
Homemade baking. Culinary secrets of baking

Hello, dear readers and guests of the blog "Cooking fast and tasty." My kids are very fond of various pastries: pies, cakes, pastries and of course cookies. Sometimes even the most experienced hostesses there are troubles in the kitchen, pastries settling or proteins do not whip into a stable foam and some other problems. Today we will analyze how to prevent such annoying little things. We will also consider all the secrets of cooking: air biscuit, sand and choux pastry. So, let's begin...

One of the most important and most common problems for hostesses is settling of baked goods during baking.

Dough settling when baking may be due to:

  1. The use of fluid in more than indicated in the recipe. Therefore, when baking a cake, the cake is very important to use beaker.
  2. Long whipping with a mixer or blender of products.

Egg whites do not whip into a stable white foam :

  1. Whipping utensils must be completely dry.
  2. Separate the whites from the yolks very carefully so that the yolk does not get into the protein.
  3. Proteins must be chilled.

Yeast dough not rising:

  1. The kitchen is too cool, below +22 degrees.
  2. Milk in which yeast is bred should be heated to +36 degrees.
  3. Expired yeast.

To the cookies didn't stick to the baking sheet it should be baked on parchment paper.

The finished curd product settles:

  1. In the center of the form you need to put a little more dough than at the edges of the form.
  2. At the end of baking, leave the finished curd product in the oven, without opening the door, until the oven has completely cooled down.

cooking secrets fluffy biscuit:

  1. The form for baking a biscuit must be generously lubricated with butter or vegetable oil.
  2. Biscuit whites should be cold and separating the whites from the yolks very carefully so that the yolk does not get into the white.
  3. Sift the flour through a sieve, perhaps even several times.
  4. Pledge of magnificent biscuit - correct sequence adding ingredients.
  5. Do not knead the dough for a long time.
  6. Ready dough you need to carefully shift into the form, it should not exceed 60% of the height of the form, since the biscuit rises strongly.
  7. It is necessary to put the dough in hot oven at a temperature of about 180 degrees.
  8. Cook a biscuit for about 30-40 minutes, in the first 20 minutes you can not open the oven door, otherwise it will settle.
  9. We check the readiness of the biscuit wooden skewer, it must be dry.
  10. We leave the biscuit in the form until it cools completely, only then carefully transfer it to a plate.

Shortcrust pastry secrets:

  1. Ingredients for shortcrust pastry must be chilled in advance.
  2. Be sure to sift the flour on a table or board.
  3. The thickness of the rolled dough should not be thicker than 1 cm.
  4. The baking dish does not need to be lubricated, since the dough already contains a large number of oils.
  5. The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees.
  6. Poke several holes with a fork over the entire area of ​​the cake.
  7. The readiness of the cake or cookies is determined by the golden yellow color.

Secrets of making custard dough:

  1. You need to brew the dough in boiling salted water, in which it is already melted butter.
  2. Add eggs in order warm dough.
  3. To prevent lumps from forming in the dough, the egg must be thoroughly mixed, only then add another.
  4. The finished dough should be sticky.
  5. Grease a baking sheet with oil.
  6. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. After 15-20 minutes of cooking, the temperature is reduced to 150 degrees. We continue to cook for about 15 minutes.

I hope these tips help you prepare. delicious pastries!!!

Sincerely, Marina

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Every business has its secrets, and even in such a subtle one as cooking good test, there are countless of them! We will share some of them with you.

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1. Always add diluted potato starch- rolls and pies will be lush and soft even the next day. Main condition delicious pies- lush, well-risen dough: the flour for the dough must be sifted: foreign impurities are removed from it, and it is enriched with atmospheric oxygen

2. In any dough (except for dumplings, puff, custard, shortbread), that is, dough for pies, pancakes, bread, pancakes - always add “zhmenu” (about a tablespoon with a slide) semolina to half a liter of liquid. The nuns taught: “Earlier, the highest quality bread was cooked from grains. It did not dry out for a long time and was lush. Now there is no grain. Now add the semolina menu and there will always be good pastries." This is such invaluable advice.



