
Raspberry preparations for the winter without cooking. Raspberries for the winter - proven recipes for every taste

Summer is the standard time for harvesting for the winter. Preservation is always useful in the cold season. Thanks to it, you can diversify the diet when fresh vegetables and fruits are not available to everyone. Preservation can be used for cooking or simply eaten separately. But almost all blanks pass heat treatment. And this subsequently does not reflect in the best way on their vitamin content.

There are products that can be prepared without heat treatment. For example, raspberries. There are several raspberry recipes for the winter without cooking. So she will keep maximum amount mineral useful substances and vitamins that our body lacks in winter.

Recipe number 1. Grated raspberries

This is one of the most common options that many housewives know about. This jam is not complicated and will not require special efforts. So, let's start cooking.

We need a kilogram of raspberries and two kilograms of granulated sugar.

  1. Preparing berries. We sort through them, remove everything unnecessary. We put the berries in a colander and lower them into the water. Then let the raspberries drain well and dry.
  2. We skip the berries through a meat grinder. You can grind in a blender or use a mortar for this. At the final stage, we get a homogeneous mass.
  3. We measure a kilogram of granulated sugar . You can use powdered sugar. It dissolves faster.
  4. Mix the resulting berry mass and sugar. You should get a homogeneous mixture, which we send to a warm place. Sugar should dissolve completely.
  5. After a few hours, mix and lay out in sterilized containers. Sprinkle a spoonful of sugar on top to keep the raspberries longer.
  6. Close the lid and put in a cold place.

Such jam can be eaten immediately, or you can wait until winter to enjoy the aroma of summer. Such a delicacy will be stored all winter in the basement or refrigerator.

Recipe number 2. Raspberry with lemon

Raspberries for the winter without cooking go well with lemon. sweet taste berries are complemented by lemon sourness.

We take liter jar raspberries, two kilograms of granulated sugar and a medium lemon. From this volume of products, two liters of jam will be obtained.

  • We clean the raspberries, sort and wash. We let them dry. Grind any berries convenient way. The main thing is that the mass is homogeneous.
  • We wash the lemon well, scald it with boiling water. Then we grind it with a meat grinder along with the peel and bones.
  • Raspberry and lemon puree combine and add sugar.
  • Mix well until smooth and transfer to sterile jars.
  • We scald the nylon lids with boiling water and close the jars tightly.

Such jam will be stored in a cold place for two years.

Recipe number 3. Alcoholic

This jam has a special intoxicating taste. The composition of the mixture includes vodka, but it will take quite a bit. Here she will play the role of a preservative.

A kilogram of raspberries requires a kilogram of granulated sugar and three tablespoons (tablespoons) of vodka.

  1. Sorted, cleaned and pro washed berries sprinkle with sugar. We put this mixture in a warm place. It needs to be stirred periodically. When the raspberries give juice, and the sugar has completely dissolved, you can proceed to the next step.
  2. Pour vodka into a homogeneous mass and mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Pour the mixture into sterilized jars. We close with sterile nylon lids and send the jars to the cold.

The resulting mixture can be stored for a long time. She has original taste and does not loosen.

Recipe number 4. Raspberry with currant

For this recipe, you need a kilogram of granulated sugar and raspberries, as well as 300 g of black currant.

  1. We clean, sort and wash raspberries.
  2. We freeze the currant berries, and then gently defrost them so that they are whole. This method will allow the currants to absorb the necessary sugar.
  3. We rub the raspberries with a blender, in a mortar or skip in a meat grinder.
  4. Add to received berry mix sugar and currants.
  5. Gently mix all the ingredients.
  6. We lay out in sterilized containers, close with sterile nylon or tin lids. We send to the basement or refrigerator.

Many will like the combination of raspberry and currant flavors, as well as the original color of the jam.

Recipe number 5. raspberry jelly

For a kilogram of berries, you need to take one and a half granulated sugar, half a glass of water and a bag of dry gelatin.

  1. We shift the peeled and washed raspberries into a container, pour out the sugar and put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.
  2. Then we grind this mass with a wooden spoon until smooth.
  3. Dissolve gelatin in water. We put on fire to warm the liquid. It is not necessary to bring to a boil.
  4. Add the gelatin to the raspberry-sugar mixture and stir.
  5. We lay out the jelly in sterilized jars, close with sterile lids and put in the cold to freeze.

