
How to find out the manufacturer by excise stamp. Excise duty stamp check for alcohol online

The excise stamp of the goods indicates that this product has passed the GOST test and fully complies with the declared quality. Stamps have various types of protection, for the creation of which special technologies and materials are used.

It is quite difficult and financially expensive to forge all degrees of protection, therefore, those who are engaged in clandestine production often reproduce only certain levels of protection. So if some sign of protection is missing or does not meet the standard, this indicates a fake.

Large retail outlets should have a special scanner that helps to identify the authenticity of excise stamps. To use this service, you should contact the administrator with a request to provide the opportunity to check the products. If the scanner confirmed the discrepancy, the excise stamp is fake; if no differences are found, this, unfortunately, is not a 100% guarantee of authenticity.

If the scanner showed that the stamp is genuine, but doubts do not leave you, you can contact the Forensic Science Center for a forensic examination.

If you check the brand yourself, without a scanner, your task is to find the differences between this brand and the genuine brand. The brand type and its details are checked for compliance. It is important to understand that the reliability of visual verification is higher, the fresher the brand. With prolonged storage, it is subject to abrasion, the influence of moisture. It is also important on what material the brand is glued. In any case, suspicions can cause:

  • uneven, crooked edges;
  • quickly fading paint when rubbed with a fingernail.

Detailed instructions for checking excise stamps for alcohol have been developed by the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market. The color of excise stamps depends on the type of product and can vary from pink-lilac to green-blue-yellow. Paper for stamps is self-adhesive, without luminescence. There are two types of protective fibers: red non-luminescent and yellow-red, luminescent.

On the reverse side, “RF” is printed in brown ink and there is a luminescent inscription “Alcoholic products”. When paper is processed with the C-2 indicator, a yellow color will appear.

There is microtext at the top of the stamp. The word "brand" is written in the negative, and "FSM" - in the positive.

The hologram is a complex pattern, in the center of which the inscription "RF" is located in rhombuses.

The inscription "Federal Special Stamp" gradually changes from negative to positive (a special raster is used for this).

At the bottom of the stamp there is an inscription "RF", the color of which changes from dark bronze to purple. Other methods of protection are also provided. On the website of the FS for the regulation of the alcohol market, you can check the authenticity of the brand online.

Separate excise stamps are produced for tobacco products. Detailed requirements for excises of imported goods in the Russian Federation can be seen here. There are 11 types of excise stamps (“smoking tobacco”, “hookah tobacco”, “cigars”, “filtered cigarettes”, etc.) The following main characteristics of brands can be distinguished:

  • the color of the stamp is an iris transition from blue to lilac, 44x20 mm in size;
  • there are 2 blue squares that luminesce under UV radiation;
  • red protective fibers are not luminescent, and yellow-red fibers are luminescent (yellow part) under UV;
  • the coat of arms of the Russian Federation should be printed on the left, the repeated phrase “RUSSIA IMPORT” is written around it in small print;
  • “RUSSIA” is written above the coat of arms, and “EXCISE STAMP” is written in the center (a tobacco leaf is drawn above it, the type of tobacco product is indicated below it);
  • all inscriptions, coat of arms and drawings are printed in black ink;
  • in the middle across it is written "TOBACCO" (negative execution);
  • the letter (A, B, C, D) and 2 digits should be printed at the top right: the letter indicates the quarter, and the numbers - the last 2 digits of the year when the stamp was produced;
  • on the right, on the black strip, the brand series is indicated.

As for the brands of goods produced in the territory of the Russian Federation, they have a size of 47X21 mm. The stamp must contain the inscriptions “tobacco products”, “Russian Federation”, “special brand”. Paper with a single-color light watermark is used (luminescence is not observed under ultraviolet). The paper contains protective fibers (at least 2 types). An optically variable ink is used.

If you have any suspicions about the authenticity of the excise stamp, it is better not to purchase this product. Take care of your health, protect yourself from fakes, paying attention to at least the most memorable signs and designations.


Methods for verifying excise stamps for authenticity: practical recommendations

To recognize a fake excise tax on alcoholic beverages, it is enough to make a visual inspection of it. There are some signs that should alert the buyer: the golden line running across the sticker is convex to the touch, it should not be erased, if desired, it can be removed by pulling on one of the ends; if you rub the text printed on the side, it will remain unchanged, and on counterfeit it is easily erased or smeared with a finger; the holographic part of the sticker shimmers with different colors when turning and tilting, and if it just shines, this is a characteristic feature of counterfeit; the real excise has exceptionally even edges, and the paint does not leave marks on the hands.

Checking brands of alcoholic products online

pochemy ya chitau's accentom?

Isn't there a unique code for a bottle punched through egais on the code?

I thought there was. Although. Does anyone know how it works?

Moscow, Mega-Khimki works this way, a QR code is directly printed on the check with a link to the Unified State Automated Information System in this brand, just the same unique bottle code (PDF147 format) is sewn up, which is indicated when passing through the Unified State Automated Information System, when selling on the check, a link to the page with this check in the Unified State Automated Information System is required, and, not yet necessarily, a QR code.

