
Jelly-like blackcurrant jam measured in glasses. Recipe for blackcurrant jam for the winter with vanilla

Blackcurrant does not need to be boiled for a long time, it is well stored, but how to cook blackcurrant jam so that it is thick and at the same time preserves everything useful material? Now I will tell you the secret of blackcurrant jam quick boil to make it jelly-like.

I still remember when my mother first made this jam when I was a child. It was then somehow fashionable, unusual, my mother learned the recipe from a friend. And the very name "five minutes", and the fact that it turned out like jelly - it all seemed like a miracle. All in all, this is mine. favorite jam from currant.

When we cook currant jam, we do not lay all the sugar at once, you need to leave a portion of sugar to add it at the very end of cooking, then you get a jelly-like consistency. Here is such a focus.
Blackcurrant jam five-minute jelly is a completely untroubled preparation, and in winter it will save you from colds and improves immunity and mood.
So, let's figure out exactly how much and when you need sugar for five-minute blackcurrant jam, here's the recipe.

How to cook blackcurrant jam for five minutes - jelly-like

black currant - 2 liters
granulated sugar– 2 liters
Water - 0.5 liters
1. First, prepare the berries, carefully sort and rinse. This is the most difficult and longest stage.

To get the daily intake of vitamin C, 20 blackcurrants are enough, and it contains twice as much potassium as bananas.
Blackcurrant is one of the most useful berries, and five-minute jelly jam will fully preserve these properties. We looked at how to cook blackcurrant jam, if you also have redcurrant, then the jam is cooked according to the same principle, only take 300 grams more sugar, since redcurrant is more acidic.

Hello gentlemen!

It's already the middle of summer, which again presents us with gifts. Berries are ripening on the bushes, and we make blanks from them. IN last time rolled up in banks and. And today I propose to cook delicious blackcurrant jam with a slight sourness.

I, like any hostess, really like this dessert, because it turns out like jam. And most importantly, it has a thick and jelly-like consistency, all because it has a special cooking technology. Moreover, basically all the recipes are designed for the fact that you will spend a cool result, and it will not take so much time.

Often I am flooded with memories of my childhood, where my grandmother and mother always cooked it according to the recipe for 5 minutes. Now nothing much has changed, it is this option that remains one of the favorite and best.

But, before you start, you should stock up on sugar and a large bucket of currants. It is also necessary to take a convenient and deep container in which you will cook the berries. It can be an enamel bowl or a stainless steel pan.

And if you want unusual notes in taste, then add any other fruits to the black berry. For example, it can be bananas, oranges, raspberries, and even gooseberries. You can also close currant jam from different varieties, because as you know, the fruits can be red, black and white. Get the original trio.

Well, everything needs to be prepared for work, now let's move on to cooking.

You will be pleasantly surprised when you cook using this simple technology and see jam in a jar that will remind you of jelly. Fast and very tasty, in just a couple of minutes you can close a large number of blanks.

By the way this recipe I already painted in my other article when they did and said that it is universal and has been tested for years.

Do not forget about the proportions, as elsewhere they are taken 1 to 1. I decipher in this case this means that if you took one glass of currants, then the same amount of granulated sugar will be required. If we translate this into kilograms, it will come out something like this, 1.250 g of granulated sugar is spent per 1 kg of berries.

We will need:

  • black or red currant - 3 tbsp.
  • granulated sugar - 3 tbsp.
  • water - 0.5 or 1 tbsp.


1. You will need clean jars for work. Wash them first baking soda, and then boil or hold over steam.

2. Place currants in an enameled deep bowl. Take the berries ripe and elastic, without visible damage. Wash in cold water from the tap. Next, squeeze out any excess moisture and start cooking.

3. Move to the stove, pour in a glass of water, you can take a little less. Turn on the flame and bring to a boil.

4. Boil exactly 15 minutes. Remove from stove and immediately add sugar. which will dissolve almost instantly. It is best to stir with a wooden spatula.

