with honey, sour cream or condensed milk.

How to cook pumpkin casserole with cottage cheese in a slow cooker

Today, more and more housewives are acquiring such a wonderful helper in the kitchen as a slow cooker, which in many cases becomes an alternative to the oven. with cottage cheese can also be cooked in it without problems.


For this dessert, we need: peeled grated pumpkin - 0.5 kg, milk - 100 ml, cottage cheese - 150 g, egg - 1 piece, flour - 1 tbsp. l., vanillin and sweetener (honey or sugar).

Cooking process

Cottage cheese casserole is prepared very simply and quickly. To begin with, put the pre-grated vegetable in a bowl, pour it with milk, turn on the “Cook” mode and cook for about 10 minutes, not forgetting to stir constantly. Using a blender, grind the cottage cheese with an egg, then add flour and a sweetener to taste to this mixture. The resulting mass is transferred to the boiled pumpkin in the multicooker bowl. Set the "Baking" mode and cook for 40 minutes. The finished dish must be slightly cooled and served with honey and milk.

A variety of sweet desserts and pastries can be prepared from pumpkin, for example, or. Moreover, such sweets are much healthier than fatty and high-calorie desserts. I offer you a recipe for sweet pumpkin stuffed with cottage cheese, raisins and apples. The pumpkin plays the role of a pot in which the sweet filling is baked. In the process of baking, the pumpkin gives up its juice, becomes soft and saturated with the aroma of the filling.


- small round gourd
- half an apple
- 200 gr. curd,
- raisin,
- 2 tsp Sahara,
- cinnamon to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

A small round pumpkin will do for us. We cut off the peel from it, take out the seeds. The pot is ready, since the pumpkin is hollow inside and you do not need to cut out the pulp.

Cooking curd filling. We mix soft cottage cheese, a little raisins, 2 tablespoons of sugar and cinnamon to taste. Decide for yourself how much sugar to add, 2 tablespoons is the minimum that suits me personally.

Fill the pot with sweet curd mass. It will be better if the pumpkin is not completely filled with cottage cheese, but only half.

Cut off the peel of the apple, cut into thin slices. We fill the "pot" to the top with apple slices. Sprinkle cinnamon on top and send the pumpkin to a hot oven to bake for an hour. Pumpkin and apple should become soft.

But let's move on to our meal.
If you are not afraid of extra calories, then you can sprinkle the top of the pot with sugar and sprinkle with lemon juice before baking, then caramel will form on the apples.
Baked pumpkin stuffed with cottage cheese, raisins and apples is ready!
Serve cut into pieces.
You can eat both warm and chilled.
Bon appetit!

How to cook dishes with pumpkin and cottage cheese?

When starting cooking, it is important to buy good cottage cheese from fresh milk. You are allowed to choose any pumpkin, since the pastries will still turn out fragrant and incredibly tasty. It is laid in a dish raw, fried, boiled or stewed.

  • given that the pumpkin is a watery product, it should be squeezed before putting it into the dish. If the pumpkin is mashed, the excess liquid is also poured out, and when the pumpkin with cottage cheese turns thick, the mass can always be diluted;
  • cottage cheese in a casserole put any, including sweet curd mass. At the same time, they simply monitor the consistency of the finished dough. When it turns out too dry, add sour cream, kefir, milk, or pumpkin juice. Flour, starch and semolina cope with the liquid mass;
  • to improve the nutritional value of the meal buckwheat, wheat or rye varieties of bran are added to it;
  • if you don't like the sweet version of pumpkin with cottage cheese- take salty grained cottage cheese;
  • cinnamon, vanillin, cloves give a pleasant delicate aroma to pastries.

Pumpkin with cottage cheese in the oven - casserole

Soft and airy, such a casserole will turn out by adding eggs beaten into foam with sugar. For a variety of taste, you can throw a little cinnamon, ginger or nutmeg.


  • 300 g cottage cheese,
  • 400 g pumpkin,
  • ¼ tsp soda,
  • salt,
  • 2 eggs,
  • lemon juice,
  • 2 spoons of sour cream,
  • 30 g butter,
  • 2 tablespoons of semolina.


  1. The peeled pumpkin is rubbed. Cottage cheese is kneaded together with butter and sent there semolina, granulated sugar, eggs and salt. Soda slaked with lemon juice is thrown into the mixture. Pumpkin pulp is sent to the test.
  2. Lubricate the baking dish with a piece of butter, place the casserole dough there and cook in the oven for about 50 minutes at t 200 C.