3. Add to the dough, in addition to milk, half a glass of mineral water. Dilute a teaspoon of soda in half a glass of water and lightly extinguish it with citric acid or vinegar.
Baking really turns out great. Even the rest of the next day is fluffy.

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4. There should be no draft in the room where the dough is cut: it contributes to the formation of very dense crust on the pie.



5. When kneading yeast dough all food should be warm or at room temperature, food from the refrigerator slows down the rise of the dough

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6. For yeast products, the liquid should always be heated to 30-35ºС, as yeast fungi in a liquid having a lower or higher temperature, lose their activity



7. When you knead the dough, your hands should be dry.

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8. Before putting the products in the oven, they are allowed to come up for 15-20 minutes. Let the dough rest completely before baking. With incomplete proofing, it rises poorly and the pies do not bake for a long time.

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9. Bake pies on a baking sheet over medium heat so that the filling does not dry out.

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10. It is best to add unmelted butter to the dough (yeast and fresh-baked), as melted butter worsens the structure of the dough.

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11. Pies cooked in milk are more tasty and fragrant, the crust after baking is shiny with a beautiful color.



12. Yeast for dough should be fresh, with a pleasant alcoholic smell. Check yeast beforehand. To do this, prepare a small portion dough and sprinkle with a layer of flour. If no cracks appear after 30 minutes, the quality of the yeast is poor.

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13. With an excess of sugar in the dough, the pies quickly “blush” and even burn. The fermentation of the yeast dough slows down, and the pies are less fluffy



14. Fats, softened to the density of sour cream, are added at the end of kneading the dough or when it is kneaded, this improves the fermentation of the dough

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15. To make the finished pies more tender and crumbly, put only the yolks in the dough

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16. Tall pies are baked over low heat so that they bake evenly.

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17. Fats, softened to the density of sour cream, are added at the end of kneading the dough or when it is kneaded, this improves the fermentation of the dough

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18. To make the finished pies more tender and crumbly, put only the yolks in the dough.

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19. The dough for a pie baked on a baking sheet is rolled out as thin as possible so that the taste of the filling is well felt.

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20. To keep the bottom of the pie dry, lightly sprinkle the bottom layer of the pie with starch, and then lay out the filling.

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21. Neither the dough nor the dough should be allowed to stand, as this causes a deterioration in the quality of the dough. 3 hours is enough, but always warm.

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22. Pies made from yeast dough can be greased with milk, and if desired, sprinkled with salt, poppy seeds, caraway seeds.

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23. closed pies smeared before baking with beaten egg, milk, sugar water. Thanks to this, an appetizing gloss appears on the finished cake. The best gloss is obtained when lubricated with yolks.



24. Cakes that sprinkle powdered sugar, are also lubricated with oil - it gives them a pleasant aroma.

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25. Pies, greased egg white, acquire a shiny golden crust during baking.

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26. The more fat and less liquid in the dough, the more crumbly the products are.

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27. If you put soda into the dough, then the cake will turn out to be darker in color with bad smell.


These simple advice useful to every housewife who loves to pamper her loved ones with good pastries.