5. When all the grains of sugar have dissolved, let stand for a while and rest with jam. Then pour it into jars and screw on the lids.

If you pour it in a very hot form, then the berries will separate from the syrup and you will get such a picture, in one place it is empty, and in another it is thick.

By the way, it is very convenient to pour a delicacy with a funnel.

6. From this amount of ingredients came out 6 jars or 1.5 liters. Cool. It is after complete cooling that the jam will acquire the desired consistency, it will look like jelly. Store in a cool place.

Thick blackcurrant jam (jelly) through a meat grinder - recipe without cooking

Honestly, I would give the second name to this dish - currant jam without pits and skins. Such a preparation can be made even in its raw form, at least, as they say, still alive. That is, you can grind large and small berries with sugar and place in jars or freeze.

And you can do it in a different way, but how, right now you will see.

We will need:

  • currant - 2 kg
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg


1. Take right amount berries and rinse well in a colander. Let all liquid drain. Then transfer to a meat grinder or use a blender, and better juicer. You will get such a fragrant puree.

2. Please pass the resulting mass through a strainer so that it is homogeneous. This will allow you to get rid of the skins and seeds.

3. Pour the mixture into a saucepan and heat over low heat until the first bubbles appear. Then add sugar, take it 1 to 1, that is, if the jam turned out to be about 1 kg, then add the same amount of sugar.

4. Stir constantly until the grains are completely dissolved, and the heat should be at its lowest at this time. Once the sugar has completely dissolved, cook for another 5 minutes.

Advice! If you want it to be even thicker, then cook for as long as 10-15 minutes, but remember that there will be much less vitamins in the finished product.

And immediately turn off and move to sterile glass jars and cover clean lids.

Here is such a beautiful confiture came out, and look at what consistency, as much as a spoon is “worth it”. Happy discoveries!

Five-minute currant - a simple recipe without water

Well, the recipe couldn't be easier. What is his feature? And the fact that cooking comes down to one thing simple action. As you know, vitamin C is destroyed in the process of boiling, and there is a lot of it in currants, so you can cheat and not bring the mass to a boil.

Such a jelly will be more useful and will give the stored vitamins that we need so much in winter.

I didn’t add a lot of sugar to this recipe, as it is said and mentioned everywhere, but to make such a treat sweet and sour.

We will need:

  • currant - 2 kg
  • sugar - 600 kg


1. Here they are, like pouring suns, like black beads. Collect them in your garden or buy them from the market.

2. Grind in a way convenient for you, scroll in a meat grinder, or use a blender, food processor.

3. Then wipe through a strainer, or place in cheesecloth, folded several times to separate the bones and skins. Squeeze out the juice, and leave the cake in pies or use for other purposes.

4. Put on gloves and wring out with your hands.

5. And then place the mass in a saucepan, pour the sugar. Place on the stove and turn on the minimum mode and heat to 70 degrees, it will take about 5 minutes. Cook while stirring until all the sugar dissolves.

If you want to boil all the same, and make the jam not raw, then boil for no more than 5 minutes.

6. And then pour into clean jars and close with nylon or self-tightening lids. Store blanks strictly in the refrigerator. The jam will thicken as it cools completely.

Video on how to cook currant jam in a slow cooker

If you are on you with a slow cooker, then you can easily cook such a delicacy in it, because if there are very few berries, then this is a great idea. After all, the bowl of such an assistant is quite deep and has high sides.

I suggest that you read this instruction in detail and learn some secrets by watching this film. The multicooker brand here is Redmond, but I tried and did it in Polaris, it turned out no worse. Take note. Enjoy watching!

Recipe for blackcurrant jam "5 minute" in glasses

Here is another option, say there were already two above. But, this one is special, it has a slightly different structure. All because, a feature of this workpiece is that the berries must stand in sugar syrup around one night. Well, then everything is as usual. I also recommend trying it, somehow at your leisure to cook.

