
Pear jam in a slow cooker recipe. Pear jam for the winter - a simple recipe for sweet preservation

Pear jam, cooked in a slow cooker, is very useful. It is not difficult to prepare it, besides, the procedure is convenient because you do not need to take extra dishes and be on duty at the stove, watching the process. Fragrant delicacy will appeal to adults and children, especially in the cold winter season.

Pear jam will turn out perfect if you know certain nuances of its preparation. You can easily diversify the tastes of dessert by adding not only fruits or berries, but also spices. It is better to collect pears for cooking on a dry fine day. This will allow you to get the maximum aroma and taste. Despite the recommendations given in the recipe, in varieties with thick skins, it must be removed.

If you want to get jam with whole pieces, then you need to cook it in small portions. So that after chopping the pears do not darken, especially when it is required to go somewhere before cooking the goodies, you should soak them in acidified water.

If the jam should not turn out too sweet, and the pear variety is directly honey, then you need to use half the amount of sugar recommended in the recipe.

How to choose pears for jam

To prepare the perfect dessert, you need to choose the right fruit. Try to pick pears with the same degree of ripeness. This will make the jam as homogeneous as possible. The fruits must be well ripened, you can even take overripe. For the preparation of delicacies, they try to choose sweet and fragrant varieties. It is important to ensure that spoiled or rotten material does not come across, otherwise the taste of the finished product will be spoiled.

How to cook pear jam in a slow cooker?

There are a lot of options for making pear jam in a slow cooker. In addition, each housewife can create her own unique recipe by adding certain seasonings, fruits, berries.

Standard recipe for the winter

Pear jam according to a standard recipe can be prepared not only in a slow cooker, but also in a pressure cooker. Taste characteristics will not change from this.

The following components will be required:

  • ripe fragrant pears - 1500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1000 g;
  • citric acid - 2 pinches (can be replaced with lemon juice).

Cooking method

Rinse the fruits, cut into slices and clean the middle. Cut the slices into small pieces and place in a cooking bowl. Sprinkle sugar on top. Put the device in the "Extinguishing" mode for 10 minutes, then remove the resulting foam. Leave to stand for 4 hours so that the pears become transparent. Boil again and again leave to infuse for 4 hours. For the third time, turn on the "Extinguishing" mode again, after turning it off, add citric acid and mix everything thoroughly.

Pear jam with lemon in a slow cooker

To prepare pear jam with a pleasant citrus taste, which is also very useful for the human body in winter, you will need:

  • juicy and fragrant pears - 1000 g;
  • medium lemon - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - 1100 g.

Cooking method

Wash and dry fruits (you can use a paper towel for this). Cut them into slices and clean out the core. Cut the resulting slices into thin slices and place in a deep bowl. Wash the lemon well and scald with boiling water, then cut into thin slices.

Pour pears and lemon, together with the juice that has stood out, into the cooking bowl. Pour granulated sugar on top and leave for 20 minutes for more juice. Turn on the device in the "Extinguishing" mode for 25 minutes. After this time, the delicacy is ready.

Pear jam with amber slices in a slow cooker

To prepare a delicious, beautiful and healthy dessert, you will need to take:

  • ripe and fragrant pears - 2500 g;
  • lemon juice - 60 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 500 g;
  • bee honey - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vanillin - 1 pinch.

Cooking technique

Place thoroughly washed and sliced ​​​​fruits in a soda solution for 15 minutes (dilute a teaspoon of soda in one liter of water), then rinse with clean water and put in a suitable bowl. Add vanillin, granulated sugar and honey there, pour in lemon juice, cover with cellophane and leave overnight.

In the morning, pour the ingredients into the cooking bowl of the multicooker, turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for 25 minutes. After turning off the machine, the dessert is ready.

Features of jam storage

Pear jam in a hermetically sealed glass container can be stored even at room temperature, but on condition that there is dry air in the room. If, in the preparation of fruits, more pears were used than sugar, then such a product must be stored in the basement.

