
Beef soufflé like in kindergarten. Ingredients for making another variation of chicken soufflé

Meat is introduced into the baby's diet from eight months in the form of a monocomponent puree. Meat contains a large amount of protein, which is so necessary for its growth and development, as well as iron, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins and amino acids.

A one-year-old baby needs to include more complex meat dishes in the diet. Since it is still difficult for a child to chew and digest pieces of meat, soufflé is best suited for baby food. It is similar to a casserole, but lighter and more tender. Children usually eat such a dish with great pleasure and appetite.

A kid who still does not know how to chew well can be offered meat soufflé; As a rule, children eat this dish with great pleasure.

General principles for making soufflé

France is considered the birthplace of soufflé. Initially, this was the name of an airy dessert made from fluffy whipped proteins. Later, unsweetened varieties appeared - meat, fish, vegetables. Today, soufflé can be both a dessert and a main course. The main product for making a sweet version is cottage cheese mixed with sour cream, milk, cereals, berries or fruits. As a second, soufflé can be made from meat, liver, fish.

The basic principle of preparation is as follows: the proteins are separated from the yolks and whipped into a strong foam, and the yolks are mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Then everything is combined, mixed and baked in the oven or slow cooker. This is a universal recipe, it can be varied at your discretion. Many mothers prefer to cook food for a couple for a child. Steam soufflés are preferred as they are juicier and softer.

Recipes for the children's menu

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Lean meats are well suited for feeding a child at 1 year old: poultry (chicken, turkey, quail), rabbit meat, beef, veal, as well as beef or chicken liver (we recommend reading:). Any recipe can be edited, taking into account the products that you have or which your child likes more.

It is better not to eat lamb and fatty pork for kids - this meat is hard to digest and poorly digested by the child's body. It is highly undesirable to use seasonings and spices in the children's kitchen. The exception is salt, but in very small quantities.

Souffle options are many. It is prepared from meat, fish, cottage cheese, vegetables, meat with vegetables, fish with cottage cheese and many other combinations.

Meat soufflé in the oven

This is a classic soufflé. It can be supplemented with various vegetables and herbs. You can also include cream in this recipe.

Required Ingredients:

  • 300 g of raw beef;
  • one slice of a loaf;
  • one large or two small eggs;
  • 2 tbsp. l. milk;
  • butter.


  1. Rinse the meat thoroughly under running water, remove fat, cartilage, films from it. Boil until cooked and cool.
  2. Cut off the peel from the loaf and soak it in milk or boiled water to swell.
  3. Grind the meat, add the soaked bun, milk, egg yolk and butter to it, mix everything, but it is better to pierce with a blender until smooth.
  4. Cool the egg whites, beat and add to the minced meat. Mix everything carefully.
  5. Then transfer the mass to a baking sheet or into silicone molds, greased with oil. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 C.

Meat soufflé is very tender in taste and just melts in your mouth.

Beef soufflé in a slow cooker

Another original recipe for healthy beef soufflé with sour cream. This lean meat diet option will be beneficial for children and adults who are on a diet or have gastrointestinal issues.

Required Ingredients:

  • 200 g of beef;
  • 4 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • butter;
  • salt to taste.


  1. Clean the beef from fat and films, finely chop. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Mix meat, sour cream and yolks. Puree the mixture with a blender. Add salt.
  3. Beat egg whites in a separate bowl. Add them to the meat mixture and stir.
  4. Grease the molds with oil, fill them with the future soufflé. Place in a multicooker.
  5. Pour 1 liter of water into the multicooker bowl. Select the "Steam" mode, cook for 45-50 minutes.

Liver soufflé in a double boiler

Required Ingredients:

  • 350 g of liver;
  • one egg;
  • a quarter glass of milk;
  • 40 g of a loaf;
  • salt.


  1. Rinse the liver, remove all excess.
  2. Add a long loaf, egg yolk to the liver and pour everything with milk. Salt a little. Mix with a blender until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. Beat the protein separately into a strong foam and add to the minced liver, then mix everything with a spoon, trying to keep the airiness of the future soufflé.
  4. Next, you need to put the mass into silicone molds, filling them about three-quarters and lay them on a steamer basket.
  5. Add water to the multicooker bowl, set the "Steamer" program and the cooking time - 30 minutes - and wait until a tasty and healthy lunch is prepared.

Nutritionists advise chicken soufflé as a product of exceptional value as part of therapeutic diets. Pediatricians recommend it even to the smallest gourmets. However, healthy adults will not refuse a delicious soufflé. Including losing weight - after all, chicken fillet contributes to weight loss.

