
How many calories in pickled vegetables. Boiled vegetables

Vegetables play a huge role in the diet. But not every one of them can be suitable for the diet of a person who wants to lose weight, because there are very high-calorie vegetables. In order not to be mistaken, a special calorie table has been developed, where you can see the nutritional value, composition of proteins, fats, carbohydrates of any vegetable.

Calories in fresh vegetables

Vegetable products, when broken down in the human body, release less energy than animal foods, and also contain a sufficient amount of fiber, which creates a feeling of satiety and normalizes bowel function. Therefore, vegetables are a valuable dietary component of nutrition.

Different types of vegetables are perfectly combined with each other, which allows you to create a large number of delicious dishes.

Consider the calorie content of some fresh vegetables, kcal / 100 g:

  • Cucumbers - 14
  • Zucchini, green salad - 18
  • Tomatoes - 21
  • Eggplant - 24
  • Cauliflower, potatoes, leeks, carrots - 38
  • Bulb onion, beetroot - 53
  • Green peas - 92
  • Garlic - 148

Cucumbers have the least calories, only 14 kilocalories, not much more energy weight in lettuce and tomatoes. In addition, these vegetables are very useful, their daily consumption is recommended.

Garlic contains the most calories, but it is simply impossible to eat enough of it to get better. The most "dangerous" in terms of gaining extra pounds is green peas, so do not get carried away using it.

Not always the calories in fresh vegetables can be a useful indicator, since some of these foods are not eaten raw, such as eggplant or potatoes.

It is very important to remember that the calorie content of fresh vegetable salads is more dependent on the dressing. Therefore, if you season even the most low-calorie vegetables with mayonnaise or fatty sauce, then this will no longer be a dietary dish.

Properties of boiled vegetables

The food system contains vegetables that have undergone heat treatment. Dieters are advised to eat steamed, boiled, stewed vegetables. Although cooked, they lose a number of vitamins, their calorie content increases, but such products are easier to digest, their taste improves, and some vegetables cannot be consumed raw at all.

To find out how many calories are in boiled vegetables, you can use calorie tables or special calculators. But we can say that boiled vegetables, in comparison with fried ones, have a much lower energy value, so they are dietary.

For example, salad "Vinaigret" without dressing has a calorie content of up to 95 kilocalories, which summarizes the calorie content of all vegetables used for cooking. So, the caloric content increases not critically.

To improve the taste of boiled vegetable dishes, you can add various aromatic herbs, they will not increase calorie content, garlic, hot peppers. You can cook stews from several types of vegetables, this dish allows you to change the recipe, making combinations of products to your taste and desire.

Frozen vegetables - properties

If you want to eat vegetables that retain all the nutrients, and the season for fresh ones has long passed, then frozen vegetables can be a great alternative.

Freezing is practically the only preservation method capable of preserving almost all the nutritional characteristics of a fresh product. There is no loss of vitamins and other nutrients. The calorie content of vegetables does not change either, and if there are changes, they are so negligible that they can be neglected.

No one doubts that vegetables are the most useful and dietary human foods. It is impossible to imagine a single diet, wherever they are present. Eating vegetables provides the body with essential nutrients and ensures its normal functioning.

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Are you a fan of proper healthy eating? Or maybe you are striving for a slim body, but the thought of the strictest diets drives you into depression? In that case, this article is for you. You can tasty and satisfying diversify your diet with all kinds of vegetable fruits, without harming your own figure, and at the same time remain cheerful, mobile and full of energy.

General points

Vegetables and fruits should be in the daily menu and in considerable quantities. It is an important source of many vitamins, trace elements and fiber, which plays an important role in cleansing the body of excess water and toxins. Also, thanks to these products, the smooth functioning of the intestines is normalized and maintained, the work of blood vessels and the heart muscle improves. However, remember that vegetable fruits, for all their benefits, are very high in calories! This moment is especially important for those who want to lose weight quickly and without harm. The absolute low-calorie champions are all kinds of green fruits and vegetables.

Important! Fruits contain much more carbohydrates than vegetables, therefore it is recommended to consume them only at the beginning of the day, when you spend the maximum amount of energy.

The calorie calculation shown in the tables is for fresh fruit. Fresh vegetables are lower in calories than processed ones. Take this into account when planning your meals for the day and try to give preference to fresh crops - useful trace elements and vitamins are not destroyed by heat treatment.

