
How is halal food different from regular food? Halal food.

Many people do not know what halal means, and have never even heard such a word. In Islam, this can include self-care, entertainment, recreation, and food - almost everything that is connected with human life and activity.

What does the label on products mean?

In countries that profess such a religion, on products sold in stores, you can see the inscription Halal. The first thing that comes to a person’s mind when reading such a label is that they are intended for diabetics or for a diet.

If such a “permission” is also put on baking, it means that they were not used for cooking, what is not allowed to be consumed:

  • Ingredients of an animal that was not killed according to the rules.
  • substances that have an intoxicating effect.
  • Meat forbidden by this religion.

Each of them must have a permission mark.

In addition, eggs, alcohol, animal fat were not used in the production of dyes, baking powder and other components.

What is haraam

It is forbidden for a Muslim to eat food prepared from animals that died due to natural death, due to a lightning strike, or electric shock, strangled, poisoned or killed.

Halal does not serve:

  • insects;
  • monkey;
  • elephants;
  • birds with claws;
  • blood;
  • all components of pork;
  • animals with fangs.
  • donkeys and mules living with people.

According to religion, one cannot eat meat or drink the milk of those animals that feed on sewage. Creatures cannot be eaten:

  • which it is not allowed to kill - bees, frogs;
  • those that are ordered to be destroyed - snakes, rats, scorpions;
  • animals not to be sold to Muslims.

All of this is haraam. This term means prohibition. Allah allows the use of such products in exceptional cases - suffering from hunger. In a word, Islam believes that one should not eat food that can be harmful to human health.

Products not covered by the ban

Halal products are represented by berries, fruits, vegetables, dishes made from them. But not everything is so simple here either. Insects are haraam, except for fried locusts. Worms are often found in apples, pears, plums, figs, and such fruits cannot be eaten. It is also necessary to monitor the greens, cabbage, so that there are no midges in it. Honey, which is produced by bees, can be eaten without looking back.

Fish are classified as such products, regardless of where they are caught. The main thing is that it is covered with scales, has fins and does not die itself. Shellfish and crustaceans that do not have this are not allowed products. For the same reason, people refuse eels, catfish and sturgeon. According to the Koran, one cannot use drugs and psychotropic substances, and smoke. A strong drink made from grapes can be drunk if it is made by the faithful.

You can use milk and dishes from it. But they should not contain prohibited components that are derived from fat, or carrion bones. Here, too, there are nuances. If such products fall into the hands of the person who prepared the meat, then they lose their permissibility. Not without reason, Muslims in a cafe or restaurant often serve only one kind of them, so as not to accidentally confuse the dishes.

Religion does not prohibit eating bread, confectionery. But they should not contain unauthorized dyes, emulsifiers, additives, fat, or improperly slaughtered animals. Muslims especially welcome whole-ground flour.

How is legal meat obtained?

When asked what halal meat is, any Muslim will answer that it should not be haram, and the animal is slaughtered in the manner required by the Koran.

It cannot be killed without reading a prayer. Only then the carotid artery is cut with a knife with a smooth blade, and this must be dealt with at a time. They start cutting the carcass after the blood drains, but if it remains inside, it is no longer considered prohibited. Tendons and nerves must be removed.

Only healthy animals are taken for meat production. They are not allowed to be stunned, hit with an ax or hammer, or use electric current.

In the presence of the victim, do not sharpen the tool intended for slaughter. You can not cut it if there is another animal nearby. In order for meat to be allowed to be eaten, you cannot:

  • Freeze it.
  • Add supplements containing hormones.
  • In production, use separately from haram.

Boiled and smoked sausages, sausages, semi-finished products are made from meat. They put a sign on them, which means that they are of high quality and made in compliance with all the rules.

People who adhere to Islam do not eat predators and omnivorous birds. The permitted ones are those covered with feathers. Everyone eats eggs, but only if there are no clots or streaks of blood in the yolks. Religion allows you to eat the meat of a turkey, quail, dove.