  1. The dough will bake better if you leave an empty space on the baking sheet around the cake.
  2. Thinly rolled dough is difficult to transfer to a sheet. Sprinkle the dough with flour, roll onto a rolling pin, transfer and unfold over a baking sheet - the dough will not tear. Iron sheets on which to bake butter dough, do not grease, it is better to moisten slightly with water.
  3. If your oven is not yet ready, and the dough has already risen, cover it with paper well moistened with water.
  4. Don't put the cake in hot oven otherwise it will be hard on the outside and raw on the inside. You need to preheat the oven, but bake the cake at a moderate temperature. finished cake without taking it out of the mold, put it on a wet, cold towel - then it will easily come out of the mold. After that, immediately transfer it to a sieve to cool. Do not take out the cold - it can settle.
  5. So that when baking fruit cake the dough "did not run away", stick a few pasta into the pie - the juice will rise up through these "pipes" and the oven will remain clean.
  6. For education on the product golden brown before baking, the prepared dough should be greased with milk or fat, egg, sweet or salted water. After baking, it is immediately recommended to grease it with butter and cover with a towel, leaving it to cool on a wooden cutting board.
  7. You can also sprinkle the surface of the cake with crushed breadcrumbs, semolina, large mealy-oily sweet crumbs, known as "streisel", before baking. For streysvl, you need to take 1 tablespoon of flour, 1 tablespoon of sand, 1 egg yolk and 20 g of butter and mix the chilled products well until crumbs form.
  8. For sweet pies or cakes, you can prepare truffle topping: 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar are heated to a temperature of 40 ° C, 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder and 20 g of butter are added. Slightly chilled products are mixed well and, when the mass becomes thick and plastic, rub it through a sieve with medium cells or a colander.
  9. The biscuit roll should be wrapped immediately after you have taken the cake out of the oven, placing it on a napkin sprinkled with sugar. Quickly brush the tortilla with jam, chocolate, poppy seeds, nuts or any other topping and quickly wrap it up with a napkin.
  10. The cake will settle if it is not baked enough. You need to bake it in a warm, but not hot oven at a moderate temperature.
  11. Close the oven door carefully, without slamming it, otherwise the cake will settle.
  12. The dough will become gelatinous if the oven is not hot enough or if the dough has not risen enough.
  13. Bake puff pastry products in the oven at a moderate temperature on a baking sheet moistened with water, not greased. Prick the surface of the cake with a fork, but do not grease with an egg, otherwise the dough will harden and not rise during baking.
  14. When baking muffins - buns, cookies, muffins, rolls, cake layers - lay on the bottom of the mold or baking sheet parchment paper, greasing it with butter (margarine). Then it will be easy to turn hot roll, remove the cakes and cake from the mold, and the dishes will remain clean.
  15. When baking apple pie roll out the dough into an even layer about 0.5 cm thick, put it on a baking sheet, evenly sprinkling through a strainer with 1 tablespoon of starch. Then put on the dough grated on coarse grater apples (without skin) with lightly squeezed juice, sprinkled granulated sugar. The surface of the pie can be greased with a beaten egg.
  16. small tin cans from under canned food, if the top cover is cut neatly and smoothly, it can be used as molds for baking confectionery (cakes).
  17. To make the bottom of the pie rise and dry, lightly sprinkle the bottom layer of the pie with starch, and then lay out the filling.
  18. So that the crust of the biscuit, Easter cake, cake does not dry out during baking, a vessel with water is placed in the oven.
  19. In order for the cake, biscuit, cupcake to bake evenly, preheat the oven to a moderate temperature. Place the mold on the bottom rack. Even if you need to turn the form, do not rush to open the oven, as the dough may settle from a sudden change in temperature.
  20. So that the dough does not burn when baking in the oven, you need to pour a little salt under the forms.
  21. The readiness of the cake, cake, cookies is checked with a splinter stuck in the product. If the splinter is dry, then it is time to remove the product from the oven.
  22. Lightly press on a biscuit or pie with a finger. If the hole immediately disappears, the product is ready.
  23. To take out easily ready product from the form, you must first grease it, lightly sprinkle with flour or breadcrumbs, hold for several minutes in the cold and only after that put the dough into it. You can lay foil or parchment paper on the bottom of the mold, lubricating it with fat. If the product is still difficult to lag behind the walls, place the mold on a cloth that you pre-moisten cold water.

This article contains "grandmother's secrets" of making dough, tasty and other useful culinary tips hostesses. And despite the fact that these secrets have been around for many years, they are still relevant. Each hostess will definitely learn something new from them.