We will need:

  • currant - 4 tbsp.
  • sugar - 5.5 tbsp.
  • water - 0.5 tbsp.


1. Put sugar (half the dose) into the washed currants and pour in half a glass of water. Stir and leave to stand overnight.

2. So, stir the mass again in the morning.

3. Heat the jam over low heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to take a container with high sides, otherwise it will be difficult to track, as seen in this photo. Turn your back a little and the treat will run away from you.

After 5 minutes have passed, add the rest of the sugar and cook for another 15 minutes over low heat.

Do not forget to remove the foam when boiling with a special spoon.

4. Before laying in jars, be sure to check it for readiness, drip on the side or wall of the dish, if the drop has spread, then the jam is not ready yet.

Pour the cooled treat into sterilized jars and cover with clean metal lids or plastic. Lower into the cellar for long-term storage.

Eat with tea and milk, as well as fresh bread. Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant jam with whole berries - the most delicious recipe

In fact, this option assumes that the currant will float in a sweet syrup. It turns out very tasty, especially if you pour such a delicacy and also serve it along with and.

We will need:

for a 1.5 liter can:

  • blackcurrant berries - 0.8 kg
  • sugar - 760 g
  • drinking water - 1 l
  • citric acid - 2 tsp


1. Wash the black berries and place them in enamelware. Sprinkle with sugar and stir. Powder citric acid in order to set the color. Then pour in a little water to loosen the mass.

2. Simmer for 15 minutes after a vigorous and active boil. The berry will be to the berry. After pour into jars, pre-wash them with baking soda. Let them cool upside down under a blanket.

3. Close with metal covers for a special machine. Store in a cool and dark place out of direct sunlight.

Assorted red and black currants

Have you thought about taking red, black, and maybe white currant and put together, that is, together. What do you think will come out? Pretty, still the same. It will turn out a culinary delight similar to a rainbow, but this is if the berries are boiled whole, and not twisted. Good idea is not it?

You can experiment, take your own varieties of berries and your dessert will turn out to be even tastier. And in winter it is a great helper for colds and viral diseases.

We will need:

  • red and black currants - 500 g each (together 1 kg)
  • granulated sugar - 1.8 kg
  • water - 1 l
  • lemon zest - 1 tsp


1. Sort the berries, remove twigs and ponytails. Wash and shake in a colander to get all the moisture out of the glass.

2. Then put sugar in a saucepan (take half of the total, that is, 900 g) and pour water into it, turn on the stove for medium fire, the sand will begin to melt before our eyes and turn into sweet syrup. Bring it to a boil, and immediately add the berries.

Simmer for five minutes, stirring occasionally. At this stage, you can already pour clean banks and roll up under sterile nylon cover. If you prefer this option, then put the sugar all at once.

Well, if not, then cool the mass.

3. And take special device or use gauze. So that all the syrup and juice comes out of the berries.

4. And after such a fragrant liquid, boil again and add the remaining sugar. Stir and add a couple of drops lemon juice, and for piquancy grated zest. Cook after boiling for 5 minutes.

5. Do not forget to control the whole process, stir. And then, when the time is up, pour the boiling currant jam into sterile jars with a clean ladle.

6. Screw on the caps and let cool on the table.

Currant confiture with cherry leaf - you will lick your fingers!

Such a delicacy is not only useful, but it also does not cause allergies in small sweet teeth. Although we adults also do not refuse such food. After all, it tastes impeccable, exactly cherry leaves give a new note, shade, and what a fantastic smell.

Make such a miracle for a test and just then say “thank you very much”. There is nothing difficult, the main thing is to follow this method described below and you will succeed!

We will need:

  • Currant - 1000 g
  • Sugar - 1000 g
  • Water - 0.3 ml
  • Cherry leaf - 9 pcs.