Halal chicken is obtained in the same way as other meats. During her slaughter, all the rules must be followed, a prayer must be read before him.

The production of such products is developing quite rapidly. If earlier it was possible to taste it only at mosques, now they are also sold in supermarkets.

Halal food is different from what is usually eaten. It does not contain harmful components. It is prepared by people who know the whole process, carefully monitoring the cleanliness. It is especially important that the so-called fear hormones are not observed in animals during permitted slaughter. Removing the blood helps clean the meat, making it healthier. Such food also tastes better.

Where can I find labeled products

Halal products can be bought in a store that has a special certificate and is located in the capital. Products are represented by sausages, sausages, drinks, herbs and canned food. Here you can buy beef, lamb, poultry. They are supplied from farms, private companies, where the obligatory rules for fattening, storage, and slaughter of animals are observed.

Products can be eaten by people regardless of what faith they profess. There are no carcinogens, harmful flavors or additives in halal. Orders are also accepted online.

Those people who are worried about their health are increasingly looking for products that are labeled Halal.

Seeing a product marked “Halal” (Halal, Halal) on the counter, an ignorant person is unlikely to attach importance to this, mistaking this inscription for a simple company sign. In fact, it would be worth considering, because. this word (from the Arabic al-halal - permitted) means that this product does not violate Islamic prohibitions ("haram"). Today we will find out what these prohibitions are and whether we, Orthodox Christians, can eat halal food.

What is halal food?

In Islam, "halal" means food that is allowed to be eaten. It mainly refers to meat.

Muslims are prohibited from:

  • pork,
  • meat with blood
  • animals that died a natural death,
  • the meat of animals that were slaughtered without the name of Allah.

There are some other features: for example, animals must not be strangled, certain parts of animals (genitals, endocrine glands, gallbladder, etc.) must not be eaten, carnivorous land animals (tiger, wolf, etc.) must not be eaten.

The experts of the Halal Meat Cooking Committee talk about the production algorithm:

  1. The scorer must be an adult Muslim. Although some sources speak of the permission to slaughter an animal and representatives of other faiths, provided that they believe in the One God - i.e. Jews and Christians. (Only it is not clear how the next point is carried out in this case.)
  2. The animal must be conscious and feel pain. Stunning before slaughter is not allowed.
  3. When an animal is slaughtered, the prayer “Bismillah, Allahu Akbar” (“In the name of Allah, Allah is great!”) Is said.
  4. At the same time, the animal's throat is cut and the bulk of the blood is drained.

Halal food shops

For the first time, legally halal food appeared in the capital of our Motherland in the 80s of the last century in a kiosk at the Cathedral Mosque. Today, more and more new outlets with halal products are opening in every district of Moscow. Halal meat is very popular among consumers because considered one of the safest products. Initially, it is assumed that the animal should be grown on environmentally friendly feed without the use of hormones and other harmful additives.

We can meet the mark "halal" on confectionery products. In this case, it means that pork fat was not used in the preparation.

I must say that halal food is more expensive than regular food. Related to this are cases of fake halal products, when, for example, in the so-called. Pork was found in halal dumplings. Therefore, now, in order for the product to be marked “halal”, it is necessary to obtain a special certificate.

Halal slaughter of livestock is prohibited in Poland

Since 2013, the Polish government has banned the ritual slaughter of Muslim halal and Jewish kashrut. This caused dissatisfaction with those countries to which Poland supplied meat that complied with the ritual slaughter rules for Jews and Muslims, as well as Jewish and Muslim organizations within the country itself.

The justification for the ban is a contradiction of this method of killing animals of the Polish constitution. Ritual slaughter without stunning animals is considered cruel, animal rights advocates are categorically against it. Note that for halal and kashrut standards, the animal, as mentioned above, must be conscious and feel pain during slaughter.