Pumpkin with cottage cheese in a pan - cheesecakes


  • 2 spoons of butter,
  • 300 g pumpkin,
  • 1 egg
  • 70 g raisins,
  • 1 spoon of cinnamon
  • 450 g grated cottage cheese,
  • 3 spoons of sugar
  • 5 tablespoons flour
  • 2 spoons of vegetable oil,
  • salt.


  1. Butter is melted in a frying pan. At this time, the pumpkin is cleaned and passed through a fine grater. The vegetable goes into the pan for about five minutes, and then cinnamon and raisins are thrown to it. After a minute, remove the pan.
  2. Next, the cottage cheese is ground and mixed with pumpkin, granulated sugar, flour, salt and an egg. From the resulting mass, identical cheesecakes are made.
  3. In a heated frying pan, syrniki, previously rolled in flour, are fried in oil. Ready cheesecakes are served with your favorite jam or sour cream.

Diet pumpkin with cottage cheese


  • 200 g pumpkin,
  • 100 g fat-free cottage cheese,
  • egg,
  • 20 g raisins,
  • vanilla cinnamon.


The pumpkin is rubbed through a coarse grater. Cottage cheese is kneaded with raisins and eggs. Put a pumpkin with a mixture of cottage cheese in layers in a mold and bake for 15 minutes in an oven preheated to 200C.

Pumpkin with cottage cheese - cheesecake without dough

Ingredients for 8 servings:

  • 400 g cottage cheese,
  • 300 g pumpkin,
  • 100 g of granulated sugar,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 150 g sour cream
  • 4 tablespoons flour
  • 1 tsp salt.


Cottage cheese with pumpkin is crushed to a state of puree. Sugar and other products are sent there and all this is salted. The form is placed in the oven for an hour at a temperature of 180 C.

Pumpkin with cottage cheese - casserole (cottage cheese, pumpkin, bananas)

The accent of the dish lies in the gentle aroma of a banana. Juicy and tender pastries are suitable for breakfast and afternoon snack.


  • 300 g cottage cheese,
  • 2 ripe bananas
  • 150 g pumpkin,
  • ½ st. semolina,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 200 g milk
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • sugar,
  • oil.


  1. The milk is heated and, by combining it with semolina, it is allowed to swell (about 30 minutes). The pumpkin is cut into cubes and stewed in a saucepan with a few drops of oil. Pieces are taken out and crushed.
  2. Sugar is well beaten with eggs, sent to cottage cheese, pumpkin mass and baking powder. Next, semolina is introduced and everything is stirred. The resulting mass is placed in a mold and distributed with a spoon.
  3. Peeled bananas are cut into circles and stuck in a casserole. The form is sent to the oven for forty minutes. In appearance, the casserole resembles a charlotte, because it comes out lush.

Pumpkin with cottage cheese - casserole with pumpkin and condensed milk

A recipe loved by sweet lovers. The dish turns out lush and tender, its unique creamy aroma is amazing!


  • 400 g cottage cheese,
  • 1 can of condensed milk,
  • 150 g pumpkin,
  • 3 eggs,
  • 3 tablespoons of wheat flour.


  1. In a large bowl, beat all the eggs until stiff. Gradually, condensed milk is poured there and the mixture is stirred until smooth. Pre-mashed cottage cheese is mixed with flour.
  2. The pumpkin is cut into small cubes and thrown into the dough. Vanilla is added at this stage if desired.
  3. The casserole is laid out in a form sprinkled with breadcrumbs, which is sent to the oven for 40 minutes. This recipe is suitable for cooking in a slow cooker, but the cooking time is doubled.

To whom is pumpkin contraindicated?

  • people suffering from intestinal diseases, before thinking about consuming pumpkin often, should consult a doctor;
  • children under one year old pumpkin in the diet will have to be limited, as well as pregnant and lactating mothers.

Due to the fact that many dishes are prepared using pumpkins, they are not boring and are easily tolerated by the body. At the same time, the immune system, the condition of the skin and hair are well strengthened, and the body is rejuvenated and cleansed.

How to serve pumpkin with cottage cheese? Ideas

The most delicate dessert that will hardly leave at least someone indifferent. Just look how spectacular and appetizing the cut is in a tasty and healthy cottage cheese casserole. The sun pumpkin is carefully disguised by the aroma of orange peel, so even opponents of this orange fruit will definitely not refuse such a treat.

Such a cheerful and positive curd-pumpkin casserole has been walking around the Runet for a long time, and for sure many hostesses cooked it according to the recipe of Olenka Stikhareva (thank you so much, dear!). So I finally matured: I took out last year's stocks of pumpkin puree from the freezer, bought cottage cheese and rather create in the kitchen!