1. Start conservation by preparing currants and cherry leaves beforehand. Wash thoroughly.

2. Then make syrup from the leaves. Fill them with water and boil, they should boil for 10 minutes and give the desired flavor. Then remove them. And add a berry to such an elixir, and cook for about 10 minutes, then add sugar, stir. Cook for another 6-7 minutes.

3. Pour hot into well-washed jars. Close the lids and store in the cellar.

Let these cute jars fit in your cellar for several months. After all, very soon autumn, and there winter is not far away. There will be something to remember at home gatherings on long evenings.

I say goodbye to you until tomorrow and wish everyone have a great day and sunny weather. good bay!

The recipe for this jam evokes complex feelings. You read the name, it says “jelly-like blackcurrant jam”, you look at the composition and you can’t believe your eyes: is it possible that by adding so much water, you get thick jam and not compote? And yet it is a fact. I have been making this jam for more than a year, I have distributed recipes to relatives and friends. Everyone gets just such currant jam - jelly-like, thick, with rich taste and sweet juicy berries. The main thing is not to change the proportions, do not pour sugar "by eye", do not reduce the amount of water, accurately measure the rate of berries. In order not to suffer with weighing, I will give the recipe in glasses. You can take a glass of any size, because it serves as a measure for all the ingredients. Another plus of this recipe is that it is remarkably simple. Nothing needs to be covered with sugar at night, there is no need to keep track of time. And the last note: hot jam is liquid, it will become jelly-like when it cools down, that is, the next day.


  • Blackcurrant - five glasses,
  • Water - two glasses,
  • Sugar - seven glasses.

How to make jelly-like blackcurrant jam

Blackcurrant jam cooks very quickly, so jars need to be prepared in advance. They can be sterilized thoroughly, under steam or in the oven. I just fill them with boiling water, then drain it and let the jars cool completely. So far, not a single jar of jam has yet exploded.

While our jars are drying, we sort out the currants, remove all the branches, make sure that crushed or spoiled berries do not get into the jam. We take a deep bowl, pour currants, fill it completely cold water, remove the pop-up twigs, leaves. We wash the currants under running water.

Pour the currants into a sieve, shake off excess liquid, dry the berries on a dish or kitchen towel.

We are waiting for it to boil again and immediately add sugar. We mix. Cook for 5-7 minutes over medium heat.

All. Immediately pour the jam into jars and tightly tighten the jars with boiled lids. We cool the preservation under the blanket, turning the jars upside down, until the glass is completely cooled.

We store jam on a shelf in a cool room - cellar / pantry / basement.

Bon appetit!

  • black currant - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.2 kg;
  • water - 1 glass.

The most delicious blackcurrant jam recipe

  • We sort out the berries, wash them.
  • Pour water into a large enameled saucepan, boil.
  • We spread the berries and cook over medium heat for exactly 10 minutes.
  • After that, pour in the sugar and bring the jam to a boil, stirring.
  • Pour the finished hot jam into sterile jars and immediately roll up with metal lids.

Stored it blackcurrant jam for a very long time and it turns out absolutely not sour, with a delicate taste.

Don't be scared a large number water, thick currant jam and desired consistency- soft-skinned berries.


You will need: 1.5 kg of sugar, 1 kg of currants, ½-1 glass of water.

So that during the preparation of jam currant berries do not shrivel, dip them before cooking for a few minutes in boiling water, then fold them into a colander.

Sort the berries, wash, dry. Pour water into an enameled pan or basin, add sugar, mix and bring to a boil. Pour the berries into the boiled syrup, bring everything to a boil again and, after boiling, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, then immediately pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and cork with lids.


Required: 10 glasses sugar and currant , 2.5 cups of water.

Pour the sorted and washed berries into an enameled container or stainless steel dishes, pour in water, bring to a boil, boil for 2-3 minutes, add sugar, bring to a boil, boil for 5-7 minutes over moderate heat. When hot, spread the jam in sterilized jars, roll up the lids and wrap in a blanket, leave in it for a day, then store in a cool place.