Check alcohol by excise stamp online EGAIS - check stamps on the Rosalkogolregulirovanie website

In addition, the excise stamp is an important source of information for the end consumer, confirming the quality of the product and compliance with state standards.

The implementation of an alcohol check on an excise stamp is available on the EGAIS information service - Checking Stamps.

Organizations licensed for the retail sale of alcoholic products, as well as authorized bodies, can check alcohol in this way.

Official website of Rosalkogolregulirovanie

If necessary, go through the registration procedure.

After that, select the “Barcode check” tab, enter the code from the presented picture and scan the excise stamp, after placing the cursor in the column number 1.

To scan, you need a scanner connected to the computer on which the verification procedure is carried out.

Barcode verification

After that, the scanned barcode will be sent for verification online, and a new line will be added to the list of verifications, which will contain the details of the excise stamp, the date and time of submitting your application for verification.

Save 100 tr or how to check excise stamps without a data collection terminal?

This article describes in detail the entire methodology for checking excise taxes online.

  • Use the PC on which you work with EGAIS; (on this PC everything we need is already installed);

How to connect and configure it all, you can see here:

Checking brands on the site

To scan, you must use a scanner connected to your computer via a USB port. To view and print the test protocol, click the Print button.

The verification protocol will open. The verification protocol will indicate: brand type, product type code, details of the organization that received the brand.


Without exception, all alcoholic products that are imported into the territory of the Russian Federation must contain an excise stamp, the purpose of which is - alcoholic liquid labeling.

In fact, there is no need to decipher the excise tax, since all the necessary information on the stamp is indicated in Russian and quite clear. For example, an excise stamp of alcoholic products may contain information - “Alcoholic goods from 9 to 256%” or “Alcoholic goods from 25%”, “Wine”, “Sparkling wine” and so on.

The definition of "Excise stamp" means fiscal document, which means full payment of the fee established in the territory of the Russian Federation for the sale of any product.

Excise stamps that include the name "Alcoholic goods from 25%" additionally contain information that displays the maximum volume of containers used for alcoholic products of this type.

It is located in close proximity to the excise number. Such an inscription may include “up to 100 grams”, “half a liter”, “no more than a liter”, “over 1 liter”.

In addition, such information must be indicated on the stamp without fail - “excise stamp” or “Russian Federation”. The presence of such information indicates the registration of alcoholic products and the full payment by the manufacturer or distributor of all fees.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, in addition to alcoholic products, excise duty is applied to tobacco-containing goods and cigarettes. Until recently, it was required for sugar, shag and pepper.

The definition of "EGAIS" means unified state system, which is fully automated and contains a database of information on alcoholic products. All alcohol that is produced in the territory of the Russian Federation or imported into the country, must be listed in EGAIS.

By and large, the EGAIS system is a tool for careful control of the turnover of alcoholic products in the territory of the Russian Federation.

The main task of the system is to try to significantly reduce the circulation of counterfeit alcohol throughout the country. Moreover, each company that manufactures or sells alcohol-containing goods must enter detailed information about it into the system.

If the information is not specified in the system, companies face criminal and administrative liability in the form of huge penalties. According to the developers themselves, the introduction of such a system made it possible to reduce the volume of sales of counterfeit goods. at least 40%, which already speaks of the positive results of the EGAIS.

The main rules to be followed when choosing alcohol are next:

    Initially, you need to remember place of purchase. The purchase of alcohol must necessarily be directly related to those companies that have issued the appropriate license. It is strictly forbidden to buy from the hands, in any tents, kiosks, railway stations. It is highly undesirable to purchase alcohol online (via the Internet), unless, of course, the buyer is confident in the honesty of the store.

  1. After the place of purchase has been chosen correctly, it is necessary to start product selection. It is necessary to study the appearance of the container. Do not opt ​​for a defective bottle. If it has scratches, chips, and so on, it is better to refuse to purchase. This is especially true of a possible tear or complete absence of an excise stamp, which is often encountered.
  2. Necessary avoid alcohol at low prices. It is important to remember: it is better to buy less, but better.

By following simple rules, you can avoid buying counterfeit alcohol. During the verification process, it must be remembered that the label must necessarily include:

  • the name of the product on which it is applied, and the manufacturer;
  • information about the location of the manufacturer;
  • detailed information about the capacity of alcohol (displayed as a percentage);
  • container volume;
  • detailed information about the composition of the product (often indicates the type of alcohol itself - luxury, extra, and so on, as well as additional components);
  • What is the shelf life of alcoholic beverages?
  • information about the document on the basis of which the alcohol production process takes place;
  • information that confirms the conformity of quality.

Do not forget to require a license to sell alcoholic beverages. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any buyer has the full legal right to demand from the seller a package of permits, and only then purchase the products of interest. As for the excise stamp, today there are many ways to check it.

Today, smartphone owners have a unique opportunity - perform verification of special federal excise stamps through the application.

The application was developed by specialists from Rosalkogolregulirovanie and is called "Anti-counterfeitinfo". Thanks to its use, it is possible to identify excise violations without much effort.

