
Jelly currant jam. Classic blackcurrant jelly without cooking

Blackcurrant was created to make jam for the winter in 5 minutes. Five minutes is cooked quickly, the dessert is quite thick. If necessary, according to the recipe, you can make jelly, without the usual passage of currants through a meat grinder, since the berry contains a large number of natural thickener - pectin. Jam is made from fresh and frozen berries - all the proposed recipes are suitable for this.

I especially recommend making several jars of thick, jelly-like jam. In winter, thank yourself for your foresight by spreading it on a tea bun. thick dessert you will be able to use you baking, add to ice cream, make a delicious cocktail.

Blackcurrant - five-minute jam in glasses

Cooking for five minutes, counting the number of berries in glasses is much more convenient - you don’t have to use scales, which not everyone has on the farm. Recipes for 7 and 11 glasses are popular, and I will offer them. First, I give a seven-cup glass known to many housewives.

You will need:

  • Berries - 7 cups (about a kilogram).
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Sugar - 6 cups (1.2 kg.).

Yield - 4 cans per 0.5 liters.

How to cook a five-minute for the winter:

First of all, wash the berry, remove it from the branches, remove the leaves.

Pour 3 cups (600 g of sand) from the total amount of sugar.

Put in a cooking container, I have a saucepan. Boil the syrup by pouring it into the water and bringing to a boil. stir until the sugar dissolves completely.

Drop the berries. At low power, wait until it boils. Stir gently, without crushing the currants - it is advisable to leave the berries whole.

Boil no more than five minutes.

Remove from the burner, add the rest of the sugar.

Stir vigorously until the sweetener is completely dissolved.

Take sterile jars (a prerequisite to ensure long-term storage preparations for the winter), lay out the dessert and roll it up with sterilized iron lids.

Thick jam five minutes - 11 glasses

Having welded on this recipe, you will get an amazing gelled jam. The jelly-like consistency will allow you to use the dessert in baking pies and burgers, for sandwiches for breakfast.


  • Blackcurrant - 11 glasses.
  • Sugar - 11 cups.
  • Water - 2.5 cups.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Pour currant berries prepared for cooking into a basin. Slowly bring to a boil over low heat.
  2. Boil for exactly three minutes. Pour in the sugar.
  3. Stir well so that the sugar has time to dissolve.
  4. Let the blackcurrant mass boil violently.
  5. Turn off the fire, immediately pour and roll under iron cover, then the jam will be stored without problems all winter.

Blackcurrant five-minute recipe without water

A quick recipe that doesn't require much effort.

  • Currant - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 500 gr.

How to weld:

  1. Sort and rinse black berries. Be sure to dry to remove excess moisture.
  2. Cover with sand and hold for a couple of hours. You can skip this moment, but then start cooking on the smallest fire, slowly warming up the berry so that it gives out juice. Let the berry brew - you can cook faster.
  3. Cook boiled jam for 5 minutes. Pour hot into jars and seal.

Jelly - five-minute blackcurrant

The berry is famous great content natural thickener - pectin. cook jelly jam you can in the same 5 minutes, without losing nutrients, great taste and qualities, for long-term storage.

You will need:

  • Currant - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1.5 cups.
  • Sugar - 1.5 kg.

How to weld:

  1. Dry the clean berries, freed from the branches, by spreading them on a napkin.
  2. Place in a saucepan, add water and sugar.
  3. Start warming up the mass. Soon the currants will begin to burst and let the juice out.
  4. Remove from the burner, let cool slightly and work with a blender, grinding the mass. If you have to pass through a meat grinder, then cool the workpiece completely. Or chop currants immediately, before cooking.
  5. Return the jam to the stove, slowly bring to a boil and cook for five minutes. Divide into jars and seal.

Video recipe for cooking a five-minute blackcurrant. Have a nice day winter evenings over a cup of tea with a fragrant dessert.

Finally, blackcurrants have ripened this summer! Found similar recipe in Povarenka, but still I offer my vision of this preparation, because there are discrepancies and, in my opinion, significant ones. They concern palatability. Well, it’s up to the hostesses to decide about the result! I can only say that the taste of this jam turns out to be impeccable - not too sharp, not too cloying, which has been tested on all my dear and beloved ones. There are only enough supplies for the season!

Ingredients for "The most delicate currant jam "Five minutes"":

Recipe "The most delicate currant jam "Five minutes"":

So! indicated 30 minutes very conditionally, because the cooking process itself is very short, but the preparation of jars for jam is very important, because then there will be no time left for this!