These helpful tips sent by reader Larisa Chernykh, who collected them from the Soviet cookbooks and judging by her wonderful recipes successfully applied in practice.

  • Flour must be sifted through a sieve before use. It is saturated with air, and the products are more magnificent.
  • If you need to dilute the flour, for example, in water or milk, gradually pour the liquid into the flour and stir, and not vice versa.
  • Use for kneading the dough, if possible, water specially chilled in the refrigerator.
  • Pour 30-40 grams into the dough prepared for vegetable oil and stir so you don't need to re-grease the pan when baking pancakes.
  • Yeast dough will not stick to your hands if you first rub a few drops of vegetable oil into the skin of your hands.
  • The more fat in the dough and less liquid, the more crumbly the products are.
  • If starch is added to the dough (on soda), then the finished products become crumbly.
  • Biscuit dough it is necessary to knead very carefully and not for long, as it will settle, and it will turn out not lush. Biscuit dough cannot be stored. Once kneaded, bake immediately. If you bake several in turn biscuit cakes put the dough in the refrigerator.
  • When making shortbread dough, it is recommended to mix flour with other products for no longer than 2-3 minutes, otherwise a “tight” dough will form, the products from which will be hard.
  • Lack of sugar in shortcrust pastry negatively affects the finished products: they are hard and slightly crumbly.
  • If products are prepared with fragrant filling, then there is no need to flavor the dough itself.
  • With an excess of sugar in the dough, the baked products quickly “blush” and even burn. With a lack of sugar, the products turn out to be “pale”.
  • If soda is transferred to the dough, then the product turns out to be dark in color, with an unpleasant odor and taste.
  • In order for the soda to be completely neutralized, when kneading the dough, it is necessary to add to it citric acid, after dissolving it in water (or lemon juice). Such a dough cannot be stirred for a long time, as it quickly compacts and does not fit well.
  • The dough must be kneaded in an absolutely clean bowl so that there are no foreign smells and tastes in it.
  • Before putting the raisins in the dough, it must be cleaned of the stalks, washed and dried on a clean napkin. If this is not done, then voids form in the dough around wet berries, which spoil the product.
  • The surface of the table on which the dough is cut is recommended to be greased with vegetable oil or sprinkled with flour. Then the dough will not stick to the table.
  • The dough, when not kneaded very tightly, always sticks to the hands. But it rolls well with a bottle filled with cold water.
  • Thinly rolled dough can be easily transferred to a sheet if the dough is lightly sprinkled with flour and screwed onto a rolling pin, and unrolled on a baking sheet.
  • Before pinching dumplings or dumplings, lightly moisten the edges of the cakes.
  • The dishes in which the dough was washed first with cold and then with hot water.

  • So that the dough does not burn when baking in the oven, sprinkle a little salt under the mold or substitute a frying pan filled with water.
  • never bake on high heat. In a hot oven, the outer part of it will become hard, but inside it will remain raw. To prevent this from happening, you must preheat the oven, but do not heat it up, and bake the cake at a moderate temperature.
  • Do not shake or move the baking sheet or mold while baking cakes or other products.
  • During baking or any dough products, the oven must not be opened for the first 10 minutes, as the dough will settle and not turn out magnificent.
  • If any part of the pie starts to burn, cover it with oiled paper.
  • For baking yeast non-rich products, the temperature should be 250-270 degrees, rich - 220-240 degrees, nut rolls - 180-200 degrees. Products from biscuit dough baked at a temperature of 200-220 degrees, from puff - 250-260, from sand - 220-240 degrees.
  • You should know that small products withstand higher temperatures and bake faster than large ones.
  • If there is no thermometer in the oven, then approximately the temperature can be determined by throwing a pinch of flour there. If the flour turns yellow and darkens after 30 seconds, this means that the temperature in the oven or oven is approximately 220-240 degrees. If the flour thrown into the oven instantly. charred, the temperature reaches about 270-280 degrees. When the flour turns yellow gradually, this indicates that the temperature in the oven is 180-200 degrees.
  • Before baking, puff pastry products must be cooled in the refrigerator, but not frozen. Lay the prepared products on a baking sheet moistened with cold water, without lubricating it with oil. Place products in a hot oven (not lower than 250 degrees) chilled.