The work concludes the method of pointing the smartphone camera at the barcode. In addition, the application contains a list of stores that are located near the user and have all the necessary documents and licenses for work.

Detailed instructions for working with the application are next(it can be used anywhere, be it a cafe, restaurant, shop, and so on):

  1. You need to download the app from Google Play.
  2. After downloading and installing it, you need to run it, a map will be shown on the main window where the legal points of sale of alcoholic beverages are located. It is allowed, if the user wishes, to link the map to his location.
  3. At the bottom of the main application window there is a subcategory "Scan". When you try to go to it, the main camera of the smartphone will be activated. The application will ask you to point the camera at the barcode of the alcohol brand or the QR code on the receipt after the purchase.
  4. After that, the application reads all the necessary information and displays it on the smartphone screen. The user is provided with: the route of the goods, information about the manufacturers, and so on.

If we talk about checking the reliability of the FSM or AM, it is initially necessary to remember the official specially developed service by the specialists of Rosalkogolregulirovanie.

The opportunity to check alcohol excise stamps is available through the official portal of the Federal Service that deals with the regulation of the alcohol market at fsrar.ru. The service is called "Stamp Check".

Manufacturers that have a license and regulatory authorities have access to verification.

The capabilities of the service allow you to identify illegal alcoholic goods in a matter of minutes information verification method, which is applied to the stamp, and information entered in the EGAIS system.

The step-by-step algorithm of actions when checking in this way is to next:

  1. You must go to the official portal of Rosalkogolregulirovanie fsrar.ru and select the appropriate subsection with the name "Electronic services for companies / organizations".
  2. Next, from the proposed list, select the additional category "Electronic services of Rosalkogolregulirovanie for companies / organizations".
  3. At the next stage, you will be asked to enter a password and TIN. It is possible to register in the system.
  4. Then you need to select "Check stamps" and click on the "Add" button.
  5. After reading the information from the barcode, you must enter it in the appropriate field.

Based on the specified information, the system will generate a request, after which it will be available within a few minutes. information regarding brand details and so on.

If desired, it is possible to print the received information, which is indicated in the EGAIS system. To do this, just press the button "Seal".

In such an appeal, you must indicate the need to connect to the service a certain person who is a trusted representative of the company and responsible for working in this system. Be sure to include his personal information and email address.

Another option that is able to speak with 100% confidence about the reliability of the check is examination. However, in most cases, it is the relatives of the victim or law enforcement agencies who have to use it (if a case of death from drinking alcohol is detected).

Examination is carried out "Center for Pre-trial Investigations". The verification is carried out by decomposing the liquid into molecules and other components, which make it easy to identify the conformity of ethyl alcohol and the possible fact of its counterfeit.

They will not disregard the excise stamp of alcohol, and they will even be able to identify the equipment on which it is made. Unfortunately, this type of verification is rarely used.

A news release on how to distinguish fake alcohol is presented below.

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Basic moments

Every year, a huge number of contraband alcoholic products are found in Russia, the use of which can cause irreparable harm to health.

To eliminate the likelihood of falling into low-quality products, you can use various methods of checking the excise stamp for authenticity.

Before studying the main issue, it is initially recommended to familiarize yourself with the basic theoretical information and regulations.

What it is

By and large, there is no need to decipher the excise, since all the necessary key data on the stamp are indicated in Russian.

For example, the following information may be indicated on the excise stamp of alcohol:

  • “Alcoholic goods from 10 to 40%”;
  • “Alcoholic goods from 20%”;
  • “Wine” or “Sparkling wine (popularly referred to as Champagne)”;
    and so on.

Types of brands are divided depending on the strength of the drink. Under the "excise stamp" is meant fiscal documentation that provides an opportunity to confirm at the legal level the payment of the fee for the sale of a particular type of product in Russia.

On those excise stamps that contain the name “Alcoholic goods from 25%”, additional data is indicated that can display the maximum container used for alcohol from this category.

It is located in close proximity to the excise number. The inscription can be one of the following types:

  • “no more than 100 grams”;
  • “no more than 0.5 liters”;
  • “up to 1 liter”;
  • “more than 1 litre”.

An excise stamp that is directly used for an alcoholic product with the lowest alcohol content may not contain data on the maximum volume of containers.

The presence of such information indicates the registration of an alcoholic product and payment in full by the manufacturer or seller of all fees established by law.

Penalties for counterfeiting

In accordance with Federal Law No. 171, persons who are engaged not only in the manufacture of alcoholic products, but also in its:

  • supplies;
  • import;
  • retail sales.

The procedure for the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages without appropriate labeling or with obvious violations of the norms of Russian legislation entails liability on the basis of Art. 15.12 Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

Criminal liability is provided for in accordance with Article 171.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in the event of:

  • acquisitions;
  • manufacturing;
  • possible storage;
  • transportation and sale of goods without appropriate labeling.

Criminal liability in accordance with article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation also occurs due to:

  • production;
  • forgery and sale of falsified documentation, stamps, forms.

