
Strawberry pudding from frozen berries. strawberry jelly

Kissels were cooked back in Rus'. They were prepared both as a drink and as an independent dish. Modern housewives do not forget about this amazing drink. Due to its beneficial properties, jelly is indicated for almost all people. It is well absorbed, normalizes digestion, fights dysbacteriosis, and for people suffering from gastritis, ulcers, colitis, it is just a godsend. This delicious drink is prepared quickly enough. The main thing is to have the right ingredients on hand ....


  • 100 g frozen strawberries__NEWL__
  • 100 g frozen blackcurrant__NEWL__
  • 6 tablespoons without sugar top__NEWL__
  • 3 heaping tablespoons potato starch__NEWL__
  • 2 liters of water__NEWL__

If you do not have frozen berries, you can take fresh, dried ones; various fruit juices, jams, preserves are ideal for jelly. And its useful properties will depend on what berries (fruits) you took as a basis. If you want jelly to have a laxative effect, cook it from mountain ash. Made from blueberries, it will have a binding effect, cranberry jelly will help in the fight against viral diseases.

We will have a very healthy drink, because it is brewed from two types of berries. So let's get started. We shift the frozen strawberries and currants into a saucepan, fill them with water and put on the stove over a high fire.

After about 3-4 minutes, when the water becomes warm, pour sugar into the pan, mix, and let the berry compote (this is not jelly yet) boil.

Reduce the heat and keep it on the stove for 10-15 minutes. While the berries are cooking, dissolve the starch in a small amount of water in a separate bowl.

By the way, it is not necessary to take potatoes. It can also be replaced with corn. After the compote is cooked, filter through cheesecloth.

Discard the boiled ugly berries, put the rest back on the fire and let it boil.

Then immediately pour in the diluted starch in a thin stream and mix quickly.

With the advent of summer, it becomes possible to cook delicious, healthy strawberry jelly. The drink completely preserves the aroma of the berry and the vitamin composition, due to the fact that it is brewed for only a few minutes. Kissel can be prepared liquid or thick, depending on the amount of starch and age preferences.

Beneficial features

If a person eats 7 kg of strawberries over the summer, he will completely heal the body, improve the functioning of the intestines, kidneys, purify the blood, get rid of extra pounds. Fresh strawberries are especially useful, but jelly prepared on its basis is considered no less useful than the berry itself. The vitamins contained in strawberries are useful for rheumatism, anemia, and diabetes.

The berry is able to strengthen the immune system and the walls of blood vessels, has anti-inflammatory, antifungal effects. The product can be used as a prophylactic agent for oncological diseases.

Strawberries are called the berry of youth, because it heals the body and is the best rejuvenating agent. To enhance the healing properties of jelly, a decoction of strawberry leaves is also used, which is very useful for improving health.

Universal jelly recipe

To make a delicious berry drink you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of strawberries;
  • 0.16 kg of sugar;
  • 3 art. l. starch;
  • 2.2 liters of water.

Strawberry jelly can be safely diluted with lemon, lime, vanilla zest. It is not necessary to use fresh berries, frozen ones are also suitable. The recipe involves the preparation of liquid jelly, but if you need to make it thicker, then you should increase the amount of starch.

Absolutely any berries (fresh, frozen) are suitable for the preparation of this drink. Frozen berries are just as flavorful as fresh ones. If there is jam, then it will make an excellent jelly, only sugar should be poured out at the end of the cooking process.


  1. If the berry is used fresh, then it must be washed under running water, remove the tails and dry.
  2. Starch diluted in 0.5 glass of cold water. For stirring, it is better to use a fork, pour starch in small portions, mixing thoroughly.
  3. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil.
  4. Pour sugar into boiled water, mix until completely dissolved. If there is zest, vanillin, then they are also added, boiling with syrup.
  5. Add strawberries and boil for 10 minutes.
  6. When mixing the compote, it is necessary to add diluted starch to it in a thin stream.
  7. Boil 2 minutes.
  8. Kissel with strawberries is served warm or chilled.