Poland until 2013 is one of the largest exporting countries of halal and kosher meat. The ban on the production of such products foreshadowed millions of dollars of loss for this European country. However, this fact did not force Poland to change its views and cancel this decision of the Constitutional Court.

Frederick Fred, the head of one of the French societies for the protection of animals, said in an interview about the process of ritual slaughter of cattle: “It comes with more suffering. I regularly visit slaughterhouses and I can say that when you see a bull whose throat is cut, you become a witness to the agony of an animal. It is not the act of cutting the throat itself that is shocking in the first place, but the agony of the animal as a result of this, which can last up to 14 minutes.

Can Orthodox Christians Eat Halal?

Now that we have enough information about halal food, let's move on to answering the main question: can Orthodox people eat halal or not? To do this, first let's figure out whether halal food is idolized?

Muslims sacrifice animals at a specific time for this, reading a series of prayers and performing ritual actions. In the production of halal meat, these actions are not performed, just as those prayers that are performed during the sacrifice are not said. For example, when sacrificing, it is necessary that the animal lies on its left side and the direction of its head is also determined. This is not required for the production of meat permitted to Muslims.

Thus, halal meat is not considered idolatrous in the biblical sense (unlike the ritually slaughtered ram on Eid al-Adha).

And yet, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that both when the animal is slaughtered for the sacrifice, and when the meat is produced “halal”, the same words are pronounced during the cutting of the animal’s throat: “Bismillah, Allahu Akbar” (“With the name of Allah, Allah great!").

It is unlikely that the religious feelings of an Orthodox Christian will remain calm when using such products. However, what to do in cases where an Orthodox is visiting a Muslim? Wouldn't it be a manifestation of dislike for one's neighbor to refuse a meal in such a situation?

It happens that an Orthodox Christian lives in a country where it is impossible to buy products other than halal. How to be?

Therefore, we can give the following recommendation: an Orthodox Christian can eat halal food only if it is not possible to buy other food (or the Orthodox is visiting Muslims), and the food is not bought in the mosque (meaning that the Orthodox himself should not buy food in the mosque) .

And, of course, food is eaten only after prayer and the sign of the cross (which is customary for any food).

In such cases, do not be embarrassed and afraid to eat this food. If it is possible to buy an ordinary product without the inscription "halal", an Orthodox Christian should prefer it.

Orthodox Muslims and Jews adhere to very strict rules. It seems that their whole life is regulated by sacred books and instructions. And food is no exception. Islam and Judaism have developed many rules according to which the right food became halal or kosher. We decided to figure out how the largely similar sets of rules of the two religions differ from each other.


Halal- in Arabic means "free, permitted." This is the name of food (in fact, not only food, even financial transactions can be halal), which is allowed for consumption by the Koran and other fundamental books of Muslims. Forbidden food is called haram. There is also the term makrooh, which means undesirable.

kashrut- means the suitability of something for use by a Jew from the point of view of Halakha, Jewish law based on the laws of the Torah, the Talmuds and other religious literature. Kosher means suitable, correct, including for eating. Club - forbidden. Kashrut, of course, applies not only to food - it applies to almost all areas of Jewish life.

Kashrut and Halal are very similar systems in some respects. Kashrut is stricter. Food that is recognized as kosher is suitable for a Muslim. But on the contrary, this rule does not work: not every halal food can be kosher.



It is not allowed to eat the meat of predatory land animals, as well as carrion. Omnivorous animals are also prohibited. Animals that are born and live in water, that is, all kinds of amphibians, waterfowl mammals, are also haram. Particular emphasis is placed on the prohibition of the meat of pigs and donkeys.

Slaughter rules: The animal must be killed with the name of God on its lips, killed as quickly and painlessly as possible. The blood must be drawn. Soaking and squeezing blood, like the Jews, Muslims do not do. But how the Jews do not recognize the method of slaughter by electric shock.


Jews are allowed to eat only herbivores, ruminants and artiodactyls. There are animals that meet only one of these conditions, "half kosher" is strictly prohibited. So, herbivorous hares and camels fall into one row with a carnivorous pig. Both had no luck with hooves.