Responsibility can carry a hefty fine or imprisonment.

Current regulations

The main regulatory document is considered to be Federal Law No. 171, which contains a list of persons directly responsible for applying reliable and genuine excise stamps.

Liability for the use of falsified excise stamps is regulated by:

The specified list is not exhaustive, but at the same time includes the main data on the issue of bringing to responsibility in case of using counterfeit excise stamps.

How to check the excise stamp for alcohol in Russia

In 2018, you can check the excise alcohol stamp for authenticity in one of the following ways, such as:

  • using specialized mobile applications;
  • using specialized official state services on the Internet.

Let's consider each of them in more detail.

What are the criteria to look at?

By following the standard and at the same time simple rules, you can easily avoid the possibility of buying smuggled alcoholic beverages.

During the inspection it is necessary to pay attention to the content of the label itself. In particular, it should include:

Full product name Which was the fact of application, including the manufacturer
Manufacturer location address details Its production capacity
Detailed information regarding the volume of alcohol content In percentage terms
Tare volume
Composition details In most cases, the label displays the belonging of alcohol to one of the categories - luxury, extra, and so on.
Alcohol expiration date
About Documentation On the basis of which the legal process of producing alcohol was initiated
Confirmation Data Product quality

Of the additional nuances, the temperature regime of storage is also distinguished, since in case of violation, the shelf life is significantly reduced.

For your information, each buyer, in accordance with Russian legislation, reserves the right to demand the appropriate license from the seller.

Self Authentication

Let us consider in more detail how to determine the quality of alcohol by an excise stamp. Self-checking can take several forms.

Showing vigilance

In this case, we are talking about a careful study of the description of alcohol on the bottle and the removal of some important features.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the fact of forgery entails the need for considerable financial costs, which is why fraudsters try to reduce the cost of the procedure as much as possible.

When choosing alcohol, you need to pay attention to:

  • possible application of a barcode by inkjet printing;
  • the presence or absence of foil holography.

It is these protections that are often subject to scrutiny.

Scan process

If the process of purchasing alcohol follows not in a stall, but in a store that respects its reputation, it must have a special scanner in it.

It might be in the admin. It is enough to scan the excise stamp for a specialized device to verify the authenticity. Consulting a consultant will provide you with all the necessary information.

Video: solving the problem of unreadable excise stamps

By following the recommendations, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of buying counterfeit alcohol.


How to distinguish a fake yourself

1. Mindfulness

Remember the children's game "Spot the Differences". Picking up a bottle with an alcoholic drink in a supermarket is just the time to remember your powers of observation and see if all the degrees of protection are on the sticker that holds the container and the lid together.

Forgery of any means of protection is a costly business, which is why excise forms often pay attention to the simplest points, while complex levels are ignored. 4 things to pay attention to:

  • Brand number applied by inkjet printing;
  • Barcode;
  • Foil holographic image;
  • Data about the manufacturing plant, security level, release date.

2. Scan

If you buy alcohol not in a stall, but in a market that respects its reputation, there must be a special scanner here. He may be waiting for you at the reception desk. It is enough to scan the excise stamp for the electronics to check all levels of compliance. Although according to experts, even with such a check, you will not be given 100% guarantees.

3. Measure seven times

Each excise sticker has its own size. For alcoholic beverages, it is set in two versions: 90×26 and 62×21. If the dimensions do not correspond to those indicated, have uneven or wrinkled edges, you should be wary.

Another nuance is that on a large stamp, the upper part is separated from the larger lower golden thread. It is not erased, does not smear, if necessary, it can be pulled out of the paper.

4. Little tricks

Surrogate alcohol should have a low cost, so it is not in the interests of bootleggers to spend money on fake protection. In order to make it easier for the consumer to bring counterfeit goods to clean water, small fragments that are imperceptible at first glance were invented on protective parcels (stamps).

Knowing about them, it is not difficult to determine the original. These inconspicuous signs of originality include:

  • On the top of the text, the word "brand" is written in a negative stripe, and "FMS" in a positive one;
  • The diamonds of the hologram contain a pattern with the RF logo woven into it in the central part;
  • The stripe with the inscription "Federal Special Stamp" gradually changing colors, passes from a negative print to a positive one;
  • The excise paper itself is made in the form of self-adhesive and does not have luminescence;
  • Fibers are scattered over the entire surface, they may be non-luminescent red or luminescent yellow-red.

Video instruction

Video instruction on how to distinguish a fake excise stamp from a real one

Checking over the Internet

There are several ways to check liquor protection online.

Last chance

There is another 100% verification option, but relatives or police authorities will rather use it in case of death or alcohol poisoning. This is a forensic examination conducted by the "Center for Forensic Expertise".

Here, the liquid will be decomposed into its components and molecules and it will be found out whether it corresponds to the high name of the ethyl-containing potion or is a fake. Excise duty will also be studied here. They will probably even determine on what equipment it was printed. Only these measures will already be a reaction to the event that we are planning to prevent.