Raspberry jelly can be stored all winter in the cellar or refrigerator.

Recipe number 6. frozen raspberries

Freezing is a great way to prepare raspberries for the winter without cooking. Berries will not lose their palatability keep their shape and vitamins.

  1. Choose strong and not overripe berries. Sort them out, clean them, rinse them and let them dry.
  2. It's better to freeze in small portions, somewhere in one glass.
  3. We put the raspberries in a bag, tie it up and put it in another one. Tie off so that there is some air in the bag. So the berries do not wrinkle and retain an attractive appearance.
  4. The packages are placed in freezer and freeze.
  5. Before use, the packages must be taken out and left to defrost at room temperature.

Frozen raspberries can be used in pastries, compotes and eat for your pleasure.

Raspberries cooked in any of these ways will remain excellent source vitamins and minerals. She can not only brighten winter time, but will also help strengthen the immune system, avoid colds and inflammation.

7 minutes to read

In the midst of the ripening of berries, each housewife tries to prepare them in as many quantities as possible. Raspberries are the most popular - they contain many useful substances, some of which are preserved even during conservation.

Harvesting for the winter can be done in many ways. various ways- this berry retains its beneficial properties in the form of jam, jelly, jam, jam, syrup. To preserve most of the trace elements and vitamins, you can use recipes that involve a minimum of heat treatment. So, you can reduce the cooking time or do without it altogether.

ground berries

A blank made in this way will contain almost all the vitamins and minerals that are also found in fresh fruits. It is necessary to take washed raspberries and sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 and crush in a bowl with a crusher. To preserve the taste of raspberries, it is better to use a wooden pusher and glass, enamel or plastic dishes.

Important! The amount of sugar in the recipe depends on the shelf life. So, if harvesting is done for the winter, the 1:1 ratio is maintained. If the mixture is stored for a year or more, the amount of sugar should be increased by 1.5-2 times.

Grind the berries to the desired consistency. So, the consistency will be more homogeneous if you grind them for at least 15 minutes.

Raspberries grated with sugar

It is best to store the berry mass in glass jars of small capacity - up to 0.75 liters. Before use, the container must be doused with boiling water.

The mass should be decomposed into jars, leaving a couple of centimeters at the neck. For better preservation of raspberries, a 1 cm layer of sugar should be poured into jars on top of it. Over time, it will turn into a strong crust that protects the workpiece from oxidation.

Advice! If the mixture is stored in a high humidity environment, the sugar may dissolve. When making jams for up to 30 days, you can not pour an additional layer of sugar.

Banks can be covered with a layer of polyethylene or parchment, fixing it on the neck with an elastic band or rope. This recipe helps to do without cooking, but ready mix can only be stored in the refrigerator.

dried raspberries

Many recipes involve either heat treatment of raspberries or cold storage. Save the maximum useful properties berries can be saved simply in the pantry. Dried raspberries can be stored for more than one winter. From 10 kg of fresh raspberries, you can get up to 1.2 kg of dried raspberries.

dried raspberries

  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 400 ml distilled water
  • 400 ml lemon juice

Advice! For drying, it is better to choose ripe, fresh berries. Crushed is best used for jam.

Drying cabinet recipes include pre-processing berries. A kilogram of berries must be put in a bowl and poured with a solution of lemon juice and distilled water for 5-7 minutes. This treatment will help get rid of bacteria that are on the surface of the berries. Raspberries should be removed from the bowl with a slotted spoon and spread out in a thin layer on a baking sheet lined with parchment or cotton cloth. After half an hour, they can be sent to the drying cabinet.

Dried raspberries for 12 hours at t 60°C. Drying time may vary depending on the size of the berries. It is better to check them every 2 hours for the degree of readiness and gently stir with a slotted spoon. The fact that the raspberries have dried up will be indicated by their leathery structure. Dry raspberries are non-sticky and non-staining.

If there is no drying cabinet, you can also prepare berries for the winter on outdoors. In countries with a hot climate, you can dry it in the open air, under conditions middle lane for this purpose, a greenhouse or greenhouse with an air temperature of 30-40 ° C is suitable.