Under the right conditions, pear jam, cooked in a slow cooker and hermetically sealed, can be stored for 3 years. In the refrigerator, an unsealed product is kept for no more than 2 weeks.

Pear jam in a slow cooker is prepared very simply and quickly. But most importantly, this homemade delicacy is much tastier and healthier than store-bought jam!


A step-by-step recipe for making pear jam in a slow cooker with a photo

So, let's get to work:

The first step is to wash the pears thoroughly.

Then you need to peel the peel and cut the fruit into four parts.

Now wash the lemon well, rub the zest.

Put pear slices, lemon zest into the multi-arch bowl.

Pour fine sugar here, add citric acid, close the bowl with a lid, turn on the "baking" mode and cook the delicacy until the pieces of pears turn into a thick, fragrant mass. That's all, the pear jam in the slow cooker is ready, be sure to cook this pear sweetness, you won't regret it!

Video recipe Pear jam in a slow cooker

Pear jam for the winter in a slow cooker

And we will share with you a recipe for making pear jam for the winter in a slow cooker!

So, in order to make jam according to this recipe, you will need:

pears - 650 grams;
sugar - 450 grams;
citric acid - 1 teaspoon;
vanillin - 0.5 teaspoon.

Now let's get to work:

  1. First, wash the pears well, put them in a colander, let them dry.
  2. Then peel the skin, cut each fruit into two halves, remove the seeds and cut the pears into slices.
  3. Transfer the pear slices to a wide container, add sugar here, mix thoroughly, leave the container with the contents aside for 8 hours.
  4. When the specified time has elapsed, add citric acid and vanillin to the pears with sugar.
  5. Send the pear mass to the bowl, then you need to turn on the “quenching” mode, set the timer for an hour.
  6. Sue the jam, repeat this procedure two more times.
  7. When the treat is ready, pour it into jars, roll up the lids, cool and lower into the basement for storage. That's all, in winter you can enjoy delicious pear jam!
Enjoy your meal!

So, the task is set, we will cook using a multicooker. To do this, you will have to be patient, pears, for each kilogram of which you will need about 700-800 grams of sugar and 1 lemon. The amount of sand depends on the sweetness of the pear variety. Wash the fruits, removing the petioles, after which, without peeling off the skin, cut them into rectangular pieces. At the same time, be sure to remove the cores with seeds. Then we put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin the multicooker bowl and sprinkle with sugar, after which you should usually remove the workpiece to the side and wait for the juice to appear.

This will take 3-4 hours, while most of the sugar will dissolve. In a multicooker, it is easier to set the “Extinguishing” mode and after 60 minutes you will get a fairly large amount of juice and sugar completely dissolved in it. Having achieved the result, cool the mass for 2 hours. Next, we set another mode on the household appliance: “Steaming”, and on the timer - 15 minutes. We start the multicooker, and it is better not to lower the lid to the end, you can leave a spoon in the bowl, the handle of which will not allow the container to close completely and leave a thin gap for steam. When the time is up, stir and cool the brew for another 2 hours.

Making pear jam in a slow cooker

Then squeeze the juice from the lemon and pour 2 full tablespoons into the bowl, and then again, without changing the mode, start the timer for 15 minutes. It is allowed to replace the juice with diluted citric acid, which needs 0.5 teaspoon per 2 tablespoons of water. You can cut the citrus pulp into slices and put a few in the workpiece to give an exotic taste. Next, turn off the multicooker, mix the mass thoroughly and cool it for 2 hours. At this point, the workpiece is already sufficiently thickened, so the next step will require more frequent stirring.

So, again in the “Steaming” mode, we set the timer for 15 minutes and prepare the jam, regularly making a circular motion with a spoon along the walls and bottom so that the pear pieces do not stick to the surface and burn. At the same time, we put the jars to be sterilized in the microwave or over steam. When the set time has elapsed, pour the hot product into a container and immediately roll it up. We cool in a warm place, after turning it over to see through the glass of the jars if bubbles appear in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe lids. If you see this, put the unreliable ones in the refrigerator and use them first.