Chicken souffle has a delicate crumbly structure, cut like a pie and served in any way: triangles, squares, ovals. Serving is especially important if you decide to cook it for guests and for children.

Output: 12 souffles / Active time: 20-30 minutes / Total time: 40 minutes


  • 2 medium potatoes
  • 1 chicken fillet (no skin)
  • 2 eggs (used separately 2 yolks and 2 whites)
  • 1 slice of white bread
  • ½ st. milk
  • salt to taste

How to make chicken soufflé

Grate potatoes. Cut the meat, grind in a blender. Soak bread in milk. Squeeze and grind in a blender.

Combine meat, potatoes, bread and 2 yolks! Salt. Mix.

Beat 2 PROTEINS with a pinch of salt in a strong foam. Put the whipped proteins in the minced meat and very carefully mix them into the main mass.

Arrange in molds and in the oven for 20-30 minutes at 160-180 degrees.

Served as a separate dish.

    1. This recipe is without butter, that is, it is designed for losing weight and adhering to a low-fat diet. Its calorie content is very low.
    1. But you can try a more nutritious recipe for chicken soufflé by adding oil at the rate of 75 grams per 500 g of fillet. The oil must be softened and attached to the rest of the ingredients, mixing thoroughly with them. Butter can be replaced with cream.
    1. An approximate alternative list of products (especially good in baby food): 500 grams of chicken fillet, 2 tbsp. l. butter, 4 tbsp. l. milk, 2 eggs, 3-4 tsp. flour, salt to taste.
    1. Some housewives, before preparing chicken soufflé, soak the fillet in milk for two hours - then the meat turns out to be really melting in the mouth. But for this you need to have time, the same recipe is quick and easy to prepare.
    1. Soufflés, laid out in molds, can be greased with yolk before being placed in the oven - just as we do with pastries.
    1. You can also cook this dish in a frying pan or baking sheet of any size and shape, previously greased with olive oil, mixed with butter, or just olive oil. Then the soufflé will not have a compact "cake shape", but it can be cut like a pie.
    1. Finely chopped greens and bell peppers can be added to minced meat.
    1. Chicken soufflé is often served with sauce. It is prepared simply: 2 tablespoons of flour are mixed with a spoonful of butter and milk remaining after soaking the chicken (if any). All this is salted, sweetened to taste and served in a separate gravy boat.
    1. Another ingredient that is very suitable for soufflé is walnuts or almonds. Approximately 50 g of these nuts will make the taste of the dish exceptional. After you take the soufflé out of the oven, sprinkle it with finely chopped nuts.

If the necessary products for preparing some special dishes are not at hand, the housewives take out a supply of chicken breasts from the freezer and prepare dinner from them. There are a lot of chicken recipes. This is a rich soup, delicious chops and goulash. And you can also cook a delicious chicken soufflé, just like in kindergarten.

Secrets of making a successful soufflé

Chicken souffle is not only tasty, but also a dietary and healthy dish. It is often recommended for people with stomach problems, it is also useful for small children from a year old. However, the soufflé itself is a very capricious dish, which does not always turn out to be successful the first time, of course, if you do not have special knowledge:

  • The main secret of the splendor of the soufflé is proteins. They need to be whipped very carefully almost until a stable foam is obtained. Professionals recommend doing this with a whisk or a fork, and not with a mixer and other household appliances.
  • The chicken filling is also important. The sirloin must be boiled until cooked and carefully grind into a puree. It is much more convenient and faster to do this with an immersion blender, besides, this way the filling will turn out more magnificent.
  • Never fill the molds with stuffing to the very top, as the soufflé will increase in size during baking.
  • To make it easier to get the finished dish out of the mold, it is smeared with olive, vegetable or butter. You can also run a knife along the edge of the mold after you have put the finished dough into it.
  • You can not open the oven door, make a lot of noise and knock on the table while baking the soufflé, otherwise it simply will not rise.

It happens that everything is made according to the recipe, and after you got the soufflé out of the oven, the top fell off. Do not worry, this does not mean that the soufflé turned out to be tasteless or you made a mistake - some recipes have such specifics.

Soufflé "Gourmet's Delight"

Imagine tender chicken breast that just melts in your mouth, giving you an ethereal taste experience. You can cook such a chicken soufflé in the oven according to our recipe with a photo.

Main cast:

  • ½ kg chicken breasts;
  • 50 ml of broth;
  • 5 eggs.

For the bechamel sauce:

  • 3 art. l. butter;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • nutmeg;
  • salt.