We take fresh currants without twigs and other debris, wash it, measure it in a separate bowl the required portion- 7 cups of berries and leave it to dry slightly. While the berry dries up, prepare the jars.

According to my many years of experience, it is enough to rinse the jars with soda, rinse thoroughly, and before loading the jam, put it in the microwave for a minute, who does not have one - hold it over the spout of a boiling kettle before droplets run along the walls. I also wash the lids and put them in a saucepan with water on the fire to be sterilized.

When preliminary preparation completed, we can proceed directly to the process.

I choose a 5-liter saucepan with a heavy bottom for such a quantity of ingredients, so that when the berries boil rapidly, our delicious treat did not run away from us on the stove. I prefer stainless steel cooking utensils. And sterility is higher, and does not burn.

I put the pot on high heat. I add 3/4 cup of water. I want to draw your attention to the fact that "glass" is now a relative value. Therefore, do it easier, we do all measurements with the SAME GLASS! Then our proportions will be preserved. I measured everything, including the berry, with this glass.

When the water boils, gradually (!!! this is important !!!) pour sugar into it one glass at a time, stirring patiently, trying to bring the sugar to its complete dissolution - at least up to the 4th glass. The more patience you show in this particular moment, the better your currant will then gel when it cools down. This place hides the first secret good jam.

When all the sugar is dissolved, pour in the berry measured in advance with 7 glasses. Here lies the second secret of a successful jam. It is important not to delay the dissolution of sugar, otherwise it will soon begin to caramelize with you, but we don’t need it at all! So!

In actively boiling sugar syrup poured the whole berry at once and actively mix it, not paying attention to its resistance. I remind you that everything happens on the most active fire. It is important! We don’t leave the stove, we constantly stir the jam, otherwise it can either burn or run away from you.

And now, when the first foam begins to form, we detect 5 minutes. In parallel, put the jars in the microwave for 1 minute. With the appearance of foam and active boiling, it is important to remove the foam into a pre-prepared container and prevent the jam from overflowing. To do this, sometimes you have to lift the saucepan over the fire and shake it slightly so that the foam gathers towards the center, so it is easier to collect it. Do not worry if you do not collect all the foam, this is a manifestation of the boiling of sugar, so when cooling, the tatters will not be in jars. But patience must be shown.

As soon as your jam boils for 5 minutes over high heat, remove from heat and begin to lay out in jars. And here's another one of the secrets - it's experienced hostesses know, but I now turn to the young. To ensure that your work of art never blooms, always place your blanks according to the principle "Cold in cold, hot in hot." And one more good advice I've been using it for a long time. The roof, when I fish it out of boiling water, slightly shake it off the water and pour into it about 1 tbsp. spoons of vodka or something similar in strength, rinse and pour back into the glass to the next cap. And only then I twist the jar filled with hot jam to the very brim. With this approach, your bins will never go bad. And then you can store them simply in a kitchen cabinet or pantry.

I put the jars under a towel until completely cool. There is no beauty photo, because I cooked two portions today, quickly poured it into jars and went to work. And what happened, I present to your judgment. Time spent from the beginning of the preparation of jars to the cleaning of the stove - 1 hour 30 minutes.

I made blueberries with the same cooking principle, it turned out magically! The berries remained intact, not overdried, in a thick and not sugary syrup. Despite the fact that blueberries often turn out to be watery, but here the result simply pleased me. And what, of course, is important for all housewives, the berry is practically "live" by keeping most their vitamins for our loved ones!!! And the color is a deep ruby! From the bottom of my heart I wish everyone the joy of culinary creativity!

Currant is a very common plant, it grows in Europe, and in Asia, and in North America. There are many varieties of it. Interestingly, the currant belongs to the gooseberry family.

Blackcurrant is one of the most useful, it is a real pantry of health. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, P, organic acids (citric and malic), useful substances such as potassium, iron, zinc and others. Content ascorbic acid currants are many times higher than citrus fruits. Jam, compotes, marshmallow, jelly, marmalade, currant wine are prepared from blackcurrant berries. Currant leaves and fruits are brewed and used for decoctions or in the form of tea.

Currant is very useful for prevention colds, for blood purification and hematopoiesis, as well as for atherosclerosis. Helps with cardiovascular diseases. Blackcurrant jam is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare it for the winter.