Knowing about the levels of protection for alcoholic beverages and how to check their originality, of course, gives you additional guarantees when buying, but it does not at all insure against costly artful counterfeiting. After all, the stereotype that a surrogate is made only in the form of burnt vodka has long outlived its usefulness, and in our realities, elite, expensive alcohol is of greater interest.

Now you are armed with the necessary knowledge and you have less chance of running into a fake. But still, I highly recommend reading the article on methyl alcohol poisoning. This is a very terrible poison, the adoption of which in most cases leads to blindness and even to of death. With methyl poisoning, the clock counts, and in order to take the necessary measures, it is extremely important to have the necessary information.

This is where I end. I would like to advise you to buy alcohol only in specialized stores and still pay attention to the excise tax, because it is printed for us! Subscribe to my blog updates, share interesting facts on social networks, and get fresh and reliable first-hand information!

See you soon, Pavel Dorofeev.


Reports of poisoning with fake vodka, which periodically appear in the press, make you think.

There is information that almost half of the alcohol market is “singed” vodka. In "mild" cases, drinking it ends with a severe headache, but 53% of poisonings lead to disability and death.

Not only citizens who drink alcohol regularly can become a victim of poisoning - people who do not understand due to lack of experience are no less at risk. It is becoming more and more difficult to distinguish a fake - poison manufacturers are improving, but danger can be identified by a number of signs.

We hope that simple practical tips on how to check purchased vodka or identify a fake in a store will help you avoid serious troubles.

Going to the store, it is desirable to know how to determine whether the quality of vodka is worth its price and how safe it is. It is best to identify a fake "on the distant approaches", that is, before buying. Need to know:

  • Don't buy alcohol from questionable outlets. Shops on the outskirts of the city - the perfect place to sell a surrogate. Supermarkets and large and specialized stores are required to issue a receipt confirming the purchase, they are unlikely to risk their reputation.
  • Resist the temptation to save money - if vodka is much cheaper than in other outlets, it's fake. Stories that the goods are "leftist" are not credible. It is too likely that the seller does not know anything about the origin of alcohol.
  • Examine the bottle carefully. If you are going to buy vodka of a certain brand, first study what degrees of protection the manufacturer has provided. There is enough information on specialized sites about this.
  • Check the cork - it should not be scratched. Bottles in factories are corked with thin metal on an automatic line. A cork fixed by hand will be scratched.
  • Bottles with expensive alcohol are laser marked. Numbers and letters consist of black dots that are not erased or imprinted on the fingers.
  • Labels must be applied evenly and firmly. Well-known manufacturers protect their products with holographic signs, make sure they are available. Thin strips of glue are located at the same distance, the paper is covered with a thin layer of varnish.
  • When pouring vodka on the conveyor, the bottles are filled to a certain level. If you see containers with different volumes of liquid on the shelf, it is better to refrain from buying.
  • Good vodka is perfectly clear. Turn the bottle over and hold for 5-10 seconds. If the color has changed, crystals or sediment are visible, oily streaks remain on the glass, you have burnt vodka in front of you.
  • Shake the bottle vigorously. In normal vodka, a thin snake of small bubbles forms, in alcohol diluted with water, the bubbles will be large.
  • A whitish coating on the glass clearly indicates that you have diluted alcohol in front of you.

How to check the quality of vodka at home?

If at the stage of purchase it was not possible to check the goods or something worries you, you can check the authenticity of already purchased vodka at home using the following indicators.


It is necessary to check the vodka for a characteristic smell. Pour some alcohol into a glass, warm it in your hand and smell it. Vodka can only smell, any foreign smell means fake or low quality.

Amber of fusel oils, vinegar or chemistry portend, at best, a severe hangover, and at worst, poisoning. A small percentage of fusel oils is allowed in vodka, but if you rub a drop between your palms, the smell disappears.


A liter of vodka without a bottle weighs 953 grams, half a liter - 477 g. The quality of vodka can be determined with accurate scales, an error of no more than 5 grams is allowed.


Ignite the vodka in a small container. Strong alcohol does not ignite instantly, it burns with a low and light blue fire. If vodka does not want to catch fire, its strength is below the prescribed 40% vol. If the liquid flared up, foreign alcohols are present in it.

Attention! Methanol turns fire green.

When the vodka goes out, a colorless, odorless liquid should remain at the bottom. An oily residue indicates harmful additives.


Place the bottle for a couple of hours in a freezer with a temperature of -18 to -30 ° C. Good vodka will thicken a little, but nothing like ice will form in it.

Chemical reaction with acid

You can determine the content of fusel oils using sulfuric acid. When mixing vodka and acid in equal amounts, low-quality alcohol turns black.

Using copper

Copper wire reveals . Dip hot copper into a glass of vodka. If there is methanol in the composition, you will feel the pungent smell of formalin.

Carefully! It is forbidden to drink such vodka - methyl alcohol is deadly.

Litmus marker and potassium permanganate

To increase the strength, sulfuric acid can be added to alcohol at enterprises. Litmus reacts to it in red. Potassium permanganate at the tip of a knife in a glass of high-quality vodka should dissolve slowly.