  1. Pour milk into a small non-enameled saucepan and heat slightly over low heat.
  2. Melt the pieces of butter in a frying pan, add the flour and lightly fry the mixture.
  3. Then pour half the milk into the pan and mix all the lumps well with a spoon.
  4. Without ceasing to constantly knead, pour in the second part of the milk and bring the sauce over low heat until thickened. At the very end, add a little nutmeg for taste.
  5. While the sauce is cooking, you can prepare the rest of the ingredients. Boil chicken breasts until cooked, separate the yolks from the proteins in the eggs.
  6. Cut the chicken meat into small pieces or just tear with your hands.
  7. Add a little broth to the meat, in which it was cooked, and grind it well with an immersion blender. It should look like this puree.
  8. Mix chicken puree with Bechamel sauce and heat the mixture a little in the microwave. Quickly pour in the egg yolks and mix everything with a spoon.
  9. In a separate bowl, beat the whites with a pinch of salt with a mixer until a stable foam. And add proteins to the total mixture.
  10. We mix everything thoroughly. We should get a rather liquid and stretchy mixture, not very appetizing in appearance.
  11. We turn on the oven to warm up to 180 degrees, and while it is gaining the desired temperature, grease the soufflé baking molds and put the chicken filling in them.
  12. We remove the baking sheet with the molds in the oven for 40-50 minutes, and if the soufflé starts to burn on top, while remaining raw inside, cover the molds with foil.
  13. We serve the dish to the table hot, you can even without removing it from the molds.

Delicious food for kids

It is always difficult to pamper a baby for lunch, because children refuse to eat almost everything except sweets. Try this recipe for chicken soufflé, just like in kindergarten.


  • 400 g boiled chicken fillet;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 4 tbsp. l. rice
  • 4 tsp butter;
  • 8 art. l. milk.


  1. Grind the chicken meat into a puree with an immersion blender. If the blender is not very powerful and it is difficult to grind the meat, add some milk to the chicken.
  2. Pour water into a small glass container so as to completely cover the rice, and remove the cup in the microwave for 7 minutes. In the meantime, heat the milk over low heat.
  3. When the microwave signals the completion of the process, we take out the rice and cook it until cooked in milk. The result should be a soft milk porridge.
  4. We combine rice porridge with chicken puree, thoroughly kneading the mixture with a spoon or whisking with a blender at low speed.
  5. Add melted butter, chicken yolks and whites whipped separately with salt. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  6. We spread the chicken mixture in silicone molds and place in the upper section of the multicooker or double boiler.
  7. Steam the baby soufflé for about 25 minutes and then serve with a fresh vegetable garnish.

Most of our culinary passions are born in childhood under the influence of home cooking and menus from canteen schools. The notorious omelettes, pancakes and meat soufflés are the leaders among the dishes that many remember even after graduation, and if you are one of this number, then we will share one of the popular recipes with you next. The recipe for meat soufflé as in kindergarten does not get easier, and you can serve it to both children and adults.

Meat soufflé - recipe for children

Despite the name of the recipe, ready-made soufflé can be served to eaters of all ages, especially those who watch their diet. The output is a very tender mass, ideal for any side dish and sauce, and much tastier than simple boiled meat.


  • chicken meat - 680 g;
  • carrots - 65 g;
  • milk - 95 g;
  • butter - 25 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • semolina - 15 g.


We will be making this baby chicken meat soufflé, but you can replace the bird with an equal amount of beef. Pour the semolina with barely milk and leave the grits to swell so that it does not crunch on your teeth after baking. In the meantime, grate the carrots as finely as possible and place them in the blender bowl. Separate the boiled chicken flesh from the bones and put it next to the carrots. Send the yolks of a couple of eggs and melted butter there. Whisk all the ingredients together until they become a paste, after which the soufflé is gently mixed with the egg whites foam and spread in a baking dish. The dish should be cooked for about half an hour at 195 degrees. Also, meat soufflé for a child can be made in a slow cooker, for this, the mass is laid out in a multi-cooker bowl and “Baked” for 40 minutes.



Before preparing a meat soufflé for a child, boil lean beef, cool and cut into pieces of any size. Put the meat in a blender bowl and pour in the broth. Add egg yolks, butter and flour there. Beat all the ingredients until you get a paste-like mixture and add the foam of egg whites to it. Divide the mass into greased molds and leave the dish to steam for about 25 minutes. Meat souffle comes out the same as in kindergarten: tender, juicy and at the same time low in calories.