In previous articles, we considered recipes, and. Today we will consider some recipes for making currant jam.

Blackcurrant jam - wonderful dessert, with him any tea party turns into a holiday. It can also be used for filling pies, added to creams for cakes. It cooks quickly and keeps well. There are many ways to make jam. Let's consider some of them.

Recipe for thick blackcurrant jam for the winter

Properly prepared jam retains all the beneficial properties of the berry. When processed, currant almost does not lose its amazing qualities and fills our body with vitamins, strengthens the immune system, improves digestion, and makes you feel better with colds and flu.

Preparing jam has long been a traditional occupation in our country. After all, it is important to consume vitamins not only in summer, but also to stock up on them for the winter. And in this case currant jam is our first assistant.


  • sugar - 1 kg,
  • currant - 1 kg,
  • glass of water.

How to cook currant jam:

We sort, wash, dry the currant berries. When the berry is prepared, we begin to make blackcurrant jam for the winter. It is necessary to take into account the differences from and . The berry releases juice slowly and requires more sugar. Usually, proportions from one to one to one to one and a half (currants to sugar) are used.

Currant jam will turn out delicious and tender, with whole berries, if they are blanched for several minutes in boiling water before processing, followed by cooling in cold water. The time depends on the size and ripeness of the fruit.

It is recommended to use water good quality- spring or cleaned from the tap. You can buy drinking water.

in the pelvis or enamel pan add water, add sugar. We put our dishes on the fire and bring to a boil.

After boiling, add a little currant and cook for several minutes, stirring.

Gradually add currants and sugar. We prepare all the jam in this way, every five minutes we add a glass of berries and a glass of sugar alternately.

Cook over low heat, stirring constantly and removing the foam.

Pour hot jam into sterilized jars.

We close the lids and turn the jars over, wrap them up.

Currant berries are prone to oxidation, so the jam is rolled up with lids that do not oxidize.

Jam can be stored at room temperature.

Blackcurrant jam five minutes

This jam is prepared very quickly and therefore it contains a lot of vitamins. The berries do not boil soft, each currant remains soft and whole. The jam is prepared with a small amount sugar and with the addition of water.


  • sugar - 1.3-1.5 kg (depending on the acidity of the berries),
  • currant - 1 kg,
  • glass of water.

How to cook blackcurrant jam 5-minute:

Jam is called so because it takes 5 minutes to cook. Five minutes - very popular recipe, since in such currant jam all vitamins are preserved. Despite heat treatment the berry retains all its useful properties.

It is desirable to collect currants a week after ripening, until the berries begin to crack. The crop can be harvested with brushes, the berries are separated before processing.

So let's get started. We prepare our currants. We clean the berries from debris. We remove twigs, sepals, unripe fruits.

Wash the berries cold water(under a little pressure so that it remains intact) and leave it in a colander so that the water runs off. Many housewives, before cooking, scald currants in a colander so that the berry does not burst during cooking and in order to remove the film from it. Next - dry the berries.

Pour sugar (1.5 kg) into a saucepan and pour water (200 ml). We cook sugar syrup.

After the syrup has boiled and the sugar has dissolved in it, put the currants into it. Waiting for her to boil. Turn off immediately.

We leave the berries for 2 hours so that the currants are saturated with syrup.

How much to cook currant jam? If it will be used as a dessert, then the processing time can be any. If we want to focus on useful properties currant, then you need to reduce the time of its heat treatment.

After that, put our currant jam on the fire and boil for 5 minutes, stir with a wooden spoon. We take off the foam. Cook the jam over low heat.

We check the readiness: for this, we drop jam on a saucer, if a drop of jam does not spread, then the currant jam is ready.

Pour the jam into sterilized jars.

And we roll.

This currant jam is perfectly stored at room temperature.

Blackcurrant jam five-minute jelly

A fragrant five-minute blackcurrant jelly is an excellent delicacy for the winter. At first glance, the process is laborious, but in fact, even a novice hostess can handle it. This jam is prepared very quickly and simply. It solidifies perfectly, since the berries contain natural pectin, and it turns out to be like jelly in consistency, and there is absolutely no need to add gelatin or other thickeners. Jam can be used for baking various pies Or just spread on bread. This jam is a wonderful dessert for tea in the cold winter cold.


  • sugar - 1.5 kg,
  • currant - 1 kg,
  • glass of water.