Let's talk green

Common greens - parsley, basil, green onions, lettuce, cilantro, dill contain the least number of calories. The same applies to herbs, seasonings - lemon balm and mint. All these products will make your dish tastier and more aromatic, but will not do any harm to the figure. Against! They contribute to the active work of the immune system, have a positive effect on the nervous system and, importantly, reduce the feeling of hunger.

Energy value of vegetables

In the top non-calorie vegetables: broccoli, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, zucchini. But Chinese cabbage and cucumbers remain the undisputed leaders. Beijing cabbage, in addition to its low calorie content (13 kcal per 100 g of fruit), is also a real treasure in terms of vitamins and the essential amino acid lysine. It helps cleanse the blood and reduces the risk of progressive atherosclerosis. Cucumbers, in turn, contain 14 kcal per 100 g of the product and are rich in potassium, iodine, vitamins and folic acid. This whole complex has a very positive effect on the enzymatic function of the thyroid gland, the work of the gastrointestinal tract and the nervous system.

Canned and pickled vegetables

All canned foods are extremely high in calories. The maximum nutritional value of olives is 175 kcal / 100 g. Next - caviar from zucchini or eggplant, 121 and 149 kcal, olives - 117 kcal and tomato paste - 102.

Much less kilocalories are found in green peas - 41 kcal, spinach and green beans - 18 kcal.

Among the pickled vegetables, the “caloric” championship deserves beets - 35 kcal, after it carrots - 24 and white cabbage - 23. High-calorie pickled fruits are crowned with sweet red peppers - 23 kcal, and last place - tomatoes and cucumbers - from 13 to 18 calories.

Important! Pickled and pickled vegetables are healthier than canned ones, but they are more high in calories.

Product Kilocalories (kcal)
Radish 18
Tomatoes 22
Zucchini 26
Broccoli 32
Carrot 34
Swede 38
eggplant 23
Green pea 70
White cabbage 29
red cabbage 32
Cauliflower 29
Potato 84
green onion 22
Bulb onions 44
ground cucumbers 15
greenhouse cucumbers 10
Pepper green 21
Red pepper 28
radish 35
Turnip 27
Salad 13
Green bean 32
Horseradish 72
Cheremsha 34
Garlic 107
Spinach 21
Sorrel 29
Jerusalem artichoke 61
Artichoke 29
Gherkin 30
Pumpkin 22,5
Squash 20
Chinese cabbage 13
beans 58
White beans 102
Red beans 92
Lentils (sprouts) 118
Corn on the cob 115
Soy (sprouts) 145

Energy value of fruits and berries

In the top of the most energetically valuable overseas fruits: avocados, dates, dried apricots, prunes. Avocado, by the way, is also useful for the content of many fatty acids. Dried apricots and prunes can easily replace sweets for sweet tooth.

Among the products more familiar to us, grapes, blueberries, and cherries hold the primacy, although their calorie content is several times lower than that of exotic fruits.
The most high-calorie fruit and, accordingly, a popular healthy snack is a banana. And for good reason, it has a fairly high glycemic index and an average of 90 kcal per 100 g of product. Despite the high energy value, bananas are a necessary product even during a diet. Nutrition multiplied by a full range of useful trace elements. Although you shouldn't get carried away with them.

Delicious, healthy, low calorie

Let's talk about what fruits can muffle hunger, so much so that the figure benefits.

  • The undisputed champion on this list is the grapefruit. Only two small fruits a day and unnecessary kg will disappear many times faster. For 100 g, this fruit has only 35 kcal. In addition, grapefruit has diuretic properties and will rid the body of toxins and stagnant water in the cells.
  • The honorable second place belongs to melon - 39 kcal per 100 g. It will be especially useful for women, because folic acid, which is very abundant in melon, has a beneficial effect on skin color and elasticity and gives shine to dull hair. Melon is also rich in fiber, so this fruit is ideal for problems with the gastrointestinal tract.
  • And finally bronze. She is taken away by an apple and a pineapple. An apple - 46 kcal, and also your assistant in the fight for a slim figure. An excellent choice of a snack during fasting days and a worthy replacement for custard eclair. Pineapple - 48 kcal, perfectly breaks down fats and dulls hunger.

Lovers of sweet treats - sea buckthorn, cloudberries, cranberries, viburnum. Their nutritional value ranges between 20 and 30 kcal.