Recipe for children

It is not recommended to use jelly for children under 1 year old. It is best to give a drink 1-2 times a week, because because of the starch it turns out to be high-calorie, rich in carbohydrates. It is better to use jelly from fresh strawberries in the afternoon and only in a warm form.

The recipe for strawberry jelly is quite simple, you just need to prepare the following products:

  • 0.1 kg of strawberries (about 15 berries);
  • 0.3 l of water;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • starch - 1 tbsp. l.


  1. Wash strawberries and remove stems.
  2. Bring water to a boil. At this time, you can dilute 20 ml of cold water with starch.
  3. Grind strawberries with a blender. Add lemon juice to the resulting gruel, it will help the strawberries retain their bright color.
  4. When the water boils in a saucepan, add sugar, stirring constantly the starch. After 1 minute, pour the strawberries into the syrup and reduce the heat.
  5. The drink must be kept on fire for 1-2 minutes until thickened, not forgetting to stir.
  6. As soon as the jelly has cooled, pour into mugs and give to the child.

Kissel for the whole family

To prepare a drink you will need:

  • strawberries - 1 glass;
  • sugar to taste;
  • water - 2 l;
  • starch - 4 tbsp. l.


  1. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and put on high heat.
  2. Wash strawberries and cut into small pieces.
  3. Mix a third of a glass of cold water with starch.
  4. As soon as the water boils, strawberries should be added. After another 1 minute - starch, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  5. Kissel should boil for 3 minutes, it should be constantly stirred.

Strawberry jelly, the recipe of which will please with its simplicity and versatility, will appeal to the whole family.

Kissel from frozen berries

Not all housewives know how to cook strawberry jelly, but the method of preparing the drink is very simple. For this you need:

  • 200 g frozen berries;
  • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 l.


  1. Add the berries to a pot of water without defrosting them.
  2. As soon as the water warms up a little, sugar should be added.
  3. After the syrup boils, keep it on high heat for another 10 minutes. This will help to give the drink a bright aroma with a red color.
  4. Dissolve the starch in a small amount of water and slowly pour into the pan.
  5. Mix the drink thoroughly so that starch lumps do not form.
  6. After boiling again, hold the jelly on the stove for another 4 minutes and remove.
  7. When the drink has cooled down, you can serve it to the table.

A simple frozen strawberry jelly, the recipe of which does not take much time, will come in handy in the winter, when there are berries prepared in advance at hand.

Decoction of strawberry leaves

Not only the berry, but also its leaves are considered useful, because they contain vitamins that are in strawberries. A decoction of strawberry leaves has many beneficial properties and is an excellent cure for various ailments. Gargling with a decoction will help eliminate pharyngitis, sore throat. With inflammation of hemorrhoids, this decoction is often used, because it has a hemostatic effect.

To eliminate atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, urolithiasis, bronchitis, overwork, inflammation of the spleen, a decoction on strawberry leaves is suitable. It is necessary to pour 20 g of dry or fresh strawberry leaves with one glass of hot water, boil, and then set for two hours. Then it must be filtered and consumed three times a day, 1 tbsp. l.

A useful decoction of strawberries and its leaves can be used for deficiency of vitamin C, carotene, arrhythmia, heart failure. An alcoholic tincture of the leaves is also suitable for the treatment of such diseases. It is necessary to pour 1 tsp. leaves with a glass of vodka and rise for a week. Daily use 50 drops 2-3 times a day. A decoction will prove to be the best prevention of colds, especially for people with a weakened immune system.

As a complex treatment for colds, it is recommended to use a decoction of strawberry leaves and jelly from its berries.

Strawberries are a healthy, tasty product. Preparing jelly from berries is not difficult, and the drink will turn out to be as fragrant, tasty, healthy for the body as the strawberries themselves. Each housewife uses her own recipe, because she considers it the best, but in general, the method of preparing jelly is the same. It is especially useful to drink such a drink in the winter, when the risk of catching a cold increases, and with the help of jelly, you can protect the body from the onset of ailments.