Slaughter rules: The animal is killed very quickly, so that it does not have time to be frightened. A specially trained person, a shochet, scores. All the blood must be drained, the carcass is soaked, and then sprinkled with salt to remove all the blood altogether.

Important: Jews eat only the front half of the carcass, since in the back there is a hard-to-remove and forbidden sciatic nerve.


Halal: no special instructions

kashrut: milk and meat of warm-blooded animals are forbidden to be consumed together within the same meal. Milk or meat even loses its kosher status if it falls into the hands of a person who has recently dealt with a hostile part of the food (meat or milk) and has not washed his hands well. These products should not even be cooked in the same dish, regardless of the quality of washing. That is why restaurants often specialize in one thing - either meat or dairy dishes, so that there is no confusion with two sets of dishes.



Muslims do not eat birds of prey or omnivores. Also, the bird must be covered with feathers - Muslims do not eat a bird without feathers. Any eggs are allowed, even eggs of prohibited birds of prey.


All types of birds of prey, as well as their eggs, are clubs, that is, forbidden for food. Also, you can not eat eggs, in the yolks of which blood clots are noticed. Chickens, turkeys, quails, pigeons are allowed to eat ... The rules for slaughter here are the same as for mammals.

Fish and seafood


Everything that is born, lives and dies in water is haram, except for fish. But she must have scales. So seafood is not available for followers of Islam. The slaughter rules do not apply to fish. The main thing is not to eat the one that died a natural death from unknown causes. If she died from the cold, for example, then she can be eaten.


Fish that have fins and scales are allowed. And derivatives from it, for example, caviar. Therefore, the Jew will refuse the eel, catfish, shark, sturgeon, as well as the whale and dolphin. All kinds of mollusks and crustaceans are strictly prohibited, because they have neither scales nor fins.

But fish is neither dairy nor meat food. And it can be used together with both. The only caveat: fish and meat cannot be used in the same dish.



Alcohol is prohibited by the Quran. Narcotic and psychotropic substances are also not allowed. In general, everything that a person can harm himself with, including tobacco.


Alcoholic drinks are allowed. But only made by a faithful Jew and from kosher grapes. Wine that was simply discovered by the wrong person becomes non-kosher.



All insects are forbidden, with the exception of locusts, which were eaten fried by the prophet.


Insects are prohibited. But bee honey is kosher. According to the Torah, it is not a bee product.

It would seem that faithful Jews can breathe a sigh of relief - in Thailand, no one will force them to eat fried grasshoppers. But you should not relax: all larvae, worms and other representatives of the insect world are banned, which means that wormy apples and figs cannot be eaten. Therefore, you constantly need to be on your guard, sorting through the greens - God forbid a lettuce midge slips through.

12.04.2014 12:12:17

Today, the production of so-called halal products is growing rapidly in the world, accounting for approximately 5% of the world food trade. It is noteworthy that interest in it is growing both at the expense of Muslims, who are becoming more and more (after all, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world), and at the expense of people leading a healthy lifestyle. But what does the word “halal” mean?

"Halal", or "halal" (from the Arabic alhalal - "allowed") - in every sense, absolutely pure food. They do not contain GMOs, harmful preservatives and pork. After all, as you know, Muslims do not eat pig meat, believing that it contains many toxins.

Halal meat - what is it?

produced by special technology. For example, before slaughtering a healthy animal, it is mandatory to read a prayer and perform a ritual bath. Following this, the carotid artery is cut, which ensures the most complete removal of blood from the carcass. The animal abruptly loses consciousness, and the heart continues to beat, as contact with the brain remains. As a result, the heartbeat is correct, all the blood came out, the body was cleansed as much as possible. This is very important, because it is no secret that it is the blood that is the carrier of all infections and often it is because of it that unpleasant odors and tastes arise.