And more recipes:

The recipe is very delicious jam: 11 cups of currants, 16 cups of sugar and 3 cups of water. PREPARATION: Boil 3 cups of water and 8 cups of sugar for 10 minutes. Add 11 cups of currants, do not stir. Cook for 10 minutes. If the berries are overripe, cook for 5 minutes. Add 8 cups of sugar, boil for 1-2 minutes and arrange in sterile jars and roll up.

More recipe- -3 cups of water + 8 cups of sugar, bring to a boil and add 11 cups of currant berries, bring to a boil and boil for 15 minutes, turn off and add another 8 cups of sugar, mix gently, then mix gently 2-3 more times, that's it. in jars it is possible both hot and cooled. It turns out like jelly.

And another recipe: I have tried many recipes for making jam in my lifetime, and for myself I decided this way: I never make syrup from water and sugar. Giving any berries the opportunity to let the juice themselves, pouring sugar over moss .. And in own juice already cooking. With a wooden pusher, my grandmother used to make such jam. From the metal, when twisting the berries, oxidation occurs and a metallic taste appears. The pusher is wooden, the basin is enamelled, the spoon, in any case, should also be wooden. It is better to cook in several steps for 5 minutes and let the jam cool down. I cook any berries and apples in this way. Good luck to you, ladies!

And further: And I never cook. blackcurrant, and I do this - I take two identical glasses. I pour currants into one, sugar into the other. I pour the berries into an enameled dipper (it’s more convenient) a little and sprinkle with sugar. grind, put in a large container and let the sugar disperse for a day. I transfer it to clean jars. It is stored even on the balcony and the vitamins are preserved.

Currant is the most useful berry, which contains many useful properties and vitamins. It is rich in vitamins such as E and C. When eating 40 berries blackcurrant per day you provide yourself daily rate these vitamins. If you properly prepare jam from this berry, then it will not lose its beneficial properties. By using jam, you:

  1. Enrich your body with vitamins C and E;
  2. Strengthen your immunity;
  3. Improve digestion processes;
  4. Get over colds and flu faster
  5. Improve cell metabolism.

Currant delicacy can be served with tea as a standalone dessert, use for filling pies and pies, muffins, cakes and other pastries.

How to cook jam: recipes and features

The process of making jam is a simple task for any housewife. The main thing is to have in stock: sugar, currant berries, necessary inventory and, importantly, the desire to prepare the workpiece.

Currant jam five minutes - recipe

To prepare blackcurrant treats according to this recipe, you the following ingredients are needed:

  1. Black currant - 0.5 kg;
  2. Sugar sand - 0.75 kg;
  3. Filtered water -0.5 cups.

Step by step for this recipe:

Recipe for making classic currant jam

For this recipe you will need:

  1. Sugar - 3 kg;
  2. Currant berries - 3 kg;
  3. Purified filtered water - 1.5 cups.

The method of preparing treats That's why classic recipe is as follows:

  • Sort the berries, remove the bad ones, rinse in a slightly warm running water and dry;
  • Pour water into a container for jam and dissolve one glass of sugar in it. Bring the syrup to a boil. When it boils, pour a glass of currant into the container. Boil for 5 minutes at constant stirring. Do not forget to remove the foam from the jam;
  • When 5 minutes have passed, pour one more glass of berries and sugar into the boiling mass and boil again for 5 minutes;
  • Repeat this procedure until all the berries and sugar run out. Cooking time interval 5 minutes:
  • Prepare the jars: wash them well soda solution or detergent, then rinse under running water and sterilize. Lids also need to be sterilized;
  • Pour the finished hot treat into jars and cork them. Turn the jars over and wait until they are completely cool.