Dried raspberries on average 2-3 days. It should be stirred periodically and dried berries should be selected. At night, it is advisable to clean the blanks indoors to avoid dampness.

Dried raspberries must be stored in a tightly closed container - a jar, cellophane bag or box in a cool, dry place. It is desirable that the containers are half filled.

Important! You can store such a blank for no more than two years.

You can pick up recipes for making compote or tea, in which fresh berries are replaced with dried ones. It turns out vitamin drink in the middle of winter.

quick jam

Raspberry jam

  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 1 kg sugar

2/5 raspberries must be decomposed into sterilized jars. The rest of the berries must be mixed with sugar and heated for 10 minutes until the sugar dissolves. The mixture must be stirred regularly. Hot fill it is necessary to pour into jars with berries, leaving 1.5-2 cm to the neck. Banks must be rolled up, turned upside down and kept in this position until completely cooled.

frozen berries

You can do without cooking if you store the berries in the freezer. The recipes for making such a blank are very simple, even children can handle them.

frozen raspberries

So, to get a sweet mixture, you need to mix 1 kg of washed raspberries with a glass of sugar. Store in the freezer in plastic bags.

Advice! It is most convenient to pack the berries in bags in small portions. So, if necessary, it will not be necessary to defrost the entire piece.

raspberry juice

An excellent cold remedy for harvesting for the winter is raspberry juice.


  • 1 kg raspberries
  • 200 ml water

Pure berries should be mashed with a crush and put into a saucepan with hot water. The mixture must be gradually heated, not allowing it to boil.

The heated mixture is removed from the heat and infused under the lid for 15 minutes. After that, it is necessary to strain the juice, bring to a boil, pour into pasteurized jars and roll up.

Raspberry marmalade

Can be cooked in just 30 minutes healthy treat that kids will love too.

  • 0.5 kg. berries
  • 1 l. cold water
  • 100 g sugar
  • 1 st. l. pectin

For 10 minutes, raspberries are poured cold water. After that, it is necessary to carefully sort out the berries, removing bad berries - they can ruin the workpiece. Next, the berries must be washed and left to drain in a colander.

Raspberry marmalade

Depending on the appearance ready meal marmalade recipes vary. So, a pitted dish will be more beautiful and uniform. To do this, the berries should be rubbed through a sieve. If you plan to save more useful properties of raspberries, better bones leave and crush the berries with a pestle.

Attention! Classic recipes involve the use of a large amount of sugar. But, in order to get natural marmalade enough and 100 grams.

Berries must be placed in a saucepan and put on medium fire. Add sugar and bring the mixture to a boil. After boiling, pectin is added to the pan. Marmalade verification time - no more than 5 minutes.

The hot mixture is placed in pre-pasteurized jars. They should be closed with lids, turned over, wrapped in a thick warm cloth until completely cooled.

Raspberry jelly without cooking

You can get healing jelly if you use recipes for making berries that do not involve heat treatment. It cannot be stored all winter, but in autumn such jelly will become a reliable support for immunity.

raspberry jelly

  • fresh berries
  • liquid honey
  • Apple juice

Ingredients should be selected in a ratio of 4:1:1.

First you need to chop the berries in a blender or with a pestle and send to the pan. To raspberries you need to add warmed honey and Apple juice. The mixture must be heated small fire until the honey is completely dissolved or in the microwave. Do not bring to a boil.

Attention! When preparing products, honey should be slightly warm. Boiling honey is impossible - when heated, it loses its beneficial properties.

The finished jelly should be transferred to jars, cool and store in the refrigerator.


Using simple recipes, you can prepare for the winter in 10 minutes fragrant jam which no child will refuse. It can be used as a filling for muffins, a layer for a cake, an addition to pancakes or pancakes.

  • 3 cups berries
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 1 st. l. pectin
  • 0.5 cup
  • 200 g sugar

Washed and dried raspberries must be rubbed through a sieve. There you need to squeeze lemon juice- it will help "tie" the bones.

The resulting puree must be transferred to a saucepan and add pectin to it and bring to a boil over medium heat. The mixture must be stirred regularly. Next, add sugar and again let the mixture boil for 1 minute.