Finished dough products

  • The readiness of the baked product can be easily determined by piercing it with a thin wooden splinter: if the product is ready, the removed splinter will be dry, and if not ready, dough particles will remain on the removed splinter.
  • The finished baked product is slightly behind the edges of the mold. If the product is not baked, then it fits snugly to the edges of the mold.
  • The baked dough is easier to take out of the mold if it cools a little and then takes it out.
  • Products from, which rise perfectly during baking, after removing them from oven, quickly settle. Drafts should be avoided.
  • If it burns, let it cool down, and then carefully rub it over it several times. fine grater and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.
  • After the cake is taken out of the oven, it must be kept in the kitchen, and not taken out to the cold so that it does not settle.
  • To cut crumbly cake, it is necessary to heat the knife by lowering it into boiling water.
  • Stuffed will taste better if it stands for at least half a day.

Glaze, cream

  • Icing for cakes and cookies can be dyed red with beet juice, yellow with carrot or orange juice.
  • To get a smooth surface when placing the icing on the cake, you need to dip the knife in hot water and quickly smooth the icing. Before pouring the icing on the cake, it is recommended to lightly sprinkle it with starch. This will keep the frosting from spreading.
  • The glazed product does not get stale for a long time and therefore is well preserved.
  • If the sour cream used for the cream is liquid, then you need to pour it into gauze, and put the gauze in a colander. Place the colander on the pot. Close it all with a lid and put it in the refrigerator. Leave for 5-7 hours. excess water will drain during this time, the sour cream will become thick and will be easy to beat. From such sour cream you can make a cream for.


  • Walnuts for cakes and pastries are recommended to be slightly ignited in the oven before use, which makes them taste good.
  • Walnuts go rancid quickly, so they should be stored in a cool, dry place.
  • In order to remove the thin brown shell from the almonds, put them in boiling water for a few seconds. If the shell of the almond separates when pressed with the fingers, it is immediately removed from the water, otherwise the quality of the nuts will deteriorate.

  • Breading should be done immediately before deep-frying, otherwise the breading will get wet, and the finished product will not have the proper look and taste.
  • Fat spatters less if you sprinkle a little salt into the pan.
  • Before frying pancakes, rub the pan with salt (only if it is not coated with a non-stick or Teflon coating).
  • To make the pies rosy and soft, as well as fried inside, they should be fried in a closed pan.
  • To get more fragrant, in vegetable oil or vegetable fat you can add melted butter (for 1 kg of vegetable oil 300 g of melted butter, and for 1 kg of margarine - 200 gr.).
  • Butter will not darken when frying if you first grease the pan with vegetable oil.
  • Do not overheat vegetable oil when frying food. This will not provide any benefit, but will reduce culinary qualities the finished product, as too hot oil, vegetable fat or margarine starts to smoke and gives the fried product an unpleasant smell of smoke and a taste of bitterness.

  • If olive or sunflower oil has become cloudy or it has an unpleasant odor, you need to put it in oil table salt based on 1 liter of oil 1 teaspoon of salt. After 3 days, the oil must be poured into another vessel, and at the bottom of the first one will remain cloudy sediment With salt.
  • It is good to hold dried mushrooms for several hours in salted milk, then the mushrooms will become as fresh.
  • The curd may be raw. Raw cottage cheese wrap in gauze or a napkin, put on a plank, pressing down with a load. Excess liquid will flow out.
  • The peel from apples is easily removed if they are dipped in boiling water for 2-3 seconds.
  • If the zest from a lemon, orange, tangerine has to be removed by hand, then this must be done with a grater.
  • Lemon and peels can be stored long months in a closed metal or polyethylene lid glassware in sugar.
  • A saucepan in which milk was boiled is easier to wash if poured into it for a while cold water.
  • If the milk in the saucepan is burnt, sprinkle the bottom of the saucepan with salt and let it sit for 1-2 hours. Then rub with a plastic vehkot (washcloth).