Excise stamp check

Forgery of stickers is an expensive undertaking, bootleggers neglect excise protection and limit themselves to the simplest tricks. In large stores, the authenticity of the excise stamp is determined using a scanner. If inspection and verification revealed a discrepancy, the purchase will have to be abandoned.

Evaluating the quality of vodka by taste is too risky - it is almost impossible to recognize poisonous methanol. Take care of your health so that a pleasant feast does not turn into trouble. If you have your own ways to test vodka, we will be grateful for the information. Tell us if you have come across a counterfeit and how you managed to identify it.

Unscrupulous producers use various methods to save on the production of vodka. For its production, low-quality alcohol is used, the number of filtration stages is reduced, and harmful substances are added. The consequences of drinking fake alcohol will always be negative: you cannot avoid a severe hangover, health problems, and in especially severe cases, a fatal outcome is possible. How to check vodka for authenticity yourself?

Alcohol classification

Alcohol, which is the basis of vodka, comes in several categories. The types differ in the quality of purification from methanol and impurities, as well as in manufacturing technology. The alcohol category is indicated on the product label. According to this classification, you can determine the approximate quality of vodka. There are 4 categories of alcohol.

  1. Economy Such vodka can attract only a low price. It is easy to identify by a cheap bottle and a simple label. Vodka of the "Economy" category is made from the highest purity alcohol, however, few filtration measures are carried out during the production process. A lot of harmful impurities remain in the drink, including an increased percentage of methanol. Vodka of this category is the easiest to fake.
  2. Standard. Such a drink is prepared on the basis of Extra alcohol, which goes through more degrees of purification. The quality of this vodka is acceptable, it is bottled in more expensive bottles and uses interesting labels.
  3. Premium. Vodka of this category belongs to elite drinks. It is prepared from Lux alcohol, which contains an acceptable percentage of methanol (0.02-0.03%). The water used to make such vodka is completely purified from toxic impurities.
  4. Super premium. By the name it is clear that in such vodka there are absolutely no harmful additives. For its manufacture, alcohol of the highest quality is taken, and some secrets are also used. It is highly valuable, it is very difficult to fake it.

A separate category belongs to vodka made from Alfa alcohol. It contains a very low percentage of methanol: 0.003%. Such alcohol is made from rye, wheat or a mixture of these cereals. You should choose vodka on Alpha alcohol, where there are no additional ingredients. The price will be lower, and the quality will suffer.

Excise stamp

Such a distinctive sign as an excise stamp will protect the consumer from buying low-quality alcohol. How to independently identify a fake by this sticker?

First, you need to carefully examine the excise form. It should contain information about the manufacturer, date of issue and brand number. The excise must also have a barcode and a holographic image. Bottles of low-quality or fake vodka usually do not have such data.

Secondly, it is possible to check with a scanner. Such a device should be present in any large store selling liquor. Currently, there are applications that can be installed on a smartphone in order to be able to scan the excise stamp online at any time (on the website https://service.fsrar.ru/). Such a process will allow you to get all the data about the product and determine whether it is legal to sell it.

Thirdly, the excise stamp must be evaluated externally. A bottle with a quality alcoholic drink will have a neat sticker with strict dimensions: 90 by 26 mm or 62 by 21 mm.

Other verification methods

How to determine the quality of already purchased alcohol? You can check the authenticity of vodka at home by a number of indicators.

  1. Weight. The label of vodka indicates that its strength is 40 degrees. This means that water and alcohol are present in it in a strict ratio of 60:40. You can check the correctness of these proportions at home in a simple way: just weigh the vodka. If alcohol and water are added in the indicated volume, 1 liter of finished vodka will have a weight of 953 g.
  2. Smell. The first poured glass must be evaluated by smell. The aroma of vodka should be inhaled deeply: if it turns out to be sharp, very unpleasant, you should not use such a product. Most likely, the drink turned out to be fake, in addition to edible alcohol, it includes technical alcohol - dangerous to human health and life.
  3. Combustion. How to check the quality of vodka using fire? It is necessary to pour the drink into a spoon and set it on fire. Singed vodka will flare up sharply or not at all. High-quality alcohol will engage in a low blue flame. The sediment left in the spoon after burning real vodka will not have an unpleasant odor.
  4. Freezing. It is common knowledge that alcohol does not freeze. However, if you hold vodka in the freezer for an hour or two, you can see pieces of ice in it. This proven method will show: if there are a lot of ice floes, the vodka is fake, since it is foreign impurities and water that freeze.
  5. Chemical analysis. To determine the presence of harmful impurities in vodka, sulfuric acid is required. Mix equal parts alcohol and sulfuric acid. If the liquid becomes black, it contains an increased amount of fusel oils. Such a drink will be harmful to the body. If there is no sulfuric acid, it will be possible to check the quality of vodka with the help of litmus paper. It is necessary to lower its edge into alcohol and immediately evaluate it. If the paper turns red, there are acids in the vodka, which are added to the drink during the production process in order to increase the degree.