Ready jam must be poured into a clean container and left to cool.

Advice! With help easy way you can determine the readiness of the jam. So, you need to drop them on a plate and look behind the drop - it should not roll or spread. A drop of finished jam should slowly slide off.

Thus, raspberries can be prepared for the winter in any form - in the form of jam, jelly, juice, or while maintaining the integrity of the berries. The resulting dishes will not only be delicious, they will become an inexhaustible source of vitamins.

Raspberry blanks (video)

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Every housewife makes raspberry blanks for the winter, and of course, I am no exception. It's hard to imagine long winter evenings, without cup fragrant tea with raspberry jam... Despite the fact that the canning process is rather troublesome, in the summer I try to make several jars of raspberry jam, and at least freeze raspberries for the winter.

Also, it should be noted that there are raspberry varieties that give a harvest in September - especially for those who vacationed at sea in the summer and did not have time to make delicious preparations from raspberries.

So, what can be prepared from raspberries for the winter? Jam, marmalade, jelly, confiture, compote, freeze raspberries, and this is far from complete list all kinds of blanks from raspberries.

Dear friends, I bring to your attention proven recipes for raspberry preparations, which I have been using for more than one year. Every year my collection of recipes will be replenished with new ones. interesting recipes. Traditionally, I ask you to share your favorite raspberry recipes in the comments and social networks.

Raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization

Dear friends, I want to tell you how to close raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization. Usually such delicious compotes as this one I close in three-liter jars- a smaller volume diverges too quickly, especially when friends with children come to visit. See recipe with photo.

Raspberry jam for the winter with orange

Wang like unusual blanks from raspberries for the winter? What if we dilute a little habitual taste and cook unusual raspberry jam and orange juice? It will turn out great, I assure you! citrus notes and the intoxicating aroma of raspberries make the taste of this jam simply magical! Did I convince you? Then come check out the recipe.

I suggest you cook not quite regular workpiece from raspberries for the winter. It will be raspberry jam Yes, even with cognac. Don't let alcohol fool you - in fact, you won't need it at all. a large number of, and in the raspberry jam itself for the winter, it will not be clearly felt. Rather, you will be able to catch some kind of pleasant aftertaste - this will be the effect. noble drink. The raspberry jam in this recipe is quite thick, so it can be used in pastries or as an addition to morning toast. Recipe with photo.

The raspberry jam recipe below is a real go-to in my pantry. Yes, yes, this jam is perfectly stored in the pantry in the apartment, at room temperature, thanks to the large amount of sugar in the recipe. …

Raspberry jam "Red honey": according to my mother's recipe

This raspberry jam is very convenient to use for filling in shortbread pies, or simply spread on bread, or cookies. The amount of sugar kills on the spot, so if you are on a diet, I advise you to use a different recipe. But the jam is not cloying, due to the addition citric acid. …

Raspberry jam for the winter with ginger and orange

This time we will talk about unusual jam from raspberries - with ginger and orange. Yes, yes, you will find exactly such a set of ingredients in my recipe for raspberry jam for the winter. And if you favor ginger and are not at all against citrus fruits, then you will certainly like this combination. How to cook raspberry jam with ginger, look.

Raspberry compote for the winter according to my mother-in-law's recipe

Recipe raspberry compote not complicated, and suitable for housewives who are just starting to preserve. …

Classic raspberry jam that Carlson loved

I'm definitely preparing for the winter raspberry jam according to a simple, classic recipe, so that in case of a cold, there is always a sweet medicine on hand own production. jam recipe with step by step photos .

Pitted raspberry jam is very tasty and healthy. In winter, I use this jam to make compote, and also as a topping for desserts. Recipe with step by step photos .

"Drunk" raspberry jam without cooking with vodka

This raspberry jam is quite unusual. Itit turns out very beautiful, bright and insanely tasty - almost like fresh raspberries. We look at the recipe

Raspberries- deciduous shrub, which is very often bred in gardens. The convenience of growing this plant can be attributed to the fact that raspberries have a perennial rhizome and it can produce crops for many years. In the usual sense, the fruits of the shrub are cone-shaped berries, but this is an erroneous point of view. In fact, the raspberry fruit is a collection of miniature drupes that grow together on the receptacle. These berries have an expressive, unique taste, thanks to him, raspberries are often used in cooking, as well as in preparations for the winter for the future.