Recipe for jelly-like currant jam for five minutes

To prepare a jelly-like treat according to the recipe you need to take:

  1. Berries ripe currants- 5 glasses;
  2. Sugar - 5 glasses;
  3. Filtered water - 1.25 cups.

For this recipe:

Raw currant five-minute jam - recipe

For this five-minute currant jam recipe, take:

  1. Currant - 2 kg;
  2. Medium-sized orange - 2 pieces;
  3. Sugar - 3 kg.

To prepare a currant treat prescription, you need:

  • Wash the orange well and, without peeling it, chop it with a meat grinder or blender;
  • Currant berries must be sorted out, washed and also mashed;
  • Combine two types of puree in one container and sprinkle it with sugar;
  • Stir well to get a homogeneous mass and let it brew for several hours at room temperature;
  • Several times the jam will need to be mixed and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved;
  • When sugar is not visible, spread the jam in pre-sterilized jars and cork with lids;
  • Store in a cool dark place.

Recipe for cooking currant jam without cooking

To make this no-boil recipe, you need:

  1. Fresh black currant - 2 kg;
  2. Sugar - 3 kg.

Step by step cooking jams according to this recipe:

Recipe for blackcurrant jam with lemon

In order to make such a jam, you you will need the following components:

  1. Ripe black currant - 1.5 kg;
  2. Small lemon - 2 pieces;
  3. Sugar - 1.5 kg.

Preparing this recipe includes the following stages:

  • We sort out the currant berries, remove all the bad ones and the stalks, rinse and let the excess moisture drain;
  • Wash the lemon well too (the zest does not need to be peeled) and cut to remove the seeds. Grind it into a puree mass using a meat grinder or blender;
  • Immerse the resulting mass of lemon into a container where you will cook your delicacy, and sprinkle with sugar. Put the container on a minimum fire in order to melt the sugar;
  • Transfer the currant berry to the sugar-lemon puree and bring everything to a boil;
  • Boil after boiling should be 30 minutes, stirring from time to time and removing the foam from the surface;
  • Ready jam decompose into pre-prepared jars and roll up hermetically clean lids;
  • Wait until the jam is completely cooled in jars and take it to a cool dark place for further storage.

Recipe for raspberry and blackcurrant jam

To prepare such a classic, but unusually tasty jam, according to the recipe you will need:

  1. Blackcurrant - 0.9 kg;
  2. Raspberry ripe juicy - 0.3 kg;
  3. Sand-sugar - 1.5 kg;
  4. Filtered water - 0.15 l.

How to cook a treat for this recipe:

Recipe for currant jam prepared using a slow cooker

To prepare, take the ingredients:

  1. Ripe currant - 0.5 kg;
  2. Sugar - 0.75 kg.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • Prepare the berries: sort them out and rinse well in running water. Then pour into the multicooker bowl;
  • Sprinkle the berries with sugar and let them brew for about 3 hours;
  • When the berries start up the juice, mix your mass well and put the slow cooker for 1 hour on the “quenching” mode;
  • When one hour has passed, place the hot jam in pre-prepared sterile jars and roll them up.

Raspberry, gooseberry and blackcurrant jam - recipe

For this assortment you will need:

  1. Black currant - 0.75 kg;
  2. Whole gooseberries - 0.3 kg;
  3. Sugar sand - 1.5 kg;
  4. Raspberries - 0.2 kg;
  5. Water - 0.5 cups.

Cooking method assorted berries for this recipe:

Apple and blackcurrant jam - recipe

For this jam take these ingredients:

  1. Juicy apples - 4 kg;
  2. Fresh black currant - 4 kg;
  3. Sugar - 8 kg;
  4. Water - 4 liters.

Preparation includes:

  • Wash apples well and cut thinly. We also wash the berries well;
  • We make syrup from sugar and water. Pour the currant berries into the syrup and wait for them to release the juice;
  • When the water takes on the shade of berries, add apples to the container and cook until the mass thickens completely. The mass must be constantly stirred;
  • Wash and sterilize the jars and pour ready-made hot jam into them. Close with lids.