These methods are proven and the most effective for self-determination of the quality of vodka. But even after making sure of the authenticity of the drink, you should use it in moderation, evaluating the state of your health, age, body characteristics.

Alcoholic products, along with such consumer goods as tobacco and gasoline, are subject to excise duty - a special type of tax. With the help of excise, the state can regulate prices, sales volumes and product quality, which is especially important in relation to alcohol.

In the light of recent events related to mass poisoning of the population, quality control of alcoholic products is an important direction of the country's policy. What consumer protection mechanisms are currently in place, from what date are sellers checked, and what rules for the sale of alcoholic products are mandatory for the alcohol-containing products market?

Excise value

According to the Tax Code, namely Chapter 22 "Excises", alcohol is recognized as an excisable product, which significantly affects pricing in this area.

Since this type of tax is included in the final cost of the products sold, changes in the cost of the excise tax are felt primarily by the end consumer.

Ethyl alcohol, according to a special list, belongs to excisable goods, which obliges to include excise duty in the price of the following products:

  • alcohols (anhydrous ethyl, food, non-food, denatured);
  • distillates (whisky, calvados, fruit, wine, grape, cognac);
  • guilt;
  • liqueurs;
  • cognacs;
  • vodka;
  • beer.

Every year the excise rate on alcohol increases, which is reflected in Article 193 of the Tax Code. So, for example, since 2107, the rates for alcoholic products (ruble per liter) are as follows:

Drinks containing ethyl alcohol<9%

Wines with a protected geographical indication

Wines, excluding beverages, with a protected geographical indication

Sparkling wines with a protected geographical indication

Sparkling wines, excluding drinks, with a protected geographical indication
Beer with alcohol content >8.6%

According to current legislation, any alcoholic product, except for beer and its derivatives, must contain an excise stamp on its packaging. Excise stamps can be obtained by organizations that have permits for the production or sale of alcohol-containing products. In addition, the organization must be able to report documentarily for a consignment of excisable goods.

In addition to the very fact of the designation of alcoholic products, as well as the fact that the goods comply with current quality and safety standards, excise stamp carries very important information about the product:

  • manufacturer country;
  • Name;
  • proportion of ethyl alcohol content;
  • packing volume.

Legislation in 2019

In 2019, alcohol trade should be carried out by persons connected to the Unified State Automated Information System (EGAIS).

This system makes it possible to collect information on each unit of alcohol sold, ranging from its composition, strength and volume, to the country of origin, as well as the date and place of sale.

In the future, EGAIS should become a universal tool for detecting fakes and keeping records of all alcoholic products in the country. Connection to a single system complements and in no way cancels compulsory licensing. Both manufacturers and sellers of alcohol-containing products are subject to licensing.


The state organization exercising control over the circulation of alcoholic products, as well as performing the functions of a licensing authority, is the Federal Service for the Regulation of Alcoholic Goods.

A person producing or selling alcoholic products is obliged to apply with an application and the appropriate package of documents to the territorial office of the FSRAR for timely receipt.

In addition to submitting an application, manufacturers and sellers must pay a state fee, which, depending on the applicant, is equal to:


Changes in the retail trade in alcoholic products associated with the Unified State Automated Information System allowed the state to significantly increase budget revenues in just six months. Thanks to the forced legalization of some manufacturers and sellers, the volume of manufactured products increased by 30%. As for the increase in payments to the federal treasury, they amounted to about 120 billion rubles over six months, which is almost 20% more than in the previous year.

Changes in the alcohol retail trade dictate their requirements already at the stage of purchasing products from suppliers. In order for alcohol to appear on the counter. it is necessary to match the data on the products of both parties to the transaction. If, after verification, the unified system confirms the fact of delivery, then alcohol can be sold, otherwise, information about the discrepancy in information is reflected in the Unified State Automated Information System.

When selling alcohol to the end consumer, the seller is obliged to conduct a transaction through EGAIS. Only after reading the information about the product, the system allows the sale and issues a receipt to the buyer with a barcode confirming the quality of the product.


Persons selling alcoholic products on tap are also required to join the unified system. In addition to this requirement, sellers must adhere to the following rules:

  • only stationary premises should act as points of sale for draft alcoholic beverages, with the exception of temporary catering establishments;
  • the point of sale should be located away from educational, medical and cultural institutions;
  • the point of sale should not be located at gas stations, train stations, markets and other crowded places;
  • people can buy alcohol not younger than 18 years old, from 10.00 to 22.00.

It should be noted that the sale of draft beer, cider, mead, etc. can be carried out by individual entrepreneurs without a license, which cannot be said about the sale of strong draft drinks.

How to distinguish a fake product

Despite the fact that excise stamps are made using various security technologies, bootleggers manage to successfully counterfeit them. At first glance, such brands do not differ from the real ones and do not raise any doubts. However, having examined the container more carefully, as well as having several recommendations at your disposal, you can easily distinguish counterfeit from quality products.

visual inspection

First of all, you should carefully examine the container of an alcoholic product - often this is enough to recognize a fake:

  1. If, when you touch the excise stamp, the paint on it is smeared, leaving marks on your hand, you should definitely be on your guard.
  2. Stamps are made at Goznak, so their appearance must be appropriate.