Raspberry - very useful plant. IN folk medicine for cooking medicinal decoctions leaves, flowers, twigs and fruits of the shrub are used. The berries contain a large number of various plant acids that are involved in metabolic processes in the body. The fruits are rich in various trace elements and minerals. The composition of raspberries is especially saturated with copper, which in the body is responsible for the fight against depression and nervous breakdowns. That is why the product is included in most antidepressants. Raspberries are useful for colds, as they perfectly relieve inflammation.

Contraindications to the use of raspberries include the fact that it is quite strong allergen. If itching and red spots appear, the product should be excluded from the diet. It is not recommended to eat these berries if there are diseases such as an ulcer or gastritis.

Choosing raspberries for harvesting for the winter is not so difficult. It is enough that the berries are fresh in appearance and have nice smell. It is worth choosing larger fruits: it will be convenient to work with them. You can store berries in the refrigerator, but not more than 3-5 days.

Raspberries are widely used in cooking for the preparation of a variety of desserts and sweets. However, its gastronomic qualities are truly revealed only in preparations for the winter. Jam is perhaps the most common preservation of this product. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation, but there are several basic secrets and subtleties. Before proceeding with the processing of berries, they must be placed in saline solution. Such manipulation will get rid of pests. In order to prevent the jam from being candied over time, it must be boiled not on water, but on redcurrant juice. This will also make the preparation even more fragrant. In the process of cooking, it is imperative to remove jam from the surface white foam: so conservation will not have stains.

Of course, not only jam is prepared from raspberries for the winter. To the number sweet preservation include marmalade, jams, jellies, jams and purees. Thanks to great content in raspberry pectin, it will not be difficult to cook all these sweets. In addition, they cook with berries delicious compotes, they are preserved in own juice and grind with sugar, getting the so-called raw jam without cooking. Raspberries are dried for a tea mixture, fragrant sweet and sour marshmallow is prepared from it.

To make it easier to understand all the intricacies of harvesting raspberries for future use at home, below are best recipes with step by step photos. They also describe recommendations for storing finished preservation.

  • Compotes from fruits and berries for the winter
  • Raspberry jam with strawberries
  • Raspberry and black currant compote for the winter
  • Raspberry jelly for the winter
  • Cherry compote with raspberries for the winter
  • Raspberries with sugar in the freezer

Raspberry rightfully enjoys honor and respect. This berry is different amazing taste, unique aroma And huge amount useful substances. Many people are probably interested in how to prepare raspberries for the winter. In the cold season, the body especially needs vitamins and minerals, which are so abundant in natural gifts.

There are several options for harvesting raspberries. This berry can be frozen, made into jam, rubbed with sugar. Another thing is that many housewives like homemade recipes that take away minimal amount time and effort. Well, there are many ways to save in raspberries nutrients without spending a lot of energy on it.

How to prepare raspberries for the winter: useful tips

The taste of products made from it largely depends on how correctly the berry was collected and stored. That is, the quality of homemade preparations is determined not only by the skill of the hostess, but also by the characteristics of the raw materials. So, it is desirable to collect raspberries in dry weather. This is due to the fact that the berries that have gained moisture quickly deteriorate.

If the raspberries were grown in their own garden plot, without chemicals and did not come into contact with the ground, then they can not be washed, but simply sorted out. Berries bought from the market must be washed. To do this, put them in a colander, and then gently immerse it in lightly salted water (0.5 tsp. edible salt for 2 liters of water). This will not only make the berries clean, but also rid them of raspberry worm larvae. After processing, the raw materials must be laid out on a clean kitchen towel in one row and left to dry completely.

For preservation, it is advisable to use glass jars. Glass bottles with screw caps and a wide neck (for example, left over after drinking juice) are also suitable. Seaming containers must be prepared in advance: wash them thoroughly with baking soda and then sterilized.

If large-scale preservation of berries is planned, then the dishes can be processed in the oven. To do this, put clean bottles and jars on a baking sheet, close the oven door and fix the temperature at 180 degrees. After 30-40 minutes glass containers will be ready for further action.