It should be noted that it is forbidden to use a stun gun during slaughter. In addition, it is forbidden to cut the carcass with a blunt knife, thereby bringing suffering to the animal. If the slaughter is done with the use of drugs or by strangulation, such meat is carrion. Also, the animal should not feel fear before death: in halal production, the animal is kept in an extremely calm state for half a day or even the whole day before slaughter.

What meat is considered halal?

Halal is better known as a word that prohibits pork and alcohol. About what it is, more and more often they learn outside the Muslim world. Such restrictions, indeed, relate primarily to meat. Thus, all predatory animals that live on land, and animals that hunt with the help of claws and fangs, fall under the "haram" (the exact opposite concept, meaning "unlawful").

A similar rule also applies to poultry meat: only those that feed mainly on seeds and grains (for example, chicken, duck, goose or dove) are allowed to eat. Almost any fish can be eaten.

Fully meets the demand of consumers, in which there has been a trend to promote a healthy lifestyle. Today, the halal standard serves as a guideline for many to comply with the strictest norms and requirements for the production and storage of meat products.


What is Halal (Halal, Halal)

Halal ( Halal, Halal) - This an Arabic term used in Islamic law to define what is permitted or permissible in terms of the Qur'an, products or actions. Literally, the word "halal" in Arabic means "permitted" or "lawful".

What is HALAL - in simple words.

In simple words, Halal is a term that means that a given product, drink or action complies with all the norms of Islamic tradition. In other words, we can say that halal is what is allowed for a Muslim and does not contradict the religious one. Everything that does not fall under the definition of “halal” is most often “haram” (forbidden).

Halal food.

Despite the fact that the term "halal" has a fairly wide application, people in most cases are accustomed to associate it with the cuisine and dietary laws of Muslims. Those who are already familiar with the rules of Jewish cuisine may notice some similarities. So, for example, Muslims, like Jews, do not eat pork and the meat of predatory animals. However, not all kosher foods are halal. For example, products containing gelatin made from bone marrow, beef bones, and beef fat may be kosher, but not halal. In a sense, Muslim dietary laws are more restrictive and are always based on religion. By analogy with kosher, halal products are marked with special signs in stores.

Foods that are Haram:

  • Alcohol;
  • Pork and all products related to it;
  • Animals that died a natural death;
  • Animals that were not killed properly and not in the name of Allah;
  • Predatory animals or birds (carnivores);
  • Blood and products prepared with it;
  • Plants containing intoxicating or mind-altering substances;

Halal products:

  • Halal meat
  • Bread products;
  • Cereals;
  • Cheeses and cheese products (properly prepared)
  • Milk and dairy products (from halal animals);
  • Eggs;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • Potato;
  • Fruits (fresh and dry);
  • Honey;
  • Nuts and beans;
  • Vegetables;
  • Tea;
  • Coffee;
  • Soup or broth (if it contains halal ingredients).

In fact, the list of halal products is very large, but it should also be understood that there are a lot of all kinds of nuances that determine whether a particular product is halal or not.

Halal meat.

As you might have guessed, in the code of dietary rules of Muslims, close attention is paid to livestock products and meat in particular. So, in order for meat to be considered halal, you should follow a few basic rules:

  • First rule for halal meat is that it must come from a legal animal. This means that the meat must not come from pigs that died before slaughter or from sick animals.
  • Second Law regarding halal meat is the way an animal is killed. The Qur'an says that the animal must be killed with a very sharp knife, by cutting the neck. During the act of slaughter, Allah should be mentioned (thus demonstrating that this sacrifice was made for the glory of Allah). It should also be noted here that the Qur'an teaches to treat animals with due respect. During slaughter, the minimum amount of pain and suffering must be caused to the animal.
  • Third and a very important step in the creation of halal meat is the complete disposal of the blood of the animal by hanging the carcass. The fact is that the consumption of blood is strictly prohibited in Islam, and the meat in which the blood remains can no longer be considered halal.