I was baking a biscuit and looked on the Internet for some questions. I found a list with very useful, necessary information about baking. I share with you!

The biscuit is ready when it becomes soft and well behind the wooden skewer.

The biscuit will not fall off if, after baking, turn it over onto a kitchen rack and let it cool without removing it from the mold.

The biscuit must be removed from the mold when it cools down, and after baking, the yeast dough pies are immediately laid out and cooled without a mold.

A biscuit cake will not dry out if you put a cut apple in a cardboard box with it.

Baking paper will not warp if you grease a baking sheet with oil, and then put paper on it and press it down.

In a cake with one cake, you should bend the edges of the dough so that the filling does not leak out. In a two-layer cake, the raised edges are fastened together. To get a simple edge, evenly raise the edges of the dough along the perimeter of the side of the pan, flush with it. Dip the tines of a fork in flour and gently press the inside of the dough in a circle. (This can also be done with the rounded part of the spoon). To make a simple scallop, lift the edge of the pastry 1-1.5cm around the edge of the pan. Grab the outer part of the rim of the cake with the fingers of your right hand. Pull the dough towards the center of the pie with your index finger, pressing outward from the center of the pan with your left thumb to form a V-shape. Repeat this action around the edge of the pie.

IN berry pies there should not be too much filling - the cake will turn out wet, the juice will flow. Five large apples or a glass of berries is enough for one pie. It is recommended to sprinkle the finished cake with powdered sugar.

When baking pies in the oven, the top sometimes cooks faster than the bottom and may burn. To prevent this from happening, the top of the pie must be covered with paper soaked in water.

Products should be baked on evenly greased baking sheets, sheets, in forms, otherwise the products will stick to them.

The baked product should be kept on a baking sheet or in a mold until it cools, only then take it out and decorate.

Baking will gain golden color, if 10 minutes before readiness to grease it a small amount warm milk.

A high biscuit is usually cut into 2-3 cakes along. It is necessary that the baked biscuit cools down completely. From the sides of the biscuit, make notches with a knife. Take a thick thread, fold it in half, lay it in notches, cross the ends of the thread in front of you and pull them in different sides. Then the cake will cut evenly.

A hot dough product should be poured with cold syrup, and a cooled one should be hot.

Hot cake is better not to cut. But if this still needs to be done, it is recommended to hold the knife in hot water and then quickly wipe and cut.

Ready-made flour products from yeast dough cannot be left on baking sheets for a long time, since the lower crust of the products becomes wet and acquires the smell of a metal sheet.

Finished cake you can’t immediately take it out into the cold, as it can settle from a sharp temperature drop.

To bake a frozen cake, preheat the oven. Unwrap the pie, place the pan or pie tin on a baking sheet and cut holes in the top layer (if the pie has two layers). Bake the cake unfrosted, adding 15-20 minutes to the baking time indicated in the recipe.

To freeze a baked cake, cool completely after baking and wrap tightly in cellophane. It can be stored frozen for up to three months. Defrost at room temperature within 30 minutes. Unwrap the cake and "cheer up" it for 30 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°C.

To prepare a variety of puddings, casseroles and dough products, either special forms or pots and deep pans are used. In order for the finished product to have a beautiful, evenly fried surface, would not stick to the mold and would not deform when removed from it, the mold must be lubricated with an even layer of fat. For lubrication of forms, odorless fat is most suitable - pork melted lard, refined vegetable oil or ghee.

In order for the cakes to come out of the mold well and easily, it must be lubricated with cold butter and sprinkled with flour.

The oven must be preheated for 10-15 minutes before putting dough products into it.

If the oven has desired temperature, do not frequently open the cabinet door before fully prepared baked product.