If it seems to you that such a nice and clear pattern on a cut of a curd casserole is obtained solely due to the wave of a magic wand, then it only seems. In fact, everything is as simple as shelling pears: it is only important to observe some subtleties and nuances when kneading the filling and laying out the layers. Well, the temperature in the oven is quite important - take your time, then you will have the same beautiful pumpkin cottage cheese casserole as mine.


Curd layer:

pumpkin layer:

Pumpkin filling:

Cooking step by step with photos:

To prepare this beautiful and tasty cottage cheese casserole, we need the following ingredients: cottage cheese (I use 1% fat, but you can use any), thick pumpkin puree, chicken eggs (I have quite large ones - about 55 grams each), granulated sugar and vanilla sugar, sour cream of any fat content (I took 20%), potato starch (can be replaced with corn starch), as well as poppy seeds and chopped orange zest. All foods must be at room temperature.

Immediately turn on the oven to heat up to 160 degrees and start preparing the curd dough. To do this, put cottage cheese, sugar, vanilla sugar (you can replace it with a pinch of vanillin) in a deep bowl, break chicken eggs and add starch (take a little more corn - 1 tablespoon with a slide).

We break through all the ingredients with a submersible blender - in just a minute everything will turn into a smooth and homogeneous mass. Of course, it can do almost the same thing in a food processor, but the most tender curd mixture is obtained exclusively with an immersion blender, believe me.

We turn to the preparation of the second component - pumpkin. Everything is even simpler here: put all the ingredients in a bowl (pumpkin puree, sugar, chicken eggs, orange zest, starch). I almost always cook pumpkin puree according to this recipe (I bake it in the oven) - it is much thicker, sweeter and more aromatic than boiled pumpkin.

We pierce everything with the same submersible blender (do not forget to wash it after the curd mass) to get a smooth and tender puree. It is clear that its color will completely depend on the color of the pumpkin itself, from which the puree was prepared (I have nutmeg). And the consistency - from the density of pumpkin puree.

Now a very important point is to get a beautiful cut at the finished casserole. Both types of bases (cottage cheese and pumpkin) should be of the same consistency. For example, if one is thicker, it will sink in a more liquid one and settle to the bottom - then one can only dream of a striped beauty. I advise you to adjust the density of the curd base with milk, and pumpkin - by adding water. True, if you (like me) take dryish and crumbly cottage cheese, as well as thick pumpkin puree, you won’t have to dilute anything! So, for baking, you can take dishes of any shape - I have a square one made of silicone (20x20 cm). Take a round one at least 20 cm, and preferably 22 cm in diameter. I almost never lubricate silicone dishes, but, for example, metal dishes must be treated with odorless vegetable oil. Alternatively, it can be creamy, but then additionally sprinkle it with wheat flour, shaking off the excess. We collect the curd-pumpkin casserole: we take 1 tablespoon of each dough and alternately lay them in the center of the form on top of each other.

Thus, we fill the entire form until both mixtures run out. Under its own weight, the workpiece itself will spread as it needs. Carefully transfer the form to a preheated oven and cook at 160 degrees for 40-45 minutes. It is very important to understand that the baking time can be very different from that indicated in the recipe! It depends not only on the oven (I have a gas - bottom heat, and you can have an electric one), but also its nature, as well as the size of the baking dish.

It remains to prepare pumpkin filling - this is not a mandatory moment, but it turns out even tastier with it. In finished form, such a filling is very delicate, like a soufflé. To prepare it, simply combine pumpkin puree, sour cream, sugar and eggs.

The other day I bought a 4-kilogram pumpkin in the store, so in the near future I am going to cook about 5-6 delicious dishes from it. Unfortunately, many underestimate or are simply not familiar with this valuable vegetable, but pumpkin is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Let the cottage cheese casserole with this wonderful orange vegetable be the first pumpkin dish that I will share with you.

Cut 400 grams of pumpkin and peel it.

Grate pumpkin pieces on a medium grater.

In a deep dish, knead the cottage cheese with butter with a fork.

Add 2 chicken eggs, sugar, sour cream and semolina to the cottage cheese. Add a little lemon juice to a teaspoon with soda and also add to the base for our cottage cheese casserole. Mix everything.

Add the grated pumpkin to the dish and mix thoroughly.

We will have a ready-made base for baking pumpkin curd casserole.

Fill the baking dish with the previously prepared liquid base for the casserole. Preheat the oven to 200-220 degrees and remove the mold into it for about 50 minutes.

After 50 minutes, our cottage cheese casserole with pumpkin is ready. It can be served with tea with sour cream, jam or just like that.

Bon appetit!