Scanner Check

In many large retail chains and specialty liquor stores, you can see so-called scanners - devices that read a barcode, displaying information about the product on the screen. Such a check can allow you to check the quality of the selected alcohol without going to the checkout.

Sizes of active brands

  1. Excise stamps have fixed sizes: 9cmx2.6cm and 6.2cmx2.1cm. If there are stamps of excellent sizes on the packaging of alcohol, then most likely the product does not meet the declared quality.
  2. In addition, it is worth paying attention to how firmly the brand is held, and also, whether there are uneven and crumpled edges on it.

Receipt and barcode

When buying alcohol in a store connected to EGAIS, the buyer is provided with a special receipt with a QR code. By scanning the code or clicking on the link below it, you can get to the website of the Federal Tax Service, which will contain detailed information about the product, its seller and manufacturer.

Among other things, the stamp must have the following features:

  • luminescent inscription "alcoholic products";
  • microtext negative/positive "mark/FSM";
  • a diamond-shaped hologram with the inscription "RF" inside;
  • fibers, such as those used for banknotes.


In order to easily distinguish a fake excise stamp from a real one, you need to carefully consider a obviously high-quality bottle of alcohol and pay attention to the signs indicated above. Since a good counterfeit will require significant costs, it is unlikely that all the security features will be present on such an excise stamp. For clarity, it makes sense to put real and fake products side by side.

Alcohol check by excise stamp online

The Federal Service for the Regulation of Alcoholic Goods launched the Internet service "Checking Stamps", which allows you to compare the information in the Unified State Automated Information System with the information that is available in fact by the number from the excise stamp. In addition, some manufacturers of alcoholic beverages offer connoisseurs of their brands to check the quality of purchased drinks using their unique services.

Video: Excise stamp check

In Russia, almost the entire adult population consumes alcohol. Holidays are celebrated with him, they are drunk at parties. Even those who do not drink at all are sure to raise a glass of champagne on New Year's Eve. In this regard, the problem of determining the quality of purchased alcoholic beverages is very relevant, because, despite state control over the circulation of alcohol-containing products, there are incidents of poisoning with low-quality alcohol.

Every citizen should know that licensing is carried out not only in relation to producers of alcoholic beverages, but also to organizations that store and sell it. To date, the procedure for obtaining a license in the Russian Federation is very difficult, and serious liability, including criminal liability, is provided for violations of the law. Therefore, the presence of a license from an organization where alcohol is purchased almost completely guarantees the quality of products.

Not only regulatory authorities, but also an ordinary consumer can check the availability of a license. If you ask the representatives of the store where you are going to buy alcohol to show you a document, they do not have the right to refuse you. In many large retail outlets, a copy of the license is on the information stand. After reviewing the document, you can find out the terms of its validity and the TIN of the organization, by which you can later verify the authenticity in the database of the Register of Licenses.

The data is regularly updated, so you can not be afraid that information about a particular organization will be outdated. In the Register of Licensing of Alcoholic Products, you can check the license for alcohol by the TIN of the enterprise, find out the terms of its validity, and also determine whether the organization currently has the right to produce, store and sell alcoholic beverages. You can also check the alcohol license details on the PAP website.

What is EGAIS?

Today in Russia there is a special system that allows you to track the path of alcoholic and alcohol-containing products from the manufacturer to the end consumer. This system was developed in order to combat the illegal circulation of alcohol and prevent low-quality products from reaching the consumer. This system is called EGAIS - a unified state automated information system. In 2016, the system entered into force throughout the Russian Federation, and no organization has the right to produce and sell any alcohol-containing and alcoholic products if it is not registered with the Unified State Automated Information System.
Scheme of work of EGAIS

This system is imperfect, despite the fact that it has been developed since the early 2000s by various government research centers. It is criticized, there are problems with the sale of alcohol, for example, in public catering establishments. But, despite this, the end consumer today can be sure of the quality of the purchased products if he buys it in a licensed store.

How to check alcohol by excise stamp and barcode online

The excise stamp is a confirmation of the quality of alcohol. It is quite difficult to fake it, since it has several degrees of protection. Before buying, carefully study the excise stamp. It must contain a hologram, information about the manufacturer and date of production, a barcode and a number applied by inkjet printing. You can also check the excise right in the store, unless, of course, you buy alcohol in a serious trade organization. For this, there are special scanners that read the barcode from the brand.

You can check the quality of alcohol by excise stamp online through the EGAIS system, but this procedure is provided only for organizations. To check, you will need to register on the RAP website, and then enter your personal account.

You can check alcohol by excise stamp online on your own and for free. To do this, you need to go to the website of Rosalkogolregulirovanie (RAP). A special service has been developed where you can check the authenticity of the brand. By entering the necessary data from the excise tax, you will receive information that must match the information indicated on the stamp. Some manufacturers have developed their own verification programs available on their official websites. They can also be used. On the PAP website, you can check alcohol online not only by excise stamp, but also by barcode.