If ready pie stuck to the baking sheet, you need to hold the baking sheet over the steam or wrap it for a few minutes with a damp towel.

If the cookies are burnt during baking, you need to cool them, then rub them several times with a fine grater and sprinkle with powdered sugar on top.

If the cake in the oven starts to burn on one side, you need to put a bowl of water under the baking sheet.

If the cake does not come out of the mold, put it in cold water for a few seconds or hold it over steam.

If the cake is stuck to the pan, take a string and run it under the cake.

If the soufflé is in the oven, do not open the door. Otherwise, under the action of the air flow, the soufflé will fall off.

If the dough burns in the oven, place a fireproof bowl of water in it.

If the dough has risen and the oven has not yet warmed up, you can stop the dough from rising by covering it with well-dampened paper.

Freezing not yet baked fruit pies keeps them fresh taste. Prepare the fruit filling as usual, adding an extra spoonful of "thickener" per pie. Close the pie with the second cake, but do not cut holes in it. Wrap the cake in cellophane and freeze. In this form, the cake can be stored for up to three months.

Dried cookies will become soft again if you put them in an airtight jar and add a piece of apple.

Dough products must first be greased with oil, and then sprinkled with sugar, and not vice versa, otherwise the sugar will dissolve and be absorbed into the oil.

The baked cake cannot be immediately removed from the mold, you need to let it cool slightly. But you can’t leave it on the baking sheet for a long time - this makes the cake wet and smells of iron.

Baked dough is easier to remove from the mold if it cools a little.

The quality of baking a product can be determined by its weight: the lighter, the better baked.

The cake crust must not be baked at high temperature, since it will burn on top, and the middle will remain raw; bake at a moderate temperature, preheating the oven.

Crackers will stay crisp when placed in an airtight container and refrigerate.

You can only fill cakes with a thick, cooled cream. IN chocolate buttercream cocoa powder is introduced along with vanilla powder at the end of whipping.

Do not be afraid to deviate from a strict recipe, experiment; if some components are missing, try replacing them with others.

It is not necessary to oil the sheet on which the pastry is baked - it is better to moisten the sheet with water. In order for the dough to bake better, it is not necessary to roll it over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sheet.

Do not put the cake in a hot oven, otherwise it will be hard on the outside and raw on the inside. Preheat the oven, but do not heat it up, bake the cake over low heat. The finished cake, without removing it from the mold, put it on a wet cold towel, and it will easily come out of the mold. Do not take out the cake in the cold - it can settle.

Do not put the cake immediately in the oven - let it rise for 15-20 minutes. He will rise, become more magnificent. After that lubricate it raw egg and bake.

Do not slam the oven door - the cake may settle.

Do not brush the edges of puff pastry with an egg - they will harden during baking and the dough will not rise.

Never try new recipe on the eve of the holiday, because something may not work out, and then you will be disappointed. It is better to try out the recipe you like in advance, and if everything works out, you can safely bake for guests.

Adds a special shine to baked goods egg yolks. Lubricate the dough with a soft brush evenly so as not to wrinkle the product and so that the grease does not drain onto the sheets.

Before baking, the dough must be completely spaced; with incomplete proofing, it does not rise well, and products from it do not bake for a long time.

Allow the cake to cool before cutting. If this is not possible, then you need to warm the knife in hot water, wipe it off and quickly cut the cake.

It is easy to remove the cake from the mold if you immediately put it on a wet rag from the oven.

The cake can be originally decorated with scraps of dough. Blind the scraps, re-roll the dough and cut it with decorative notches of various shapes. Brush the rim of the pie pan, or the top layer if the pie has two layers, with beaten egg or water, and arrange the dough figures nicely, pressing them down lightly.

The cake will not burn if you put a sheet with coarse salt sprinkled on it under the baking sheet with the dough.

Pies will not dry out for a long time if they are kept in earthenware covered with a napkin.

A potato cut in half and planted on a fork can serve as a shaving brush for greasing the pan when baking pancakes.