In the summer heat, quite often there is a desire to drink something thick in order to combine eating and drinking at the same time, since people do not experience much appetite in the heat.

This task is perfectly handled by the traditional drink, which is familiar to each of us since kindergarten - strawberry jelly. Due to the fact that it contains berries, such a drink will not only taste good, but also quite useful for the body.

Kissel itself has been known in our country for a very long time - even in Soviet times, this drink invariably appeared on the tables of both kindergarten and school canteens, and was added to the diet of adults.

And this is not surprising, because starch, which is one of the main components of this drink, contains a large amount of carbohydrates, and berries will bring the necessary vitamins to your body, which is especially important when building nutrition for children.

Now in stores you can find a fairly large assortment of jelly, which is presented in the form of briquettes, for example, a drink of the Russian Product trademark.

But, of course, neither in taste nor in useful properties can such semi-finished products be compared with a drink prepared at home from fresh berries. So let's get down to cooking, and at the same time consider several jelly recipes at once!

Classic strawberry jelly


  • - 400 g + -
  • Potato starch- 2 tbsp. + -
  • - 3 tablespoons + -
  • — 1 l + -

How to cook strawberry jelly

  1. We are preparing a pot in which we will brew our drink. Pour water into it and put on a strong fire so that it boils faster. Covering the container with a lid will help speed up this process.
  2. We wash the berries under running water, remove the tails. We also need to examine them for the presence of perishable places, we cut them off with a knife and do the same with green places on the berries.
  3. In a separate deep bowl, we need to crush the berries. You can do this with a pusher, or you can use a regular spoon, although this will somewhat complicate the process.
  4. Pour sugar and starch here, then mix everything well so that the mass becomes more or less homogeneous.
  5. We shift the crushed berry mixture into boiling water, the fire should not be reduced, since we need to boil the water again. Do not forget to constantly stir our jelly.
  6. After waiting for the boil, turn off the fire and with the help of a ladle pour the hot drink into glasses. It can be consumed both hot and cold.

You can easily adjust the density of the drink, for example, if you like to literally eat jelly with a spoon, then put a little more starch. If, on the contrary, you are a supporter of liquid jelly, then reduce the amount of starch to one tablespoon.

This recipe will appeal to lovers of spicy drinks. The taste qualities of this variety of jelly are especially successful when hot.


  • Strawberries - 300 g;
  • Raisins - 1 tbsp;
  • Blackcurrant - 2 tablespoons;
  • Potato starch - 2 tablespoons;
  • White granulated sugar - 4 tablespoons;
  • Purified water - 1 l;
  • Cinnamon - ½ sticks;
  • Carnation - 3 flowers.
  1. We wash strawberries, currants and raisins under running water. We sort through each type of berry, removing spoiled parts and ponytails.
  2. Put strawberries and currants in a separate container, crush them similarly to the previous recipe.
  3. Pour starch, sugar, spices and raisins into the resulting mass, mix everything. Cinnamon must first be crushed.
  4. We put a pot of water on a strong fire and wait for it to boil.
  5. When the water begins to boil, immerse the spicy berry mixture in it and bring to a boil, stirring the liquid constantly.
  6. As soon as you notice that your jelly has begun to boil, remove the pan from the heat and pour the drink into portioned containers.

Lemon-strawberry jelly

We will cook this jelly for two servings, if you wish, you can proportionally increase the number of ingredients.