Product Kilocalories (kcal)
Watermelon 26
Lemon 32
Cranberry 29
Grapefruit 35
Melon 39
Strawberry 39
oranges 40
tangerines 40
strawberries 41
Raspberries 42
Cowberry 42
Black currant 43
Pear 44
Red currants 45
Apples 46
Peaches 47
Plum 47
Gooseberry 48
Blackberry 49
apricots 50
Cherries 53
Cherry 53
A pineapple 58
Blueberry 61
Mango 63
Kiwi 67
Grape 70
Bananas 93
Avocado 205
Prunes 227
Dried apricots 301
Dried apples 274
Raisin 289
Lime 53
Canned cherries, 750 ml 603
Canned pears, 800 ml 647
Canned apricots, 800 ml 784
Canned pineapples, 850 ml 809
Persimmon 53


Please note that store-bought dressings, mayonnaise, ketchup and oil sauces are very harmful first of all for the body, and then for the figure. They do not add juiciness and taste to the dish, this is a real self-deception. It is much healthier (and tastier, trust me!) to make the sauce yourself. Use for this the pulp of fruits or berries, chopped by hand or in a blender / mixer, add a little lemon juice, red or white wine, and a quality salad dressing, meat, fish or vegetarian dish is ready! Also, vegetables can be replaced by everyone's favorite fast food - pizza. Instead of high-calorie dough - rice sheets, and use whatever you want for the filling: peppers, mushrooms, beans, zucchini, tomatoes, olives. For satiety, you can add low-fat cheese. For dessert - delicious cocktails made from skimmed milk and absolutely any fruit and berries. Well, fresh fruits, of course.

Make a menu with the understanding that at least a third is fruits and vegetables. The simplest scrambled eggs will turn into a healthy and satisfying dish if you add tomato slices, pieces of carrots, eggplant or zucchini strips to the eggs. You can also diversify the morning oatmeal with fresh berries or fruits - it will come out very tasty. Experiment - the main thing is that without harm to the body!

The basis of various diets for weight loss are vegetables. It's not in vain. They are quickly absorbed, contain a large amount of fiber, which creates a feeling of satiety, and help cleanse the intestines. However, not all plant foods are the same for weight loss. In addition, not all of them can be consumed raw (potatoes or eggplants). For those who are on a diet, it is recommended to introduce boiled vegetables into the diet. Various aromatic herbs, spices, garlic are used to improve the taste.

Our website contains a table of caloric content of products that have undergone heat treatment. In boiled form, although they lose some of the vitamins, they are better absorbed by the body. At the same time, they quickly and permanently saturate the body, although they have a fairly low calorie content.

In order to find out how many calories are in boiled beets, you need to look at the table. The root crop, which has undergone heat treatment, contains only 44 Kcal, and boiled carrots are less in total - only 19 Kcal. All these products are used to make vinaigrette.

On our page you can compare the calorie content of boiled vegetables per 100 g and calculate the total content in any dish. So you can combine different ingredients, experimenting with flavors, while not being afraid to get better.

The basis of various diets for weight loss are vegetables. It's not in vain. They are quickly absorbed, contain a large amount of fiber, which creates a feeling of satiety, and help cleanse the intestines. However, not all plant foods are the same for weight loss. In addition, not all of them can be consumed raw (potatoes or eggplants). For those who are on a diet, it is recommended to introduce boiled vegetables into the diet. Various aromatic herbs, spices, garlic are used to improve the taste.

Our website contains a table of caloric content of products that have undergone heat treatment. In boiled form, although they lose some of the vitamins, they are better absorbed by the body. At the same time, they quickly and permanently saturate the body, although they have a fairly low calorie content.

In order to find out how many calories are in boiled beets, you need to look at the table. The root crop, which has undergone heat treatment, contains only 44 Kcal, and boiled carrots are less in total - only 19 Kcal. All these products are used to make vinaigrette.

On our page you can compare the calorie content of boiled vegetables per 100 g and calculate the total content in any dish. So you can combine different ingredients, experimenting with flavors, while not being afraid to get better.

Vegetables and fruits are often referred to as the healthiest food category. We hope our article fruits and vegetables calorie table will provide answers to your questions. Common sense and a lot of previous literature tells us that vegetables and fruits are full of vitamins, minerals and other substances that keep our immune system working and protect us from disease. And this is all true, but there are real fans of fruit and vegetable diets who eat only vegetables and fruits. Of course, this is better than eating one french fries and cookies, but there should be a measure in everything. Remember, fruits and vegetables also have calories, just like other foods.

fruit calorie table

It may sound paradoxical to some, but fruits contain sugar, water, fiber and vitamins. Also, fruits are rich in calories, which you need to add when calculating the total number of calories eaten per day. For example, if you eat 10 apples for 81 kcal. in a day, it's the same as eating a huge bowl of ice cream. A mango and three bananas are equivalent to two cups of spaghetti. Fruit juices, which have gained popularity in the last few years, are actually not as healthy as everyone believes due to the increased concentration of sugar. Regular consumption of fresh juices in large quantities increases the risk of diabetes and insulin spikes in the blood.