Donuts and pies are best fried in this mixture: 30% lard, the same amount of beef and 40% vegetable oil.

Before putting the cake in the oven, you need to let it rise for 15-20 minutes, then grease with egg white.

When baking air cookies(meringue) on a baking sheet, be sure to put a sheet of clean paper.

When baking flour products with fillings containing a lot of moisture, in the initial period, the oven door needs to be slightly opened to release the steam accumulated in the cabinet.

When baking pies, grease the form with fat and sprinkle with semolina. So the dough will not stick to the walls, and when it is baked, it will easily move away from the mold.

When preparing a soufflé, grease only the bottom of the mold. The walls of the form can only be greased up to the middle of the height, otherwise the soufflé will fall off.

A sliced ​​cake will stay fresh longer if stored in a container with an apple slice.

The crumbly cake is easy to cut if you dip the knife in boiling water for a minute.

Sweet dishes always only complement lunch or dinner; they should not cause feelings of oversaturation.

Souffle is best cooked in a water bath. It turns out especially tender.

The soufflé is greatly increased in volume. Therefore, the form must be filled to 3/4 of the height.

The soufflé expands well if you put a small pot of water in the oven along with the soufflé.

Warm air cupcake cut with a hot knife - then it will not wrinkle. You can use a thick thread or fishing line: taking it with both hands, carefully separate the desired piece.

The dough will bake better if you leave voids around the cake on the baking sheet.

Flour products will have a beautiful golden brown, if 5-10 minutes before baking, grease them with a beaten egg or yolks. This should be done with a soft brush and very carefully so as not to wrinkle the product.

Packed in packs and boxes confectionery stay fresh for a long time.

Bread will stay fresh longer if you put a piece of apple in the bread box. Bread and rolls can also be kept fresh longer by keeping them in the freezer.

Stale pies and bread can be refreshed by soaking them in water and heating them in the oven.

To make the biscuit easily removed from the mold, it is recommended to line the bottom and walls with parchment.

To make the top and bottom crusts of the baked pie soft, you need to put it on a soft napkin and cover it tightly on top. If the crust of the pie is very dry, you need to put it on a damp cloth, and cover it with a dry one on top.

In order not to grease the pan when baking pancakes, you need to pour a little vegetable oil into the prepared dough and mix (one tablespoon of oil per 2 kg of dough).

To determine the readiness of the dough without removing the product from the oven, just stick a thin wooden match into the dough and immediately remove it; if there is dough on the match, then the product has not yet been baked.

To refresh dried-up buns or cookies, you need to put them on a baking sheet and sprinkle with water, or dip them in milk for a second, then place the baking sheet on a large vessel with water and put them in the oven for several minutes. Under the influence of steam, the products will become as fresh. You can dip the buns in milk and place in a slightly heated oven.

To keep the cake soft and fluffy - while it is still hot - cover it with a thick cloth.

To make the cake delicious, the first 15 minutes you can not open the oven.

So that the cottage cheese pie does not settle after baking, you need to carefully remove it from the oven and cut it 2 cm deep around the perimeter of the mold.

To prevent the pies from drying out, it is better to store them in earthenware covered with a napkin or in a plastic bag.

In order to avoid swelling and tearing when baking kulebyaks and rolls, the products must be pierced in 2-3 places.

So that when preparing pie with two or three types of fillings, the bottom layer on the inside does not turn out to be wet, you first need to put a less wet filling on the dough, and on it a more juicy one - meat, fish or mushroom - seasoned thick sauce. For this, on the dough for minced meat and sometimes they put very thin pancakes baked from unleavened dough.

To cut hot pie, you must first hold the knife in hot water and wipe it quickly.

To layered cake With fruit filling better baked, you need to pierce the bottom layer of dough in several places.

So that the dough does not burn when baking in the oven, pour a little salt under the form.

To find out if the cake is ready, you need to stick a wooden stick into it. If the stick is dry, the cake is ready.