  • Strawberries - 100 g;
  • Purified water - 320 ml;
  • White granulated sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Lemon - ½ pcs;
  • Potato starch - 1 tsp

How to cook lemon-strawberry jelly

  1. Pour water into a saucepan and put on fire to boil. While the heating is going on, we will prepare our ingredients.
  2. In about 20 milliliters of cold water, we need to dilute the starch, it is better to do this immediately in a container into which we will add the rest of the ingredients.
  3. Wash strawberries, remove stems. We place the berries in a blender and grind well until all the berries turn into a liquid mass.
  4. We filter the resulting puree through a sieve, this must be done to remove the bones. If they don't bother you, you can skip this step.
  5. Wash the lemon and squeeze the juice from one half of it. About 1 teaspoon of lemon juice is enough for this recipe, but you can increase this amount if you like the sourness. Add juice to puree.
  6. Mix strawberry mass, diluted starch and sugar. We mix everything well.
  7. By this time, our water should already boil, pour the resulting mass into it.
  8. Constantly stirring the jelly, bring the drink to a boil again and at this moment remove the pan from the stove.

Strawberry jelly prepared according to this recipe is bright and very tasty. And due to the fact that we removed the berry stones from it, this drink will be highly appreciated by small children, who very often show discontent about this.

During the ripening season, strawberries should be eaten as much as possible. But, in addition to eating fresh berries, you can also prepare a delicious and healthy drink from childhood - fragrant strawberry jelly. See step by step recipe with photos.

All we need to implement our plan in the amount of one liter is:

  • Strawberries - 300-350 grams
  • Potato starch - 4 teaspoons
  • Citric acid - 1/4 teaspoon
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons (with top)

How to make strawberry jelly

First, put a pot of water on the stove. Water, of course, is better to use purified water. And while it will heat up and boil, let's deal with strawberries.
Let's sort through to identify low-quality specimens. Slightly crushed berries are quite suitable for making jelly.
Pick the sepals off the strawberries. Then put it in a colander and rinse well under running water.
By this time, the water will already boil. We place the berries in a saucepan and boil for 5-7 minutes.

Dissolve starch in a separate bowl with water. Mix thoroughly.

We remove the boiled strawberries with a slotted spoon.
Add sugar and citric acid to the strawberry broth (to enhance the taste). We try and, if necessary, make it sweeter (optional).
We twist a whirlpool in a saucepan (make a funnel) with a tablespoon.

Once again, stir the starch that has settled at the bottom of the cup and immediately introduce it into the strawberry broth in a thin stream, without ceasing to stir in a circle.

Bring to a boil and remove from heat. Strawberry jelly is ready.

500 gr strawberries,
2 liters of water
3 tbsp potato starch,
6 tbsp Sahara,
zest of half a lime (or lemon, orange)
half a vanilla pod.

For jelly, any fruits and berries are suitable. It turns out equally tasty from both fresh and frozen berries. To thicken the drink, starch is most often used. More often it is potato starch, less often corn and maize. Average ratio: 2 tablespoons of potato starch to 2 liters of water. I love thick jelly, so I add 3 tablespoons of starch. Kissel is served hot or cold, I like it cold, especially on a hot summer day when you don’t feel like eating, but you want something sweet and refreshing.


1. Cut off large strips of zest with a sharp knife. We only need a thin top layer of citrus, as the white part of it will be bitter. I can imagine how fragrant it will be with orange zest.

2. Bring water with sugar to a boil. Adjust the amount of sugar to your taste. Add strawberries, zest and vanilla pod to boiling water. I found the idea to add zest and vanilla to the compote in the book Le Cordon bleu "Dessert Technique". I must say that this small detail radically changes the taste, and most importantly, the aroma of compote.

3. While the compote is boiling, dilute the starch in a glass of cold water. Mix well so that no lumps remain.

4. When the compote boils, take out the berries and zest. And while stirring all the time, pour in the starch mixture in a thin stream.

5. Bring to a boil, turn off. Take out the vanilla pod. It is important to remember that jelly cannot be boiled, because after boiling the jelly will no longer be thick.

6. Everything! Cool slightly, or completely, as you like, and serve. Berries from compote can also be added to jelly, after grinding them in a blender, or left whole berries. I like transparent, without berries. Thick chilled jelly can also be served with pancakes, cheesecakes or ice cream.