This recipe is for those who like to combine different fruits in preservation. Take pears, apples and sugar in equal proportions, that is, only 1 kilogram each. Also prepare peeled sunflower seeds, about 30 grams. Wash the fruits thoroughly and select the most ripe and hard ones so that they do not become sour during cooking. Cut off the peel, then cut the fruit into slices, scooping out the cores with seeds.

Pear jam with apples

Do not miss the wormholes - if any are in the fruit, they also need to be carefully removed. Now we grind everything and put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin the multicooker bowl, and pour granulated sugar and seeds on top. Remove the steam valve from the lid and cover the container. Now let's set up the settings of the household appliance. You need the "Extinguishing" mode, and the timer should be set to 60 minutes. You can close the lid tightly only for the first 15-20 minutes, then you will need to periodically stir the mass so that it does not burn to the walls and bottom. A foam may also appear, which must be removed with a spoon.

Therefore, every 5–10 minutes it is recommended to pause and mix the workpiece. After the specified time, pour the brew into prepared sterilized jars under the edges of the necks and roll it up, and after the preservation has cooled down, put it in a cool cellar. You can change the recipe a little and use walnuts instead of seeds.

The following recipe can be called exotic, since oranges are involved along with the pear. You will need an equal amount of those and other fruits, that is, 1 kilogram each. Also take 2 kilos of granulated sugar, this is not too much, given the sourness inherent in citrus fruits. Washed and peeled pears cut in half, remove the core.

Oranges, on the other hand, should be washed very carefully, as they will be divided in half, and then into thin narrow slices along with the peel.

Orange slices with peel for jam

First, we put pears in the multicooker bowl, and citrus fruits on top, so that in the process of cooking the jam they secrete juice, soaking the slices with it. Pour the fruit mixture with sugar, and then set the "Extinguishing" mode on the multicooker. Set the timer to 90 minutes. In this case, it is advisable to remove the steam valve, or even not completely close the lid, especially since during the cooking process you need to stir the mass. After the time has elapsed, we sterilize the jars without lifting the lid of the multicooker, then we transfer the hot billet into a container and twist it.

Metal lids are best dipped in boiling water for a minute to prevent bacteria from entering the preservation. It is recommended to cool it upside down, under a warm blanket, it can be stored both in the cellar and in the pantry, or on the mezzanine. Attention - in order to mix the jam in a slow cooker, in no case use a metal spoon, it can scratch the surface of the bowl. It is better to take a wooden spatula or a plastic one, if one is included in the kit.

Sunset with melon - dessert in honey

This recipe will be of interest to those who love especially sweet preparations. To get started, prepare 1 kilogram of sliced ​​​​pears and melon pulp, peeled and seeds. Fruits should be well washed, the peel can not be peeled off, and the melon berry should be chosen ripe so that it is completely softened during cooking. Sugar will require 1.2 kilograms, in addition, you must have 3 lemons, from which juice should be squeezed.

The recipe also includes a seasoning such as anise, in the amount of 2 stars, but if you don’t like it, you can not put it in conservation. Put the pear and melon slices into the multicooker bowl and sprinkle with sugar, and then pour the juice of 2 lemons into the same place. Set the "Extinguishing" mode for 40 minutes, the melon will release the juice very quickly. Cool the mass for 2 hours, then set the “Steaming” mode for 1 hour and, stirring from time to time, cook, removing the foam. By the end of the specified time, the melon will almost completely soften, turning into a homogeneous sweet mass in which pear pieces will float.

Leave the workpiece to cool for 4 hours under a closed lid. Then add the juice of 1 more lemon and the zest from it, put the anise and set the timer for 15 minutes without changing the mode. Now you need to stir more often so that the thickened mass does not burn to the walls and bottom of the bowl. We sterilize the jars, and when the timer signals the end of cooking, we transfer them with a pear to a container and roll up the lids, which are first dipped in boiling water for 1 minute.