Nutritionists in their practice often report that their clients abuse fruits, especially in the season of their abundance, and remind that two servings of most fruits are enough to get the daily requirement of vitamins A and C. As you can see in the table below, the serving sizes are quite small.

It may seem strange again, but nutritionists recommend eating a small portion of dessert instead of a large bowl of grapes or half a watermelon. Firstly, most likely, you already want to do it, and secondly, there will definitely not be any benefit from such an amount of fruit, but rather the opposite.

There is some injustice when it comes to informing the public about fruit calories and other food products in supermarkets. If on other foods you can clearly see how many calories are in the product, then for some reason this is not written on fruits. We believe that this is what causes confusion for many people when they find out how many calories are in fruits.

fruit calorie table presented below to help you understand fruit calories if you are already on a diet or plan a diet if you are just starting out.

fruit calorie table
Fruit and serving size calories
Apple with peel, medium, 1 pc. 81
Apricot, medium, 3 pcs. 51
Avocado, 145g 250
Banana, medium, 1 pc. 105
Blackberries, half a glass 37
Blueberries, half a glass 40
Cherry, 10 pcs. 49
Dried dates, 10 pcs. 228
Dried figs, 10 pcs. 477
Grapefruit red, medium, 1/2 pc. 39
Grapes, glass 58
Guava, medium, 1 pc. 46
Melon, diced, 1 cup 60
Kiwi, medium, 1 pc. 46
Mango, medium, 1 pc. 135
Nectarine, medium, 1 pc. 67
Orange, medium, 1 pc. 60
Papaya, medium, 1 pc. 119
Peach, medium, 1 pc. 37
Pear, medium, 1 pc. 98
Diced pineapple, 1 cup 76
Plum, medium, 1 pc. 36
Prunes, 10 pcs. 201
Seedless raisins, 2/3 cup 300
Raspberries, 1/2 cup 30
Strawberries, 1 glass 45
Mandarin, medium, 1 pc. 37
Watermelon, diced, 1 cup 51

vegetable calorie table

Vegetables, like fruits, also contain calories.. They have no fat and contain only half the calories of fruit, except for peas, potatoes, corn and beans.

When it comes to diet, most nutritionists recommend vegetables because they contain fiber and you feel full immediately after eating vegetables.

Also, nutritionists emphasize the need to eat vegetables during lunch and dinner. For lunch, they recommend pickled cucumbers, cabbage, cherry tomatoes, young carrots. When you prepare vegetables for dinner, make more so that you can take them to work the next day.

Look at vegetables calorie table below. It is immediately clear that they are less caloric than fruits.

vegetable calorie table
Vegetables and serving size calories
Artichoke, boiled, medium, 1 pc. 150
Asparagus, boiled, 6 pieces 22
Beets, boiled, 1/2 cup 37
Broccoli, raw, 1/2 cup 12
Brussels sprouts, boiled, 1/2 cup 30
Cabbage, raw, 1/2 cup 9
Carrots, raw, medium, 1 pc. 31
Cauliflower, raw, 1/2 cup 13
Celery, raw, 1 stalk 6
Corn, boiled, 1/2 cup 89
Cucumber, raw, 1/2 cup 7
Eggplant, boiled, 1/2 cup 11
Green beans, boiled, 1/2 cup 22
Romaine lettuce, 1/2 cup 4
Mushrooms, raw, 1/2 cup 9
Onion, raw, 1/2 cup 30
Parsnips, boiled, 1/2 cup 63
Peas, boiled 1/2 cup 62
Potato, baked, medium, 1 pc. 161
Sweet peppers, raw, 1/2 cup 14
Radishes, raw, 10 pcs. 8
Spinach, raw, 1/2 cup 6
Zucchini, raw, 1/2 cup 13
Tomato, raw, 1 pc. 26

As you have seen, the rule “everything should be in moderation” is also true for fruits and vegetables. You should also remember that vegetables and fruits alone cannot fully satisfy your daily nutrient requirement. You also need to eat something that will give you proteins and everything else that is not in either vegetables or fruits. And you also need to remember that fruits still need to be eaten, but in moderation in order to enjoy a healthy lifestyle for many years.