How to make jam:

This recipe allows the use of overripe or unripe berries, as well as very large or small berries. We prepare the berries as usual: we sort, rinse with a colander and dry.

We prepare the berries immediately before processing - remove the twigs and sepals. You don’t need to do this in advance, because after such a cleaning, the vitamins in the skin and pulp begin to quickly break down.

Beat our blackcurrant with a blender.

We take a colander, put three layers of gauze on top. We pass our currants through a sieve.

We wait until all the juice drains, squeeze the rest by hand.

Cooking currant jam should be in enameled, glassware or any other that is not prone to oxidation.

We get blackcurrant juice.

Add sugar.

We put our future jelly on the fire, slowly bring to a boil. We cook 5 minutes.

To check the readiness of jelly: you can drop jam on cold dishes and if the drop turns into jelly, then it is ready.

Pour hot jelly into jars, previously sterilized in the microwave, oven or steam. When the jam has cooled, close the lids. You don't need to flip jars.

Store in a cool, dark place.

Jam from black currant five-minute jelly is ready! 🙂

Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant does not need to be boiled for a long time, it is well stored, but how to cook blackcurrant jam so that it is thick and at the same time preserves everything useful material? Now I will tell you the secret of blackcurrant jam quick boil to make it jelly-like.

I still remember when my mother first made this jam when I was a child. It was then somehow fashionable, unusual, my mother learned the recipe from a friend. And the very name "five minutes", and the fact that it turned out like jelly - it all seemed like a miracle. All in all, this is mine. favorite jam from currant.

When we cook currant jam, we do not lay all the sugar at once, you need to leave a portion of sugar to add it at the very end of cooking, then you get a jelly-like consistency. Here is such a focus.
Blackcurrant jam five-minute jelly is a completely untroubled preparation, and in winter it will save you from colds and improves immunity and mood.
So, let's figure out exactly how much and when you need sugar for five-minute blackcurrant jam, here's the recipe.

How to cook blackcurrant jam for five minutes - jelly-like

black currant - 2 liters
granulated sugar - 2 liters
Water - 0.5 liters
1. First, prepare the berries, carefully sort and rinse. This is the most difficult and longest stage.

To obtain daily allowance vitamin C, 20 blackcurrants are enough, and it contains twice as much potassium as bananas.
Blackcurrant, one of the most useful berries, and five-minute jelly jam will fully preserve these properties. We looked at how to cook blackcurrant jam, if you also have redcurrant, then the jam is cooked according to the same principle, only take 300 grams more sugar, since redcurrant is more acidic.

The recipe for this jam evokes complex feelings. You read the name, it says “jelly-like blackcurrant jam”, you look at the composition and you can’t believe your eyes: is it possible that by adding so much water, you get thick jam and not compote? And yet it is a fact. I have been making this jam for more than a year, I have distributed recipes to relatives and friends. Everyone gets just such currant jam - jelly-like, thick, with rich taste and sweet juicy berries. The main thing is not to change the proportions, do not pour sugar "by eye", do not reduce the amount of water, accurately measure the rate of berries. In order not to suffer with weighing, I will give the recipe in glasses. You can take a glass of any size, because it serves as a measure for all the ingredients. Another plus of this recipe is that it is remarkably simple. Nothing needs to be covered with sugar at night, there is no need to keep track of time. And the last note: hot jam is liquid, it will become jelly-like when it cools down, that is, the next day.


  • Blackcurrant - five glasses,
  • Water - two glasses,
  • Sugar - seven glasses.

How to make jelly-like blackcurrant jam

Blackcurrant jam cooks very quickly, so jars need to be prepared in advance. They can be sterilized thoroughly, under steam or in the oven. I just fill them with boiling water, then drain it and let the jars cool completely. So far, not a single jar of jam has yet exploded.

While our jars are drying, we sort out the currants, remove all the branches, make sure that crushed or spoiled berries do not get into the jam. We take a deep bowl, pour currants, fill it completely with cold water, remove the pop-up twigs and leaves. We wash the currants under running water.

Pour the currants into a sieve, shake off excess liquid, dry the berries on a dish or kitchen towel.

We are waiting for it to boil again and immediately add sugar. We mix. Cook for 5-7 minutes over medium heat.

All. Immediately pour the jam into jars and tightly tighten the jars with boiled lids. We cool the preservation under the blanket, turning the jars upside down, until the glass is completely cooled.

We store jam on a shelf in a cool room - cellar / pantry / basement.

Bon appetit!