The inhabitants of ancient China considered the pear a symbol of good health, a source of natural energy and longevity. This is not surprising, because the pear consists of many useful substances, vitamins, macro- and microelements. This fruit is especially useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis, obesity and diabetes. And pear jam helps to cure cough in adults and children. Therefore, in the fall, it will come in handy to prepare a few jars of pear delicacy to please loved ones with delicious jam in the winter cold.

Pear jam, with a delicate, velvety texture, sweet taste and incredible aroma, is the perfect dessert for everyday and festive tables. This jam will serve as an original filler for pies, bagels, cookies, pastries and pancakes. It can be used as a layer for a birthday cake, as a spread on a bun, or as a separate dish that is eaten with a spoon and washed down with tea.

Jam or jam is a preservation, so it will keep well until winter or even spring. And in the cold, you especially want to drink hot tea with lemon, cookies and delicious jam.

What do you need to make a simple jam or confiture?

The recipe says that to make the most elementary pear jam you will need:

  • two kilograms of pears;
  • one kilogram of sugar;
  • 10 grams of pectin;
  • half a teaspoon of citric acid;
  • 120 - 130 ml of water.

According to the recipe, you can get about 1.3 - 1.5 kilograms of finished jam from these ingredients.

Time for making confiture - 1.5 - 2 hours.

Step-by-step recipe for making pear jam

How else can you cook pears for the winter - a simple recipe

The pear is a versatile fruit. Therefore, from it you can cook a lot of delicious jams, compotes and jams.

There are various delicacies in recipe books: Greek pear jam, classic jam, pear jam with lemon, cinnamon and spices, in sugar syrup, with banana, nuts, berries, apples, whole, slices, in wine syrup, etc. d.

Another simple and delicious recipe is jam cooked in a slow cooker.

According to the recipe you will need:

  • one kilogram of pears;
  • 200 ml of water;
  • half a kilo of sugar.

Ripe fruits are peeled, damaged, seeds and tails are removed. The fruit pulp is cut into small pieces and sent to the multicooker bowl. Water and sugar are added.

First you need to turn on the "Extinguishing" mode for 15 - 20 minutes. The fruits will give their juice during this period. After that, you can switch to the "Baking" mode and continue cooking for another half an hour or forty minutes.

Important 15 minutes before the end of cooking, the jam must be mixed well so that it does not burn to the bottom of the bowl. Still hot jam is laid out in steamed jars and rolled up for the winter.

The combination of sweet fruit from citrus fruits - an unusual jam recipe

Often the fruit has a too sugary, sweet taste. Not all people like it, so some housewives recommend making jam from the addition of citrus fruits - orange, lime or lemon.

For example, as in this recipe for jam from whole pears with lemon.

According to the recipe for cooking, you will need the following ingredients:

  • kilogram of pears;
  • 500 - 600 grams of sugar;
  • a third of a lemon;
  • half a liter of water.

The most interesting thing about this recipe is that the pears are first baked in the oven, and then poured with syrup. As a result, halves of fruit in an unusual fragrant juice are obtained in a jar.

How to cook jam - step by step recipe

Bon appetit!

Fruits and berries


Pear jam in a slow cooker the easiest to cook. It will take you a little more than an hour to create such a treat and no additional effort. Despite the short cooking time, the jam will taste very thick and tasty, and pieces of sweet pear will also float in it. This effect is achieved thanks to the multicooker mode, in which we will boil this traditional treat. The amount of sugar can be adjusted independently and thereby determine how sweet the finished product will turn out.

Often, various spices, such as cinnamon or cloves, are added to jams and preserves in order to improve their taste. However, even the original taste of this treat will please you. A small amount of water will allow us to boil the jam so that it turns out to be moderately thick and viscous. You can leave the pears to infuse in sugar and then cook them exclusively in their own juice. A step-by-step photo recipe will clearly show you every step of cooking such a jam at home. You can use ready-made treats for serving with tea or for preparing other desserts. By the way, you can serve jam immediately after its creation. Let's start cooking delicious pear jam in a slow cooker for the winter.