A small amount of dishes is easiest to sterilize in microwave oven. To do this, pour 2 fingers of water into each container. The jars or bottles should then be placed in a 600W microwave oven for 3-5 minutes. Seaming lids should be washed with baking soda and wiped dry. They can also be sterilized.

Not all cookware is suitable for cooking. Our grandmothers used to use copper basins, however modern housewives Such "luxury" is not always there. The best option would be pots or stewpans from of stainless steel. It is undesirable to use enameled containers, because sugar can boil to their bottom during cooking. Thin-walled aluminum dishes are also not suitable for making jam.

For freezing berries, small containers with a lid made of plastic are suitable. Before use, they must be washed and dried thoroughly. A good option would be thick plastic bags.

Frozen berries retain all vitamins and minerals. Raw materials can be used to make fruit drinks, compotes, jellies, mousses and other desserts.

How to prepare raspberries for freezing? First you need to sort it out (it is undesirable to wash it), then lay it out in one row on a tray or cutting board. This should be done as carefully as possible so that the berries do not gather into lumps.

Then you should place the tray with raw materials in the freezer and turn on the freezing mode. Frozen raspberries must be decomposed into containers or tight plastic bags.

Frozen raspberry puree: healthy and tasty

Those who prefer fragrant and not cloyingly sweet desserts will certainly appreciate the frozen berry puree. Cooking it is easy and simple. The product can be served with tea, used as an ingredient in homemade ice cream, and also stuffed with it. cottage cheese casserole And lazy dumplings. Raspberry puree keeps in the freezer almost all winter.

To prepare a dessert, you need to sort out the berries, cover them with sugar. For 1 kg of raspberries, 200-300 g of granulated sugar should be. Then you need to knead the berries with a crush and stir the sugar until completely dissolved. After that, the mixture is decomposed into containers and sent to the freezer.

Raspberries mashed with sugar: a tasty and healthy treat

With this recipe, you can make fragrant dessert without resorting to the help of the plate. This will certainly be appreciated by housewives who do not like to fiddle with blanks for a long time. For 1 kg of raspberries, 1.5-2 kg of sugar will be required (depending on how much you plan to store the delicacy). Important condition: you can not wash the berries before cooking, as this will lead to their souring.

Raspberries need to be sorted out, so that in the total mass there are no dented, damaged and overripe berries. Then the raw material should be poured into a container and covered with sugar, after which - knead with a crush until a homogeneous mass is obtained. It is undesirable to use a blender, mixer or food processor to prepare the product, as this will destroy all the beneficial substances contained in raspberries.

Raw materials must be left in a warm place for several hours. This is necessary in order for the sugar to disperse. In this case, the workpiece will need to be stirred from time to time until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Then you should put the product in completely dry sterilized glass jars. It is desirable to pour about 0.5 cm of sugar on top of the workpiece. During storage, it forms a crust that is impervious to air, preventing spoilage of the delicacy.

Banks must be closed with pre-prepared polyethylene lids and placed in the refrigerator. This product can be used as a medicine or added to cereals, casseroles, dumplings.

Dried raspberries: fast, economical, convenient

If there is not enough space in the kitchen, but to eat delicious berries if you want in winter, you can prepare them by drying. The resulting product will be an ideal raw material for cooking medicinal infusions, decoctions, vitamin cocktails.

For drying, it is optimal to use dense, slightly unripe raspberries (even with twigs and leaves). Suitable and berries with mechanical damage. The main thing is that the final product does not contain overripe raw materials.

Raspberries need to be spread out on a baking sheet in one layer and placed in an electric dryer or in an ajar oven. In the latter case, the berries must be processed for 2-4 hours at a temperature of 45-50°C. Dried raw materials should be left until they cool, and then placed in boxes, cans or heavy paper bags.

Raspberries in their own juice: the perfect dessert with a little sugar

Raspberries in their own juice can be stored at room conditions. It will be very liked by those who follow their figure and are perfect for making jelly, fruit drink, compote, dessert.

In order to make a delicacy, the berries must be sorted out. You can wash and dry them. Prepared raw materials should be placed in a deep bowl in layers, sprinkled with sugar. For 1 kg of raspberries, there should be 100-200 g of granulated sugar.

The dishes with the workpiece should be put in a warm place for several hours. During this time, the sugar will dissolve, and the berries will release juice.

After that, the raw materials must be placed in prepared glass jars. It is important to consider: the mass should not reach the edges of the dishes by 1-1.5 centimeters. Otherwise, the treat will spill over the edges of the containers during sterilization.

The jars filled with the product must be placed in a wide-bottomed pan and covered with lids. Pour into the bowl cold water and sterilize containers with the product for 15 minutes from the moment of boiling. Then the containers must be sealed, turned over and left to cool.

Compote prepared according to this recipe has a sour and pleasant taste. In the process of preparation, raspberries are not sterilized, so the drink is very useful.

First, the berries must be sorted out. They can be washed and dried. Then the raw materials must be placed in sterilized (prepared) jars of any volume by about 1/3 of the height. It is optimal to use 1.5-2 liter containers.

Raspberries must be poured with hot water, but not boiling water. Each jar must be filled to the top. Then you should leave the product for 10-20 minutes (based on the volume of containers), after which - pour the water from the jars with berries into a saucepan and put on the stove. In a boiled liquid, you need to put sugar at the rate of: per liter jar - 100 g of granulated sugar.

After the syrup clogs with a key, it is necessary to carefully pour it into jars of raspberries so that it overflows over the top. This will keep the compote longer, as there will be no air left in the containers. Then the drink cans must be tightly closed, turned over, wrapped in a warm blanket. As soon as the product has cooled down, the dishes with it can be returned to their original position.

The berries will indicate the correctness of the recipe. They will settle to the bottom of corked jars only after proper sterilization. Ready compote can be stored at room temperature away from batteries and sunlight.

Raspberry jam for the winter: a classic recipe for a delicious medicine

Many people use raspberry jam not only as a dessert, but also as an antipyretic for colds. This product is famous great taste, refined aroma and big amount Sahara. Therefore, it is useful to use it, but in moderation.

Slightly unripe berries are suitable for this recipe. After cooking, they will retain their attractive shape. Before cooking, raspberries must be sorted out. From total mass all overripe and crushed berries should be removed.

Then you need to weld sugar syrup. To do this, pour 500 ml of water into 1 kg of sugar and heat the composition over low heat, stirring regularly until granulated sugar will not dissolve completely. The result should be a clear and liquid syrup.

After that, it is necessary to pour 1 kg of prepared raspberries into the sweet liquid, bring the mass to a boil, reduce the heat and cook for another 5-6 minutes. At the same time, you do not need to stir the jam, but slightly shake the pan so that the syrup evenly covers the berries - it is very desirable. This will keep the attractive shape of the raspberry.

The dishes with the product must be removed from the heat and left until the mass has cooled. After that, it is necessary to bring the jam to a boil 2-3 more times, hold it on fire for 5-7 minutes, then remove it from the burner and condemn. During cooking, the foam that forms on the surface of the sweet mass should be removed.

The jam is ready if the product on the saucer does not blur. In addition, the berries should be in the entire syrup, and not float on its surface. It is important to consider that a properly brewed liquid has thick consistency, A ready raspberries– dark color and high density.

The resulting product should be spread hot on dry and sterilized glass jars and then close with nylon caps. You can store it at room temperature.

Raspberry jam: not a single berry will be wasted

Overripe and crushed berries are best used for making jam. First you need to put the raspberries in a saucepan, then pour 250 ml of water into it and cook the composition for 3-5 minutes over low heat, stirring regularly. In this case, the berries must be periodically kneaded intensively with a spoon.

Then add sugar to the mixture. 1 kg of raspberries should have the same amount of sugar. After that, boil the jam for 20-25 minutes, stirring regularly and removing the resulting foam from its surface.

At the end of cooking, add 2-3 g of citric acid to the product. It should be remembered that the cooked raspberry jam should have a thick and homogeneous consistency. It can be rolled into glass containers, if in small quantities it does not spread over the surface of the saucer.

The product must be poured into prepared jars while hot and sealed with polyethylene lids. The dessert can be stored at room temperature.
